The conspiracy is the power of love is mighty. What is this prayer God's house God's threshold God's throne

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 10 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Strong love spell

Strong love spell

So that your lover does not look at other women, loves only you, resort to the help of such an old conspiracy:

God's house, God's threshold, God's Throne.

The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning.

Go you, melancholy, to every hair

On the servant of God (name),

On his crown, on his temple,

On the liver and on the heart,

On the blood and on the living room,

On all his joints,

To all his thoughts, thoughts,

On his white chest, rosy cheeks,

For lust and sighs.

He shouldn't fall asleep,

There would be no need for him to eat.

Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind,

Twist his brains so that he does not eat,

Didn't sit, didn't lie,

And to me from everywhere was torn and fled.

Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him,

Lovers doves will not cajole,

Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.

All he would do is me, the servant of God (name),

kept in my head,

Suma did not let go of his mind.

Without me, the air does not breathe clean.

Like a fish on the bank without water dies,

Grass without earth-mother dries,

There is no sky without clouds

So let the servant of God (name) me

Never forgets with anyone.

And who will treat him,

Tired from the first day. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness Plant three Christmas trees near your house. Mentally give one tree the name of the drinking person, give the second tree his patronymic, and the third - the last name. Then, for twelve days, abundantly water the Christmas trees with charmed water and make sure that they

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy against cancer (very strong) Cut off the head of a rooster with one movement. Drain the blood from the body of the rooster into a vessel and take this blood to the cemetery at night, where you pour it out in front of the gate. After that, properly swinging, throw a bundle with a ransom over the fence. Then kiss

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy for ardent love (a very strong love spell) Early in the morning, while no one has washed in the house yet (if you live in a village house, then before the stove is flooded), take a salt shaker in your right hand and read a special plot over it. Rite this spend nine days in a row. On

From the book Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for indestructible love and dove fidelity author Smorodova Irina

Prayer for the love of a husband (strong love spell) This prayer has a very strong love spell, so it can be used when you are already married to your loved one and want to be with him for the rest of your life. Because if you then leave him, he will wither before your eyes, and

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy from polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) Such an old conspiracy helps to cope with this ailment: As Christ's wound has grown over And left no trace, So you, illness, Fall away without a trace from the servant of God (name). Descend on a dead field, on gray moss, On a dry stump. WITH

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A strong conspiracy from a lack of standing Go out on the full moon to the balcony or to the street and, looking at the moon, say three times without stopping: The vein of the servant of God (name) stops and does not burst, it rises on me and does not fall, just as the moon does not fall from heaven now, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy against cancer On Wednesday, go to the bathhouse and stick a new knife into the threshold from below. At the same time, say this: Damascus knife, cut the cancer in my chest, so that it’s not me, but it withers and dies. Now and forever and forever and ever. Then wash yourself three times and speak for the last time.

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From lupus (strong conspiracy) I speak this place for Easter dough, for new strength, for healthy veins. I will take a handkerchief from St. Barbara, I will go east with that handkerchief, I will find a wolf's place, I will lay the Easter dough. As the dough is baked, so the servant of God (name) does not have lupus

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A strong conspiracy to love God's house. God's threshold. God's Throne. The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning. Go, melancholy, to every hair, on the servant of God (name), on his crown, on his temple, on the liver and on the heart, on the blood and on the vein, on all his joints, on all of his

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For passionate love (a very strong love spell) It is done with salt. They read while holding the salt in the salt shaker in their right hand. They subtract nine morning dawns in this way, while the stoves are not yet heated and no one has washed or eaten in the house. With this salt on the tenth day they salt the food of their dear. Never no woman

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Strong conspiracy to sell Put the key in boiling water and boil. During the boil, a plot is read. The water is cooled, poured into a jar, and then, when they need to sell something, on the eve of the transaction they wash their hands with this water. Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key,

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From enemies (strong conspiracy) From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's been four years since my rival has been destroying me and my whole family. She took my husband from me, my father's children, she got my dacha, half of the apartment, for which I worked in production for so many years. But she

author Stephanie Sister

A strong conspiracy from the evil eye You will need: spring water, a transparent container with wide edges, a candle, an icon of the Virgin Ritual venue: room Time: evening until midnight Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week: Tuesday, Wednesday, FridaySpecial condition:

From the book Water teaches to manage people and get what they want from them. Hexes for water author Stephanie Sister

A strong conspiracy against spoilage You will need: spring water, a transparent container with wide edges Ritual venue: room Time of the ritual: evening until midnight Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week: Tuesday, Wednesday, FridaySpecial condition: impossible

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 29 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A strong conspiracy against cancer On Mount Khvalynskaya, in a vaunted house, In a vaunted holy tower, In the church there is a Throne. On the Holy Throne, the Blessed Mother of God, the Mother of God, is holding a sword in her hands - to cut Cancer. Slash Cancer both at its root and in the white body (name). Painful cancer, cancer

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

The mighty power of love. Its influence on mankind has always been felt especially sharply. But if you are gnawed by the lack of love in your life, then the magical most powerful conspiracies for ardent love will be a great way to prepare for their appearance.

What is a strong conspiracy for ardent love

If you are confused by the word "love spells", Forget it. The action of a real love conspiracy lies in its name. He "speaks" for you and your best spiritual impulses. With the help of conspiracies, you will go through the stage of finding yourself in another person.

Dissolve in love, and then a powerful love spell can help you with this.

What else is needed for happiness?

Therefore, we will not stagnate for a long time and immediately move on to the essence of what is happening. When you read the text of the conspiracy, let's move on to the technical aspects of the process. There is nothing complicated in them, you do not need to chew additionally.

Powerful love spell

A variant of an ardent strong conspiracy from the handbook of magic Natalia Stepanova.
"God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.

On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the vein, on all his joints,
For all his thoughts, thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.

Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him,
Lovers doves will not cajole,
Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.
He would keep my slave (NAME) in his head
Crazy - I didn't let go of my mind.

Like a fish on the bank without water dies,
Grass without earth-mother dries,
There is no sky without clouds.

And who will treat him will get tired from the first day.

A short version of the most powerful love spell

"God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.
The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is burning,
Go, melancholy, to every hair on the servant of God (NAME).
He would sleep - do not fall asleep, eat him - do not seize.
Nine winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Twist his brains so that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sit, doesn’t lie,
And to me from everywhere was torn and fled.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me, the air does not breathe clean.
So let the slave (NAME) never forget me.
And who will treat him will get tired from the first day".

This version of the rite must be done according to the same principles as its full version. No difference.

How ardent conspiracies work

In magical rites, rituals or conspiracies of the sensual direction, the understanding of the depth of the process is predominant.

External nuances are not so important- it would be more correct to use in any magical conspiracy for love - faith. And here it can be written with a capital letter, so that it is read and perceived easier.

Faith. Faith works wonders if it is directed with the help of a conspiracy in the right direction. The technical nuances include the following things that you must remember:

  • A love spell is being made at sunrise or midnight. This is due to the cycle of natural rebirth, on which our entire universe is tied.
  • Follow the speech. What matters is not WHAT you say. More important is HOW. Turn on confidence, then the beast called Love will cling to you. An ardent love spell is a great way to convince him to hide his teeth away from you and give him affection in return.
  • Exhale at the end of the pronunciation of the text of the conspiracy, take a deep breath at first. This will help you gather your thoughts together.
  • Remember that a powerful love conspiracy is not a panacea, but an excellent ritual for tanning in the soul of a loved one reciprocal feelings.

Instructions for performing the ritual for ardent love

  1. Buy 12 church candles of any kind and light a lampada, candles - half a circle in front of the icon. If it is not there, get by with the presence of an icon and candles.
  2. The previously memorized text is read facing the image of any female saint. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, and only she can give it a spark, not forgetting about support.
As you can see, its power does not depend on the simplicity of the impact. Love and be loved. This conspiracy will teach you to give Love and, most importantly, to receive it correctly. Do it wisely. Good luck and Happy Love!

