Teamwork fiery rooster. Collective work "Cockerel"

Extracurricular activity for primary school students "Meeting the Year of the Fiery Rooster"

Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU School No. 47 Samara
Description: This material can be used by primary school teachers and educators for extracurricular activities in primary school.
Target: the formation of students' ideas about the symbol of 2017.
- organize active leisure of students, raising interest in reading cognitive literature;
- remember and consolidate knowledge about the symbol of the New Year 2017;
- broaden the horizons of children;
- improve the ability to expand and coherently answer questions;
- develop memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the studied material, highlight the main thing.

Lesson progress

Here he sits on suitcases
Monkey at the door
After all, the Rooster is now in charge here
Among all other animals.

He brought a sleigh with him
And they have gifts for us,
Happiness, money, luck,
And health in reserve.

And smiles and hugs
Miracles for the whole year
And a bag of grace
To live without worries!

According to the Chinese horoscope, 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster. The Chinese New Year does not have a fixed date, the day depends on the phase of the moon. In 2017, New Year falls on January 28th. The New Year holiday in China is called Pinyin, translated as "spring festival".
Today we will try to learn as much as possible about this important person of the year.
Hello hello
New Year!
It's the rooster's turn.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will disperse sadness, longing.
Give wings to fly
Golden eggs without counting.
Combat will lift the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

In ancient times, the rooster symbolized the sun. With his singing, he proclaims to the whole world about the victory over the forces of evil, primarily clouds. The rooster of the Slavic people has always been the embodiment of Fire. Even the god of fire was depicted most often in the form of a red fiery rooster. Either because this bird greets the dawn with its singing, or maybe because the oldest breeds of chickens, roosters, wear red plumage.
The rooster not only announces the beginning of the day, but is also the conductor of the sun. In mythology, it is believed that, like the sun, the Rooster "counts" the time ("first roosters", "third roosters", to "roosters", etc.)

1 presenter
The word "rooster" in Russian comes from the verb "sing", since ancient times the rooster was revered as a solar bird, "herald of the Sun." One of the most important functions of the rooster is sentinel. His singing signifies the beginning of a new hour. It all started with the watch.
Indeed, in ancient times, not every person could afford a watch, but then roosters were just as cheap. Even the ancient Greeks believed that the crowing of a rooster begins the first hour of the day.
Russian peasants thought that the gates of heaven were closed at night. And after that, evil spirits get the opportunity to harm a person. This has always been the case in Europe.
It is not for nothing that evil spirits always come at night. And they leave with the first Morning crowing of a rooster. The rooster has a particularly sensitive ear. He is the first to know about the heavenly matins and notifies the whole world about it.
Probably, even primitive people saw in the rooster, loudly proclaiming the onset of a new day, the mysterious messenger of supernatural forces, the deity of the Sun.
It is known that wild roosters were domesticated as cult animals in ancient India (III...II millennium BC). It was strictly forbidden to eat the meat of roosters, but at the same time it was allowed to hunt wild chickens and eat them. Only much later in ancient Europe, meat of domestic chicken, and then eggs began to be eaten.

Knocked to visit us
Cockerel cheerful,
He sings songs in the morning
In villages and villages.

Bright scarlet scallop,
Flickering outside the window
new year cockerel,
Congratulations to all of us!

2 Lead:
The image of the Guardian Rooster was often tried to be placed on the roofs of houses, poles, weather vanes, spiers, as well as on caskets and chests.

The Chinese depict the image of the red Rooster on the walls of the house as a talisman against fire.

In Russia, the rooster was associated with fires. "Let the red rooster in" - this is how they talked about a flaring fire, arson because of its fiery plumage and hot temper. About a person whose house was damaged by fire they said:
"He has a fried rooster settled." Therefore, probably, the expression about the "fried" rooster, which symbolized a large degree of trouble, a real misfortune in the household, went.

Red Fire Rooster
Let it bring kindness to the house
Health, happiness, fidelity,
Good, luck, generosity.

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
Let misfortunes be forgotten.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you much joy!
But the symbol of the Portuguese city of Barcelos is a real roasted rooster. Here he is considered a fair bird, as he saved the life of a man.

