How long does it take for a child to bring down the temperature. What temperature should a child have?

An elevated temperature in a child is always a good reason for parental anxiety. And if we are talking about babies, then the excitement can turn into a real panic. In fact, fever and fever are fairly common symptoms of many diseases. Today we will tell you how to quickly and effectively cope with high body temperature in children of different ages.

Causes of fever in children

An increase in temperature occurs when a child's body is exposed to viruses, toxins or bacteria. Immune cells in response to the penetration of the “pest” secrete pyrogens - special substances that cause the body to heat up from the inside. This is provided by nature for a reason, because the immune system works much more efficiently when the temperature rises to 38 ° C. But if the temperature begins to rise to 39 ° C and above, there is a load on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.

High temperature in children (from 37 ° C to 40 ° C) occurs with the following conditions of the body:

  • the development of a bacterial/viral infection;
  • eruption of milk teeth;
  • overheating;
  • heat stroke;
  • strong emotional experiences;
  • fright, prolonged stress.

Often a sudden onset of fever is the first symptom of a serious illness (meningitis, pneumonia, etc.). It may be accompanied by warning signs:

  • Lethargy, inactivity, sleepiness.
  • A rash appeared on the body of the crumbs in the form of blue “stars”, bruises.
  • The child has stopped urinating, or it has become very rare, the urine has become dark in color; the appearance of seizures.
  • Impaired breathing (too frequent or rare), too deep or, conversely, superficial.
  • From the mouth of the child smells of a specific smell (acetone).

If you notice the presence of one of the above items in your child, you should immediately call an ambulance.

On a note! Any fever in a child under 6 months of age should be reported to the doctor immediately.

What temperature should be brought down in a child?

A frequent question of young mothers: when can you bring down the temperature in children?

Pediatricians have established the following temperature limits, depending on which a decision is made to reduce the thermometer to optimal values:

  1. mild fever - from 37 ° C to 38.5 ° C;
  2. moderate fever - from 38.6 ° C to 39.4 ° C;
  3. high fever - from 39.5 ° C to 39.9 ° C;
  4. life-threatening fever - 40°C or more.

Doctors are not recommended to give antipyretic drugs up to 38 ° C if the child's health is stable. It is possible to bring down the temperature with such an indicator without medicines: wet compresses, light rubbing of the skin will come to the rescue. The child needs to provide coolness, plenty of fluids and rest.

Note! If the measures taken do not bring results, and the child's fever does not subside for two hours, then it is necessary to give a drug to relieve fever, prescribed by the local pediatrician. With a sharp increase in the thermometer readings or “jumps” in temperature from 38 ° C to 39.5 ° C, regardless of the age of the baby, immediately call an ambulance.

Don't Panic - Temperature in a Healthy Child

  • Sometimes a fever can be noticed in a baby who has barely been born. The thing is that in a newborn child, the mechanisms of thermoregulation are not fully formed, so the body temperature in the armpit can reach 37-37.5 ° C. In the evening, the temperature is usually higher than in the morning - this should be taken into account by new mothers.
  • Temperature above normal during teething is a common occurrence that worries parents. But higher than 37.5 ° C in this case, the fever does not grow, therefore, to alleviate the child's condition, you can follow home methods: more liquid, less warm clothes and no diaper, at least for the duration of wakefulness. If there are signs of fever (as well as signs such as nausea, vomiting, unwillingness to drink) and the temperature rises, you need to see a doctor.
  • There are also situations when a healthy infant for no apparent reason begins to increase body temperature, and very significantly. This may be due to overheating (especially at low humidity in the room). This is possible when the mother diligently wraps up the baby and does not open the window in the children's room during the day. As a result, when changing a diaper, she finds a hot baby who is breathing heavily and on the thermometer divisions exceed 38 ° C.

Remember: the child should be dressed only 1 layer warmer than yourself! Do not focus on the cool palms and feet of the baby. If the crumbs have warm elbow and popliteal folds, as well as a back, it means that he is comfortable and does not freeze.

