The combination of colors in clothes: how to choose the right color scheme for your image? What colors are combined with the color of the sea wave The color of the moray eel is a combination with others.

Still, there are colors that are the most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. Dressing in monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad taste.

There are few exceptions to this rule - if you are not a bride and not in mourning, then your clothes should contain three shades - the main color, the additional one - harmonizing and shading the main and, possibly, a contrasting detail, an intriguing color accent. Selecting and combining them correctly is often a very difficult task.

A lucky few, naturally endowed with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose the color scheme of their wardrobe based on their intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylish and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules established by Sir Isaac Newton!

White color - with everyone

Beige color boldly combined with calm tones, and can also be perfectly combined with more saturated and bright tones. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, swamp, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

Pink color- with white and pale blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color- with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, purple and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones now boldly blend into each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her worth. Bordeaux is combined with black and dark blue, as well as with colors: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with Bordeaux: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

Fuchsia, crimson, purple colors are combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white flowers.

Coral color has twelve varieties, these are pink-orange shades, and rich red-orange. Color Matching: White, Beige, Gold, Nude, Brown, Dark Brown, Khaki, Greyscale, Scarlet, Peach Rose, Lilac, Lilac, Hot Pink, Orange, Yellow Orange, Pale Yellow, Navy Blue , grey-blue, black.

Yellow- personifies the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Gold is the color of fame and fortune. Yellow color is combined with colors: swamp, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.

Golden color goes well with colors: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, purple. Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without finishing or addition to it is unattractive.

Yellow color combination table

Orange color- cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the brilliance of the setting sun. Bright orange goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, dark blue or dark gray. Contrasting black is very suitable for orange and yellow colors.

Orange combination table

Brown color- with sky, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac with faded pink. Brown is combined with olive, golden, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, ivory and gray. And the unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make a great impression.

Rusty brown pairs with plum brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

Brown color combination table

Green color- with brown, orange, lettuce, yellow and white colors and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Green color combination table

olive color harmonizes with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

Mustard combined with colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

Blue is combined with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry interspersed with brown, light brown and tomato; grayish orange and purple.

mustard color combination table

night blue combine with caustic pink with coniferous green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones

Light blue - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

Dark blue - with light blue (cyan), gray, red,
denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, lilac.

Blue color combination table

Blue combined with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige. Turquoise is combined with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

Blue color combination table

Lilac pink combined with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with rose red; brown with light brown; silvery with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

purple color - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue. Light shades of purple are called lilac. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.

To purple carry colors of a violet or dark inflorescences of a lilac, violet. Lilac is the color of femininity, associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. Mauve pairs best with dark neutrals like black, gray or navy blue.

Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. It goes best with blue. Lilac color and its various shades is considered one of the most sexy, mysterious, mysterious and sensual colors. Lilac color goes well with colors: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, faded rose, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and purple.

Violet and lilac combination table

Grey colour- the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, soothes contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

Gray is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit, it can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige. Light gray is best combined with pastel colors: soft pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.

Grey-blue goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

Gray color combination table

Apricot x goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and interspersed with pink; grey-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

Camel is combined with blue-gray and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

Khaki is combined with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white coat color; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, pale green and peach; purple, red and peach.
It's even better if the plain khaki is paired with printed clothing in these vibrant colors.

Khaki color combination table

Black, white and gray are used as finishes.

Black looks good next to orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, juicy green with azure, pale green with bright green.

The right combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

  • sharply contrasting colors, for example, red - blue, red - white, red - cornflower blue, red - green, orange - black, orange - cornflower blue, green - white. Such combinations are used in sports, children's and youth clothing;
  • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, purple - lilac, green - salad. Such combinations are used in various types of clothing; semi-tonal colors, for example, pale pink - pale blue, pale salad - pale lilac.
  • solid colors, for example, brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in everyday clothes and clothes of obese women.

All pastel colors are combined with each other regardless of the shade.

Pastel colors are beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that have a lot of white in them. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that makes you look fat.

Use 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and pallor. If you use more than 4 colors in clothes, then when they see you, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

Between themselves, you can combine either related or contrasting colors. All other options are inharmonious.

Related- these are colors that differ from each other in hue (red, pink, dark red).

Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (violet - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red.