Love rites of white magic will help to find harmony in relationships and revive faded feelings. Light methods are safe both for the one who bewitches and for the object of the love spell. But this does not mean that rituals can be carried out thoughtlessly.

With the help of white magic, it will not be possible to separate a strong couple or subjugate a person to one's will. Such love spells are not done out of revenge, self-interest, or with the aim of stealing someone else's man. All light conspiracies are aimed at changing the feelings of the object of influence without harming him and other people.

How to read love spells correctly

There are a number of rules that are advised to adhere to esotericism when reading love plots:

  1. White love spells are not carried out after sunset, on fasting, Sunday and church holidays.
  2. For reading love plots, the period of the growth of the moon or the full moon is more suitable.
  3. It is not recommended to carry out more than one ritual during the day.
  4. For the ceremony, retire so that no one bothers you.
  5. Before you read the plot, say any prayer (for example, "Our Father"). This will help to cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to a love spell.
  6. Before the ceremony, untie the belt, remove all jewelry, loosen your hair and put on light-colored clothes.
  7. The plot is pronounced in an undertone or in a whisper, without straying or interrupting.
  8. It is advisable to learn the entire text by heart.
  9. The effectiveness of the conspiracy will enhance the wax candle (natural color or red). At the end of the rite, it should burn out completely, if the conditions of the love spell do not require other actions.
  10. After the ceremony, thank the higher powers.

Conspiracies of white magic for the love of a man

Magical actions with the invocation of light forces do not break the will of a person and do not cloud his consciousness. The conspiracy enhances the already existing emotional and sexual attraction. The performed ceremony will eliminate doubts and fears, remove the psychological barrier between you. In this case, the object of love spell will perceive what is happening as a natural process.

Don't expect the spell to work quickly. On average, it will take 3-4 weeks for the first results to appear. If there is no effect, try another method. If you do everything right, your man will soon reciprocate.

Conspiracy for strong love of a man

The plot is pronounced at a deserted crossroads of two roads. Hold a photo of a man in your hands. Cross yourself three times and bow to all four sides, observing the order: west, east, south, north. After that, read the plot three times and immediately leave the intersection.

I will become (name) blessed,
Bowing to the four sides.
On the east side the church will sing,
And in it is the throne.
The Mother of God stands on the Throne,
She folded her arms and looked at me.
You yearn, Mother Mary, for your Son Christ,
Crucified on a high cross.
So the servant of God (name) yearned for me and grieved,
I did not know peace and joy on earth without me,
I did not sit at the oak table,
Did not lie down on a wide bed.
I would give him bread, water, salt,
Fish and meat food.
How people do not live long without food and water,
How do they go to get food and water,
So the servant of God (name) would come to me:
At night under the moon, in the morning at dawn,
In the daytime with the sun clear,
I would be the best for him.
My word is sculpted and strong, tenacious to the servant of God.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. (thrice)

Strong love spell

Light the wax candle and say the text seven times. While reading the plot, keep in front of you the image of the man you want to bewitch.

Repeat the ceremony for three days, take a new candle each time.

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne.
The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning.
Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name),
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the living room,
On all his joints,
To all his thoughts, thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He shouldn't fall asleep,
There would be no need for him to eat.
Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Spin his brains
So that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie,
And to me from everywhere was torn and fled.
Locks won't hold him
The bolts won't stop.
Lovers doves will not cajole,
Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.
He would keep me, the slave (name), in his head,
I didn't let go of my mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me, the air does not breathe clean.
Like a fish on the bank without water dies
Grass without earth-mother dries,
There is no sky without clouds
So let the slave (name) of me never
And with no one forgets.
And who will treat him will get tired from the first day.

Conspiracy to return love

If a man has cooled off towards you, use this simple love spell. He will revive feelings and let love longing on your chosen one.

