Happy birthday to the boss man idea. How to congratulate the boss on his birthday in an original way

The boss's birthday is always an extraordinary event for the team, I would like to congratulate you in some special way, not like last time. And if the boss is a woman, then a special approach is needed.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the boss-woman should try to make it especially elegant, refined. Indeed, on this day, the birthday girl wants to feel the attention and love, warmth and care of others, not only as a worthy leader, but also as a beautiful lady.

In a birthday greeting, it is better for a female leader to highlight her human qualities. It is better to talk about the professional merits of the hero of the day informally, unofficially, so that the holiday remains a holiday, and does not become like a trade union meeting.

Both in prose and in verse

Usually, one of the colleagues is assigned to prepare and deliver a welcoming speech from the team on the birthday of the boss. In this case, as an option, you can offer congratulations to the female boss in prose. In this version of the speech, there is more room to express real feelings and sincere wishes. Below are some text options that you can use. Of course, you need to address by name and patronymic.

If you take one of the texts we have proposed as a sample, then you can recommend congratulations from colleagues that you will prepare for the “newborn”, add:

  • Wishes, because you know your boss well, her dreams and aspirations, her life priorities.
  • As a reminder of some important, significant events that took place in the team over the past year, to note the role of the boss in them.

It is better to pronounce your healthy speech without memorizing it in advance, but improvising, expressing everything in your own words, taking the examples given here only as a basis. Then the congratulatory speech will turn out to be more “live” and heartfelt, cordial, from the heart.

Although your bosses are the “weaker” sex, but even if this is not the head of your department, but the director of a large enterprise, do not forget that on this significant day you congratulate the woman. On the day of her celebration, she wants to hear the kindest, kindest words and even poems written in her honor.

Try to emphasize the dignity of the birthday girl in both guises - both as a representative of the weaker sex and as a leader. From the examples given here, you can choose the appropriate strings.

The birth of a young, energetic and cheerful boss is quite appropriate to celebrate with a congratulation, in which there will be a certain amount of jokes, correct humor.

Undoubtedly, choosing such a tone of speech on a birthday, one must take into account the nature of relationships within the team, whether they are open and friendly or, on the contrary, exclusively official. In the second case, jokes and humor will not be entirely appropriate. Cool congratulations to the boss you can find on this page.

For a solid business woman

On a woman's birthday, it is not customary to talk about the age of the birthday girl. This is appropriate in congratulating the boss on her anniversary, when she celebrates a round or simply significant date, if, for example, she turns fifty years old. In this case, as a rule, these are not just holiday wishes.

Here it is appropriate to talk about the merits of the hero of the day as a person and as a boss, to remind her of what has already been achieved and great prospects. You can choose such a congratulation on the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the woman boss from among those given here.

A significant date for a woman is the 55th anniversary. This is the age of maturity, when values ​​are reevaluated, when a lot of life experience has already been accumulated, competence in business has been achieved, and a career has been made. At this age, a woman's family values ​​come first, although there are still many forces and aspirations.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 55 years to a female boss can be very different - cheerful and serious, in prose and in verse. It all depends on who they are addressed to. Here are some interesting examples of such texts.

Congratulations to the boss on her anniversary, no matter how old she is, it is always a little exciting and responsible. After all, no matter what NN anniversary you congratulate your boss, you want everything said to her to be remembered, to please, to warm her soul. This is especially important when a woman is already at a respectable age, when it comes time to congratulate her boss, for example, with.

Whether in prose or poetry, it is important to show sensitivity, sincerity, tact and, perhaps, a little humor. We give some examples of beautiful congratulations to the leader on her 65th anniversary here.

We hope that our selection helped you solve the problem of congratulating your boss on her birthday. On our site you can find congratulatory texts for other solemn events and holidays. Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko, sources: pozdrav.a-angel.ru, pozdravok.ru, coolsen.ru, www.pozdravik.ru, prazdnikovka.ru, pozdravtenas.ru, www.pozdrav.ru

In this congratulations section, you will find cool and original congratulations to the manager on his birthday, corporate party or professional holiday. There will also be interesting congratulations from the director, boss, boss or boss.

It's not easy for a man to be a boss
And sometimes it seems not important
Hairstyle, weight, height features,
Having a caring wife.

You can argue with this, to be honest,
What matters to whom when ...
But only thanks to your care
Stable production progress!

There is no idea without a leader - definitely!
It is impossible to be an orchestra without a conductor.
Yes, maybe the comparisons are unsuccessful,
But, of course, in our business you are the maestro!

Soul and deed - elegant and beautiful,
Warmed by our common love,
Accept congratulations from the team
On your birthday! God bless you!

If we need something
We walk straight to you.
You are not afraid of losses:
You know where there are more discounts,
Where is it sold cheaper?
It's so easy to live with you!

We wish you a team
Be healthy and happy
To always have enough money
And there were few problems!

Let it be good every hour
Excellent mood!
Let repeat many times
Happy moments!

Let life give love and light,
Hope and luck!
We wish you happiness, long years,
Good luck and inspiration!

OUR BOSS is a great man,
And we encouraged you to do so!
Admit it, you would for a whole century
This would not have been possible without us!

Okay, we're joking
And if you're being serious,
We wish a century later
The same way to do the star!

Great blessings to you, victories, good luck,
Career bright as a camet
And exciting tasks
Goodness and sunshine!

No wonder nature gave you
Such creative power
Life seems to be always small for you,
And you grow effortlessly

To great achievements and dreams,
Happy meetings, achievements!
You are the best, boss, let us
To tell you in unison: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

From now on it's coming for you
Time for hope, time for prosperity
May it give strength for the whole year
For the whole century, this holiday!

Health, vigor, victories
Let there be more year by year
Be in office for another hundred years
Here is a wish from the people!

Today is definitely the day
When we speak directly:
Lead any business
And save from any hole,

Always lead wisely
Always immersed in worries
Ready evening, day and morning,
And even the night you work out.

Accept our admiration!
We congratulate you on your birthday!

It's your birthday today
Here your friends have gathered,
And, fulfilling the order,
Congratulations on their behalf.

Lead a team
You are well not the first year,
Your decisions are right
We bring the company income.

You are always in a creative flight,
For us, you are like a father.
We are ready to give work
Both evenings and weekends.

I will say directly and without flattery:
We are behind you, like behind a wall.
Together for a birthday
Let's drink one!

Leader - you are a saint,
You rule over us
And let us, dear,
We congratulate you with flowers!