There is such a legend:
Once, pilgrims were passing through this city and stopped to spend the night at an inn. And the mistress of this yard liked the youngest of them. But the pilgrim did not like the hostess. For this, she decided to take revenge on the young man: she hid her silverware, and accused this young man of theft. The young man was sentenced to death, but he asked for the last word. And when the pilgrim before the execution was brought to a feast in the house of the judge, he said, looking at a dish with a roasted rooster: "I am so innocent that when they hang me, this rooster will crow!"

All the guests, together with the host, laughed at the poor unfortunate man. But a miracle happened - at the hour of execution, this rooster suddenly came to life, spread its wings and crowed. So the rooster saved this innocent young man.
Since then, the black cockerel has been the symbol of the city of Barcelos.

2 Lead:
Since time immemorial, the Gallic rooster has been the symbol of France. The ancient Romans called the Gauls the Celts who inhabited Gaul - the territory of modern France, Belgium and Northern Italy. The Latin word "gallus" means not only "gall", but also "rooster". The Romans gave this name to the Celts because they were all red-haired and their fiery red tufts resembled cockscombs. In 1792, the image of a rooster appeared on a new 20-franc coin, and the French, who considered the Gauls their ancestors, interpreted it as a "Gallic rooster" and began to consider it their national emblem.

The expression "Gallic rooster" entered the literary speech as an allegory of France. French President de Gaulle introduced him to military medals as a symbol of the fighting spirit of France. The rooster is the emblem of the National Olympic Committee of France.
The rooster periodically appeared on the coins of France: in 1871-1914 on gold coins in denominations of 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs; in 1950-1958 on coins of 10 and 20 francs.

No wonder they say about the bully "pugnacious, like a rooster." The fighting qualities of roosters were highly valued in ancient Greece. In ancient Rome, Rhodes and Tonagrian roosters were taught fighting techniques. Cockfights on the islands of Java, Tahiti, Sumatra and Celebes were described by European travelers in the 16th century. English schoolchildren in the XII century. during the holidays they entertained themselves with cock contests, and the Indian rajas did not disdain these contests.

Cockfights were a common pastime not only for the nobility, but also for other estates - burghers, merchants, officials, and also foreigners. This entertainment was born in Russia in the XVIII century. with the light hand of A.G. Orlov, who first ordered fighting cocks from England. Another rich man N.V. Vsevolzhsky also ordered roosters with a pedigree from England, only gray ones, while Orlov acquired red ones. Each laid egg was protected, as it turned out to be a thoroughbred chicken. The pedigree of each rooster had its own record. In the 19th century the tradition of cockfighting was not only not lost, but also actively developed in private houses and taverns.
Fights between roosters were considered a popular spectacle in past centuries in India, China, Persia and other countries of the East.
Sites for cockfights were made in a round shape with a flooring of mats with a diameter of about 6 m. The site was surrounded by a fence, which facilitated the presence of roosters directly during the fight within the field. A competition (match) usually consisted of a predetermined number of fights between participating birds, the outcome of the fight was determined based on the maximum number of wins.
Roosters sing not just for beauty. With their singing, they predict the weather with great enthusiasm and accuracy.

There are signs:
-Roosters begin to sing immediately after sunset - the weather will change.
-If the kochet sings after 10 pm, the night will be quiet and good.
-When the rooster crows before 9 pm, it is a sign that the weather will change and it will rain soon.
- In winter, singing at this time indicates the onset of an imminent thaw.
But the nighttime crowing of a rooster is interpreted in different ways in different places.
In Georgia, they believe that it serves as a harbinger of a change in the weather for the worse.
In Germany, it is believed that if one of the roosters decides to sing while standing on a dunghill, the weather may remain the same, but if he wants to do it in a chicken coop, then the same weather will stand for exactly another week.
In Poland, when the roosters crow, the weather is simply unreliable.
Roosters love to scratch near trees. From the side in which they turn the chest, you can expect wind. Cockfighting portends good weather, while standing on one leg in winter means frost.
Crowing is a kind of challenge to other roosters, to which they give a response call. True, in the case when the rivals are cocks of the same rank. If, say, in the same yard a cock that occupies a subordinate position crows, then the dominant one simply attacks him, without honoring him with an answer.
The cry of a rooster can be heard at a distance of two kilometers. The same cock crows always the same song, the differences are very small. During the singing, the rooster, like the singing capercaillie, does not hear anything. Young cockerels try to sing from the age of three weeks.

