Two managed to escape, and the search for the rest is underway. Tragedy on Ladoga: a boat with five teenagers capsized on a lake in Karelia A boat with five teenagers

Konstantin Kokoshkin/Russian Look/Globa Look Press

On the evening of June 19, a boat containing five teenagers capsized on Lake Ladoga in Karelia. Two floated out, the fate of three more is unknown, reports the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Karelia.

The emergency occurred at the exit from Impilahti Bay (Sortavala region). It was reported to emergency services at 21:20 local time.

Interfax, citing the republic's prosecutor's office, reports that the boat contained teenagers aged 16 to 18 years. According to preliminary data, three of them drowned. Two of their comrades were able to get ashore on their own without receiving serious injuries.

“The identities of all the victims have been established. They are local residents who were vacationing on the lake. There is contact with the parents, psychologists are working,” said a source in the Sortavala district administration. According to him, an operational headquarters will be deployed at the scene of the incident with the participation of the district administration. “A search is underway for the three missing minors,” he said.

Inspectors from the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS), employees of the Karelian search service, as well as volunteers went to the scene of the emergency.

Recall that a year ago, on June 18, a tragedy occurred in Karelia. A group consisting of 47 Moscow schoolchildren, who were vacationing at the children's health camp "Park Hotel Syamozero", and four adults, went on a boat trip to Syamozero, despite the forecast of weather forecasters about strong winds and storms. As a result, the boat capsized and the children ended up in the water. One of the camp students, 12-year-old Yulia, managed to swim to the shore and ask for help in the nearest village. It should be noted that the group of schoolchildren included orphans, as well as children from low-income families. 14 children died.

Based on the incident, the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under Part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Performing work or providing services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons”).

TFR: rescue operation on Syamozero in Karelia could begin 18 hours earlier

The Investigative Committee came to the conclusion that the rescue operation on Syamozero could have started 18 hours earlier. Ambulance paramedic Irina Shcherbakova did not believe the drowning child from a health camp. On April 4, 2017, the Suoyarvi District Court in Karelia found her guilty under the article “Negligence resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence” and sentenced her to three years in prison with a suspended sentence.

My thoughts as a boater.

The other day, a boat carrying five teenagers capsized in Impilahti Bay. Two were saved, three drowned.
It’s unclear how they managed to get the boat, but I’ll assume that they took it without asking.

The most common fishing boat for locals is the plastic Pella, a crap with low sides and a very low stern. I don’t believe that teenagers stole a boat or even a cauldron - you’ll get tired of rowing it.

UPD: I was wrong about Pella, this is an old Kazanka with boules. Bullshit. So here it is

In the comments they write that it was Kazanka - then it is no less a trandet than Pella, the old Kazanka is a very narrow story, the carrying capacity is 400 kg - but this is bullshit, in fact it is much smaller, and there are no buoyancy blocks.

At one point. If the wind is not pressing. That is, if the wind does not come from Ladoga. In this case, when entering the bay, it accelerates and raises a strong wave - 6 kilometers is enough for it to accelerate, so that already in the middle of the bay sailing on a boat becomes very uncomfortable. The wave hits your nose, and if you want to get to your destination without incident, you need to steer strictly against the wind.
On this day in Sortavala the wind blew 5 ms., this is considered weak-moderate, around 3-4 points. But entering the bay, the wind, I’m sure, accelerated. Therefore, we can assume that it was around 5 points, and these are already lambs, and even on my boat at this time you are walking - with shaking and jumping on the waves.
The slightest mistake on an overloaded boat - a whine to the wave - half a bucket of water will end up in the boat every few seconds. If you get on board, that's it, it's fucked up. 5-6-7 wave, the boat tilts, the women start screaming, everyone loses their balance, and people fall into the water like peas.
If there was a normal engine, it would be possible to taxi with gas without losing composure.
But rowing is a one-goal game.
If they were on Pella and on a motor, then another factor comes into play - Pella needs a very weak motor, because When moving forward, the feed settles heavily into the water. If there is a turn against the wind, the boat tilts, it is overwhelmed from the stern, and again, see falling into the water like a pea.
But as they write in the comments, they were on Kazanka - the story is the same - a long and unstable structure, side to the wave - the same story, a sharp turn - a roll - a fall into the water.
It’s comfortable for two on Kazanka, three is already dangerous.

I often meet turyo in Berezovo or Landoch on Pella. If someone is smart enough to go in even a force three wind, then they come wet as mice and angrily drink vodka to warm up.

Therefore, I feel sorry for the teenagers, but the outcome of their death was a little predictable. Relying on chance and not caring about water safety.
Apparently, there were no vests at all.
At least they were found with them.

Don't joke with water.

P.S. This is me alone, in an empty boat, with a fairly powerful motor, in about 5-6 force winds.

