I take my own and leave someone else’s potatoes. Conspiracy to return stolen property: to find the thief

Why does a person of average income, who was asked to borrow money, feel the desire to definitely refuse? The reason is quite understandable - the fear that the debtor will delay repayment or, in general, “forget” the fact of the loan. The old folk saying: “You give with your hands, but you take away with your feet”, alas, is relevant at all times. In addition to the unpleasant procedure of debt collection, the owner of the money often faces the hostility of the debtor. A simple debt repayment plot will help resolve all unpleasant issues. It is not worthwhile, as soon as the deadline for returning the borrowed amount has arrived, to immediately use conspiracies, especially strong ones. It is necessary to remind the debtor several times. Even with a rude refusal to return the money, you should not resort to black magic conspiracies that force the debtor to “lose health” or “melt away like a candle.” Debt repayment conspiracies accurately measure the punishment for guilt, and excess punishment will fall on the caster.

Friendship is friendship

Borrowed money to a friend or relative? If repayment of the debt is delayed, be patient - loved ones cannot be forced to pay off immediately. You can go to church and pray to ask for the repayment of Nikolai the Ugodnik’s debt. Or resort to an easy conspiracy to repay the debt so that it does not violate the warm relationship with a friend. Find a white, sparkling coin among the change. In the morning, bury the money under a Christmas tree or pine tree. Read the plot:

“I will bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To force the servant of God (name) to give everything. When everything comes back to me, I’ll dig it up and forget all the grievances!”

Wish the debtor that he will have money soon and have enough to pay back. Soon the debt will be repaid to you with words of gratitude. After that, dig up the coin and save it.

Ill-advised loan

It happens that a person lends money to strangers without finding a reason for refusal. The owner of the money in this case is at great risk, since the borrowers initially did not intend to pay the debt. A conspiracy to return money using a matchbox and a church candle will help force the debtor to pay. In the evening, in the dark, sit at the table and place a saucer in front of you, light a candle. Light one match at a time from the candle and let it burn out on the saucer. While the matches are burning, repeat the spell:

“Fire-fire, help me make you pay back the debt! So that the servant of God (name) may be tormented by sorrowful thoughts and torment, Until he gives everything to me! So that I can get the return soon!”

Collect everything that remains from the candle and on the plate into a white scarf and put it in the money section of the bag with the words: “So that you can give away something that was no longer expected.” This debt repayment plot is strong and effective, and helps even in hopeless cases.

Goods on credit

It happens that a regular customer, always punctual and solvent, borrows food “until tomorrow” and disappears for a long time. In order for the seller to receive a refund, he must, standing at his counter, say towards the door, speaking in a conspiracy as if to a debtor: “My prayer is short, I ask for the person in whose hands my money is. Let him get rich, repay his debt to me and have his own (money).”. Lo and behold, on the same day a buyer will come to you with money. Debt repayment conspiracies, in which you sincerely ask not only for yourself as a debtor, will bring a lot of good to your destiny.

Salary arrears

Wage debt, when there is no way to receive hard-earned money, causes the greatest resentment. Don’t get hung up on hatred and hopelessness, use a strong and successful spell to repay your debt with brooms. Buy a new broom and find any dirty broom. Break off a twig from them. Go to the office where you are owed money. With the words of the conspiracy:

“I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money!”

Lead along the door frame leading to the establishment or to the accountant's office. Then hit the door with a dirty twig and read the spell:

“I leave a thin broom near the house so that he won’t let him sleep, so that thoughts about me will torment the debtor and other people’s money will leave him!”

Throw the rods in the trash. Although the ritual seems complicated, it is quite doable and helps to get paid well.

Debts paid

Your spells worked, and the debtors repaid the loan. After returning the money, read a prayer for the person who repaid the debt:

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And he (the name of the debtor) is your judge from now on. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I am (name) a servant of God, faithful, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen"

Simple conspiracies and prayers will help to maintain good relationships in solving difficult money issues.

“You take someone else's, and you give your own,” - this phrase fits perfectly with the description of debts. Few people like to take on debt obligations, but often they simply cannot do without it. An effective conspiracy from debts and loans will help you quickly return the funds and start living for your own pleasure.

