Natalia Podolskaya's sister gave birth to twins. Twin sister Natalia Podolskaya gave birth to twins Ashton and Michael Kutcher

The Podolsky twins communicate on Instagram

Yuliana Podolskaya, twin sister of singer Natalya Podolskaya, lives in the USA. She is two minutes younger than Natalia. Despite this, Juliana is the leader in their couple, and she got married earlier than her sister. In 2009, she signed with businessman Anton and drove off abroad. According to some reports, Yuliana is Natalia's concert director. The sisters are very close, but because of Natalia's tour, they rarely see each other, they constantly maintain relationships through social networks. In addition to her twin sister, Natalya has an older sister, Tatyana, and a younger brother, Andrey, who live in Mogilev.

Svetlana Borovskaya arranges surprises for her sister

TV presenter Svetlana Borovskaya does not have a soul in her younger sister. Ruslana lives in Rimini, a popular spa town in Italy, and works in a perfume shop in San Marino. She is happy to come to Belarus with her husband and son Marco, who loves his aunt, who works in television.

In childhood, we threw slippers and took sweets from each other, but not today. They matured and realized that there is no closer than native people, - Svetlana tells Komsomolskaya Pravda.

She, by the way, tries to make pleasant surprises for her sister. Once, on Ruslana's birthday, February 25, at the height of the working day, the door to her store opened, and Svetlana and her friends, holding crystal Belarusian glasses, flew in with joyful exclamations.

Silent scene... The celebration, which then lasted half a day, delighted not only Ruslana, but the entire shopping street of San Marino. And we still remember this moment, - Svetlana shares a touching story.

The Gribalev sisters are nostalgic at Family Day

Olga, sister of Larisa Gribaleva, lives in Blagoveshchensk. There, together with her husband, they are famous circus artists. Olga, like Larisa, is a mother of two children. Sisters meet infrequently, but once every two or three years, Olga always drops in on a visit. Although the sisters do not sit up in Larisa's house - they travel around Belarus, spend a lot of time on Naroch. In the past, they were constantly competing. But they went too different ways and successfully fulfilled themselves. So now at the Family Day, which Larisa came up with, they calmly talk about past grievances.

The Dudinskiy brothers are resting separately

The younger brother of TV presenter, singer and showman Denis Dudinsky, Alexey, does not think about a stellar career. Works for an advertising production company. But, as Komsomolskaya Pravda admits, he still envies his brother-TV presenter with white envy.

We talk once a month over a bottle of something strong. And every day we are in touch by phone - we won’t get lost, - Alexey laughs it off.

As both brothers admit, their relationship has changed with age - they have become warmer, but they spend their holidays separately. Denis is fond of traveling around the world, and Alexei is an avid stay-at-home.

Ryzhikova considers her brother the best friend

The brother of TV presenter Olga Ryzhikova Andrey is 31 years old. But he, unlike his sister, has not yet decided on a profession. And he was engaged in the advertising business, and brought artists, and opened restaurants.

Parents instilled in us from childhood that we are the closest and most reliable people. Therefore, my brother is my best friend, ”Olga confesses to us. - I advise him on which dress to choose for a girl, which restaurant to invite. And he gives me advice about a cafe that I recently opened.

Until seventh grade, brother and sister fought every day. But after they parted, they became friends in earnest. Now they go on vacation, spend weekends and holidays together. And they try not to break their funny tradition: on New Year's Eve they get off with "netting", i.e. no gifts for each other.

Denis Kuryan's sister Julia is perhaps one of the few who followed in her brother's footsteps. She is also a TV presenter, only on a different TV channel.

I, of course, have jealousy in relation to the success of my brother. But it is rather an incentive to strive for his level of professionalism. He is my main adviser and critic, like a third parent, - says Yulia.

From childhood, brother and sister were inseparable, which was helped by a big difference in age - six years. Both live in Minsk, they see each other often and are constantly in touch on social networks. Denis spoils his younger sister, and from every business trip he always brings souvenirs in the style of French jewelry boxes.