The combination of color in clothes is a technique developed over the years, understanding which you can always always be on top. Selection of wardrobe, photo

It is no secret that color can qualitatively improve our appearance. However, any tone is either combined with our appearance, or not. The criteria and laws for selecting him to face lie in. But that's not the problem, having a set of suitable tones, they need to be combined in the wardrobe. How are combinations in clothes built: in harmony with the face, figure, emphasizing each other favorably?
Let me tell you right now, this is not an easy task. And here are two options: understanding with the knowledge of the intricacies of color theory to build a combination, or working according to a template. For your pleasure, in this article I will provide both methods: you will find a detailed description of the construction, as well as a huge number of examples.
And so let's start with the part that comes from color types.

Any appearance has its own contrast. This is not only the difference between the shade of the hair and skin tone, but also the admixture of gray that is contained in the skin tone: the less differences between hair and skin, the more gray in them, the less contrast the appearance will be. Therefore, combinations should be chosen with appropriate contrast, both for people with high and medium expressive appearance.
in clothes - this is attractiveness, harmony. His absence is monochromatic clothing.
Contrasts are needed to enhance color expression, moreover, this concept is almost synonymous with combination.

Combinations in clothes by type of contrast

There are 7 types of combination contrast, however, in practice, one combination usually includes not one, but several (in some cases, there may even be all) types of contrast.

Dark is combined with light, forming a contrast in lightness.

Combination in clothes by temperature:

Cold shades combined with warm ones create an expressive contrast, which can be intense: if the colors are extreme or be soft, where the temperature difference is less pronounced.

Complementary color combination:

Additional are shades, the rays of which (spectral manifestation of colors) when mixed give gray. What are these tones I will tell below in the information about contrasts.

This is the contrast of gray with any shade of the spectrum, when our eye completes an additional tone against the background of gray to match. This effect is barely perceptible over large areas and almost negates, especially with not bright complex shades.

The combination of clothes by saturation

This is a combination of pronounced shades with neutral, complex or muted. Such combinations can also be of different severity.

The combination of clothes according to the size of the color "spot"

And so the main task of this technique was to clearly show that the same principle can be decomposed into different contrasts.

Now about how to combine colors.

Combinations in clothes on the color wheel

The color wheel consists of the basic tones folded in a certain order. In a deeper understanding of the circle, one must have the idea that all colors have sub-hues. So before I provide combination schemes, I will introduce you to the shades.

1 Yellow. It includes various shades of yellow, warm beige, gold, mustard.
2 Yellow-green (or light green). These are chartese, shades of lime, olive, protective, marsh colors, khaki.
3 Saturated medium green (green). These are bright shades of Kelly, green peas, tea, rich dark green shades, pale green tones.
4 Blue-green. These include cold shades of green, turquoise, aqua shades of blue, green, thrush egg color, mint, menthol, jade, emerald, wormwood tone.
5 Medium blue. Shades of blue, sky blue; dark blue, Prussian blue, denim tones.
6 Purple. This is lavender, violet, lilac. Dark purple, violet ultramarine, gray-violet tones.
7 Amethyst (light red-violet). In this sector there are lilac tones, orchids, dark red-violet, purple-violet.
8 Purple. These are pink, lilac tones, magenta, grape, eggplant, plum.
9 Red. These are scarlet, pomegranate, burgundy, cherry tones. This also includes warm pink and red-brown shades.
10 Red-orange. This includes shades of coral, beige, rich brown.
11 Orange. These are autumn tones of orange, peach, soft beige, flesh, medium brown and dark beige.
12 Orange yellow. These are sunny yellow colors, shades of apricot, soft beige, yellow and golden brown, dark beige.

(1) Pair combination of complementary colors: the tones are opposite each other on the Itten circle. In bright terms, this is a dramatic, expressive pair, if you reduce the contrast (as we did above), then the combination will be softer.
(2) Combination by likeness. A combination of related shades that deepens the colors: the eye completes the intermediate tones, due to which the effect of a color-shadow play is obtained.

(3) and (4) Combination triad. On the color wheel in the form of an equilateral and acute triangle. By connecting the lines in this way, you find the best pairs, while it is not necessary to use three tones, each of them combines with each other and may well exist independently.

(5) and (6) Tetrad combination. It consists of two shapes: a rectangle and a square. This combination consists of two pairs of complementary colors. They may well exist without one of the colors, but no more.

