Carnival mobile folder for elementary school. Festive event "Wide Maslenitsa" game by stations with master classes (intra-school project) for elementary school students


In church books, the last week before the start of Lent was called cheese. At this time, it was possible to eat fish, butter, milk, eggs, cheese. This week was called Shrovetide. The holiday was cheerful, daring - one of the most beloved among the people, as the sayings say:

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

Like a Maslenitsa cat.

Honest, broad people called Shrovetide. It was celebrated in villages and cities, and the celebration was considered obligatory, it was not for nothing that they used to say: “At least lay yourself down, but spend Maslenitsa.” All the people participated in it - both adults and children.

In the old days, she opened the children's holiday:

“Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

quail bones, your paper body,

your sugary lips, your sweet speech.

Come visit me in the wide yard

ride on the slides, roll in pancakes, make fun of your heart!”

After that, the guys shouted: “Maslenitsa has arrived! Arrived! And the fun began.

Each day of the Maslenitsa week had its own special name:


Meeting (Guest Monday)

Skiing from the mountains (open the best spins); scarecrow preparation.


The device of fun, carousels.


Sons-in-law to mother-in-law for pancakes.


Revelry, Fracture (Broad Thursday)

Ritual fistfights.


Mother-in-law of the evening

Mother-in-law visiting sons-in-law.


Zolov's gatherings

Capture of the snow town.


Seeing Shrovetide, Forgiveness Sunday

Conspiracy for Great Lent; visiting cemeteries; burning stuffed animals, bonfires; family forgiveness.

In Shrovetide rites and customs, the newlyweds were given the main place. One of the Shrovetide rites was the visits of young spouses to their parents. The young certainly visited the wife's parents, hence the expression - "to go to the mother-in-law for pancakes." Both skiing from the mountains and riding in troikas were mandatory for newlyweds.

Maslenitsa was met with pancakes, which were once called "suns". They were laid out on elevated places, urging Maslenitsa to wallow in pancakes. They also sang songs:

Maslenitsa annual,

Our dear guest!

She does not walk to us,

Everyone comes on horseback.

All sorts of entertainment, dressing up, skating began in a flirt. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to pancakes and gathered other guests. She tried her best to please her son-in-law with pancakes, cottage cheese, pancakes.

Shrovetide revelry began on Broad Thursday.

On Maslenitsa Friday, the sons-in-law treated their mother-in-laws, who were invited the day before with great honor.

On Maslenitsa Saturday, a young wife invited her relatives “to the sister-in-law gatherings”.

On the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday - they went to give presents to their godfather and godfather, brought them gingerbread and pieces of soap, went to everyone for forgiveness. On this day, at home “they don’t make a fire, they don’t light candles, young people, having collected various combustible materials - firewood, straw, barrels, baskets, etc. - all this burns and jumps through the fire, as if to cleanse from Maslenitsa.

Goodbye Shrovetide


Tyr, Tyr monastery!

You lie down, lie down, old woman,

On aspen wood

Three logs in the heads.

Vasilyeva Marina Sergeevna

Lyudmila Lumpanova
“Shrovetide honest, wide, cheerful” (material for a sliding folder)

« Maslenitsa fair,wide,cheerful» (folder material)

From ancient times Maslenitsa - the most cheerful pre-spring holiday. It is celebrated at the end of winter and celebrated for a whole week. All have fun and rejoice that winter is over and spring is coming. The celebration took place according to a strictly scheduled order.

Maslenitsa, she is Cheese Week, also called rampant. Because in Rus' these days - revelry. A holiday is unthinkable without pancakes - they are baked every day. Every day Shrovetide has its own name.

Monday - Meeting (meet Maslenitsa, her effigy is carried along the streets, placed at the houses). Children in the morning go outside to build snowy mountains, wailing: "Called, called honest Semik wide Maslenitsa to visit my yard ... "After this meeting, the children run away from the mountains and shout: "Arrived Maslenitsa! arrived Maslenitsa!" The meeting ends with a fistfight. In some places, children made dolls out of straw - Maslenitsa: they put on a caftan and a hat, girded her with a sash, shod her feet in bast shoes. This doll on a sledge was brought up the mountain with a lamentation of a meeting. meeting Shrovetide started by visiting relatives.

Tuesday - Games (guys flirt with girls, look out for brides). Girls and fellows are invited to the tunes in the morning to ride the mountains and eat pancakes.

