Scenario for a health day or a sports holiday. Health day at school Scenario for a health day or a sports festival


school sports festival

"Health and Sports Day"

Target: educating a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organization of recreational work as sports relay races, competitions in various sports, propaganda presentations on the topic of health.


    to promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in students;

    to promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate one's movements;

    contribute to the definition of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

    attract the attention of children to a variety of sports.

Holiday participants: students of grades 1-11, teachers, parents.

Design of the sports hall (sports ground): posters “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Health is a pearl of a person”.

Recreation design: tree trunk of Life, poster "Health and work go together!" exhibition-poster "Course on a healthy lifestyle!"

Organizational stage:

    Drawing up a school-wide regulation on the Day of Health and Sports and an action plan.

    Drawing competition on the topic: "If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!"

    Issue of the informational wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy!"

    Preparation and production of a leaflet, an information booklet, revealing the topic: "I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits."

    Preparation and publication of an information booklet on the topic "Prevention of bad habits".

Grand opening

School-wide Health and Sports Day

Sounds the introduction of the song "Physical education-hooray!" Leaders appear on the stage.

Presenter 1:

It's good to be human!

This is power for life!

Host 2:

It is knowledge and wisdom

This is dexterity, speed!

Presenter 1:

Fashionable to be for a day, for a month,

And healthy - forever!

Host 2:

I you he she -

We are a beautiful country!

We are a healthy country!

We have all the power, I know!

Presenter 1:

The sun is shining over Russia

Bright path of life.

You be happy in the world

Be healthy, be!

Host 2:

So let's say it firmly -

No misfortune to all!

We'll be healthy then.

Many, many years!

Presenter 1: Being healthy is fashionable!

Host 2: Being healthy is great!

Presenter 1: Being healthy is not dangerous!

Host 2: A healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country!

It is under this motto that events dedicated to the Day of Health and Sports will be held today!

Presenter 1: And the pioneers of the school-wide Day of Health and Sports will be members of the Our Youth propaganda team.

Host 2: How many problems do today's youth have! I don’t want to learn lessons, but I want to play on the computer, walk the streets with a company. And then we say, where do sick people come from?

Presenter 1: This is what the guys will tell us now.

"Young people choose health!",

Agitation performance dedicated to the Day of Health

Against the background of the musical intro, the words sound:

Where do sick people come from?

Maybe they're not bad at all?

Maybe the sick people come from?

Don't healthy people know this?

Where did Seryozha the dirty come from?

Perhaps the sick were pushed off Saturn?

Why are we sitting and wondering in vain?

Will we hear about this story now?

A boy comes out, pulling a briefcase by the strap. His head is lowered, his gaze is downcast.

The words are in the background:

A man walks home from school

He carries a heavy briefcase with him.

The back squinted, ache in the legs,

Now it will fall, if he says ...

Boy: …Oh!

I lose so much health, friends,

Smoked - immediately quit - I'm not lying at all!

Friends here called in the winter to the skating rink,

And I answered them: “Reluctance, no lope!”

In the spring they called me to chase the ball -

I don't want to run, and I'm scrapped!

I'd rather put on thieves pants,

T-shirt, baseball, sun glasses

And I'll sit in the shade, I don't need baking,

I'll get a cigar - I'm still a boy!

Friends say it's all bad

Kurnu here once and I'll eat candy.

Maybe nothing will ever happen?

No, I'd rather sleep

Maybe someone will wake you up!

(The boy sits down in the shade and falls asleep.)

A musical beat on the theme "Youth" sounds. Leave the representatives of the youth propaganda team.

1st: Let's go, guys, to the school stadium, it's Health Day there!

2nd: Being healthy is great! (make clapping)

3rd: And who is sitting here? Yes, this is Anton from the next class!

4th: Anton, come with us!

Boy: I won't go anywhere

I don't want to see you.

1st: How is it, what's wrong with you?

2nd: What happened to you?

3rd: Maybe temperature?

4th: (notices a Pepsi can next to the boy)

A very strange mixture!

1st: What have you done to yourself?

Boy: What kind of pressure and antlers?

I said I'm resting!

Well, I don't know you!

1st: We are guys, just class!

2nd: Strength, grace are with us!

3rd: We are friends with sports all-

To be completely healthy!

4th: Being healthy is our full house ...

Together: Make the right move with us!

1st: The first step is day mode:

Know how to eat when your dream is!

2nd: Step two - morning exercises!

3rd: The third step is to be calm

Be smart in class

Forget your anger at home!

4th: Step four is the ball.

Don't hide it too far!

Come out to play with your friends.

1st: Well, five - you are with us

Walk the path to health

And sing a song together!

Members of the propaganda team sing the song "Be healthy!"

to the tune of "Chunga-chang"

There is a miracle remedy for health,

Everything can be counted on the fingers:

Hygiene - it will be time

Mood - as we have now!


This is two, and three is charging.

To make it all right

We need to play sports, temper ourselves.

And four - vitamins,

There is no reason for sickness

You just have to try very, very hard.

Can we save up health

To make our life happier,

So that we can take care of you

Give the planet blue.


So that the rivers do not shallow,

Springs to sing loudly

So that we warm all the animals with love.

For children to be healthy

On a happy planet

We wish everyone and everyone good health!

All health!

We are young, beautiful, energetic!

We have strength, intelligence and excellent biceps!

In our body, dexterity, speed,

We can't live without sport, friends!

At your favorite stadium

We will break all records

And to replace the champions

Very soon we will come!

1st: Being healthy is great!

2nd: Friends, it's fun to be healthy!

3rd: Being healthy doesn't hurt at all!

4th: Illness is evil, and our deceit.

Together: Health is our wealth!

fun starts

"Sports Kaleidoscope" for students in grades 1-5


    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.

    Development of interest in sports.

Location: gym.
Inventory: balls, hoops, skipping ropes, clubs, tennis rackets, ski equipment.
Evaluation conditions: correct execution - 10 points, winning + 1 point, penalty - 1 point.

Course of the competition:

The host introduces the guests, the jury (the strongest athletes of the school).
Teams greet each other, name, motto.

Teams are presented. We wish you all success in the upcoming competitions. Teams, march to the starting positions!

At each relay race we will collect the keys to health. At the end of the game, we will find out which team has more keys.

