Holiday tradition birthday. Unusual birthday traditions

Candles on the cake, a cheerful feast, surprises, gifts and congratulations, it would seem, what else is needed to have fun celebrating your birthday? However, each country has its own peculiarities of celebrating this wonderful day. We offer you to get acquainted with the most interesting traditions of different countries. Some of them may seem extreme, but originality cannot be taken away from them.

  1. The tradition of giving a beautiful cake to be torn apart by kids appeared in the United States relatively recently, and instantly gained immense popularity. But since no one canceled the traditional song and blowing out candles, an additional cake is purchased specifically for this purpose.
  2. And in Venezuela, even adults are allowed to destroy the cake. You just have to do it on your own!
  3. A birthday boy in the Atlantic part of Canada is waiting in ambush to smear his nose with something - most often with oil. This custom has come from ancient times and is designed to avert various failures.
  4. In the UK, it is customary to swing and throw the heroes of the occasion in their arms.
  5. A funny custom exists in the countries of the Caribbean - there birthday people are sprinkled with flour. The more flour sticks, the better.
  6. In the Czech Republic, ordering your favorite song on the radio is becoming increasingly popular.
  7. In Denmark, it is customary to fly the national flag in the birthday man's house. And also their cake must have the shape of a man.
  8. If you happen to celebrate your birthday in Hungary, prepare your ears - you will be well dragged there by the earlobes, wishing you all the best.
  9. German bachelors who have reached their 30th birthday will have to work hard on their birthday, as an ancient tradition obliges them to sweep the porch or street. Apparently, the custom originates from a desperate desire to demonstrate one's cleanliness to potential brides.
  10. Swiss parents love to hire an evil clown to run after the kids with a cake, so if you hear a happy squeal, it's most likely someone's birthday.
  11. In Ireland, they don’t stand on ceremony with birthday people - they grab them by the legs, turn them upside down, and let's beat them on the floor. How many years - so many times and hit, and one more for good luck.
  12. In Japan, it is customary to update your wardrobe on your birthday.
  13. In China, the birthday boy must eat noodle soup. The longer the noodles, the longer the life.
  14. If you see a girl in a pink dress in Ecuador, feel free to congratulate her on her birthday. All Ecuadorian girls wear pink on this day.
  15. On their 15th birthday, every Argentine considers it his duty to dance the waltz.
  16. In Israel, birthdays are raised on a chair.
  17. In South Africa, on the 21st birthday, it is customary to give a symbolic key to a new adult life.
  18. In Cuba, anyone can join the celebratory party, you just have to buy a ticket to enter.
  19. In New Zealand, “magic bread” is considered a solemn delicacy on this day. The recipe is simple - a regular toaster and confectionery colored powder.
  20. In Vietnam, birthdays are celebrated on New Year's Day - Tet. According to tradition, on the day of "tet" the Vietnamese all add one more year to their age on the same day.
  21. Mexicans remain true to their tradition of smashing a piñata stuffed with candy.

According to opinion polls, about half of Europeans do not like to celebrate their birthday and do not feel joy from its approach, suffering from the need to arrange a celebration with relatives, friends or colleagues. Here are 10 historical ways to celebrate your birthday.

10th place: According to pagan beliefs, the birthday annually symbolizes the transition from the world of ancestors to the world of the living. At this time, a person may be in danger, get sick, and his soul can be stolen. Therefore, it is necessary to have close people nearby who, with their ritual offerings and good wishes, drive away evil spirits. So a birthday cake with candles and making wishes is actually an altar in honor of the pagan gods who were addressed on their birthday.

9th place: In Russia, name days began to be celebrated in the 17th century - this is the latest beginning in history. On the eve of the holiday, the family of the birthday boy brewed beer, baked birthday cakes, pies and loaves. And, in fact, the song about the loaf was originally sung by adults.

8th place: The royal name-days were celebrated especially splendidly. Sometimes the tsar personally handed out birthday cakes, and large festivities with refreshments were organized for the people. So much money was spent on one name day of Elizabeth Petrovna that three royal palaces could be built on them and fully provided with furniture and curtains.

7th place: African birthdays. In the Galla tribe, a birth is celebrated every 8 years. The concept of "year" is absent there, since no one has a calendar, and the seasons practically do not change.

