History of Teacher's Day. Professional holiday - teacher's day September 5th teacher's day

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for educators. When is Teacher's Day?

When is Teacher's Day in 2019

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In 2019 Teacher's Day in Russia will be on Saturday the fifth of October .
In Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, the "floating" date of the Teacher's Day has been preserved - the first Sunday of October. In 2019, it will be October 6th.

When was Teacher's Day

The Teacher's Day holiday was established in 1965. The date of the celebration of Teacher's Day, as well as the date of most other professional holidays of the Soviet era, was "floating". Teacher's Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October .
The first time Teacher's Day was celebrated on Sunday, October 3, 1965.

World Teacher's Day - October 5

World Teachers' Day is an international professional holiday for teachers, lecturers and other workers in the education system.
In 1994, UNESCO declared October 5 of each year as International Teachers' Day.
The date of Teachers' Day was chosen by UNESCO for a reason. On October 5, 1966, at an intergovernmental conference, important Recommendations on the Status of Teachers were adopted, which set out international standards for teacher training, advanced training, working conditions and the educational process.

Presidential Decree on Teacher's Day

Taking into account the decision of UNESCO to declare October 5 as International Teacher's Day, President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, by his Decree of October 3, 1994 No. 1961 "On the celebration of Teacher's Day", decided to celebrate Teacher's Day in the Russian Federation annually on October 5.
The decree entered into force on the day of its publication, that is, only on October 3, 1994. It turns out that the Decree was “late” and came out after the first Sunday in October. Thus, officially in 1994 Teacher's Day was twice: on the first Sunday - October 2 and then on Wednesday October 5.

When is Teacher's Day in 2014

In 2014, Teacher's Day was Sunday, October 5th.
The first Teacher's Day was celebrated in 1965. In 2014, the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the Teacher's Day took place. This year, despite the fixed date of the holiday, Teacher's Day again fell on Sunday and coincided with the date of Teacher's Day "in the old style."

Proverbs about teachers

A real Teacher should always remember the folk wisdom about mutual respect, upbringing by personal example, the indispensability of a teacher and the result of training.
The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. Whom they respect, they listen to. Whom they do not like, they do not listen. Luck for the student, joy for the teacher. Only by respecting the teacher can you become a teacher yourself.
He who does not govern himself will not instruct others. If a teacher does not live as he teaches, leave him - this is a false teacher.
The tree and the teacher are known by their fruit. The student and the teacher are judged. What a teacher, such are the students.
From the teacher and science. Honor your teacher as you would a parent. Teachers only open doors, then you go on your own. A pile of books will not replace a teacher.

Gift for Teacher's Day

Most Russian teachers are women. The best gift for the beautiful half has always been a bouquet of flowers.
A bouquet of flowers is the best gift for a teacher, both on Teacher's Day and on

Date in 2019: October 5th, Saturday.

One of the most respected, difficult and responsible professions in the world is a teacher. People who give their time, knowledge and soul to pedagogy accept congratulations from grateful pupils, students, their parents on their professional day. Join the congratulations in October, when the whole world celebrates Teacher's Day.

The cheerful chime of the first bell and curiosity in the eyes of first-graders, the first love that torments the soul and tears from an undeservedly placed deuce, an exciting school score and anxiety before exams - any memories associated with school years evoke nostalgia and tenderness. And how not to remember our teachers - strict and understanding, beloved and demanding.

Once a year, there is a great occasion not only to mentally return to the past, but to actually congratulate all teachers on their professional holiday, which is celebrated in October.

Who celebrates Teacher's Day?

Who are the teachers, what do we know about them? Most are sure that almost everything. After all, these people lead us through life from infancy. A kind and affectionate teacher takes care of the kids in kindergarten, the first teacher meets first-graders at the entrance to the school. Having given us knowledge and guidance, our beloved teachers, with tears in their eyes, send their students on a life voyage with a matriculation certificate.

Wise teachers and professors share with us the intricacies of the chosen profession. And even as adults, we turn to teachers for help, who give us new and important information necessary for life and professional work.

Glasses and a strict suit, an evaluating look and instructive notes in his voice .... Learned? Yes, this is a portrait of the average teacher. He firmly believes that he knows exactly what others need. And as a result, from the teacher you can hear not only recommendations on how to complete the school assignment, but also advice on how to live and wear a skirt, how to talk and wipe your nose.