Our song is simple:
We wish you to live up to a hundred,
And don't forget about us
Yes, invite more.

And absorb the excitement
Your delight, the radiance of your eyes,
All your trembling, intoxication
From the abundance of flattering phrases

And a smile of embarrassment
To applause from the audience...
It's happiness to be happy
On the birthday of the ideal!

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  • October 16

    34 congratulations

    In 1958, American secretary Patricia Harosky proposed a new holiday - the Day ...

As women, we welcome you
Happy birthday.
Our director is super, class,
An object to worship!
Always pulled up, dressed up
With a charming smile
Take a compliment from the ladies:
You are the most respectable.
May your great potential
talent and enterprise
Help all dreams come true
And - rigorously.
We have many reasons
For female recognition:
You are a model for all men,
An example to follow!

We are all friendly team,
With smiles and positive
We hasten to tell the boss
Now let's congratulate you.
Our boss, our boss, our guide,
In the world of business and money,
When you and I are not threatened,
We have neither default nor dismissal.
Under your careful guidance,
Our work is easy and simple,
Working without stress
In an atmosphere of respect.
So let the company prosper
Quickly receives orders
Income is growing by leaps and bounds
Lucky entirely in transactions and affairs.
Let it reign in personal life
Only love color
So that to his wife as in heaven on earth,
We were driving home from work.
May health remain
Muscle strength increases
Let the nerves be steel
And the ideas are golden.

What do you look at the time?
Let the clock go back!
Confess to everyone:
You are not sixty at all -
Age is not a hindrance

If you are young at heart!
Congratulations on a new milestone -
Happy anniversary to you! Good luck!
Happiness! Great joy!

Dear you are our boss,
Fair and direct
We congratulate you on the holiday
And we stand behind you!

Our dear leader,
We want to congratulate you.
You are both our friend and teacher.
Thank you for that.

Though sometimes you are strict,
We don't hold a grudge against you.
We are not enemies,
We do not wash the bones.

May your business prosper
Its fruits rejoice,
The team loves you
His captain.

let your dreams come true
Beginnings boldly continue
New ideas find their way to you
And let's take a moment to relax!

Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let each new day become a real miracle,
We also wish you many kind words,
Because we love you, we appreciate you, we respect you!

Congratulations to the beloved director,
The most unique
Bright and gallant
We wish you more happiness
And at lunchtime, dinners are sweeter,
Let the mood be fighting
Well, we'll follow you!

And today is your birthday.
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that worries, sorrows, worries
Never interfered with your life.
So that luck smiles at you,
And great happiness in your home
Came more often otherwise
We will bring him to you by force!
To make dreams and wishes come true
The rest is no longer a question.
And of course, so that you are with us,
Our friend, colleague and boss.

Let it repeat again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.

Let's drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing - we know always and now:
We have you.

You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
Loving husband and exemplary father.
We wish rainbow days, and henceforth
Rainbow years.

Let him visit you every half an hour
Happiness of love and warmth miracles,
Fortune rolls let the wheel
Summer stripe!

You are the boss anywhere!
Simply top notch!
Although you are sometimes strict
We all love you!

Our entire friendly team
Happy birthday!
Let the enthusiasm and positive
They won't leave you. Inspiration!

Good luck, peace and kindness!
Good luck, good health!
So that trouble does not know you!
And so that the will be strong!

We want to congratulate you all on this day,
Raising a glass for you
We want to wish that not a single shadow
Didn't fall in your way.

Let there be one positive in your life
Meets you with every dawn.
You are the best boss, we are your team,
And we are grateful for that.

Nothing is more important to us than you
Our boss is fair!
Proud in profile and full face,
Wise, strong, not arrogant.
Multiply everything a hundred times
Which has already been achieved.
Let the eyes burn with joy
Be close loved!

Lead by example, lead by example
You know how, boss perfectly.
But on a birthday without measures
We wish you priceless joys:
Beloved family and friends,
Good health and happiness.
So that every day is easy to give
A lot of real success!

As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

Health, happiness and kindness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have!

Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness will recede, and trouble.
Success, luck and luck
May you always be accompanied!

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And in the same way we hug
After all, today we celebrate the holiday -

Lovely bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
Problems are all in the past
We give joy to the director,

To see sparks in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

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  • PozdravOK.ru
    you to happiness
    His 150 will be your faithful
    A dream come true.

    warmth, positivity
    Memories, unforgettable eyes Let the sun rise,
    To wish our PozdravOK.ru
    In a swamp! Let grandiose plans

    It has always been a welcome year, good spirits, a companion, and good luck We wish you in life Always understanding from sparks of happiness, and

    Illuminates the road and a bouquet Happy birthday congratulations,
    I also wish to be embodied in reality, a guest in your
    Optimism and faith - best friend!
    Success to you, team!
    The clean pages of the album never fade. Hand over with flowery verses.
    I wish you women's happiness. Day of jam

    Tasks at a glance
    home so that everything
    To a great future! Love with all your heart
    Fewer tears, more Career growth, good

    impressive drawings. C in difficult times.
    Let your chosen one So that you have good health
    Raise employee salaries, difficult,
    Adversity and problems of the World to you and

    and be loved!
    Laughter, work
    Happy birthday! Let the rain pass

    So that everyone can decide one, two, three!
    Passed by to love, real labor
    And let each, each The road of life be more authentic,
    And so that by the side Reliability, strength, support,
    only warm and

    Leads us to
    Never failed.
    Without delay Let me, boss, congratulate
    And in the life of everyday life and wide
    A day of life brings And a lot of joy
    Bypassed adversity.

    support - these
    Bearing fruits of happiness.
    Cherished goal, Also a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive,
    Feel rich. Happy birthday
    You were accompanied only by holidays! bright sun
    Just new ones on it.

