What discharge at 24 weeks. What happens to the uterus


The 24th obstetric week corresponds to the 22nd week from the moment of conception. The second trimester of pregnancy continues and the 6th month ends. This is the most favorable period of pregnancy. The woman is already accustomed to her position, pregnancy does not cause much concern, toxicosis does not bother, so you can enjoy this wonderful time. The baby is rapidly gaining weight, so the expectant mother feels his movements and pushes very well. The tummy, by this time, is rounded and can no longer be hidden.

Signs and sensations at the 24th week of pregnancy

At the 24th week, the pregnant woman continues to gain weight. The baby is also actively growing and requires more nutrients. Darkening of the nipples and areolas is already noted. Stretch marks are clearly visible on the skin of the abdomen. The growth of the abdomen may be accompanied by a slight itching of the skin, due to its stretching. A yellowish-white liquid is secreted from the nipples - colostrum. Due to the rapid growth of the uterus, a woman may experience pain in the back and lower back.

Fetal development at 24 weeks of gestation

The length of the fetus at the 24th week is about 30 cm, and the weight reaches 580-600 g. The fetus is already taking on a human shape and is practically formed. Systems and organs continue to improve, and the baby grows and actively gains weight. At the 24th week, the fetus continues to accumulate a fatty layer, the skin gradually turns from wrinkled to smooth. The baby continues to actively develop, move, push and roll over. The endocrine system functions well and the fetal body is already starting to produce its own growth hormone.

Possible ailments at the 24th week of pregnancy

At the 24th week of pregnancy, a woman may experience constipation, frequent urination, and heartburn. There is increased sweating and swelling of the extremities and pain in the legs. Pain in the lower back and back may be disturbing. In such cases, it is recommended to wear a bandage. Due to the lack of iron in the body, anemia in pregnancy can develop. From the middle of the second trimester, painless false contractions may occur.

Possible risks at 24 weeks pregnant

At the 24th week of pregnancy, some women may be disturbed by late toxicosis - preeclampsia. At the same time, the limbs swell, the heartbeat quickens, there is an increase in blood pressure and a headache. The risks of uterine hypertonicity, the development of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women and varicose veins are not excluded. In severe cases, there is a risk of threatened preterm birth. The appearance of discharge mixed with blood can be a sign of placental abruption and even termination of pregnancy.

Medical examinations at the 24th week of pregnancy

At the 24th week of pregnancy, a woman is not subject to a mandatory medical examination. A consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is indicated in case of any concerns. Ultrasound is also not a mandatory examination, it is carried out according to indications or to monitor the development of the fetus at the request of the woman.

Nutrition at 24 weeks pregnant

The nutrition of a pregnant woman at the 24th week is practically no different from what was at an earlier date. Eating should be frequent and fractional. A woman should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products. The main part of the diet should be protein foods. A pregnant woman is recommended to use vitamin complexes, foods and preparations containing iron and calcium. Sweets and flour products should be limited. It is forbidden to eat fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. Sometimes only 100-150 g of red wine is allowed.

Sex at 24 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 24th week of pregnancy is possible if there are no ailments and threats of termination of pregnancy. However, each case is considered individually, therefore, before leading an active sexual life in the later stages, you should consult your doctor.

What can not be done at the 24th week of pregnancy?

At the 24th week, pregnant women are strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, toxic substances and many drugs. You should limit the use of table salt and sweets. During pregnancy, X-ray examinations are contraindicated and are prescribed only in case of emergency. Pregnant women are not allowed to play sports and lift weights. Recommended only special gymnastics. It is forbidden to wear high-heeled shoes and tight clothes, this can lead to varicose veins and edema in the lower extremities.

24 weeks pregnant is the end of the sixth month. During this period, a woman, more than ever, needs to monitor her weight. Too much weight gain may indicate the development of preeclampsia. Therefore, if you have any ailments, increased swelling or excessive weight gain, you should consult a doctor. However, most often, at the 24th week, there are no serious worries and ailments. The time is approaching maternity leave and a woman is recommended to walk more in the fresh air, read, listen to your favorite music and enjoy this wonderful period.

Week 24 is a week of comfort and enjoyment of the state of pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations are minimal and quite tolerable in comparison with the joy of the upcoming motherhood.