Let's go down: 4 steps to reduce the temperature without drugs

There is a special table of upper temperature norms for a person depending on age:

If the child has a fever, then the temperature should be reduced as soon as possible to 38.5 ° C (rectal - up to 39 ° C). What needs to be done for this:

  • Create in the room where the child is located, the optimal temperature regime. The room should be moderately warm (about 23°C), but at the same time with access to fresh air, well ventilated.
  • Pick the right clothes for your baby. If this is a child under one year old, then it is enough to put on a thin blouse or a slip. While the child has a high temperature, it is better to remove the diaper: it is easier to control whether the baby has urination. Also, diapers retain heat, which is the basis for a temporary cessation of their use while the baby has a temperature.
  • Put a cool compress from a cloth soaked in water on the child’s forehead, it is also worth wiping the baby with water at room temperature. The baby can be lowered into a bath with water corresponding to normal body temperature (37 ° C). This will help to safely bring down the fever with angina. Frequent rubbing helps to more easily endure the disease. But rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is not recommended for young children - the skin of babies is very delicate and thin, it is easy for substances to penetrate through it, and in addition to the high temperature, we risk getting poisoned in addition.
  • Encourage your child to drink a lot and often. If the baby is breastfed, then provide him with round-the-clock access to the breast. Mother's milk is a storehouse of immune factors that will help you cope with a fever faster. If the baby is artificially fed or has already grown up, then offer him plain boiled water. It is imperative that you take at least a sip every 5-10 minutes to stay hydrated.

Important! To check if the child has enough fluid, consider his urination - a baby who drinks enough, urinates at least once every 3-4 hours with light urine. If a one-year-old baby refuses to take fluids, or is too weak to drink on his own, immediately consult a doctor.

How to bring down the temperature of a child: folk methods

At high temperatures, the main task of parents is to make sure that the child's body has the opportunity to lose heat. There are only two ways to do this:

  1. sweat evaporation;
  2. warming the inhaled air.

Folk methods that are distinguished by their simplicity, safety and the ability to resort to them in any situation will help relieve the fever and improve the health of the child.

Avoiding dehydration

If the baby has a temperature, and he refuses to drink even a little, then this is a direct path to dehydration, which can only be dealt with by droppers. In order not to bring to an extreme state, be sure to replenish the lack of fluid in the body of the crumbs.

What can be given to drink:

  • babies: mother's milk, boiled water;
  • from 1 year old: weak green tea, lime blossom decoction, chamomile decoction, dried fruit compote;
  • from 3 years old: tea with cranberries / viburnum / currants, uzvar, still mineral water, etc.

If the fever is combined with vomiting and the liquid does not linger in the body, then to maintain the water-salt balance, you need to dilute the powder of Regidron medicine according to the instructions and drink the child in a teaspoon.

We provide coolness

If the child has a fever, then it is necessary to immediately rid him of clothing that traps heat, thereby overheating and intensifying the painful condition of the baby. At any time of the year, ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes, letting fresh air into the room where the child is resting. The flow of cool air has a beneficial effect on a small patient who has a fever. It can also be achieved in the summer by temporarily turning on the air conditioner or fan (without directing the flow towards the child!).

Wet wrap

Wrapping with a wet cloth helps well with strong heat, improving the child's condition in the very first minutes. You can use plain water for wrapping. To do this, moisten a soft towel or gauze in water at room temperature, carefully wrap it around the baby's torso. Then lay the child down, cover with a sheet and carry out the procedure for 10-15 minutes. After an hour, with a good reaction of the body, you can repeat the wrap. For the best effect, you can do a wrap with yarrow infusion - 4 tbsp. freshly cut leaves, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, cool. It is necessary to use the healing composition during the day.

Important! This folk remedy can only be used if the child is on fire, he is very hot. If the crumb freezes, on the contrary, this means that he has experienced a vasospasm - in this case, the wrap cannot be carried out, but it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

Rubbing with vinegar

This is a long-standing way to reduce body temperature. It can only be used in children over 6 years old, and only with vinegar diluted with water 1:5. With a solution of one part vinegar and five parts water, you need to wipe the arms, legs, feet and palms of the child with a soft cloth. You can repeat the rubdown every 3 hours. If after the procedure there is irritation on the skin, do not resort to this method of relieving heat again.

Therapeutic enema

An enema works well to reduce fever and lowers the high temperature by at least 1 degree during the first hour after the procedure. It is carried out in children older than 1.5 years. Simple solution for therapeutic enema: 1 tsp. chamomile herbs are poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water and infused for an hour. Then the infusion is filtered through gauze and is ready for use. You can also use a saline solution for an enema, which is prepared quickly and is very effective: 2 tsp is taken for 0.3 liters of warm boiled water. fine extra salt and a few drops of fresh beetroot juice. Mix everything thoroughly, and the solution is ready.

Taking a bath

A cool bath will help when the thermometer rises higher and higher, and there are no medicines at hand. You need to fill the bath with warm water, but not hot - use a thermometer and control that the water is not higher than 37 ° C. Lower the child into the water and gently wash his body with a washcloth. Be careful, in hot weather, touching can be painful - in this case, just gently pour water on the child from a watering can. In 15 minutes of the bath, the body temperature will drop by at least a degree and the child will feel better. After the bath, just lightly blot the skin without wiping it dry - the evaporation of water will also additionally have a slight antipyretic effect. You can repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day.