Relay 1

"Go Through the Swamp"

Imagine that there is a swamp around us. We need to get to the pins, take the key from the hoop and bring it to the team. You can go through the swamp by jumping from "bump" to "bump". Task: shifting the mats, reach the skittles, take the key and jump back over the jump rope. The second participant jumps over the jump rope - back on the mats.

Relay 2.

Run to the pins, jumping over jump ropes, back - the ball is sandwiched between the legs.

Relay 3

"Overcome Obstacles"

Children run to the mat, crawl under the arc, walk along the gymnastic bench, take one key from the hoop. Run back.

Competition "Creative Fantasy"

On a landscape sheet of paper, draw a team drawing on the topic “Bad habits are death!”

Relay race

"Who is first?"

The benches are installed parallel (you need to crawl along the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands), then jump the distance to the ball on two legs, take the ball and hit the big ball. Hit - back to the team. In the event that the participant does not hit the target, he does 5 squats.

Relay race.

Carry a tennis ball on a racket, overcoming obstacles (pins) to the line, put the racket down, do five squats and carry the ball back on the racket. The baton is passed to the next participant.

Relay race


Running in pairs: one participant stands on his hands, the second holds his legs, overcoming obstacles (skittles) together, reach the line and change places.

Relay race

The first participant sits on a skateboard, the second carries him to the line, the first one hits the big ball with the ball. The second sits down, and the first delivers to the place.

Summarizing. Team awards.


Music sounds. A disheveled, cheerful Fox runs in with a bag on which "Heroin" is written. A bear with a bouquet trudges towards.


Will you marry me, Liska?


Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a whole year.

What happened to you? You are sick?


I don't know what's wrong with me?

Something makes me sick:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Cough choking in the morning

Sickness in the evenings

Pricks the heart, trembling in the paws.


Why don't you go to the woodpecker?

You need to turn to the woodpecker,

He is such a bird -

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't hesitate, go to him.


I'll wait a little

It gets worse, so I'm going.

Music is playing. The fox preens, looks in the mirror. A wolf in an old fur coat walks staggering, carrying empty bottles.


Listen, Vovochka-Volchische, what's the matter with you?

Pigs are even cleaner.

Ah, dull eyes

Failed brakes?

Can't stop drinking?


I can't, longing stuck,

Fox, longing has eaten me up.

Washes the heart, shivers in the paws ...

I'm lost.


you'll be lost

To Owl if you don't go.

You need to turn to the Owl,

She's such a bird

Will understand, give advice:

Yes, so yes, but no, so no!


Tomorrow I will rush to Owl.

Well, answer my feelings!

Fox (sings).

Here I go beautifully

Along the forest path

Well, I'm 16 years old.

At my hole, tails flashed again,

I'll tell you two again no.

Heroin takes me to the sky again

I shout "hello", "hello" to you all.


Misha, Vovik,

I love you so!

But I won't get married.

I'd better take a dose.

Owl comes out:


Owl, dove, our friend.


You come closer.


Ba! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy?

Wolf and Bear.

Apparently not.


The cough hurts.


Side hurts.


Misha, smoke!

And you, my friend, drink.


Yes, I smoke, how do you know?

Wolf. And I drink.


You stink of smoke. (Listens.)

Don't breathe or sniff.

You are sick, even though you are a bear.


Not deadly? Not dangerous?


Soot accumulated in the lungs,

Smoking is the problem.

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

And now you're my friend. (Listen to Wolf.)

Rapid pulse, hypertension.

Sick liver, arrhythmia.

Stop drinking, so you will survive,

And if you drink, you'll die.

Follow my advice

Otherwise, along the way

Apparently you need to throw your cigarettes out.

Leading: So, dear guests, I ask everyone to comment on the plot shown by fairy-tale characters.


Wolf: I know the remedy for these diseases,

Then this dirt will disappear from here. Bring here the scales of justice,

We will prove that we do not need black girlfriends!


Help, friends, find justice,

Put your arguments on the scales.

Friends, don't let me down

Approach the scales one at a time.

Put your arguments on the scales.

Leading: And to confirm our actions, let's remember once and for all: "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Thank you all for your attention!

Arguments are checkers of white and black color. Checkers put all bad habits on one scale. On the other side, everyone else.

Expected result:

By participating in the event, students develop a complete, clear understanding of the principles and rules of a healthy lifestyle, the harmful effects of bad habits on the body of a teenager, develop aspirations to engage in physical education in order to maintain physical fitness.

The script of the sports festival

"Day of Health and Sports!"

Teacher of physical culture Telnova T.V.

Targets and goals:

1. Motor activity of children of middle school age.

2. Involving children in active physical education and sports.

3. Organization of leisure activities for students of the gymnasium.

4. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease.

5. Consolidation and improvement of the skills and abilities acquired by them in the lessons of physical culture.

6. Assistance in the formation of vital physical qualities.

7. Formation of physical beauty, strength, dexterity.

Location: sports hall of gymnasium No. 10

Equipment and inventory: stopwatch, whistle, skis, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, billiard balls, cubes, hoops, gorodki set, balls: volleyball, basketball, table tennis rackets, tennis balls, skateboard, sport lotto kegs, skittles, badminton, balloons, sheet of paper and marker.

Visual design: a poster greeting the participants of the competition; posters, flag.

Musical arrangement: sports march "Heroes of Sports", children's music "Koloboki".

Participants of the sports festival: students in grades 5-6, 7-8.

Rewarding: the winning team is awarded with a diploma, a prize and sweet gifts; participating teams are awarded certificates and sweet gifts.

Holiday progress:

The sports ground is decorated with multi-colored flags, balls, sports symbols, parents, brothers, grandparents of children stand along the side lines of the playground. Children line up at the entrance to the site in letters from (A to B or D) and to the music (Sports March "Heroes of Sports") enter the site.


To sing songs louder

Live to be more interesting

You need to be strong and healthy!

These truths are not new.

Sport is friendly with health.

Stadium, pool and court,

Hall, ice rink - everywhere you are welcome.

For effort as a reward

There will be cups and records.

Your muscles will become hard.

Just remember athletes

Every day is sure

Start with exercise.

Don't play hide-and-seek with the nap.

Here is the secret of health!

Hello to all fitness friends!


To the sports ground

We invite you children.

Holiday of sports and health

Starts now.

Children are built in 2 lines according to their classes-teams.

Physical education teacher:

Good afternoon, dear participants of our sports festival!

(Congratulations of the physical education teacher)

We wish you to be healthy and not get sick,

With bright eyes, always look at the world!

