When will the discounted train fare be cancelled? Who is entitled to discounts on train travel? How to get benefits for pensioners on train travel

According to statistics, more than 50 million citizens of the Russian Federation use railway transport. The state is trying to financially support vulnerable segments of the population, and people of retirement age, veterans, disabled people, schoolchildren and university students have benefits for travel on electric trains.

Benefits for travel on electric trains and trains are stipulated by the following bills:

  • the Law “On Education” provides discounts to students using railway transport services;
  • the law “On Veterans” ensures free use of electric trains in suburban areas;
  • a law on providing for vulnerable segments of the population, including travel benefits for pensioners.

It should be clarified that most laws on social support for the population are stipulated at the regional level. The size of benefits for electric trains in different regions may vary depending on the state of the local budget.

There are benefits at the regional and federal levels. Regional ones are established by legislative bodies and are provided to local citizens. They are:

  • minor children from large families;
  • disabled people and war veterans;
  • pensioners during dacha work;
  • orphans;
  • students and schoolchildren during school hours.

Discount tickets for train travel are provided at your place of residence. Pensioners have the choice between accepting cash and free travel, which cannot be said about students, for whom local governments decide. To receive a discounted travel pass, you must obtain a document confirming the availability of compensation before boarding the train. The ticket can be used until the end of the next day.

Federal benefits

Federal benefits are available for certain categories and are valid in any region of the country. Place of residence does not affect the provision of compensation for the following citizens:

  • disabled people of all groups and the person accompanying them;
  • disabled people and war veterans;
  • members of the Federation Council;
  • railway employees;
  • employees of the transport prosecutor's office;
  • State Duma deputies;
  • military personnel;
  • private security officers;
  • labor veterans;
  • minor prisoners of fascism;
  • population of besieged Leningrad;
  • relatives of a deceased disabled person or war veteran;
  • persons related to major disasters (Chernobyl and others).

Documents required to receive financial assistance

In addition to providing a passport, to receive transport benefits you must present:

  • a document confirming membership in the lists of heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, and Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • social card of a Muscovite, valid in the Moscow region;
  • document issued to members of the Federation Council;
  • parliamentary, military or police ID;
  • certificate from a pension organization;
  • social card or student card.

The application is filled out by hand and submitted to the pension fund. It is also possible to complete documents on the government services portal. The application is reviewed within one working week.

Benefits for students and schoolchildren

Every schoolchild and student has the right to a discount on railway transport. Its size depends on the location and duration of the trip. Discount tickets are provided to students during school hours: from September to mid-June. As a rule, for students and schoolchildren, travel is 50% of the ticket price. Student support measures are provided at the regional level. Former students are not eligible for express discounts.

To receive government assistance, schoolchildren and students must comply with the following points:

  • age over 7 years;
  • training in an educational institution;
  • availability of a certificate.

Providing benefits for schoolchildren and students is a decision of local authorities, so not everyone can take advantage of it:

  • in the Republic of Crimea, only students of the peninsula have the opportunity to receive a discount on the use of electric train services;
  • in Moscow a restriction has been introduced for correspondence students;
  • in the Pskov region, the discount on travel is valid until the end of June;
  • Discount tickets for fast trains are not valid in all regions.

Features of applying for benefits for students:

  • in some regions it is possible to apply for a discount for one working week;
  • registration is made on a social card;
  • There is both a one-time discount and a thirty-day subscription.

Registration of a train ticket is not possible in all regions. You can find out more about the possibility of registering for a subscription and the availability of benefits in any region at the Pension Fund of Russia.

Benefits for pensioners

People of retirement age have the right to discounted travel. The state and local regional authorities do not forget about the largest socially vulnerable group. Tangible assistance for pensioners is the provision of free tickets for trains and commuter trains. This significantly saves the pensions of older people, despite the fact that the discount is given only during the period of dacha work.

In addition, pensioners are given the opportunity to choose between receiving free travel or reimbursement of the cost of the money spent. Pensioners of different status, regardless of place of residence, have the same rights.

