Congratulations on the birthday of Sergei Ivanovich. Happy birthday to sergey

The one who thinks that choosing a gift is quite simple is mistaken. I went in, bought it - and "it's in the bag." If the one who congratulates is really interested in making the gift desirable for the birthday man, you need to put in your imagination, efforts and your knowledge about the birthday man.

First of all - psychologists advise - you need to know only the name of the birthday man. Because the name gives a person its characteristics, an aura, endows it with certain qualities.

What to give Sergei on his birthday? So, if you have to congratulate Sergey on his birthday - let your choice fall on a gift that will be able to give him a "minute of fame" - since Sergey always tries to remain in the memory of the people who surround him. For example, give him a congratulations in the form of a poster on a billboard or city light. Let everyone - passing or passing by - see this congratulation, photo.

Or - on TV, in the program of congratulations, or on the radio, in the newspaper - the main thing is that not only Sergey, but many more people remember this day.

Serezha often chooses creative professions. If life has developed in such a way that Sergey's profession is not at all creative, but technical, then he usually looks for other ways to satisfy his creative impulses.

Therefore, Sergey, who loves to draw, give brushes and paints. Who plays a musical instrument - either the instrument on which he plays, or a collection of songs with notes for this instrument.

The main thing is that Seryoga's birthday wish should be bright, lively. Give him balloons, a bouquet of sweets, or socks - he will be delighted with such gifts and will remember his birthday for a long time.

My best, close friend Sergey,
Accept this congratulations soon!
I respect you very much
And happy birthday!

I wish you a lot of money
So that there is always a purse plump.
Also find a woman
To spend life with her.

Epithets, and laudatory words without sparing,
Now we will honor Sergei!
How smart, brave, noble he is,
In the heat, a glass of cold water will serve you,

In the cold, it will warm and pour ...
What is stronger -
Greed in a guy definitely does not live!
And we, not daring to restrain the impulse of our soul,

Let's raise our glasses to Sergei!

Gather quickly!
Our birthday boy Sergey!
And today in our house
There will be many guests

There will be many things
There will be lots of sweets!
Birthday is a holiday
(And not just for kids)!

Let's stand together all in a row,
Read the congratulations
May our reward be
Approving nod!

open and sociable
Cheerful and simple.
Moreover, amazing
You own kindness.

Responsive, very sincere,
Friendly always.
Mysterious, mysterious
You can't do it without difficulty.

Sergey, smile more often
And be happy all year round
Stay as awesome
And never vice versa!

Sergey, this guy is in a special honor.
- Hello! How are you? How friends do you live?!
- we hear as soon as we cross the threshold.
Accept Seryoga, you are our congratulations.

Let only faithful faces be around
May each page be happy
In the book that is called life
And may you never have to suffer!

Only happiness should visit you,
Otherwise, it just can't be!
We are sure: all bad weather will recede,
And you will enjoy family life!

You, most importantly, do not be afraid, do not be shy!
Because you have us! Well, we have a poem.
We sincerely love everything, our Sergey,
You! Please accept our humble congratulations!

Seryozha, you are already big,
Beloved, mischievous, dear,
Now you're a year older
Read our congratulations

Son, dear, dear,
We value you very much!
We wish you happiness and good luck
Let small, but already victories,

And the fulfillment of all desires
For many years.

A house was built, and the children grew up,
And the road is still bright.
And there is still time to work, to live,
And the thrill of catching it... Tell me, Seryoga?

And in ___ you feel everything sharper
Many times more than life on the doorstep -
Warmth of home, circle of friends...
Yes, you know everything! Tell me, Seryoga?

Live easy, grow and prosper!
And we will ask God for you
All the things you want...
My words are “for the fulfillment of your dreams”, Seryoga!

Our Sergei
Today is the birthday
We'll make coffee
And write congratulations -

Let our Seryozha
There will be a big, good house,
And a beautiful wife
And maybe not alone

Let life be a full bowl
Day after day - everything is better, more beautiful,
The house is full of kids
And more friends in it!

My dear friend, my boy, Sergey,
Gather all your friends as soon as possible.
After all, today is a bright holiday for you,

And all the relatives want to congratulate you.
Just read this congratulations
Remember rather our school circle.

Sergei is fine!
Things are going well.
Business thing is like that
Not caught - good!

Saved on taxes
In more often hid the device
It hasn't even been two weeks.
Alcoholics go with containers!

So, Sergey, good luck!
Happiness, a bag of money for you.
As long as they don't put you in
Our congratulations!

You are a born warlord:
In an instant you win hearts.
Do you know what style and fashion are?
And so similar to a wise father.

Stay the way you are now forever
Let the years lose power over you.
Love and live, cherishing hope
We all congratulate Sergey today!

Congratulations, wishes
There's a lot in store here.
For you, our friend Seryozhka,
There is only one for you.

