December 22 is a holiday, energy worker day. Power Engineer's Day - date, history, traditions and customs

Energy workers at work
Even on your rightful day.
Take a break for a minute
Don't look for problems here.

Very friendly and beautiful
Congratulations now
In a bright and happy world
Let him be lucky again and again.

Let the energy be like a flame
Never burns out...
Energy workers are walking,
The hum is coming through the wires.

We congratulate all energy workers,
We praise the work of energy workers,
We love, cherish and respect you,
We wish you love and a bright life!

And be surrounded by love,
And good, Siberian health,
After all, without energy is like without water -
Neither here nor here!

Why did you freeze in the ice floe?
Herds of lizard beasts?
There was simply no trace
Energy workers then!

Receive a “thank you” bouquet!
The roses are withering - the frost is angry,
And “thank you”, energy engineer,
More beautiful and more expensive than roses!

We wish you, dear,
On your only holiday of December,
Miss Luck let her shine
An eye brighter than a lantern!

Like the midday sun
Moreover, at the equator
Warms the whole soul to the bottom
Let love be in the night and day!

We praise you, energy worker!
On your Day we wish you more light,
So that it reigns in your soul
Only a joyful summer.

Your work is worthy of praise,
Everyone needs him, without exception,
You bring goodness to every home
You give us all light and warmth.

You're at work all the time
You do everything flawlessly.
Let your career soar
And happiness brightens life.

Miracle master energy drinker,
The light one sends us greetings,
Lights up everything around:
And all the streets, and the house!

With the advent of masters,
There are a lot of trains,
And trams, electric trains...
People waste fewer matches.

Our whole world has become happy,
Because I realized -
"We cannot live without: light,
Energy Council!

Honor, praise to you for your concern,
For decent work,
For skill, for work,
For comfort and coziness!

Like an electron through a wire
My love is rushing towards you.
For the light that came to every home,
I bow to you, energy workers.

May your life be full
Love, energy, warmth.
Live happily, without troubles.
Good luck to you. Let there be light!

Happy Energy Day today
I want to congratulate you
I wish you to be stylish and fashionable,
And so as not to run to the doctor,

Let there be enough strength for everything:
Work and relax,
Well, in general, life is always beautiful
And never lose heart!

Previously, it was difficult without light,
And the candle came to the rescue,
In the computer age it’s difficult without light,
It is impossible to work without it.

Complex and delicate work
Wires and current, one concern,
Big bow to the energy workers,
Good luck to you and the house is full of happiness!

Well, how can we live without energy drinks?
At least in practice, even in theory?
In our age you cannot live without electricity,
Please accept congratulations, friends.

May there be a lot of light in your destinies,
Warmed by recognition and kindness,
On the personal front it’s joyful, cloudless,
And so that life flows non-stop.

Warm and light in our apartment
Thanks to your work.
What's in the apartment - all over the world!
You are always busy and caring:

So that work goes on without delays
All businesses, schools, hospitals,
Each of you is selfless,
Smart, persistent without boundaries.

So be always successful
Strength, health for centuries,
They are careful and diligent in their work.
Happy Energy Day!

Date in 2019: December 22nd, Sunday.

Energy Engineer's Day is not a celebration of the first light bulb. This is a celebration of progress and forward movement. Man has always strived for light, and modern energy capabilities have allowed this dream to come true. But so that the already familiar illuminations continue to please the eye, a person can habitually communicate online and brew his favorite coffee in a coffee machine in the morning, the country’s economy develops, and innovative developments are brought to life, they work without weekends and energy holidays, which have been customary for many years congratulations by the end of December.

Who's celebrating?

Today it is hard to imagine that there were times when the only source of light was a torch, and later a kerosene lamp. That same Ilyich light bulb really brought not only light to the homes of ordinary people, but also hope for the bright future that the communists promised them. Further development of energy proceeded at a rapid pace, which was required by the economy and industry.

Huge hydroelectric power stations and thermal power stations were built. These were gigantic construction projects. After all, it was thanks to the work of such stations that the young country could count on being supplied with a sufficient amount of electricity. But a lot of it was really needed - industry was developing at a frantic pace.

But even such incredible and simply gigantic stations could not fully meet all needs. There is a need for new, more affordable sources of electricity.

And nuclear energy technologies appear just in time. At first glance, this was a breakthrough in the industry. No one could imagine what disasters a person could face. The memories of the Chernobyl disaster and the troubles at Fokushima are still fresh in our minds. But this does not mean that people involved in the energy industry have given up.

Today, green energy is a priority. Scientists are looking for ways to produce alternative electricity. As you can see, modern energy is a multifaceted and diverse industry. In Russia, more than 2 million people are involved in it. These are people of completely different professions and profiles. But they are all involved in production, supply, and scientific developments related to energy. It is these people who will celebrate their professional holiday in December, when it is customary to celebrate Power Engineer’s Day in Russia.

history of the holiday

The holiday first appeared in history back in 1966. And the date when Energy Engineers Day was celebrated fell exactly on December 22. There are several explanations for the choice of this particular date for celebrating the occasion. First of all, it was on December 22, back in 1922, that the fateful decision was made to electrify the entire country. This was GERLO's plan, designed for the next three five-year plans. The reconstruction of the national economy proceeded at a frantic pace. During this time, 30 stations were built, including 10 large hydroelectric power stations, which helped reach the production of 8.8 billion kilowatts per year.