Do you know that human onomatopoeia of cock singing sounds differently in different countries.
In Germany, Japan - "ko-ke-kok-ko".
In Japan, "ko-ke-kok-ko"
In Sweden - "ku-ke-li-ku".
In Italy - "chi-ki-ri-chi".
In France - "ko-ko-ri-ko.
In Bulgaria - "ku-ku-ri-gu".
And in England - "cockey-doodle-doo"
1 Lead:
Chicken eggs are mostly white, but sometimes brown and blue (in South American chickens), and one hen from an Italian village once laid a green egg.

Kukareko quiz

1. What does the word "rooster" mean?
(Rooster - "singer")
2. In which country is the rooster the national bird?
3. How is a city in the Vladimir region of Russia named after this bird?
4. What does rooster crow mean?
(Beginning of a new hour)
5. According to popular belief, what disappears with the first cock crow?
(Night ghosts)
6. What is the plumage on the neck of a rooster called?
7. How many fingers are on a rooster's paw?
(Four fingers, of which one is pointing back and the other three are forward.)
8. In which country is it believed that the rooster crows not “crow”, but “kokey-doodle-doo”?
(In England)
9. What kind of rooster should peck a person so that he begins to correct something?
(Roasted. "Until the roasted rooster pecks.")
10. Which rooster is the symbol of fire?
(Red rooster. Let the red rooster go - deliberately set fire to it.)
11. What does the phrase "with the first roosters" mean?
(Early in the morning)
12. Who praises the rooster, in the famous fable of I.A. Krylov?
(Cuckoo. Fable "Cuckoo and Rooster".)
13. What helped the Rooster to drive the Fox out of Zaykin's hut in a fairy tale?
14. What was the golden cockerel supposed to be for King Dadon, sitting on a spoke-spire?
15. Who ran away from Karabas and Duremar on a rooster?
(Pinocchio. In A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".)
Teacher: And now we will get acquainted with the games that are also associated with the symbol of the year.
"Rooster Fight"
Participants are divided into two teams and stand in two lines opposite each other. A circle with a diameter of about 2 meters is drawn between the lines.
From each team, one player is selected - roosters. They stand in the center of the circle, stand on one leg, and hold their hands behind their backs. On command, they begin to push each other. The goal is to push the opponent out of the circle or force him to stand on both feet. If it succeeds, then the team receives a bonus point. Then the next "roosters" go to the "battlefield".

When all the players take part, the relay race ends. The team with the most points wins.
The game "Circular bluffs"
Everyone stands in a circle, they choose a blind man's blind man with a counting rhyme. After that, the blind man is blindfolded, placed in the middle of the circle and given a folded paper tube in his hands. Children join hands and walk in a round dance, saying in chorus:
"In a carousel after each other
We're walking in a wide circle."
Now the kids have moved. Zhmurka does not know who is where. When the round dance stops, the blind man's blind man pulls the tube forward and moves forward until the tube rests against one of the guys. The one who is touched must “voice”. For example, meow or crow. The voice of the blind man must guess who it is. If you managed to guess, then the recognized player becomes the new driver.

I wish you in the New Year
To bring a cock of goodness,
Let him bring a bag of money
And spiritual warmth.

Let the fire add to the heart
Well, the head - the mind,
To you with home delivery,
Happiness brought fate.

May everything that you dreamed about
Certainly this year
So patiently waiting
Will definitely come!
(Each participant in the lesson receives a cockerel lollipop)

Svetlana Anisimova

On the eve of the new year, everywhere you can find various souvenirs in the form of "Cockerel" as well as next year, the year - the Fire Rooster. The rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. This bird loves to be in the center of attention and demands respect for his person, this is evidenced by his demeanor, plumage coloring, chic tail, proud gait, spurs on his legs.

What could be better than to earn respect and win the trust of the Fire Rooster by making the symbol of 2017 with your own hands.

The master class for making our collective work is extremely simple. We will try to make "Cockerel" bright and mischievous.

Target: the formation of creative skills and abilities in the field of artistic culture.

Zada chi:

1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about poultry - a rooster.