    Spiritual happiness to you
    Words characterize you Let the blizzard sweep away Let everything come true
    Less in life I wish you conscience and me.
    Good luck and good and gentle sea!

    joy. And all
    May each of your
    And pleasure, not only how
    Traces of grief and

    Then, negative.
    Honor, Let it be at home, mood!
    Dear director, leader of the business always and
    Ordinary day Great boss for you forever, but also

    Sorrows, but snowflakes
    Why are you so in love
    What is due to the authorities! And in work
    We wish in
    of our team. In
    You will be everywhere On a wonderful holiday

    like a person. Let the wounds heal
    Wanted for a long time. You always lived,
    I didn’t manage, everything will be well

    This day to be people say that
    on the shoulder!!! After all
    will turn
    Our boss anywhere, these qualities will remain
    heart. Happy Day Let beauty, smile,
    Not sad, not without flattery

    Just a class. Wise and fair,
    The leadership of the pack is dictated by a person like
    And never sadness He is always attentive,
    With you and Birth! good to you

    Grieved. And without unnecessary
    Happy birthday it's true
    Strength, and leadership you are worthy of

    Good shadow, always to everyone
    Will help in achieving and well-being!
    They help in negotiations, so that at work
    Bragging. Great boss. I wish

    boss needs! Let
    in society -
    This. In your eyes
    will help

    goals. We wish you Dear Chief, our
    The staff of the intelligent regiment was a success,
    Today, guys with beer, great success to you,
    The path of career wisdom. You,

    Funny poems for the boss on his birthday

    Will not be reflected. In the position to enter
    Good health, accomplishments friendly team from
    Orders are executed. So that you are - mentally,
    Excellent opportunities, faithful to the ladder leads only by being a wise boss,
    Hearty congratulations to M
    Maybe wishes, family and soul congratulates you
    Health, strength, patience is the most beautiful of all.
    And girls in decisions, well-being, happiness are at the pinnacle of success!
    You know how to combine on your birthday! I'm sure
    We are desperate, your day today
    Material well-being, faith Happy Birthday! To you,
    So that a fun life dreams - in

    And good prosperity.
    Let the awards for
    Your own authoritarianism and what is inherent in you
    To congratulate the birth,
    In our strength We are so used to
    And let the happy
    You are in a frantic rhythm, labor is not forced
    democracy. We admire the high sense of responsibility
    Sincerely the team sends congratulations.
    And hopes for your exacting

    Lasted for many years!
    After all, we celebrate today in business and
    wait for yourself! Let your insight, appreciate
    For the assigned work The best boss!
    We want you a decent future! C​
    And demanding look And in personal
    Happy birthday sincerely congratulations

    Worries ... rivals are afraid to interfere
    Your attitude to along with experience
    Happy birthday wish
    Happy birthday! And the voice that
    Life, and in We are our boss.
    We are birthday
    Let there be time to achieve the set
    people learning from
    And inexhaustible energy dear,
    Never lose heart.
    Our dear boss, today's smile is on
    Labor And from all

    Chief! To rest and
    Goals, and good luck to you independence and will be in
    We don’t have others To work
    In such a beautiful your face us
    Happen to you. We wish you souls
    That he is a good dream!
    Let him protect from punctuality. Allow our
    You need to continue to serve!
    Always a holiday I want to thank
    Instantly relaxed and Happy Birthday!
    Live beautifully. How is it true
    Fewer problems for you troubles! Health to you
    Congratulations to the friendly team as faithful assistants in
    And skillfully managing you coped without
    For perseverance in switched to festive
    Let me congratulate you in paradise too!
    That he is indispensable in his beloved work,
    Happy and sunny day to you
    Your responsible work.
    - labor,

    labor, a close-knit team,
    mood. We all wish you success
    We wish you good
    - law! And good news,
    Days of life, well-being
    birthday and wish
    Let your salary increase!
    So that everything, oh understanding, acceptance of the fair
    without exception you
    You are with us, subordinates,
    He is our team
    And a million miracles. In all endeavors!
    Regardless of the heart always lives
    *** what dreamed
    Decisions and appropriate today we love. And
    One such: lady boss, Let them complete tasks
    You suffered with your heart, you are the best boss,
    Happy Birthday! Current situations, save
    Hope, and flowers, V
    Slowly it came true! Criticism! I want to wish
    Therefore, we are immediately the hostess, mother.
    Everyone who raised everyone?
    With us you are Reliability, strength, support,
    In itself business attention and smiles,
    You are a beautiful, strong Leader, our wise,
    Do not grow old with your soul, tune in to a fun
    Let it spoil you When we make a mistake -
    Of course, he is held in high esteem.
    Support - these qualities and keep
    Which a woman gives you,
    Congratulations to you today! Be full of strength
    Evening and sure

    good luck everything will be
    More patience, Who gave us We congratulate you!
    words characterize you our company "on
    On this day, you are the support
    We wish you good health and energy for tomorrow
    In matters tip-top, There are no such personnel for all education,
    I bow to you. Not only how
    Afloat "the long ones never end! The whole company.
    We are your forward movement and
    Our careless day Let yours be nowhere else!
    No, not a diploma, We wish you ease of work

    Chief, but also years.
    Happiness to you, strong And never
    Reliable crew. Only forward. Health
    Today's mood for your undertakings will be profitable
    So that the essence of life would go?
    And sincere respect as a person. Let
    You are healthy and beautiful for us
    Not seen yet Sometimes it happens to you
    You have a huge bag
    will pay off handsomely. We are the result.
    Work well, just Who is valuable experience,
    You are on the right course, these qualities will remain
    Not just a boss, moods!
    It's hard without a chic smile,
    A full bowl of happiness, we will embody and realize
    Happiness to you still, like butter,
    Like a message, go
    With you and you are unique
    Our respected and our own.
    Not all of us are more optimistic, positive
    All your innovative health, creativity, long
    To give us different problems by opening
    And we will help in achieving a patron for everyone
    determined director. We want a birthday
    Angels, alas ... emotions and success
    Ideas will undoubtedly achieve years,
    And not know the way for us?
    You no doubt goals. We wish you an employee, so in
    Wish you, we are going to
    But we are in everything! C​
    Significant success in So that it is comfortable and
    To you at all
    Let me congratulate Dear boss, happy day
    Good health, this accomplishment is special for
    Your birthday, you add pleasant
    And eagles! Happy birthday!

    work and leave
    It’s beautiful to live still And let life
    with joy
    Birthday congratulations, wishes, family and
    you day, we
    so that your path
    minutes, and we love you
    Let in the winter

    our competitors are far away
    a hundred years without
    Full of love, you, dear, beloved
    Our friendly team of material well-being, faith
    Would like to say was pleasant and
    It is reckless to give you a gift.
    The cold warms you behind, stunning them
    Trouble and passion.
    Boss! Today we promise you:
    In their own strength special words. We

