Christmas tree made of cotton pads with your own hands. Christmas tree made of cotton balls

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We continue to decorate our home for the winter holiday. We have already made various ones, hung them on windows and walls. Now we want to give the holiday symbolism. And this, of course, is the main princess of the celebration - the Christmas tree. I know that many feel sorry for the trees and replace them with artificial counterparts. But sometimes you just want to make something with your own hands in order to get satisfaction from the action and accent in the decor.

All craft ideas are easy to do with the kids. To make it easier to do the job, make the basics in advance. And try not to skimp on decor. Buy more different beads, ribbons, ribbons, beautiful buttons. Collect small toys from kinders and decorate with them. And they will go into business and will not wallow.

You can create beauty from everything that is at hand. The main thing is to attach to this a share of imagination and all your accuracy. With modern devices, such as a glue gun, you can give the product original shapes and fix different textures and materials.

I know that wine bottle corks and ice cream sticks are also used. Well, we didn’t have any traffic jams at home, and the sticks have long been sold for different needs, so let’s move on to materials that any housewife will definitely have - pasta and yarn.

Let's start with pasta. I know that various snowflakes are made from them. It turns out that they are also suitable for the Christmas tree.

We will need:

  • A pack of pasta (better to take feathers)
  • glue gun
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Dye
  • Decor

It is better to prefer the shape of "feathers" or "spirals". Choose a good manufacturer so that all the things are even and the same length.

First of all, we glue a cone out of cardboard. I do this by simply twisting the sheet around my hand. To prevent the workpiece from falling apart, we fasten it with a stapler.

And now we cut the base so that the tree stands straight, and not crooked.

We always start from the bottom. “Lay” the first two rows, i.e. glue them so that they lie on the surface, so the product will be more stable.

And the next rows need to be raised exactly on the previous one by an amount equal to half the “spiral”.

When you finish the top, we begin to cover the entire craft with paint.

You can take green, or you can buy gold or silver paint in a spray can. Only then you need to spray it not at home.

I really like the result. It doesn't take much time, but it looks very elegant.

Now it's the turn of yarn and cord.

To make a Christmas tree out of yarn, you need to wind the thread exactly one above the other on a paper cone. Periodically fastening it with hot glue to the base.

Decorate with decor.

This product is made even faster than pasta.

You can decorate them with buttons.

We will need:

  • Wire
  • Decor

First, we select the wire. It should be firm and not thin. From it we turn a cone-shaped spiral. We check for stability. The bottom can be wrapped twice.

We begin to string the cord on the wire.

Dry and decorate.

Glue will give the structure additional strength and will not allow the cord to slide down the frame.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper

Paper is always the first thing that the word "craft" is associated with. And from it you can create not one Christmas tree, but a whole spruce forest in which not a single tree will be repeated!

Let's say we want a paper tree to delight us on the kitchen table. Then you need to make it fluffy and voluminous. And also the most stable.

So, I picked up a few detailed master classes with a clear description of the process.

Option 1

We will need:

  • cardboard cone
  • Paper of green color of different shades.

We cut out many circles of the same size from paper.

And we begin to glue their edges to the cone, observing the rows.

The first layer always goes at the base.

This craft is available in terms of difficulty, even for a two-year-old child. And it looks quite rich because of the different shades of the same color.

Option 2. Terry cone herringbone

Cut out 4 half circles. Each of them is smaller than the previous one in diameter by 2 centimeters.

We glue the blanks into a cone and cut the edges around the perimeter a little to get the volume. Fold the terry edges a little.

Now glue a smaller cone on the largest workpiece. And so in the direction of decreasing.

That's the whole easy process.

Option 3. Let's make a Christmas tree from paper circles

Cut out 4 circles. Each of them is 1 centimeter smaller than the previous one.

Then we fold each circle 3-4 times in half.

We also make the base out of paper. You can wrap green paper around a pencil or a kebab stick.