The plot is read three times at dawn, facing the rising sun. Suitable days of the week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
Take away from me, servants of God (name),
Anguish yearning, dry dryness
And put it on the servant of God (name),
On his white face, soft lips, bone teeth.
So that he is about me, about God's servant (name),
Violently yearned, vehemently grieved,
Yearned - grieved
Yearned - grieved
Yearned - grieved
Didn't know the light of God
Didn't sleep for days or nights
I did not go to my mother to my father,
I didn’t wander through the forests, through the fields,
With girlfriends and friends did not know,
I did not hug my lovers,
Rushed from corner to corner,
Snake on the ground wriggled.
I looked at the sky - there I am,
I looked at the water - there I am,
I looked at the ground - there I am, v God's servant (name).
How they suffer for the dead
How bitter tears shed over him,
So my husband would suffer for me,
Shed his bitter tears
For me, for God's servant,
By his married wife (name).
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Strong love spell

The next plot is read in a strong wind. The lunar day and the day of the week do not matter. Take a photo of a man and go outside.

Turn in the direction from which the wind is blowing, and read the plot aloud one or three times. After that, turn over your right shoulder and go home.

How do you, the wind, pull the smoke from the furnace,
You fan the fire with your strength,
Inflate, ignite three furnaces with a bright flame.
One oven is sadness, the other oven is longing,
Third furnace to the heart
Kindle the servant of God (name).
At the baptized servant of God (name)
Take a soul, bring a soul
And bring his soul to my soul
Body with body, and flesh with flesh.
Send a fierce dry spell on him,
Merciless, incurable,
So that he dries for me, God's servant (name),
Dry dry grass in the field.
Take away his will
No locks, no doors
For him to stand beside me
Missed me and suffered
He did not know peace day or night.
My stucco words do not speak, do not interrupt,
Do not soak in water, do not steam in the bath.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Who read this conspiracy to love.

Love: A strong love spell. God's house. God's threshold. God's Throne. Go, melancholy, to every hair, On the servant of God (name), On his crown, on his temple, on the liver and on the heart, On the blood and on the vein, On all his joints, On all his thoughts, thoughts, On the chest his white, ruddy cheeks, To lust and sighs. He wouldn’t fall asleep to sleep, he wouldn’t eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brains, And to me from everywhere he was torn and fled. Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him. Lovers-doves will not cajole, Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand. He would keep me, the slave (name), in his head, He would not let go of my mind. Without me, the air does not breathe clean. Like a fish dies on a bank without water, Grass dries up without mother earth, There is no sky without clouds, So let the slave (name) never forget me with anyone. Please tell us who used this conspiracy, how much and how long it takes.

anri: Ya etot privarot ispolzoval, no chtal na vodu i dal vpit, pomogajet, no na mesec tachneje na 40 dnej.

Venera: The plot is working, it works in less than a week, but in order to be effective for a longer time, it is better to work with a photo.

LIVE111: what to do with the photo? do you have to say something? how will the fastening work?

nezhnaia: yes, he is real. just not complete

LIVE111: who can add more?

niru: contact directly the person who wrote that something needs to be added here.

Love: I was looking for how to supplement it, but I didn’t find anything anywhere. I also thought it was incomplete. I read it just like that, on the balcony, it worked the next day in the evening, but the truth is only for two days. Maybe try to read the photo?

†ASMODAE†2: A love spell? And you want to get the result of a love spell with this conspiracy. NO! only a conspiracy + rite has power - these are the basics of magic and nothing else! this conspiracy is only half the battle, which, without complementary joy, has zero force. It has the same power as reading without understanding the essence of the process - a couple of lines in Chinese and waiting for something else! The result will be null! Everything needs a specialist, just as you yourself cannot bake bread from scratch or assemble a car from parts - everything needs to be learned and not for 1 day, but for many years!

Chilla: This is a Stepanovsky conspiracy. She has it given in exactly the same form without any comments.

nemerelena: If it says about the wind here, maybe you need to go to the wind? It also seemed to me that without the rite itself it was somehow not complete.

sashenka55: this plot helped a lot of people. It didn't help me because I didn't do everything right. it is read on the growing moon, on the candle 7 times. the hatch must be open. conspiracy is better to memorize. it is recommended to read from 00:00 to 03:00, you can not do it during menstruation. the timing is up to you. from the correctness of the ceremony, from strength. I'll be doing this too. good luck to you.