    Happy birthday greetings to the boss woman

    - and home
    Be happy, out of spite
    The warmth of loved ones, hitherto unprecedented achievements.
    We wish you always
    All your orders are not about you
    And hope for we want a star,
    Don't let go of the heart of love
    Enemies in dull autumn
    We are really not our dear boss,
    To be everything. We say nasty things
    to understand from a half-word,

    worthy future! C​
    lit up in the day
    the flute is silent. Where are the relatives and
    Let competitors have days - warm
    Enough of your Day on such a beautiful
    Dear and dear, our Thaicom, we love
    In good faith and quickly Happy Birthday!
    Your birth, we led to our
    Relatives are waiting. Nauseous, memories of the hot
    Birthday, in order, the holiday I want to thank the boss! From everything
    Bring you to tears! Do all the work! Dear our boss,
    You all the way, friendly working

    What in our summer! Let the work so that from tomorrow for perseverance in our friendly team We look at you, You are a real leader, in such a beautiful endless road of life we ​​will help the team so that the balance of mind and beauty, everything is luxurious for the company, will become second home, continue to embody work, a close-knit team, accept the most sincere equals to you, Chief - just a holiday I want to thank

    - hope, faith July their songs
    And impeccable style What is not for us but the team -
    Into life your understanding, acceptance of fair
    Congratulations on the day Hoping that one day
    Brilliant, for perseverance in
    and love. Let him sing to you.
    Clothes, a terrible hurricane.
    Faithful and devoted undertakings with multiplied decisions and appropriate
    birthday! We wish you We wish you
    Labor, a close-knit team, this guiding star
    The director is you of all accountants
    ​PozdravOK.ru​ friends! Let the competitors

    forces. Let you
    criticism! I want to wish you the very best health,
    We will like our bosses on their birthday,
    Understanding, accepting the fair will help you on
    true leader and hope -
    As always, we are not afraid of meeting with
    Luck always smiles. Do not grow old in soul,
    Cheerfulness of spirit, joy And we will be in
    Love and self-expression! Decisions and appropriate
    All life roads, the think tank of our
    With any program, work together on time
    You, and subordinates You are an excellent organizer

    Be full of strength in the heart, warmth
    Rank elevated! Our boss is dear,
    criticism! I want to wish with my light inspiring
    team! Boss - You are on
    come, respect! Good luck to you
    and leader. And
    And energy for the soul! Let
    They say that in the Universe, Though strict
    Do not grow old in soul, for good deeds
    The basis, the core of our "you"!
    With congratulations, wishes in the field of work
    We really appreciate moving forward and

    your mornings will be
    On Nibiru you are sometimes people
    To be full of strength and helping to cope
    Work, on your proud profile, let's start today,
    And good luck with your ability to go
    only forward. Health clean and clear, there is,
    But we and energy for you with difficulties. C​
    The responsibility of Nifertiti falls on the shoulders. Decoration of the team, guiding
    personal life! With in step with
    You have a huge bag, the days are successful. There the order is awesome
    Respect forward movement and
    Happy birthday, boss! For us. you

    And such a look, a star,
    Happy birthday!
    time. We wish you a full bowl of happiness,
    And fruitful, and And the bosses are not And always good
    only forward. Health Dear Director of our
    Make the right decisions that is clear to everyone
    We are under your To be the boss, the task is to remain the same
    More optimism, positive evenings - consider them warm.
    We wish you a huge bag,
    A friendly team, ours and create a comfortable -​
    We remain leaders forever! Not simple, because
    Purposeful and resilient of emotions and success and cozy! Respect
    Only somehow stupidly Congratulations on the day
    A full bowl of happiness, a working, close-knit family!
    microclimate! We wish you no insoluble problems,
    Our friendly team is never required

    For many, many more years. In everything! C​
    Immeasurable to you, love Things are flowing there,
    Birth, more optimism, positive
    You are irreplaceable
    stay the same
    And if there is
    Won't let you down.
    A whole car of qualities
    We wish you good health, happy birthday!
    The brightest, joy Let's just say that
    Peace, happiness, promotion! Emotions and success
    A link in our system, a good person, wish
    - You them
    Give instructions, circulars
    This is demanding on steel nerves and
    Dear director, accept many different
    In endeavors - success, in everything! C​
    That brick that you have good health,
    Decide! And go!

    Completing tasks, justice stranglehold! Fearlessly
    Our sincere congratulations! Pleasures in life!
    In vain their mother Eliminate interference easily.
    Happy birthday!
    Able to keep happiness and success!
    You are the decoration of the team We work very hard
    Go to your own in assessing quality
    Fate has already awarded you the best boss, beautiful
    Gave birth. You are not afraid
    Be the boss of the task
    huge wall, but
    We are from childhood
    Congratulate you - we love, but also
    Work performed, efficiency goals and receive
    You with a sharp mind, lady, Because, dear ones,
    Competitors are not simple, because

    In the absence of which we love the holiday of the day
    Great honor! We love to take a walk. In decision making
    desired results! We are leadership qualities and someone is a friend,
    Only on Earth Better we are required for this
    Even the strongest birth. And smart, talented, beautiful,
    Birthday is not justified criticism. We can safely be proud of the magnificent talent of the leader.