The tummy has grown exactly enough to please, while not really interfering with doing the usual things.

Already now you can make lists of what you need to buy and prepare to make life easier for yourself after childbirth and create comfort for the baby.

Your baby is the size of...

600 grams
300-310 mm
120-160 bpm

Fetal development

The baby continues to gain weight and round. Pigment accumulates in the skin, it becomes less transparent, acquires a pink color.

This is what your baby looks like at 24 weeks

The nervous system matures, connections are established, the behavior of the fetus is more conscious and you can see how he likes attention - communication with gentle intonations in his voice and stroking the tummy calms even the most violent. Do not be lazy to turn on pleasant music and read fairy tales aloud.

The behavior of the crumbs becomes more active, periods of wakefulness are replaced by periods of complete rest.

The muscles on the arms and legs are well developed by this week, there is not much fatty tissue deposited yet, so it will seem thin to an unaccustomed look.

Sweat glands complete their formation on the skin. The baby has a cough reflex and hiccups, which the expectant mother can easily distinguish by specific shocks inside the abdomen.

The baby uses facial muscles quite actively - he smiles, squints, frowns, puffs out his cheeks and opens his mouth.

All organ systems are formed and the baby has one main task left - to gain weight. Modern technologies allow nursing babies born at this stage of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 24 weeks pregnant

The second screening ultrasound should already be performed by this date. But if questions arise, the doctor may prescribe a second ultrasound. This happens if it is necessary to determine the condition of the child, if suddenly the mother began to feel the movement worse.

The uzist doctor examines the internal organs of the baby, excludes pathology. The placenta is examined, a conclusion is made about its degree of maturity, the presence of various pathological inclusions in it, and its thickness. It is mandatory to measure the cervix, blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and fetus.

What happens in your body at 24 weeks?

The woman's figure is rounded, the belly continues to grow at a rapid pace, the woman's gait acquires a specific "duck". The breast continues to fill, it produces a small amount of colostrum.

The angle of the pelvis changes, the center of gravity shifts, which results in unpleasant pulling pains in the lumbar region. Often women talk about pain in the sacrum. Moderate pain occurs due to the divergence of the pelvic bones, which are already preparing the birth canal for the passage of the child. Severe persistent pain may indicate the leaching of calcium from the bone, and are removed after treatment with calcium preparations.

The increased blood volume, increased load on the cardiovascular system, on the spine, on the lower limbs leads to increased fatigue of the expectant mother, she can no longer rush through life in the same mode, more and more often she wants to sit down and even lie down, raising her legs above her head.

How do you feel at week 24?

Despite all the unpleasant sensations, the woman's health and mood are usually good. All the troubles pale in comparison with the pleasure of realizing pregnancy.

Light floating movements of the fetus should already develop into quite noticeable pushes and kicks. Mom can certainly determine which part of the body the baby “pleased” her. Already starting from this period, the pregnant woman should notice and count the number of movements of the baby per day, this objectively shows his condition.

If your weight before this increased slightly due to toxicosis, then this week there may be a noticeable jump. You should not be afraid, the doctor will help you decide and distinguish weight gain from edema.

The movements of a woman become sluggish, smooth, protective. The final realization comes that you need to take care of two at once.

Discharge from the genital tract

The discharge should be as before - light, milky, liquid, without an unpleasant odor.

Infection in the vaginal area leads to the appearance of yellow-green, gray, frothy, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor and requires mandatory treatment. Any anti-inflammatory drugs approved for use during pregnancy are much more harmless to the baby than a developing infection - do not refuse treatment.

Very abundant, liquid, almost transparent discharge may be due to rupture of the amniotic membranes and leakage of water. Be sure to contact your doctor, he will perform a test and rule out or confirm the diagnosis.

Bloody discharge with painful uterine contractions indicates the onset of labor or placental abruption - we call an ambulance.

Particularly wary should be treated to bloody discharge for those pregnant women who have been diagnosed with a low location of the placenta relative to the internal pharynx of the cervical canal.