We string round blanks on the barrel in descending order of size.

To give stability, you can plant the trunk in plasticine, wax or a wine cork.

Option 4

We mark 15 circles, each time reducing the diameter by 1 centimeter. Then we divide each circle into 12 equal parts, drawing lines through the center.

From the center mark half the radius and draw a circle. Now we cut the lines clearly to the drawn circle.

Glue the tips on each petal.

When you have completed all the levels, start collecting the Christmas tree from the widest row to the smallest.

How do you like the ideas, I think that you will find ideas for yourself.

Craft from cotton pads for the new year in kindergarten

The child was taken aback by the task that tomorrow you need to bring crafts to kindergarten? And outside the window, of course, it is already night. Then you can use the packaging of cotton pads. In most families, they are actively used.

We will need:

  • Packing of cotton pads
  • Cardboard for the cone base
  • PVA glue
  • Decor

We fold the cardboard frame, connect the edges with a stapler.

Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

Then, on a harmless PVA glue, we plant two tips of a cotton semicircle.

And we glue the workpiece to the base, after smearing its fold with the same PVA glue.

So we do row by row. It is better to glue cotton pads closer to each other so that there is a minimum of gaps.

It remains only to decorate the delicate beauty!

Children in kindergarten will definitely like your product, and they will not be ashamed in front of other parents.

DIY craft from napkins

Another very affordable material is napkins. You can use the most inexpensive and monophonic.

We take white, red, blue and green festive shades.

We fold the napkin several times to get the shape of a square, then we cut the folds and crosswise fasten the middle with a stapler.

Now we bend each layer, forming a pompom.

Lay out the first row on the frame with these balls. Then we glue balls and other Christmas tree decorations on double-sided tape.

And fill the entire surface of the frame with napkins.

Everything is pretty fast.

By the way, you can see how to make from napkins here. It also turns out very nice.

Candy Christmas tree

A wonderful gift would be a candy craft: buy a box of good candies in a beautiful package at the grocery store.

It is made of two parts - a base for sweets and a barrel.

We glue the base with a side of 23 centimeters. When cutting, indent along the bottom edge and at one edge 1 cm. We will apply glue to them.

We decorate with beautiful paper or film. Glue the bottom to its base.

We make the trunk, decorate it and glue it with the frame.

Now we evenly put sweets, braid or Christmas tree beads on the hot glue.

Use the same color scheme for the base and candies.

We make a Christmas tree for the New Year from pine cones

Natural material always gives the desired zest to the decor. It immediately smells of freshness and resin at home. Will give a symbolic meaning to this winter holiday.

Cones are also suitable for various crafts.

You can create a Christmas tree from only cones, or you can dilute them with sisal balls, decorative flowers or fir branches.
The combination of cones and dried citruses also looks unusual.

Glue the cones onto the base with hot glue. You can not think about the side that you have them. This will give a slight bewitching negligence to the product.

We alternate cones with Christmas balls or other decor.

We cover with artificial snow or white enamel from the sprayer.

Everything is quite easy, and the result is incredibly beautiful.

Light tinsel Christmas tree

We can't imagine the New Year without tinsel! There are no decorations on it now: stars with balls, and multi-colored tips. It decorates windows, curtains, walls and, of course, is used as a material for crafts: wreaths and Christmas trees.

Since most tinsel manufacturers thread it on a thin wire, it is easy to bend and shape in all sorts of ways.

A spruce tree is made from it in three minutes!

We will need:

  • Tinsel
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Double sided tape.

From cardboard we make a base in the form of a cone and glue it with double-sided tape.

We remove the protective film from the first row and begin to glue the end of the tinsel, tightly wrapping the frame.

If you didn’t have enough tinsel, then glue the end with tape, and put the next fluffy ribbon of the same color on top of it.

Fluffy pom-pom beauty

Pompoms have also long been loved by our craftswomen. Previously, we made a dog out of them, now we will create a fluffy beauty.

