How to make a parrot out of paper? How to make paper parrot easy.

In various origami tutorials, a parrot is almost always on the list of recommended crafts for beginners. Indeed, making such a bird is not difficult, even a child can easily cope with the task. You can find a variety of schemes designed for any level of complexity.

With the help of a variety of crafts made in the technique of origami, you can easily decorate the interior of an apartment or a country house. Paper origami parrot is far from the only interesting idea. So, for example, in the spring, a variety of bird figurines are perfect for interior decor. From white or colored paper, you can make a crow, and an owl, and a crane, but there are reasons why many paper craft lovers prefer parrots:

  1. The figurine of a parrot, which “knows how” to open and close its beak, can be used in role-playing games, as well as in home puppet theater performances.
  2. A cheerful bird made of multi-colored paper will not only cheer you up, but also perfectly enliven any environment.
  3. A parrot is one of the birds most beloved by children, so any child will be delighted to take part in the manufacture of such crafts.
  4. The silhouette of a parrot is always recognizable by its powerful beak and bushy tail. If you draw small details on the finished craft, the bird will turn out to be very interesting.

Making a funny “talking” origami bird is a great option for joint creativity for children and their parents. You can also do them in circles and sections, at school in technology lessons and in kindergarten.

To make a parrot out of paper, you need to find the simplest scheme for beginners.

The main advantage of the origami technique is that it does not require glue to work. Scissors, as a rule, are also not needed, except in cases where the needlewoman independently makes modules from colored paper. Therefore, such needlework is great for children. To make the folds smoother, you can bend the paper along the lines using a wooden or metal ruler. You can cut paper for the manufacture of modules not only with scissors, but also with a clerical cutter.

What you need to work

To learn how to make funny parrots, Kesh or Gosh, just purchase a kit for modular origami. Their main advantage is that the kit includes exactly as many parts as you need for assembly. Making modules for origami paper by hand is a rather long and monotonous task, so using a ready-made kit will save a novice master from a lot of trouble. If the needlewoman nevertheless decided to make modules on her own, for work you will need:

Usually children can easily cope with such work, so you can attach a baby to this business. The main thing is to understand the general principle of manufacturing parts, and soon the skill will be brought to automatism. Having made the required number of parts, you can begin to assemble the parrot. You can buy a set of "Modular Origami Parrot" assembly scheme not only in stores, but also on the Internet, on sites that sell goods for hobbies and creativity, for example, on sites.

A parrot can be absolutely any color. If you want to make a budgerigar, you will need colored paper in blue, blue, green, purple. For cockatoos, white office paper is perfect. The bright South American macaw parrot can be red, orange, yellow. Approximately according to the same scheme as a parrot, you can make a toucan - a black bird with a large bright orange beak.

The only difference between a toucan and its talking "relative" is a huge beak, consisting of two halves (the upper one is larger than the lower one). In fact, this is just an enlarged beak of a parrot, so there should not be any difficulties in work. But the colors can be more calm, neutral (beige, sand, pearl gray). You can also use gold and silver paper.

Some craftswomen use bright wrapping paper to make origami crafts, in which gifts are usually wrapped. This is a good option, but keep in mind: the material for making crafts must be dense enough, otherwise it will be difficult to work.

Parrot in classical technique

The easiest way to make a parrot is using a ready-made kit for creating modular origami. Such kits are sold in stores for joint creativity of children and adults. You can also make triangular modules yourself from thick colored paper. They need to be inserted one into the other, connecting according to a certain pattern. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to carefully study the diagram, determine the number of modules of each color and group the modules by color on a well-lit table to make it more convenient to work.
  2. Focusing on the diagram, assemble the head, torso, wings and tail of the bird from the modules.
  3. Check that all modules are firmly attached to each other. If necessary, correct the details at the joints so that the craft looks even and symmetrical.

When buying a ready-made kit for modular origami, you should pay attention to the fact that detailed instructions are attached to it, then it will be much easier to work. Additionally, you can watch a training master class, because visual instructions are often much clearer than conditional graphic diagrams. You can also find a scheme for making crafts, accompanied by photographs.

More simple craft options

There are many ways to make paper crafts. For those who do not know the origami technique, but want to make a paper parrot by all means, we can recommend other techniques for work. Each of them is simple and beautiful in its own way. In any case, the parrot will get an expressive beak and a magnificent tail. Here's how to make a funny figurine:

For younger children, the first option is better. Vytynanka and kirigami require a higher level of scissor proficiency, so crafts in this technique should be performed only by school-age children under adult supervision. In addition, for kirigami you will need a knitting needle - to push the pattern along the fold lines. A do-it-yourself paper parrot will be a great gift for a birthday or any other holiday.