6th place: In the Kukuyu tribe, the gap between birthdays is even larger - 13 years. Once every 13 years, the birthday boy plants a fig tree. By the way, in Russia, after the revolution, an ideological struggle began with name days. In the 1920s, censorship banned "Fly-Tsokotukha" by Korney Chukovsky for promoting name days.

5th place: In England, everyone who has lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old is sent personally by the Queen.

4th place: In some Indian tribes, as well as in rural areas of China, in addition to birthdays, they also celebrate the stages of human development: “sidin” - when he began to sit, “hodin” - he began to walk, etc.

3rd place: In North Africa, it is customary to celebrate your birthday only twice in life: 1 time at birth, and the second time at 52 years old (because this is the age of the prophet Mohammed).

2nd place: In Ukraine, there was once a custom to take children out into the field on their birthdays and flog them at the boundary there, so that the child knew exactly where the boundary was drawn. By the way, for the same reason, for our birthday, they pull on the ears, in England they throw it up and drop it on the floor, and in Spain they click on the forehead.

1 place: The most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan. There is no birthday celebration at all. Only parents are congratulated on the anniversary of their feat - the birth of a child. For children, there are only holidays of three, five and seven years - "City-Go-San", it is the same for all children and is celebrated on certain days that may not coincide with your personal birthday. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts only for the 60th, 70th, 79th, 88th, 99th anniversary.

Birthday, like many other holidays, has its own traditions. Different countries have their own methods and rituals for celebrating a birthday. For comparison with Russian birthdays, consider some of the Western, European and Asian traditions for celebrating this celebration.


The early Ukrainian traditions of celebrating a birthday are very unusual - on this day it was customary to flog children in a field near the boundary. This is done so that the child "knows where the boundary is drawn." Today in Russia and Ukraine, this tradition has changed a bit - now the birthday boy is pulled by the ears. In England, everything is more cruel than ours, it is customary to toss and drop the birthday boy on the floor, the same tradition in Spain is expressed in clicking the hero of the occasion on the forehead.


In Russia, birthdays were first celebrated around the 17th century. This is the latest mention of this holiday in history. The traditions of this holiday were quite different from the current ones. On the evening before the birthday, the family of the birthday boy baked cakes and birthday cakes, brewed beer. On the birthday itself, adults (parents, relatives) sang a song about the loaf to the birthday boy. Most often, a birthday coincided with a person's name day, so initially these two holidays were not distinguished.


African birthdays. In the Galla tribe, the concept of a birthday does not exist as such, because this holiday is celebrated there once every eight years. This is due to the fact that the tribe does not have a calendar, and the seasons practically do not change, so it is very difficult to determine the time. The same can be said about the African Kukuya tribe, in which a birthday is celebrated once every thirteen years. On this day, by tradition, the birthday boy is obliged to plant a fig tree.


In England, there is a tradition - to everyone who lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old, the Queen of England personally sends congratulations.


In China, birthday traditions are even more interesting. There, in addition to the immediate birthday, they also celebrate “sidins” and “khodins”. These are the stages when a person began to sit and walk respectively. The main dish of this holiday in China is noodles. It is the main attribute of the festive table, as it is a symbol of long life. On this day, the birthday man is sure to be given money (regardless of age).

North Africa

In North Africa, birthdays are celebrated even less often - twice in a lifetime. The first time a person is born, and the second - at 52 years old (since this is the age of the prophet Mohammed himself).


But, in spite of everything, nevertheless, the most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan, since it is generally not customary to celebrate a birthday there. They congratulate the parents of the child for the fact that they accomplished a kind of feat - they gave birth to a child. Which of the children can still boast that they still arrange a holiday in their honor, so these are -three, -five and seven-year-old kids, for whom they arrange "City-Go-San". True, this holiday is the same for all children and may well not coincide with the personal birthday of the child. In Japan, strangely enough, it is customary to give gifts only when a person turns 60, 70, 79, 88, 99 years old.


In this country, on the fifteenth birthday of a girl, there must be a waltz. The birthday girl invites her young admirers and father to this waltz.


In Brazil, there is also a tradition of pulling the ears. Only the Brazilians pull off the earlobe - how many years a person has lived, they pull his ear so many times. After such congratulations, the birthday man is obliged to offer the first piece of the pie to the most beloved family member. Usually it's mom or dad.