And congratulations on the day of health,

So that you always have love,

Happiness, peace, warmth and kindness

Let them always meet in life!

So that in the family and in the team,

Everything was always beautiful!


Our good friends, with whom our school maintains friendly relations, are present at our holiday! These are students of the sports faculty of KuzGTU who came to cheer for you, to support you (on behalf of the students, congratulations to children on the “Day of Health and Sports!”)

Eat less and sleep soundly

Do physical education

Improve your appearance

And stay healthy!

Don't scream, don't get angry, don't lie,

And do good everywhere

Get hard, don't grab

This furious cold!

Don't be lazy, always work

To strengthen the body

Get our congratulations

So that there are no diseases left!


The administration of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 10" is also present at our holiday (congratulations)

Happy Health and Love Day

I congratulate you people

And health and love

I wish you with all my heart!

To live up to a hundred years

Grief and misfortune not knowing

So that not days and not years,

And success is only counting!


Congratulations are accepted.

And here we are ready to start our holiday! Now the teams will introduce their captains…………. (each class). Each team, the captain is given a waybill, on which our responsible for the stations will leave their paintings.


No competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (representation of the jury members).

- (teacher of physical culture……...);

- (administration of the gymnasium………………..);

- (our friends, high school students…………………).

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.


And now, before the start of the competition, I ask you to take an oath (the captains of all teams in unison).

Forever faithful to the sport to be:

Health from youth to keep:

Do not cry and do not despair:

Do not offend opponents:

Competitions to love:

Try to be the first in games

We swear!


Guys on the territory of our gymnasium there are 7 stations, at the stations there are responsible ones who will give you tasks (what needs to be done at this station, as soon as everything is done, the responsible person signs on your waybill, and you continue to visit the stations further). The team that is the first to collect all the paintings from all stations wins our sports festival.

Travel sheets are distributed. At the signal, the students leave for the station.

Station #1: "Table Tennis"

Station #2: "Obstacle Course"

Station #3: "Most Flexible"

Station 4: Penguins

Station #5: Drawings on Asphalt

Station #6: Jump Rope

Station #7: "Football"

Responsible for the stations are students of class 11 B.


While the guys are busy and are at the stations, children's cheerful music sounds.


Summarizing. Team awards.

Teams are awarded certificates for I, II and III places and sweet prizes.


And so our sports day is over. All teams showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions!

Let's play sports!

Let's heat up

And jump into the hole with your head,

And barefoot in the snow.

And in the morning we will do exercises,

And we will eat products from the garden,

And wash your hands, don't forget

And celebrate health day!

Once again, we congratulate everyone on this sporting holiday! Go in for sports, improve your health!

Active life, movement is the key to good health. Human health, his physical, mental state is 50% dependent on how a person lives. Therefore, it is necessary to form the right attitude towards health from childhood. If a student learns to value his health, to understand the importance of an active lifestyle, then he has a great chance to save his health in adulthood. In order to teach schoolchildren to set priorities correctly, to treat health correctly, health days are held in educational institutions.

One of the consequences of physical inactivity (decrease in the level of activity) is an increase in the level of diseases among schoolchildren. That is why the question of how to introduce schoolchildren to an active way of life is relevant and important for the education system as a whole.

In order to promote technologies for maintaining health, Health Days are held in schools.
This sports festival is mainly timed to coincide with World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7th. On this day in 1948, the WHO was founded.

The main tasks to be solved by the ongoing activities:

  • development, increasing interest in sports competitions, physical education lessons,
  • identifying the best athletes who can compete for the school in various competitions,
  • introduction to new sports
  • raising the self-esteem of students, their confidence in their abilities,
  • carrying out health-improving measures in order to increase the level of body resistance to diseases,
  • increasing interest in the principles of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Physical education teachers, deputy director, teacher-organizer, class teachers are involved in organizing and holding the Day of Health, developing a scenario, preparing sports competitions.

On the holiday of health, sports competitions between classes, relay races, performances in certain sports, and hiking trips are held at the school.

Health day video

School health day action plan

Before holding a school holiday, it is necessary to prepare a program, lay down a plan of ongoing activities. The program, the scenario of the Day of Health is formed by physical education teachers, discussed with the head teacher for educational work, approved by the director of the institution.

Students from all grades are encouraged to participate in the activities. Those students who have no medical contraindications participate in sports competitions.
As part of the Health Day at school, schoolchildren take part in the following activities:

Action Plan for Health Day

School health day name

Every year, many different holidays take place within the school walls, which are associated with the process of teaching children at school. The most fun, active, sporting, mischievous event is the sports festival.

Sports holidays that are held at school often have their own separate names:

In addition to Health Day, many sports holidays are held at the school. Indicative list of sports competitions by month at school

School health day motto

World Health Day is held annually under a specific theme. Health Day is a chance, an opportunity to mobilize forces to fight a specific health problem.

A sports festival, which is held in a school institution, always has its own main motto, under which all events take place. The motto determines the main theme, the main idea, the direction of activity.

Therefore, the motto should be concise, specific, understandable for all participants of the sporting event.

Variants of slogans, mottos under which Health Days can be held:

  • “We need sports, we are friends with our health”,
  • "Health for all"
  • "Health is the way to success"
  • "I, you, he, she - we are a healthy country",
  • "My choice is health."

Since Health Day is, first of all, a sports holiday, sports competitions will be held within the walls of the school on this day.

Competitions always involve contests between teams. Therefore, teams need to prepare their mottos:

Wall newspaper health day at school

A wall newspaper is a separate type of creativity, with the help of which its authors realize their understanding of a particular topic. Such newspapers are made by schoolchildren on their own and reflect their point of view on a given problem. The release of wall newspapers is tied to specific holidays.

When preparing wall newspapers, it must be remembered that they must be informative, colorful, complemented by bright, well-aimed illustrations.

In the wall newspapers, which are timed to the Day of Health, issues of health, disease prevention are considered, recommendations are given regarding the correct, responsible attitude to an active lifestyle.

You can create wall newspapers in various ways:

More options for wall newspapers

school health day poster

The difference between a poster and a wall newspaper is that it is more compact.

A poster is a large, colorful image that can be supplemented with brief information. It can be informational, instructive-methodical, propaganda character.

The poster must be such that it can be seen from a distance. It should be well received and understandable.