Benefits for disabled people in railway transport

What benefits do disabled people have when traveling on electric trains and the Lastochka train? The law establishes that persons with disabilities have a 100% discount on commuter trains. Benefits are awarded to disabled persons of all disability groups, as well as war invalids, participants in the siege of Leningrad and prisoners of enemy camps.

Beneficiaries at the federal level have the right to travel free of charge to places for rehabilitation or treatment, but no more than twice a year. A 50% discount is available on international trains. Disabled people should be provided with free travel.

The main criterion for receiving social assistance is long-term residence in the same city.

Below is a table characterizing the receipt of benefits for vulnerable citizens of the Russian Federation.

Citizens entitled to discounted travelDocuments for registration and discount amountBenefit period
pensionersPension certificate, passport

100% travel payment

From April 27 to October 30
Schoolchildren and students, except for distance learningA certificate from school, student ID, passport or birth certificate for minors.

50% fare

From September 1 to June 15
Disabled people of all groups and war veteransCertificate of WWII participant, certificate of disability, passport.

100% travel payment

all year round
Military personnel and deputies, railway workers, police officers, private security officers, police officers, members of the Federation CouncilID card of a deputy, military personnel, passport.

100% travel payment

all year round

Important! To purchase a regional-level discount, you need to find out in advance whether there are any discounts when issuing train tickets at local suburban ticket offices, booking deadlines and the size of the discount. This is due to the continuous change in the pricing policy in relation to beneficiaries.

Today you can buy a train ticket at ticket offices, terminals and via the Internet. However, registration of a partial fare requires direct contact to the ticket office and presentation of documents confirming the right to a reduced fare. The recipient must carry certificates and certificates with him, and upon the first request of railway workers, show them along with the ticket. Such measures protect Russian Railways from unscrupulous passengers who try to take advantage of discounts intended for socially vulnerable people.

Transport costs are very expensive. This is especially difficult for pensioners, since their financial condition leaves much to be desired. In this regard, it is important to know what types of transport and in what amount pensioners have benefits, as well as the entire procedure for applying for these benefits.

Preferential conditions for travel on electric trains for pensioners of the Russian Federation are established by the state, as well as individually in certain regions of the country. Many cities and regions have their own characteristics and nuances, here are a few examples:

  1. Saint Petersburg. The authorities of the Leningrad region have adopted a law that establishes a clear period when pensioners can ride trains for free. This period lasts from April 27 to October 31, and this is beneficial during frequent trips to the countryside.
  2. Sverdlovsk Since April 2017, all pensioners can use electric trains for half the price. This benefit will not be valid all year round, but only from April 1 to October 31.
  3. Kaluga region. A scheme similar to Sverdlovsk operates here, but the period is slightly shorter: it starts on April 1 and ends on October 15.
  4. Moscow. Since June 2016, a law has been approved that abolishes the free right to use electric trains that go to Moscow for residents of the Moscow region. This is due to the fact that many working pensioners use electric trains, which means they need benefits less. Instead, officials approved a social card system. This card allows you to get a free ticket at the station ticket office and ticket machines. This system, according to officials, should reduce costs for that part of people of retirement age who do not need help, and therefore direct the money to more necessary areas.

There are times when the issued card does not work. No need to worry as it can be easily replaced. In addition, if the station does not have a ticket office or a machine, you can simply issue a ticket on the train.

IN Moscow region The following persons do not need a social card:

  1. Participants of the Second World War.
  2. Disabled persons belonging to the first and second groups.
  3. To persons who survived the siege of Leningrad.
  4. Concentration camp prisoners.
  5. Honorary blood donors.

It should be remembered that if the use of electric trains is necessary for frequent trips related to treatment, then pensioners can apply for a cash payment to compensate for these expenses. The payment can be up to 6,000 rubles.
Video about how residents of Tyumen collected signatures to return unlimited discounted travel:

Considering the fact that the constituent entities of the federation can set their own additional conditions for preferential travel, according to the law of the Russian Federation, pensioners have the right to a 50% discount on train travel in this country.

