What a holiday driver's day today. Motorist's Day (Driver's Day) - all about the holiday

Motorist Day 2018 is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. The official name of the professional holiday is the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker. What date will industry representatives be honored this year? The holiday falls on October 28th. The date was set by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/26/2012.

How did the holiday

It was first established by decree of the USSR PVS of 01/15/1976 and was then called the "Day of Road Transport Workers". After 20 years, it began to be celebrated as the "Day of Motor Transport and Road Workers." Then, in 2000, road workers had their own holiday, and since 2012, all workers in urban passenger transport have been added to motorists.

The holiday is celebrated:

  • drivers;
  • engineering and technical workers;
  • workers of motor transport enterprises;
  • employees of educational institutions.

Transport in Russia

The country uses all modern modes of transport. Road transport accounts for 8.6% of total freight turnover, 56% of freight traffic and 44% of commercial traffic. The share of bus transportation in passenger traffic is 61%, and in the overall structure of passenger traffic, motor transport occupies 28%.

Urban public transport is the main element of the transport system. It includes: tram, light rail, bus, trolleybus, taxi, subway, monorail, providing about 80% of the population's trips.

Festive events

As a rule, on the eve of the Day of the Motorist, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation holds a meeting of the Organizing Committee, where the regulations for holding and festive events are discussed.

The solemn part of the holiday includes:

  • congratulations and awards to industry representatives;
  • honoring industry veterans;
  • awarding prizes to participants in professional skills competitions;
  • big holiday concert.

Thanks to motorists, plants and factories operate, shopping centers are replenished with goods, people move freely within and between cities. Therefore, Motorist Day can be safely called a national day.

Automobile transport

This is the youngest mode of transport, because the first cars appeared only at the end of the 19th century. Now road transport successfully competes with rail and water transport, transporting almost all types of cargo. Vehicles are versatile, reliable and comfortable. Its main advantage is door-to-door transportation. Road transport is the first competitor of the railway. It is effective for transporting goods over short and long distances. In public transport, trolleybuses and buses are used. Luxury buses have become indispensable in the tourism industry.

However, not everything is so rosy. Cars and buses need good roads and transport interchanges. Construction of new routes, reconstruction of old ones is a long and costly process. In the meantime, motor vehicles are forced to stand idle for half a day in traffic jams, causing environmental harm.

personal or public

Public transport began to develop from the beginning of the 20th century. But since the middle of the century, private cars began to compete with him. In some European countries, on the wave of car mania, the tram was completely eliminated. It is clear that a personal car means speed, convenience, and the ability to travel door-to-door. But it should be borne in mind that cities literally suffer from overloading the streets, and the lack of parking spaces annoys not only motorists themselves, but also pedestrians who are forced to maneuver between cars that stand at random and partially block sidewalks. Paying entry to the central part of the city and improving the quality of public transport should help solve the problem.

Date in 2019: October 27, Sunday.

Every day, millions of cars rush for human affairs. Cars carry loads, dangerous and mundane, they rush to deliver the doctor to the patient, and the workers to their comfortable offices or noisy factories. And the drivers tirelessly turn the wheels - people whose life has become a part of the road, where they feel like real heroes. Do not forget to congratulate the drivers at the end of October, on Sunday, when Driver's Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries.

Where does the morning start? From the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves? Or maybe with the music of streams and songs of the wind? A resident of the metropolis can only dream of such an idyll. The daily roar of engines and the screams of horns, the rumble of traffic and the squeal of brakes - this is the usual soundtrack of modern cities. Our streets were filled with traffic. And in the outback, through the pristine silence, all signs of civilization break through. After all, human activity has long been dependent on cars. As the number of vehicles increases, so does the number of drivers, professional and amateur. And all of them will celebrate Motorist Day at the end of October.

Who celebrates the holiday?

The profession of a driver, which has become familiar and ordinary for us, was a rarity just a century and a half ago. After all, if you look, the invention, which turned the entire economy of the planet, was brought to life by historical standards not so long ago.

And it all started with the most global invention of mankind - an ordinary wheel. The wheel, which symbolizes infinity, and the desire for movement, that is, life.