Great Britain

For the British, the birthday holiday is, in fact, a holiday-symbol. On this day, the fate of the birthday is predicted, and a surprise can be found even in a piece of cake. For example, a found coin symbolizes that a person will be rich. The Queen's personal congratulations are received by honorary "elders", those who are 80, 90 and 100 years old.


In this country, the main dish of the birthday is by no means a cake, but, so you think - chicken with rice! At the same time, the birthday man's outfit should be unusual, original, or rather, strange.


Birthday in Germany can rightly be called the Day of Lights. On this day, one of the family members gets up at dawn and lights candles in the house and on the festive cake, which burn all day. According to tradition, the candles on the cake are one more than the birthday of the birthday. Because one candle is a symbol that should bring good luck to the birthday man. And only after the end of the gala dinner, late in the evening, the birthday person can make a wish and blow out the candles. Just like in Russia, if the birthday boy blows out all the candles on the first try, his wish will come true. After this kind of festive "ritual" you can start opening gifts.


In this country of flowers, it is customary to decorate the birthday chair with flowers, balloons and ribbons. At school, the birthday boy is always presented with a colored paper hat, and the birthday boy, in turn, treats his classmates with something tasty. Birthdays celebrated on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 21st are considered especially honored. They are considered crown years. Therefore, birthdays born on these days, presenting more expensive and memorable gifts.


In this country, on the birthday of the birthday, the family of the birthday person hangs out the flag from the window - this is a symbol of the fact that today the birthday is celebrated in this house. Usually, gifts for children are placed near the bed, and as soon as the child opens his eyes in the morning, he immediately starts unpacking. According to Danish tradition, on a birthday, it is customary to seat the baby in a festive chair and raise it as many times as the child is old. Plus an extra time for good luck.


In India, on his birthday, the parents dress up the child in smart clothes and send him to school. There, in honor of his birthday, the birthday boy treats the whole class with chocolate.


In Ireland, the number of years of a birthday person is emphasized not by candles and pulling the ear, but by tossing the baby. The hero of the occasion is raised high and sharply lowered to the floor. And so as many times as the birthday is. Plus an extra roll for luck.


The Italian tradition is perhaps the most common in the world - the birthday man on this day is sure to “tear” his ears.


On the birthday of a little Canadian, he is ambushed uniformly. After the birthday man, the tip of the nose is smeared with margarine or butter. This is done so that failures do not stick to the baby, because now they will simply slide off his little nose! After such trials, the baby's relatives lightly hit him in the chest exactly as long as the birthday boy is turning. And one more hit for luck!


On this day, the birthday boy is allowed everything. Everything should be in abundance. And food, and music, and guests, and decorations. Note that many invitees are indirectly related to the birthday man, for example, parents' colleagues at work and neighbors.


The traditions of celebrating a birthday in this country are significantly different from other countries. At the age of 15, the birthday girl puts on high-heeled shoes for the first time and puts on a pink dress. All this is done so that the hero of the occasion dances a waltz with her father. Fourteen more couples will waltz along with them.