Photo of tummies at 24 weeks

Examinations at 24 weeks

By this time, it is necessary to repeat some tests, for example, blood for sugar, a general blood test, a coagulogram. Particular attention is paid to the level of sugar in the blood. Changes in blood sugar are dangerous both upward and downward. High sugars indicate the development of gestational diabetes and lead to the consumption of insulin by the child and overload of his pancreas. Low sugar can be very dangerous for the fetus, it does not receive enough energy, its development may slow down or stop altogether ...

Urine analysis remains mandatory - the most affordable way to diagnose urinary tract infections and preeclampsia.

Risks at 24 weeks

At 24 weeks, an enlarged uterus greatly increases the risk of developing a kidney infection, so if leukocytes and bacteria are found in urine tests, certain medications and unfortunate exercises are necessary.

There is a risk of early cervical dilation with subsequent development of labor.

It is necessary to avoid sudden movements (sledding, jumping from a chair, etc.) and blows to the stomach - this can lead to placental abruption and fetal death.

Important at 24 weeks

It is important to choose the right one:

  • shoes to reduce the load on the legs;
  • underwear that will “breathe” well and absorb secretions. And forget about thongs - they greatly increase the likelihood of germs from the rectum entering the vagina;
  • outerwear - it should also be made of natural fabrics and free, not squeeze the chest, stomach and pelvic area.

You can start preparing the nipples for feeding - they need to be hardened - put pieces of coarse fabric into the bra, wash regularly with soap and wipe with a hard towel (hard, but carefully so as not to injure).

Continue to wear the bandage, even at home, if you plan to stand at the stove for a long time or do cleaning.

Finally, decide on a sleeping position. You can even kick your husband out on the couch. You need a good rest, and if you need more space for this, go for it.

Nutrition at 24 weeks

Approaches to nutrition remain the same - food is balanced and healthy. We completely exclude alcohol, soda, fast food and canned food. Meat and fish must be included in the diet. Vegetarians should pay special attention to the diet - the child needs amino acids that are almost impossible to get from plant foods, for the sake of the child you will have to give up some principles and introduce at least fish and eggs into the diet.

To prevent constipation, eat bran bread, vegetables and fruits.

Sometimes, if the doctor is concerned about your weight gain, fasting days are prescribed. To choose from - they can be apple, cottage cheese, rice.


Good sleep at night and afternoon rest is one of the important requirements for the regimen of a pregnant woman. Do not forget to walk before going to bed at any time of the year, do a warm-up during sedentary work every 30 minutes.

This is the end of the sixth month of pregnancy. Each woman feels differently during this period. Someone cries a lot, the mood is constantly changing; someone is in a constant asset and in a good mood; and someone pregnancy proceeds neutrally, calmly. At week 24, the female body has already prepared as much as possible for bearing a baby, and gives all the conditions for the baby to develop. The baby, in turn, is actively growing and gives his mother a lot of pleasant sensations with his activity.

Fetal development

The baby is growing rapidly, now he is in a period of active weight gain. The weight of the baby reaches 490-520 grams, his height is 28-32 cm. The growth of the child is mainly due to the fact that he is actively gaining subcutaneous fat.

A baby needs fat for life after birth. It creates heat for the body, as it has a high energy value. Everyone knows that after birth, it is difficult for a child to maintain body temperature, that is, he quickly becomes supercooled. That is why it is very important in the development of the baby to gain the right amount of fat.

From this week, the brain will not increase so actively in volume. Since by this stage of the development of the baby, the final number of nerve cells has formed in the brain. Furrows and convolutions begin to form on the surface of the brain. Also, the sebaceous and sweat glands began to function in the child's body.

Now the child is actively showing curiosity about the world around him outside the tummy. He constantly listens to sounds and knows how to distribute them, reacts to the light passing through the stomach and uterus. And also he has a great sensitivity to the ongoing actions, what you feel, then he does. He experiences pleasant emotions, hearing the voice of the pope, and to everyone for whom you have warm feelings. In addition, he feels your negative emotions and reacts to them with you. For example, if you get scared, he gets scared and at the same time this feeling lasts much longer for him than for you. This is due to the fact that the baby already has its own nervous system.

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby's respiratory system has developed so that the baby is ready to breathe on its own in case of premature birth. That is, terminal sacs have formed in the lungs, they are separated by a thin film from the alveoli, which are filled with air.

Due to the fact that the baby has already gained weight well, his movements have become more clearly audible to you. Now you already definitely feel that this is a baby beating, and do not confuse it with other processes in the body.