Susi: Good afternoon! I have read this conspiracy. - I read to the place where my beloved used to sit. -Three days later we met there again, and. he went to me. At first everything was fine, but! In bed, I noticed that something was wrong between us, there was not that warmth as before, I felt that he was just as embarrassed as I was. Out of ignorance, I made a love spell on a debilitating: (moon. But I think the love spell is very strong!

NEITHA: The conclusion from what you read is in skillful hands and the stick shoots. Susy writes: Out of ignorance, she made a love spell on the debilitating: (moon. If it worked - all this is trifles.

Good morning, this is my first time here. Help me get my husband back, I left him with a one-year-old child, it’s already the second month, everything was great with us, we wanted to have a baby, we were building a house, but suddenly it seemed to be replaced. I can’t do it anymore yesterday I wrote that I would not return. HELP BRING IT BACK!

There is also such an option, it is on the internet, but it works very, very well. Checked. Although it is difficult to judge who can work with such a conspiracy and who cannot. My godmother works with a bang, just like me. I usually read upwind. Nerves spoils very well.

Love spell "God's house, God's threshold"

God's house, God's threshold, God's throne.
The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning.
Go, melancholy, to every hair,
On the servant of God (name),
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the vein, on all his joints,
To all his thoughts - thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He shouldn't fall asleep,
There would be no need for him to eat.
Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Spin his brains
So that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie,
And to me from everywhere was torn and fled.
Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him.
Lovers - doves do not intend,
Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.
He would keep me, the slave (his name), in his head,
I didn't let go of my mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me, the air does not breathe clean.
Like a fish on the bank without water dies,
Grass without earth - the mother dries,
There is no sky without clouds
So let the slave (name) never forget me with anyone.
And who will treat him will get tired from the first day. Amen.

A love spell from a photograph, but I put my hand on the man's things.

If you feel that you are losing your husband, if he has cooled off towards you and does not go home to spend the night, you can return his passion through a spell in the photo. Put a photograph of your husband on your left palm and, looking straight into his eyes, whisper:

There was a tree on an island in the middle of the sea.
There was a girl sitting under a tree.
The girl's name was Love.
She ate hearts, drank scarlet blood.
Oh, you are a goy, Love-maiden,
Become my named sister,
Dry my husband's heart
And to me, to his wife, tie.
To make it hard for him without me,
So that he could not go far.
He would always be by my side
Now, ever and ever.
He took my hands, admired me.
I would puff with love,
The heat would burn with love.
Led me to the oak bed,
Laid down on the bed.
Would kiss me, have mercy,
He called his sweetheart.
I would become him bread and water,
He would never forget me.
Case, I close the word,
And I throw the keys into the deep sea.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

love spell working, tested. I have it written "beautiful love spell"
height, looking at a photo or thinking about a man.
“So that I don’t eat, sit or lie
And he rushed to me from everywhere and ran
locks won't hold him
bolts won't stop
love doves will not anoint,
aunts will not persuade. uncles will not understand.
all would he me p. b (name) kept in my head
did not lose my mind
he heard my voice everywhere
I couldn't breathe clean air without me.
like a fish on the shore
dies without water
like grass without mother's earth dries up.
as there is no sky without clouds.
so let r.b. (name) me
never forgets with anyone.
And who will treat him
tired from the first day."

and one more.
I have it written down .. I don’t know who the author is, but they worked for me, I read it in the complex.

God's house, God's threshold.
God's throne.
The power of love is powerful
burning tears of jealousy
go you. melancholy, to the very hair,
on r.b. (name) on his crown, on his hair
on the liver and heart
on his white chest
rosy cheeks
for lust and sighs
to all his thoughts.
All of his joints.
he would not fall asleep to sleep,
If he doesn't have to eat,
nine winds,
tenth whirlwind - spin his brains.
I read very emotionally .. as if I were in a trance.

ELENA kpocc is Stepanova.
But for some reason, the plot is divided into two parts, which, separately, are absolutely non-working. The first without a logical beginning, the second without an end and a castle.

It looks like this in full.

