How to wean a child from breastfeeding after a year. Three ways to wean a baby from a pediatrician Folk methods and remedies

Mother's milk is the key to the health and normal development of the child. Together with mother's milk, the developing body receives everything it needs, so doctors do not recommend weaning the baby before 6 months.

According to pediatricians, there is no need to continue breastfeeding after a year. It makes sense to leave mother's milk in the child's diet if both parties express mutual consent. In this article we will look at how to wean a child from breastfeeding after a year.

Traditionally, the first thoughts about stopping lactation occur to the mother after the child reaches one year of age. The following factors incline the mother to this decision:

  1. There is no option to stay at home because maternity leave is ending.
  2. The child’s menu contains foods that are a source of nutrients.
  3. Snacks at the breast prevent the transition to proper nutrition, and milk is not able to replenish the baby’s energy costs.
  4. Breastfeeding at night prevents the baby and mother from resting.

Sometimes weaning a child from the breast becomes a necessity. We are talking about the upcoming long separation from the baby or a serious illness in the mother, the treatment of which involves taking medications that are contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Step by step action plan

Experience shows that weaning a child from the breast is not easy. If you have problems with this, I advise you to use the instructions below. It will make the process easier and help you achieve your goal.

  • Choose the right time to wean. According to statistics, a child’s need to suckle at the breast decreases from 9 months. By the age of one year, the baby receives complementary foods that provide the body with important microelements. Continued breastfeeding risks transforming from a necessity into a psychological dependence.
  • Act gradually. At the initial stage, replace breastfeeding during the day with another product. Later, make the same changes to your morning and evening meals. As a result, feeding will remain before daytime and nighttime rest. Replace them later too. Keep a pause of 1 week between stopping breastfeeding.
  • Change your feeding approach. Change the place where you eat, distract your child with toys and songs, and monitor his behavior. Prolonged moodiness is a sign of psychological unpreparedness for change. In this case, wait a little while weaning.
  • If your child is sick, teething or has had a vaccination, hold off. In a stressful situation, give milk as much as he asks for. It is recommended to start the process in spring or autumn, but not in summer. After starting the procedure, it is not recommended for a nursing mother to leave the baby for a long time, as he will receive double stress.
  • Don't tell your child that the milk has run out or gone bad. After the next meal, he will be convinced that you lied. This will contribute to the formation of the first doubts and the development of the desire to check the mother’s words.

If you are determined to stop breastfeeding, take action and remain confident. In this case, remorse is inappropriate, and a child can recognize it. And do not pay attention to the negative opinions of friends and loved ones.

How to wean a child after a year from night feeding

A newborn baby needs food both during the day and at night. Over time, the need for food changes, and sleepless nights lead to severe fatigue for the nursing mother. As a result, thoughts arise about stopping night feeding.

If the cause of a child’s nighttime appetite after one year is not a physical need, it is recommended to take a set of measures aimed at stopping night feeding. The main thing is that the actions are gradual and not forced.

  1. To begin with, reduce the duration of feeding. If you use a store-bought mixture, add more water, and eventually switch to water itself. This approach is appropriate if the child receives the optimal amount of food during the day.
  2. It is recommended to reduce night feeding after introducing complementary foods into the diet. In the evening, give your child porridge, and before bed a little baby kefir or put it on your chest for a short time.
  3. When teaching a long night's sleep, make sure that the child's room is comfortable. Noise, high temperature, dry air - all this interferes with sleep. And a child who has not slept well becomes capricious and asks for food.
  4. Patiently explain to your baby that the next time he will eat is in the morning, when the sun appears outside the window. And even if the baby does not understand you, continue conversations, showing persistence and patience.

There are often cases when, despite the measures taken by the parents, the child still wakes up at night to eat. If you encounter such a problem, find its root cause. It could be:

  • Hunger. In this case, review your daily routine and eliminate distractions from food. We are talking about toys and cartoons.
  • Lack of communication. If a nursing mother goes to work, she should devote more time to her baby in the evening. Fun games, a gentle massage or a simple hug will help with this.
  • Habit. This is a problem faced by parents who feed their children in a crib from birth. Give the breast or bottle while sitting on the couch or in a chair.

Video tips

Getting used to long night sleep and stopping night feedings is not an easy task. Fortunately, every mother can solve it, whose allies include gradual action, perseverance and patience.

Traditional methods and remedies

If you decide to stop breastfeeding, wean your baby off the breast gently and unobtrusively. Pediatricians recommend weaning after a year, since by this time the diet includes an extensive list of products. And folk methods and means will help you achieve your goal. Please note that before using traditional methods, be sure to consult your doctor. All methods discussed are for informational purposes only.

"Grandma's way". Despite its simplicity, the method is quite harsh. Give the child to be raised by a father, grandmother or other close relative for a few days. Mom will have to fight with the incoming milk. To do this, the chest is covered with a sheet.

The method provides a quick and good result, but there are also disadvantages - psychological trauma for the baby, increased temperature and discomfort for the mother, and a high probability of developing mastitis. Today this method is rarely used, because it is too cruel to the child and the nursing mother.

"Tasteless way". Some mothers take advantage of trickery, pushing the child to wean himself off the breast. To achieve the result, they smear the nipples with unpalatable substances, including wormwood, brilliant green and mustard.