You will also find popular tips for reducing high temperatures in the cheat sheet below.

Child's age At what point to bring down the temperature Folk remedies to alleviate the condition
1 to 12 monthsUp to a temperature of 38 ° C, do not beat down with medication, only with gentle home remedies. If the mark is exceeded, use the medicine as prescribed by the attending physician.Undress the child, remove the diaper, cover with a thin breathable diaper. Provide the baby with a sufficient amount of liquid (breast milk, warm boiled water, from 6 months - children's herbal tea). Ventilate the room where the baby is located for 10-15 minutes, place the child in another room for this time.
From 1.5 to 3 yearsWithin the acceptable range without the use of drugs - the temperature is from 37 ° C to 38.5 ° C. If the limit is reached and home remedies do not help, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the fever with the drug.At 1-2 years old, the baby is already able to drink on its own, so if the temperature is high, offer the child plenty to drink. Rosehip decoction is especially useful - it can be prepared in a thermos (3 tablespoons of berries pour 600 ml of boiling water) and given warm, slightly sweetened with honey. You can offer the baby to take a warm (not hot!) Bath - 20 minutes is enough to reduce body temperature by a degree.
From 3 years and olderThe temperature is above 38.5 ° C, the child is sleepy, lethargic, all “burns” and refuses to drink - it's time to call a doctor and give an antipyretic.Ventilate the children's room and humidify the air - dry air at a temperature is very difficult for a child to breathe. If you don't have a humidifier, hang towels soaked in water around your baby's crib. The child should have access to liquid - every 10 minutes you need to drink 3-5 tablespoons. water, fruit drink, tea or compote. Leave only light clothing (T-shirt, underwear) on the body. Limit the activity of the child, with a fever, bed rest and rest are important.

And now tips for lowering the temperature from a pediatrician. Watch video:

Antipyretic drugs: table by age

From the first days of life until adulthood, only a doctor can prescribe a medicine to a child. Therefore, the answers to the questions “how to bring down” and “how to bring down” the child’s temperature should be directed, first of all, to the pediatrician. Keep in mind that many of the medicines do not begin to act immediately, but after a certain period of time, which can take from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.

  • Paracetamol the doctor prescribes to children in two forms of release: suspensions and suppositories. Most parents prefer it to her. The tool helps to reduce the temperature not to the normal value of 36.6 ° C, but by about 1-1.5 degrees. A single "portion" of paracetamol is 15 mg per kilogram of a child's weight. For example, if the baby weighs 4 kg, he needs to be given 60 mg of this drug.
  • Ibuprofen(the active agent in medicines such as Nurofen, etc.) refers to the “reserve” preparations. It is actively used by mothers of children after a year, but not by infants. It is undesirable to appoint children under 4 months. Also, pediatricians do not approve of the use of ibuprofen at the risk of dehydration, because this drug adversely affects the kidneys. For a single dose, you need to take 10 mg of ibuprofen per 1 kg of the child's weight.

On a note! The combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol in medicine is recognized as unsafe - drugs in practice have shown that they can enhance each other's side effects. If possible, adhere to drugs with the same active ingredient when treating a child, or take long breaks between taking different drugs (at least 6-8 hours).

  • Panadol well established itself as a remedy for fever with angina, group, ear pain (otitis media) and SARS. The suspension bottle is convenient to use, the medicine has a sweetish taste, so the kids take it calmly. The drug is used in children older than 3 months, before reaching this age - only as directed by a doctor.
  • Cefekon D- a drug that is produced in the form of suppositories, it is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use during the child's sleep, as well as dehydration (nausea, vomiting, inability to take liquid and food). Cefecon D has not only an antipyretic effect, but also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The action of suppositories begins in the first 15 minutes, but it also passes just as quickly, so a single use of the drug may not be enough until the morning.
  • Drugs that should not be used to reduce the temperature in children: ketoprofen, nimesulide and other drugs from the NSAID group. Never give aspirin to your child as it can damage the brain and liver.
Child's age Paracetamol Nurofen Panadol Cefekon D
1 monthin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 2 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours in the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 50 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
4 months

5 months

6 months

in suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 2.5-5 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 2.5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 4 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 100 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
Seven months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months

in suspension (100 ml) - 2.5 ml orally 3-4 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 5 ml orally 3 times a day
1 yearin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 5-10 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 7 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1-2 suppositories of 100 mg 2-3 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
3 yearsin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 9 ml orally 3 times a day
5 yearsin suspension (100 ml) - 7.5 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 10 ml orally 3 times a dayin the form of rectal suppositories - 1 suppository of 250 mg 2-3 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours
7 yearsin suspension (120 mg / 5 ml) - 10-20 ml orally before meals, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hoursin suspension (100 ml) - 10-15 ml orally 3 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hoursin suspension (120 mg \ 5 ml) - 14 ml orally 3 times a day

Important! To lower the temperature to normal values, antipyretic drug therapy alone is not enough - it is necessary to combine them with safer means (rubbing, airing, drinking plenty of water).