Birthday Traditions
Birthday, like many other holidays, has its own traditions. Different countries have their own methods and rituals for celebrating a birthday. For comparison with Russian birthdays, consider some of the Western, European and Asian traditions for celebrating this celebration.
# Russia
In Russia, birthdays were first celebrated around the 17th century. This is the latest mention of this holiday in history. The traditions of this holiday were quite different from the current ones. On the evening before the birthday, the family of the birthday boy baked cakes and birthday cakes, brewed beer. On the birthday itself, adults (parents, relatives) sang a song about the loaf to the birthday boy. Most often, a birthday coincided with a person's name day, so initially these two holidays were not distinguished.
# Africa
African birthdays. In the Galla tribe, the concept of a birthday does not exist as such, because this holiday is celebrated there once every eight years. This is due to the fact that the tribe does not have a calendar, and the seasons practically do not change, so it is very difficult to determine the time.
The same can be said about the African Kukuya tribe, in which a birthday is celebrated once every thirteen years. On this day, by tradition, the birthday boy is obliged to plant a fig tree.
# England
In England, there is a tradition - to everyone who lived to be 80, 90, and 100 years old, the Queen of England personally sends congratulations.
# China
In China, birthday traditions are even more interesting. There, in addition to the immediate birthday, they also celebrate “sidins” and “khodins”. These are the stages when a person began to sit and walk respectively.
# North Africa
In North Africa, birthdays are celebrated even less often - twice in a lifetime. The first time when a person is born, and the second - at the age of 52 (since this is the age of the prophet Mohammed himself).
# Ukraine
The early Ukrainian traditions of celebrating a birthday are very unusual - on this day it was customary to flog children in a field near the boundary. This is done so that the child "knows where the boundary is drawn." Today in Russia and Ukraine, this tradition has changed a bit - now the birthday boy is pulled by the ears. In England, everything is more cruel than ours, it is customary to toss and drop the birthday boy on the floor, the same tradition in Spain is expressed in clicking the hero of the occasion on the forehead.
# Japan
But, in spite of everything, nevertheless, the most unfortunate birthday people live in Japan, since it is generally not customary to celebrate a birthday there. They congratulate the parents of the child for the fact that they accomplished a kind of feat - they gave birth to a child. Which of the children can still boast that they still arrange a holiday in their honor, so these are -three, -five and seven-year-old kids, for whom they arrange "City-Go-San". True, this holiday is the same for all children and may well not coincide with the personal birthday of the child. In Japan, strangely enough, it is customary to give gifts only when a person turns 60, 70, 79, 88, 99 years old.
# Argentina
In this country, on the fifteenth birthday of a girl, there must be a waltz. The birthday girl invites her young admirers and father to this waltz.
# Brazil
In Brazil, there is also a tradition of pulling the ears. Only the Brazilians pull off the earlobe - how many years a person has lived, they pull his ear so many times. After such congratulations, the birthday man is obliged to offer the first piece of the pie to the most beloved family member. Usually it's mom or dad.
# Great Britain
For the British, the birthday holiday is, in fact, a holiday-symbol. On this day, the fate of the birthday is predicted, and a surprise can be found even in a piece of cake. For example, a found coin symbolizes that a person will be rich. The Queen's personal congratulations are received by honorary "elders", those who are 80, 90 and 100 years old.
# Guiana
In this country, the main dish of the birthday is by no means a cake, but, so you think - chicken with rice! At the same time, the birthday man's outfit should be unusual, original, or rather, strange.
# Germany
Birthday in Germany can rightly be called the Day of Lights. On this day, one of the family members gets up at dawn and lights candles in the house and on the festive cake, which burn all day. According to tradition, the candles on the cake are one more than the birthday of the birthday. Because one candle is a symbol that should bring good luck to the birthday man. And only after the end of the gala dinner, late in the evening, the birthday person can make a wish and blow out the candles. Just like in Russia, if the birthday boy blows out all the candles on the first try, his wish will come true. After this kind of festive "ritual" you can start opening gifts.
# Holland
In this country of flowers, it is customary to decorate the birthday chair with flowers, balloons and ribbons. At school, the birthday boy is always presented with a colored paper hat, and the birthday boy, in turn, treats his classmates with something tasty.
Birthdays celebrated on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 21st are considered especially honored. They are considered crown years. Therefore, birthdays born on these days, presenting more expensive and memorable gifts.
# Denmark
In this country, on the birthday of the birthday, the family of the birthday person hangs out the flag from the window - this is a symbol of the fact that today the birthday is celebrated in this house. Usually, gifts for children are placed near the bed, and as soon as the child opens his eyes in the morning, he immediately starts unpacking.
According to Danish tradition, on a birthday, it is customary to seat the baby in a festive chair and raise it as many times as the child is old. Plus an extra time for good luck.
# India
In India, on his birthday, the parents dress up the child in smart clothes and send him to school. There, in honor of his birthday, the birthday boy treats the whole class with chocolate.
# Ireland
In Ireland, the number of years of a birthday person is emphasized not by candles and pulling the ear, but by tossing the baby. The hero of the occasion is raised high and sharply lowered to the floor. And so as many times as the birthday is. Plus an extra roll for luck.
# Italy
An Italian tradition, perhaps the most common in the world, is that the birthday man on this day is sure to “tear” his ears.
# Canada
On the birthday of a little Canadian, he is ambushed uniformly. After the birthday man, the tip of the nose is smeared with margarine or butter. This is done so that failures do not stick to the baby, because now they will simply slide off his little nose! After such trials, the baby's relatives lightly hit him in the chest exactly as long as the birthday boy is turning. And one more hit for luck!
# China
The main dish of this holiday in China is noodles. It is the main attribute of the festive table, as it is a symbol of long life. On this day, the birthday man is sure to be given money (regardless of age).
# Cuba
On this day, the birthday boy is allowed everything. Everything should be in abundance. And food, and music, and guests, and decorations. Note that many invitees are indirectly related to the birthday man, for example, parents' colleagues at work and neighbors.
# Ecuador
The traditions of celebrating a birthday in this country are significantly different from other countries. At the age of 15, the birthday girl puts on high-heeled shoes for the first time and puts on a pink dress. All this is done so that the hero of the occasion dances a waltz with her father. Fourteen more couples will waltz along with them.