The method is effective, but it also has disadvantages: stress for the child, violation of the child’s trust in the mother. Not all substances are harmless to the baby. In particular, wormwood tincture is potentially hazardous to health. Folk remedies should be used very carefully.

Doctor Komarovsky's technique

Weaning is a difficult process, but if you listen to Dr. Komarovsky’s recommendations, achieving results will be easier and faster. Thanks to the doctor's advice, the child will avoid stress, which is important. What does Komarovsky recommend?

  1. Drink less fluid. As a result, the amount of milk will decrease and it will be more difficult for the baby to get food. The struggle with such difficulties will quickly get boring, which will speed up the process of weaning from the mother’s breast.
  2. Eliminate foods that increase milk production from your diet. To remove excess fluid from the body, gradually increase physical activity.
  3. Gradually reduce the duration of feeding. The doctor advises you to skip meals sometimes. To prevent the child from noticing the pause, it is recommended to distract him with something interesting.

The main goal of Dr. Komarovsky’s technique comes down to making breastfeeding difficult for the child. According to the doctor, this approach is simple and least stressful. To improve performance, the doctor advises engaging in interesting activities, including games and looking at pictures. Any activity that is not related to breastfeeding will do.

The best painless way

The child grows and over time there comes a time when it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. This stage of life is difficult for a tiny person, so it is important to ensure that it ends as painlessly as possible.

  • Be sure to take into account the emotional and physical state of the child. Each baby is individual and the time of weaning is different in each case. If the baby calms down or falls asleep without breastfeeding, this indicates his emotional readiness for such changes.
  • Pay special attention to complementary foods. Pediatricians recommend initially replacing one daily breastfeeding with regular food, and in the future, similarly changing feedings in the morning and evening. To make the changes go unnoticed, change the place of the children's meal.
  • After this, begin weaning off night feeding. If a child cries, distract him with kefir, juice or water. When he drinks from a bottle, be there. Mother's love will help you feel more comfortable about parting with your breasts.
  • Be prepared for the fact that weaning is a serious challenge for both parties. During the process, the close connection between mother and child is destroyed and an invisible border appears. During this difficult period, pay more attention to the baby, say gentle words, massage, play.
  • Do not use methods that involve lubricating the nipples with unpleasant-tasting substances or prolonged separation. Otherwise, avoiding complications will be problematic.

Do not start the process of interrupting breastfeeding in the summer, if you are ill, or after a preventive vaccination. Weaning is recommended when the child feels comfortable and calm.

Medical methods

Pharmacies sell medications that reduce the production of mother's milk. If you decide to achieve your goal with the help of medications, be sure to consult a doctor, since expensive hormonal drugs have contraindications and side effects.

Traditionally, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, Microfollin, Dostinex or Bromocriptine are prescribed. Milk production stops completely within 1-2 weeks. The duration directly depends on the type of drug used.

Remember, after taking the first pill, breastfeeding is prohibited, since milk is saturated with hormones entering the mother’s body. In general, the medication method is harsh. It is not suitable for women whose bodies are too sensitive to hormonal drugs.

Are the methods different after a year, at 1.5 years and at 2 years?

The World Health Organization does not recommend stopping breastfeeding before the age of two, but some pediatricians disagree. Sometimes there are cases when a mother continues to feed her child until she is 3 or even 5 years old. And depending on age, the method of weaning varies and has its own characteristics.

Every mother is faced with the fact that it is time to stop breastfeeding her baby. A second pregnancy, an unscheduled return to work, hormonal problems, fatigue are good reasons for making such a decision. Sometimes nighttime feedings are tiring for parents who want to experience the joys of restful sleep. Modern pediatricians recommend up to two years of age, but most mothers try to wean their child off his favorite treat. At the same time, psychologists argue that abrupt weaning from mother’s milk has a bad effect on the baby’s psychological development. Because of this, many parents want to end this stage on a positive note. Therefore, in this article, readers will learn how to wean a child from breastfeeding at 1.5 years old painlessly.

In what cases should you wean your baby?

Symptoms to watch out for:

  • Bad appetite. The baby does not want to eat regular dishes, demanding his favorite boob. In order for your beloved child to gain weight and receive vitamins, he needs to eat food.
  • The breast acts as a dessert for the baby. In this situation, the toddler’s appetite is enviable, but feeding is like candy for him. He requires the breast to communicate or get attention. Parents should learn to pay attention to their baby differently.
  • The child does not want to explore the world. The only interest of the child is his mother with her breasts. In developmental classes, such children are the most capricious, not wanting to learn without breastfeeding. Such hyper-attachment to the mother requires immediate weaning as soon as possible.
  • Frequent need to attach to the breast. It happens when the baby often wakes up at night, demanding the breast. Having received it, the children will suck for about five minutes and fall asleep. And then an hour later the situation repeats itself. Parents who do not practice co-sleeping begin to become irritated and overtired from lack of sleep.

Modern pediatrician Komarovsky believes that the process of weaning a child from the breast should not become stressful for the baby. The doctor recommends choosing methods of weaning your child from the breast so that the process becomes difficult for the baby or becomes boring for him. Dr. Komarovsky suggested following these tips to stop breastfeeding:

  1. During the weaning period, a woman should limit her intake of fluids and foods to restore lactation.
  2. Stop pumping.
  3. Increase physical activity to remove fluid.