Lots of good words
We will tell you about:
And you are smart and handsome,
But... you know all this.

We, as friends, know
That in trouble you will not betray.
And for a friend, if needed
You will give all the last.

What neither envy nor malice
Your face is not clouded,
And what to be nervous, to swear
And I'm not used to being lazy.

Always be like this, Seryozha,
Be our friend
Our congratulations on your birthday
Came to an end. Ta-dam!

Gather quickly!
Our birthday boy Sergey!
And today in our house
There will be many guests

There will be many things
There will be lots of sweets!
Birthday is a holiday
(And not just for kids)!

Let's stand together all in a row,
Let's read the verse
May our reward be
Approving nod!

open and sociable
Cheerful and simple.
Moreover, amazing
You own kindness.

Responsive, very sincere,
Friendly always.
Mysterious, mysterious
You can't do it without difficulty.

Sergey, smile more often
And be happy all year round
Stay as awesome
And never vice versa!

Sergey, this guy is in a special honor.
- Hello! How are you? How friends do you live?!
- we hear as soon as we cross the threshold.
Accept Seryoga, you are our rhyme.

Let only faithful faces be around
May each page be happy
In the book that is called life
And may you never have to suffer!

I'm going crazy - let everyone know about it
My obsession is called Sergey.
Soul sings and music plays
Seryozha wrote "at the D / R call."

I've been dressing up all day.
Hairstyles, makeup and stilettos in a fierce winter.
I am preparing a gift for dear Seryozha.
An intimate date, I will give him.

Proclaimed by Ancient Rome
Seryoga is our "highly esteemed".
He has been revered ever since
And this is not khukhry-muhry.
Build in record time
Museums named after Seryoga.
And some suburban city
Already named Sergiev Posad.
Yes, and birch inflorescences
Not without reason nicknamed "earrings".
In women and young people
What's in your ears? Earring!
And we are with all our native land
Seryoga is also revered.
And we read his books
And we get a lot of buzz.

Seryozha, you are already big,
Beloved, mischievous, dear,
Now you're a year older
Read our congratulations

Son, dear, dear,
We value you very much!
We wish you happiness and good luck
Let small, but already victories,

And the fulfillment of all desires
For many years.

A house was built, and the children grew up,
And the road is still bright.
And there is still time to work, to live,
And the thrill of catching it ... Tell me, Seryoga?

And in ___ you feel everything sharper
Many times more than life on the doorstep -
The warmth of a home, a circle of friends...
Yes, you know everything! Tell me, Seryoga?

Live easy, grow and prosper!
And we will ask God for you
Everything you want for yourself...
My words are “for the fulfillment of your dreams”, Seryoga!

On Sergey's birthday,
Happiness, joy and success -
Gently warm the heart
Between sweet pleasures!
We wish for Seryozha
Bright, bright, good days!
Angel help you
Be stronger and wiser!

Our Sergei
Today is the birthday
We'll make coffee
And write a poem

Let our Seryozha
There will be a big, good house,
And a beautiful wife
And maybe not alone

Let life be a full bowl
Day after day - everything is better, more beautiful,
The house is full of kids
And more friends in it!

Serega, dear sidekick,
We congratulate with all our heart
Happy birth day!
May you not have troubles

And there will be happiness and luck,
Let all tasks be solved
Let life become a fairy tale
From joy, health, happiness!

Dear you our Sergey!
We gathered a crowd of friends
To glorify you now
And happy birthday to you!

You are a strong, interesting guy
In a narrow circle very famous,
Attentive to women
And even charming!

We wish you, Seryoga,
In life so that your road
No matter how difficult it is,
But you were right!

My dear friend, my boy, Sergey,
Gather all your friends as soon as possible.
After all, today is a bright holiday for you,

And all the relatives want to congratulate you.
Just read this verse
Remember rather our school circle.

You are a born warlord:
In an instant you win hearts.
Do you know what style and fashion are?
And so similar to a wise father.

Stay the way you are now forever
Let the years lose power over you.
Love and live, cherishing hope
We all congratulate Sergey today!

How proud this name sounds - Sergey,
It has wisdom and sensitivity, courage and honor.
He is highly respected in Latin,
But there is not a drop of spiritual pride in him.

He is always caring and kind, like a child,
Always help everyone and lend a hand,
Of course, sometimes he is very timid,
But this nature slightly decorates.

Sergey is only skillful hands,
In all cases, clarity and only order.
He does not know rest, laziness, boredom,
Always there when needed.

We congratulate you, Seryozha, cordially,
We wish you good luck, health, warmth.
Let love warm your heart forever
And all good deeds succeed!

Warm our hearts with your
Love all of us you suddenly!
...Happy birthday, Sergey -
Our great and faithful friend!
Maybe you are small
We sometimes yell at you ...
But he became a huge Russian
You, Sergey, are a hero!
And be such a soul
So that, to match the epic,
Encased in chain mail chest,
We could be too!
You are warm, kind, mind, Seryoga,
Love and happiness - much, much, much!