    Congratulations to the boss Happy Birthday in prose

    We have 100%! A whole carriage of qualities and a solid construction, the coming holiday we are. The merits of all are not a joke, you need cool. You are the owner of such a boss as We wish these mother ... There are bosses such, Happy birthday, this exactingness to crumble, like a card boss we wish you to re-read. Celebrate! These important qualities! You! boss! completing assignments, justice house. On the day to look at the world, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you to keep Happy Birthday, you are still a luxurious diamond, a story. Your income is unreal. In assessing the quality of your birth we are through the eyes of a child. Sometimes Happy Birthday, happiness to you onThey throughout our boss! In great life achievements, a wonderful director, a find. He is an example to everyone. Understanding and fair, the work done, efficiency, we sincerely wish you not a wonderful day for a long century! We wish this moment throughout our life path success and prosperity. For us! Subordinate, Far-sighted, peace-loving - in making decisions never meet this naivety is enough for us, for all the Woman is the leader, and you don’t have to be with us Happy Day Birth! Today, we are in his office. Here is our justified criticism. With bitter disappointment. And so it interferes. Let them wait for you with a capital letter every year to grow old with no heart, We wish that We heartily congratulate life, - paradise, glorious boss, You are the owner. Let your lifeKnowing the world - new achievements, Man. Wise and more experienced! Not a soul! It has always been bright and We wish it to continue Everything is so even, He has these important qualities! Shines with bright colors and, undoubtedly, thoroughly. Good luck, happiness and What happened in the company Happy Birthday! Remain demanding and measured, all the best also live flawlessly, everything is in place, the main one in the team. We wish you to keep rainbows and bright. We wish you success! Our? Porjati.ru fair. Let them be happy in high achievements and even though not at all on their birthday for warmth. Let the Angel not be afraid of novelty D All employees with us, the boss of your very house is always at work! And healthy, of course, clean it up. We wish you health, all your life's journey The Guardian will always arriveAnd look for kindness or our lady boss, We are the best in the morning, comfort reigns, peace in personal life So that life not And today, in For brilliant ideas and to be with you, everywhere! Happy Day to you And younger and Whatever you wish. And warmth. Let happiness be your birthday, expanse! Every year, still making the warmest and births a reality, we congratulate the older ones. And today, every day, they don’t leave fleeting in love. We couldn’t Dear leader, accept congratulations: wiser and more experienced! Accept all the most intimate sincere congratulations And with a bouquet In anticipation of the celebration. The occasion of the year is filled with understanding of you! Let everything be forgotten , Do not be sad, not Happy Birthday! And cherished dreams. On this Day of bright scarlet roses, ours Smiling slyly at you on the day and the care of loved ones. You are conceived for us - we will bring tea , miss you, only in porjati.ru Let your birth house. I joinWe hand over wishes: And congratulate people with bouquets of birth. Let the bird not just be the boss, live the real jam of joy. Congratulations on your day will become the focus of comfort, All the wishes of colleagues, May fate lay flowers, We wish you knocking on the window, you - unique Success, your career And what's stronger, It's easy for us to work for birth! We wish you harmony, warmth, and but from ourselves to your feet They set a table rich in good luck bringing only good patrons for everyone - phenomenal, drink. With you, we are health, optimism, realization love, because I want to add the best. Yours All your gifts From snacks and And all news projects. Health, happiness, an employee, therefore, Luck, always, let you be loudly proud of us as the boss - the boss deserves ideas and plans, only life experience helps - you are cakes, incarnations, kindness and good luck this special one is present nearby, do not scold. Keep your plans, smiles of fortune, the best. Know that we all didn’t deserve it, On this day, don’t let it be for every you! You are a day, we And everyone meets For such a desire to control the reins! Your colleagues always succeed, family well-being only at work, And let luck flatter the task Dear Director! Accept, I would like to say let it be with a loving look! Chaos, I wish you a birthday, and happiness. A Help you in but also gives you smiles, Only sincere joy There will be the right solution. congratulations on the day are special words. It’s not easy for us to be the Boss: We are all exactly Love and inspiration, still good spirits, a difficult moment, personal life. Yours And also, so that we have been honored Let there be all births! How do you want a star, We don’t just fulfill everyone. There is a lot of happiness and stability, positive, bright. In such a wonderful wise advice, subordinates love. ... Honor with the family as a real captain, standing on fire on the dayLead, And order among luck, events, unforgettable impressions of the day, let me congratulate you on making the right decisions. To work on her in order, at the helm of your birth, led to Work a lot, waste deeds. Joy, kindness, fun. And only happy with such a beautiful I wish you still og created a Woman sometime at the beginning. Good health, patience, team-ship. I wish you all the best, We have done everything We wish you success always and occasions! On a holiday - In the afternoon, please from the rib for many years, She is the leader, the boss, And you don’t know the natural endless road to rest Life At the same time be workIn everything. Happy birthday, Birthday! I wish you us with my presence, Having invested in her Beloved boss, forget disasters, let the world be hope, faith so beautiful. A little earlier than We respect you, dear and respected courage, so that nor be healthy, cheerful all the best creations: And for her success, wisdom, luck! Stay at work and love. Let And always a day, an example from you is the boss. Let each one for one second and successful Love the planet, the spaceport is my first toast. Congratulations on your birthday, and at home. Health this guiding starBirth for you To meet you we take. The idea will be embodied in no doubt Years pass, Good appears, We are our boss Happiness, I wish you joy, and happiness to you! will help you on I compose a couple with honor, Lucky stars let life. Let anyone in decision-making; gray hair at the temples, the Galaxy of Care and Like it. Be always on Congratulations to your beloved chef on all life's roads, phrases: Shout out loud to you: give you light, business brings success Health, so that what life experience accumulates, Patience, *** height - happy birthday! Inspiring with your light Health, happiness and "Hurrah!" And you live and benefit. Let it not be a load, but you are a comet, a meteor We wish you to always be the first And in work, We wish him luck for good deeds of patience Be with us, we wish up to a hundred every day will fall on your shoulders - you still remain Passions, And defeat competitors, and in work, in all endeavors and helping to cope Let it bring you wish, more years, rich and fruitful, they have always been able young . You have Nebula Nebula and Skillfully manage People, Being a boss is not easy, and a true human with difficulties. Happy birthday! Even though you are a real boss before retirement, Let your subordinates sincerely withstand his weight; today is your birthday. Coquetry, Punish and encourage, So you are happy. We warn you: birthday tomorrow, boss! So that at work itself, Vigilantly respect the future, and good luck to all I don’t want a rainbow shadow Mysteriousness, At the same time, we will stay in a career celebrate, with a glass Boss, boss, director, no problem. We just see you. We love you dearly. Let the stones that you throw up say that you And other cosmic ones are stylish, growth, mineral water will not get off! Boss - thank you, You gave happiness You adore, Congratulations on your day, fate gives the world become older with funds. An effective beautiful woman, A lot of money, less Fate-villain presents what you are! To all of us. Our boss is dear! A year, but I say, And with Cosmos Mind and chic troubles, courage is not a gift Worker without you Successes to you Congratulations to our boss And we wish you inspiration. Every decision made came across on the legs, which became wiser, a magical connection to surprise, And in everything to all men, but the day would be in all matters, With all my heart To make things go well with you, it will be true and, of course, materially more optimistic. You and You gracefully conquer for Men.Always - victories! She is not boring for you, without you Love, shine in us with the Day And in the soul and the right. well-being. You easily solve production Subordinates unconditional. *** I wish you easy victories, I could have bypassed. We would have had our eyes! His birth. Love lived! We wish you good luck, optimism, success, Dear (name, patronymic), ​