Tips for parents: what to do if the child has a fever

Always be attentive to your baby's complaints about his well-being. Even if he mentioned that he was just hot, do not be too lazy to spend five minutes and look at the column on the thermometer. Treatment, started in a timely manner, will help to quickly identify the cause of the disease and prevent the development of the disease.

Before the list of tips, we recommend watching a short video on how to help a child with a temperature:

Don't drop the temperature early

If the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, and the condition of the child is satisfactory, then do not rush to give the child medicines. Many pathogens die in the body at this temperature, this is a kind of immune defense, which is provided by nature itself.

Remember the rules of behavior in case of illness

Mothers will have to deal with temperatures more than once in infancy, so it’s worth taking note of all the recipes in advance so that they are at hand at the right time. After all, when the baby is sick, there is no time to waste precious time reading forums - it is much better if the cheat sheets are always in sight (you can print them out and leave them in the first aid kit).

Have fever medication in your first aid kit

Children's medicines for temperature, taking into account age, should always be in the first-aid kit just in case. Fever can come on suddenly, at any time of the day, and it's best to be prepared to help your child by giving an antipyretic if needed.

What should not be done?

  • Allowing a child to run, jump and exercise in every possible way at a temperature above 38.5 ° C - for a speedy recovery, the child's body needs rest and rest.
  • Wrap your baby in warm clothes, cover with a warm blanket - trying to ensure that the child sweats properly, you can achieve the opposite effect and provoke a new increase in temperature.
  • To measure the temperature by force - a new stress for a sick baby is useless. If the baby resists and is afraid of a thermometer, try to measure his temperature in half an hour. Sometimes children are afraid to measure the temperature rectally, in which case there is a reason to use a different method of measurement.

An increase in temperature in infants is a serious cause for concern for parents. But is it worth it to panic if the thermometer is a little over 37 degrees? When and how to bring down the temperature? Let's figure it out.

In newborns (especially children under 3 months old), the body's thermoregulation system is imperfect. The first few days after birth, the temperature of the baby can stay at the level of 37-37.4 degrees.

Do not panic! Up to a year, slight fluctuations in temperature are considered the norm, especially if the child has just eaten or acted up.

The way he is dressed can also affect the temperature of the baby: babies overheat very easily or, on the contrary, become supercooled. Lack of drinking can also cause a slight rise in temperature in a child up to a year old.

You can not measure the temperature of the baby:

  • after meal;
  • after a walk;
  • after crying;
  • After sleep;
  • after bathing;

The temperature in a child up to a year is measured in different ways: in the armpit (normal - 36-37 degrees), in the inguinal fold, orally (normal - 36.9-37.4 degrees) and rectally (normal - 36.6-37.3 degrees). It is best to do this every day at the same time when the baby is calm.

But, despite all of the above, the temperature of a child up to a year must be controlled, because a fever can also indicate a disease. If the baby is breathing heavily, is naughty and crying a lot, or vice versa is very lethargic, refuses to eat or there are signs of a cold, then it is unacceptable to ignore the fact that the child’s temperature rises.

At a temperature of 38 and above, you should immediately call a doctor, since it is very difficult to independently determine the cause of a high temperature in an infant.

Causes of fever in a child up to a year:

  • overheating of the child;
  • lack of drinking;
  • prolonged crying;
  • teething;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • constipation;
  • allergy;
  • stress;
  • preventive vaccination;
  • colds;
  • childhood and intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, kidneys, etc.

When to bring down the temperature of a child up to a year?

Remember that fever is not a disease, but a means of fighting the body with the disease! If the child does not have respiratory and heart diseases, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic at a temperature above 38.5 degrees.

But if the child begins to have convulsions or has happened before, the temperature rises sharply at night, then the antipyretic should be given already at a temperature of 38 degrees.

If a child under 3 months has a temperature above 38 degrees on a weekend or holiday, call an ambulance. For children under 3 months, only a doctor should prescribe medicine and dosage!

How and how to bring down the temperature of a child up to a year?

Before the doctor arrives, it will not be superfluous to try to bring down the temperature. non-drug methods. Due to the undeveloped system of thermoregulation of the body of the baby, such methods are usually quite effective.

First, ventilate the room more often, after taking the baby to another room.

Secondly, if the child does not have a chill, remove warm clothes from him, it is best to leave him naked, just cover him with a diaper.