Examples of posters for Health Day

Chants for health day at school

Chants are short, funny, poetic lines. Most often, such short lines are used by fans to support their teams.

Shouts for charging

For schoolchildren who take part in sports, the support of the fans is always important. With their chants, fans can support their own, inspire them with confidence, revive the game.

Examples of chants

Games for health day at school

Sports games help to relax, recharge with positive, cheerful mood. Such games are included in the process of holding sports events in order to add emotional coloring and diversify the holiday.

Round the world game

The game as one of the quest options. There are many points here that each team must pass. At each new point, participants receive a certain test of a sporting nature.

It can be:

  • jump rope,
  • push ups,
  • running with obstacles,
  • squats.

For a correctly completed task, the team scores points.

Game "Five dots"

A team of players must go from start to finish as a whole group. The task is that everyone moves together, having five points of contact with the ground (for example: two walk with their feet, they have one more participant on their shoulders, another one jumps on one leg and holds on to someone from the team).

Rope game

A variant of the classic tug-of-war competition. The nuance of the game is that the participants pull, turning their backs to their rivals.

The game "Ball-guide"

All players receive balls of different colors. They line up at the start. Everyone inflates their balloon to any size. Then, at the whistle of the leader, the players release their balls. Everyone must go to the place where his ball fell. The task is to inflate and release your balloon to go to the finish line. The competition is fun, because the balls have a habit of flying in different directions, so getting to the finish line is not an easy task.

The game "Colored balls"

Two teams take part. They get one ball each. One player from each team starts. They exchange balls, that is, they give their ball into the hands of an opponent. After the referee's signal, the participants throw the opponent's ball, trying to throw it as far as possible. At the same time, they must run and take their ball and bring it back. Whoever does it the fastest gets a ball. Then the next pair of players starts.

Songs for school health day

Songs-alterations will always enrich the competition, help you get distracted, get a positive attitude.
Songs-alterations for Health Day

Competitions for health day at school

Cheerful sports competitions on Health Day fulfill their main task - to develop, raise the interest of schoolchildren in sports. Such competitions can be varied: from simple speed sports to a combination of different sports in one competition.

Variants of the original contests

Competition "Checkers fight"

Teams are participating. The players of each team take turns trying to hit the basket with a basketball. If the player hit, then he makes a move with a checker on the checkerboard. While the player rearranges the checker, the other participants continue to throw. The opposing team does the same at the other end of the field. Play until the checker crosses the field.

Competition "Go through the bumps"

The player's task is to go through the swamp along the bumps that he makes himself, rearranging the wooden plank. Having reached the circle that lies at the end of the hall, the player puts a board in it, takes the key and jumps back on the rope. The second member of the team begins to jump to the circle on the rope. And then he changes it to a plank. The team whose members completed the task first receive points.

Competition "Racket and ball"

The player receives a tennis racket, on which he must, overcoming skittles, move the tennis ball. Running to the end of the hall, the player puts down the racket, does a few squats. Then he takes the racket again and carries it to the team, passing it to the next participant.

Contest "Crossing with hoops"

The first member of the team receives several rings in their hands. He puts one ring in front of him on the floor, jumps into it. Then, at arm's length, he puts the next ring, jumps into it again. So the first player must reach the end of the hall. The rest of the players just jump from ring to ring. The last player must collect all the hoops behind him.

School health day pictures

Pictures that reflect everything related to health will be a great reminder of Health Day.

Such postcards-pictures can be sent to loved ones with health wishes.

Scenario sports holiday day of health at school

Each event, in order to be successful, must have a script developed. When adding up the Health Day scenario, it is necessary to take into account the age group for which it is designed.

Options for competitions for children of different ages should be selected separately. In addition, tasks should be not only sports, but also creative in nature in order to contribute to the development of the abilities of schoolchildren.

Health Day scenario for middle school students (5th-8th)

The host must remember that the conditions of the competition should be called before each individual competition. So that later there are no questions to refereeing, balls must be called for a separate task immediately after its completion.

After reading the greeting, the presenter introduces the jury to those present.
After the presentation of the jury, the teams are given the right to make their speech-welcome. Teams name their mottos, show emblems, introduce team members.

The host sums up the results, calls the judges' balls.
Pupils read poems about health

After the words of the leader, the students, under the command of the physical education teacher, do exercises.

Host: And now we continue our holiday. It doesn't matter who gets ahead today. The main thing is that we all rest, have fun, feel the atmosphere of a holiday, goodwill, understanding, respect, support. Let friendship unite you!
The teams receive their first task.
Health station. For each letter of the given word (health), players must choose a word that is related to the active method, health, and disease prevention. Each correctly chosen word is worth one point.

Sports competition "Jumping from a place in length"

Station "Wisdom of the People"
Participants receive a set of cards containing the first part of a well-known proverb. The task of the teams is to correctly complete the proverb about health. For each option chosen correctly, the team receives a point.

Sports competition "Raising the body" (press)

Station "Health can not be bought"

Team members take turns reading judgments. They must answer yes or no. Teams receive points for correct answers.
Sample Questions

Sports competition "Jumping Rope"

Alfavitovo station

Teams receive sets of letters from which it is necessary to add up the names of various sports.

Sports competition "Hanging on the crossbar" (pulling up)
Sports competition "Push-ups"

Station "Picturesque"

Several people come out of each team, who take turns drawing a figure of a boxer. You need to draw with your eyes closed. Each team member draws a separate part of the figure: head, torso, arms, legs, face.

Moderator: While the jury is summing up the final results of the competition, we will have a little rest. The fans were very helpful to their teams. Now let's scream a little more. If you agree with the judgment that I say, then answer "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends." If what I read is not about you, then you are silent, do not make noise.

Building teams. The jury knocks out the results of the Health Day. All teams receive awards.

Health Day at Primary School

When selecting tasks for primary school students, it is necessary to choose those that will suit them according to their age skills. Tasks should be varied, contain short, clear instructions.

Health Day Scenario

Competition "Useful-unuseful"

One member leaves the team. They are blindfolded. A bag is placed in front of the player, in which there are various items. The player must feel by touch to determine what kind of object it is. If it is useful, then it is pulled out on the table, if it is harmful, not useful, then it is left in a bag. Put in the bag: fruits, vegetables, cigarettes, sweets. The winner is the one who correctly coped with the task.
Moderator: Everyone knows that marine products are rich in iodine, therefore they are necessary for our body. Let's move on to the next competition "Octopussy".