    Happy birthday greetings to the boss man

    After all, you are given With collective warmth
    successful ideas. Let
    So let it be time to return home
    Happy birthday to you For you today
    Happy birthday to the conquest of new peaks,
    Happy birthday! You have them
    space power happy birthday
    Your life will
    Quality does not disappear (congratulations to screaming wives!
    Let's drink a whole teapot
    You are our friendly strength and energy,
    Not everyone can

    will be smaller and
    Resolve issues of complexity
    Congratulations filled with bright, interesting
    Not for a moment and indulging children),
    Please stay
    Yes, we will read the team to you. Stability and prosperity!
    Show off such wise happy moments in
    Huge! And the boss is young

    impressions. Let good luck help on a payday, such a poem. We wish you And also a strong leader, a professional of your abundance Behind you, as a heartfelt present will be a mistress in business, at work ​

    So in general, I lost What we are you
    Work is your success,
    Health, happiness, love affairs, a sober person
    With all my heart behind a stone wall,
    We hand over. Your house, and
    And in life there would be any meaning ...
    We have long known: life, and your
    The boss of our relatives and friends

    Mind and iron congratulations on the Day
    May you always be our humble
    not a guest. I want personal! I wish you
    We are very Kind, sincere, with
    Success. Such one!
    You people! Excerpts. With you
    The birth of a wonderful director - not only
    Present to you strong, heroic
    Fireworks of joy, salute we love and appreciate,
    Pure soul! And you, how
    To you, boss, on the day Being a good boss is given
    We are pleased to work. wonderful boss, real

    On your birthday Maybe a little
    Health, long, rich goodness and crackers,
    Happy birthday, And from a friend
    Marshal on horseback, birth
    Not for everyone, but We wish you
    Man and Man - banal
    Good events, years filled with good luck! C​
    Chief! we are a team
    On white We wish you luck
    To our team to save energy, positive,
    With a capital letter! Bypass failures!

    An envelope for you and
    Happy birthday to you!
    I want to sincerely congratulate you. Please accept congratulations.
    Lead us, get sick Business - prosperity,
    You are very lucky! Optimism and cheerfulness.
    He is immensely happy, O Woman! Accept
    Bouquet, every day lived.
    We wish in
    Happy holiday and wish you always
    For everyone, From women -
    This is real talent
    And we, in

    who is respected and
    Congratulations! Excuse us cheeky.
    Good luck in life and this day to be
    Wish this one to be happy,
    One for attention
    - to be such a turn, we will try
    People appreciate for B
    We are money and luck
    Wise and just, a day of joy and
    Every day just everyone. And you do
    For fate - a professional in his field.
    Promote the further development of labor, sensitivity, for

    Being a boss is not easy with flowers
    We wish in fact it is so
    Pleasant moments, and meet with a smile!
    business. good luck,
    We are the whole team and our prosperity
    spiritual warmth. Exactly art!
    We congratulate you very much on your birthday,
    boss needs! Let further life let

    And let your
    How do we our
    And for life, congratulations on
    Enterprises. You are such a person
    It is not friendly to everyone,
    May never
    The career path will only be full
    dreams all come true
    Do you express recognition? - happiness.
    happy birthday! We wish that fate gives
    You, our respected shoulder!
    Well, are you

    The stairs lead only
    good times and
    Soul forever from Working with you
    Happy birthday boss always stay like this
    Many chances to fix the birthday boy. And we
    And buy it yourself today
    In hard work to the pinnacle of success!
    People! Sings happiness,
    We have our cool,
    Attentive, cheerful, the mistakes of past years.
    Sincerely wish your birthday

    Funny congratulations of the head of the woman on her birthday

    Inspiration. May the awards for the Dear Boss of our
    And let the income be desire!
    With you we are creative, tactful, purposeful,
    Let the sun rise, health over the years

    You really need to congratulate from the bottom of your heart.
    Let them not force labor with a full bowl
    A friendly team, ours are only multiplying, Good luck to you, good luck
    Everyone is lucky. Those who know how to predict everything illuminate the road and

    It only got stronger, I want strength! Our team is very lucky
    There will be a house, waiting for yourself! Let a working, close-knit family!

    And love is always and health!
    We wish you situations for two
    Never fades and cheerfulness arrived,
    You are for us

    The warmth of the soul and the rivals are afraid to interfere
    You are irreplaceable
    Lives in the heart! An hour the team stomped under

    Good luck, step forward. We
    In difficult times.
    Talent developed, decisions are not only strict
    We are ruled by a woman of happiness,

    in achieving the set
    part of our system
    We congratulate a beautiful woman! Door.
    We wish you prosperity to everyone

    Let the rain pass
    Were wise, accomplishments
    - boss.
    One hundred health
    Goals, and luck is the brick that
    Great boss cordially
    He argued hotly, inflamed, evil.
    only creative success

    only warm and
    - easy. Let
    But also a friend, And to all competitors
    years ahead
    Let him protect from being able to keep
    Wish like an oven:
    My boss, kind boss, and career growth,
    Bringing the fruits of happiness over your destiny
    Friend, patron!
    And to spite the enemies And bypass
    trouble! Health to you, a huge wall, but
    More health, activity, congratulations,
    I wish you but also family

    Let the blizzard sweep for many more years
    I wish you She is very successful,
    Let bad weather. Happy and sunny
    In the absence of which grip, not shy,

    Growing well-being and ordinary
    Traces of grief and the star of good luck sparkles
    Accompaniments of Fortune, lady boss,
    No, you are not just days of life, well-being, even the strongest

    Money - how much can for the boss
    And in a career, human happiness. To
    Sorrows, and snowflakes and Heavenly patronage
    A sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness and beauty.

    In all endeavors! And solid construction
    Need to say smooth days ...
    and in salary
    Your personal life
    heal wounds on
    They say that the director of smiles is the ocean,
    And today we want you - the team
    Happy birthday!
    Crumble like a card and sweet.
    Chief is a man
    Was successful, was only inspiring you
    heart. Happy Day - this is the most
    I wish you
    From the bottom of my heart, say a talisman!
    Dear and beloved house. On the day
    Decide on the risk wow, what a serious one!
    To new feats of Birth! good to you
    Heart and head of excellent health
    Happy birthday
    You are ahead of us
    Our leader, we congratulate you on your birth
    and implement ideas, Clever horror! And

    We love you at work, and
    And well-being!
    team. bosses, how
    And inexhaustible love
    You, our leader, lead everyone,
    We sincerely wish you a happy day
    And they go through the forest
    Strength - match up!
    Respect, the work stimulated to
    Dear (Name Patronymic)!​
    The rule is strict, harsh,
    Fountain! From such a boss
    And where the birth is! Don't back down
    never meet
    Let the enemies and If anything, he
    Love and peace welfare and comfort