2. Cause positive emotions and desires to make a cockerel.

3. Develop imagination, accuracy in making crafts.

I suggest that the guys take colored paper, put their palm on it and circle it with a simple pencil:

Then we take scissors and carefully cut out our painted palms:

When we have prepared a sufficient number of palms, we proceed to compose the composition "Cockerel", glue them according to the pattern on paper.

And now our work is ready. The guys from the "Kapelki" group were satisfied with their work and with great pleasure decorated the locker room for the upcoming New Year's holiday!

Related publications:

The holidays, especially the New Year, become an inspiration for people who love to make gifts with their own hands. And children, and even more so, always.

Preparations for the new year are in full swing. To decorate the group, the guys and I decided to make a symbol of the upcoming 2017 with our own hands.

In order for the symbol of the new 2017 - the fiery rooster to be favorable to you, it is advisable to appease the cockerel with a craft made by yourself.

Master class "Rooster - the symbol of the year 2017" Hello, dear colleagues! On the eve of the holiday, everyone is engaged in crafts, both themselves and so.

The most magical and cheerful holiday - the New Year - is getting closer and closer. Unexpected gifts, festive garlands, firework sparks, and of course.

The Year of the Rooster looms on the threshold, It is red, it burns with fire! Does it bring new worries, Or does it only promise the brightness of the holiday? (Olga Taevskaya).

New Year is one of the most magical and fabulous holidays of the year, we cannot imagine without preparation. New Year's mood begins with Christmas trees.

A bit of astrology

The rooster will try to test many for strength, especially those who rely only on luck, and not on their own strengths and capabilities. The Fire Rooster will come into its own from January 28 and will rule until February 15, 2018. The Rooster himself is bright, sociable and elegant. In the coming year, the color of the Rooster and the element that it represents will be reflected in all our undertakings and life moments. The color of 2017 is Red, and the element of fire suggests an incredible desire for excellence, striving for high achievements and unsurpassed heights.

A bright year awaits us with a lot of impressions and events!

For needlewomen, it is worth preparing for the coming year. We have collected in the article several interesting and useful master classes that will definitely help you prepare gifts for your loved ones, decorate a house for the upcoming 2017. So, how can we please the Fire Rooster, win him over and make the coming year easier, more enjoyable and more productive?

DIY red rooster

We invite you to arrange a holiday - a party in the style of a red Rooster. To do this, you need to decorate your home, prepare it for a party in an original and symbolic style. For such a decor, small details of the interior are suitable, which will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday, plunge into a fairy tale and enjoy the coming New Year.

To make it, we need:

3 plastic bottles, 2 plastic plates, 5-6 plastic glasses in red and yellow, 2 disposable spoons.

The tops of plastic bottles must be cut off and sealed with tape, as shown in the picture.

From disposable plates we make such a wonderful tail for our Red Fire Rooster.

From the remains of the plates we make wings and attach the head of the Rooster, made, for example, from a pool ball.

We sew a dress for the New Year's party

What else is important for holding such a party? Of course the costumes! You can just dress in red - this color is a symbol of the coming year and the Fire Rooster will really like it. There is still time to sew a beautiful red dress for yourself, so you will be original, and the Rooster will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Well, let's take one of the master classes as an example. You will understand that sewing a Rooster to decorate your home, or as a gift to guests and loved ones, is not so difficult. A little love for needlework and a desire to please loved ones with the originality of your gift.

Sew a rooster pillow.

This pillow is perfect for your New Year's party! Guests can comfortably sit on these pillows and then take them home as a keepsake of the 2017 meeting!

And so, let's get started:

Here we will sew such a Cockerel, really handsome!

For tailoring we need:

  • Yellow fabric (you can take any other color, or make several different ones) 25 by 56 cm
  • Some fabric for decoration (red and polka dots)
  • Threads, needles
  • Scissors
  • Filler (Hollofiber)
  • Sintepon
  • 2 large buttons

DIY rooster as a gift

All of the above ideas you can use both to decorate your holiday and for gifts for the New Year.

The plan is a summary of an open lesson for younger schoolchildren at the Phytodesign studio on the topic: “Floral traditional New Year's toys made from natural materials. Symbol of the year: Rooster.