Other paper birds

From multi-colored paper, you can make not only a parrot, but also other birds. Perhaps, figurines of cranes traditionally enjoy the greatest popularity. In Japan, the birthplace of origami, the crane is traditionally considered a symbol of well-being and longevity, so people often give paper figurines of these birds to each other for the holidays. You can also make an owl - a symbol of wisdom, stability, spiritual balance. Any images of birds are made approximately according to the same principle. In order for the silhouette to become recognizable, you will need to draw details on the finished product: beak, eyes, plumage.

Such figurines of birds will serve as an excellent interior decor in the spring season. You can also make origami birds with children, along the way telling them about spring and the upcoming arrival of feathered friends. The main thing is to stock up on high-quality colored paper and make sure that the child uses scissors correctly while working. Before you make a parrot or any other bird out of modules, you need to think about the color of the product in advance.

Making an elegant and cheerful bird out of paper is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to show accuracy, attentiveness and imagination.

And then a bright, cheerful parrot will certainly give a good mood. Over time, it will be possible to master other similar crafts. The ancient Japanese art of origami will never go out of style.

The target audience: teachers and educators of schools, teachers of additional education, parents, students of grades 2-4. For a wide range of readers interested in origami technique.

Purpose: handmade toy, gift.

Target: transfer of personal professional experience in the field of creative and pedagogical activity. Improving the professional skills of teachers in the process of mastering the experience of making applications in the origami technique.


Formation of ideas about the manufacture of figures from colored paper using the origami technique;

instilling interest in making figurines from colored paper using the origami technique;

creation of applications from colored paper using the origami technique;

· development of fine motor skills and origami skills in children's workshops.

development of individual inclinations and creative abilities.

The word "application" in the title implies that the elements are simply pasted onto a sheet of paper, resulting in a complete picture. The word "origami" in the name indicates that the details are obtained by folding paper (in Japanese, "origami" means "to fold paper").

To create an origami parrot on a branch, we need:

a sheet of paper in warm colors for a parrot,

a sheet of green paper for the leaves of the branch,

a sheet of brown paper for a branch,

cold color cardboard for the base,

Step by step parrot making process

1. Take a square. Let's make diagonal folds.

2. Bend all four corners to the center.

3. Bend the left corners to the center.

4. Fold the figure in half along the horizontal axis.

5. Bend the corner inward.

6. Let's make an incision.

7. Fold back the wings.

8. You can beautifully trim the edge of the tail and wings.

9. For the manufacture of branches and leaves, we use brown and green squares. Let's fold the square diagonally, outlining the line. The resulting triangle is straightened. Fold the sides of the square to the diagonal line. The basic form is "Kite".

10. Fold the figure along the longitudinal line.

11. Let's collect and glue the details of the application "Parrot on a branch" with drops of glue.

Origami parrot is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make an origami parrot, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

Assembly diagram

Below is an assembly diagram of an origami parrot from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the assembly of the origami parrot will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami parrot quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling an origami parrot for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami parrot video" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami parrot, which clearly show the steps for assembling the parrot. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make an origami parrot.

If you want to assemble a few different paper parrots, watch this video:

Here is another simple video on how to assemble a paper parrot:


A parrot in different cultures symbolizes completely different things. So, for example, in Greek culture, parrots have always been a symbol of stupid speakers. In medieval Europe, parrots symbolized stupidity and stupid behavior. And in China, parrots were symbols of easy virtue, and in some provinces they even symbolized prostitution.

The parrot is a bright and beautiful exotic bird. Now these cute creatures live in the homes of many of us, delighting the eye and ear with their twitter. True fans of parrots should like our article, as in it we will create a parrot from paper using the origami technique; a diagram of not even one, but several options is available, and I hope you will also like the video tutorials.

Parrot origami in classic technique

For those who do not know how to make an origami paper parrot, the scheme of which is presented in this lesson, step-by-step photos will help a lot. You may also find the video at the end of the article helpful.

For a parrot, a sheet of bright colored paper is well suited to make it look lively and attractive.

1. We take a square sheet, fold it along two diagonals and across. Well iron the folds, straighten.

2. We form a small, but double one from a large flat square. We fold the corners of one of its sides together, carefully iron the folds. We straighten them, bend now inward.