It should be remembered that retired military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition to the main ones, have their own special benefits for using the services of Russian Railways. They have the right:

  • Once a year, do not pay for train tickets to and from the place of treatment.
  • Possibility of priority service at railway ticket offices.

There are so-called “Northern benefits”. This is a type of social assistance for pensioners who live in the extreme northern regions of the country. By law, “northern benefits” provide free travel on trains once within 2 years. This is designed for the right of pensioners to improve their health and relax.

In most Russian cities, there is no discount for traveling by bus within the city. This is due to the fact that such transportation is provided by private companies, and local authorities do not impose corresponding requirements on them. Previously, in some regions of the country there was a rule that the driver had to carry up to 5 people on benefits, that is, if 6 pensioners got on the bus, then he had to pay. Today, such a system is practically never found; instead, individual cities of the country have their own conditions for minibuses:

  1. Magnitogorsk By order of the city authorities, all pensioners with registration in the city are entitled to 30 free rides on public transport, regardless of its type. If a pensioner travels more, then for subsequent trips he pays only 50 percent.
  2. Saint Petersburg. There are no benefits for all pensioners to travel on a minibus, but certain groups, for example, participants in the blockade during the Great Patriotic War, can receive this right.
  3. Chelyabinsk. Through the pension fund you can receive special cards that give you the right to free travel on any type of public transport in the city.
  4. Moscow. Only certain groups of pensioners have the right to use any public transport in the city: WWII veterans, Heroes of Labor, persons injured during man-made accidents.

How and where to apply for travel benefits?

It should be remembered that reduced travel does not mean free travel. It is paid for by public funds. That is why, in order to obtain the right to discounted travel, you must contact special services with a list of documents. Today there are three main options:

  1. Social Security Administration.
  2. “My Documents” Center, if there is one in your city.
  3. In some regions, you can submit documents electronically through the website of municipal services, for example, the Kirov region.

The list of documents is quite simple:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Personally written statement.
  3. Register in the electronic database of people with benefits.

Separately, it is necessary to describe the receipt of a social card for residents of the Moscow region. To do this, you must submit the following documents to the Multifunctional Center (MFC):

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Document confirming pensioner status.
  3. Document on pension social insurance.
  4. Photo 3 by 4.

For pensioners of law enforcement agencies, you must also provide a certificate of income. A social card is given if the income is not higher than two subsistence minimums (a little more than 20 thousand rubles).

The production of a social card takes up to 45 days.

A short video about the main nuances of applying for benefits for pensioners:

In the Leningrad region, certain intercity bus routes may provide travel benefits. Often these routes are connected with summer cottages.

Pensioners should remember that:

  1. Very often they do not know the parts of the benefits to which they are entitled. This applies not only to travel. In order to exercise all your rights, you must contact the social protection authorities, who should provide detailed advice on the possibilities for benefits. There you need to submit several documents and the right to preferential travel is ready.
  2. A special feature of the system of travel benefits for pensioners in the Russian Federation is that often certain regions of the country have their own nuances that should be clarified. For example, in Chelyabinsk pensioners have 30 free trips on a minibus, but in Moscow such a benefit is not provided; in St. Petersburg in the summer, electric trains are free for all pensioners, and in Sverdlovsk the state pays half the cost.
  3. Despite regional peculiarities, there are generally binding rules for everyone, for example, a minimum 50% discount on train travel (in some regions it’s completely free), and the use of public transport (often except minibuses).
  4. The most difficult region for exercising the right to preferential travel, especially on electric trains, is the Moscow region, since there it is necessary to additionally issue a social card.

Thus, Russian pensioners have the right to benefits on public transport. Part of this system is what remains of the Soviet social assistance system, which is why some deputies and officials consider it ineffective and demand its reform. Associated with this are constant changes, both national and local, that are being made to the rules for obtaining travel benefits for pensioners.

