When is the day of the medical worker celebrated. Doctor's Day - the history of the holiday When is the next day of the medical worker

The Day of the Medical Worker (Day of the Medic) in Russia is traditionally celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. In 2019, it fell on June 16th. The editors of the site will talk about what kind of holiday it is, about its traditions and signs.


About the holiday

The day of the medical worker was established by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” (approved by the Law of the USSR of October 23, 1980, as amended on November 1, 1988 with amendments and additions). Since then, it has been celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June. In addition to the Russian Federation, on the same day it is celebrated in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Medical workers include: a doctor, a paramedic, a nurse, a nurse, a medical officer, a nurse.

The holiday has several variants of the name: Doctor's Day, Doctor's Day, Doctor's Day, Medical Worker's Day.

Holiday traditions

On the day of the medical worker, it is customary to gather at the festive table. As a rule, on this day, the first persons of the state, officials of the Ministry of Health, and the administration of medical institutions come out with congratulations. On the Day of the Medical Worker, the best employees are awarded certificates and valuable gifts. In addition, patients also give various gifts on this day. Medical students have a tradition of filling glasses with alcohol.

Conferences, seminars, congresses of scientific communities are held on the holiday, where the latest achievements in the field of medicine are shared.

Signs of medical workers

  • Change shifts or replace someone - to a difficult working day.
  • A bird beating through the window of the ward is a harbinger of the death of one of the patients.
  • Shifting from one bed to another - for long-term treatment.
  • A chair overturned in the ward - to a new patient.
  • A fallen medical history is a complication.
  • The last night shift before a vacation is usually the most difficult.
  • You can not sleep in socks on duty, otherwise they will wake you up.

The profession of a doctor is one of the most demanded, but at the same time the most responsible in the world. It is impossible to imagine that such necessary and significant specialists would be left without a professional holiday. And there is such a celebration - the Day of the Medical Worker. About how he appeared, what date is Doctor's Day in 2019, how it is customary to congratulate doctors on this day - in our today's article.

The full, officially-correct name of the holiday is Medical Worker's Day. We habitually abbreviate the name to Medic's Day - the way it sounded for several decades, the way our parents called it.

Why does the question “what date is Doctor’s Day” arise annually? Like most professional holidays in the Russian Federation - and there are 55 of them in our country - this day does not have a clear date. The binding in this case is made to the day of the week - the third Sunday of June.

On this day, it will be possible to congratulate the attending physicians, all friends and relatives related to medicine.

Together with our country, on the third Sunday of June, medical professionals are honored in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Latvia. From the CIS countries in the same month, events are held in Azerbaijan - June 17.

This profession is in demand, although it is extremely responsible. Of particular importance for doctors is the Hippocratic oath, which implies a set of moral, as well as ethical norms for the behavior of a doctor, written down by a healer in the 3rd century BC. Since then, the oath has been slightly modified, translated into different languages ​​and edited, but its basic principle has not changed. The text has long been familiar to medical professionals, now there is a tradition - to pronounce the words, receiving an official diploma.

Today's doctors are considered broad-based professionals who are aware of symptoms and diagnostic basics. The profession implies a large amount of theory and practice, each doctor chooses a specific direction. He can examine a person, make a diagnosis, prescribe tests, treatment methods. There are many specializations that predetermine the activities of the Aesculapius.

history of the holiday

It is difficult to assess the contribution of medicine to the development of mankind. People engaged in medical activities are found on the life path of every person, and it can be said with confidence that progress is moving thanks to them. They stand guard over the most important resource - human health.

In modern Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually in the middle of the first summer month. For the first time, an official holiday was established back in Soviet times, in 1980. The tradition of celebrating Medic's Day every third Sunday in June has been passed on to the new generation, which is why it is celebrated not only in modern Russia, but also in other countries of the post-Soviet space.

Despite the fact that the calendar already has the International Day of the Doctor, the days of nurses, traumatologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and other medical specialists, the day of the physician is always celebrated with special reverence. This is a holiday not only for doctors and junior medical personnel, but also for all those who are even indirectly related to medicine. On this day, doctors and veterinarians, junior medical staff, laboratory assistants and technologists, biologists and medical equipment engineers, pharmacists, pharmacists, etc. are congratulated.