Dear Sergey,
I'm sending you a poem!
Smile at him soon
I wrote a syllable for you!

This day like never before
Full of happiness.
Trouble will not enter your house
Live without obstacles!

And if there is only sadness in my heart,
You smile a little -
And let joy overcome
Walk with a smile!

Serezha, happy birthday to you and ...
I wish you health - so often it is not enough!
I wish you fun - it never interferes!
Good luck - it doesn't come often!
And I just wish you great personal happiness!

Sergey, always be happy
Don't forget honor
And bear the essence of the name
To the glory of mother Rus',
To the joy of near and dear ones
And to your dear friends.

Great success in personal life
I wish you Sergey.
And let your fate be capricious
You be insolent with fate.

I wish you good health
So that you never get sick
And happy birthday.
Your friends are always with you.

Sergey, I wish you a birthday
So that you have everything in full:
Health, happiness, inspiration,
Always happy wife

Let the house wait for you, smiling,
Let the children enjoy themselves
Let joy reign in the soul,
And in the heart - happiness and peace!

Seryozha, on this bright day,
When lilacs bloom around
You can't wish
To receive joy from life,

To love with courage forever
Never know misfortune
And true friendship without end,
And a youthful face

And my reading rhyme,
For a laugh to come out of your mouth.

Be our protector
Be our support
Be our supporter
In the most difficult dispute.
And then, Seryoga,
You will see a miracle
There will be order
And there will be success.

Seryoga, you are our cheerful friend!
Not knowing troubles in life, live!
So as not to hear an evil word,
You, on the path of life!

Do not know sadness and misfortune,
And human envy in the chest!
What would illuminate the sun-happiness,
The steps you have taken.

Health, money and good luck!
And true friendship forever!
You are a real husband, not a boy,
Never be discouraged!

Sergey, happy birthday, dear!
I love you very much.
Every day, turning to God,
I pray for your health.
I want to wish you joy
Let the soul sing with happiness.
Life will be bright and colorful
And Fortune will not let you down.

Sergey, happy birthday to you!
Let luck settle in the house
To find your love
To make you stronger and richer

So that a smile is always on the lips,
Like a bright sun, she played
For everything to be successful in business,
So that there are many victories in life!

We always go with Seryozha
We are one path
And if he gets lost
A companion will find a way.
And he goes, does not toil.
He walks, he doesn't stumble.
All because the best
He has a companion.
So we go with Seryozha
We are one path.
What will happen to Seryozha
That will come true with a companion.
Well, with such a fellow traveler
And really everything will work out.

Among forests, seas, meadows, fields,
If you can, warm me up.
If you can’t, you warm yourself with me:
I love you dearly, Sergey!
Hover over me every night!

Today is Sergey's holiday
It's his birthday.
In everything he reached the apogee
We wish you happiness and everything.

Everything you need in life
Build a house, raise a child
And a big garden will not be superfluous.
There the bird of happiness is waiting for you.

I'll warm cognac in my hands
(Or maybe lemonade)
And I will say in the eyes of Sergei:
How glad I am to see you!

Be cheerful, be healthy
A real man!
I will reward in verse with laurel
Or a laurel wreath!

Seryoga, you can be different:
And the best friend, and a wonderful husband,
Can you love, live beautifully,
And protect your loved ones from the winter cold,

In fate there was a glorious road,
Sometimes leading to a dead end ...
You accept all congratulations, Seryoga!
With the guests in the house came "rush hour":

Crowding and wishing for Sergei
Good luck, money, life without adversity.
Live, my friend, warming everything around you,
One hundred years still pleasing us, not a year!

Dear friend Sergei,
Read it quickly
This little verse
A timely gift for you.

We are glad that Serezha is with us
Busy with important things.
He lives responsibly
Leads to success for all.

Flawless and active
And flexible, positive.
We are with you this year
Let's reach fabulous heights.

You see, there on the horizon
The star is shining.
Happiness on the family front
Kindly wishes.
Be, Seryozha, the most courageous,
You are not afraid of obstacles.
An angel warms with white light
Calm down your heart.

Serega, the guy is cunning, he is not a hat,
In any trouble or deed, he will give advice,
In addition, he is still a serious dad,
Parent, husband, head - from such and such years!

We wish you a birthday
To be in a good mood
From year to year life would be better,
And everything was fine!

Have a great day today, folks!
Serega was born and brought joy!
He is very pleased, beautifully dressed,
And only he - a bouquet of these roses!

Earring, my friend, be happy, lucky!
And a lot of love and money to boot!
Here is a poem for you.
Well, at least pretend to be surprised!

Birthday, name day at Sergey. Congratulations for Sergey. How to congratulate Sergey. Video and postcards with congratulations.