For a long time, a person was satisfied with transport in the form of carts, wagons, carriages, where an ordinary horse remained the traction power. But the constant desire for speed was the impetus for the invention of the internal combustion engine, which became the predetermining factors in the development of the future automotive industry.

And already in the 19th century, the townspeople were frightened and surprised by eccentric carriages that moved through the streets without a horse. Unlike other unusual decisions of designers, who often meet with staunch resistance from society, it was this invention that was destined to become the key to the future fate of all mankind.

Until a certain point, private transport was really a luxury. And the purpose of the machines was associated exclusively with the transportation of important goods, high-ranking personalities. Cars have found their place in the military, industrial, and agricultural sectors. The high-speed movement of goods, information, and people has had an incredible impact on the development of the economy.

Of course, a car is not a carriage, and it does not need a horse. But to control such a unique machine, you still need a person. The first drivers were enthusiastic, full of curiosity and even heroism.

In the future, even women sit behind the steering wheel, who surprise with their endurance and labor exploits behind the wheel.

Drivers played an important role in the fight against fascism. They scurried heroically in their trucks or cars under a hail of bullets, delivering ammunition or important dispatches. How many wounded they saved by taking the fighters from the battlefield. How many lives were saved by delivering vital products to the besieged cities.

It was thanks to the selfless work of the drivers that the unique cultural values ​​and equipment of industrial enterprises that were evacuated to calmer regions were preserved.

The post-war years were associated with the restoration of industry, residential facilities, roads, communications, and transport and, definitely, drivers were needed everywhere.

Every year the number of transport increases many times. The modern economy makes high demands on the speed of movement of goods, on logistics, and on the provision of industry.

Freight and passenger transportation have become a separate sector of the economy with its own characteristics, requirements and laws. The people involved in the management of motor transport are the first contenders for congratulations on the professional holiday of the driver. After all, any driver’s day, when it snows or rains, the sun bakes or the heat dries up, passes behind the steering wheel, and kilometers of unfamiliar tracks, beautiful fields and native forests, or familiar and habitual streets, stops and houses flash before my eyes.

On Motorist Day 2019, congratulations are also expected from people whose work is associated with the creation, maintenance, and repair of cars. After all, it is thanks to their work and knowledge of their business that modern cars run along the roads at high speeds without threatening the lives of passengers and pedestrians.

And, of course, all lovers, which probably include every second inhabitant of cities and fifth rural areas, will not forget to raise their glasses on Driver's Day in 2019 - what date, the holiday calendar and the history of the celebration will tell.

history of the holiday

Despite the relative youth of the profession, the Day of the Motorist itself has a rather interesting history. Many sources report that the holiday takes historical roots in the 80th year. Such information can be found on many resources.

But in reality, for the first time, the importance of driving at the state level was discussed back in the USSR in the 70s.

The prerequisite was the appeal of the workers, in which attention was drawn to the absence of a corresponding holiday. And the decision was made. The Presidium of the Supreme Council establishes a holiday date in December 1976. The first name of the driver's day sounded like "Day of Road Transport Workers".

The holiday really extended only to people whose labor was involved in the automotive sector, no matter in cargo or passenger. Fans did not celebrate this professional holiday. The idea was quickly picked up by both the heads of enterprises and the drivers themselves. Journalists, printing companies and even the post office did not lag behind. In all calendars, diaries and even on envelopes there were marks about the new holiday.

And directly in 1980, the holiday was renamed, and received the more familiar name Motorist's Day. The basis for such changes was the Decree, signed in October 1980, which regulates most of the holidays, as well as memorable dates. But the day of celebration remained unchanged - the last Sunday in October.

With the collapse of the Union, the dates of many holidays have changed. Each new country adopted its own laws and Decrees, on the basis of which new ones were established and old ones were transferred. Interestingly, the driver's professional holiday in most post-Soviet countries has remained unchanged regarding the date of the celebration. But the names can be found completely different. When will Motorist Day be celebrated in 2019, what date depends on the country.

So, Motorist Day in Russia is divided into more specialized holidays, which are celebrated by people of different professions. Directly, the "Day of the Road and Urban Transport Worker" is established in 2012, but the date of the celebration is preserved. and is transferred in the year 2000 to the third Sunday. In this way, the holidays were divided directly between drivers and people responsible for the condition and maintenance of roads. In 2000, a new holiday is born concerning drivers. The initiator was the Ministry of Defense. It is customary to congratulate all military drivers on May 29. The date is associated with a historical event - the formation of the first automobile company in 1910.