Janet communicates with numerous relatives on the “Buterusov sausage”

The sibling leader in the star shop is Janet. The Buterus family has eight children, the singer has four brothers and three sisters. The elder brother Jean works as a cook on the ship. Brother Herman now lives in the USA. He dreams of going to Harvard and realizing his mathematical abilities, but for now he works as a personal martial arts trainer. Another brother Eduard, a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat, is currently engaged in business. Younger brother Dean is now making headway as a celebratory host. Sister Ella, a fashion designer by profession, works abroad in a large company and in parallel opened her own small atelier. One of the twins, Diana, is a leading specialist in a telephone company, and the second twin, Liana, has already mastered the professions of a fashion designer, choreographer and photo model. Sandra Bullock herself visits shows of the Lilu brand, under which Liliana sews, at New York Fashion Week.

There is no envy between us, because the victory of each of us is a common victory. We lived in a difficult financial situation and achieved everything together, - Janet shares with us.

The singer said that two of her family's favorite dishes are manti and chocolate sausage. Therefore, the online family forum was jokingly called "Buterus sausage". And there they communicate with each other daily, but this does not prevent them from meeting at every holiday and for any reason.

Brothers Sorcerers do not let mom grow old

Perhaps the most famous star brothers in Belarus are Georgy and Dmitry Koldun, each of whom has really succeeded in show business. But they did not become rivals for each other - Georgy hosts intellectual programs on the ONT TV channel, and as a singer he gives solo concerts in Belarus. And his younger brother Dmitry Koldun, meanwhile, is fighting for the musical Olympus of Russia.

True, in his personal life, Dmitry still overtook George. He successfully married his school friend Victoria and two years ago became the father of baby Jan. But George still walks in the most famous Belarusian bachelors.

Both brothers are very touching to their mother. At all concerts, if she is in the hall, they are sure to greet and dedicate the song.

The Khlestov brothers do not meet unnecessarily

It turned out that the brother of Alexei Khlestov - singer Andrei Khlestov largely influenced the fate of Alexei. He was the eldest, so he regularly took the youngest to kindergarten, and took him from there. He took it everywhere with him in his free time - first to sailing, and then to the Pioneer House, from where their road to the stage began.

I have no envy for Alexei. On the contrary, when I worked on television, I always tried to invite my brother there for various projects. So we help each other all our lives.

Despite the fact that in childhood the Khlestov brothers were inseparable, now each of them makes his own career, so they rarely see each other. But they still try to celebrate each other’s birthdays together, because it’s better not to find a reason to meet.

The Pugachi brothers do not argue about tastes

Mikhail, the younger brother of Vladimir Pugach, lead singer of the group J:Morse, works in sales. But, as it turned out, he takes a direct part in the work of his brother.

I am flattered that Volodya always gives one of the first to listen to his new compositions - Mikhail is proud.

Their age difference is small (3 years), so the brothers could not avoid children's quarrels and skirmishes. But they never stood alone in the corner - if one was there, then the second, out of solidarity, occupied the next corner.

During my school years, I always had fun spending time in the company of my brother, who played the guitar well and was very popular, - Mikhail confesses. - But now, unfortunately, we meet infrequently. Except for Easter and Christmas, when dad cooks our favorite dish with Volodya - meat baked with horseradish.

The Gruzdev sisters no longer fight

Now the TV presenters twin sisters Alexandra and Valentina Gruzdeva are very friendly and meet at least once a week. But, as it turned out, this was not always the case.

As a child, our relationship was nightmarish, - Valentina honestly admits. - We scratched each other to such an extent that we lied at school, as if an angry cat lives in our house. And they were constantly arguing about who was prettier. The whole entrance heard our battles for beauty.

But over time, the sisters ceased to compete. Moreover, the twin suitors, oddly enough, never shared. And while studying at the University of Culture, Alexandra often helped Valentina out by passing exams for her.

There is no more envy between us, except when one of us has a better make-up before filming - but this is not serious. After all, my sister is the closest and dearest person, Valentina assures.

Valentina admitted that if it were not for Alexandra's emotionality and charisma, she would never have entered the University of Culture. Photo:

There was a replenishment in the family of Natal Podolskaya. Yesterday, August 11, her twin sister Yuliana gave birth to twins - girls. The newly-made mother announced the good news on Instagram.

“Yesterday there were five of us. Two little angels were born. @antonybogat and I are incredibly happy that they chose us as their parents! Words cannot express all the feelings that we are now experiencing, ”wrote Yuliana.

She did not specify the weight and height of the crumbs and share their first picture, as, for example, Natalya did, posting a photo of her husband with a newborn son from the delivery room. The names of the girls Yuliana also did not sound.