The host reads a poem about physical education

Host: And now game for all participants "At Melania's, at the old woman's"

Host: Our games have come to a logical end. Everyone had a great rest, gained strength, got a boost of energy, became stronger, taller, healthier.
Original flash mob for schoolchildren

Health Day at the sports school

A health day at a sports school may have its own specific directions. Competitions can be held separately in different areas:

Health Day is a great occasion to once again remind schoolchildren of the importance of an active lifestyle, activities, and the principles of healthy eating.

Julia Fedorova
The script of the holiday for the Day of Health "Health Marathon"

Holiday script

"Health Marathon"

The target audience: juveniles 8-14 years old

Target: propaganda among pupils of a healthy lifestyle, development of interest in physical culture and sports.


1. Carrying out recreational activities aimed at strengthening the body of children and adolescents;

2. Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases.

3. Consolidation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

Location: playground

Work form: relay, quiz, game.

Expected Result: to form knowledge about health-saving factors aimed at strengthening the body.

Equipment:"skis" from plastic bottles, balls, a bucket, a jump rope, felt-tip pens, emblem templates, a belt with three ropes, a potato, a spoon, big pants, a tent, diplomas, tokens, a bandage, tires, balloons.

Event progress:

A sports march sounds, teams come out and line up.


How many athletes are in this hall

The game is on fire here.

Dexterity, endurance and courage

It's time to show.

Today, guys, we are holding a Health Marathon.

Now each team will come up with a name for themselves?

To make it easier for the guys, slogans are written on the back of the emblem.

Team "___"

So as not to know about diseases,

We need to temper.

We are used to doing

Physical education in the morning!

Team "___"

We always love to frolic

We love to run and jump.

Fall down and don't cry

Let's jump in again!

Is everyone gathered? Is everyone healthy? Ready to run and play?

Well, then don't be lazy, get up to pass the stations!


Everyone will try hard

They will play sports.

Yes guys? But first,

Speaking without further ado,

One wish is not enough

Everyone must be healthy.

Where is our doctor?

The doctor appears

Doctor, all these guys

Candidates for champions.

I ask you to answer:

Is everyone ready or not?


Yes, yes, yes, let's check it out.

I ask everyone to stand up straight

And execute commands:

Everybody breathe deeper, deeper

On command, inhale and exhale.

Don't breathe, don't breathe

It's all right, take a rest.

Raise your hands together

wiggle, wave,

Shake, spin

Perfect! Lower!

Bend over, bend over

Turn right, turn left

And smile at each other!

Yes, I am satisfied with the inspection

None of the guys are sick.

Everyone is happy and healthy

Ready for the competition!

1 competition "Doctor"

Two people from teams participate. One is sick, the other is a doctor. The task is who will put the tire faster and more accurately.

2 competition "My lungs"

Team representatives are given balloons. On the command "March" - they inflate them until they burst. The team that bursts all the balloons wins.


Relay "Biathlon"

But, in order to find out the name of the relay races, you must guess riddles.

For a long time they went skating

Friend after friend, three of us

It was very difficult for them to climb up.

Suddenly a polished movement

Grab your rifle and shoot!

Hit aiming at the targets -

One, two, four, five.

And rushed down the slope.

What is this?. (biathlon)

Teams start at the same time on the command "March!". Each participant has plastic skis on their feet. Each participant runs, running around the landmarks, to his target. Throws a small ball at a target. Comes back, passes the baton. Each hit on the target is an additional point for the team.

Relay "Funny balls"

Riddle riddle:

Round, smooth like a watermelon

Any color, for different tastes. (balls)

The team receives a set of balls for the game, the target is any suitable container: a basket, a bucket, a saucepan, etc. Within a certain time, all team members throw the balls into the bucket. Each participant has in his arsenal three to five balls. The total success is the sum of the maximum number of balls thrown into the bucket.

Relay "Running in panties"

Riddle riddle:

"I was walking along the road

Found two trails.

I went on both "(trousers)

Representatives from both teams line up at the starting line in the back of the head to each other. In the hands of the first huge pants. On command, the players put on their pants, run to a certain mark, take off their pants and run back to pass them to the next competitor.

Relay "Potato in a spoon"

Riddle riddle:

And green and thick

A bush has grown in the garden

Dip a little:

Under the bush (potato)

The participant puts a potato in a spoon, which he holds with his hands by the handle. Then he runs to the mark and back, trying not to lose the potatoes. If she fell, points are not counted. Then the next team member starts.

Relay "Centipedes"

Riddle riddle:

Canvas, but not a track

A horse is not a horse - (Centipede)

For the relay, a jump rope is required for each team. The team leader, holding the rope, runs to the mark and back, grabbing the second participant, and again, running to the mark. He runs with everyone until he collects all of them.

Competition "Octopussy"

Riddle riddle:

I can grab everything without hands

But, and the one who still could, says I (octopus)

Two teams of 4 people and 2 drivers. One stands in the middle, he is surrounded by 3 participants. Three ropes are tied to the belt of the person in the center at one end (length 3 meters, the other end is tied to the wrist of each remaining of 3 children

The driver from each team leaves the hall, during his absence, the participants get confused, changing places. When the drivers return after 5 minutes, they must unravel the opponent’s “octopus” as quickly as possible. The winner is the team whose driver coped with this difficult task faster.

III.STATION "Veznayka"

And now we'll see which of the teams is the smartest and most savvy?

Quiz "Sport, sport, sport"

1. Tell me, where and when were the last Winter Olympic Games held? (in Sochi in 2015).

2. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games (Leopard, White Bear, Bunny).

3. Name the mascot of the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Games (Ray and Snowflake).

4. (general) Name the winter sports of the Olympic Games. (cross-country skiing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsleigh, alpine skiing, skeleton, curling, speed skating, short track, Nordic combined, ski jumping, snowboarding, freestyle, luge, hockey).