How many stereotypes, myths, unrealistic stories are associated with the teaching profession. Teachers are all different, and relationships with parents and students cannot develop according to a well-established pattern.

But most remember their teachers only with kind words and try not to leave them unattended on holidays. Kids and adults prepare birthday greetings to the teacher in prose, make presents and write scripts for a professional celebration.

Unfortunately, the number of teachers over the past decade in Russia has decreased by almost a third, and the average age of teachers is inexorably approaching retirement age. Retired teachers are in no hurry to leave the walls of the school, as there is an incredibly lack of personnel, despite the prestige of the profession. Congratulations to our elderly teachers who have devoted their entire lives to teaching children.

It is imperative to remember the younger generation, which chose the important and responsible work of a teacher as their profession.

Teacher's Day 2019 is a celebration when we congratulate all teachers and mentors, educators and coaches, and all people whose professional activities are related to education.

The history of teachers' holiday

For half a century now, at the beginning of October, each school is being transformed. In a noisy and cheerful atmosphere, preparations are underway for a special day - students and schoolchildren, teachers and scientists are preparing for the celebration of Teacher's Day.

The celebration has its own history, as it began to be celebrated in 1965. It was then that the first Decree was signed, in which a special holiday date was designated. For a long time teachers were congratulated on the first Sunday of October.

In Russia, since 1994, the date of the celebration has changed. The reason for changing the holiday date was the Decree signed by the President. Such an event is connected with the accession of Russia to 100 countries that began to celebrate a new celebration - World Teacher's Day.

This event appeared just in 1994 after the signing of a document on recommendations that related to the status of teachers. The initiators were members of UNESCO, as well as representatives from the International Labor Organization. The choice of date was connected with the day of the international conference in Paris on the status of teachers, which took place in 1966.

However, in some countries of the former Union, including Ukraine and Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Latvia, the date of the holiday remained unchanged. Here Teacher's Day 2016, what date is celebrated, depends on the date on the calendar. Congratulations to teachers, as before, on the first Sunday in October.

In Russia, since 1995, teachers who have devoted more than 15 years to their profession and at the same time have made a significant contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation have been awarded the title of Honored Teacher.

This honorary title is awarded only to the best teachers on their professional holiday.

Today, the UN calls on the world community and each individual on such a holiday to think about how life has changed thanks to good teachers.

And after all, so little is needed: words of gratitude, sincere congratulations, lovely gifts - and a smile of gratitude will shine on the face of the teacher.

The holiday is especially loved by schoolchildren. Indeed, on the eve of official celebrations, schools hold a day of self-government, when teachers can have a well-deserved rest, and active capable high school students can try themselves as a teacher.

Amateur concerts are held in educational institutions, official festive events are organized at the governmental and public level, where the contribution of teachers to the development of education is celebrated. Prizes, awards, cash prizes are awarded. The winners of the competition "Teacher of the Year" are awarded.

Profession teacher

The first schools belong to the era of 4-5 millennium BC. Such data are confirmed by archaeological excavations in the territories of the Ancient East, which were carried out in China and India, Babylon and Assyria.

The word teacher in ancient Greece was associated not with a teacher, but with ordinary slaves who could not be involved in hard physical labor, so they were assigned to the child of a nobleman and were obliged to accompany the baby to school.

Literally from the ancient Greek, pedagogy is translated as “children's education” or “children's education”. And directly the teachers who in ancient Greece were engaged in teaching children arithmetic were called calculators. From Latin, this word is translated as an accountant or counter, and is associated with the word calcuius, that is, a pebble. After all, it was pebbles that were used for counting in those days.

Ancient Rus' can boast of the emergence of professional pedagogy at the time of the adoption of Christianity. By order of Prince Vladimir, which was published in 988, the best people should give their offspring for book learning. For this, a specialized school was built in Novgorod.

But starting in the 1750s, preference was given to the French or French-speaking Swiss. Quite often, such pseudo-teachers did not have any education, they got into tutors only for a good knowledge of foreign languages. There were special requirements for such teachers. The tutor must be middle-aged and must be married. And if they took a young governess, she should be distinguished by beauty, which guaranteed a serious attitude to her duties and, of course, prevented love affairs in the house where the governess worked.

Since 1834, a special provision appears, which stipulates the requirements for home tutors. On the basis of this decree, the path for foreigners to the families of Russians was closed. The governesses were bound to be Russian subjects and Christians.