In Ukraine, the holiday is preserved under the name "Day of the motorist and road builder", which is confirmed by the Decree of the first President Kravchuk, which was signed in 1993, on October 13. The date of the driver's day also remains unchanged - the last Sunday in October. But what will happen to the pro-Soviet holidays in the country in the future is unknown, and perhaps the drivers will get used to the new date.

Belarus also did not come up with new dates and holidays. The presidential decree approves the motorist's Day holiday in October 1995 with the same name and date.

But in Kazakhstan, the classic driver's holiday is being abandoned. Instead, it was established in 1998 on the basis of a Presidential Decree, the Day of Transport Workers. Solemn events dedicated to transport workers are held not in October, but in August, on the first Sunday.

About the profession of a driver

The driver is an interesting, but at the same time very responsible profession. This kind of professional activity is in great demand today. Despite the emergence of new, faster modes of transport, road transport still remains relevant and in demand. People of this profession work in public, private, departmental organizations and enterprises.

Their duties include not only the management of passenger or freight, special or departmental transport, but also responsibility for the technical condition of transport.

It is the driver who is obliged to make an emergency decision in order to avoid dangerous and emergency situations on the road. He must know the structure of the car well and, if necessary, eliminate the breakdowns that occurred along the way.

Depending on the specifics and type of activity of the organization where the driver works, he can additionally play the role of a security guard, bodyguard, freight forwarder, loader, courier, taxi driver, international officer. Definitely, the driver is responsible for the safety of the cargo, as well as the comfort and safety of passengers.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to become a driver without having a driver's license of a certain category. But this is not enough. A professional perfectly knows the rules of the road, improves his skills and constantly gets acquainted with the updates of the legislative framework relating to his work.

Driving a car is not so difficult, and almost every second inhabitant has such skills. But not everyone can be a good driver. A person who decides to devote his life to such a cause must be prepared for many hours of travel without rest, for the monotony of long trips, for nervous overstrain associated with driving on roads filled with traffic, for working in uncomfortable conditions.

Congratulations to the drivers

Today is your holiday, driver. And we thank you for your responsibility and endurance, for your attention and patience. May your roads be smooth and without sharp turns, may your own car not let you down during a rush, may your eyes not get tired of monotony, and your heart always pleases with a good mood.

For those who are much more comfortable on four wheels than on their own two, we say congratulations. We wish the driver a varied everyday life and good rest, good health and fortitude. And don't forget to raise a glass if tomorrow doesn't have a road and a priceless car.

I know he doesn't see the point

Without your steering wheel.

Therefore, on the day of the motorist

I will congratulate him.

And don't let him be scared

Bumps, dirt and ice.

And his eyes are shining

From speed to takeoff.

Kilometers will show the counter,

The navigator will show you the way.

Rest assured, trucker

On holiday, your family is waiting for you.

Let your angel help you

Always work safely

Let it not touch you

No sadness, no sadness, no trouble.

Larisa, August 14, 2016.

Day of the motorist in Russia on October 29, 2017: best congratulations, sms, poems on the holiday, animations. Every year on the last Sunday of October, Russia celebrates Motorist Day. In 2017, it fell on October 29th.

Motorist Day in Russia October 29, 2017 is a professional holiday for all road transport workers. Congratulate all your loved ones who are directly related to this holiday.

Day of the motorist in Russia on October 29, 2017: best congratulations, sms, poems on the holiday, animations.
Congratulations, dear motorists! We wish you green light and smooth roads! Don't forget safety and be happy!
Congratulations to all motorists!

Anyone who knows a lot about cars
Behind the wheel who is just an ace
Who is accustomed to long roads,
Happy holiday to you!

Don't let your car let you down.
Neither a nail nor a wand for you!
Sun - in any weather
And in spite of any winds!

Happiness to families, strength, good luck,
Friendship, joys, victories.
Close let dreams loom
Let the green light burn.

I wish you only green light
Excellent road in winter and summer,
Breakdowns do not know, accidents do not know
Never meet the traffic police on the route,
Fair wind, comfort on the way.
Always in the mood to turn the steering wheel!