Although the baby has become cramped in your stomach, he still behaves actively, constantly changing locations. He swings his arms and legs, pushes off the walls of the uterus, pulls on the umbilical cord and examines your organs around him, which can lead to discomfort.

The child has already established a daily routine. Most often, the baby sleeps, about 20 hours a day. While sleeping, the baby has dreams. Sleep in a baby, like in an adult, has two phases: fast and slow.

The baby has a full face. Now he looks like he will look after birth.

The structure of the mother and the location of the fetus

What happens to a pregnant woman?

The feeling that a pregnant woman has at week 24 is weight gain, an increase in the abdomen and a little discomfort that results. Your weight has increased this week by 500 grams, in general, you have “grown up” by 6-7 kg. The belly is already very visible. The uterus is above 4-5 cm from the navel. Now it not only grows, but also stretches. The baby's pushes are well felt not only by you, but also by those around you when they put their hand on their tummy.

Now you need to pay due attention to the legs, due to the increase in weight, there is a big load on them when you walk. Moreover, due to the pressure of the uterus in the lower body, blood circulation is disturbed, which can lead to thrombophlebitis. This does not mean that you need to walk less. You need to walk, because walking, especially in the fresh air, helps the body both in digestion and for the general tone of the body. And, of course, walks enrich you and, of course, the baby with oxygen.

You just need to pay more attention to the legs. When resting, try to put your legs higher to improve blood circulation, which will help prevent leg swelling. Learn to rationally distribute the daily regimen so that your being on your feet is not painful, try to give a break and rest to your legs. Don't forget to take foot baths to relax your feet. Do a massage, it will give relaxation not only to the legs, but also improve the emotional state. Use cooling creams to relieve heavy legs.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the skin, hair and nails begin to improve, most often the skin becomes velvety, the hair becomes silky, the brittleness of the nails disappears. But, in individual cases, the process is reversed.

The emotional state during this period is most often good, the mood is constantly cheerful. Of course, all this is very individual, some women notice the appearance of tearfulness.

Physical fatigue of the body appears, due to the fact that the weight increases, and this makes it difficult to walk and sit. Try to take breaks, change positions more often, that is, sit, walk around. Listen to your body, it will tell you what to do daily routine.

Of the unpleasant sensations, the manifestation of pain in the lower back remains, because the center of gravity has changed, the load on the spine is constantly increasing. Massage and wearing a bandage will help relieve pain.

The uterus continues to press on the diaphragm, naturally, this leads to shortness of breath. In the lungs, the volume of absorbed oxygen has increased to enrich you and your baby with it. Blood also increases in volume, until the end of pregnancy it will increase up to 20%.

Dangerous sensations and symptoms

  • One of the risks at 24 weeks pregnant is premature birth. Be careful, watch your body. For any severe pain, feelings that the uterus is turning to stone, and if all these sensations are accompanied by water discharge, consult a doctor immediately. These symptoms are indicative of preterm labor.
  • Also, if any, even the smallest, bleeding occurs, you need to consult a doctor, there is a possibility that this is a threat of miscarriage. For any unpleasant changes, it is better to once again go to the doctor for a consultation.

Risks of developing pregnancy complications

During this period, anemia, oxygen starvation of the body may appear, which may well affect the condition of the child. This is due to the fact that the amount of blood fluid has increased, and if hemoglobin and red blood cells were normal before, now anemia may develop. Symptoms of anemia are pale skin, weakness, drowsiness, flashing before the eyes, tinnitus.

Also, late toxicosis negatively affects the mother's body and the development of the baby. It is manifested by symptoms such as swelling, increased blood pressure and protein in the urine.

Most often, all risks of complications during pregnancy are determined in the early stages by a doctor during a routine examination, and a course of treatment is prescribed.


During this period, many pregnant women are prescribed by a doctor to limit fluid intake to 1.5-2 liters per day to prevent symptoms of late toxicosis, that is, swelling of the extremities. Keep in mind, if you have been restricted in liquids, then this means not only drinking water or juices up to 2 liters per day, but this also includes any liquid, including first courses.

The main thing for a pregnant woman is proper nutrition and healthy products. The diet should be frequent, in small portions. And most of your diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.