The day of the medical worker is important not only for medical professionals, but also for many other people who turned to doctors, sick and healthy. Doctors and nurses, orderlies and laboratory assistants, biologists and engineers, chemists and technologists - this day is celebrated by all those who are related to saving human life, maintaining health, and curing diseases.

On this holiday, almost 544 thousand doctors of various specialties and more than 1,300 thousand workers with secondary vocational education receive congratulations.

The holiday, as a rule, begins with congratulations: the heads of medical institutions, medical officials, work colleagues and grateful patients, former and current, say warm words to doctors. On the same day, awards and conferrals of honorary titles are held. The celebration ends, as a rule, with a banquet or warm gatherings by a friendly team. Well, the most pleasant part for specialists of medical institutions - by the solemn date, all employees are entitled to a cash bonus.

Medicine is the most important invention of mankind

Physicians are people who have devoted themselves to the study of medicine, the science of curing a person. No wonder the very name of the profession is translated from Latin as "prescribing a remedy."

In ancient times, at the dawn of the development of medicine as a science, medicine was closely connected with religion. Intervention in the life and health of a person was equated with the divine will, and therefore could not be controlled by the priests-clergymen. So it was, for example, in ancient Egypt, where healing took place under the supervision of a priest of one of the temples.

Ancient China had a huge impact on the development of medicine. Here much attention was paid to human anatomy. Chinese doctors were the first to carry out rather complex operations, and with the use of anesthesia.

Ancient Greece gave the world the greatest physician - Hippocrates. He managed to bring together all the disparate knowledge about healing, supplementing them with his own observations and conclusions. His influence on the development of medicine is so great that even the traditional oath of doctors is called the "Hippocratic Oath". It reflects the basic moral principles of healing, the ethical standards that every doctor should be guided by. And even the replacement of the text did not lead to a change in name - the Russian doctor's oath at an unofficial level still bears the name of Hippocrates.


There is no single and any special tradition of celebrating. Many medical workers continue to carry out their difficult watch at the workplace on this day. Usually, solemn meetings, banquets and concerts are held in all medical institutions. On this day, all healthcare workers are congratulated on their professional holiday and diplomas and awards are presented.

On Medic Day, all outstanding employees are honored, thanked for choosing such a difficult, but honorable and necessary profession. In Russia, there are two state awards that are awarded to the most dedicated and hardworking medical workers. On this day, congratulations are received by all those people whose professionalism determines the invaluable health and quality of life of every citizen of the country.

Congratulations on the Day of the medical worker

Happy Medic Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you warmth, well-being.
May the time be joyful, and sorrows be forgotten.
May all your wishes come true this holiday!

Happy Medical Worker's Day!
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts.
To help patients as best he could,
I found a recipe for any diseases.

Good luck with everything, salary growth,
In abundance so that you live: luxuriously, richly.
And in the house ringing, joyful laughter sounded,
May honor and success await you everywhere!

Works nobler than yours, I don't know
Happy Medical Day today I want to congratulate you!
Good luck, I wish you all the best,
You are the best health worker - I will tell you without embellishment.

Heal diseases sometimes with a kind look,
Thank you for this warmth!
May your guardian angel be there all the time,
The invisible will give you a wing every day.

Happy Medic's Day, congratulations to you,
We wish sincerely, loving:
Enormous strength, not to know fatigue,
So that everything that was dreamed of came true!

Day of the health worker is not just a holiday,
Day of gratitude, recognition, praise
For physicians, sleepless work is wonderful,
That our health is protected by the rear.

I wish you prosperity and success,
So that the team is friendly and united,
Let all adversity and interference go away,
And your work was worthy of appreciation.

On Medical Worker's Day
We wish you from now on:
Well, of course, do not get sick,
Have strong nerves.

grateful patients,
Less stress, less precedents.
So that the famous Hippocrates
He said to everyone: “I am proud and glad!”

A little something hurts - we immediately run to the doctor.
And therefore, I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Medic.
And wish you all the very best
And fill out as few documents and papers as possible.