Thirdly, dip a gauze cloth in water at room temperature and squeeze it out, then wipe the child's face, neck, arms, legs, and body.

Fourth, let's drink to the baby more often.

Fifth, if the baby is sleeping, do not wake him up without an important reason, such as a visit to the doctor (feeding is not an important reason!).

If folk methods do not help, and the temperature has exceeded 38.5 degrees, you should give the baby antipyretic. Needless to say, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor in advance?

An antipyretic for babies can be in the form of syrup or suppositories. The action of the syrup begins 20-30 minutes after ingestion, suppositories - after 30-40. It should be remembered that suppositories have a more gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, but if the child has not emptied the intestines for a long time, then the use of suppositories can provoke colic.

And syrup should not be mixed with formula, milk or water. Read the instructions carefully, strictly follow the dosage by age, always check the expiration date of the medicine. When in doubt, call a therapist or an ambulance for advice.

In any case, if the temperature of the child has exceeded 38 degrees, you need to call a doctor. to identify causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. Antipyretic is not a cure for disease, it is just a way to fight fever.

Health to you and your children!

Dear readers! What did you do when your little one had a fever? How did you bring down the temperature of a newborn baby? We are waiting for your comments!

A viral infection is usually accompanied by a fever - the first sign of the disease is an elevated body temperature. This indicates that your immunity has come to the defense of the body, and the high temperature contributes to an even better fight against the virus.

If during the illness there is a fever, then you have excellent immunity. It is undesirable to bring down the temperature up to 38.5 ⁰С, as this can reduce the protective function of the body.

A high temperature indicates that the child's body is successfully fighting the infection.

What are the degrees of fever?

Depending on body temperature, the following degrees of fever are distinguished:

  1. subfertile -37.2 - 38 degrees (we recommend reading:);
  2. febrile - 38 - 39.1 degrees;
  3. hyperthermic - from 39.1 and above.

For infants, the body temperature of 37-37.1⁰С is within the normal range (see also:). For children under 3 years old, it does not pose any danger. Hyperthermia can occur for various reasons:

  • the child screams and cries;
  • the baby overate;
  • because of colic;
  • the baby is hot;
  • the baby was bathed in hot water;
  • the baby is teething;
  • due to vaccination.

When do you need to bring down the temperature in a child? This should be done if it poses a threat to life and health. The hyperthermic degree of fever is very dangerous, especially when maintaining a high temperature (above 39⁰С) for quite a long time.

At the same time, the kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems experience a very large load. Fever contributes to the intensification of metabolic processes, because of which the water-salt balance is disturbed, the body is energetically depleted and quickly dehydrated. If a high temperature is maintained for a long time, this can provoke cerebral edema, increased blood viscosity, lowering blood pressure, or hypoxia.

You only need to bring down a very high temperature, which has crossed the mark of 38-39 degrees

Bringing down the heat should begin if it is in the hyperthermic range. Young children, even at temperatures above 38.5 degrees, can feel normal and be active. In this case, you should not reduce it, just monitor the condition of the child. If the baby is not feeling well, then the fever must be reduced by any possible means.

Disadvantages of antipyretics

When taking antipyretic drugs, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. the production of interferon stops, due to which the fight against viruses occurs;
  2. there is a negative effect on the condition of the kidneys, heart, liver and stomach, complications may occur;
  3. allergies may occur in the form of urticaria, itching and swelling;
  4. there is a risk of not detecting pneumonia in time, which may be the result of an acute respiratory viral infection.

When is it necessary to reduce the temperature in a child?

Cases when the temperature is dangerous for the baby and needs to be brought down:

  • The temperature is above 39⁰С. This can happen with a bacterial, viral or fungal disease: SARS, otitis media, pharyngitis, stomatitis, measles, chickenpox, tonsillitis, meningitis and others. If you are in doubt about whether to lower the temperature, pay attention to how the baby is feeling and see if it continues to rise. When the child feels comfortable up to 39 ° C and drinks a lot of fluids, you can postpone taking medications for the time being. If the temperature rises sharply, give the medicine immediately.