The balls themselves can be made in two different ways: by winding 20 layers on a fork or using two round blanks.

We will go with the second method.

We take cardboard or plastic, cut out two identical rings.

Now stepping back from the edge of the thread 5 centimeters, we begin to wind the yarn very tightly.

Then cut the outer fold between the blanks.

With the thread end left, we tie the middle of the pompom so as not to lose all the threads.

Now we are looking for a thick wire and turn it into a spiral. Leave the base wide. We string pom-poms on it.

If the wire is not found, then we use the experience of previous products and form a triangular or conical base.

Felt Christmas Tree Ideas

Felt is also popular with our craftswomen. No matter what they do, educational toys and Christmas tree decorations. Today I will give a few ideas for creating a spruce tree.

From the simplest options to the most complex.

Option 1. Cut out 10 Christmas trees of the same size from felt. Fold in half and glue the fold to the trunk.
We use branches, saw cuts of trees (preferably spruce or pine).

Option 2. Cut out many identical triangles from felt.

Glue them to the frame in rows. The upper triangle lies between the two lower ones!

Option 3. We prepare 5 squares of different sizes: 9 cm, 7 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm, 1 cm.

We make five of each size.

Now we string the largest squares onto the thick one, distributing them diagonally to each other so that there are no voids.

We pass all the squares like this.

New Year's beauty from fabric

And two more ideas of fabric beauties in the piggy bank. The ends can be finished with a decorative stitch with a thick contrasting thread. Sew buttons or beads onto symbolic branches.

Use several colors of fabrics and textures. For example, take velvet on one side and linen on the other.

You can also choose different patterns in the same color scheme, or vice versa, play with companion flowers.

You can fill the Christmas tree with holofiber, synthetic winterizer or cuts, the remnants of your creativity.

If the product is small, fill it with cotton wool.

My dear, I tried to find for you the most interesting and affordable materials for creativity. I'd love to hear your opinion in the comments!


Tell VK

The Christmas tree is an evergreen tree that adorns parks and squares in the winter season. Every child would like to have a small Christmas tree at home, which decorated his children's room. To update your little one's room and bring a winter vibe to the interior, try making a cute Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands. This craft will bring a winter fairy tale to your home. You can also try to make an artificial Christmas tree with your own hands in kindergarten or school.

Christmas tree made of cotton pads, master class

Modern needlewomen have already offered many ideas for making crafts from cotton pads. The main advantage of such products is that they are environmentally friendly, and in some cases collapsible. In order to make a Christmas tree, you will need to make a frame.

For its manufacture, you can use ordinary cardboard. Mark the sector of the circle on the cardboard with a compass and cut it out. After that, twist the cone and glue it with a glue gun, PVA or a stapler. If you made a frame out of colored cardboard, paint it with white paint, otherwise it will show through the snow-white cotton pads. It is very convenient to make a frame for a Christmas tree from foam cotton pads. In this case, you will not glue the "needles", but fix them with pins.

Christmas tree made of cotton pads on a leg

Craft Christmas tree from cotton pads

We recommend making a cardboard frame, as it will be easy to stick cotton wool on it with PVA. Take ordinary watercolor paints, dip the brush in water and paint, and then moisten the edges of cotton pads with colored water. If you want your Christmas tree to shimmer in the sun, sprinkle the edges of cotton pads with sparkles. For the latter to be fixed, do not forget to moisten the cotton surface with glue.

Before proceeding with gluing the prepared “needles”, wait until the cotton pads are completely dry. You can speed up the process if you put them on the battery. It remains to glue cotton pads on a cardboard cone. Start from the bottom, while sticking the details in a checkerboard pattern so that visually your Christmas tree looks fluffy.

There is another simple and original idea for making a small Christmas tree. To do this, you will need a wooden skewer, scissors and cotton pads. Make round blanks from cotton pads of different sizes. The lowest tier of the Christmas tree will be made of parts of a standard size cotton pad, and gradually reduce the rest in diameter. If desired, you can paint the blanks with watercolors or shiny spray paint. Don't make the Christmas tree too long, try making several crafts of different sizes.