Sergey- male Russian personal name, goes back to lat. Sergius, a Roman generic name, which, in turn, has Etruscan roots. In Greco-Roman mythology, Sergestus, the progenitor of the Sergius family, was a friend of Aeneas. The etymology of the name in the Etruscan language is unknown.

Church form of the name - Sergiy.

The meaning of the name Sergei: high, highly esteemed, venerable, clear.

In Christian nomenclature, the name Sergei is associated with the early Christian Saint Sergius the Roman, a warrior who, according to legend, was martyred for openly confessing Christianity during the reign of Emperor Maximian (end of the 3rd century). Another early Christian saint with this name is the Monk Martyr Sergius of Sinai, who suffered for his faith around the year 312. Subsequently, the church canonized several venerable martyrs with this name, which was the reason for his consolidation in the church environment.

In the Middle Ages in Rus', the name Sergei was used mainly by the clergy. Among the saints with this name, glorified by the church, is hegumen Sergius of Radonezh, one of the most revered Russian Orthodox saints.

Secular interest in the name began to form among the nobility from the beginning of the 18th century. For most of the 19th century, its social specificity did not change - it was predominantly the name of the nobles. The high social status of the name allowed it to enter the personal name of the imperial family: its bearers were the grandchildren of Nicholas I, Grand Dukes Sergei Alexandrovich and Sergei Mikhailovich. The popularity of the name increased at the end of the 19th century.

In the 1920s-1940s, there was a powerful surge of interest in the name in the late 1950s, which lasted until the early 1980s. In the 2000s, the name Sergey is still among the most popular male names.

Name day and patron saints of Sergei:

♦ Sergius of Valaam, Reverend. The Wonderworker, the founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia, July 11 (June 28), September 24 (11);
♦ Sergius of Obnorsk, Murom, Vologda, reverend, October 20 (7);
♦ Sergius of Petrograd, archimandrite, holy martyr, August 13 (July 31);
♦ Sergius of the Caves, Obedient, recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 20 (7);
♦ , abbot. As a child, he amazed everyone with his piety and strict abstinence. He avoided games, fervently prayed to God, ate only bread and water. Through prayers, he received from God the gift of book understanding. He founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, was hegumen in it. For his holy life and great deeds as a monk, he was honored with a miraculous appearance in the cell of the Mother of God with the holy apostles Peter and John. He was perspicacious and performed miracles with prayers. He blessed the Russian army for the Battle of Kulikovo. Among the warriors were the monks of the Lavra Alexander Peresvet and Rodion Oslyabya, who fell in battle. Sergius of Radonezh died in 1392. His holy relics rest in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. July 18 (5), October 8 (September 25). Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr, October 20 (7). Sergius Saveait, reverend martyr, April 2 (March 20). Sergius of Sinai, reverend martyr, January 27 (14) .Sergey Shukhtomsky (Shuhtovsky), schemamonk, June 1 (May 19).

Video congratulations for Sergey

♦ Today since dawn
Nice words are spoken.
This means that Sergei
Celebrates a birthday.

Here we are, too
Give a poem to Seryozha,
To holiday, birthday
Brought some fun!

♦ I wish a friend a birthday
Great, all the best.
I congratulate you with all my heart -
You can't be afraid of anything in life.

Sergey, good health and happiness,
Good friends, always loyal,
Love your loved ones with real love!
Good luck for many years to come!

♦ Beloved Seryozha, your holiday has come.
It's time for the guests to gather at the table,
A joyful day brought the best people together,
And everyone wants to be happy.

And I sincerely wish now
So that love blooms in your heart!
Good luck every moment, every hour,
Together we have a lot of pleasant moments!

♦ Happy birthday, Sergey!
You live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And just like that two hundred
Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate together!

I love you very much.

I pray for your health.

Let the soul sing with happiness.

And Fortune will not let you down.

♦ Sergey, happy birthday
We want to congratulate you.
So that in the morning singing under the birds
You always got up.
To the sun for you in life
Smiled brightly.
So that everything you wished for -
Everything always worked out.

♦ "Birthday is a sad holiday",
This is nonsense and nonsense
When our Seryoga celebrates
Flying years.

All friends are ready
Come visit immediately
The guests know that Sergei
Invites from the heart!

♦ Great success in personal life
I wish you Sergey.
And let your fate be capricious
You be insolent with fate.

I wish you good health
So that you never get sick
And happy birthday.
Your friends are always with you.

Sergey, I wish you a birthday
So that you have everything in full:
Health, happiness, inspiration,
Always happy wife

Let the house wait for you, smiling,
Let the children enjoy themselves
Let joy reign in the soul,
And in the heart - happiness and peace!

♦ Seryozha, smile
And put aside your doubts.
We have gathered today
To you for your birthday.
From the heart to wish
Lots of successes
Learn to win
Even without armor.

♦ You celebrate your birthday
May you be lucky on the holiday, Sergey!
Get whatever you want -
I wish with all my heart!