In order to prevent anemia from developing, you need to focus on foods that contain a lot of iron when compiling a diet. Eat more often beef, buckwheat, liver, pomegranates, persimmons. And enrich the diet with foods that contribute to better absorption of iron by the body, that is, foods containing ascorbic acid.

Photo of the fetus on ultrasound

Six months of pregnancy is already behind you, you are moving into the third trimester phase. You are waiting for new sensations, the body will prepare for childbirth. The baby continues to prepare for an independent life outside the womb. You are looking forward to the moment when you hear the first cry of your baby and cuddle the baby to your chest.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the child continues to develop actively, now its weight is more than 0.5 kg, and its height is approximately 33 cm. The expectant mother often feels movements and tremors in her growing belly, and can also observe various changes in the body. In this article, we will talk about the development of the child at 24 weeks of gestation, as well as the feelings of a woman at this time.

The dimensions of the fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy are approximately as follows: the body length from the crown to the sacrum is 21 cm, the full height is approximately 32-33 cm. The child still has little subcutaneous fat, so he looks rather thin, but soon the baby will begin to actively gain weight and get chubby cheeks. If, as a result of any pathology, the baby is born prematurely, he will need to artificially maintain the temperature regime, since the layer of subcutaneous fat cannot yet warm the baby’s tiny body.

The endocrine system of the fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy begins to intensively produce growth hormone, so after 6 months the child develops rapidly and rapidly gains weight. Facial features at this time are fully formed, and the eyelids are covered with tiny cilia. At the same time, eyebrows grow on the face, and the hair on the head becomes even longer. Among other things, the baby's sweat glands have already formed in the womb.

What happens to the baby at 24 weeks pregnant

At this time, all organs and systems of the child continue to develop rapidly. The weight of the brain is approximately 100 g, the formation of the cerebellum and midbrain is approaching the final phase. The skeleton of the fetus becomes stronger, the joints become denser.

At 6 months of pregnancy, the alveoli of the lungs begin to produce surfactant, a substance that is responsible for opening the lungs after the baby is born. Surfactant prevents the walls of the alveoli from sticking together, and also kills microorganisms that enter the lungs along with the first breath of air of a newborn. In the event that this substance has already begun to be produced in the right amount, a prematurely born child has a chance to survive with proper medical care. However, modern medicine has reached a fairly high level, and even children born at 22 weeks have the opportunity to survive thanks to the introduction of artificial surfactant into the body.

A child at 24 weeks of gestation has its own daily routine. At certain hours, he behaves actively, somersaulting, pushing and tossing and turning in his mother's stomach. At other times, the baby sleeps and does not remind of itself. Sometimes a newborn retains a similar regimen after birth. As for the shocks, they are becoming more and more tangible.

By the way, at this time the baby sleeps quite a lot, at least 16-19 hours a day. It is also sensitive to external stimuli, such as bright lights and loud noises. During the examination, the gynecologist can hear the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope. If you come to the examination together with the father of the child, invite the second parent to listen to the sound of a tiny heart - this exciting and touching moment will remain in the memory of a loving dad for a long time.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby is able to experience emotions that most often echo the experiences of his mother. Sadness, irritation, depression, nervous tension, fear are not the best emotions for a pregnant woman. Studies have shown that after a sharp fright or shock experienced by a woman, the baby in the womb is in a state of nervous excitement for several hours. This is manifested both by too active shocks and by a long period of anxious waiting. It is desirable for a future mother to experience joy as often as possible, driving away everything bad from herself and not getting hung up on minor problems and troubles.

The size of the baby still allows him to make active movements in the womb. The child rolls over from side to side, takes a variety of positions, moves his arms and legs, feels himself and everything around him.