Target: revealing the creative potential of students through the study of the technology of creating a traditional decorative floristic New Year's toy.
- master the technological methods and the algorithm for creating a floral New Year's toy;
- consider options for semi-volumetric and planar New Year's toys made of natural and decorative materials;
- get acquainted with the history and ethnographic characteristics of the symbol of the coming year.
- develop creativity and imagination;
- expand and deepen knowledge of floristry and phytodesign;
- pay attention to the development of psychomotor skills and analytical abilities.
- stimulate interest in nature, traditions and history of the native land and the world,
folklore and ethnography;
- to cultivate artistic taste, interest and love for applied art;
- instill skills of diligence, mutual respect, encourage initiative and creativity.
Lesson type: combined.
Type of lesson: collective, individual.
Conduct form: lecture-conversation and practical work.
Lesson organization method Keywords: explanatory and illustrative method, method of practical demonstration and practical work, verbal teaching methods (lecture, conversation), game method, master class.
Equipment and materials used: laptop, camera, glue guns and extension cords, scissors, PVA and silicone glue, toy templates (15 pcs), decorative and natural materials for decoration.
Methodological and didactic materials: books with illustrations, drawings and decorative panels of a fabulous orientation, made by students of studios of arts and crafts direction of GBOU DO RK "Ddyut"; toys and souvenirs in the form of a cockerel from the personal collections of the students of the studio, photographic materials, samples of works made from natural and decorative materials, samples of templates.
Description of the event:
The open session is timed to coincide with the start of preparations for the traditional winter holidays. At the lesson, students get acquainted not only with the technological aspects of the work, but also with the symbolic, literary and cultural features of the image of the "cockerel" in the traditional cultures of the world. Children do not just learn new material and repeat what they have learned, the emphasis is on a creative approach to work and author's improvisation. During the course of the lesson, students actively interact with each other and the teacher. The lesson is designed for students of the studio aged 7 to 12 years. The number of participants is 12-15 people. Time - two blocks of 45 minutes with a break of 10 minutes (physical education). The first block is devoted to the theoretical part, when an interesting lecture-conversation is held about the rooster, its place in the culture of the peoples of the world, and the symbolism of the image. The second block is a practice, during which students study the design features of samples, get acquainted with the master class, create their own Christmas decorations on a given topic. This event assumes high activity of all its participants.
Preliminary preparation.
For a teacher. Creation of a master class and samples of New Year's decorative floristic toys "Cockerel"; selection of photo materials, decoration of the office with drawings, three-dimensional panels, toys. Writing a plan-outline; selection of the place and time of the event, coordination with all responsible persons and participants, their timely notification, consultations on emerging issues, any other coordination activities.
For students. Recall fairy tales and poems, proverbs, sayings, where the main character is a rooster; bring pictures and drawings of a cockerel, any toys or favorite images in the form of a hen or a kochet and tell their story.
Lesson plan:
1. Organizational part.
2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
3. Opening remarks. Conversation, creative game with students.
4. Actualization of basic knowledge.
5. Explanation of the new material.
6. Physical education.
7. Practical part: interactive demonstration and creative work.
8. Analysis of the work performed.
9. Summing up.
10. Cleaning jobs.
Lesson progress:
1. Organizational part.
Organization of the group and workplaces, checking those present. Greetings. A brief repetition of safety precautions when working in the Phytodesign studio and being in the DDYUT building.
2. Preparatory part.
Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson, familiarization with the lesson plan. Instructions for all participants in the educational process.
3. Introductory speech of the teacher.
According to the eastern calendar, each year has its own patron - one of the twelve celestial animals. Each of them has its own characteristics, its own character. Knowing this, you can try to persuade the owner of the year to your side. Then all twelve months until the next New Year will be fun, interesting, and fate will undoubtedly generously endow you. The most common and beautiful of the existing legends about the appearance of the eastern horoscope says. Before leaving the Earth, the Buddha invited all the animals to his place to say goodbye. The first twelve beasts that hasten to come to him, the Buddha promised a valuable gift - the opportunity to reign for a whole year, every twelve years. The cunning and agile Rat was the first to run to the Buddha, then the industrious Ox appeared. The third was the militant Tiger, followed by the fluffy Rabbit. And at that very moment the mighty Dragon flew in and the wise Serpent crawled. Then came the turn of the fleet-footed Horse and the graceful Goat. Behind them, a savvy Monkey descended from the branches, and a proud Rooster entered. The faithful Dog managed to reach the Buddha among the twelve, and, finally, a joyfully grunting Pig ran into the sacred chamber. The Buddha assigned a year to each guest, and this year acquired their character and emotional qualities.
The upcoming 2017 will be the year of the Fire Rooster, and its color will be red.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the element of Fire is associated with infinite vitality and continuous movement, and is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success. In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is a sophisticated, elegant, sociable sign. He is very insightful, scrupulous and even pedantic. But also organized, determined, brave, hardy. He is demanding of himself and others, but also very responsible. Mostly conservative and practical. And at the same time, a perfectionist to the core. And he just loves attention and cannot live without compliments and praise. Although the tendency to empty bravado sometimes makes a decent Rooster a real windbag and a liar. And such is the cockerel not only among the Eastern peoples.
-Tell me, what do you remember about the rooster, what is it like in our songs and fairy tales?
students take turns telling poems or texts of songs about a rooster, recall the proverbs of a fairy tale.
1. There is a cockerel,
red scallop,
tail patterns,
Boots with spurs
double beard,
frequent walking,
He gets up early in the morning
Singing red songs