Another way is to choose from the collections of combinations in clothes that have already been invented by someone. It consists in the fact that you view, memorize or save your favorite option and create it in your wardrobe.

Let's look at the main color combinations.

The combination of white in clothes

White, like gray, beige, brown, refers to. It goes well with almost all shades, can create both bright, contrasting combinations and gentle, soft ones. It is a great addition to any color scheme. Shades of ivory (ivory) are often referred to white (see),.

The combination of gray in clothes

The combination of cold green in clothes

These are the tones of menthol, kelly, emerald. White, light gray, beige, pale yellow, lilac, coral pink tones are suitable for menthol shades. The same color can form bright pairs with orange, red, dark blue.
Kelly is a rich tone of green that is on the verge of cold-warm. It is combined with coral, peach, blue, beige, warm, cold brown.
Shades of patina and with white, black, beige, brown, dark blue, burgundy. Harmoniously combined with pale pink, peach, yellow, gold ocher.

The combination of yellow in clothes

Yellow tones can be light, soft or bright, or they can border on brown, orange, like shades of mustard. They are also very specific. The combination with yellow can be pastel or flashy, such as black with yellow, yellow with red, etc.

The combination of orange in clothes

Orange can create many very attractive combinations. This color refers to,. The most attractive, in my opinion, will be combinations of orange with white, beige, denim, turquoise, red-violet, fuchsia, blue, green, brown and blue.

The combination of red in clothes

Red in clothes supports classic scales: with white, black, gray and beige. It can be combined with brown, blue and turquoise, mint and shades of purple.

I wish summer would never end. Leave memories of the holiday by trying on clothes in aqua color or diluting a boring look with bright accessories. The main thing - be sure to read what colors it is combined with in order to prevent a fashionable fiasco. And remember, complex shades are the most insidious, but that's why they are so attractive.

You can accidentally forget about all these intricacies of the right combination of colors, or, conversely, decide on a fashionable experiment. In any case, knowing the basics of mixing shades, you will never go wrong with the choice of outfit.

Attention to ingredients

The color of the sea wave consists of two shades - blue and green. Therefore, if you suddenly doubt whether this or that color will be combined with it, remember the components. For example, you absolutely know that yellow is an ideal pair for blue. With the color of the sea wave, it looks no worse.

Or look at the fresh combination of orange and green. If you replace the latter with the color of the sea wave, the image will become more stylish.

Attention to shade

The color of the sea wave, like any other, can have different shades - from pastel light to deep dark. It makes no sense to talk about each separately. You only need to remember one rule - the lighter the main color, the more saturated pick up the auxiliary color to it, and vice versa.

For example, the dark color of the sea wave successfully dilutes the handbag and blouse of a delicate peach shade.

And a pair of lake-blue trousers (the lightest of the shades of aquamarine) will be a colorful blouse or catchy jewelry.

The combination of two pastel shades will allow you to get a gentle, romantic look.

And bright colors in one set, on the contrary, will make others doubt your taste.

However, every rule has its exceptions. See how effective the combination of rich aquamarine, deep purple and bright orange is. Due to the latter, the image is noble, not gloomy.

Correct Proportions

Do not forget that there cannot be two equivalent colors in a set. One of them will always be the main one, and the other one will be complementary.

And in order not to get confused and learn how to correctly combine different colors - watch the video:

Usually in such articles they write what this or that color is combined with. Let's deviate from the usual pattern. In the case of the shade of the sea wave, it is more important for you to know about the ban on the combination with some colors.

Forbidden combination: aqua + black

The common advice “you don’t know what to mix a shade with - dilute it with basic colors” does not work in this case. The combination of colors of the sea wave and black is taboo. The image turns out to be too gloomy, and all the charm of the marine tone is lost.

Do you have a special love for black? Then give preference to one of the shades. For example, make a black tone the basis of the image, and use the color of the sea wave as accessories - a scarf, necklace or shoes.

Or vice versa, choose a dress in a deep shade and dilute it with a black wide belt.

Forbidden combination: aqua + gray

With gray, the color of the sea wave is the worst. The image is lifeless and dull. However, there are exceptions here too.

Firstly, the ensemble will play in a new way if you mix textures. For example, a sea-green chiffon blouse and a gray leather skirt. Or an intricately draped mouse-colored sweater and rich-colored wide trousers.

Secondly, it is not necessary to use matte gray. A jacket or skirt can be metallic or decorated with shiny sequins. And the outfit itself is complemented by cute accessories.