Congratulations in pictures

The art of healing has been known since time immemorial. Healers, healers, chiropractors, healers, doctors, doctors - they all helped a person in the fight against ailments. No wonder the medical profession is recognized as one of the oldest, and, no doubt, the most useful. The whole life of a person is closely connected with a good doctor. Even in this world we come under the supervision of a doctor, and if trouble happens, a disease comes, a person in a white coat sometimes becomes the main support.

The profession of a doctor is necessary, it is in demand literally everywhere: both in work and in sports, even the skilled hands of doctors work on our appearance. Medical science has achieved undoubted success: diseases that have claimed thousands of lives have been defeated. But, alas, nature presents new surprises: new viruses appear, new types of diseases appear. And again, doctors and medical scientists come to the rescue: they investigate the disease, look for new vaccines, analyze new methods of treatment.

But here's what's interesting: the profession is ancient, and doctors have found their professional holiday quite recently (especially in comparison with the experience of healing itself).

history of the holiday

In 1971, at the initiative of the World Health Organization and the International Organization "Doctors Without Borders", the International Day of the Doctor was established. And only after 10 years in the Soviet Union, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On holidays and memorable dates", the doctors of our country finally received their professional holiday. By the way, this day, both then and in modern Russia, is celebrated more widely than International Doctor's Day.

When fifteen sovereign states appeared on the map of the Soviet Union, the Day of the Medical Worker, established in 1980, did not lose its relevance. In Russia, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia, people in white coats still accept congratulations on the third Sunday of June.

In 2018 Medical Worker's Day Russia notes June 17. Unlike many professional holidays, this day is remembered not only by those to whom it is addressed. Even the healthiest person cannot say that he has never seen a doctor. What to say about those for whom the doctor is the only hope? People in white coats help us cope with the problems that we mindlessly give to ourselves.

Medical Worker's Day, like many professional holidays in our country, does not yet have special traditions. Of course, on the eve of the holiday, ceremonial debriefing, concerts are held in medical teams, and government awards are presented at a higher, state level. Grateful patients also do not forget to congratulate their kind medical angels on this day. Warm words and flowers of former patients probably mean no less to doctors than certificates of honor.

Well, the holiday itself - Sunday - is most often celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends, because those who face pain every day need to replenish their spiritual strength and receive their portion of love, respect, gratitude.

Our friendly team with pleasure and endless respect for the upcoming holiday - the Day of Medical Workers! The medical profession is without a doubt the most humane. This title requires not only the deepest professionalism, but also self-denial. To these wonderful, selfless people, our sincere warm wishes of all the best.


The Day of the Medic in Russia is over thirty years old. On this holiday, representatives of a complex, dangerous and noble profession are honored - medical workers: doctors, nurses, orderlies.

A doctor is a responsible, risky and unpredictable profession, vital and indispensable for any society. This is probably why, even on their professional holiday, doctors cannot afford a full day off.

When is Medical Worker's Day in 2018 in Russia what date: Medical Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June

The Day of the Medical Worker was first established in the Soviet Union according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council "On Holidays and Memorable Days". In the future, the idea was picked up all over the world, and now doctors are honored in dozens of countries of the CIS, Europe, Africa and America.

Medic's Day is not the only holiday for medical workers. So, in some countries, May 12th is International Nurse's Day. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance: on May 12, 1820, Florence Nightingale, one of the founders of the sisters of mercy movement, was born. But the nurses do not have their day off.

However, the servants of Aesculapius (the ancient Roman god of healing), regardless of gender, have more than enough reasons for the holiday: the Day of the surgeon, paramedic, resuscitator, therapist and dozens of other professional holidays are celebrated in Russia annually and on a large scale.


Happiness, peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
unlimited luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients
And health to you,
Lots of happy moments
And all the best. Hooray for doctors!

Happy Medical Day to all of you!
Patience, I wish you health.
At work, so that everything is calm,
And that you are always paid adequately.

For giving good to people,
Because you don't care.
For your priceless glorious work
Our low bow to the floor!

There are many professions in the world
Everyone is important in their own way
But those who save the sick.
There really is no price.