As for schooling, literally until the beginning of the 20th century, it was conducted separately. Beginning in 1919, compulsory education appears. The Soviet government, trying to eliminate illiteracy and inequality, issues a decree according to which girls and boys, regardless of status, must attend school.

Teachers today also have special requirements. Not only that, people for whom this profession has become a true vocation should be engaged in the education of children.

People with certain health problems cannot be engaged in pedagogy. It is not recommended to devote your life to the profession of a teacher if you have:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • deviations in the vocal apparatus;
  • hearing and vision problems.

The work of a teacher is considered difficult, but at the same time the most interesting in the world. If we look at the statistics today, we are only pleased with the level of public trust in teachers. The rating in this regard is 3.72 points out of a possible 5. Only scientists deserve more confidence, whose score was 3.86.

But according to other criteria, this specialty has greatly lost its position in recent years. The prestige of the profession is estimated at no higher than 2.9 points, and the desire of parents to see their offspring as teachers, that is, the prospects - at 2.57. The yield is estimated at 2.77. And, despite the recent increase in wages, young people are in no hurry to enter pedagogical universities. Particularly in demand today are teachers of languages, humanities and engineering sciences, computer science.

The shortened workload of 18 to 36 hours and even a wonderful vacation of 42–56 calendar days, which always falls in the summer months, does not attract professionals.

Therefore, people go into the profession for whom teaching is not just a temporary occupation, but the meaning of life. A real teacher must have a number of human qualities, without which it is impossible to work with children and adolescents. It is hard to imagine a teacher who does not know his subject thoroughly. He is kind and sympathetic, loyal and fair, sympathetic and strict, punctual and purposeful.

Modern teachers try to keep up with progress, they are simply obliged to constantly study new teaching methods, electronic and computer technologies used in the educational process.

People who have found themselves in the profession note the pleasant atmosphere of childhood and youth, the opportunity to share knowledge, participate in the formation of personality, help the child understand the intricacies of relationships and life. They find ways to develop personally and professionally, how not to harden and not forget the delights of childhood.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Dear our teachers! Our knowledge and first steps in life, our professional choice and attitude to events and people have developed thanks to your participation, your experience. The fate of little people is in your caring hands. So let your thoughts always be pure, your deeds noble, and life not be overshadowed by fatigue, troubles or illnesses.

On an October joyful holiday,

Autumn rustles and colors the foliage.

Ready for lesson tutorial,

As for the faces, I just don't understand.

All the children are in a hurry and laughing.

Teacher's day and so much fuss.

And congratulations flow

And all the words are full of kindness.

When Teacher's Day comes

The children are in a hurry with a bouquet of flowers.

And an honor for every parent.

Say thanks a lot.

Larisa , August 27, 2016 .

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday for school teachers, but it is celebrated not only by those who sow the reasonable and eternal, but also by all students. For the latter, this is an opportunity to arrange a joyful day for their favorite teachers and another reason to fill them with numerous bouquets of flowers. How did the holiday of school workers appear, and why did it fall on October 5?

Teacher's Day - international holiday

World Teachers' Day is marked on the national calendars in more than 100 countries. Officially, the UN established a holiday for people of this important profession in 1994. The choice fell on October 5 not by chance, it is known that in 1965 a joint conference of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization was held in Paris, at which a recommendatory resolution “On the Status of Teachers” was adopted on October 5.

For the first time, the concept of "teacher" was clearly defined in the adopted document. This category includes teachers who teach and educate children in primary and secondary schools. Also, the Recommendation described the goals and policies in the field of education, the training of teachers and the importance of their professionalism. The order prohibits preventing teachers from starting families and giving birth to children and recommends helping women in every possible way in these important issues - organizing kindergartens, giving them the opportunity to transfer to other educational institutions and working with her husband in the same school.

Before the advent of International Teachers' Day, the school holiday was celebrated in many countries at the national level. In most states, holidays for teachers were held in the first half of October, as they were timed to coincide with the date of the adoption of the first international document regulating the working conditions of teachers.

World Teachers' Day is celebrated under the auspices of the International Federation of Teachers' Unions, which unites more than 400 organizations from 172 countries. Every year the holiday is held under a certain slogan. For example, in 2013 it sounded like this: “We need teachers!”. With this appeal, the international community tried to attract young people into the right profession. After all, it is no secret that teaching is not as popular now as it was in the last century. The shortage of teachers is an acute problem not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The shortage of teachers in the world is more than 5 million. If the problem is left unattended, then there will be no one to teach children.