Feelings of a woman at 24 weeks pregnant

The second trimester, to which the 24th week of the term belongs, is considered the “golden” middle of pregnancy. At this time, the woman feels quite well, since hormonal changes and all the inconveniences associated with them have already passed, and the weight and size of the abdomen are not yet so large as to cause unnecessary discomfort. At this time, it is still important to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, get moderate physical activity and positive emotions. Let us consider in more detail what happens at the 24th week of pregnancy with the body of the expectant mother:

  1. By this time, a woman can dramatically gain weight, but if the body weight differs from the initial figure by 4-7 kg, this is considered the norm. If the weight has increased much, it is worth reviewing the nutritional habits and changing the diet. At the same time, many future mothers are reviewing their wardrobe and, if necessary, buying things that fit rounded shapes.
  2. At the 24th week of pregnancy, the gait and posture of the woman changes slightly, since the growing belly contributes to the redistribution of weight.
  3. Morning swelling for this period is also considered the norm. This phenomenon is due to the slow functioning of the kidneys, due to which the fluid is not quickly excreted from the body. Note that to improve the situation, you should not reduce your fluid intake, it is better to just eat less salt, and also try to drink often and in small portions.
  4. Many expectant mothers at the 24th week of the term observe excessive sweating. It will not be possible to completely get rid of this problem, we can only recommend that women take a shower more often, as well as wear clothes made from natural materials.
  5. During pregnancy, the condition of the skin may change due to hormonal changes. In some women, the skin becomes too oily, while in others, on the contrary, it is dry and prone to peeling. Many suffer from the appearance of stretch marks in certain places: on the chest, abdomen or thighs. The use of special cosmetics or natural remedies, such as olive oil, aloe juice, etc., will help to improve the situation.
  6. A lack of calcium in the body can cause unpleasant cramps. The legs of a pregnant woman are often tired and swollen - this is due to an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity. In this case, you can recommend periodic rest, warm baths or foot massage. To improve blood circulation, you should put your legs on a hill during rest, for example, put a pillow under them.
  7. The uterine fundus at the 24th week of pregnancy is approximately at the level of the navel. There is a mucous plug in the uterine canal, which will leave the body immediately before childbirth. The mucous plug performs a protective function, protecting the fetus from various infections and microbes.
  8. False contractions of Braxton-Higgs may also be present at 24 weeks. As a rule, these are painless and irregular uterine contractions that go away on their own after a short time.
  9. The size of the abdomen at the 24th week of pregnancy is already quite large, but still does not cause much discomfort. Vessels stand out noticeably under the skin. Sometimes the stretched skin can itch and itch.
  10. The breast size at the 24th week of pregnancy is also increased, a venous pattern clearly appears on the mammary glands.

Pain at 24 weeks pregnant

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience certain pains or discomfort, which are considered normal. Let us consider in more detail what pains are considered normal for a given period:

  1. A shift in the center of gravity, an ever-growing belly and an enlarged uterus lead to a change in gait and certain problems with the lumbar region. A pregnant woman becomes clumsy, experiences some difficulties in performing simple daily activities. For example, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to tie her shoelaces or trim her toenails. In addition, a growing belly makes it difficult to turn from side to side at night. During a long walk, the expectant mother quickly gets tired and experiences a strong load on the lumbar spine.
  2. Due to the fact that the pelvic bones can diverge slightly to the sides, a pregnant woman sometimes feels a sharp piercing pain in the sacrum. It is worth noting that the divergence of the pelvic bones is a natural and normal phenomenon, indicating the preparation of the body for the upcoming birth.
  3. The development of hemorrhoids cannot be called a normal state of the body, but by the middle of pregnancy, many women notice manifestations of this unpleasant disease in themselves. In no case should the situation be left to chance. First of all, you should tell your gynecologist about this problem and listen to his recommendations. First, a change in diet can serve as a preventive measure. Daily meals should contain foods rich in coarse fiber. Avoid foods that can cause constipation or diarrhea. It is best to use foods that have a mild mild laxative effect. As an additional treatment, the doctor may prescribe special rectal suppositories that will relieve inflammation and eliminate pain.
  4. Pain and heaviness in the legs for this period of pregnancy are also a natural phenomenon. To improve your well-being, you need to rest more often.
  5. Vitamin complexes or preparations containing calcium will help get rid of seizures. As an additional measure for tired legs, a little massage of the feet and calf muscles does not hurt.
  6. Most pregnant women no longer experience toxicosis by week 24, but a feeling of nausea and heaviness in the stomach may be present. This is due to the enlarged fetus, which constrains most of the internal organs, including the stomach. Another unpleasant moment associated with difficult work of the stomach can be periodic manifestations of heartburn. A proper diet, as well as eating in frequent fractional portions, will help get rid of such discomfort.