Well-being and happiness
May they never leave
And there will be a place of passion in life,
Let love tell you yes!

♦ Warm our hearts with yours,
Love all of us you suddenly!
Happy birthday, Sergey -
Our great and faithful friend!
Maybe you are small
I sometimes yell at you ...
But he became a huge Russian
You, Sergey, are a hero!
And be such a soul
So that, to match the epic,
Encased in chain mail chest,
We could be too!
You are warm, kind, mind, Seryoga,
Love and happiness - much, much, much!!!

♦ Dear Sergey,
Sending congratulations!
Smile at him soon
I wrote a syllable for you!

This day like never before
Full of happiness.
Trouble will not enter your house
Live without obstacles!

And if there is only sadness in my heart,
You smile a little -
And let joy overcome
Walk with a smile!

♦ Dear Sergey
Our congratulations
Joy Wishes
On his birthday.

We wish you health
Excellent always.
And youth in the heart
For many years.

Your deeds are crowned
May every success
And if so, help.
Smile, humor, laughter.

And let happiness
River flows into the house
So that you can
Scoop up by hand!

Get more -
Happiness do not regret ...
And the one who is near
You fill up!

♦ We always go with Earring
We are one path
And if he gets lost -
A companion will find a way.
And he goes, does not toil.
He walks, he doesn't stumble.
All because the best
He has a companion.
So we go with Seryozha
We are one path.
What will happen to Seryozha
That will come true with a companion.
Well, with such a fellow traveler
And really everything will work out.

♦ Among forests, seas, meadows, fields,
If you can, warm me up.
If you can’t, you warm yourself with me:
I love you dearly, Sergey!
Hover over me every night!

♦ There is a smell in the house: sauce, pepper, herbs, coriander…
A delicious and ruddy pie is taken out of the oven,
Sergey celebrates his birthday today,
Accept, quickly, my friend, this warm rhyme!

Let there be strength for everything, immunity will cope,
And in matters of love, let success await!
I know that everything will be fine in life, because you are a guy - well done,
And I also wish Sereg that you live to be 100 years old!

♦ Noise and din are heard everywhere.
There are flowers and decorations everywhere.
And just a lot of guests
They came to congratulate Sergey
With difficulty he keeps all the gifts,
Covered with a smiley face!
Best friends gathered
They play, they have fun!
And in unison, they all shout Hurray!
Promise wishes come true!

♦ Seeing this verse, Sergey
You will immediately understand everything!
How dear you are, how much we want
Happy birthday!
How to wish we want love,
Success and luck
Health - how could it be without it!
And a lot of desire!
Let everything come true
What do you call with desire!
Well, Seryoga, where is the wine?
Wash your birthday!

♦ I am glad to congratulate Sergey from the heart
Happy birthday!
Victory in life and love!
Health like Superman
In addition to happiness and luck,
And mischievous mood!
Good girls and friends!
Sunny and bright days
Let everything be as you want
Tell us what do you want? :)

♦ Congratulations, Sergey, on your anniversary!
And I want to wish you success.
So that all dreams come true faster
Catch the firebird of good luck by the tail!
And if there are difficulties in life,
The ones that you can't get away from
Remember, Seryoga, within walking distance
True friends will be with you!

♦ Sergey, my friend, congratulations
Happy birthday to you!
In verses they were looking for wishes,
Three days of pulling poets!
We searched for modern poets
words worthy of you
But that set without a sense of rhyme
Our head does not accept.
Then we decided at the heart
Seryoga wishes to find,
And finally with poetry
Come to your birthday.
Accept, my friend, mountains of happiness
And accept the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
And our first poetic experience
Understand without further criticism!

♦ Earrings birthday -
Bright, warm holiday,
He is full of wishes
The most varied.
Let luck, just like a cat,
It will be fast, tenacious.
And how the dog will not leave you,
May it protect you!
We give this verse together,
You take it soon.
After all, he was conceived for you
From a group of friends!

♦ Honest guy Seryozha,
Kind, wise, frank,
You have great talent
You are amazing, no doubt!
For a fair purpose
You will go into the fire without looking!
happy birthday congratulations
And, of course, we wish
Joy, love to you,
All the best in your destiny!

♦ Happy Birthday to you,
And I wish you, selflessly wish
Beauty, kindness, warmth and fun,
So that, Sergey, your eyes will always burn,
So that your wife knows your desires,
I understood you so that you live in love,
To remember friends, my dear Sergei,
When will you read this modest rhyme!

♦ Happy birthday, Serezha, I love you!
I wish you happiness, joy, peace and kindness.
May all troubles and hardships bypass you,
So that respect and peace live in your house.

And I also wish the ocean of love,
So that you always swim in it, not knowing the shallows.
And I wanted to wish you good health,
So that you have enough strength to walk your path of life.