A simple Christmas tree made from cotton pads

Craft Christmas tree from cotton pads can be made in different ways. It all depends on your imagination and the available materials. Create entire collections of Christmas trees from improvised materials and spend interesting leisure time with your children.

A bright and beautiful Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of winter fun holidays. However, in addition to the standard dressed up green prickly beauty, you can decorate your home with other Christmas trees - original, unusual and interesting, which you can do with your own hands in any style and design.

There are many different master classes showing the detailed process of creating such crafts. One of the options for a simple and beautiful Christmas tree is a product made of cotton wool or cotton pads.

It will take quite a bit of time and materials to make a creative decoration for the holiday with your own hands.

We prepare everything you need

To start working on the New Year's beauty, you should prepare the necessary tools and materials. We will choose them, depending on which version of the Christmas tree you want to make with your own hands - just from cotton wool, from cotton pads or cotton balls, with or without a paper base, etc.

Also, in addition to the design, you need to decide on other details of the future craft: its desired size, shape (cone-shaped, triangular, standard Christmas tree or its abstract vision), additional decorations or accessories that should be on the product.

Think about how the craft will be attached - among the mounting options, you can use a stand made of any hard and durable material, a bucket or a pot (if you decide to make a Christmas tree in the form of a topiary) or even an ordinary sheet of thick paper.

Option 1 - from cotton pads

So, let's try to make one of the easiest options for a cotton Christmas tree with our own hands.

  1. The main point of this master class is the manufacture of a frame from thick paper or cardboard. To make it, draw a circle on a paper sheet with a compass (mark the sector for gluing), cut it out and glue it into a cone. It is best to choose white paper, as it can then show through cotton wool or cotton pads.
  2. Some craftsmen make the frame out of foam - this is a little more convenient, because then you can fasten the disks to the pins, and not glue them to the cone.
  3. Cotton pads will need to be prepared - each of them needs to be folded into small triangles (folded in half and again in half). At the same time, the corner is pierced with a pin and the part is attached to the frame. You can use a stapler so that the blanks do not fall apart.
  4. It is better to glue or mount the discs on the cone-frame from top to bottom, following in a circle and tightly filling the entire space.
  5. Additionally, you can decorate the Christmas tree with beads, sequins, bows, ribbons, sprinkle with sparkles.

If you insert a stick or a rod into the foam base, which can play the role of a trunk, then you will get a Christmas tree-topiary - you just have to find a beautiful pot for it and arrange it accordingly.

And here is another Christmas tree idea from cotton pads:

Option 2 - from cotton balls

Even easier - just paste over the paper cone with whole disks of cotton wool or cotton balls from the base to the top (it's good if you pre-paint them in bright colors. Or string the cotton disks one by one on a wooden skewer, decorating the Christmas tree with a large bead on top (the top disks are a little cut around to make them smaller.) Don't forget a stand and pretty decoration.

Option 3 - from a roll of cotton wool

And even a child can make a cardboard base or make a plasticine cone in which you can vertically fix a branch or stick (preferably even, not too thick and without knots). This branch must be carefully wrapped with a bundle of cotton wool (roll out a roll) - try to wind a lot of turns from below so that you get a wide and lush crown, and then, going to the top, reduce the number of revolutions.

Fasten cotton wool on top and decorate the Christmas tree with colored paper toys, rain or tinsel, sprinkle with sparkles, you can also use beads, buttons or sequins. See more in this video:

As you can see, there are no boundaries for fantasy and creativity, so let your products turn out to be beautiful, original and unforgettable, giving joy and pleasant emotions to you and your loved ones on bright winter holidays.

