Paper parrot: an easy way, step by step instructions. Origami parrot: do-it-yourself paper pet Origami how to make a parrot

Making a paper parrot is very easy. You will need a standard A4 sheet of paper and a little patience. And now let's look at how to make a parrot out of paper with your own hands.

Origami paper parrot

  1. So, prepare a sheet of white paper.
  2. Bend its lower right corner, forming a triangle.
  3. Using a ruler, tear off the rectangular "tail" - it will be superfluous.
  4. You will get a triangle folded in half.
  5. Fold it again to get a smaller triangle.
  6. Carefully cut one of the folds and fold back this part of the sheet, turning the corner of the triangle into a square.
  7. Turn the paper over and do the same manipulation on the reverse side. If done correctly, you should end up with a square.
  8. That part of it, which is currently located on top, bend on both sides, as shown in the figure.
  9. Do the same with the other side - and you will get such a figure, a bit like a rhombus.
  10. The next step is probably the most difficult in this craft. You should return to step 4 when you had a triangle folded in half in your hands. Take the lower acute angle of the triangle.
  11. And bend those parts of it, the fold lines of which were performed in the following paragraphs, only in the opposite direction. Then repeat the same steps, turning the craft over.
  12. You will again get a figure similar to a rhombus, only with sides of different lengths.
  13. Expand its corner and you will see that the resulting paper figure consists of three layers.
  14. Fold the top layer along the horizontal fold line up.
  15. Now there will be two layers at the bottom. The second, which was previously medium, bend up 2/3 of its length.
  16. And bend its two “tails” first down, and then to the right and left, respectively.
  17. Bend their tips down again - these will be the paws of the parrot.
  18. Fold the craft in half, and you will see that it gradually becomes like a paper bird.
  19. The head of a parrot is made in the same way as most of these elements in the origami technique. The upper part (neck) must be bent down and at the same time inward, forming a head with a beak of the desired length.
  20. Here's what it looks like from above.
  21. And to make the beak sharper and hooked, like a real parrot, bend it down again.

Parrots are bright exotic birds that have long been pets. The singing of a parrot and its imitation of the human voice leaves unprecedented emotions. But what if you do not have the opportunity to keep a bird in your home? We are looking for an alternative and making crafts in the form of a parrot. How to make a parrot out of paper?

Ah, and the green parrot...

In a well-known children's tale, Little Red Riding Hood sang that in Africa the mountains "are so high ... and a green parrot." In general, this exotic bird is often found in fairy tales and cartoons, for example, a smart parrot that lived with Aibolit, or grouchy birds sitting on the shoulder of pirates.

For various reasons, not everyone can keep a parrot at home. Even a banal allergy prevents this. We will tell you how to make a parrot out of paper. Its scheme is very simple, and even a child can make a beautiful and bright bird. Take multi-colored paper for crafts. The more varied the range of colors, the brighter and more fun the parrot will turn out.

  • a set of colored paper;
  • a sheet of cardboard or white paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided adhesive tape or glue.

  • For the body of a parrot, you can take a sheet larger than A4. We take it and connect the edges along the length. It turns out a cylinder.
  • From above we measure 8 cm and cut off along the intended line. This can be done immediately before gluing.

  • The resulting cylinder is the basis of our parrot.
  • The most painstaking part of creating crafts is cutting feathers. From colored paper, cut out strips 6 cm wide.
  • Now we make an accordion from the strips. So we can cut several blanks at the same time.
  • On a separate sheet of paper, draw a feather pattern. It is 6 cm high and 5 cm wide.
  • We cut out the required number of feathers, and then we arm ourselves with manicure scissors with rounded blades and make a fringe on three sides of the feather.
  • Try to carefully wrap the edges of the paper to make the parrot voluminous.

  • We return to our body and conditionally determine the middle. We glue a white feather there.
  • Now we move in a circle and glue the prepared feathers.
  • We do this in a checkerboard pattern from top to bottom. We place the feathers as close to each other as possible so that the white paper cylinder is not visible.

  • We glued the case with feathers and for now we put it aside to dry.
  • On colored paper, draw two circles with a diameter of 7 cm.
  • We cut out the eyes and completely around the circumference we make a small fringe with scissors.
  • In the middle we glue the pupils cut out of black paper.

  • We will make a beak from red paper.
  • We carefully look at the diagram and transfer it to paper. Cut out and get two parts of the beak: upper and lower.