If the child is alert enough and does not refuse to drink plenty of fluids, medications can be delayed.
  • The temperature is above 38 ° C in infants, since children under one year old are at risk. During the heat, their metabolic processes are activated and the body is rapidly dehydrated, which can cause complications to the heart and nervous system. When, during a fever in young children, the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, it is desirable to reduce it, however, in each individual case, only a doctor can make the right decision by conducting a visual examination.
  • The temperature is above 38 ° C in children prone to febrile convulsions - individual intolerance to high temperature. This is typical for children under the age of 6 years. At an older age, the nervous system becomes more formed, and convulsions no longer occur. In case of febrile convulsions, the child should be shown to a neurologist. If even a single convulsion occurs at elevated temperature, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic drug (we recommend reading:).
  • It is difficult for the baby to breathe through the nose. Breathing the crumbs through the mouth leads to the drying of the mucosa and the rapid spread of the virus, which can enter the lower respiratory tract. During the heat, these processes occur more intensively. In addition, obstructed nasal breathing can lead to hypoxia. Lack of oxygen is very dangerous for the health of newborns.
  • With cardiological, neurological and pulmonary diseases. To prevent the occurrence of complications in the heart, central nervous system and respiratory organs, it is necessary to reduce the temperature above 38.5 ° C.

The temperature of 38 ° C in a child: to reduce or not?

If the child has a temperature of 38 ° C, should it be lowered? It all depends on how he feels. With some severe bacterial infections, as well as harmful influenza viruses, intoxication of the patient's body occurs. In this case, already at a temperature of 38 degrees, the baby's condition noticeably worsens: weakness, chills, headache and muscle pain appear. To improve his well-being and relieve fever, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic drug. However, if the baby is in good health during a fever, it is better to do without medication.

If a child has chills and a headache, it is better to resort to the help of antipyretic drugs.

In what cases should you sound the alarm?

The usual occurrence of fever should not alarm, however, in some cases, you should immediately call a doctor. This must be done in the following situations:

  1. during a fever, the baby has cold limbs, which is one of the signs of a preconvulsive state;
  2. the child has not reached the age of one, a rapidly increasing fever can lead to seizures;
  3. the baby became pale and very lethargic, there was a chill or even loss of consciousness;
  4. the temperature has exceeded 40 degrees;
  5. the body has lost most of the fluid with incessant diarrhea or vomiting;
  6. anxiety of the baby with fever, incessant crying;
  7. fever in the febrile range does not subside for more than 3 days.

Temperature after vaccination

Often the reaction to the vaccine is manifested in the form of a fever. You should not be afraid of this. During a fever, the body begins to produce the necessary antibodies - this means that the immune system came to the defense and began to fight the virus.

It is quite difficult to predict what kind of reaction to the vaccine should be expected: some people do not have it at all, some have a slight hyperthermia, while others have a very high one. This is influenced not only by the composition of the vaccine, but also by how purified it is. If the child had a hard time vaccinating, in the future it is better to get an expensive vaccine, but of good quality.

Quite often, hyperthermia is observed after such vaccinations:

  • from DTP;
  • from BCG;
  • from the CPC.

A reaction to the vaccine usually occurs within two days. With the introduction of a live vaccine, hyperthermia is observed within 7-10 days - such a reaction is considered normal.

Some routine vaccinations can cause fever

Which temperature is not dangerous, and which one needs to be brought down:

  • As a rule, in the first 2-3 days after vaccination, a subfebrile degree of fever persists. It's not worth lowering it. Let the body develop the necessary antibodies for protection.
  • High hyperthermia within 39 degrees and the poor condition of the baby pose a danger to the child's body, so you should immediately call a doctor. In the meantime, it is necessary to give him an antipyretic drug: paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • The highest fever can occur after DTP vaccination. This reaction gives whooping cough, which is part of the vaccine. In hot weather, the mark can reach 40 degrees. The situation is complicated by the fact that this fever does not go away within 3 days and is difficult to reduce. With such a reaction, it is desirable to make the next vaccine without pertussis.

In case of a severe reaction to the vaccine (high hyperthermia and deterioration of the neurological condition), the child is given a medical challenge. Vaccination is postponed for some time or not done at all.

Temperature reduction methods

There are methods to reduce fever without the use of drugs:

  1. It is necessary to remove all clothes from the baby (a slight temperature can be kept due to the fact that the child is dressed too warmly). The baby should be without a diaper, otherwise the presence of a diaper will only aggravate the situation.
  2. Wipe the baby's body with a swab dipped in warm water.
  3. Try to bathe the child for 10 minutes, dipping head first. Then, without wiping it, put it in a towel and take it to a ventilated room. It should be remembered that during bathing and rubbing, the temperature of the water and the child's body should differ by no more than one degree, otherwise there will be a risk of vasospasm. With the onset of chills during a fever, bathing and rubbing is prohibited!
  4. Give more liquid. Babies need to breastfeed more often. Older children are allowed to give slightly acidified water, as well as lime and raspberry decoction with honey. With sweating, the heat will subside. After the baby sweats without wiping, put dry clothes on him.
  5. If there is a need to give medicine, the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen is allowed. In addition to these drugs, children are not allowed to give anything, especially aspirin, which is prohibited by the World Health Organization.
  6. Sometimes even medicines do not bring relief, then you need to call an ambulance. As a last resort, doctors will give the child an injection to relieve the fever.
  7. At night, try to change your baby's clothes and, if possible, change bedding. Usually, a high temperature that does not subside for 6 days decreases at night, as a result of which sweat begins to be profusely released. In order to prevent hypothermia of the baby's body and the occurrence of possible complications, it is necessary to dress him in time in dry and clean clothes.