A boat with five teenagers capsized as a result of a storm in Impilahti Bay in the north of Lake Ladoga in Karelia. In the boat there were four young men and a girl aged 16-18 years. Two of them managed to get ashore on their own - they were hospitalized; rescuers from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations are searching for the rest. According to some reports, the girl died, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations has not yet confirmed this information.

“Search work is underway, the bodies of the children have not been found, there is hope that they are alive,” TASS quotes a representative of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

It is reported that all the victims were local residents who were vacationing on the lake. They went fishing in inclement weather without life jackets.

During the first hours of the search, rescuers found a boat, which was taken to shore. The search and rescue operation did not stop for a minute and was made easier by the fact that the storm on the lake had subsided, and there were now white nights in Karelia. Exploration work is carried out at a water temperature of about 5 °C.

Volunteers and helicopters

At the scene of the incident are the acting head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov, as well as inspectors from the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS), employees of the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, representatives of the Investigative Committee and volunteers.

“In Karelia, investigators from the Russian Investigative Committee are working at the scene of an incident on Lake Ladoga, where a boat with minors capsized,” says a message received by RT.

The rescue group on Lake Ladoga consists of more than 250 people, over 50 pieces of equipment are involved, including two helicopters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Also involved in the operation were diving teams from the specialized fire and rescue unit and the Karelian search and rescue service, employees of the Karelian search service and volunteers.

“As of 4 o’clock on June 20, 2017, the total group of search and rescue forces and equipment on Lake Ladoga is 258 people and 55 pieces of equipment. Work is being carried out in the suspected place where the boat capsized, and the coast is also being examined,” according to the website of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Not from the camp

It is reported that the children who were on the boat live in the city of Sortavala. One of the teenagers came to visit his grandmother at the dacha.

“The teenagers went fishing, the storm was strong, the boat capsized,” noted Zhanna Sharets, head of the administration of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement.

At the same time, in her commentary she refers to the words of surviving children. The fact that the teenagers were not from the camp is confirmed by a source in the emergency services: “They did not come to some camp, they came, according to our information, to relax with their grandmother. This is definitely not an organized group of children.”

The young men who managed to swim are currently under the supervision of emergency doctors. The issue of their hospitalization is being decided.

The parents of the teenagers have already been interviewed and are also going to the scene. “The parents of the children injured on the lake have been interviewed and are now going to the scene of the tragedy,” Leonid Gulevich, head of the Sortavala district, told TASS.

Like a year ago

The emergency on Ladoga occurred almost exactly a year after the tragedy on Syamozero, when children from the Park-Hotel Syamozero camp went with instructors for a walk along the reservoir in a canoe and raft. However, they were caught in a storm, which carried the two boats out into open water, where they capsized and the raft washed up on one of the islands.

The group then consisted of 51 people, four of them were adult accompanying people. 14 children died. Such a number of victims could have been avoided if not for paramedic Irina Shcherbakova, who did not believe the children who reached her. As a result of the investigation, she was sentenced to three years in a penal colony with a deferred sentence until her daughter’s 14th birthday.

In addition to her, the director of the camp, Elena Reshetova, and the head of the complex, Vadim Vinogradov, are also in custody. The Moscow Arbitration Court recovered 22.6 million rubles from the Syamozero Park Hotel.

Former head of the Karelian department of Rospotrebnadzor Anatoly Kovalenko, ex-instructor Valery Krupoderschikov, and acting head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for Karelia Lyudmila Kotovich were given a written undertaking not to leave.

The camp where the children were resting was closed, and a worship cross was erected in memory of the victims. After those events, the State Duma prepared and adopted a bill on organizing children's recreation in Russia. In particular, it proposed to develop and approve professional standards so that unprepared people would not be allowed to work with children, and also clarified the concept of “organizing children’s recreation and their health.”

In addition, the law specified the powers of federal and regional executive authorities and local governments in terms of children's recreation, including ensuring safety. The document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

All the teenagers were from Sortavala, a historical city located on the northern shore of Lake Ladoga, 240 kilometers from Petrozavodsk. On June 19, they gathered to celebrate the birthday of the only girl in the company, Nicole. Friends said that Nicole was looking forward to her 16th birthday and wanted to celebrate it somehow in a special way. As a result, the friends decided to go on a hike to a picturesque place 80 km from Sortavala, to the islands in Impilahti Bay.

On June 19, as MK was told in the administration of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement, all residents of the Pitkyaranta region received a storm warning on their cell phones. But despite the bad weather, the young people boarded a motor boat, which was provided to them by friends of one of the teenagers, and took to the water.