♦ Seryoga, Grey, Sergey
We carry odes and flowers:
There is no better birthday
Surrounded by everything!
Wish that, we also know:
You are an eagle and a nightingale -
Be kinder, bolder, younger
More fun and healthier!

♦ On Seregin's Birthday
We will hum from the heart!
We drink a lot for a friend,
Do not be sad for us!
No one will be bored
After all, our Seryoga is groovy.
A feast will arrange, give everyone a drink,
Entertainment will arrange!
Joy is overflowing
Serezha lights up again!
Always in the spotlight
After all, he is the soul of the company!

♦ You bring admiration to all the girls!
But you are especially sweet to one of them,
Serezha, beloved, happy birthday!
Success and good luck in life - you deserve it all!

I wish you good health
So that in my arms I have enough strength to carry me;
Once again, dear, congratulations
I'm happy to be with you!

♦ You celebrate your birthday
So may you always be lucky!
Let whatever you want, you get
And the best will happen!

I wish you, Seryoga,
So that you are always happy
And to have a lot of money
And never know trouble!

♦ I want to congratulate Sergey,
Wish him well
Health, joy and happiness,
Love and light forever.

♦ "Seryozha, happy birthday" - I will whisper to you
In the morning at dawn in sleepy silence.
The half-asleep city is still covered,
And with me the sun sniffs next to me.
My son is priceless, my own baby,
May fate fulfill daring dreams
May happiness and love go with you
And joy shines with many colors.

♦ Let, Sergey, come true
Major dreams!
Let everything work out
You will be happy!

♦ My son, Sergey, on your birthday
I wish you the best
Let luck come into life
Don't be afraid of anything.

Let success knock on the door
After all, you can't do without it!
Anxiety and loss will go away,
And true friends will be!

♦ Pack up quickly!
Our birthday boy Sergey!
And today in our house
There will be many guests

There will be many things
There will be lots of sweets!
Birthday is a holiday
(And not just for kids)!

Let's stand together all in a row,
Read the congratulations
May our reward be
Approving nod!

♦ Open and sociable,
Cheerful and simple.
Moreover, amazing
You own kindness.

Responsive, very sincere,
Friendly always.
Mysterious, mysterious
You can't do it without difficulty.

Sergey, smile more often
And be happy all year round
Stay as awesome
And never vice versa!

♦ Sergey, this guy is held in high esteem.
- Hello! How are you? How friends do you live?!
- we hear as soon as we cross the threshold.
Accept Seryoga, you are our congratulations.

Let only faithful faces be around
May each page be happy
In the book that is called life
And may you never have to suffer!

♦ I'm going crazy - let everyone know about it,
My obsession is Sergey's name.
Soul sings and music plays
Seryozha wrote "at the D / R call."

I've been dressing up all day.
Hairstyles, makeup and stilettos in a fierce winter.
I am preparing a gift for dear Seryozha.
An intimate date, I will give him.

♦ Proclaimed by Ancient Rome
Seryoga is our "highly esteemed".
He has been revered ever since
And this is not khukhry-muhry.
Build in record time
Museums named after Seryoga.
And some suburban city
Already named Sergiev Posad.
Yes, and birch inflorescences
Not without reason nicknamed "earrings".
In women and young people
What's in your ears? Earring!
And we are with all our native land
Seryoga is also revered.
And we read his books
And we get a lot of buzz.

♦ Serezha, you are already big,
Beloved, mischievous, dear,
Now you're a year older
Read our congratulations

Son, dear, dear,
We value you very much!
We wish you happiness and good luck
Let small, but already victories,

And the fulfillment of all desires
For many years.

♦ On Sergey's birthday,
Happiness, joy and success -
Gently warm the heart
Between sweet pleasures!
We wish for Seryozha
Bright, bright, good days!
Angel help you
Be stronger and wiser!

♦ At our Sergey
Today is the birthday
We'll make coffee
And write congratulations -
Let our Seryozha
There will be a big, good house,
And a beautiful wife
And maybe not alone
Let life be a full bowl
Day after day - everything is better, more beautiful,
The house is full of kids
And more friends in it!

♦ Serega, dear sidekick,
We congratulate with all our heart
Happy birth day!
May you not have troubles
And there will be happiness and luck,
Let all tasks be solved
Let life become a fairy tale
From joy, health, happiness!

Dear you our Sergey!
We gathered a crowd of friends
To glorify you now
And happy birthday to you!

You are a strong, interesting guy
In a narrow circle very famous,
Attentive to women
And even charming!

We wish you, Seryoga,
In life so that your road
No matter how difficult it is,
But you were right!

♦ My dear friend, my boy, Sergey,
Gather all your friends as soon as possible.
After all, today is a bright holiday for you,
And all the relatives want to congratulate you.
Just read this congratulations
Remember rather our school circle.

♦ You are a born warlord:
In an instant you win hearts.
Do you know what style and fashion are?
And so similar to a wise father.
Stay the way you are now forever
Let the years lose power over you.
Love and live, cherishing hope
We all congratulate Sergey today!