Before you stop breastfeeding your beloved child, you should follow these tips:

  • Be consistent. If a woman has decided to wean her baby, she needs to follow it to the end. The little one will protest and cry. The mother’s main task at this moment is to calm and distract the baby.
  • Do not remind the baby about the breast. During the weaning period, a woman should not wear clothes that resemble breasts around her baby. For example, neckline. You shouldn't change clothes in front of your child either.
  • Do not wean your baby when moving or making other changes. Any deviation from normal life is stressful for children. Parents should not upset the little person even more.

How to wean a child from breastfeeding at 1.5 years old? This process occurs individually for each mother. It all depends on the child’s temperament, his attachment to his mother, the atmosphere in the family, and the help of grandmothers.

Many doctors give unsuccessful advice related to the need for the mother to leave the child, leaving him with relatives. This old method should work on the “out of sight, out of mind” principle. But this is the worst way, because the child will have a fear of separation from his mother.

How to wean your baby off breastfeeding painlessly

The most popular ways to painlessly wean babies from breastfeeding are:

  1. Breast manipulation. Many women tell their child that their breasts hurt. Sometimes, as evidence, they show a breast smeared with brilliant green or smear the nipple with mustard, pepper, or wormwood. The basis of this method is to provoke the baby’s hostility towards his beloved boob. This method does not work for all mothers due to the stubbornness of the baby.
  2. Alternative. This method involves replacing breast milk with cow's milk in a bottle or yogurt with a straw. If the baby requires the breast due to the need to suck, it is enough to provide the baby with a bottle of water, yogurt or juice. But you should not abuse these products, otherwise the baby will begin to rebel against regular food.
  3. Subsequence:
  • First, you need to remove feeding at the baby's request, leaving morning, afternoon, evening, and night breastfeeding. Each stage of weaning off breastfeeding should last at least a week.
  • Then eliminate the morning meal.
  • Then you need to remove the daytime feeding. This moment is the most difficult. After all, he helps put the baby to sleep during the day.
  • This stage involves two stages in the development of the event: wait until the child cries and falls asleep. Or go for a walk in a stroller with your child so that he can sleep in the fresh air.
  • Next you need to eliminate evening feeding. After eliminating daytime sleep, the baby may resist, so it is necessary to resort to the help of the father.
  • Then night feeding is removed. To prevent your baby from having the urge to snack at night, you should feed him a hearty meal before bed.

“How did I wean? I left the child with my parents for three days. Yes, I yelled, but then I calmed down and forgot.”

“And my grandmother advised me to smear my breasts with green stuff so that it wouldn’t taste good to him, so we got over it.”

“Green? Better with mustard - he’ll refuse right away.”

When I decided that it was time to end breastfeeding, I heard a lot of similar advice. But I didn’t like any of them, to put it mildly: a mother and her breasts are not only food for a child, but also comfort, relaxation, and affection. To deprive a child of all this in one fell swoop means to suddenly destroy his familiar world. Who knows how such stress will come back to haunt his nervous system in the future. Therefore, I began to look for methods of weaning that would suit us.

My daughter was about one and a half years old by that time, and she was very attached to the breast. She latched on both day and night (probably, it’s not worth saying that we slept together since birth), she could only be put to bed with the breast, and my daughter finished almost every snack she had with it.

Of course, I was glad to be so useful and necessary for my child, but my life resources began to slowly deplete. If during the day it was not a problem to reach the breast and feed the baby, then I began to get tired from the endless night latch. Once I timed it, and it turned out that the longest period we slept at night without breastfeeding was two hours. And so all night: she turned on the other side - breast, whined - breast, changed the diaper - breast again. My daughter did not perceive either motion sickness or a pacifier at all.

At that time, I read a lot of literature about breastfeeding, and if Soviet publications claimed that breastfeeding should be done for up to a year, then more modern sources, citing WHO, persuaded mothers to feed “as much as the child needs.” That is, until he refuses - or at least until 2-3 years.

My daughter clearly had no intention of refusing, and the prospect of breastfeeding for more than one year did not inspire me at all. By that time, my daughter was eating any food well, the amount of milk in her breasts had decreased greatly, in general, she needed her breasts not so much for food, but for calming or just like that.

I began to experience obvious discomfort, since breastfeeding as a child sometimes began to resemble a bad habit, like chewing gum, and I had not had proper sleep for a very long time. It's time to wind down, I decided. Well, since other people's recommendations did not work for us, I had to develop my own weaning system.

First of all, of course, we tried to curtail daytime applications. It was not very difficult: the inquisitive daughter was well distracted by books, toys and crafts; there were no problems with regular feeding, as I already wrote.

The most difficult thing remained: sleep and nightly attachments. How to remove this “sleep-chest” connection? How to make it clear to a child that sleep is separate and breasts are separate? I once read how one witty dad decided to wean his son off the pacifier by nailing it to the wall in the corner at the level of the child’s mouth. And when the son wanted to suck, she was no longer at his fingertips, but much further away, and he had to go and suck her in the corner, and not in a very comfortable position. He went once, twice, then forgot, and... it turned out that he didn’t really need her anymore.