  • Glue the eyes symmetrically to the body on both sides.
  • Now we connect the edges of the beak with glue and fix it on the body.
  • We fix the lower and upper parts at a small distance from each other. The beak will be open.

  • According to the scheme, we draw blanks of two paws on red paper.
  • On the marked dotted lines inside we make bends. Such a trick will help us make the paws voluminous.

  • From white paper, you can take cardboard, cut out two blanks for the wings.
  • The height of the wing is 12 cm, and its width is 7 cm. In appearance, the base of the wings resembles a droplet.
  • We cut out ovals from paper of various colors and bend them slightly in the middle. The feathers are like grooves.

  • Glue feathers to the base of the wing from top to bottom. To make them voluminous, the lower part of the feather can be cut in the middle and glue the edges.

  • Glue the wings to the body of the parrot.
  • Cut out oblong lines from paper, make a fringe along them.
  • Glue one on top. This will be a tuft.
  • At the back we glue a multi-colored tail.
  • Here we have such a pet.

Like magic: origami technique

Today, exotic birds - parrots - live in many houses. They never cease to delight their owners with their bright plumage and sonorous chirping. Lovers of such pets will be interested to know how a parrot is made from origami paper. You just need to be patient and have some free time.

Required materials and tools:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  • From the album sheet, cut out a square of the desired size.
  • First, fold the square in half, smoothing the fold well.
  • We straighten the sheet and now fold it diagonally. We get such a preparation.

  • We fold the square in half so that we get a double square, but smaller.
  • We bend the corners, carefully smooth the folds.
  • Now along these lines we need to bend the corners inward.

  • Open the other side of the workpiece and flatten it. We will get such a preparation.

  • We bend opposite corners to the center, smoothing the folds.
  • Outside, we have formed a triangle, we need to bend it to make the paws of a parrot.
  • We bend the formed triangle again. Here's what we get.

  • To make it more convenient to hold the bends and corners, we will use stationery clothespins or paper clips.
  • Now we need to similarly design the second foot and turn the workpiece to the opposite side.

  • Align the side cuts, bend them. The paws should fold together.
  • In the upper part, we get a rhombus, which is freely separated from the rest of the structure. From it we will model the tail. To do this, we bend the paper to the right.
  • The tail of the parrot is thin, so we fold the resulting triangle in half.

  • It remains for us to bend the wings and carefully smooth out the bends.
  • From the top of the paper we form the head and beak.
  • We make symmetrical bends in two places.

The parrot is a bright and beautiful exotic bird. Now these cute creatures live in the homes of many of us, delighting the eye and ear with their twitter. True fans of parrots should like our article, as in it we will create a parrot from paper using the origami technique; a diagram of not even one, but several options is available, and I hope you will also like the video tutorials.

Parrot origami in classic technique

For those who do not know how to make an origami paper parrot, the scheme of which is presented in this lesson, step-by-step photos will help a lot. You may also find the video at the end of the article helpful.

For a parrot, a sheet of bright colored paper is well suited to make it look lively and attractive.

1. We take a square sheet, fold it along two diagonals and across. Well iron the folds, straighten.

2. We form a small, but double one from a large flat square. We fold the corners of one of its sides together, carefully iron the folds. We straighten them, bend now inward.

3. We open one more side of the workpiece, flatten it.

4. Fixing the folds, bend the opposite corners to each other. Then straighten them and bend inward. Outside, we get a small triangle, bend it several times, forming the legs of a parrot.

5. For the paws, we make a fold in the middle, and a couple more on both sides of it.

6. The assembly scheme of the second side exactly repeats the first: open, straighten, in the same way we fold the triangle of the foot three times.

7. Turn over the workpiece to the other side. In this case, the triangles-paws will be barely visible due to the folds. We put the upper parts of the rhombus together.

8. We fold the workpiece so that the legs of the parrot are together.

9. We bend the sides above the paws in half.

10. We open the workpiece. From above, we should get a freely outgoing element.

11. From it we form a tail. Pull to the right and fold back.

12. The tail needs to be made thinner. To do this, fold both parts in half twice.

13. We turn over the parts of the workpiece so that the paws are on opposite sides.

14. We bend both wings of the parrot onto ourselves, then the upper part of the neck.

15. We make a fold on it.

16. We fold the workpiece, bringing the paws together.

17. We make the parrot's head and beak, bending and arching the corners.

18. We bend inward part of the wings, giving them a rounded shape.

19. Bend the corners of the legs in the shape of a hook.

Our MK is finished, the parrot is ready! Thanks to the paws-hooks, he will tenaciously sit where he is put, and decorate the whole room with himself.