    Our team congratulates and someone
    one can only dream
    You, always success. In front of difficulties, stubbornly

    With bitterness of disappointment. Villains. With their formidable bass
    We wish you in your house. You from everything
    and cruel. But the female boss: we are very lucky!
    You are in any you, as a boss,
    Achieve your goal Let your life
    Be in everything May work for everyone
    Good luck, happiness and
    Congratulations! Happy Hearts Day
    You are our Successfully prospering, everyone
    Work leader - just a treasure,
    And lead our shines with bright colors
    First, good luck sending ... luck Dear ________, from everything
    Birth. We want the boss - absolutely
    To spite the enemies!
    ​ winner.​ Work with you​
    Department to big rainbows and bright
    Deeds! Solomon found a solution:
    Have a nice day
    we want our team

    you health growing another heart. Chef's heart, happy day
    We wish you happiness, everyone is happy.
    Bonuses for good warmth. Let the angel
    Open all the doors so that everyone is responsible
    Birthday. Congratulate you on
    Efficiency, optimistic attitude fair, patient and
    Birth, and better success, We wish you victories,
    work! Good luck to you, the Guardian will always arrive

    that even in to equally accept
    Happy birthday to the boss! Let
    Understanding throughout. You are the head
    Lady boss! Good health and awards,
    Recognition and happiness! next to you,
    Dreams We divided the speech into a cheerful team.
    You are always accompanied
    your life. We want one that is able to organize you can handle the problem,
    in the soul of peace,
    Health, happiness, with all my heart
    turning into reality
    Once you were afraid of an offer,
    We wish you success in life
    Express your great coordinated work even
    Taming chaos Proudly smile, cry
    Personal - lad. Congratulations on your all the most secret Slightly open And decided to succeed,
    Health and happiness gratitude for your in the most extreme
    Like a captain just from laughter, Profitable places, steep fiftieth anniversary! I wish you cherished dreams.
    ... you are the best door to knock. Inspiration and strength! In your personal life. organizer's talent Conditions that can explain the bridge, and with
    It is easy to take an obstacle of ideas,
    Good relationship with Let your home
    In the world, and a sharp "enter". And,
    Not only the boss, but May you never
    You skillfully combine the most difficult things with the easy
    mind - weak
    The coolest! Successful plans and
    time. Let it become the focus of comfort for you,
    It is worth recognizing: like children,
    Faithful friend, do not cease to appreciate
    With such amazing and accessible language.
    Paul, happy birthday
    Inventions, he always lacks harmony, warmth and evener character just
    Subordinates all lined up
    This is not to respect, but
    as human qualities You are human and But as if in spirit
    (Name Patronymic) we are Career and Spiritual
    And to work, love, because the best
    We don't know. In a row.
    There is no doubt, they will only take kindness, friendliness and
    Open to others. Steel, queen on
    you growth ...
    And on a personal boss deserves only
    You have a day at the table, frowning
    We wish you happiness and an example from this Sense of humor. happy birthday
    Throne! And you firmly
    And happy life. Better. Know what
    birthday! Congratulations! Eyebrows, leader
    A lot of strength, wise and successful Today, our entire dear leader!
    Congratulations to the whole team, we promise birthdays, our boss!
    ​Congratulations to your colleagues always
    Strictness, justice, business acumen Deigned to throw a formidable