God's House, God's Threshold, God's Throne!
The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning.
Go you, melancholy, to the very hair
On the servant of God (.)
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart
On his white chest, rosy cheeks
For lust and sighs
To all his thoughts
To all his joints
He wouldn’t fall asleep to sleep, he wouldn’t eat
Ten winds, tenth whirlwind,
spin his brains
So that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie,
and to me from everywhere torn and fled
Locks won't hold him
Bolts won't stop
Lovers-doves will not cajole
Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand
He would keep me as a slave (.) in his head
Didn't lose my mind
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Can't breathe clean air without me
Like a fish on the shore without water dies,
like grass without earth-mother dries
As there is no sky without clouds
So let the servant of God (.) never forget me with anyone
And who will treat him will get tired from the first day. Amen.

I don't know anything about his performance, I haven't tried it.

Some girls resort to the help of love spells and conspiracies. After all, there are situations when it is simply impossible to fix everything without it. True, it’s definitely not worth abusing this, because problems can arise from such “magic”.

So, there are completely different love spells and conspiracies that are aimed at activating certain actions. So, depending on the situation, any “remedy” is selected. One of the most powerful love spells was called God's house, God's threshold. You need to read the text with a certain intonation, while the internal state of mind should correspond to the ongoing action. Women who have tried this love spell on themselves recommend doing it along with a good ritual. The sequence of actions will be described below, what and how to perform.

So, everything needs to be done only on the growing moon. The fact is that in the conspiracy there is not only a note of challenge, but also the love part itself. Next, you need to decide on another important "parameter". It is advisable to do a love spell before work or after. The main thing is that the time does not coincide with working hours, otherwise nothing will work. Girls who have tested it all on themselves recommend giving preference to the morning. In general, the most effective time is in this half of the day. Next, you should give a purchase. What is it and how to do it?

Purchasing means helping those who need it. No, in this case, we are not talking about a neighbor who needs help to bring bags or move her grandmother across the road. This action implies alms to the poor, it is impossible to do without it. Now you should cross yourself at the entrance to the church and on the threshold. Yes, this is the right place to help people in need. Moreover, you should not skimp, but you also do not need to show special generosity. As they say, everything should be, but in moderation. Next, you should buy a few candles and put some money on the needs of the temple. It is important to make a donation and do not forget to bring gingerbread to the memorial table. This is all the essence of a love spell, it will work only under certain conditions.

It is important to note that on the day when the ritual will be performed, nothing can be served to anyone! In fact, you shouldn't do this at all! Moreover, even if children ask for help or relatives, they will have to be refused. You can’t do anything, period, it’s important to remember this so as not to harm the family and people around you! Now it is worth returning to the purchased candles. So, you should take the largest of them. When visiting the temple, you must wear a scarf on your head. With candles and in a headdress, you should approach the throne. The main thing is to face him. As a rule, this place is fenced, and it is impossible to come close to it, but this is not necessary. Enough is enough, just come close and be baptized. Do not forget about prayer, it is obligatory in this matter. A few steps from the throne are icons, and in front of them are candlesticks, and here you should put the largest wax candle. This action must be performed correctly, according to all requirements.

Next, you should turn to the altar and read the plot by heart. It is important to learn the words before performing the ritual, because if you count them from a leaf, you won’t be able to achieve any result. Moreover, it is desirable to repeat the plot several times, but this does not change the matter. The only thing worth focusing on is the pronunciation of the word "Amen" after each time read by heart. The main thing is to believe in everything that happens. The women who did this really saw the effect, and a good one at that. It is important not only to put a lot of effort into this, but also to take everything that happens with some seriousness. After all, first of all, God's house, God's threshold, the throne is aimed at helping a person find what he lacks.

If for some reason the desired “effect” was not achieved, then, most likely, an error was made in the performance of any actions. It's worth trying again. After all, this love spell is the most powerful of all existing ones, it simply cannot be inactive. Therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to the correctness of actions.

Love spells and conspiracies actually pose some danger to those who are not able to do them correctly.

So, you can easily harm others, while not suspecting anything at all. Therefore, before doing something, you should familiarize yourself with the sequence of actions and how you need to do it all correctly.