Vera Karpova

New Year is a holiday of miracles, and every family is looking forward to this magical night. Someone dreams of a radio-controlled aircraft, and someone wants to start a new life. But it is we who bring the holiday into our lives, and it begins with small decorations. Store-bought Christmas decorations are cold and soulless, although they can be beautiful. But handmade give warmth and comfort, filling the house with a fairy tale. Plus, it's a great way to spend time with your child. Today we will tell you how to make Christmas tree toys from cotton wool with your own hands and get a lot of pleasure from the process and the result.

Christmas toys made of cotton wool: what could be easier?

Cotton wool is a simple material, which is easy to get, and you will not spend a lot of money on creating a toy. Cotton wool is safe, although during long work it is very dusty, hairs appear that settle on everything around. This may cause sneezing. The simplest New Year's cotton toy - snowman.

Cotton toy for the Christmas tree "Snowman"

  1. Roll the cotton wool into a large and dense ball.
  2. Use a brush to cover with PVA glue thin layer.
  3. Insert a toothpick in the middle.
  4. Make the ball smaller and repeat step 2.
  5. Make another ball smaller than the previous one and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  6. Put the balls on top of the toothpicks in descending order of size - this will be the body of the toy. Give the glue time dry completely.
  7. If you want to make a brighter festive option, you can mix small sparkles into the glue.
  8. We make handles from small twigs of a suitable shape or from black wire.
  9. To hide the seam, you can tie a scarf around your neck. Use a scrap piece of fabric or a wide satin ribbon. Or ignore this item.
  10. Suitable for eyes dark beads, small beads. In their absence, draw the eyes of the snowman with a black gel pen and a black felt-tip pen.
  11. We form the nose in the same way as the body, only we knead orange watercolor paint into the glue. Feel free to color: the carrot nose should turn out bright.
  12. We attach all related parts to PVA glue, a moment or a gun - this is your choice.

Cotton snowman

Christmas wadded toy "Snow Maiden"

  1. Vatu slightly sprinkle with water and make a face. We form a dense oval and intuitively make small indentations under the eyes and mouth. Irregularities are smeared with a brush, soaked in water.
  2. We give time to dry. On the head we make a loop of wire, we also form the frame of the toy from it.
  3. Wrap it with cotton, lightly dipped in PVA glue. We fix the prepared face on the glue.
  4. During winding, try to form arms and legs - for example, in the thigh area we make a layer of cotton wool thicker.
  5. On the head we lay out a scarf from cotton wool, forming the desired volume and shape. You can touch up the details with a damp brush.
  6. We also form a fur coat and felt boots. We send to dry for a day. At first 10-15 minutes dry in the oven and then naturally.
  7. We paint the figure with watercolors.
  8. We strongly dilute the beige shade with water and cover the face to get a natural color. When it dries, we carry out the same procedure with a blush. A fine and clear details(eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows) better paint with acrylic paint.

Figurines of their wool. Christmas decorations

Santa Claus from cotton wool on the Christmas tree

We made the Snow Maiden in the master class described above, but she is lonely hanging on the Christmas tree without her kind and beloved grandfather. So now we will do cotton Santa Claus.

What you need:

  • cotton wool;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • newspaper;
  • tassel;
  • wire.

The process of making a toy:

  1. Wire pliers bend the loop.
  2. We cut out the frame of the future toy from cardboard. If it is difficult to navigate by eye, you can make a sketch in advance.
  3. We tear the newspaper into pieces. One sheet - about 3-4 pieces, well crushed and glued to the cardboard, making the volume.
  4. We glue the loop on the reverse side, for strength it can be wrapped with nylon thread.
  5. We divide the cotton into strips and cover the toy well, it is possible in several layers so that the newspaper does not shine through.
  6. Dilute glue with water in the ratio 1:2. We coat the toy well, leave to dry.
  7. With the help of additional pieces of cotton wool soaked in glue, we form a hat, sheepskin coat, felt boots and other details of the image, after which send to dry.
  8. We paint with paints and draw a face.