Saints, wizards, gods?
The same people as us.
Yes, a feat is within the power of a few,
They are the pride of our country.

Your day, medical worker,
Marked on the calendar
And a life without grief and pain
We owe you personally!

The smartphone wheezes, it is full of heat,
Which, however, is symptomatic on this day,
After all, so many patients rush you
Congratulate SMS, call and personally

Happy Medic Day! Already thankful words
And wishes splash oceans.
I'll add a drop - let love
It relieves you of fatigue incessantly,

Health never fails
And nerves like iron ropes
Let them be strong, and grow at times
For the most noble work salary,

Everything will always be fine in the family,
And speeds up your pulse on the wrist
Fate let the magic powder
From a bubble with a bright sticker "Happiness"!

When is the Day of the Health Worker in 2018 in Russia what date: beautiful postcards

The uniform of a medical worker appeared only in the 19th century. Prior to this, doctors and nurses put on ordinary aprons and gloves for the operation.

English doctor Joseph Lister said that dirt is clearly visible on white, and every doctor should wear only a white coat for sanitation purposes.
And so it stuck. Moreover, in the same 19th century, the professionalism of a physician was judged by a white coat. He was considered literate if during the operation he did not stain his uniform with blood.

There is no single well-established tradition of celebrating the Day of the Medical Worker. On this day, concerts and awards are held. Doctors have two state awards: "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation" and "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation".

In our country, there are two most honorary titles of medical workers, which are awarded on Medic's Day to workers in this field for some outstanding abilities or breakthroughs in medical business:

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation.

Award "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" is awarded by the Government to those doctors who have shown themselves in the best light and have at least 15 years of experience in the medical field.

Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation is the highest degree of praise that deserves people who have completely devoted themselves to their favorite profession: they have special knowledge and experience, published their work, developed new concepts in medicine, or in any other way showed their outstanding abilities and professional qualities. The awarding of this or that award takes place at the state level and is even broadcast on television. Each of these two awards is a recognition by the public of the dedication and bright talent of a medical figure.

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Health is one of the main components of modern society. The science of medicine is engaged in the preservation and restoration of the health of citizens.

Health professionals make a huge contribution to building a healthy and strong society. No country in the world can do without medicine, as it is the most important social element, without which the existence of a nation is simply impossible. Every third Sunday of June is annually held under the banner of medicine. On this day, congratulations are received by: doctors, paramedics, nurses, obstetricians, support staff and everyone who is somehow connected with this industry.


Several hundred years ago, the famous Roman scientist Gaius Pliny Secundus said: "There is no art more useful than Medicine." This phrase fully embodies the level of significance of this science for humanity. We owe a long and healthy life to the employees of the medical service.

Society has always valued and respected the work of health workers. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the Day of the Medical Worker was officially approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Council. Since that time, this holiday has been celebrated in Russia.

Medicine is one of the most ancient sciences in the world. Its main goals are:

  • restoring the health of the nation;
  • the introduction of new technologies in the treatment of citizens;
  • development of modern drugs for the treatment of various serious diseases;
  • birth control, reducing the death rate of citizens;

Every year there are more and more people who want to connect their lives with this difficult activity. But in addition to a great desire to become a good qualified doctor, of course, a huge store of knowledge is also needed. Future health workers are trained in specialized educational institutions: universities, colleges and schools. During their studies, they undergo multi-level training, which includes: attending conferences, seminars, internships in a hospital and studying all areas of medicine.

In the modern world, much attention is paid to the training of good specialists in this industry. After all, the prosperity and productive life of the entire nation depends on the level of medicine in the country.


Traditionally, a lot of events dedicated to this holiday take place on the Day of the Medical Worker.

Concerts and performances are organized in specialized educational institutions to congratulate students and teachers. Also on the eve of this holiday, large-scale conferences and presentations dedicated to medicine are held.

Doctors celebrate their professional holiday both at work in the circle of the team and at home with friends and relatives. At the festive tables, to the clink of glasses, the best wishes are heard in their honor. In addition, health workers are also congratulated by officials of the Ministry of Health.

Do not forget to congratulate medical workers on their professional holiday and wish them success and good luck in their hard work.