2. "Petya, Petya, cockerel,
Golden comb.
butter head,
silk beard,
That you get up early
Sing songs loudly
Don't let the kids sleep!

3. Hush, hush, Cockerel!
Don't sing so loud!
Sleeping my little granddaughter
A little patience!"
“I can’t sing quietly!”
He spread his wings
"I can't stand it
The sun is about to rise!
That's why I and the Rooster
Wake everyone up at dawn
Let your sleepy-grandson get up,
Let's sing a duet
T. Garg

4. Important Pied Cockerel
Proudly wears a comb.
Always rises at dawn
Calls everyone to work:
- Lazybones, stop sleeping,
Gotta meet the sun!
Sang a ringing song
And flew into the chicken coop.
He didn't sleep a bit.
- I got up too early in the morning.
T. Lavrova

5.- For whom, cockerel, do you sing?
Why do you get up before dawn?
- I must wake up the sun -
Suddenly forgets that it is necessary to ascend?
Do not wake up - trouble will happen:
A bright day will never come!
I go to bed early and get up early
I sing songs to the sun loudly.
The sun will rise to the sky in the morning,
So it's time for everyone to wake up!
N. Kapustyuk

6. "Not a clock, but time tells";
“Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up early”;
“Born twice, never baptized, he sang himself, but died - they didn’t take a funeral”;
"Not a king, but in a crown";
“I have a comb - I don’t use it, I have spurs - I don’t ride.”

Let's remember the tales of the cockerel.
students they name fairy tales and give a brief retelling of the content: “Cat, rooster and fox”, “Cockerel and bean seed”, “Spikelet”, etc.
-You see how often they turn to the image of a rooster. And why was he so significant, why such close attention to him, do you think?
students list:
- The rooster woke people up in the morning, it was used to determine the time, this is such an ancient alarm clock.
- A rooster is needed so that the hens lay eggs, and without eggs, you can’t knead the dough, and you can’t bake a pie.
- The rooster warned with a cry about a fire and if a fox climbed into the chicken coop.
Now look at the pictures and toys. Let there be such a creative game. Describe your neighbor's rooster in one or two words, you can even come up with a name.
students give impromptu characteristics to cockerels.
-Summarize. What is he - a rooster, Petushok in our Russian folklore tradition?
- Bright, smart, vociferous, hardworking, patient, etc. He has a high opinion of himself, a braggart and a dandy, and also a fighter and sometimes very curious and stupid.
-That's right. There are no only bad and only good fairy-tale characters, just as there are no single-valued people. Fairy tale characters do different things. But in general, our hero, the Rooster, is a positive character and a very necessary member of the fairy-tale community. And this is how it seemed to our ancestors.
According to popular belief, night ghosts disappear with the first cock crow. No wonder they talk about the first-second-third roosters. The rooster, as a protector from all evil and an active fighter against dark forces, has been known since ancient times, amulets with the image of this bird were actively distributed in Egypt, Greece, Persia. In the Middle East, many magical and protective rituals are associated with the rooster. The motif of a rooster crow dispersing evil spirits and scaring away the dead is characteristic of a certain type of fairy tales and legends, is constant in bylichkas, and is also relevant in modern fantasies. As soon as the evil forces that go out at night to do all sorts of abominations and nasty things hear the cock's song, they immediately rush away.