Let us explain that, speaking about the fact that there were five of them, Juliana meant that, in addition to the children and her and her husband, a dog named Pooh lives in the family, which she adores.

Later it became known that the girls were named Anastasia and Alexandra. They were born a minute apart. By the way, Natalya at this crucial moment supported her sister - she was in the next to the delivery room. As soon as the crumbs were taken to the children's department, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov took them in her arms. Natalia intends to visit Yuliana daily at the maternity hospital until she is discharged.

The birth of daughters was a long-awaited event for Juliana. She, like Natalya, could not get pregnant for a long time. Together, the sisters worried that they were unable to conceive children, traveled to Israel to holy places. And so the children of Natalia and Yuliana were born with a difference of two months.

By the way, Yuliana helped her sister babysit Artemy. On the blog, she regularly posts photos of her nephew, affectionately calling him sugar.

// Photo: Instagram by Yuliana Podolskaya

It is not yet clear whether Yuliana will take a nanny to help her cope with the girls, or will take care of them on her own. Most likely, mother Nina Antonovna will come from Belarus to help her daughter. She came in June, when Natasha's son was born.

By the way, Natalya Podolskaya resorted to the services of a nanny when Artemy was one month old. She and her husband carefully approached the choice of an assistant. The main criteria were average age, pedagogical education and kindness. Of course, Natalya and Vladimir spend every free minute with their son, and they need a nanny so that they can take a break and do the accumulated business. In addition, in the fall, the young mother intends to return to the stage - Podolskaya has scheduled performances both in Russia and abroad.

// Photo: Instagram by Yuliana Podolskaya

I must say that Natalia is ready for the upcoming concerts. She got into shape very quickly, although, apparently, it was not too difficult for her to do this, because during the pregnancy she gained only 11 kilograms.

While on vacation in Greece, Podolskaya posted a photo in a swimsuit, showing off her perfect body. Looking at the picture, it's hard to imagine that just a couple of months ago the singer was pregnant. “I gave birth by myself, not by caesarean! Extra 2 kg, don't worry like that! - she responded to the comments of the fans. However, during an interesting situation, Natalya did everything not to gain excess weight: she kept a diet, refused sweets - she could not even be seduced by her favorite eclairs.

Natalia Podolskaya and her sister Yuliana
// Photo: Instagram

Singer Natalya Podolskaya and her twin sister Yuliana are known to be very close. Young women support each other in everything and make friends with families. Juliana, like Natalya, could not get pregnant for a long time. Together, the sisters worried that they were unable to conceive children, traveled to Israel to holy places. And it so happened that they gave birth to their long-awaited heirs with a difference of only two months. The son of Natalia Podolskaya and her husband, the famous musician Vladimir Presnyakov, Artemy was born on June 5, and the daughters of Yuliana Podolskaya and her husband Anton Anastasia and Alexander were born on August 11. While still waiting for the birth of her babies, Yuliana helped Natalya in caring for her son Artemy. Podolskaya, in turn, was in the ward next to Yuliana when she gave birth to twins. Natalya took her nieces in her arms as soon as she was shown newborn babies. Podolskaya took care of her sister in every possible way in the first days after childbirth, visiting her daily in the clinic. And this despite the fact that she herself had a very tiny child in her arms.

Now the sisters feel absolutely happy women, and of course, they discuss with each other the issues of raising babies. Surely Natalia and Yuliana will do everything to ensure that their children are as friendly as they are.

“Visiting the Theme. First outing with the whole family. Hooray!" - said in the microblog Yuliana Podolskaya
// Photo: Instagram

The day before, Yuliana Podolskaya, together with her husband and twin daughters, visited Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov. “Visiting the Theme. First outing with the whole family. Hooray!" - Yuliana Podolskaya said in the microblog, posting a photo of her daughters stroller against the backdrop of the country house of Podolskaya and Presnyakov. “Sisters Anastasia and Alexandra came to Tema,” the hostess, Natalya Podolskaya, the hostess of the house, already posted on her page. The singer accompanied the message with a picture with three car seats for babies.

True, the young mother did not say anything about the reaction of the baby, who will soon be five months old, to the visit of her cousins. But it is obvious that when the little heirs of the sisters Natalia and Yuliana grow up a little more, they will spend a lot of time together. And this means that even more touching posts about the tricks of Artemy and his sisters Anastasia and Alexandra await ahead of all fans of the star family.