5. What is the motto of the Olympic Games ("Faster, higher, stronger").

6. Sports game with a ball and a bat. (Baseball)

7. What is the name of the building for sports games. (Stadium).

8. What is the name of the athlete who won the competition. (Champion).

9. What is the name of the end of the distance. (Finish).

10. Ice-covered area. (Rink)

11. The most beautiful sport on ice. (Figure skating)

12. The game with the puck is (hockey)

13. In what sports is a net stretched on the court. (volleyball, pioneer ball, tennis)

14. The object of this game is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. (football)

15. What is the name of the athlete who won the competition. (champion)

16. Headgear to protect against injury. (Helmet)

17. What athletes seek to establish in competition. (Record)


Quiz "Trail of young tourists"

1. The bird that arrives first in the spring. (rook)

2. This bird never builds nests for itself, leaves eggs for its neighbors and does not remember the chicks. (cuckoo)

3. What kind of landscape surrounds us. (steppes, forests, mountains, rivers)

4. What seas wash the borders of the Kuban. (Black Sea, Maare of Azov)

5. What rivers of our region do you know. (Kuban, Urup, Laba, Beichug)

6. Who changes clothes four times a year. (Earth)

7. The garden on the path is the sun on the leg. (sunflower)

8. Without hands, without a hatchet, a hut was built. (nest)

9. Name the animals that hibernate in winter. (bear, hedgehog, baksuk)

10. Name the largest animal in our forests. (elk, roe deer)

Contest "Assemble a tent»

Participants collect the tent. Quality and speed are valued.


So we went through the "HEALTH MARATHON" together. And now let's sum up, calculate the number of points.

To be always healthy

There is a lot to know

Just eat right

Sports should be done

Get vitamins!

To be always healthy

You have to try very hard

You need to drink clean water

Leave things, worries

Walk through meadows and fields.

It's never too late to think about your health.

Start right now!

Awarding the winners with certificates. Photos for memory.

Target: educating a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organization of recreational work as sports relay races, competitions in various sports, propaganda presentations on the topic of health.


To promote the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in students;

To promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate their movements.

Contribute to the definition of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

To attract the attention of children to a variety of sports



School health day.

Target: educating a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organization of recreational work as sports relay races, competitions in various sports, propaganda presentations on the topic of health.


To promote the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in students;

To promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, agility, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate their movements.

Contribute to the definition of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

To attract the attention of children to a variety of sports.

Holiday participants: students of grades 1-11, teachers.

Design of the sports hall (sports ground):posters "A healthy mind in a healthy body, Health is the pearl of a person"

Recreation design:trunk of the Tree of Life, poster "Health and work go together!" exhibition-poster "Course on a healthy lifestyle!"

Relevance: According to the data of a medical examination conducted in an educational institution (data for 2012-2013 academic year), in the 1st grade there are 30% of children who have chronic diseases, in the 5th grade - 50%, in the 9th grade - 64%. In general, only 7% of schoolchildren have a satisfactory functional state of the body. From grade 1 to grade 11, the frequency of decreased visual acuity increases by 1.5 times; the frequency of non-observance of posture - 1.5 times; the prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs - 1.4 times; the prevalence of diseases of the endocrine system - 2.6 times. According to the head of the department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:10% of graduates of Russian schools can be classified as healthy. An important factor that worsens the health of children is overload due to the redundancy of the school curriculum.The reason for this situation is not only the impact of environmental factors and genetic heredity, today physical inactivity is progressing - a sedentary lifestyle during training sessions and at home.

Today's students are the future of the country tomorrow. According to Art. No. 12,13,20,32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which clearly indicates the responsibility of an educational institution for the life and safety of children, strengthening the health of children and caring for them is one of the main tasks of the school.

Organizational stage:

1. Drawing up a school-wide regulation on Health Day and an action plan

"I approve"

Director of MBOU secondary school in Pechenga

N.N. Sidorova

"__" _________ 20 _


on holding a Health Day in a general educational institution

1.Goals and objectives

1.1. Health Day is held to promote a healthy lifestyle among students of MBOU secondary school No. 5 in Pechenga, to develop interest in physical culture and sports.

1.2. Tasks:

Involving students in various sports;

Identification of the best athletes of the school, attracting them to participate in school and city sports days;

Carrying out recreational activities aimed at increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents;

Increasing the resistance of the body of children and adolescents to various diseases, the efficiency of schoolchildren, the productivity of their education.

2. Order of organization and holding

2.1. The organization of the competition is entrusted to the teacher of physical culture, class teachers, deputy director for educational work:

The program and form of the Health Day is developed by the physical education teacher together with the deputy director for educational work;

The physical education teacher is involved in the preparation of class teams for participation in sports competitions as part of the Health Day program;

The Deputy Director for educational work is responsible for preparing prizes for the winning teams, students who took I, II, III places.

Class teachers bring the Health Day program to the attention of students.

2.2 The content of the Health Day may include sports competitions in certain sports, sports games, outdoor and comic relay races, hiking trips and is determined by the principal of the school (an action plan is attached).

2.3. The composition of the referee teams includes a teacher of physical education, teachers, SD.

2.4. The date of the Health Day is determined by the school work plan and the order of the school principal.

3. Time and place of the event.

3.1. Sports competitions organized as part of the Health Day program are held in the sports hall, on the sports ground of the school.

3.2. Health Days are held in parallel 2-3 times a year. For the duration of the Health Day, students are exempted from classes.

3.3. Sports competitions within the framework of the Health Day program begin at 10 o'clock. The total duration of competitions, events - up to 4 hours.


4.1. All students from grades 1 to 11 of the school are involved in activities within the framework of the Health Day program.

4.2. Students who do not have medical contraindications at the time of the Health Day take part in sports competitions.

4.3. Released students are present at all events of the Health Day and act as spectators, fans, assistants to class teachers to maintain discipline and order.

5. Awarding

5.1. Class teams that take I-III places are awarded with diplomas.

5.2. Students who take I-III places are awarded with diplomas.

"I approve"

Director of MBOU secondary school No. 5

N.N. Sidorova

"__" __________2013

Event plan

health day

preliminary work

No. p / p

Name of the event

Date (dates) of the event




Drawing competition on the topic: "If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!"

1-5 cells

Class hands

Issue of the informational wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy!"

6-7 cells

Class hands

Preparation and production of a leaflet, an information booklet, revealing the topic: "I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits"

8-9 cells.

Class hands

Preparation and publication of an information booklet on the topic "Prevention of bad habits"


Class hands

Action plan for the Health Day

Health line. Agitation performance "Youth chooses health"

1-11 cells

Deputy director by VR

FC teacher

Sports competitions "Funny starts"

1-4 cells

FC teacher

Classroom teachers

Round table "On guard of health!"

Presentation of the wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy";

Health dialogue with a healthcare professional (tobacco prevention)

5-11 cells

FC teacher

Class hands


Friendly football match

6-9 cells

FC teacher

Grand opening

All-Russian Health Day

Sounds the introduction of the song "Physical education-hooray!" Leaders appear on the stage.