All of the above cases are considered normal manifestations of pregnancy. Pathological situations include sharp and severe pain in the abdomen, persistent, growing cramping sensations, red, pink, greenish, brown discharge. Abundant watery discharge of a transparent type is also considered abnormal - they may indicate leaking amniotic fluid. In any suspicious situation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Emotions of a woman at 24 weeks pregnant

If at the very beginning of pregnancy a woman was not yet fully aware of the role that she would soon have to play, then by this time the understanding of her new mission is fully felt. The child, pushing and somersaulting in the womb, every day reminds of himself, making his mother happy and filling her heart with joyful expectation. Pregnancy is a complex emotional process. Changes in hormonal levels and other factors significantly affect mood, there are frequent swings between a feeling of complete, all-encompassing happiness and a dejected, depressed state. The expectant mother may be visited by fears and worries, doubts about whether she will cope with her new status. At this stage in life, it is very important to maintain a good mood. If you can’t get rid of negative emotions on your own and switch to something positive, you should seek help from a loved one. It can be a husband, mother, sister or other loved one who is ready to listen to all doubts and help with advice or simple support. Indulging in sadness and despair is harmful not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby.

  1. Throughout pregnancy, a woman has a great responsibility for her own health and for the health of her crumbs. To minimize the risk of getting sick, it is better to stay away from crowded places and noisy companies, especially during the cold seasons, when it is time for flu epidemics and other diseases.
  2. With excessive swelling, it does not hurt to consult a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate the development of preeclampsia, a rather dangerous disease.
  3. Some pregnant women often worry about the fact that in the process of walking they may inadvertently bump into something with their stomach. Often such fears are unfounded, since the child in the womb is reliably protected from such influences. You should worry only in case of a really severe injury or fall - in such cases it is better to go to the hospital without wasting time.

24 weeks pregnant, photo:

24 weeks pregnant. Video

Usually, the 24th week of pregnancy passes quickly and imperceptibly for the expectant mother. The child moves so often that you have time to completely get used to these sensations.

Toxicosis is behind and the woman feels great.

At this stage, in the subconscious, the mother begins to prepare for childbirth and the birth of a baby. The fear of childbirth disappeared and it would soon be over.

According to the theory of doctors, you have 26 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The fact is that doctors start counting from the first day of the last menstruation, and conception occurs on the day of ovulation.

As you know, the most favorable day for conception is considered the middle between cycles, therefore, the difference between the last menstruation and ovulation is approximately 2 weeks.

What does a woman feel at 24 weeks pregnant?

On the one hand, I feel great. Your hair has become shiny, you constantly feel a surge of energy and are ready for a lot.

But sometimes the mood drops, because. the arrow of the scales confuses you.
Don't worry - all women get better.

You probably have headaches, increased swelling and increased urination.

Your body constantly requires fluid replenishment and in hot weather, there is increased sweating. Dehydration is extremely dangerous for the fetus.

Harsh sunlight hurts the eyes. Use sunglasses.

But remember, it is better to use glasses with polarization and UV protection.
They will not only protect your eyes, but also improve visibility.

There are also special eye drops. But check with your doctor first.

Listen carefully to your feelings. If you experience false contractions too often, or if you notice any spotting, contact the hospital immediately. At this stage, preterm birth often occurs, and this can have the most unpredictable consequences.

The fact is that the baby has not yet completed the development of the respiratory system and he may need special equipment.

24 week: condition of the abdomen

To be honest, the stomach is growing quite rapidly. Drawing pains are often felt.

The skin is so stretched and continues to stretch that it is not uncommon for stretch marks to appear.

To prevent stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, use moisturizing creams for pregnant women. They moisturize the skin and make it more elastic.

In the middle of the abdomen, a vertical strip appeared. This is indicative of skin pigmentation.

In some pregnant women, similar pigmentation appears on the face and other parts of the body.
Don't worry, in the normal course of pregnancy, these signs will disappear after childbirth in a couple of weeks.

Uterine condition and pain

The 24th week of pregnancy has come: the uterus is 2-3 cm above the navel and fills the entire space of the small pelvis and partially the stomach.

Now you should prepare for constant false contractions. By themselves, they do not pose a threat.