I decided to do about the same thing. When it was time to go to bed, my daughter and I went not to bed, but to the chair standing on the opposite wall of the room. I sat down in a chair and placed my daughter opposite me. Thus, she had to suckle while standing. Uncomfortable? What can we do, now this is the only way we apply to the breast. Have you eaten? Great. Now with our feet we go to bed and get into bed.

Did you whine? Requested breasts? We get up and go to the chair. I had to repeat this more than once or twice, until my daughter finally went to bed and fell asleep. At night, my girl woke up, as always, several times, but each time, overcoming sleep, she and I got up and went to the chair. There she sucked with her eyes closed, she simply fell because she wanted to sleep, but I didn’t let her: we were eating straight, in an uncomfortable position.

I myself could barely restrain myself, I wanted to sleep so much, I really wanted to breastfeed in bed, but we both had to endure it. During the day and on the second night we laid down the same way, but our daughter woke up only once during the second night. The next night she slept completely. I couldn’t believe it: could we both sleep through the night now? Are just three nights, mind you, without tears or hysterics, enough for my daughter to be able to wean herself?

Of course, these days I tried to pay more attention to the child during the day, and it even seemed to me that she became calmer and more cheerful. Indeed, everything has its time.

Nine years later, I weaned my second daughter in much the same way, with the difference that she was not so tightly attached to the breast, and everything went even easier and faster.

So, my method of weaning may well be suitable for those children who:

  • about our age - from a year to a year and a half, maybe a little older;
  • we slept with our mother all our lives and fell asleep only with our mother’s breast;
  • during the day they can quite easily get distracted and be satisfied with the explanation that “mother’s milk” has run out;
  • did not suck a pacifier;
  • and whose mothers do not want to continue breastfeeding.

Perhaps my method will not seem too gentle, but, in my opinion, it is much more humane than those cruel options described at the beginning of my story. Many children simply need help to learn to fall asleep on their own and stop accompanying the change of each phase of sleep with sucking.

In conclusion, let me remind you of the generally accepted standards for weaning: do not wean during the heat, not during illness, and not during the ARVI season. Good luck, health and patience to all mothers!


Thank you, very useful!

01/14/2019 11:20:00, Anna I

Good afternoon My son is 1.6 years old, tired of endless night feedings. I was looking for the most humane way to wean and came across your article. I really liked the idea. Eating breasts in an uncomfortable position. Today is the second day we've been practicing this idea. But the baby does not want to let the breast out of his mouth at all. He is ready to sleep standing up, as long as he has a boob in his mouth. What can you recommend? How to separate the concepts of "chest" and "sleep"? During the daytime nap, the child does not fall asleep in this way, eats the breast and runs off to play. At the same time, after a minute, he again comes running, whimpering, asking for a breast. Because he wants to sleep. Thanks for the article and thanks in advance for the answer :)

Moms, save me, I’m just in despair!! The baby is 1.5 and I still feed her at bedtime and at night (besides this, she doesn’t breastfeed at all), since she’s a breastfeeder and won’t let me finish... every attempt I make is met with hysterics for several hours... the baby cries avidly, breaks out with hands, beats and everything like that!
Today I decided to try again after reading this article, but again I was hysterical for 3 HOURS! She almost didn’t stop crying, it’s some kind of horror! She gave breastfeeding while sitting on a chair, everything was fine and she was already passing out, but how to go to sleep - again yelling at the whole house.. In the end, I gave up and gave breastfeeding - a minute and a child spmt..well, how the hell is that?! I just can’t do it anymore, I’m tired of not getting enough sleep and tired of enduring biting while teething, I want to finally complete breastfeeding! Who has encountered something like this? What did you do?!

08/02/2018 23:09:45, Sweetann

Thank you so much for your magical article, I weaned you according to your example without tears or hysterics!

06.26.2018 22:42:32, Knopochk@

Hello, very interesting article and coincides with my situation. My 15 month old daughter is just as strongly attached to the breast. I tried to stop daytime feedings for a week, but everything turned out worse than expected. Hysterics, crying and became even more attached to her chest with the fear that she might lose something that is very important to her (((after reading your article I decided to try your method in two weeks.

04/09/2018 19:53:43, Maysara

Hello Lerusha! I searched for a long time and thought about how to wean my daughter from the breast, I accidentally found your article, I was incredibly interested. The situation is exactly the same as yours. And so, without preparing, without tuning in, yesterday I decided to do like you, only we sat on the end of the bed and my daughter ate her breast while standing, fell off her feet and it turns out she fell asleep there. I then put her in bed, is this correct? Today is the second day and I’m already worried about how she will wean herself off feedings before bed...thank you so much in advance!

03/13/2018 22:52:45, Knopochk@

Thanks a lot! I also thought a lot and didn’t dare to excommunicate, but your method is exactly what I was looking for and now I’ll definitely decide. An excellent idea with inconvenience, but much more humane than abrupt excommunication. Thank you!