And at 21.20, the control panel of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations received a signal that an aluminum Kazanka with 5 young people had capsized at the exit from Impilahti Bay. One of them, 16-year-old Igor, swam ashore, where he was picked up by tourists. They rubbed the guy and changed his clothes. And they immediately passed the information to emergency services. 17-year-old Andrei was found on the shore by local residents who had already raised the alarm. Doctors diagnosed them with hypothermia and a state of mental imbalance.

Two more guys and the only girl are listed as missing. There seems to be no hope of finding the birthday girl alive. The surviving teenagers told residents of the village of Impilahti that when the boat capsized, the girl went under the water before their eyes.

Search and rescue operations continue in the bay and the surrounding area, in which, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 273 people, 72 pieces of equipment, including 32 watercraft, are involved. Some rescuers in wetsuits are examining the coastal part, overgrown with reeds, while others, with law enforcement officers and volunteers, are combing the shore. 26 kilometers of coastline have already been surveyed. Divers carried out 17 descents under water. The depth at the exit from the bay is 40 meters. Sonars are also used. And MI-8 helicopters and drones were taken into the air.

Rescuers have so far only managed to discover the overturned boat on which the teenagers went to the islands.

And friends of the missing believe that the teenagers will be found.

“Nicole studied at school 4 in Sortavala and graduated from 9th grade. She was a very cheerful person,” says one of her friends.

A few days before the tragedy, Roma asked me for a sleeping bag. “I knew that he was going on a hike,” says his friend. - Roma passed all the exams for the 11th grade and was going to enter the railway college in Petrozavodsk. And at the beginning of July he was supposed to have a graduation, and he will! Roma is a very strong guy and an excellent swimmer. We believe that he survived, that he will be found.

Roman is a very versatile young man. Graduated from music school. In high school, he was actively involved in boxing and hand-to-hand combat, says his classmate.

Kostya managed to finish 10th grade. According to the stories of friends, he was very sociable, a leader, was fond of music, and was seriously involved in skiing. They communicated with the guys who managed to escape for a long time in the same company.

According to experts, the children on the lake were let down by amateur activities. .

People who live near Ladoga, including teenagers, have a dulled sense of danger. They have no fear of the water element, because they grow up on the water and constantly go out on boats to rivers and lakes,” says famous traveler Viktor Simonov. - Unfortunately, local residents do not use life jackets and neglect safety measures.

Residents of Impilahti told MK that that evening wind gusts reached 15 meters per second. The teenagers went along the lake on an old flat-bottomed aluminum boat. Experienced fishermen, when going out on the water on such a vessel, try to stay close to the shore in bad weather and strong winds. Because this type of vessel is quite unstable, it is designed for wave heights of up to 25 cm.

The Kazanka's carrying capacity is about 400 kilograms. There were five guys, plus some luggage and an outboard motor. Most likely there was no overload. Another thing is that this boat has a flat bottom, and for a big wave it has very poor navigability,” says local resident Oleg.

That day I also received a newsletter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations about a storm warning. The spaces there are large, the wave can rise up to 3 meters,” agrees with fisherman Viktor Simonov. - The boat was driven by one of the teenagers. Most likely, due to inexperience, he placed the ship sideways to the wave; this was enough for the water to overwhelm the Kazanka. Then he began to straighten it out, made a sharp turn, and the motorboat overturned. Now the water in the bays of Ladoga cannot be called icy. It's about 17 degrees. You can definitely hold out in it for about an hour. It is clear that hypothermia will occur later, but it is possible to survive in these conditions. It was a hundred meters to the shore where the boat with the teenagers capsized. The wind was just southwest, blowing towards the coast. Those guys who escaped were most likely washed ashore. They just floated on the water. If there had been lifeguards on the young people, everyone would have been saved.

On Monday, June 19, in the evening, a boat with five teenagers - a girl and four young men - capsized in Impilahti Bay on Lake Ladoga in the Republic of Karelia. The company was going to celebrate a birthday, but was caught in bad weather. Two managed to swim to shore; rescuers continue to search for three. Medialeaks learned the main thing about what happened.

Impilahti Bay. Photo: VK

Who were the injured teenagers?

Roman Yanushevsky with his friend Igor. Photo: VK

All five lived in the regional center of Sortavala in southwestern Karelia and came to Impilahti on vacation to celebrate the birthday of 16-year-old Nicole. With her was her boyfriend, 18-year-old Roman Yanushevsky, the son of the boat owners, 17-year-old Igor, and two friends, Andrei and Konstantin.

The teenagers studied at schools No. 4 and No. 6 in the city of Sortavala. Nicole graduated from 9th grade, Kostya, Andrey and Igor graduated from 10th grade, and Roman graduated from school this year. Nicole had just passed the State Exam for 9th grade, and the group came to Igor’s grandmother’s dacha to celebrate the end of the school year and his birthday.