Most older people receive modest benefits. designed to support low-income citizens. Transport discounts in force in Russia can be divided into federal and regional.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains. Who is eligible?

  • WWII veterans;
  • heroes of the USSR;
  • participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident;
  • to the siege survivors of Leningrad;
  • disabled people who were declared incapable of work after passing the commission;
  • elderly people who suffered from the Nazis.

The benefit can be used by a person who accompanies a disabled person during a train trip. A return ticket purchased with budget funds will be valid until the end of the next day. The carrier has the right to increase the validity period of the travel document. The reason for this decision may be purchasing a ticket on Friday or Saturday.

How to confirm your right to free travel on trains

To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. To receive a certificate of social benefits, employees must provide:

  • WWII veteran certificate;
  • book of the hero of the USSR;
  • certificate of a liquidation participant at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to review the documents of an elderly person within 10 days. After this, the pensioner must be issued a social card. Moreover, the application can be filled out not only with your own hand. An elderly person can use a website that provides government services. There are MFCs in Russia that provide assistance with paperwork. If necessary, staff will help you fill out the application correctly.

Features of providing transport benefits for people with disabilities

The state provides support to the following categories of disabled citizens:

  • people who have been assigned a certain disability group;
  • discounts are also provided to disabled citizens who were held captive during the war;
  • allow you to reduce transportation costs;
  • elderly passengers can take advantage of the discount if they have a disability certificate;
  • If desired, pensioners have the right to monetize transport benefits.

Under what conditions do regions provide transport benefits?

Benefits for pensioners on train travel in 2019 year are not intended for all Muscovites. Elderly residents of the capital are issued a transport card by the social security authorities.

To complete this, you need to prepare several documents:

  1. Photocopy a copy of your passport and pension certificate in advance.
  2. Employees will require the retiree to provide an insurance policy.

What are the benefits for pensioners on travel on electric trains? operate in Russian regions? Transport benefits apply to all trains regardless of category. You can take advantage of transport benefits without a social card. However, the elderly person will have to take a certificate stating that the document is being processed.

Transport discounts for Moscow residents

Benefits for pensioners on travel on Moscow trains are provided subject to registration of a social card. If necessary, a person can purchase a ticket in advance. Moscow train stations accept applications for tickets. Pensioners have access to a ticket booking service. A person can order travel documents in advance.

The booking procedure can be completed 10 days before the train departs. Moreover, station employees do not require a person’s personal presence when filling out an application. The process of sending a document can be carried out remotely. In most cases, it is enough for a pensioner to present an identification card. To take advantage of the discount you need to have a social card in hand. However, many pensioners have not yet received this document. In this case, an appropriate certificate will be required.

Which benefits for pensioners on train travel provided for native residents of St. Petersburg

First you need to fill out an application in accordance with the sample that can be found on the website of the social security authorities. The document must indicate:

  • information specified in the passport;
  • on what grounds should the state provide benefits;
  • document confirming the status of an elderly person.

Copies of documents confirming the right to receive benefits must be attached to the application. They must be certified by a notary. The administration of St. Petersburg pays transportation costs for elderly people who have no other sources of income.

Social cards are also valid for residents of St. Petersburg. Pensioners only need to present their passport and ID at the ticket office. When receiving a social card, you need to check its functionality. There are known cases when the chip built into the plastic did not work. Pensioners are recommended to have documents confirming their right to benefits.

A person accompanying a disabled person can purchase a train ticket for free. If there is no ticket office at the station, then a person has the right to purchase a travel document directly on the train.

Benefits for pensioners on travel on St. Petersburg trains with a 90% discount. Residents of the Leningrad region will have to pay 15% of the ticket price for travel. For labor veterans, home front workers and rehabilitated citizens, the discount is 89%.

What benefits are provided for former military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Military pensioners can get to the sanatorium for free once a year.

The return trip is also paid for by the state. Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can take advantage of the right to free travel. The condition for granting transport benefits is the departmental status of the medical institution. The discount applies to commuter trains. Buying a ticket for an international train will cost 2 times less than for other categories of pensioners.