During the movement of the fetus, the uterus begins to contract, thereby preparing for childbirth, which brings some inconvenience to the pregnant woman.

But such false contractions happen from 5 to 10 times a day and last no more than a minute.

Ordinary contractions are read in a similar way, but the pain intensifies. It also shortens the time between them. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

As for pain, we have already partially said.

There are also internal pains.

The fact is that the child is quite large and the size of the uterus is only increasing. Sometimes the baby can press on one or another internal organ, which causes discomfort.

There is only one treatment, change the position of your body and the baby will move to another place.

Allocations at 24 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, the presence of secretions is considered normal.
But carefully watch what kind of discharge and their quantity.

Abundant discharge should not be.
The norm is considered transparent, or white in color without any special pungent odors.

Abundant white discharge with a specific odor indicates the presence of thrush and infection.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, such pathologies with untimely treatment lead to premature birth and deviation in the development of the fetus.

The main rule is the observance of the basic elementary rules of personal hygiene. Especially in close relationships with the opposite sex. In most cases, this is how the infection gets. Make sure your partner also adheres to all hygiene rules.

Flavored pads can cause allergic reactions and redness in the genital area.

  • Bloody issues- indicate placental abruption or internal bleeding. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Profuse watery discharge- talk about leakage of amniotic fluid.

Any pathology is extremely dangerous for 24 weeks. In such cases, doctors are prone to premature birth, otherwise the child is threatened with cerebral hypoxia.

At 24 weeks, a pregnant woman needs to take routine tests: a blood test, urine test and a smear for the presence of infection.

Baby development at 24 weeks pregnant

Now the baby has grown so much that he can no longer tumble in the uterus - it becomes cramped for him.

He still wiggles his limbs and occasionally tugs at his umbilical cord.

Children perfectly feel all the emotions that their mommy experiences. If you get angry or scared, the child will feel it all.

He perfectly hears music, distinguishes sounds, reacts to bright light, cold and heat.

Its length is about 33-35 cm, and its weight reaches 1 kg.

All organs are practically formed and now the baby is gaining strength and gaining weight.

After 24 weeks and until the very birth, the child rapidly increases the fat layer, which in the future will work as a protective barrier against mechanical damage and cold.

While the baby is able to roll over and somersault, but will soon take its stable place.

The child has well developed taste qualities. He constantly drinks amniotic fluid and feels its taste. The urination system is fully developed.

A small fluff appears on the head. But it's too early to talk about pigmentation.

The main brain continues to develop. The convolutions deepen, temperament, individual character traits are formed, which will fully manifest themselves in the future.

Advice for women

Most likely, you know a lot of things by this stage of pregnancy.

The main task of the expectant mother is to take care of herself and protect the fetus.

Your weight has increased significantly, there is a big load on the internal organs, the work of the heart, there is shortness of breath, constant fatigue in the legs and lower back.

Try to rest often. Do not go on long trips, especially on foot unaccompanied. You can safely do all the homework, but without excessive intensity and physical exertion.

The body is preparing for childbirth and most likely, you began to feel it.

Walk outdoors as much as possible in parks, squares, with an enriched amount of oxygen. This will have a positive effect on the fetus, which is in dire need of enriched oxygen.

Nutrition of the expectant mother at 24 weeks of gestation

In the process of 24 weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs to provide the body with nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

A lot of this component in:

  • beef,
  • seafood,
  • beef liver,
  • cod liver,
  • buckwheat,
  • egg yolk.

Iron is found in sour apples, persimmons and pomegranates.

To assimilate all the components, add foods containing ascorbic acid to your diet.

  • seaweed,
  • currant,
  • cherry,
  • Bell pepper.

Remember that iron oxidizes in air, especially when heated, for this reason, such products are minimally processed and eaten quickly.

Often at 24 weeks of gestation, expectant mothers need to limit salt intake due to the fact that many are prone to edema.

Such a problem arises due to fluid retention in the body and it is not surprising, because the mother's kidneys work for two: for themselves and the baby.

Eat less salt, not only in its pure form, but also in food.

At the 24th week of pregnancy, it is imperative to take vitamins, even if this period coincides with summer days, when there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, they may not be enough. It's not worth risking your baby's health.