♦ How proud this name sounds - Sergey,
It has wisdom and sensitivity, courage and honor.
He is highly respected in Latin,
But there is not a drop of spiritual pride in him.

He is always caring and kind, like a child,
Always help everyone and lend a hand,
Of course, sometimes he is very timid,
But this nature slightly decorates.

Sergey is only skillful hands,
In all cases, clarity and only order.
He does not know rest, laziness, boredom,
Always there when needed.

We congratulate you, Seryozha, cordially,
We wish you good luck, health, warmth.
Let love warm your heart forever
And all good deeds succeed!

♦ Serezha, I wish you a happy birthday and...
I wish you health - so often it is not enough!
I wish you fun - it never interferes!
Good luck - it doesn't come often!
And I just wish you great personal happiness!

♦ Sergey, always be happy,
Don't forget honor
And bear the essence of the name
To the glory of mother Rus',
To the joy of near and dear ones
And to your dear friends.

♦ Seryozha, on this bright day,
When lilacs bloom around
You can't wish
To receive joy from life,
To love with courage forever
Never know misfortune
And true friendship without end,
And a youthful face
And my reading congratulations,
For a laugh to come out of your mouth.

♦ Be our protector,
Be our support
Be our supporter
In the most difficult dispute.
And then, Seryoga,
You will see a miracle
There will be order
And there will be success.

♦ Seryoga, you are our cheerful friend!
Not knowing troubles in life, live!
So as not to hear an evil word,
You, on the path of life!

Do not know sadness and misfortune,
And human envy in the chest!
What would illuminate the sun-happiness,
The steps you have taken.

Health, money and good luck!
And true friendship forever!
You are a real husband, not a boy,
Never be discouraged!

♦ Sergey, happy birthday, dear!
I love you very much.
Every day, turning to God,
I pray for your health.
I want to wish you joy
Let the soul sing with happiness.
Life will be bright and colorful
And Fortune will not let you down.

♦ Sergey, happy birthday to you!
Let luck settle in the house
To find your love
To make you stronger and richer
So that a smile is always on the lips,
Like a bright sun, she played
For everything to be successful in business,
So that there are many victories in life!

♦ Serega, the guy is cunning, he is not a hat,
In any trouble or deed, he will give advice,
In addition, he is still a serious dad,
Parent, husband, head - from such and such years!

We wish you a birthday
To be in a good mood
From year to year life would be better,
And everything was fine!

♦ Today is the most pleasant holiday, guys!
Serega was born and brought joy!
He is very pleased, beautifully dressed,
And only he - a bouquet of these roses!

Earring, my friend, be happy, lucky!
And a lot of love and money to boot!
Here is a congratulations for you and formed.
Well, at least pretend to be surprised!

♦ Today is Sergey's holiday
It's his birthday.
In everything he reached the apogee
We wish you happiness and everything.
Everything you need in life
Build a house, raise a child
And a big garden will not be superfluous.
There the bird of happiness is waiting for you.

♦ I'll warm cognac in my hands
(Or maybe lemonade)
And I will say in the eyes of Sergei:
How glad I am to see you!

Be cheerful, be healthy
A real man!
I will reward in verse with laurel
Or a laurel wreath!

♦ Seryoga, you can be different:
And the best friend, and a wonderful husband,
Can you love, live beautifully,
And protect your loved ones from the winter cold,
So let your life always continue
The same bright, light remains,
I want to live for many years
And may luck smile upon you!

♦ In fate there was a glorious road,
Sometimes leading to a dead end ...
You accept all congratulations, Seryoga!
With the guests in the house came "rush hour":
Crowding and wishing for Sergei
Good luck, money, life without adversity.
Live, my friend, warming everything around you,
One hundred years still pleasing us, not a year!

♦ Dear friend Sergey,
Read it quickly
This little congratulations -
A timely gift for you.

We are glad that Serezha is with us
Busy with important things.
He lives responsibly
Leads to success for all.

Flawless and active
And flexible, positive.
We are with you this year
Let's reach fabulous heights.

♦ See, there on the horizon
The star is shining.
Happiness on the family front
Kindly wishes.
Be, Seryozha, the most courageous,
You are not afraid of obstacles.
An angel warms with white light
Calm down your heart.

On your birthday, accept congratulations from us,
Let luck smile at you, every hour,
Let the dream come true, let it be lucky in everything
May joy always find your home.

Seryozha, always be in a great mood,
Bold, honest, self-confident,
Let life give only inspiration
Let everything be fine in fate.

Sergey, we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish you good health and happiness in life,
To be in great shape, no doubt,
Hope and believe and never give up.

May your every day turn into a holiday,
Let the bird of happiness smile at you
Let fate reward in full
All the best to you, prosperity, peace and warmth.