Presenter 1:

It's good to be human!

This is power for life!

Host 2:

It is knowledge and wisdom

This is dexterity, speed!

Presenter 1:

Fashionable to be for a day, for a month,

And healthy - forever!

Host 2:

I you he she-

We are a beautiful country!

Presenter 1: We are a healthy country!

We have all the power, I know!

Presenter 1:

The sun is shining over Russia

Bright path of life.

You be happy in the world

Be healthy, be!

Host 2:

So let's say it firmly

No misfortune to all!

We'll be healthy then.

Many, many years!

Presenter 1: Being healthy is trendy!

Host 2: Being healthy is great!

Presenter 1: Being healthy is not dangerous!

Host 2: A healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country!

It is under this motto that events dedicated to the Day of Health will be held today!

Presenter 1: And the pioneers of the All-Russian Health Day will be the participants of the Our Youth propaganda team.

Host 2: How many problems do today's youth have! I don’t want to learn lessons, but I want to play on the computer, walk the streets with a company. And then we talk about where sick people come from.

Presenter 1: This is what the guys will tell us now.

"Young people choose health!",

Agitation presentation dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Health.

Against the background of the musical intro, the words sound:

Where do sick people come from?

Maybe they're not bad at all?

Maybe the sick people come from?

Don't healthy people know this?

Where did they get Seryozha's illness from?

Perhaps they pushed the sick from Saturn?

Why are we sitting and wondering in vain?

Will we hear about this story now?

A boy comes out, pulling a briefcase by the strap. His head is lowered, his gaze is downcast.

The words are in the background:

A man walks home from school

He carries a heavy briefcase with him.

The back squinted, ache in the legs,

Now it will fall, if he says ...

Boy: ...Ah!

I lose so much health, friends,

Smoked - immediately quit - I'm not lying at all!

Friends here called in the winter to the skating rink,

And I answered them: Not hunting, not lope!

In the spring they called me to chase the ball -

I don't want to run, and I'm scrapped!

I'd rather put on thieves pants,

T-shirt, baseball, sun glasses

And I'll sit in the shade, I don't need baking,

I'll get a cigar - I'm still a boy!

Friends say it's all bad

Kurnu here once and I'll eat candy.

Maybe nothing will ever happen?

No, I better sleep

Maybe someone will wake you up!

(The boy sits down in the shade and falls asleep).

A musical beat on the theme "Youth" sounds. Leave the representatives of the youth propaganda team.

1st: Let's go, guys, to the school stadium, it's Health Day there!

2nd: Being healthy is great! (make clapping)

3rd: And who is sitting here? Yes, this is Anton from the next class!

4th: Anton, come with us!

Boy: I won't go anywhere

I don't want to see you.

1st: How is it, what's wrong with you?

2nd : What happened to you?

3rd: Maybe temperature?

4th: (notices a Pepsi can next to the boy)

A very strange mixture!

1st: What have you done to yourself?

Boy: What kind of pressure and antlers?

I said I'm resting!

Well, I don't know you!

1st: We are guys, just class!

2nd: Strength, grace are with us!

3rd: We are friends with sports all-

To be completely healthy!

4th: Being healthy is our full house ...

Together: Make the right move with us!

1st: The first step is day mode:

Know how to eat when your dream is!

2nd: Step two - morning exercises!

3rd: The third step is to be calm

Be smart in class

Forget your anger at home!

4th: Step four is the ball.

Don't hide it too far!

Come out to play with your friends.

1st: Well, five - you are with us

Walk the path to health

And sing a song together!

Members of the propaganda team sing the song "Be healthy!"

to the tune of "Chunga-chang"

There is a miracle remedy for health,

Everything can be counted on the fingers:

Hygiene - it will be time

Mood - as we have now!


This is two, and three is charging.

To make it all right

We need to play sports, temper ourselves.

And four - vitamins,

There is no reason for sickness

You just have to try very, very hard.

Can we save up health

To make our life happier,

So that we can take care of you

Give the planet blue.


So that the rivers do not shallow,

Springs to sing loudly

So that we warm all the animals with love.

For children to be healthy

On a happy planet

We wish everyone and everyone good health!

All health!

We are young, beautiful, energetic!

We have strength, intelligence and excellent biceps!

In our body, dexterity, speed,

We can't live without sport, friends!

At your favorite stadium

We will break all records

And to replace the champions

Very soon we will come!

1st: Being healthy is great!

2nd: Friends, it's fun to be healthy!

3rd: Being healthy doesn't hurt at all!

4th: Illness is evil, and our deceit.

Together: Health is our wealth!

Fun Starts:

"Sports Kaleidoscope" for elementary school students


  1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.
  2. Development of interest in sports.
  3. Acquaintance with the developing sports and sports facilities of the city.

Inventory: balls, hoops, skipping ropes, clubs, tennis rackets, ski equipment.
Evaluation conditions: correct execution 10 points, victory + 1 point, penalty - 1 point.
In tasks related to the number of hits = the number of points.

Course of the competition:

The host introduces the guests, the jury (the strongest athletes of the school).
Teams greet each other, name, motto.

Teams are presented. We wish you all success in the upcoming competitions. Teams, march to the starting positions!

At each relay race we will collect the keys to health. At the end of the game, we will find out which team has more keys.

Relay 1

"Go Through the Swamp"

Imagine that there is a swamp around us. We need to get to the pins, take the key from the hoop and bring it to the team. You can go through the swamp by jumping from "hummock> to hummock".

Task: shifting boards to reach the skittles, take the key and jump back over the jump rope. The second participant jumps over the jump rope - back along the boards.

Relay 2.

Run to the pins, jumping over jump ropes, back - the ball is sandwiched between the legs.

Relay 3

"Overcome Obstacles"

Children run to the mat, crawl under the arc, walk along the gymnastic bench, take one key from the hoop. Run back.

Competition "Creative Fantasy"

On a landscape sheet of paper, draw a team drawing on the topic “The sun, air and water are our best friends!”

Relay race

"Who is first?"

The benches are installed parallel (you need to crawl along the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands), then, jump the distance to the ball on two legs, take the ball and hit the big ball. Hit - back to the team. In the event that the participant does not hit the target, he does 5 squats.

Relay race.