History of Teacher's Day in Russia

In the calendar of the USSR, the professional holiday of teachers appeared in 1965 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. The day of celebration was appointed the first Sunday of October. As a result, teachers received their legal holiday, which fell on a day off every year. Perhaps for people of other professions this is a big plus, but teachers, inextricably linked with schoolchildren, still noted him at their work post.

On Saturday, on the eve of Teacher's Day, Soviet schoolchildren hurried to class with armfuls of flowers. Classes were decorated with homemade wall newspapers and balloons. Amateur activists prepared congratulatory concerts with songs, poems and funny scenes.

In 1994, the President of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution on the transfer of Teacher's Day to a fixed date designated by the international community - October 5. Since then, educational workers know exactly how many honors and congratulations await them.

Modern schoolchildren do not deviate from the good traditions of the Soviet past. Like their parents, they come on a holiday with bouquets and presents. It is customary to make gifts for Teacher's Day with your own hands. These can be memorable souvenirs, homemade medals and congratulatory posters.

Teacher's Day is a great occasion to thank those who have chosen an important and difficult profession for themselves. Many people, only as adults, realize how important the contribution of teachers was to their destiny and career. In the meantime, this awareness has not come, it is better for young people to trust the advice of adults and respect their mentors.

The honoring of educators takes place not only within the walls of the school, but also at the state level. On Teacher's Day, educational workers are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. To coincide with this date, the summing up of the "Teacher of the Year" competition and the presentation of well-deserved awards to the winners.

By the way, in some states that were previously part of the Soviet Union, they continue to honor educators according to Soviet traditions. On the first Sunday of October, National Teacher's Day is still celebrated in Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.

Photo: https://yandex.ru/images/

How to tell children about Teacher's Day, about its history? Why is Teacher's Day celebrated on October 5th? We will give you answers to these questions.

October 5 - Teacher's Day

History of Teacher's Day

On October 5, 1966, the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers was held in Paris. As a result, representatives of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization signed the document “Recommendations concerning the status of teachers

Since 1994, Russia has been celebrating Teacher's Day on the world calendar - October 5th. And earlier this professional holiday fell on the first Sunday of October.

On the first Sunday of October, Teachers' Day is still celebrated in countries that were previously part of the USSR: in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Ukraine.

Today, October 5, World Teachers' Day (World Teaches "Day") is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. This day celebrates the merits of teachers and all educators in the process of quality education and their invaluable contribution to the development of society.

In 2002, Canada Post issued a commemorative stamp to commemorate World Teachers' Day.

Why is this holiday so loved and honored all over the world? Because every person living on earth has or had teachers. A builder and the president of the country had a teacher, a cook and a mathematician, a dressmaker and an astronaut. The work of a teacher is not only responsible, but very rewarding work, it is also a real art. Every person, famous and not so famous, starts his way to a great life from the first lesson, in which the first teacher tells what awaits him in the future.

real teacher- this is not only a person who teaches children the sciences, he himself is an example to follow in every sense - moral and spiritual. Raising a worthy young generation is a mission, it is the goal of every teacher's life. A real teacher is not just a person who gives knowledge, but a person who gives himself completely to children. It is impossible to become a teacher, they have to be born. Only when we grow up do we understand that some teachers remain in our memory and in life forever, while others are forgotten, erased from memory. And I remember, as a rule, the most demanding, the most strict.

Only when we grow up do we understand what a huge amount of work, effort, knowledge our teachers have invested in us so that we can become worthy people in the future. In our time of computer technology, parents often try to shift the lion's share of education onto the shoulders of computers. But no computer can replace the teacher's personality. As long as there are children, until then a person is needed - a teacher - a mentor who will explain and suggest how to get out of a difficult situation. The vocation of a real teacher is not only to give a person an education, but also to preserve the main thing in him - humanity, to convey to his student the best ideas of humanity, so that the students he teaches become thinking, independent, creative, spiritually rich individuals. Everything that teachers do deserves the most sincere recognition and gratitude.

In his handsome and kindest professional teacher's holiday accept congratulations from current and former students. This day is permeated with good mood, festive atmosphere, flowers and gifts are everywhere, which are given to teachers. In Russian schools, there is a long tradition - on Teacher's Day to arrange a self-government day, when lessons are taught not by teachers, but by high school students.