The crowing of a rooster heralds the sunrise. From time immemorial, the Slavs considered roosters to be the helpers of the Yaril-Sun itself. Like the sun, the rooster is vigilant and all-seeing. The rooster has become a symbol of the Sun, a talisman. For accuracy and constancy they were called prophetic birds, because roosters crow at the same time. Perhaps it was they who became the prototypes of the magical mythical bird - things Gamayun.
A light or red rooster has always been associated with daylight, warmth and flame. Look at the red comb of the rooster: it is very similar to the tongues of fire and the fire. And it so happened in the minds of our ancestors that a bird with a flame on its head, and even announcing the sunrise, is unequivocally connected in some magical way with the element of fire and either itself patronizes it, or the fire favors the cockerel. It is worth recalling at least the well-known saying “let the red rooster go”, i.e. set fire to. The rooster has turned into a kind of talisman-amulet that protects the house from fire. The image of the guardian rooster was placed on the roofs of houses, poles, spiers, weather vanes, as well as on caskets and chests. Such images were supposed to protect the dwelling and property all night, because the evil forces, fearful of the song of the kochet, would never come to the house where the rooster is on the roof at night.

And the COCK was considered the guardian of a large economy. The Russians believed that without a rooster cattle would not breed, milk and butter would be tasteless. The hostess who sells such products is told: “Keep the master in the house!”
- Well, what do you think the golden rooster is like?
"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
... My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
As long as everything is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the side
Expect war for you
Or a raid of belligerent power,
Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raise the comb
Scream and freak out
And it will turn back to that place…”
A.S. Pushkin.
students answer:
- the guardian, all-seeing and all-knowing, guarding the wealth of the king and the inhabitants of his state.
-Correctly. The Golden Cockerel is a symbol of all the brightest and most joyful, a symbol of light that drives away darkness, evil, illness and adversity. And by giving such a cockerel, you wish the person wealth, health and much, much joy. And by decorating the New Year tree with it, you wish it to your family. And it is precisely such a cockerel that we will begin to make today.
4. Actualization of basic knowledge.
- But first, let's remember the techniques for designing and creating collages. What techniques do we use in our work?
- Application, Roman collage, gluing and laying out in a geometric and chaotic manner.
What materials do you think you can use?
- Buckwheat, peas, beans, beads, ribbons, shells ...
-And how do we make a golden cockerel?
-We will paint, cover with gold powder, we will immediately use gold jewelry, ribbons and fabric.
-That's right, you're great.
6. Physical education minute.
Let's discard fatigue, irritation, resentment, so that a particle of evil does not settle in our toy.
So smiled
turned around
Have a good stretch
Gently twisted the neck
Played the flute
Straightened the back.
We finished the workout.
5.Practical part.
--Before we start making toys, let's look at the New Year's cockerels.
The teacher demonstrates examples of toys: illustrations, postcards, photographs, examples from the Internet.


Materials and tools.

Natural materials can be any, the main thing is that they be diversified.
1. The finished template is applied to medium density cardboard. Outline, cut along the contour. On this basis, we draw with a pencil parts of the rooster's body: head, comb, wings, tail feathers.

2. Segmentally coat the surface of the cardboard with thick PVA glue or Titanium and cover it with natural material. Work begins with the head of the cockerel. Then tail and wings. First we glue the largest material available, then smaller and smaller.
In the photo, the fragments are decorated with honey locust seeds.

Next comes the peas. With them we designed part of the tail feathers, paws, beard.

3. We cover the remaining empty space of the cardboard with PVA glue and fill it with millet. Just pour it on top of the glue, then gently shake it off. We will make the beak with the tip of the lionfish.

Let the battery dry. It is very good when each of the segments-parts of the bird's body is made out with a different material. So the head can be covered with millet or sand, the comb, beard and one tail feather with peas, lionfish can be used for wings. The same design principle is used when working with beads and various decorative materials. We draw up the base on both sides.

4. When the cockerel dries, no traces of glue will be visible. We make the reverse side. First of all, glue the loop. The loop is not attached to the head, otherwise the heavy toy will turn over, but on the back, near the tail. Mono make a hole with an awl, you can just use glue.
We work according to the already known scheme: first we coat it fragmentarily with PVA glue, then we decorate the cardboard base with the largest elements.