Today is such a big day
Which is called a birthday
To you with an open mind
We offer our sincere congratulations.

Sergey, we wish you joy and happiness,
Let the address be forever forgotten by your bad weather,
May your fate be amazing
May fortune always smile on you.

Happy birthday, Seryozha, congratulations,
And with all my heart, I sincerely wish
Peace, joy, good luck and kindness,
May you always be cheerful.

May all your plans come true
Let all the good things be remembered for a long time,
I wish you smile more, live longer,
Never be discouraged and never be sad.

In fate there was a glorious road,
Sometimes leading to a dead end ...
You accept all congratulations, Seryoga!
With the guests in the house came "rush hour":

Crowding and wishing for Sergei
Good luck, money, life without adversity.
Live, my friend, warming everything around you,
One hundred years still pleasing us, not a year!

We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you good luck, joy, fun,
May luck never leave you
May the good angel protect from troubles.

Let the road of life be smooth and beautiful,
May your fate be happy
Let you be lucky, Sergey, in everything, always,
May your dream come true.

Happy birthday, Seryoga, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you great happiness,
Good health, peace and kindness,
May fate reward you in full.

Be lucky in everything
Let all the problems be nothing to you
May all your wishes come true
Let luck always smile.

Receive guests
Hurry, Sergey!
On your birthday
We will all be with you!

You, Seryozha, are good!
You won't get away!
And today, loving

Be always fair
And, as before, beautiful!
Be always cheerful
Never be sad!

And always do everything
In this life, Sergey!

Sergei, let your dreams come true
On your personal holiday - birthday,
From joys, kindness and beauty
Let all your surroundings consist.

Let people wish you well
Let dreams come true help
Let the victorious "Hurrah!"
Friends exclaim on your birthday!

Let the clink of glasses and the laughter of guests be heard today,
Let the champagne flow like a river, let the day be more fun
After all, today is the birthday of a person dear to all of us,
We wish you, Sergey, happiness for your entire long life.

May your life be pure
May every day be joyful and bright,
So that life is wonderful beauty,
Was given to you as a gift.

Sergey, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that even the darkest streak in your life turns out to be a take-off. May only happiness and joy await you ahead. Happy holiday! Good luck, health and all the best. Love and be loved, because this is the most important thing for every person.

Sergei, congratulations. I wish that the strength of your will and your desires always prevail over any external conditions. Let the conceived succeed, and the conceived come true. Let failures stay as far away from you as possible, and joys will always be at arm's length. Congratulations and I hope all your dreams come true.

Congratulations, Sergey. I wish you to always feel confident and invincible, courageous and tireless, worthy and decisive, happy and beloved man. Good luck on your life path, prosperity in your wallet, good mood and good health to you, Seryoga!

Sergey, we congratulate you and wish you happiness, friends, reliable and faithful, good health and a bright warm fire in the family hearth. Let your conscientiousness and commitment help you to take all the frontiers, and your qualities of a real man - not to know defeat!

Great success in personal life
I wish you, Sergey.
And let your fate be capricious
You be insolent with fate.

I wish you good health
So that you never get sick
And happy birthday.
Your friends are always with you.

In ancient Rome, the word "Sergius" meant "highly venerated." So we can assume that in fact you are an aristocrat. So I wish you, Seryozha, to be both honored and aristocratic at the same time, but at the same time not to forget about ordinary people like us. Happy birthday!

Our Sergei
Today is the birthday
We'll make coffee
And write congratulations -
Let our Seryozha
There will be a big, good house,
And a beautiful wife
And maybe not alone
Let life be a full bowl
Day after day - everything is better, more beautiful,
The house is full of kids
And more friends in it!

Congratulations, wishes
There's a lot in store here.
For you, our friend Seryozhka,
There is only one for you.

Lots of good words
We will tell you about:
And you are smart and handsome,
But... you know all this.

We, as friends, know
That in trouble you will not betray.
And for a friend, if needed
You will give all the last.

What neither envy nor malice
Your face is not clouded,
And what to be nervous, to swear
And I'm not used to being lazy.

Always be like this, Seryozha,
Be our friend
Our congratulations on your birthday
Came to an end. Ta-dam!

You won't find people as sociable as you
You do not like to hide your emotions,
You are a bright, sensual, ambitious person,
I wish you not to know the difficulties.

Seryozha, on your day you are good,
May troubles bypass you and grief,
Let your dream come true
I know for sure I deserve it.

fifty shades of you
Women have been brainwashed
You Seryoga - awesome,
Even without lashes and roses.

May your masculine personality
On any date
Does not bring energy
Year after year, day after day!

You are my dear Sergey,
From the heart of the whole
Let me congratulate you
Add positive.

On your day, Seryozhenka
You won't be alone.
We will arrange a cool feast,
From the bottom of our hearts we walk with you.

Wishes? Hold:
All you take the frontiers
Be healthy and cool
Bright, strong, young.