If you already go to school, cook on this day handmade gift for your teacher, let it be a small souvenir, but it will be given from the heart. Once I was visiting my old teacher many years after graduation. All the walls in her house are covered with photographs of students, and the bookshelves are simply bursting with people made of cones, acorns, rag dolls, homemade postcards and other crafts made by students. She can tell about each and remembers who gave her. She has kept them carefully for decades.

Craft for Teacher's Day "Memories of Summer"

For crafts you will need: two empty walnut shells, an A4 sheet of green cardboard, yellow, white and red paper, glue, red and black nail polish, a felt-tip pen.

On the green cardboard on top, write with a felt-tip pen: “Happy Teacher's Day, dear (teacher's name)!” Cut flowers (daisies) from yellow, red and white paper and stick them on cardboard. Flowers should occupy the entire field of the postcard. Circle something with a round section on multi-colored paper, for example, a cap from a plastic bottle, and glue the “middle” onto the flowers. Now let's make ladybugs. Cover walnut shells with red varnish on top, let dry. With black varnish, draw muzzles and dots on the back. Gently smear glue on the bottom of the shell around the perimeter and plant (glue) the insects on the flower petals. Postcard is ready!

Co. teacher's day you can prepare a wall newspaper in which to use photographs of the teacher and classmates. Write funny captions for photos and be sure to come up with a good and kind congratulation. Postcards drawn by the students themselves will be a great surprise for the teacher. You can decorate the classroom with balloons and autumn leaves.

A great occasion to once again present a bouquet to your beloved teacher - this is a wonderful one that is celebrated all over the world on the fifth of October. This is the day of the teacher, which is celebrated not only by school teachers, but also by professors of universities, institutes and academies, as well as other specialists involved in the field of education. All these people have made a huge contribution to the education of our children.

A teacher is just a heroic profession today, which requires great patience and strength. It's no secret that in the modern world, most students do not like to study. And it depends on the representatives of this profession how much the student will love this or that subject. If it is presented in an interesting way, then you won’t want to skip classes, which means that there will be enough knowledge in order to choose a profession to your liking in the future and, possibly, also become a teacher.

Back in 1994, teachers' day began to be celebrated. Russia immediately joined in the celebration of this date, when UNESCO entered the fifth of October in the calendar, which lists all the dates worthy of respect. But many countries of the former Soviet Union prefer to celebrate this professional event in the old fashioned way on the first Sunday of the second autumn month. It was on this day, starting in 1965, that the day of the teacher was celebrated. These countries include Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Latvia, as well as Ukraine and Belarus. And in each of them the holiday is bright and solemn. Children give flowers and relatives congratulate those who are related to this profession.

But it is not so important when exactly the teacher's day is celebrated. The main thing is that this holiday exists, and there are people who give children their knowledge every day, who, together with their parents, give the child a start in life. After all, it is no secret that it is very important not only with what grades a student leaves the walls of this institution, but also with what level of training, namely, the teacher largely depends on how deep the knowledge of a particular subject will be.

Throughout our lives, of course, each of us remembers the name of his first teacher, who opened the way to the world of knowledge for us, taught us to cope with difficulties and helped to comprehend the basics of science.

The history of the teacher goes back to 1966, when a conference on the status of teachers was held in Paris. On the fifth of October, since 1994, this professional holiday has been celebrated by teachers and educators in more than a hundred countries. It is this date that reminds everyone of the great merit of teachers in the education process at all levels. Thus, these worthy people make an invaluable contribution to the development of the whole society.

Back in 1944, Eleanor Roosevelt at Congress convinced everyone that it was imperative to create a professional day for teachers. After that, in response, she received a letter from the teacher, who asked to establish such a holiday so that students could pay tribute to their school mentors.

How is Teacher's Day celebrated? On this day in Russia, students give flowers to their teachers, some even write poems on greeting cards or verbally express their love and respect for these people. Holiday concerts are held in schools, and lessons on this day are not taught by teachers, but by high school students.

International Teacher's Day is a date when all over the world representatives of this difficult profession get together, remember different situations from school life, accept congratulations from their colleagues and relatives. This is a very bright and warm holiday. It is very important that there are more teachers all over the world who love their students and teach the subject in an interesting way. It is very important to interest the child, then he will be happy to go to school and receive the knowledge he needs in life.