But romantics see a different meaning in choosing this date to celebrate Energy Worker Day. After all, it is December 22 that has the shortest daylight hours, when lighting is especially important.

However, in 1980 the holiday was postponed. For many years they tried to force it to be celebrated on the third Sundays of December. However, the workers themselves, out of habit, congratulated each other on their professional triumph on the more usual date, December 22. And only in 2015 was historical justice returned. And to the question, when is Energy Engineer’s Day in 2019 in Russia, we can now safely say that everything is also on December 22.

Congratulations to the energy workers

Our dear electricians and power engineers, nuclear scientists and scientists, we must not allow the people of our country to know what an electricity shortage is. We really hope for your selfless work, for your efforts, which allow millions of our compatriots to enjoy their favorite programs, sleep in warm beds and cook their dinner without a fire. And for this I bow to you and thank you.

Happy energy holiday to you, friend.

It will be bad without you, and not at all suddenly.

The boiler will not turn on,

The mobile phone will not charge either.

The microwave won't turn on

No TV, no oven.

Our whole family will freeze,

We can't do it without you.

Larisa, December 6, 2016.

The day of the energy worker is approaching. This is a professional holiday for all workers in the energy industry. It covers all specialties that are associated with the transmission, generation and marketing of all types of energy. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of specialists in this industry. Therefore, on this day, every person has the opportunity to thank them for the warmth in their home. In this article you will find out when Energy Engineer's Day is in 2018, what date it is, the history of the holiday, as well as the main traditions of the celebration.

Energy Day celebration date

The holiday is celebrated on the shortest day of the year. And this is symbolic. After all, on cold winter evenings, every person desperately needs warmth and comfort. And specialists in this profession provide heat to schools, hospitals and every apartment.

Holiday date: December 22. The date of the holiday was set 30 years ago on the third Sunday of December, but with the declaration of independence of the country, the government decided to return the previous date, set 50 years ago. In Ukraine, the holiday is also celebrated on December 22. Among the countries of the former USSR, only Kazakhstan will celebrate this holiday on the third Sunday of December.

history of the holiday

The history of Energy Engineers Day dates back to 1966. It was on this day that the decree was issued according to which Energy Day was founded. December 22 is the day that has the shortest amount of light. It is not known whether this was taken into account when choosing the day of celebration. But it turned out very symbolic. After all, it is the workers of the energy industry who give every resident of the country the warmth that is so necessary, especially on the coldest and darkest day of the year.

However, in 1980, Energy Engineer Day was moved to the third Sunday in December. It was this date that was used until the collapse of the USSR. In the modern history of Russia, the date of celebration of Energy Day was again moved to the original date. Since then, the official professional holiday of all energy workers is celebrated on December 22 in most countries of the post-Soviet space.

Development and importance of the industry

Energy workers are one of the most in-demand professions in the labor market. After all, it is difficult to imagine life, work and the development of technology without electricity. Not a single modern electrical device can operate without electricity. In addition, if the electricity goes out, the metro, trolleybuses and trams will stop, computers and televisions will turn off. The city remains paralyzed.

The energy industry in our country began its development back in 1920, when a long-term program for the development of the industry was developed. After which a complete reconstruction of production, the national economy and other industries began, taking into account the use of electricity.

Therefore, it was decided to build 40 power plants throughout the country. This plan was supposed to be fully implemented within 15 years, however, thanks to the determination of the management and performers, all power plants were fully built, and the industry was transferred to the electricity use mode, after 11 years.

During the war, the development of the industry stalled, but immediately after its end, development began to gain momentum again. In the 50s of the last century there was a revolution in the field of electricity. The concept of a “peaceful atom” came into life, so the construction of nuclear power plants began actively. At the same time, the construction of powerful hydroelectric power stations was also underway, which were located in Siberia.

All powerful facilities in the energy industry were built during the USSR period. In the 80s of the last century, a crisis began that also affected the energy industry. Due to increased electricity consumption and the lack of new energy facilities, this industry was in crisis. It was necessary to commission new power plants and repair old ones, but there were no funds for this work.

In the 90s, almost all production in the country stopped, so energy consumption decreased. The main problem of the industry during this period was the lack of transparent financial reporting. Because of this, millions were lost annually that could have gone towards developing the industry.

Nowadays, the energy industry is one of the main ones in the country. Huge funds are allocated for its development and modernization. However, the same active development and global construction that took place in the 20s of the last century can no longer happen.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

On the professional holiday of energy workers, they receive congratulations from top officials of the country, heads of enterprises, as well as their colleagues. The most diligent and valuable employees are awarded diplomas, certificates, valuable prizes and monetary incentives. Also, in connection with the holiday, the best workers in the industry receive the honorary title of “Best Energy Engineer of Russia.”