Wednesday - Lakomka (mother-in-law treats son-in-law with pancakes). The mocking Russian people composed several songs about the care of the mother-in-law when treating her son-in-law. Dressed up bear plays different farces: “Like a mother-in-law about a son-in-law baked pancakes - like a son-in-law, the mother-in-law said thanks”.

IN Shrove Tuesday begins Shrovetide revelry: street riding, various rituals, fistfights.

Friday - Mother-in-law evenings, the sons-in-law of their mothers-in-law treat pancakes. Invitations are honorary, with all relatives, for dinner or simply for one dinner. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning to send elegant "called". The more it happened "called", the more mother-in-law turned out to be honors.

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings. The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law gatherings. The newlywed daughter-in-law was obliged to present gifts to her sister-in-laws.

Sunday - Seeing Shrovetide, Forgiveness day. On Forgiveness Day, they go to give gifts to a godfather with a godfather. In the villages, the most honorable gift for a godfather consists of a towel, for a godfather - a throw of soap. Farewell between relatives takes place in the evening. Saying goodbye, they spoke as usual friend friend: “Forgive me, perhaps I’ll be guilty of something before you”. Farewell between home happened after dinner, before going to bed. Here the children bowed at night to their parents and asked for forgiveness. On this day, a straw man is burned Shrovetide. At Shrovetide a lot of people always gathered at the fire, it was funny, there were many songs. WITH Maslenitsa said goodbye and as a joke, and seriously. Throwing straw on the fire, the children diligently repeated: « Maslenitsa, Goodbye! Come back this year!”

▫ )) Example: Mr. G. Drinking alcohol in his house for several hours (and came home already drunk). All this time his mother was in the house. He swaggered: forced her to switch channels on the TV; sat on a chair and forbade movement for several hours; DEMONSTRATED a kitchen knife, bringing it to the face and body of the mother; at the same time, he informed that he would now cut her to pieces if she did not obey his requirements or took it into her head to object. That's not all. At the end, he announced that he would now hang her, ordered her to `prepare` for this and went for the rope. Seeing that he was indeed returning WITH A ROPE, the woman ran away from home. G. rushed after him, grabbing a knife. He yelled all over the street that he would catch up with her and `fill up`. The woman ran into one of the neighboring houses, slamming the door behind her. G. began pounding on the door and pounding on it with a knife. After a while he got tired, after which he went home and went to bed. ================= Bottom line: in addition to Art. 119 received and art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Hooliganism). N., during a joint drinking with M. After a verbal skirmish that arose, initiated by N., he grabbed a fork from the table. With the prongs of the fork, he pressed M.'s neck, without releasing the fork, and repeatedly expressed his intention to finish off M. right at the table. After M. was forced to "hush up" the unpleasant conversation, N. removed the plug. But even this short period of time, N., who is known as a quick-tempered person, especially when intoxicated, “flew” into Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. N.’s cohabitant, who was nearby at that time, could not have been able to help in any way: not only was she afraid of drunk N. and much weaker than him physically, N. also “taught her life” that evening, pulling her by the hair and kicking several times in the presence M. ================ This is how you put the whole `puzzle` together. I have already given an extract from a pile of documents that were compiled on these two episodes ...
Dad always likes to say that everyone should and should learn, even if you disagree, in any case, you will gain experience on how not to act.
▫ Off topic, so .., for reflection. According to Machiavelli, `it is not necessary for the Sovereign to have all the virtues (mercy, devotion, philanthropy, honesty and religiosity), but what is really necessary is to create the appearance of these qualities. I dare say that having them and always thinking about them is a futile exercise, but to show that you have them is extremely applicable` Nicolo Machiavelli, `The Sovereign`, 1532
Thank you!
Alexander Leonidovich, I understand you. For people present on the portal, the hypothesis-disposition-sanction scheme will require a rather long explanation. Moreover, the methods of collecting evidence. We need an educational program, but, IMHO, it should be like in the primer, on vivid (and ambiguous) examples.

Wide Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is a favorite folk holiday. Every year it happens on different days. They fall from the second half of February to the first days of March. This is because the beginning of Shrove Tuesday depends on Easter. And the timing of Easter also changes from year to year.

Maslenitsa is a week of cheese, meat and meat. This is because they don't eat meat. But plenty - cheese, sour cream, butter and, of course, pancakes.

Hello, annual carnival,

Our dear guest!

Come on black horses

On painted sledges;

To keep the servants young

We were given expensive gifts.

And pancakes, and kalachi,

To us in the window their swords!

Maslenitsa was called "wide", "merry" and it lasted for a whole week.

Each day of Shrove Tuesday had its own name and its own amusements.