Parrot origami from triangular modules

In the second lesson, we will fold the modular origami Parrot, the master class is not very complicated, so it will be clear to origami beginners.

To work, you will need 167 pink triangular modules, 85 blue, 46 yellow, 30 orange, 52 red, and 10 blue modules. For the tail, we use a multi-colored assortment of modules, leftovers from past work will do.

1. We collect the first 5 rows of 6 pink modules and 5 yellow ones, close them in a ring.

2. Turn the workpiece over with the other side.

3. We collect separately pink and yellow modules, making an increase of two rows.

4. In the middle of the 8th row of yellow modules, insert 2 pink ones.

5. Pink modules are the parrot's breast, and yellow ones are its back. We connect them in the ninth row with two yellow modules. The ninth row consists of 10 pink breast modules, 6 yellow and 2 pink backs.

6. In the tenth row we have 9 pink modules on the chest, 2 yellow at the edges, 6 pink.

7. In the eleventh row, we begin to add blue modules: 2 on the chest and 3 on the back, the rest are pink.

8. From the 12th to the 15th row, we increase the number of blue modules on the breast and back, 1 in each row.

10. Glue the last row.

11. We assemble the head from 5 blue modules: 3-2. Glue, press with a clothespin.

12. We attach the head to the body, tilting to the stomach.

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We offer all lovers of turning a piece of paper into the unprecedented beauty of birds and animals to make an origami parrot. Making it is quite simple and after a little training even a child can handle origami.

Position the square of paper with one of the corners facing you and fold it in half (1). Unfold and fold the outer corners to the marked line in the middle (2). You should end up with something like a cone or an ice cream cone. Bend the top corner of the cone back (3). At the resulting triangle, fold the upper corners to the center (4). Now two pockets have formed in the upper part, which need to be straightened (5.6). Bend the edges of the straightened pockets up (7). Now it's the turn of the tail. It is formed from the usual fold at the bottom of the paper figure (8). Fold the workpiece in half along the middle (9,10). Turn the remaining untouched corner into a beak (11). Draw eyes on both sides and now you are the owner of a tiny parrot.

Parrots turn out to be exotic if you use beautiful paper with bright patterns and ornaments.

If you are unable to make a neat beak, then you can simply bend the top corner to the side.

One of the ways to develop a child is to create paper crafts with your own hands. If you need to keep your child busy with a creative activity, then you can involve him in working together on an origami paper parrot. This will develop fine motor skills of hands, artistic taste, logic, as well as perseverance and imagination. This kind of activity will allow you to form the ability to concentrate on small details.

general information

There are several ways to create a colored parrot out of paper. The most popular of them are:

  • classical;
  • modular.

The first option is perfect for children who are just starting to master this skill. Creating a parrot from modules is a more difficult task that not everyone can handle.

The art of creating a paper parrot with your own hands came to us from Japan. Even in ancient times, the art of origami was diligently developed in this country, after which it spread throughout the world. Using ordinary pieces of paper, you can easily create your own Kesha parrot or any other figurine. You can do it the classic way. in the form of processing plain paper. It is also possible to insert the tail and other modules into the paper structure separately.

You need to stock up on a sufficient amount of patience and time, as well as plain paper. It is best to use not too thick paper designs. This will make it easier to perform the necessary actions on the figure.

First you need to prepare as much paper as possible. After that, you can figure out how to make a paper parrot. The schema looks like this:

To make a paper parrot using this method, it is recommended to follow a certain algorithm. It looks like this:

On this, the procedure for creating a parrot using the classical method can be considered complete. It remains only to draw eyes, feathers and color the whole craft.

Using modules

In addition to the classic method, there is an opportunity to use the parrot's modular origami. The assembly scheme in this case implies creation of a complex structure in the form of a three-dimensional figure.

To figure out how to make a parrot from the modules, special schemes will allow. It is best to start with simpler designs, since it is quite difficult to master such skill right away. You can use different colors for each module.

If such a craft turns out well enough, then it can be used as a decorative element of the interior in the house.

It's no secret that origami is a rather laborious art that requires perseverance, attention and free time. However, with the right approach to business, you can positively influence the development of the child, as well as have a great time in his campaign.