Carry a tennis ball on a racket, overcoming obstacles (pins) to the line, put down a racket. Do five squats and carry the ball back on the racket. The baton is passed to the next participant.

Relay race

Rope pulling.

Summarizing. Team awards.

"Your health is in your hands!"

(Meeting with a health worker)

Form of event: TV program "Health"


Guys, imagine that we are not in the school hall, but in the Health program. All of you, probably, were spectators of the Health program hosted by Elena Malysheva. Today we have our own program on air at school, and the same about health. We welcome the presenter Elizaveta Zhemerkina.


Hello! The program "Health" is on the air and I am its host - ....... . Today, on the All-Russian Day of Health, we will burn about health. Hello! I do not just greet you, I wish you good health, be healthy.

Today we have a medical worker visiting us ………………… a physical education teacher ………, a teacher of biology and human hygiene …………..

Today we will talk about health, what factors affect it and how to maintain our wealth-health!

Health is wealth for all time. And it starts in childhood. Your health is like a treasure that is deep in the ground, and to find the treasure, you need to make great efforts.

………………, tell us what human health is.


………………, you work in the system of health preservation and disease prevention. What is the importance of physical activity for health?


…………………., what conditions at school and at home should surround a person so that he remains healthy?


Today, our health is being attacked by bad habits that hunt us everywhere, at home, at school and on the street.

Now I invite everyone to answer the questions “Helpful-harmful” together.

Look at a bright light ... (harmful)

Rinse eyes in the morning ... (useful)

Watch TV up close ... (harmful)

Eat carrots, parsley ... (useful)

Rubbing your eyes with dirty fists ... (harmful)

Engage in physical education ... (useful)

We ask our guests to comment on the children's answers.

These bad habits disrupt the normal state of our health. And there are habits that deal a devastating blow to our health.

Attention to the screen.

Once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, wolves, and foxes...

And where do they go now? Imagine, dear viewers, they were destroyed by bad habits.

Music sounds. A disheveled, cheerful Fox runs in with a bag on which "Heroin" is written. A bear with a bouquet trudges towards.


Will you marry Liska for me?


Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How did you lose weight, poor guy?

It's like I haven't eaten in a whole year.

What happened to you? You are sick?

Bear .

I don't know what's wrong with me?

Do not say hello to me something:

Wool climbs, ache in the bones,

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I began to go to bed earlier,

Cough choking in the morning

Sickness in the evenings

Pricks the heart, trembling in the paws.


Why don't you go to the woodpecker?

You need to turn to the woodpecker,

He is such a bird -

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't hesitate, go to him.


I'll wait a little

It gets worse, so I'm going.

Music is playing. The fox preens, looks in the mirror. A wolf in an old fur coat walks staggering, carrying empty bottles.


Listen, Vovochka-Volchische, what's the matter with you?

Pigs are even cleaner.

Ah, dull eyes

Failed brakes?

Can't stop drinking?


I can't, longing stuck,

Fox, longing has eaten me up.

I love you Lisa

you won't get any good.

Sides hurt from love

Washes the heart, shivers in the paws ...

I'm lost.


you'll be lost

To Owl if you don't go.

You need to turn to the Owl,

She's such a bird

Will understand, give advice:

Yes, so yes, but no, so no!


Tomorrow I will rush to Owl.

Well, answer my feelings!

Fox (sings).

Here I go beautifully

Along the forest path

Well, I'm 16 years old.

At my hole, tails flashed again,

I'll tell you two again no.

Heroin takes me to the sky again

I shout "hello", "hello" to you all.


Misha, Vovik,

I love you so!

But I won't get married.

I'd better take a dose.

Owl comes out:


Owl, dove, our friend.


You come closer.


Ba! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy?

Wolf and Bear.

Apparently no


The cough hurts.


Side hurts.


Misha, smoke!

And you, my friend, drink.


Yes, I smoke, how do you know?

Wolf . And I drink.


You stink of smoke. (Listens.)

Don't breathe or sniff.

You are sick, even though you are a bear.


Not deadly? Not dangerous?


Soot accumulated in the lungs,

Smoking is the problem.

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

And now you're my friend. (Listen


Rapid pulse, hypertension.

Sick liver, arrhythmia.

Stop drinking, you'll survive

And if you drink, you'll die.

Follow my advice

Otherwise, along the way

Both of you will stretch your legs.

Apparently you need to throw your cigarettes out.

Leading: So, dear guests, I ask everyone to comment on the plot shown by fairy-tale characters.


Wolf: I know the remedy for these diseases,

Then this dirt will disappear from here. Bring here the scales of justice,

We will prove that we do not need black girlfriends!


Help, friends, find justice,

Put your arguments on the scales.

Friends, don't let me down

Approach the scales one at a time.

Put your arguments on the scales.

Leading: And to confirm our actions, let's remember once and for all: "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Thank you all for your attention!

The arguments are white and black checkers. Checkers put all bad habits on one scale. On the other side, everyone else.


  1. Newspaper "Leisure at school" No. 1/2012

Project Protection

Each class team is invited to create a leaflet newspaper on the topic: "Be healthy!". The content of the newspaper must fully correspond to its name and reflect the basics of a healthy lifestyle. The form of presentation of the material is arbitrary: poems, drawings, slogans, diagrams, articles, etc. The form of execution is arbitrary: handwritten text, the use of computer design elements. The format and volume of the newspaper are unlimited.

Newspapers must be handed over to the organizing committee no later than April 6th. The defense of creative works will take place during the theatrical program “We are for life without bad habits!” In the presentation of the work, you need to indicate: the topic, explaining its relevance, summary (titles of the main articles; their brief content);

Share "Tree of Life"

The Tree of Life is chosen as the symbol of life. The guys, proving their desire for a healthy lifestyle, attach each of their leaves to a tree.

Campaign "Bright sun for healthy children!".

The guys, expressing their desire for a healthy lifestyle, choose a certain color of the beam, thereby demonstrating their state of health and mood. Green color - I'm healthy; yellow - something does not suit me; red - I'm sick.

Expected result:

By participating in the event, students develop a complete, clear understanding of the principles and rules of a healthy lifestyle, ideas about the harmful effects of bad habits on the body of a teenager, the development of the desire to engage in physical education in order to maintain physical fitness.

Teaching staff: getting an idea of ​​the possible forms of organization of activities for the prevention of negative addictions and the formation of students' desire for a healthy lifestyle, generalization of experience, exchange of experience.