How to get discounts on public transport

Some pensioners assume that the cost of transport services is already included in the amount of payments. However, this opinion is not true. To receive a discount ticket, you can contact the station ticket office. It is possible to use a self-service terminal. A person can purchase a travel document directly on the electric train. You can book a ticket by contacting the station ticket office.

Benefits for pensioners on train travel– one of the measures to provide social support to low-income citizens. The state provides the opportunity to book tickets. The travel document will be valid for 24 hours. Moreover, most passengers immediately buy a return ticket. A travel document to your destination can be booked 10 days before your upcoming trip.

What will a pensioner who refuses benefits for travel on electric trains get?

Some older people hardly use rail transport. If you refuse free travel on electric trains, you must submit an application to the social security authorities. After reviewing the documents, the pensioner will be additionally paid EDV.


Benefits for travel on electric trains are paid not only from the federal budget. Each region has legislation designed to protect low-income citizens. The most extensive list of benefits is available to pensioners living in Moscow. Residents of the capital can ride trains for free. To do this you need to apply for a social card.

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Not all retirees have the opportunity to work. Some are not allowed by their health, while others are denied official employment due to their age. Such pensioners belong to the category of vulnerable citizens and, like no one else, need support from the state.

In Russia for 2019, there are a large number of programs that are aimed at reducing the costs of life support for pensioners. These also include discounts on travel on different types of transport. This article will discuss benefits for pensioners on travel on long-distance trains in 2019.

Benefits for travel on long-distance trains are a special type of benefit for pensioners. It allows the use of railway transport on more favorable terms for older citizens.

Benefits can be of two types:

  1. Providing free travel.
  2. Reduced cost of train tickets.

Let's consider each of these types separately.

Providing free travel

The first type of benefit is free rail travel. A pensioner can get a long-distance train ticket for free.

The ticket can be obtained once a year. The only condition that must be met is a trip to the place of treatment. In other words, a free ticket is given only for a trip to the sanatorium.

On the one hand, this type of benefit is insignificant. But it can significantly reduce a pensioner’s expenses if treatment or rehabilitation is needed on the other side of the country.

Reduced cost of train tickets

The second, more common type of benefit is a reduction in the cost of a train ticket. It allows you to significantly reduce the cost of long trips.

The size of the discount depends on many factors:

  • Pensioner status (labor veteran, military veteran, etc.).
  • Destination.
  • Time of year, etc.
Typically, benefits amount to 50 percent of the ticket price. To receive them at the checkout you must provide a pension certificate. The discount also applies to long-distance train trips.

Who is eligible to receive benefits?

Benefits for traveling by Russian Railways can be received by:

  • WWII veterans.
  • Siege survivors of Leningrad.
  • Workers in the rear during the Great Patriotic War.
  • Citizens who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.
  • People injured in military service, etc.
If you belong to one of the categories listed above, you may qualify for benefits. To confirm membership in these groups, it is necessary to present the relevant document to government authorities.

Is receiving benefits mandatory or not?

Many people ask the question: is it necessary to receive benefits? Benefits for using any type of public transport are issued voluntarily. The pensioner himself applies to the authorized responsible bodies to receive financial support.

Instead of benefits, a citizen of retirement age can receive a pension supplement. This decision is made by him independently. In what cases will it be more beneficial? If you do not regularly use public transport and do not plan long trips, you are better off getting a pension supplement.

If a citizen is satisfied with his financial situation, he does not have the desire or time to deal with paperwork, he may refuse to receive benefits altogether.

Benefits for using public transport - how to get them?

Many pensioners think that benefits for using public transport are already included in their pension. Actually this is not true.

Benefits are not accrued automatically. They need to be formalized. As a rule, the entire registration procedure is carried out at the Russian Pension Fund. Let's take a closer look at it.