What are your birthday wishes? Unfortunately, many people forget that a birthday is an important holiday in the life of every person and the birthday person needs to know all the beliefs that are associated with this joyful day. Perhaps they will help make life happier and more comfortable.

vintage birthday signs

But today we have received a wide variety of signs on, on the Trinity, and so on. Ancient signs for a birthday are in fact no less important, since they directly affect the next year of human life.

Everyone knows the phrase " how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it". Happy birthday is exactly the same. Unfortunately, most of the superstitions associated with this beautiful day have been lost, but we have the opportunity to preserve at least that part of the well of wisdom of our ancestors that has come down to our days.

Today it is customary to give gifts to the birthday boy. This tradition has been around for many years. However, few people know that in ancient times the hero of the occasion had to give purely symbolic gifts to everyone who came to the holiday.

It was believed that in this way you secure a rich future for yourself. Even in Soviet times, this tradition was preserved. Women were given perfumes, the representatives of the stronger sex - lighters. But what is the reason for this belief?

It is believed that it is on this holiday that special spirits come to earth and watch how the birthday person behaves. If he is kind, supportive of everyone, generous and kind, then the spirits endow this person with all the blessings of life, make him successful.

In order to live in the next city in abundance, there was another sign. It was necessary to prepare a special dish. It was a pie in which buckwheat porridge and chicken eggs were always put. Its peculiarity was that it was never put on the table.

However, after the first toast was said to the health of the birthday man, the eldest member of the family needed to break the cake half over the head of the hero of the occasion. Next, 2 parts of the pie were folded into a scarf. After the feast, the birthday boy had to bring food to the crossroads.

People believed that in this way he appeased both evil and good spirits. In turn, good spirits helped to improve personal life, strengthened health, authority, and financial situation, while evil spirits simply did not interfere with achieving their goals, driving away ill-wishers. The ancestors were sure that it was the joint meal of good and evil spirits that would help to pacify their enmity for a while.

If it rains on your birthday, a sign prophesies wealth. Therefore, if it rains from morning to night on a holiday, do not despair. Throughout the year, blessings will pour on you, as from a cornucopia, as signs of rain promise.

If you decide to congratulate someone on their birthday, then remember that you need to do this with all your heart. Thus, you convey to the birthday man all your positive energy. However, if it seems to you that one of the guests was insincere, actually wishes you harm, after you receive congratulations, whisper:

Your speeches, yes to your shoulders.

It is believed that this short pinch will help. However, you cannot say these words to each of the guests, since by such actions you will drive away the positive energy that other people have given you.

Did you know that candles on a birthday cake are actually not just decorations? It was believed that when a person is born, another star lights up in the sky. However, after his death, it fades away. People believed that this star was able to fulfill the most secret human desire, and candles were associated with it.

Therefore, by blowing out the candles, you are approaching the fulfillment of your cherished dream. It is believed that the smoke goes directly to your guardian angel and conveys your request to him. However, if you couldn't blow out all the candles at once, you can ask the guests to do it with you. This is not considered a bad sign.

If the guests help put out the candles, then in the future they will be the ones who will be able to fulfill your dream. Remember, there should not be 9, 13, 18, 21, 51, 99 and 100 candles on the cake. In addition, our ancestors never celebrated their 40th and 9th birthdays. After all, these figures are associated with the days of commemoration.