3. We open one more side of the workpiece, flatten it.

4. Fixing the folds, bend the opposite corners to each other. Then straighten them and bend inward. Outside, we get a small triangle, bend it several times, forming the legs of a parrot.

5. For the paws, we make a fold in the middle, and a couple more on both sides of it.

6. The assembly scheme of the second side exactly repeats the first: open, straighten, in the same way we fold the triangle of the foot three times.

7. Turn over the workpiece to the other side. In this case, the triangles-paws will be barely visible due to the folds. We put the upper parts of the rhombus together.

8. We fold the workpiece so that the legs of the parrot are together.

9. We bend the sides above the paws in half.

10. We open the workpiece. From above, we should get a freely outgoing element.

11. From it we form a tail. Pull to the right and fold back.

12. The tail needs to be made thinner. To do this, fold both parts in half twice.

13. We turn over the parts of the workpiece so that the paws are on opposite sides.

14. We bend both wings of the parrot onto ourselves, then the upper part of the neck.

15. We make a fold on it.

16. We fold the workpiece, bringing the paws together.

17. We make the parrot's head and beak, bending and arching the corners.

18. We bend inward part of the wings, giving them a rounded shape.

19. Bend the corners of the legs in the shape of a hook.

Our MK is finished, the parrot is ready! Thanks to the paws-hooks, he will tenaciously sit where he is put, and decorate the whole room with himself.

Parrot origami from triangular modules

In the second lesson, we will fold the modular origami Parrot, the master class is not very complicated, so it will be clear to origami beginners.

To work, you will need 167 pink triangular modules, 85 blue, 46 yellow, 30 orange, 52 red, and 10 blue modules. For the tail, we use a multi-colored assortment of modules, leftovers from past work will do.

1. We collect the first 5 rows of 6 pink modules and 5 yellow ones, close them in a ring.

2. Turn the workpiece over with the other side.

3. We collect separately pink and yellow modules, making an increase of two rows.

4. In the middle of the 8th row of yellow modules, insert 2 pink ones.

5. Pink modules are the parrot's breast, and yellow ones are its back. We connect them in the ninth row with two yellow modules. The ninth row consists of 10 pink breast modules, 6 yellow and 2 pink backs.

6. In the tenth row we have 9 pink modules on the chest, 2 yellow at the edges, 6 pink.

7. In the eleventh row, we begin to add blue modules: 2 on the chest and 3 on the back, the rest are pink.

8. From the 12th to the 15th row, we increase the number of blue modules on the breast and back, 1 in each row.

10. Glue the last row.

11. We assemble the head from 5 blue modules: 3-2. Glue, press with a clothespin.

12. We attach the head to the body, tilting to the stomach.

One of the ways to develop a child is to create paper crafts with your own hands. If you need to keep your child busy with a creative activity, then you can involve him in working together on an origami paper parrot. This will develop fine motor skills of hands, artistic taste, logic, as well as perseverance and imagination. This kind of activity will allow you to form the ability to concentrate on small details.

general information

There are several ways to create a colored parrot out of paper. The most popular of them are:

  • classical;
  • modular.

The first option is perfect for children who are just starting to master this skill. Creating a parrot from modules is a more difficult task that not everyone can handle.

The art of creating a paper parrot with your own hands came to us from Japan. Even in ancient times, the art of origami was diligently developed in this country, after which it spread throughout the world. Using ordinary pieces of paper, you can easily create your own Kesha parrot or any other figurine. You can do it the classic way. in the form of processing plain paper. It is also possible to insert the tail and other modules into the paper structure separately.

You need to stock up on a sufficient amount of patience and time, as well as plain paper. It is best to use not too thick paper designs. This will make it easier to perform the necessary actions on the figure.

First you need to prepare as much paper as possible. After that, you can figure out how to make a paper parrot. The schema looks like this:

To make a paper parrot using this method, it is recommended to follow a certain algorithm. It looks like this:

On this, the procedure for creating a parrot using the classical method can be considered completed. It remains only to draw eyes, feathers and color the whole craft.

Using modules

In addition to the classic method, there is an opportunity to use the parrot's modular origami. The assembly scheme in this case implies creation of a complex structure in the form of a three-dimensional figure.

To figure out how to make a parrot from the modules, special schemes will allow. It is best to start with simpler designs, since it is quite difficult to master such skill right away. You can use different colors for each module.

If such a craft turns out well enough, then it can be used as a decorative element of the interior in the house.

It's no secret that origami is a rather laborious art that requires perseverance, attention and free time. However, with the right approach to business, you can positively influence the development of the child, as well as have a great time in his campaign.