Drawing up an application

The first step is drawing up an application. It is necessary to express a desire to receive benefits provided by law. The application must contain the following information:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant.
  • Passport details.
  • Types of benefits.
  • Reasons for receiving them.
  • List of documents that confirm the social status of a citizen, etc.
The application is filled out in a strictly prescribed form. The form can be found and printed on the Internet or obtained from any nearest branch of the responsible government agency.

Depending on what category the citizen belongs to and what type of benefits he intends to receive, the contents of the document may change. It is necessary to clarify the data from the Pension Fund employees to fill out.

In order for the procedure for applying for benefits to be successful, you need to fill out the application correctly. Be sure to double-check all data to ensure that it corresponds to official documentation. Any errors in the application may cause it to become invalid and no longer valid.

Submitting an application and package of documents

After completing the application, you must submit it with a package of documents to the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund. In addition to the application, the package of documents must include:

  • Citizen's passport.
  • Documents that confirm that you belong to beneficiaries.
It is necessary to provide copies of these documents certified by a notary. If the document is not certified, it is not valid and will not be taken into account in the process of applying for benefits.

Obtaining transport documentation

The last step in this procedure is to directly obtain the transport documentation. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will notify you of its decision after reviewing the package of documents.

A date and time for receiving transport documentation is set. The pensioner must come to the branch of the government agency at his place of residence and confirm with his signature that he has received benefits. Only after this they come into force and can be used when traveling.

The topic of pensioners receiving benefits for travel on long-distance trains and other public vehicles is very relevant today and is covered in many media. You can learn more about it in the following video:

So, pensioners are considered socially vulnerable citizens. The state is trying in every possible way to improve the financial situation of this segment of the population and reduce their costs of life support.

Programs that provide benefits to retirees come into force every year. One of these includes a program of benefits for pensioners for travel on long-distance trains. It allows you to receive a free trip to the place of treatment every year or significantly reduce the cost of your ticket.

At the legislative level, travel benefits for pensioners on railway transport are very vaguely prescribed. However, it can be concluded that some categories of people of retirement age can take advantage of such benefits.

To receive this benefit, you must present an identification document, a paper certifying the right to receive discounts and preferences when moving a pensioner by public transport, and a special coupon issued by social insurance authorities.

Residents of the Far North and regions equivalent to them, purchasing train tickets for long-distance trains once a year to the place of treatment and back, can take advantage of this benefit and travel for free.

According to information posted on the official website of Russian Railways, similar benefits are also provided to participants in military operations and veterans of World War II.

When traveling on the Sapsan high-speed train, Russian Railways offers a 30 percent discount on the Senior fare. This fare is available for passengers over sixty years of age.

“Lastochka” provides the right to travel with a cash-free ticket to labor veterans and holders of a Muscovite social card. When purchasing a ticket for Lastochka through electronic applications, you must adhere to a certain deadline - no more than seven days before the trip.

When traveling by high-speed train "Strizh" a preference of thirty percent is provided on the Senior fare - for citizens whose age at the time of travel is sixty years or more. A week before and a week after your birthday, you can get a thirty-five percent discount on swift travel.

Until what date are benefits for pensioners on trains valid?

Benefits for traveling with electric vehicles are regulated at the regional level. In some regions, older people can travel without paying for a ticket only during the dacha season, in others - all year round. Several years ago, Moscow authorities made an unpopular decision to abolish benefits for people of retirement age for traveling by suburban transport.

To say that Moscow pensioners have lost free travel is not entirely true. For labor veterans, this preference has been preserved, as well as for residents of the region traveling outside of Moscow. To compensate for lost benefits, the regional government proposes issuing a transport social card for pensioners to receive transport benefits.

Advice: if you have a card, you do not need to present a document confirming the right to receive preferences. However, during their initial use, technical problems may occur. Therefore, to avoid getting into trouble, you should take the necessary documents with you for your first trip with a new card.

In St. Petersburg, the discount on electric trains is valid from April 27 to October 31 each year. During this period, pensioners, labor veterans and home front workers pay only 10% of the cost.

A year-round discount of 85% is valid for pensioners of the Leningrad region.