Summing up

What temperature can harm the child's body, and which one does not need to be brought down? Reduction is required in the following situations:

  • with hyperthermia above 39 degrees, regardless of the type of disease;
  • with a severe reaction to the vaccine;
  • preservation of hyperthermia for a long time, temperature that is difficult to reduce;
  • in the presence of febrile convulsions;
  • severe intoxication;
  • with difficulty breathing through the nose.

In all other cases, it is possible to get rid of fever without the use of antipyretics. To do this, it is recommended to give plenty of fluids, do not dress the baby too warmly, be in a ventilated room and do regular wet cleaning.

Our expert - pediatrician Maria Sedova.

Why do you need a fever

Fever usually occurs on the background of a viral infection. Often the disease begins with an increase in body temperature, other symptoms appear later.

The rules of modern medicine prohibit bringing down the body temperature, not exceeding 38.5 ° C.

In fact, heat is a good sign. After all, an increase in temperature means that the body has entered the fight against infection, and a high temperature means that the body is doing well.

Fever, as a reaction to a disease, speaks of healthy immunity - so this is not a reason for fear, but for joy. Artificially lowering the temperature can weaken the protection, so you should not resort to it without a good enough reason, at least until the thermometer shows more than 38.5 °.

Three degrees, three distinctions

There are three degrees of fever:

  • subfebrile (37.2-38 ° C)
  • febrile (38-39.1 ° C)
  • hyperthermic (39.1 ° C and above).

A body temperature of 37-37.1 ° C for young children is considered normal, and for up to three years you can not pay attention to it at all.

The decrease in temperature becomes relevant when it reaches the hyperthermic degree or approaches it. Whether or not a child needs to be brought down to a temperature above 38.5 °C depends on their condition, as it does not necessarily correspond to the readings of the thermometer. If a sick child does not feel very bad and is alert enough, then there is no need to lower the temperature - you just need to monitor your well-being. For a child who does not tolerate heat well, you need to find a way to reduce it.

We shoot down correctly

To reduce the temperature, it is not necessary to immediately resort to antipyretic drugs.

First you need to undress the child (sometimes the temperature can rise by 1-2 degrees simply from the fact that the child is wrapped up). If this is a baby, make sure that he is not wearing a diaper - this item is absolutely incompatible with elevated body temperature.

You can try wiping with warm water with the addition of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

It is good to arrange a 10-minute bath for the child, and preferably with the head, and then, without wiping, wrap it in a sheet or towel and bring it to a ventilated room. However, during water procedures and rubdowns, it is important that the water temperature is no more than 1 degree lower than body temperature - otherwise a strong contrast can cause vasospasm. And - attention! - If the child's fever is accompanied by chills, neither bathe nor wipe it.

During a fever, drinking is important. Babies can be applied to the breast indefinitely, and it is useful for older children to drink slightly acidified water, as well as to give natural diaphoretics: lime or raspberry decoction with honey. Sweating also has an antipyretic effect. A sweaty child should be changed into dry clothes, but not wiped.

If there is a need for an antipyretic drug, then medicines such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are allowed for children. More "adult" drugs can be harmful, of which aspirin is especially dangerous, which is generally prohibited by the World Health Organization for use in children.

In rare cases, when conventional antipyretics do not help, you have to call an ambulance. The arriving team will give the child an injection of a lytic mixture (analgin-papaverine-diphenhydramine), but this, of course, is an extreme measure.

Among people prone to self-medication, and, unfortunately, even among some doctors, there are supporters of the unjustified use of antibiotics, including as an antipyretic. This is a harmful delusion: antibiotics have their own, special indications for use and an increase in temperature is not such an indication. Antibiotics are designed to treat bacterial infections and are not only useless in viral diseases, but are also contraindicated.

When to worry

Although fever itself is not a cause for concern, there are individual manifestations of it, requiring urgent contact with the attending physician. These are the cases when:

  • a child with a fever has cold hands and feet, which may be a sign of a preconvulsive condition;
  • the child is less than 1 year old, and the temperature rises rapidly (risk of seizures);
  • fever accompanied by pallor and chills or extreme lethargy up to confusion;
  • the temperature has risen above 41 ° C;
  • there was a large loss of fluid (when fever is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea and vomiting);
  • the child constantly cries during a fever;
  • febrile (above 38 ° C) temperature lasts longer than 3 days.