12/25/2017 22:09:49, elvirochka

Good afternoon! Although the article was written a long time ago, I am grateful to it. Today I carefully and gently curtailed the breastfeeding))) Thank you)) I have a similar situation, after reading and trying the method in two days I weaned my son)) I didn’t expect it myself))

11/18/2017 22:06:26, ksenya.89.89

Hello, a year has already passed since the article was published. I hope someone will answer me.
I have exactly the same situation with my one and a half year old daughter. During the day we hardly apply ourselves (sometimes before naps, but not always), but at night from birth we wake up every two hours (sometimes more often). I sleep with my daughter, my husband has been suffering on the couch for a year and a half, he wants to come back :-) I don’t get enough sleep, I’m starting to get tired of these wakefulness.
I really liked the idea, once I decide, we’ll definitely try it standing up.
I just wanted to ask, is it possible to wean only from night-time latching in this way? I would like to continue breastfeeding occasionally, maybe up to two years or more, but the main thing is to stop night feeding. Do you think this is possible, or if you give up, it won’t be at all? Thank you. Lera.

I weaned myself in a year and am happy.

My eldest daughter is already 8 years old. When she was one year and two months old, I urgently needed to go to work. It was very difficult, I went to my parents for a couple of days, and left the child with my husband. It was a nightmare for him and for the child too. When I arrived, my breasts were not giving, the milk had already disappeared, both I and my daughter were crying. It's a terrible thing to give up your breasts.

I read it and laughed until I cried. I have a very similar situation and I tried your method on myself all the time. I'll probably try. Although today I couldn’t stand it anymore and went for a bottle and kefir for the night. If this option does not work, all that remains is the idea “we are eating straight, in an awkward position.” But you have to do it in time during the summer, while the older children don’t go to school, because... I’m afraid they won’t have to sleep these nights either.

Comment on the article "Weaning, 1.5 year old child: my experience"

Please tell me, the child is one year old, we continue breastfeeding, lately the child has not been eating the breast as much as he is playing, maybe even biting (Does it make sense to leave breastfeeding? He doesn’t suck the pacifier, perhaps this is how the child replaces the pacifier with me? Maybe he can offer the child milk in a bottle instead breasts? But it’s also a problem, we don’t drink milk, kefir, only if it’s yogurt with fruit. Night sleep is also not long, he can wake up 2-3 times for sure, it seemed to me that at that age a child should sleep...

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the age of the baby, he must be no younger than 1.5 years; state of lactation - have signs of breast involution really been showing for some time? To check this, the mother needs to part with her baby for a day, for example, leaving him with grandma or dad. If after a day there is no painful filling of the breast, it has not become dense and hot, then the woman is ready to wean. If after twelve hours the mother is ready to run to the child so that he...

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No, well, I understand everything, as soon as they don’t suck, they put their hands in their eyes and nose, and they unscrew the other nipple, and they stroke themselves, and they put their fingers in the mouth at the same time as the breast, well, anything happened. But to suck the breast and at the same time pull it out of his mouth with his hand - this has never happened before. This kind of “sucking tight” turns out))) It’s still a pleasure, I want to say, considering that we already have problems with grip. And if you don’t trim your nails on time, you’ll end up with scratches on your chest. I have to hold my hand...

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Ways to wean a child from the breast It very rarely happens that a baby independently and absolutely painlessly refuses breastfeeding. For most mothers, the question of how to wean a child from breastfeeding is very, very relevant. Over the years, women have tried a variety of different ways to wean their babies. Some of them are very effective, others do not bring any results, and others openly harm the child’s psyche. A young mother may feel confused while standing...

When is baby weaning contraindicated? In addition to the lactation stage, there are several cases when weaning a child from the breast is extremely undesirable and, moreover, can harm his health and development. Once you decide to stop breastfeeding, be sure to pay attention to the factors described below: Do not wean your baby from the breast in early spring, when the thaw sets in, since at this time, as a rule, epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza begin. A baby deprived of mother's milk is much stronger...

Time flies unnoticed, and yesterday’s helpless baby is today a completely independent toddler. And sad as it is to realize, his need for his mother is becoming a little less. This primarily concerns, of course, breastfeeding. When the child is about one and a half to two years old, the mother is faced with the question of how to wean the baby from the breast. In order for this process to be as painless as possible, the mother needs to know several physical and psychological...

Go from mommy's breasts to regular nutrition? In ancient times, the child was breastfed until 2 - 3 years. Today, this trend is returning. Before you start weaning your baby from breast milk, you should make sure that he is ready for this. The average readings say that the baby's need for sucking decreases from 9 months to 3.5 years. This process is individual. But if you have already begun to excommunicate the child, then everything must be done gradually. First, you should replace one daily feeding ...

In raising a child, from his very birth to his growing up, there are many different contradictions. In this material we will talk about one of the most significant problems in raising and caring for a child, which confronts parents in the very first days of life. Dummy - for or against? Recently, in raising children, it has become fashionable to abandon one or another, once necessary attribute of upbringing. Today we often hear that people refuse...

So.. I never thought that I would feed for so long, I never imagined this, but it turned out like this) Plus friends and sisters (and the children were the same age, they all fed for a long time, just like us) The child turned out to be a “breasted” co-sleep with almost birth, our ZuuuBYYYY, who climbed very hard, especially 5k!!! with hysterics, whims, pain... the chest saved me, at night I literally stuffed it into him and he calmed down, he needed it (who knows, will understand)... and now 2.2 have come out 3 5s, I’m waiting for the 4th, tired of breastfeeding ...