In the Moscow region, only some categories of older people retained the right to travel by commuter train with a 100% discount:

  • Persons with labor veteran status;
  • Military veterans;
  • Those who worked behind the lines during the war;
  • Illegally repressed persons.

According to the regulations of the Kaluga region, pensioners have a 50% discount when traveling by train from April 1 to October 15.

The legislation of the Nizhny Novgorod region provides for a fifty percent discount for pensioners when traveling on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekends and holidays in the summer. The specific start and end dates of this benefit are approved by the regulatory legal acts of the leadership of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Benefits when traveling on public transport

There are different types of benefits when traveling by public transport:

  • A citizen can pay only part of the cost when purchasing a ticket;
  • The beneficiary receives compensation for travel by public transport in cash;
  • A citizen purchases preferential travel tickets or coupons for traveling on buses;
  • The citizen does not pay for travel.

Local authorities regulate the amount of benefits and the circle of people who use them. If we are talking about a private carrier, then preferences, as a rule, are not provided. In order for a private minibus carrier to provide such benefits, an additional agreement is required with the authorities giving permission for route transportation. Usually this doesn't happen.

Advice: when traveling around the cities of our country, it makes sense to take with you documents confirming the right to receive a preference. When purchasing a ticket, you must ask about the availability of benefits.

Where there are trams, trolleybuses and the metro, there are preferences for pensioners. Priority is given to labor veterans and combat veterans. For other categories of senior citizens, various bonuses may be provided, but this is left to the discretion of the municipality.

For example, the authorities of St. Petersburg provide support to women who have been awarded the title of “heroine mother”, heroes of socialist labor, their widows or widowers, and pensioners permanently living in the city.

Where to get a travel ticket for a pensioner

The specific amount of compensation for travel on public transport is established at the regional level. The cost and procedure for issuing reduced-price travel tickets is determined by the municipality. In many cities, a pensioner should contact the local social security department to purchase it. In addition, the sale of special travel cards can be carried out at the ticket office of a passenger company along with regular travel cards.

Advice: when purchasing at non-specialized points of sale, you should take into account the limited number of such passes. Probably, by the end of implementation they may not exist. They simply end. You should take care of your purchase in advance.

To receive a unified social card, Muscovites must come to the “My Documents” government services center.

How to apply for travel benefits

In different cities, the issuance of travel preferences occurs with minor variations. We can say that a pensioner entitled to a subsidy must contact the social security authorities or a multifunctional center for the provision of public services. Before this, you must register with the Pension Fund.

Usually, registration requires SNILS, a passport, and a document confirming the right to benefits (for example, a document confirming the status of a labor veteran). Often a photograph is required.

To receive preferences, Voronezh veterans need to come to the social protection authorities with a set of documents:

  • Statement;
  • Identity document;
  • Veteran's ID;
  • Documents confirming receipt of awards, if any;
  • A document confirming the fact of experience;
  • Photo 3*4 cm.

Advice: before going to the social security authorities, you should clarify the list of required documents by phone. You should also clarify the possibility of obtaining preferences at the MFC or organizations performing the same functions. Perhaps visiting the MFC will be more convenient due to its closer location.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have the opportunity to apply for a Muscovite social card through the State Services portal. To do this, you must have an active account and access to an Internet connection. An electronic application can be submitted through the portal or through the page of the Ministry of Social Development of the city of Moscow. There, if necessary, you can make an appointment with the MFC or the Ministry.

When submitting an application electronically, a social card is produced thirty days from the date of submission of the application. If the application was sent on a non-working day, then the deadline is counted from the next working day.

In St. Petersburg, to receive a discount when purchasing a ticket on public transport, a pensioner must provide the cashier with a pension certificate and a document confirming the fact of city registration.

Thus, a pensioner in each region needs to clarify the possibility of obtaining various privileges with the social protection authorities. New legislation on measures to support socially vulnerable citizens is usually published in the first quarter of each year. You can get acquainted with them on the official websites of authorities.