The custom of borrowing came to us from ancient times. Our ancestors also used this method to get something specific here and now, not being able to immediately pay for it. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine life without loans. We are so accustomed to all sorts of installments that it is considered the norm of our lives. How to get rid of this eternal bondage? A conspiracy to get rid of debts will help you change your life in such a way that money will stop leaving you and will come into your hands. Having applied this conspiracy, you will only have to manage to accept all the cash flows, which will now be directed specifically at you.

Conspiracy from debts and loans

For the ritual you will need a small white candle and the wallet you use. The white color of the candle means cleansing the entire space around and making room for financial income. The wallet does not have to be new. The main thing is that you use it now.

The ritual is performed in the evening before bedtime. You need to do it alone, so that no one distracts you. Sit comfortably, place a candle in front of you and light it. Take the wallet in your hands, open it and begin to take out everything that is inside, putting it on the table: money, cards, business cards, coins, etc. When taking everything out of the wallet, say the following phrase: “ As this wallet gets cleared, so do my debts evaporate.". Charm your wallet until it is completely empty.

After you have cleaned your wallet, you need to leave it empty overnight. During this time, he will be cleansed of all the negative energy that interfered with the flow of money. Therefore, it should remain open throughout your sleep. And in the morning, put all your things back in it and use it as usual.

Features of the ritual

When you put all the things out of your wallet, look at them carefully. Money loves cleanliness and order. Pay attention to the condition of the bills: are they crumpled and in disarray or are they arranged face down? Or maybe you also carry receipts with tickets in your wallet? Then they need to be thrown away. Feng Shui has a number of tips on how to handle money and what to keep in your wallet. The thing is that things that are not related to money - candy wrappers, notes, chains, even business cards - block the flow of finance. There's simply no room left in your wallet for them. Therefore, before you put everything back in your wallet, conduct a strict audit and throw out all the garbage that was there.

There is a law in the Universe: “return good with good.” A similar situation occurs with money. If you love money, then it will be drawn to you. After all, we always want to be with those who greet us with love and joy. Get rid of debts, attract money into your life, don’t forget to share useful tips with friends and click on the buttons and

There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to quarrel with a friend, don’t lend him money.” However, if the loan of money was nevertheless carried out, and the borrower is not going to return what was borrowed for some reason, you will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to simple but effective methods, such as a conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don’t believe in magic, then we recommend you these simple tips on how to pay back debts and legally increase money.

  1. The first of them is a technique for attracting money to a specific person. To implement it, you first need to find a good photo of the individual who owes you. A “good photo” is a picture where a person smiles, looks happy and satisfied with life. You should also stock up on several large bills of money (preferably dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to perform the ritual on the waxing moon in such a way that its light illuminates the room where the plot is being read. The actual magical conspiracy to get rid of debts will consist of the following passes: place the photo on the table, image up (try to let the moon illuminate it too), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly passing them over the photo, read: “How the glorious one rushes across the seas.” a boat, all luxuriously sewn, dressed in gold, with a hundred treasures in it. So a good fellow (say the name of the debtor) would become rich and generous so that money would start in his family. Gold, silver and chervonets, a hundred treasures from ships. I lure money with money. Amen!"
  2. The second ritual consolidates the first and is designed to appeal directly to a person’s conscience, so that after he has acquired “a hundred treasures,” he would share from the heart with his family and friends, and simply pay off his debts. As part of this event, you need to go to church, light a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and upon returning home, read out loud or mentally on his photo: “Faithful friend, I trust in you, I pray for you, I wish you well . Don’t forget about me, help me in a moment. Amen". In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also worth additionally recommending books to such a person on how to get rid of debts, or suggesting options for solving his financial problem: from part-time jobs to obtaining loans from specialized organizations.

About energy debt recovery, watch this video:

Often the debtor is in no hurry to return borrowed banknotes to the owner, in which case magic can help - a strong spell to repay the debt. The ritual will make the borrower suffer from remorse and soon he himself will look for you in order to return the borrowed funds.

  • Rules for conducting return money rituals

    The conspiracy to give back money is related to household magic. Each of them requires following certain rules that have existed for many centuries. If the subtleties are not observed, the meaning of the ritual and its power are lost.

    Before resorting to magic, ask the borrower several times when he plans to repay the loan. If there is no result of the promises, you can start a conspiracy, taking into account the following:

    • any ritual related to money is performed on the waxing moon. During this period, the chance of making a profit is very high.
    • It is not recommended to turn to black magic, even if you owe too much and are not going to pay it back.
    • Use only white spells that do not have a negative effect.
    • if after the actions taken the money was returned, be sure to thank the debtor in your thoughts and sincerely wish him happiness.
    • If possible, pray for the person repaying the debt in order to smooth out the negativity that was directed towards him.