On this day, various programs are broadcast on television and radio on the topic of Energy Worker's Day, the development of the industry, the most significant energy workers, as well as the construction of the largest and most significant facilities in the energy industry.

This holiday is important not only for people whose professional activities are closely connected with it. After all, it is difficult to imagine the life of any person without the constant use of electricity, not to mention the development of modern technologies.

Energy workers try to celebrate the holiday with their families. Although every enterprise organizes corporate parties, festive concerts and awards ceremonies for the best employees.

In this article you found out when Energy Engineer Day is in Russia. If among your acquaintances, friends or relatives there are representatives of this wonderful profession, be sure to congratulate them and wish them the same warmth and comfort that they give to every person through their professional activities.

A professional holiday is dedicated to the specialists who every day make sure that there is electricity in our homes, who develop and implement new technologies every year - Energy Engineers Day.


The celebration day of December 22 was chosen as a memory of an important event for Russia. In 1920, on this day, a plan for the electrification of the country was adopted. In 1966, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Union, Power Engineer's Day was approved in memory of this large-scale event. The electrification plan was completed ahead of schedule.

In the Soviet Union, power engineers celebrated their professional holiday on the third Sunday of the last month of the year. This day also falls on the shortest day of the year, which is also important for those who supply electricity.

The importance of the profession cannot be overestimated. Workers in this sector supply electricity to hospitals, schools, homes, and benefit cities and villages. People are so accustomed to such living conditions that they remember the profession of power engineers and electricians only when this benefit of civilization ceases to be supplied for various reasons.

Every year, the energy industry introduces new technologies to generate environmentally friendly, safe and low-cost electricity. A lot of businesses and citizens in the state have already experienced the comfort of solar panels and wind turbines.

Specialists are constantly improving their work and keeping up with the times. The potential is great and has a great future.


On this special day, workers and specialists in the energy industry gather for events. Management presents prizes, valuable gifts, awards certificates and diplomas. The holiday is celebrated at a high level.

There are a lot of cities and towns in the country that at one time developed around an enterprise related to the supply of electricity. For such cities, this holiday is similar to the city day; it is celebrated by everyone: from young to old. On this day, the leadership of such cities and towns invites artists, organizes concerts, and praises energy workers with fireworks.

Across the country, specialists whose work is related to the energy industry receive congratulations and gather with colleagues and relatives. On this day, new projects are discussed, the merits of colleagues, interesting stories and plans put into practice are remembered.

They no longer talk about what life was like without electricity, although this was quite recently, but they discuss alternative sources of heat and light.

In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine human life without consuming electricity, so the work of power engineers is important for the economic development of the country and maintaining a high standard of living. Today we have learned to extract energy from environmentally friendly sources, for example, from the sun or wind. This has led to increased interest in this area.

In 1920, at the Eighth Congress of Soviets, a plan was drawn up and the stages of electrification of the entire USSR were spelled out. After about 15 years, a large area of ​​the country was supplied with electricity, but only on May 23, 1966, it was decided to approve a holiday in honor of the GPER.

For a long time it was celebrated on the third Sunday of the last month of the year. This tradition is still preserved in some CIS countries. For this reason, in Kazakhstan, specialists in this field of industry and related industries will be congratulated on December 27 in 2019.

In Russia, Energy Day falls on December 22- the shortest daylight hours of the year, when the activities of specialists become especially noticeable in the Northern Hemisphere. At the same time, ceremonial events take place in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Ukraine. Even after the collapse of the USSR, many countries did not give up holding the holiday, understanding the importance of the work of energy industry specialists.

It should be noted that Nuclear Energy Day is celebrated in the fall. This division did not occur immediately and was not accidental. With its help, it was possible to emphasize the enormous contribution that the nuclear industry has made to the development of our state. For this reason, the holiday falls on September 28th. It was on this day, but only in 1942, that an order was approved to carry out work on uranium and the grand opening of a special laboratory for the development of the atomic nucleus.

Who is customary to congratulate on December 22?

IN Energy Engineer's Day 2019 All workers in the industrial sector, which includes the production and transmission of thermal and electrical energy to facilities and people, will receive congratulations. These include:

  • energy engineers;
  • thermal power engineering;
  • mechanics;
  • electricians;
  • industrial automation engineers.

The operation of equipment and the uninterrupted supply of light and heat to objects depend on them. Without attention in Energy Engineer's Day 2019 Drivers, operators, controllers, dispatchers and some other specialists will not remain either.

Like any other holiday, this day acquired its own traditions over time. Therefore, it is celebrated by awarding the best employees with certificates, diplomas, and valuable gifts.

Today, the date of the Energy Engineer's Day is not a day off, which is why many specialists receive congratulations at their workplace. Every large organization has departments that deal with energy supply. Currently, more than a million people work throughout the country, acting as intermediaries between energy producers and consumers. Each of them deserves to receive congratulations on December 22.