“The sisters Anastasia and Alexandra came to Tema,” the hostess, Natalya Podolskaya, the owner of the house, signed the photo.
// Photo: Instagram


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Native blood is not water. They are so different, yet similar at the same time. In this issue, you will find Russian and Western celebrities who have twin siblings that you may not have known existed.

Natalia and Yuliana Podolsky

The singer Natalia Podolskaya has a twin, Juliana, who is two minutes younger than her star sister. Yuliana lives in the USA, but despite the miles, the girls are very close. Even with their first-born sisters became pregnant almost simultaneously, with a difference of one month. Juliana took part in her sister's career, working as her concert director.

Scarlett and Hunter Johansson

Hunter Johansson is three minutes younger than Scarlett. At the age of 12, Hunter, along with his sister, starred in the comedy "Thieves", but this was the end of his film career: the guy preferred to go into politics.

Igor and Vadim Verniki

The fact that the artist and TV presenter Igor Vernik has a brother Vadim is not a secret. But few people know that the guys are twins. Like his brother, Vadim Vernik connected his career with television (he hosts the program "Who is there ..." on the channel "Culture"). Vadim also manages the OK! magazine.

Vin Diesel and Paul Vincent

Bald and beefy Vin Diesel has a curly and slender twin brother, Paul Vincent, who works as a film editor under his mother's maiden name.

Ashton and Michael Kutcher

Actor Ashton Kutcher's twin Michael was born with cerebral palsy and underwent a heart transplant at the age of 13. As an adult, Michael, despite his illnesses, reached no less heights than his famous brother, only in a different area.

He is a lawyer who works with children with cerebral palsy and regularly speaks in the US Congress to promote new medical research to study and prevent this disease.

Gisele and Patricia Bundchen

Patricia was born five minutes early, but in the end, Gisele beat her twin in the modeling business, where Patricia tried her hand at her youth. But there is no competition between the sisters. “Thank you for always being able to rely on you from the first day of our lives. I love you very much, ”Bundchen congratulated her“ older ”sister on their common 35th birthday. Zhanna Friske

On July 8, 1974, twins were born in the Kopylov family in Moscow two months ahead of schedule, but the boy died from asphyxia during childbirth. The singer learned about this as an adult.

I must say that photo shoots for newborns are very popular now. Babies who are not even a month old are wrapped in weightless mohair blankets of delicate colors, placed in baskets or tiny beds. Of course, only professionals can do such a responsible job, because it is important not to harm the baby during the filming process.

To capture Nastya and Sasha in the first weeks of their lives, Yuliana invited a trusted photographer. But she was still worried, but for no reason.

“To say that I was worried and worried is to say nothing! But everything went just fine!” she shared.

The photo of the legs caused tenderness among Juliana's subscribers. Could not resist commenting and Natalia Podolskaya. “My sweet heels,” Natasha wrote.

Note that this picture was the first photo of the twins, which Yuliana showed to the public. Up to this point, her blog had only one picture with a stroller, but it was impossible to see the children in it.

Many star mothers admit that they miss pregnancy. However, Yuliana is not nostalgic for her belly. Apparently, it was quite difficult for her to walk with twins.

Yuliana first became a mother on August 11. The girls were born a minute apart. Natalya at this crucial moment supported her sister - she was in the next to the delivery room. As soon as the crumbs were taken to the children's department, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov took them in her arms.

// Photo: Instagram by Yuliana Podolskaya

The birth of daughters was a long-awaited event for Juliana. She, like Natalya, could not get pregnant for a long time. Together, the sisters worried that they were unable to conceive children, traveled to Israel to holy places.

The son of Natalia Podolskaya Artemy and daughter Juliana were born two months apart. Juliana helped her sister in caring for her son, so by the time her daughters appeared, she already had the necessary skills.

It is not yet clear whether Yuliana will take a nanny, as Natalya did, or will take care of them on her own. By the way, Natasha invited an assistant to care for Artemy when he was one month old. Of course, Natalya and Vladimir spend every free minute with their son, and they need a nanny so that they can take a break and do the accumulated business. In addition, in the fall, the young mother intends to return to the stage - Podolskaya has scheduled performances both in Russia and abroad.