Who has been driving for more than a year,
Who knows every turn
Congratulations today
And we wish you well from the bottom of our hearts.

May the path be easy.
We wish you much health.
Good luck will always be.
Well, no wand, no nail!

The roads are smooth - without convolutions,
The weather is clear - no rain.
So that the DPS does not slow down.
And true, devoted friends!

To look forward to at home
So that there are no traffic jams around,
To with a great mood
You were driving, my friend!


Congratulations today
All those who are driving.
Let it be on the roads
And in life everything is the way.

We wish you a smooth track
Roadside super clean
And smart pedestrians.
Happy Motorist Day!

Don't let the road let you down
It will save you from all traffic cops.
Around the corner so that always success
Yes, snowfalls and fog bypass everyone.
Once a long journey - the roads are straighter for you,
And suddenly short - so get there quickly!
Always rush slower, however
Good luck getting where you need to go.
To reach the goal without accidents...
Steer, do not be distracted!
Good luck, great ride!


May the road be smooth
But where necessary - slow down,
To make it all right
So that everything was on the ointment.

Be inspired by luck
Let no traffic jam wait on the way
And it's always green
And let the engine not stall.

So that the inspector with a radar
Just flash the lights
I didn’t delay so that for nothing.
Congratulations. Good luck.

In autumn, a series of autumn holidays takes place, among which, in addition to church holidays, professional holidays are also celebrated. On October 28, 2018 in Russia, everyone who works professionally as a driver and also has a driver's license celebrates Motorist's Day. Today, the car has long ceased to be a luxury, it is a necessary means of transportation.

Congratulations to the driver on Motorist's Day in verse

The Day of the Motorist is officially called the Day of the Road and Urban Transport Worker. On this day, all professional drivers are congratulated: drivers of trucks, buses, trolleybuses, trams, taxis, etc.

Congratulations on Motorist's Day are accepted by those who have a driver's license and driving skills in their car, vehicle service specialists and their manufacture: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers, as well as designers, managers and employees of a transport company. You can congratulate your loved one, relatives, friends, colleagues on their professional holiday with the help of original poems, funny and comic SMS.

All roads are submissive
Such a driver.
And tame the car
You can love.

I wish you a birthday
Health and luck
Be a road knight
Dream man.

Happy birthday.
You are a cool driver.
Let it be on the road
Your guardian angel.

I wish you well
Sincere big love.
I want you to meet
Only happiness is on the way.

Happy birthday driver!
May you be lucky in everything
Let there be a guardian angel
Behind your shoulder always.

Let the road wind like a ribbon
Without potholes and nails,
And let the soul laugh -
Be happy always, everywhere!

Happy Birthday!
Being a driver is not easy.
May good luck accompany
A fine so that not a single one.

Do not exceed the speed
Once again, do not overtake
Remember the main thing always:
You have a family at home!

Congratulations to the driver on Motorist's Day in prose

Traditionally, Motorist's Day is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of October. In 2018, the holiday falls on October 28. On this day, relatives, friends, colleagues gather at the festive table and beautiful congratulations on their professional holiday are heard, which are composed in prose or in their own words in a bright greeting card.

Happy birthday! Have a good trip at any hour. May your path always be easy and clean, may all life paths lead only to the fulfillment of your most secret desires. I wish that work always brings pleasure and prosperity, and that relatives always wait with love for home.

Happy birthday to a great driver, a man of an open soul and a kind heart. I want to wish you to always steer in the right direction, where happiness and luck await, never give in to feelings of sadness and sadness, hit the slopes on the roads and in life, be satisfied with every trip and be sure to get what you need and need.

Happy birthday to our driver, who traveled miles of roads and knows the taste of travel! We wish you a smooth journey, beautiful weather, excellent condition of your favorite transport and a constant desire to open new horizons. Prosperity, prosperity, harmony and love!

Motorist Day 2018 is celebrated on October 28 (the last Sunday in October). The official name of the professional holiday is the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker. What date will industry representatives be honored this year? The holiday falls on October 28th. The date was set by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/26/2012.

As a professional holiday, Driver's Day was established back in the Soviet Union, when in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a corresponding Decree. This holiday was widely celebrated at all motor transport enterprises. In our years, this tradition continues to be preserved, especially since numerous owners of personal cars have joined the professional drivers, which are becoming more and more every day.