Nicole. Photo: VK

What happened

On the afternoon of June 19, the weather was good on the lake. The company got into a motor boat, took beer and fishing rods with them, and went out into the bay. At first they rode along the bay and channels, but towards evening they came out to open water. The boat capsized. Two, Igor and Andrey, were able to swim to the shore, Nicole, Roman and Konstantin disappeared.

How is the rescue operation going?

According to the head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, quoted by Komsomolskaya Pravda, 258 people are now working on the lake, 55 pieces of equipment are used, including two Mi-8 helicopters that fly over Lake Ladoga.

Rescue boats in Impilahti Bay. Photo: “Capital on Onego”

The search involves the GIMS service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and volunteer rescuers. GIMS employees picked up two survivors on the shore on June 19 between 20.00 and 21.00, writes Petrozavodsk Speaks. The rest have been searched for almost 20 hours. On June 20, divers are working in the bay and on the lake.

The matter is complicated by the fact that there is a strong current in the area where the boat allegedly capsized, at the exit from the bay. The overturned boat itself was found six kilometers from the point of the accident. “Capital on Onego” conveys the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic.

The bay and the surrounding area are examined from above, from land, on water and under water. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the group of forces and resources was built up by rescuers and diving crews of the Specialized Fire and Rescue Unit, the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, and the North-Western Regional Search and Rescue Squad. Now, in the area where the boat is supposed to capsize, diving crews have begun diving into the water to examine the bottom of the bay. So far the search has not yielded any results.

What happened to the survivors

The father of one of the surviving teenagers, Yuri Zhiltsov, told RBC about what is happening to him now.

He has frostbite, but now his health is stable. Doctors say that now his life is not in danger. He has a state of mental imbalance: severe shock after what he experienced, and now he cannot say anything clearly. A psychologist worked all night, calming me down.

The second guy is lying in the same ward in approximately the same condition. Zhiltsov claims that his son had little hiking experience; no one planned to go on a boat - just go into the forest with a tent. The missing girl's stepsister denies this:

At the beginning of June, she wrote to me on VKontakte: “The four of us are going to an island 80 km from Sortavala. With a tent for two days on a friend's boat. This is the first time I’ll celebrate my birthday properly.”

Nicole's mother also said that the guys were really planning to take a motor boat to the islands. The Investigative Committee is considering the issue of initiating a criminal case; the head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, said that the actions of those who survived should be assessed by the investigation, Interfax reports.

Unfortunately, this is the case when we are forced once again to note frivolous behavior on the water and the lack of rescue equipment. Our lakes are not easy - Ladoga, Syamozero - the water in them is fresh, cold, holds poorly, the wave is heavy and short. The guys who escaped - they swam. It's a miracle. Nevertheless, their actions will be assessed from the point of view of offenses that entailed known consequences. We hope that the consequences will be minimal. But I believe that the investigative authorities must evaluate this frivolity.

Causes of the tragedy

Both rescuers and police have already spoken to Igor and Andrey. From their words, the picture of what happened can be reconstructed quite clearly. The boat was driven by Igor (it was his grandmother’s dacha that the company came to). Before the boat capsized, he handed over control to Andrey, who had no experience with the engine. The guy lost control and the boat capsized.

In the bay itself, the water is always quite calm, even when the wind rises, and at the exit from the bay the boat is met by a wave, which Parfenchikov characterizes as “short and heavy.” Local rescuers say that the height of the waves with a wind of 15 m/s can reach a meter in height.

“Kazanka”, in which teenagers went out to the lake. Photo: "KP"

The young people got out, as can be seen in the photo, without life jackets, none of them had the right to drive a small boat, and at the moment when the boat capsized, the tiller was held by a 17-year-old teenager who did not know how to drive a motorboat at all. Frightened, he tried to turn the boat around on the wave, which caused it to capsize.

The Kazanka boat, which has been produced in the USSR and Russia since 1955, has a standard capacity of four people and a carrying capacity of up to 400 kilograms. It is designed for sailing in small enclosed reservoirs and rivers, and it is not recommended to go out on it when the wave is higher than 25 centimeters. This is a narrow boat with a flat bottom, which goes on a glider even with a low-power motor and is difficult to control in this mode.

On June 18, 2016, on Syamozero in Karelia, an organized group of schoolchildren vacationing in the children’s camp “Park Hotel Syamozero”, on a raft and two canoes, got caught in a storm. , 14 people died, 35 managed to escape. Parents and municipal authorities visited the camp earlier, but inspection authorities found no serious violations. The criminal case, which was opened by the Investigative Committee, involves not only the camp leaders and counselors, but also an ambulance paramedic at a hospital in the village of Suoyarvi, where one of the drowning schoolchildren received a telephone call during the storm. A woman, which is why the rescue operation began much later.