A friend asks how to wean. In my opinion, there is a lot of information about how to wean the breast and how it works in practice, both in magazines and on the Internet. But personally, having encountered in practice the problems of implementing the advice of professional experts, I came to the following conclusions. I share: 1. MOTHER HERSELF must be sure that she WANTS to wean or the second option SHE UNDERSTANDS that this must be done (departure, illness), etc. I fed three and from my little experience...

How to wean a child off a bottle - this question arises for almost all mothers who feed their babies with formula. Of course, it is much more convenient when the baby sucks a bottle of milk or another drink before bed, calms down and quickly falls asleep. However, when he is already one and a half to two years old, we understand that it is time to learn to drink and not suck, and we gradually wean the child off the bottle. Of course, this is not an easy process. The baby begins to be capricious, cries and demands her favorite bottle. Many mothers cannot calmly look at the “suffering” of their child and give in. The child is happy and calm, he smiles - this means that the mother is calm, although she is constantly tormented by doubts: will prolonged sucking harm her child?

We present to you some tips on how to wean a child from a bottle at 1.5, 2 years old, tested by many mothers.
Firstly, this must be done gradually. During the day, during meals, try to make the child forget about his bottle. Buy him colorful dishes: a glass, a saucer, plates - all with images of his favorite cartoon characters, cutlery like toys. A special children's sippy cup, a sippy cup, will work well at the initial stage. The child needs to be interested in the dishes, then he will be more willing to eat and drink and will forget about the bottle. If you manage to distract his attention from her during the day, then know that you have already taken a big step towards success.

Secondly, if your child is used to drinking milk from a bottle before bed, then change your tactics. Pour both yourself and him a glass of warm milk and drink it with a cocktail straw. We assure you, he will definitely like it, you can even drink it in a race.

But don't try to wean your baby off the pacifier at the same time - the poor baby won't be able to handle the double whammy. Of course, it would be much easier if your baby didn’t even know about the existence of a pacifier, however, since you have already managed to accustom him to this, then buy for him a special orthopedic pacifier made of silicone with an oblique bite. By the way, such pacifiers not only do not spoil the child’s bite, but, on the contrary, contribute to its proper formation.

But you need to wean your baby off the bottle at night no later than 6-7 months. The last feeding should be around 11-12 pm, half asleep, and then he should learn to sleep until 6 am. There should therefore be a gap of 6 hours between the last and first feeding. This is quite normal for a child of this age. Of course, in order to wean your baby off night feeding, you will have to sacrifice your peace and sleep for three to four days. Long night vigils and frayed nerves await you. But if you manage not to break down and give a bottle to your child in an hour of despair, then good nights await you. The child will sleep peacefully and not ask for a bottle at night.

Finally, we want to tell you how one resourceful mother was able to wean her baby off the bottle. When the girl was 2 years and 2 months old, she and her mother were visiting friends on a farm. And so mother and daughter went into the barn, where the pig was feeding her many piglets. The daughter carefully followed this process, and suddenly an interesting thought occurred to her mother. She told her daughter: “Look, there are a lot of them, but mom is alone, let’s give your bottle to the piglets.” The girl turned out to be very kind and, agreeing, threw her bottle to the piglets. In the evening, of course, she was capricious and asked for a bottle, but her mother reminded her that she herself gave it to the piglets. Satisfied with her pacifier, the girl fell asleep and never asked for a bottle again. Here's the story.

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Find out what may influence baby cries
The child constantly wants to get his way if the parents do not understand him, do not pay attention to his requests or do not want to understand. Avoid communicating with children suffering from the same problem. Children love to repeat after each other. Also, never quarrel with your husband or other people in front of your child.

Teach your child what he wants, or words
After a year, children begin to point with a finger at an object of interest to him, pull his clothes or hand and lead him to what he wants. Just don’t ignore his requests so that it doesn’t come to screaming. If a child can speak, it is easier to teach him to explain in words. When you hand him something, name the item he wants to take several times.

Talk to your child in a calm tone
Often adults raise their voices at a child when they want him to fulfill some requirements. The child gets used to this and no longer takes normal speech seriously. He thinks that his parents’ non-raised speech has nothing to do with him. It’s better to wait until the child screams, and then talk to him about how to do the right thing.

Ignore the screams
When a child screams, parents try to give him what he wants. But you can't do that. The baby must understand that he will not be able to achieve what he wants by screaming. If the tantrum started in the store because of a toy that you cannot buy for him, try to distract him. For example, always keep his favorite toy, candy or chocolate with you - something that can interest him.

Distinguish between types of screams
Mom can always distinguish one cry from another and identify the causes of children's cries. If your child is constantly screaming hysterically, take the above steps. If he screams with tears, complaining to you, then take pity on him, hug and kiss him. Perhaps the baby hit or fell. If a child screams in his sleep, then immediately calm him down; most likely his teeth are bothering him or he dreamed of something bad.

For an infant, crying is the only way to attract attention. Therefore, if the baby is hungry or needs to change his diaper, he starts crying to attract the attention of adults to his problem. At this stage of growing up, crying is a natural way of communicating with the outside world. What to do when the child grows up? How to stop him from crying?