Every year in Russia the number of cars increases and the composition of the fleet changes qualitatively. The increase in the number of personal cars clearly shows the improvement in the well-being of the population, and a significant increase in freight traffic on the country's roads indicates the growth of the economy.

  • The purpose of the holiday Motorist's Day
  • Professional holiday of motorists in 2018: interesting facts, date, history of the holiday
    • Transport in Russia
  • Interesting facts about drivers
    • personal or public
  • Video: Motorist's Day October 28

Day of the worker of road and urban transport - this is the official name of the celebration, which is popularly known as the Day of the motorist (or driver). As the name implies, the main characters of this day are professional drivers - people driving trucks, buses, trams, trolleybuses, taxis.

In addition, it is customary to congratulate everyone involved in the maintenance of vehicles and their production: tire fitters, car mechanics, mechanics, automotive engineers and designers, managers and employees of transport enterprises.

The purpose of this celebration is to show the importance of motor transport in the country's economy, to pay tribute to all workers in this industry, because they make our daily life more convenient and easier.

At present, the holiday no longer bears its original meaning, since now not only professional drivers, but also amateurs consider it theirs (in a word, everyone who has a car).

Professional holiday of motorists in 2018: interesting facts, date, history of the holiday

  1. The solemn event was officially fixed on October 1, 1980;
  2. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics legislated the event by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR;
  3. Residents of the Soviet Union celebrated a professional date on the last October Sunday;
  4. After the collapse of the USSR, the former republics retained the tradition of celebrating;
  5. Ukraine has combined the holiday of drivers, road workers. The date has remained the same;
  6. Russia has not adopted the experience of Ukraine: drivers, road builders are separate professions;
  7. Day of the motorist in 2018 falls on October 28.

Transport in Russia

The country uses all modern modes of transport. Road transport accounts for 8.6% of total freight turnover, 56% of freight traffic and 44% of commercial traffic. The share of bus transportation in passenger traffic is 61%, and in the overall structure of passenger traffic, motor transport occupies 28%.

Urban public transport is the main element of the transport system. It includes: tram, light rail, bus, trolleybus, taxi, subway, monorail, providing about 80% of the population's trips.

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the motorist

On this day, it is customary to congratulate professional motorists. Moreover, the heroes of the occasion receive congratulations not only from their loved ones, but from the authorities, politicians and local officials. Special attention is paid to the holiday in transport, cargo and passenger companies.

In particular, concerts are organized there, and the management gives awards, certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees. But since the holiday has long become popular, the celebrations on its occasion have acquired the same character.

So, at the end of October, many Russian cities usually hold parades of retro cars, car races and various competitions (for example, for the best auto-tuning and car equipment). Where possible, races and high-speed races are organized.

In addition, numerous exhibitions are held on Driver's Day, where everyone is introduced to cars, their device and principles of operation, as well as the history of the automotive industry.

In 2010, China's National Highway 110 experienced a traffic jam that is said to be the largest in the history of road transport. Some drivers reported that they drove the 100 km section for 5 days, and the total traffic jam lasted from 14 to 25 August.

In 1997, the Japanese introduced a special sign for older drivers over 75 years old. They must stick a sticker in the form of an autumn withering leaf on the glass of their car. However, some drivers refused to do so, avoiding associating themselves with the dead leaf, so in 2011 the shape of the Koreisha badge was changed to a quatrefoil.

In Finland, fines for serious traffic violations are calculated as a percentage of the offender's last declared income. All men scold women drivers, but according to police reports, they are much less likely than men to be responsible for road accidents. Women are more careful and follow the rules of driving to a greater extent than men.

personal or public

Public transport began to develop from the beginning of the 20th century. But since the middle of the century, private cars began to compete with him. In some European countries, on the wave of car mania, the tram was completely eliminated. It is clear that a personal car means speed, convenience, and the ability to travel door-to-door. But it should be borne in mind that cities literally suffer from overloading the streets, and the lack of parking spaces annoys not only motorists themselves, but also pedestrians who are forced to maneuver between cars that stand at random and partially block sidewalks. Paying entry to the central part of the city and improving the quality of public transport should help solve the problem.