    By following these simple rules, you will not harm anyone, and the debt repayment plot will soon take effect.

    The simplest conspiracy to return money affects a leisurely debtor on a subconscious level. It can cause mental anxiety, a person is overcome by fear and melancholy.

    A strong conspiracy to return money, carried out using a black ritual, entails dire consequences.

    An irresponsible person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to feel an incomprehensible desire to see her benefactor.

    The debtor's body will behave unpredictably: his hands will itch, and touching the money will cause a burning sensation, as if touching a hot iron. The creditor himself, who uses such a strong conspiracy to repay the debt, will also face similar troubles in the future.

    Some people prefer to use .

    There are several options for conducting the ritual. They contain objects on which ritual words will be read.

    Hex on matches

    If you choose this spell, prepare an unused matchbox, a saucer and a new candle (taken from the church) for execution. Light it up late in the evening. While pronouncing the ritual text, “revive” the match with fire.

    Fire-light, help with your heat to make him return the favor! So that the servant of God (say the name) will be tortured by sorrowful thoughts and torment, so that every penny of his hands will be given to me! Make sure I get the return soon!

    Place a burning splinter on a saucer, then light another one. Continue the ritual, repeating the spell many times until the last match has burned out. Collect the resulting ashes and store them until the debt is repaid.

    coin conspiracy

    If the person who took the loan from you is a loved one whom they do not intend to harm, you can apply an easy conspiracy from debts to a coin. To perform it you will need a white coin of medium denomination. She should be buried under a spruce tree early in the morning, saying three times:

    I will bury a coin in the earth so that the debt taken by the servant of God (voice the name) will be returned to me. To force him to give back everything he took. As soon as the debt is returned to the owner, I will dig up a trifle and forget all the insults to the debtor!

    After reading the magic words, go home. Call the debtor within the next week to remind them about the money. Will be back soon. When this happens, dig up the coin and keep it for yourself.

    Debt repayment plot on potatoes

    After sunset, take a potato. Smooth, without eyes or flaws. Cut into two parts: rub your palms with one, and rub the saucer with the other, where you place the coin. Say a spell:

    I take what’s mine and leave someone else’s. My copper, slave (name of the debtor) to me, is clean from me.

    The coin needs to be placed between the parts of the potato, pressed and secured by tying it with white thread. At the same time say: “On the hills and mountains, under stones and holes, water flows, starchy juice. Debt will flow to me, ringing coins. For the slave (name), the debt is empty, the coins are extra. For me - sonorous, for the wallet full. As the sun hides, the slave (name of the borrower-debtor) will have copper coins. He’ll bring it to me, he won’t borrow it.”

    Place the charmed potato on the same saucer in the center of the table and wait for the debtor to return what was borrowed. To pay off a perfect little witchcraft, a coin must be given to the one who borrowed the money, saying: “For the debt, so that there is money.”

    A conspiracy to repay a debt on potatoes can be done once every three to four months, otherwise the losses will overtake the performer himself.

    Conspiracy to repay the debt

    In the evening, light a candle (green) and read the prayer words.

    My money, come back to me! From someone else's home, from someone else's wallet, to my abode, to me. Let the debtor (by name) not live in peace, let the money not be spent, but only thoughts about me and the debt overcome. This will continue until he returns the goods due to me. Amen.

    Extinguish the wick and hide the candle in a dark place. This must be repeated every evening until the debt is repaid.

    Hex on brooms

    The ritual is suitable if a neighbor is in debt or an insolvent individual lives nearby.

    For the ceremony, prepare two brooms, one of which must be frayed and used; the other is new.

    First, carefully sweep the borrower’s threshold, saying the phrase:

    I sweep with a good broom and sweep away my money!

    After that, walk along the old threshold. After breaking off a couple of rods and throwing them on the floor, say the following:

    I leave a thin broom near your house to prevent you from sleeping. So that thoughts of guilt in front of me torture the debtor and let other people’s money flow out of the house!

    Having finished reading, you can go home. If everything was done correctly, the amount will be returned in no more than a month. When you receive them, try to think well of the person who used your money for two or three evenings in order to cleanse yourself of the effect of magic.

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