Blank - Santa Claus from cotton wool

We make Christmas toys from cotton wool with a child

For needlework with your child, you can start with small and simple wadded Christmas toys. It is worth noting that it is difficult for small children to draw small details, so we advise you to leave this matter to yourself.

You will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • thick wire;
  • pliers;
  • watercolor and acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

We make from cotton a few hard balls and wet in glue. We take the wire and bend the loop so that a small tip remains. We also lubricate it with glue and stick it in the middle of a cotton ball. Dry for at least 12 hours, and to speed up the process, you can put next to the battery.

These are our blanks for future Christmas animals.

Small parts are formed in the same way as a cotton ball, but due to their size they dry for 6-7 hours. You can stick them on glue gun or moment.

Then paint the toys with watercolors, which dilute a little with water- so they lie better on the surface. 2-3 layers may be needed, and muzzles are more convenient to draw fine brush and acrylic paints.

Cotton Christmas toys

Simple do-it-yourself toys made of cotton wool for the Christmas tree are ready! In this technique, children most often make Smeshariki cartoon characters due to the almost complete absence of small details, but you can help them make slightly more complex toys.

More ideas for cotton toys for the Christmas tree

Above, we described several techniques in which toys are made from cotton wool. Main - show imagination, and you can make any figure, and we will show you a few more ideas.

  1. bright star. A blank is cut out of cardboard and made according to the principle of Santa Claus. When coloring, mix small bright sparkles into the paint or sprinkle the finished product, but you need to do it quickly, before the paint has time to dry.
  2. While creating figurines of people faces it is better to make it from salt dough or cold porcelain - this way the toy will turn out more natural and lively.
  3. Cotton can be shaped frame only and clothes - from improvised fabrics and unnecessary shreds.
  4. Pay attention to cotton wool when buying - it should be old style. Now they are releasing synthetic winterizer from which it will not be possible to make toys.
  5. If you don’t have wire on hand to make a loop, fit thick woolen thread or twine.
  6. With the techniques above, you can do any animals- squirrel, fox, deer, wolf, bunny, hedgehog, bear.
  7. To save cotton, for the frame, you can use wire, cardboard, newspaper, office paper, unnecessary pieces of fabric and other improvised means.

Before you get started, draw a sketch of the future toy. Think over all the details, and then its manufacture will not cause problems, and you will not have to rack your brains in the process

We hope that now you don’t have a question about how to make a cotton Christmas tree toy, because this easy and fun activity. The cost of 1 figure is several times cheaper than the store. The creative process is exciting and interesting, helps children develop fine motor skills and imagination. Toys made with love fill the house with warmth and comfort.

September 27, 2017, 01:34

On the example of this craft, you can only make sure once again that everything ingenious is simple! See what stylish Christmas trees are made from ordinary cotton wool! Take 10 minutes to make this Christmas craft and decorate your home for a Christmas vibe!

To make such a Christmas tree, take:

  • a branch that will serve as the trunk of the Christmas tree;
  • cotton wool in a bag (it is usually formed into “strands” and is easy to wind around a branch);
  • a bucket or pot in which our Christmas tree will “grow”;
  • newspaper to fill the bucket;
  • decorative cord for a garland;
  • small buttons, beads, bows for decoration;
  • glue gun;
  • decorative stones.

Step by step:

  1. First, crumple up a piece of newspaper and fill it with a pot or bucket in which the Christmas tree will stand.
  2. Stick the prepared branch into the newspaper, securing with hot glue.
  3. A protruding newspaper can be decorated with a decorative napkin or pebbles.
  4. Now let's start winding cotton wool on a twig, pre-lubricating it with glue. Wind the cotton loosely, do not tighten it tightly. There should be more wool at the bottom of the Christmas tree, and the Christmas tree should be wider. And above - already.
  5. Now you can decorate. Wrap with a beautiful ribbon or cord, decorate with buttons and beads, sprinkle with sparkles. Attach all decor with glue.