You will need

  • consultation with a child psychologist


Do not cultivate in your child the desire to attract attention by crying. When the child is already able to explain in words what he needs, communicate with him in this language, which is already new to him. Many mothers ignore verbal requests, then he, naturally, begins to cry at the top of his voice, so to speak, trying already proven ways to reach his mother. And only then does the mother pay attention to him, thus the conviction is reinforced in the child’s mind that crying is a great way to get what he wants. Therefore, be sure to listen to your child when he asks for something. Even if you cannot fulfill his request, calmly explain in words that you cannot go for a walk yet, but will go home. Or why don’t you buy him this toy right now, but do it tomorrow. In other words, don't make your baby cry yourself.

Firmly tell a sobbing baby who comes to you with a request that you will help him only when he stops crying. Usually children, no matter what character or temperament they have, listen and stop crying. And the constant practice of such communication discourages them from crying at all. The child begins to look at crying as an unnecessary stage of communication with parents. He understands that they listen to me when I immediately start speaking. And the problems associated with endless hysterics disappear by themselves. A new “adult” way of communication is emerging - conversation.

Caress your baby, be attentive to him. For many children, crying tantrums are just a way to gain parental approval. Therefore, give your baby your attention for free. Then he won’t have to make a flood of tears to get the simplest and most natural thing he should receive - your love. Don’t miss the opportunity to spend free time with him. Cancel “adult” activities for his sake. This is the only way he will understand that you need him as much as he needs you.

Ask your child why daddy never cries? Let your child think about this. The father is the authority in the family, especially for boys. Let the father talk to his son about why he shouldn’t advertise his emotions, upsetting his mother and getting upset himself.

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Don't speak rudely to your child. Do not try to stop tears by screaming or, especially, by using physical punishment. Obviously, nothing good will come of this. Under no circumstances should you boycott or ignore your child. This will only increase the exclusion zone between you and your baby.

Helpful advice

Pay your child's attention to babies crying on the street. Ask him if he likes the fact that the baby is crying in front of everyone? Who might like this? The child will realize that crying is not a good habit.

Children are undoubtedly a great happiness and an inexhaustible source of joy. However, this is not only a load on the nervous system, but also a great workout for parents’ endurance, intelligence and mental balance.
How to get along with our children and resist the storm of emotions of our whys - the question has been pressing at all times.

To begin with, it is important to understand one thing - children's scandals and disobedience, most often, an attempt to attract the attention of parents. After all, the child’s whole world is concentrated precisely on being in the center of this very attention. Why is it so valuable? For a child, at the level of unconscious mental processes, the attention of parents, concentrated on him, his beloved, is a guarantor of security - I will be protected and fed.

And taking into account the fact that parents are often busy (oh, our time, always rushing somewhere), it is much easier to attract attention with negative behavior than with positive behavior. And most often, children don’t even know how to attract this precious attention to themselves without throwing a loud tantrum or trying to hit a power socket with a fork. Then the attention of parents will be guaranteed with predictable 100% accuracy!

What should we do if we encounter this type of childish tantrum? Everything is very simple - ignore it if possible, naturally, while monitoring the physical safety of the child. What does this mean: This means that if your child throws a tantrum on the roadway or hits his head on the floor with all his might, it’s clearly not worth ignoring in this case.

The main goal of ignoring is for the child to understand that in such a cunning way he will not get the desired result no matter how many decibels of noise attack he threatens you with. Alternatively, the child can be distracted or redirected. Children are very good at shifting their attention to what interests them, completely forgetting both the cause of the hysteria and the hysteria itself. And the most important thing is to teach the child other behavioral stereotypes. Positive. Fixing them with just an excess of that very precious attention that your child so craves from you.

If you do not become infected with negativity and remain calm and able to analyze the situation, then with consistent behavior you will definitely get the desired result.

And the most important thing in this difficult process of raising your child is not to forget that there is no such thing as too much love. Is this true?

One of the important reasons for whims is the constant compliance of parents. Besides this, there are other reasons that parents should study.

By the end of the first year of life, the child begins to gradually realize that if he shouts a little, he will immediately be given everything he wants. It is during this period that the child’s character is formed. It is a pity for parents to punish a child at this age. And when a baby starts screaming, demanding something, the following phrase is often heard: “Give it to him, don’t let him scream.” He quickly remembers and understands this phrase.

It gets worse with age, the child grows too capricious. Two- and three-year-olds throw tantrums on the street and in stores. And mothers are tearing out the hair on their heads, wondering how to rehabilitate the little bully. First of all, it should be noted that this is the fault of the parents. Therefore, it is better not to follow the child’s lead and not raise him spoiled; in this case, the question of how to re-educate him will not arise.

The child wants to achieve his goal, and the most correct reaction to this situation is calmness in relation to the child’s emotions. For example, when a baby in a store screams, trying to buy a new toy, it is better to move some distance away from him. He will be a little offended, but will definitely calm down. Over time, the child will understand that tantrums do not help him achieve his goal. Under no circumstances should you yell at your child or raise your voice. He will not calm down, since a child at this age is not ready to understand and accept a refusal to his demands. You need to devote more time to your child. If a child is full and doesn’t want to sleep, but still cries, you don’t need to immediately get angry with him, thinking that he’s just spoiled. It is possible that he is bored, he wants to play with someone, and he lacks the attention of his elders. The child does not need to be spoiled too much, but rather follow his lead. He gets used to the fact that everything is allowed to him and grows up capricious and disobedient. This is bad not only for parents who will no longer cope with their child. This is bad for both the baby and his future.