Monday is a meeting.

The Shrovetide meeting was arranged by the children.

They climbed a snowy mountain and called Shrove Tuesday:

Are you a soul, my carnival, quail bones, your paper body, your sugary lips, your sweet speech! Come to visit me in the wide yard on the mountains to ride, roll in pancakes, amuse your heart. You, my carnival, red beauty, fair-haired braid, thirty brothers sister, you are my quail! Come to visit me in the plank house to amuse your soul, have fun with your mind, enjoy your speech!

Carnival has arrived! Carnival has arrived!

The children loved Shrovetide. In the morning they made a straw doll Shrovetide. They dressed her in a sundress or caftan, shod her feet in bast shoes, put her on a sled, brought her up the mountain and lamented quickly:

Called-barker honest Semik

Wide Maslenitsa

To visit you in the yard.

Tuesday - games.

On this day, children and adults went from house to house, congratulated on Shrovetide and begged for pancakes: “Serve the wide Shrovetide!” Everyone went to visit each other, sang songs, joked.

Aunty, don't be stingy

Girls and good fellows are invited to flirting in the morning to ride in the mountains. Here it was possible to find a bride, to find a furtive glance at the betrothed. But the main thing is to ride as far as possible from the mountain. Because skating on Maslenitsa is not simple, but magical. The further you ride, the longer the flax will grow there in the coming summer.

Wednesday - gourmet.

Mother-in-laws invited their sons-in-law to pancakes.

Mother-in-law took care of son-in-law

cooked the best meals

the newlyweds were seated at the table

to a place of honor.

Where there were no young

they invited relatives or neighbors - if only they would bring happiness to the house.

From that day on, they rode around the village on troikas with bells.

Thursday - walk around, wide-Thursday.

That day was the most fun. The carnival festivities began. They organized horse races, fisticuffs and wrestling. They built a snowy town and took it by force. They went down from the mountains on sledges and skis.

They rode horses around the village.

Usually they started skating in their

village, then went to others.

Each wagon was greeted with cheerful cries, exclamations of approval, everyone tried to decorate it as best as possible. On a bright sunny day, the street became a wide, motley river. Children with a bag ran around the huts and congratulated on Shrovetide. The hostesses brought out pancakes on a platter and

money. And if someone is greedy, the guys threatened him:

Aunty, don't be stingy

Share a piece of butter!

You will not give a pie - a cow from the yard.

Friday - mother-in-law evening.

Sons-in-law are already at the parties

treated pancakes to their mother-in-laws.

From the evening, on Thursday, the son-in-law personally

invited mother young

wives to visit.

And in the morning they invited the “called-in ones”, usually it was a friend or a matchmaker. They recently helped play the wedding. And the youth had fun all night long: they sang and danced.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings.

Saturday the young daughter-in-law

invited sister-in-law

husband's sisters. How much was

news! About everything you need

had time to talk

new outfits to consider

brag about gifts.

Sunday - farewell

Maslenitsa, forgiven

day. The last time Sudarnya-Barynya drove along

village. They greeted her with laughter, jokes, songs.

Sunday - seeing off Maslenitsa,

forgiveness day.

Doll - Shrovetide for the last time drove through the village. A large crowd of mummers followed her, everyone joked, sang songs, and danced. A bonfire made of straw was laid out in the field and a doll with songs was burned. Then the girls and boys jumped over the fire. It was believed that in this way they were cleansed of the winter darkness. In the evening family and friends met. They asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental offenses in the current year. They kissed each other and bowed low. And these bows and pleas were not humiliating. It was important to receive forgiveness, establish or restore close and cordial relationships. After all, friendship and love in the world -


Breaking time.

Maslenitsa is a turning point. Seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Farewell to the old. And the joyful expectation of the new. In the life of nature and in the life of people. For this, it is important for everyone to be together. Therefore, the old people are so revered at Maslenitsa. And so joyfully feel in every house of the newlyweds. All peoples have a spring remembrance of relatives. Here is the Saturday before Shrovetide - parental. And only then - a wide joy to the whole world:

The hot sun - bonfires and burning wheels on high poles. Burn, shine, warm hotter!

Mistresses - good luck in cooking. So that pancakes danced in a pot of dough, asked for pans, and there - in your mouth!

For children, girls and young people - a long ride from high mountains. And long songs. On long linen, on silk.

Boys, young men, men - valiant fun.

Old men - gingerbread with patterns and a low petition.

However, Maslen does not get forever. But when the young have fun, and the old people are respected, then there is order in the world.