Since ancient times, people have believed that if you ignore these birthdays, you can live a long and happy life, preserve your youth, beauty and health.

There are even beliefs that are associated with the number of guests at the celebration. It is believed that there should be an even number of those. The ancestors were convinced that an odd number would bring various troubles and sorrows. However, in the modern world, this sign is often ignored.

Modern psychics, however, explain the negative attitude towards an odd number of guests as follows - the one who came alone, who did not get a couple, can direct his anger towards the hero of the occasion. Also, according to ancient legends, it was not worth inviting 13 people to the celebration. A large number of various legends have long been associated with this number.

According to one of them, this number brings death to the one who first gets up from the festive table. The same applies to a large number of guests. It is not advisable to invite exactly 100 people to a birthday party. However, most likely, the sign is connected with the fact that by inviting so many acquaintances, we let unfamiliar people into our close circle.

After all, you do not know what their plans are for you, and perhaps they want to harm you. That is why it is better to invite those in whom you are sure of to such an important holiday.

First of all, the hero of the occasion should not borrow money from someone on this day or pay off old debts. This can be done just before the holiday itself. The same applies to the distribution of alms. Our ancestors believed that with such actions you give away your wealth, happiness and health, and not just help others.

The birthday boy is forbidden to change clothes during the celebration, as in this way he will lose all the positive energy accumulated during the day. If the outfit was spoiled, this indicates that someone tried to jinx you. In this case, of course, you can change your outfit.

Remember, a birthday is never celebrated before the due date. Since ancient times, people believed that in this case, the hero of the occasion would get very sick, and maybe even die. After all, only the dead are commemorated ahead of time.

According to the same belief, it is impossible to cook pancakes, as this is a memorial dish that was usually prepared for Maslenitsa. It was a bad symbol to hear the howl of a dog, as it also meant severe illness. Before his birthday, the birthday boy was forbidden to go to the sick, as he was saturated with bad energy and could spend the next year in the hospital.

Rubbish, broken dishes are thrown away only the next day, because otherwise you will throw away the happiness and positive energy that has been accumulated.

There are many signs regarding gifts. The most common of them - do not give as a gift. In any case, along with the gift, you will give away the message that was intended for you (good or bad).

As for wallets, bags, vases, various utensils, watches - many consider these gifts dangerous and undesirable. However, many people believe that if you give them a ransom of a few coins, then the negative actions of the signs can be neutralized.

It is considered a bad omen to accept gifts of clothes (in particular, ties, since this item can be cast a love spell), a handkerchief, pearls, figurines and paintings with birds (they are considered harbingers of misfortune, bitter tears). If you don't want to offend the person, also give them some coins in exchange for a gift.

It is very important to pay attention to how many flowers were presented in bouquets. It is believed that an even number will attract death, because usually 2, 4, 6, etc. flowers are carried to the grave of the dead. But if you still got such a bouquet, break one flower and throw it away as soon as possible.

In childhood, everyone wanted a birthday to last at least 2 days. In fact, that's the way it is. However, the duration of the holiday is slightly longer - 12 days. After all, each of them is a symbol of each future month of the year.

First day characterizes you as a person. Today you can enjoy life, rethink some things, revise the value system, sort out mistakes, make a clear plan for the coming year.

Second day associated with wealth. Pay special attention to your menu, it is believed that the more tasty and healthy food you eat that day, the more productive your year will be financially.

The third day responsible for communicating with other people. You can fantasize about relationship strategies, get rid of relationships that weigh you down, you can think about projects.

Fourth day connected with the family. Spend a day with your mom and dad. It is advisable to go to the cemetery, pay tribute to the deceased relatives.

Fifth day highlight entertainment. If you have children, take time for them, relax with friends.

Sixth day- show your loved one that he is really dear to you.

Seventh day- marriage. It is forbidden to quarrel, show aggression, enjoy the time with your chosen one.

eighth day responsible for magic and the supernatural. Take time to meditate, you may have a prophetic dream.

Ninth day- education and work. It's time to broaden your horizons, perhaps think about further education or development in the labor field.

tenth day- success. It's time to get into the area of ​​activity in which you want to succeed in the coming year.