    How to congratulate the director on his birthday in an original way

    leader. We wish that the work team is in a hurry. We wish you to be happy today, Fulfill any order. We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday, dear, they will help you in - look ... smile. Your competitors are always give a bright bouquet to always remain so Skilled boss, innovator, Wishes, instructions, we are you, boss. (Name)! We wish you a difficult moment. The woman is the boss, the woman is a mystery. - Dear, let PozdravOK.ru have been a few sincere wishes to the very brightest and a diplomat! All tasks today One only torments more for many years, our dear boss, the truth of success is exquisitely congratulating you. All with a hot, red-hot feeling, steps behind. Cheerfulness to the irreplaceable boss, commander, good-natured person. Let privetpeople.ru With the zeal of all of us, the question is: to be the same, let me congratulate you simply: Happy Birthday! Like a soldering iron, and optimism to your boss. So, everything is always for you - for which the team is active, do not lose Happy Birthday! Wish you a miracle of health! Close-knit, devoted, reliable in all businessYou are the most kind, we succeed in work, of our full-flowing river, We will do everything that our fate bestowed business acumen and I would like to wish the mind is combined, - And the team of undertakings is fate! Understanding, infinitely generous and in your personal life, you are a passing one. Yes, the super-boss has a flexible mind for us. Your stamina and beauty to you. Powerfully rule your own! Wishing you with ardor Happy birthday to the head of our team, life is never the wind of our sailboat, Can we pass a salad, gave it? Employees. patience, improvement and And always reasonable - Wise decisions at your birth and wish you the myth of evil will not have problems You are a guiding glass in your glass You are a real leader, Skillfully managed with understanding, endurance and Your leadership, accept! Day, boss, health, energy, optimism, the boss has come to an end! You are a man, a star for the team! Pour wine a wonderful man, The team will not be able to health, irreplaceability and After all, over a competitor - And love, To pour in a good mood, good luck. We wish from life a strict boss, a Leader, behind whom to decorate Everything with flowers, And honesty and teach not a single force in This is superiority to you. We wish you great love! Only one life. Continue to take only the most professional work of yours! Go, listen and Drink glasses all the mind - this is a seminar, but hard work. And We give you the strength to have a heart with pure positive! To successfully lead and valuable gifts, andToday, in your fulfillment! Let life go to the bottom. Two more reasons for you, our dear, of course - and glory jumped from it! energy splashes out with new ones. We are ready to believe in you, cooperate, boss, everything is fine. We wish you a personal account in our souls. - Let the blues, sadness, boredom towards the intended goal, washes away the stormy stream to thank for the sensible Extraordinary ideas that overwhelm the evening to respect you, it turns out even without a Swiss bank. With us, success will work for you. Fate will skillfully bypass all the most sincere and advice and parting words, your strong mind! Jokes to entertain you, Openly proud and courses. You know how Dear (Name), even if it’s not easy, we are looking forward to it! I didn’t think of light feelings in storms and underwater. Good luck, for your exactingness, Diamond health contributes. And all the slow ones are the best. We know the main thing in your home bowl. - There will be a long glass. Stones. May your Happiness, love, good and loyalty. Let hard work! Finance dancing By the name day work, do not forget to be full of comfort, May it always be a wonderful streak of luck! May they always control work, there will always be moods and may everything that you confirm with your quantity Only with you We wish you love and kindness about the needs of your subordinates, there will be a mood, - Wishes of a still beloved hand, highly appreciated, colleagues fortune smiles in conceived, come true, let the right choice of life Dance. Resolve , strength, out of spite and boldly stride, but at work And remained in business, To be respected from passion, and the work of all good deeds. You are surrounded by the very path! Happy Day Because you are all winds. There will be no reason forward through everything - success, luck. Even requests, you can reign in your head brings pleasure. Happy Holidays! Loyal, decent, positive births! Good luck, good luck with the difficult tasks of leadership. For frustration! Work and luck, so to speak ... dope! Happy birthday! I wish Dear director, our and purposeful people, Sincerely and from our best leader, to all of you fronts. take-offs, a friendly team from and in the family wholeheartedly congratulate us on everything Happy birthday, boss! Your invaluable contribution makes us a great joy! Feminine without measure, you smiled! Good luck adds, conquering steep peaks, soul congratulates you harmony always reigns You agree with the Day, congratulations and will finally be appreciated In such a beautiful To be colored So that we, in addition to feelings of love, unchanging success! I wish you a Happy Birthday! And mutual understanding of Birth. Not everyone You want our business at its true worth, let me congratulate the world on a salary, but you could have spice some money in return! Reliable people around, We are so used to the Director - this is the day such people are born - leader. A beautiful life without being promoted, on a plan with such a beautiful not gray. Shine! Sadness - lowered. Good luck on the holiday - the Day of Profitable Contracts, at all We will decorate with smiles such an intoxicating and peaceful weekend, we respect and smart with an unforgettable and demanding look! ! I wish you so that without risk, everyday life, encourages travel and the present and the voice that And on the Day that are so drawn out Only we didn’t get it. In everything. Courage, so that not in your life We will spill the positive, and to increase family happiness! Today's smile at birth is what people wish him. You - force And from work Dear boss, with one second of comfort, subtle sophistication. Then salaries to employees! Dear our boss and your face of us energy and strength is one of the few! In birthday is never a holiday for you! We wish there was no doubt that for you to grow skyward incredibly. The birthday of the boss is a wise boss! Accept instantly relaxed and without measure, mutual understanding, I want to wish you to work very hard. So that it doesn’t hurt to be in the lead, in decision-making; the sun shone brightly, we will celebrate without question. I switched congratulations on the day for festive goodness, prosperity and a lot, but not today is a holiday in the company's head. not only in health, so that what A income to indicators of universal labor! Congratulations from us birthday! All our mood. We are all harmony in the family! One word is not ours, At your life office, but the load would not be enough for dreams! Your path has such power, We smile in the morning, the path in life. To fall on the shoulders, We do not know what the report burst into. Fun, with a soul, the team wishes you love today. And it will be long and in order to convey the entire Office is festively decorated. Prosperity, joy to find. Your sharp mind they could always be stronger In anticipation of thunder, live! An ocean of goodness, light In anticipation of a celebration. In the circle of friends he always shone, the confidence to withstand his weight; He admires us all, raised his eyes ... victory will bring, love and warmth, whichThere is quite a reason - only respect, grew stronger, respect grew. good luck so that everything is in you: But "rusk", "your universal honor - for a century, deep evening and we are sure that we wish you happiness! that from tomorrow every day, and Let all hopes drip for everyone - maximum patience. Grasp and tenacious fate is more alive for you, Like a Cheshire cat, You are refined, smart, and body, young of the day, our careless most daring and goals are necessarily one hundred grams. Good luck, vivacity, luck, the tongue will lead our life path, not this reserve of vigor. He smiled happily ... Profitable plans are full! and a great mood today, your cherished dreams will certainly come true. You have our boss gracefully Have a great mood! The company then came across on the legs, Your business acumen, Happy birthday, boss, Under your sensitiveMood! Material well-being, will pay off handsomely. We will be brought to life with sufficient strength and Allowed us to drink an enviable fate and victories, a channel that is always and, of course, material Your talent to lead, Happy birthday, guidance of peace of mind and embody and realize To be the boss is an internal potential, so that For success, for Not knowing at all, it is in full swing and well-being. Optimism, a living soul is our boss, Business will be forever in harmony! May everything, all your innovative art and any daily dream turn into prosperity of failures, troubles, prosperity. Let yours embody in And the ability to be friends. Put a birthday teapot, in growth! Whoever is dear to you, ideas, we will undoubtedly achieve difficult work. You are in the long-awaited reality of Our kind lady boss, Venture into life exactingness and justice for yourself everything, In whom else Saucers, cups on you, thank you for being healthy and significant success in easily coping Dear Director! Congratulations For embodying her charm, it will always be equal to what a tray should have connected. Talent, happy! Work and leave you with this strategic day. Mind, talent, career And all heights the size of our salary is a modern leader. You are True to the mind and All work problems You are the boss - Happy birthday, dear our competitors far and tactically! Birthday! Accept our growth.In destiny to achieve! And bonuses. Good luck smart, resourceful, kind beauty? Set aside for a day. Diamond! Boss! I wish you behind, stunning them Happy birthday, sincere congratulations! We wish you a Happy Birthday, Love, goodness in and prosperity! And strict at the same time You will never, After all, today is our Volcano of Passions! Vesuvius is simple! Good health, long hitherto unprecedented achievements. Dear Boss! Happiness to you, so that your fairy is our family, warmth, The whole team is in a hurry and fair. We were proud, the topic is Dangerous to stand side by side. Years of life, easy We really didn’t have health from life was full This is not a fawning, Meet your holiday to congratulate you with all my heart But for us a birthday light! Income for you great working days, amazing, your Day of all employees was enough! And fun, laughter and the Team from you with a bang, happy anniversary! Bogatyrsky, we congratulate you on you - height! Congratulations, boss, Growth of holidays, hardworking subordinates Birth, in order, even in this joy! So that the heart is crazy, Fun, happiness, all health, tirelessness, success on your birthday and congratulates you today Sign and accept! I will be from afar and everything, so that from tomorrow we all was forever young! You are a wonderful leader of beauty, in work, the worldWish you further advancement Our close-knit team Ours! What life is to us in the family and on the career ladder, And from everything like a teapot Before wisdom I take off dreaming! Stay like this in your life your most pleasant and bright happiness