In some cases, the temperature must be reduced without even waiting for 38 ° C. When?

  • Children with neurological problems (due to a tendency to febrile convulsions).
  • Children with chronic heart disease.
  • Infants in the first three months of life.

Childhood illnesses are often accompanied by fever. Some children remain cheerful and active even at a temperature of 39 degrees, while others already have headaches, fever and even convulsions at 37.5. Every mother should know how to bring down a child's high temperature and at what indicators medical antipyretic drugs can be used.

Most doctors unanimously advise starting to lower the child's body temperature from 38.5-39 degrees. This mark is especially critical for babies under 3 years old, since at this age it most often causes fever.

Children under 2 months old should bring down the temperature already at the level of 37.7, because in newborns the course of all inflammatory processes occurs very quickly and their development can lead to a sad ending. To lower the temperature, the child can be given Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

An increase in body temperature is a sign of the manifestation of the body's fight against infection, but in a child it still needs to be knocked down. High temperature, fever exhaust the child, exhaust the strength and, if the temperature does not go astray, can cause hyperthermic syndrome. The fight against temperature should be carried out comprehensively, including taking antipyretic drugs, drinking plenty of water, proper nutrition, etc.

  1. Cool and humid indoor air. The room where the patient is located should be ventilated more often. It is desirable that the home thermometer shows no more than 20 degrees. At the same time, it is better if the air in the room is humidified. If there is no household equipment for this, then damp towels or sheets can be hung in the child's room. This is the main measure that allows you to bring down the temperature.
  2. Plentiful drink. The heat can dehydrate the body of children, so when the temperature rises, it is necessary to give the child as much liquid as possible. Another thing is that in this state it is very difficult to persuade the baby to drink even a little water or tea. You will have to go to tricks and persuade the baby to drink from a spoon or bottle. The liquid should not be hot, but not cold. It is best to give water, diluted juices, sweetened tea.
  3. cool rubdown. This measure helps to bring down the temperature in combination with drugs. Children can only be washed with water. It is not recommended to use solutions with vodka or vinegar. Also, you can not use this method in those crumbs that have neurological diseases or had seizures against the background of an increase in temperature.
  4. Lightweight loose clothing. You can not dress the baby warmly, even when he is shivering. The ideal kit for the patient is panties and a T-shirt or short-sleeved T-shirt.
  5. Antipyretic drugs. To bring down the temperature, children are given syrups or tablets based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, strictly observing the dosage. It is better not to use suspensions and tablets more often than once every 6 hours. If the situation does not change, then the child is prescribed drugs based on ibuprofen, as it is able to reduce the fever for a longer time. You can use rectal suppositories. They do not irritate the baby's gastric mucosa and have a quick effect.

The children's body is very sensitive to various components, additives and flavorings that are part of drugs. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, then the medication should be stopped. It is better to call a doctor, and the specialist will give specific recommendations.

How can you not bring down the temperature in a child?

Measures to reduce high temperatures may vary. To understand how you can and how not to bring down the temperature, you need to watch the child. According to external signs, hyperthermia can be:

  • "white"- hot forehead and cold extremities in the baby, pallor of the skin;
  • "red"- the child is "burning", the skin is red.

Measures to reduce high temperature for one species may be completely unsuitable for another.

With "white" hyperthermia, one should not rub the legs and arms, expose the skin, do cool compresses, since this manifestation of elevated temperature is associated with vasospasms. In the second case, these procedures can be carried out.

There are also contraindications to the use of some folk recipes to combat high fever in a child. Many argue about the dangers and benefits of rubbing with vodka or vinegar. These remedies have been tested by many mothers and grandmothers, they really help to quickly return to normal, but as a result of such a “treatment”, the skin of the crumbs can get a severe burn. In addition, vodka and vinegar easily penetrate the child's blood and can seriously harm him.

Often, mothers at high temperatures give their son or daughter tea with raspberry jam and wrap them in a warm blanket. This method is also harmful. Raspberries are a strong diuretic and after drinking the drink, the child will urinate heavily. And at a high temperature, his body is already very dehydrated. Raspberry tea can be given to the baby only if he drinks a lot of water.

Young children are contraindicated in taking a number of drugs that are recognized as toxic or harmful:

  • "Amidopyrin";
  • "Antipyrine";
  • "Phenacetin";
  • "Analgin".

Contraindications to the use of "Analgin" due to its properties to reduce hematopoietic processes. After taking this medication, cases of loss of consciousness, severe allergic reactions and a decrease in body temperature to 35 degrees were recorded.