Children spoiled by their parents will not be able to take care of themselves in the future. Boys grow up helpless, waiting for their parents to give him both an apartment and a car. It will be difficult for girls to find a husband, since they will look in every man for exactly the one who will fulfill all their whims. You need to raise a child delicately, without resorting to screaming. For example, if a child watches cartoons for too long, there is no need to pointedly turn off the TV and tell the child “no”. You need to interest him in some other activity, for example playing a game together.

And one more important rule. If parents are impulsive, get into conflict for no reason, and get started half-heartedly, you shouldn’t expect anything different from the child. He won't be calm. Children imitate their parents in everything until a certain age. And the last thing everyone should remember is that you cannot hit a child. This will make him aggressive. It is better to look for other methods of punishment, such as deprivation of cartoons or something tasty.

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If there is a small child in the house, you can often hear him crying. Parents, overwhelmed by constant worries, sometimes cannot independently determine the reasons for this behavior and think that the baby is simply capricious.

They do not pay attention to the tears of the little person, or even begin to scold the child. This can lead to very sad consequences: passing by a little grief, dad and mom lose the baby’s trust and move away from him. The opposite situation also happens, when overly caring parents completely spoil their offspring and turn him into a capricious monster.

What to do when a child cries? Often a baby's tears are a cry for help, a distress signal. The child does not yet know how to express his emotions clearly to others. This is how a little person asks for help to cope with a difficult situation, informs the world about his problems and suffering. First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons for the baby's tears. There may be several.

1. Woe. A small child does not yet know how to think logically, and the present, past and future do not exist for him. The baby lives here and now. If something bad happens to him, the baby thinks that it will always be like this. He does not yet know how to analyze past events and does not know that the situation can change. The baby does not yet understand what hope is and he feels any negative emotions more strongly. Even situations that are insignificant for an adult, such as a broken toy, are perceived by a child as a huge grief that will never end. In this situation, it is necessary to calm down and distract the baby with something, to improve the situation so that the child’s despair is alleviated. As soon as the discomfort disappears, the baby will forget about his experience and begin to smile again.

2. Illness. When a child is unwell, he may use tears to communicate his unpleasant feelings. If in this case you ignore the baby’s crying, you can start the disease, which will lead to catastrophic consequences for the baby’s health. If the crying does not subside, and there seems to be no reason for this, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better not to leave a sick child alone. You need to try to gently explain to the little person that the pain will disappear after a while, you just need to be patient a little. You can read a book to him, tell him something or play his favorite game to distract the child and cheer him up, then the illness will pass faster.

3. Whims. Often a baby starts crying when he doesn't get what he wants. If a child seriously intends to get something immediately, usually no arguments or requests to wait will have any effect on him. This usually ends in copious amounts of tears, hysteria and screaming. Often in this case, the baby is not pretending, he simply openly expresses his feelings and desires. In such situations, parents should control themselves and not scold the child, but try to switch his attention to something interesting. You shouldn’t indulge everyone’s requests; it’s impossible and can lead to emotional dissolution. Talk to your baby, then he will understand that there is still a lot of interesting things in the world and there is no need to waste time on tears.

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Tip 6: Children's tantrum in the store: how to behave before and during it

Probably, many are familiar with the situation when, after refusing to buy something or seemingly out of nowhere, a child suddenly lies down in the dirtiest puddle in the store and begins to scream heart-rendingly. A crowd of grandmothers immediately gathers, wailing: “What a cruel mother, she didn’t buy the baby candy, ah-ay-ay!” Many parents feel shame and guilt at such moments and would rather buy their child what they want to keep him quiet. Someone simply grabs the baby in their arms and leaves, forgetting about everything. And someone begins to publicly reprimand the child. How to behave in such cases?

Children's tantrums are a quick way to get what you want. They begin at about 1.5 years and can continue until adolescence. Children feel their parents very well and press on their most painful points, for example, shame.

The desires of young children are spontaneous: I see - I want. Due to a small vocabulary, and also due to the fact that for a long time the mother herself guessed about the child’s wishes (crying means he wants to eat or the diaper is wet), a 2-3 year old child can throw a tantrum just because the mother does not I guessed his desire. And desires can sometimes be very interesting. For example, a mother put butter in the basket, and the child threw a tantrum. It turned out that he himself wanted to do it. But mom didn’t guess.

From the age of 1.5 years, a child should be taught to express his desires in words: “I can’t guess what you want, tell me in words, please.” If the child does not yet know how to speak, then he may well point, for example, at the juice or cookies on the table.

Before going to the store, you need to tell your child your plan and prepare him, for example: “We’ll go to the store with you now. There we will buy milk, bread, butter, and then you can choose any 2 juices. But we won’t buy candy and toys today.” Thanks to this preparation, most likely, the child will no longer look at all the shelves, because we are going for juice!

If a tantrum does happen, then you need to go down to the child’s level, squat down, and mirror him, describe his feelings: “I see that you are very upset and offended that I didn’t buy you candy, but I can’t do that now.” do. When you are ready, come to me, I will take pity on you.” Sometimes your child may need time to calm down. Let him cry or get angry, don't drown out his feelings.

When we describe the feelings and experiences that a child is experiencing at the moment, we let him know that we understand him. And this is very important even for kids. And when they see this, they calm down quite quickly.