Thirdly, add additional colors to the image. Aqua and gray are boring, but combined with white or black, they are stylish.

Forbidden combination: aqua + white

Such an ensemble has the right to exist, but it will look too simple.

It will be possible to beautifully teach the image with the help of additional bright accessories or a shift in emphasis to one of the colors.

Stylists advise limiting yourself to two, maximum three colors in one set, provided that the latter becomes neutral. The shade of the sea wave is an exception. Create ensembles of several color schemes and the more complex and fancy the image becomes, the more interesting it will look.

Sea green + all shades of yellow

Usually, various shades of two colors do not get along well with each other. This does not apply to the color of the sea wave. The dark shade looks equally great with lemon, mustard or golden. And light - with pear or bright yellow. In a word, the color of the sea wave in all its manifestations is compatible with both cold and warm tones.

Use one of the colors as accessories, as a main or complementary, or equivalent to another in one set.

Sea green + all shades of red

The combination of the color of the sea wave with red is universal. Do you want to look business-like strictly? Include burgundy or wine color in a fashionable ensemble.

Are you fond of 50s fashion and pin up style? The combination of a light shade of a sea wave and scarlet will help you repeat your favorite images.

Use red in accessories to create accents and unite parts of the image.

Sea green + all shades of pink

The color of the sea wave is ideally complemented by bright colors. Pink is no exception.

Create a provocative look with a dress in a rich shade and a fuchsia jacket. Pick accessories to match the main color.

Do you like extravagant combinations? So change the color of fuchsia to coral. In contrast to the deep shade of the sea wave, the set turns out to be delicate and feminine.

Aqua + Orange

Remembering summer, you always want to carry a piece of the sea and the sun with you. It's good that you can boast of memorable events with the help of an image.

A jacket or dress in a juicy orange tone and accessories in the form of a scarf, handbag or shoes in aqua color will warm the eyes of those around you even in the coldest weather.

Change accents. A cute accessory in the form of an orange-colored scarf will add the missing zest to the image.

Aqua + nude shades

The color of the sea wave fully reveals itself with juicy, extraordinary shades, but this does not mean that calm tones do not suit him.

Dilute a dark aquamarine skirt with a beige blouse. Pick a handbag and shoes to match the top, and jewelry a shade lighter at the bottom.

Don't forget about powdery tones. For example, a light peach blouse and a sea-green skirt will be a great complement to each other.

And a salmon-colored dress will become the basis of a gentle look. It is enough to throw a fluffy sea-green cardigan over your shoulders.

Navy blue + shades of brown

Sea and land are inseparable from each other, which means take them in tandem as a source of inspiration.

Pay attention to shades of brown in accessories, such as a handbag and leopard print gloves.

Don't be afraid to use soft tones like chocolate as base. Thanks to them, the image is cozy.

Combine several shades of brown and aquamarine in one ensemble - from the darkest to the lightest. For example, a skirt and blouse are in rich colors, while a trench coat and accessories are muted.

Aqua + Composite colors

It makes no sense to separate combinations of aquamarine with blue and green. It looks equally good with any of their shades.

This fact is confirmed by a set of a sea-green sweater, a deep blue jacket with an emerald fur trim and a handbag to match.

Have you ever noticed how in boutiques there are certain sets of clothes: trousers, shirts, dresses, jumpers, scarves? What is it that attracts you so much to buy these particular trousers, for example? Color?

Yes, you seem to know for sure that just this color of trousers suits you and will suit the clothes that you already have. But, when you come home, you find that you have chosen ordinary trousers, which in the end are not suitable for anything. What is the secret?

Table of color combinations in clothes

class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small">
Primary colors Harmonizing colors and shades Colors that don't harmonize
Green color, blue-green, yellow and its shades, shades of blue and blue, black. Warm red, terracotta, orange, pink (mostly), shades of brown, olive.
The color of green grass, shades of yellow, achromatic (white, black and gray), blue. Terracotta, orange, black, purple colors.
Blue, burgundy, gray, brown, blue, shades of green. Warm shades of red, gold, chestnut, orange, olive.
Violet and lilac, blue, green, yellow-green, brown gamma, white. : red, pink, purple.
Color indigo, sea wave, warm green, orange, blue, olive. Purple, pink, magenta, lilac.
Olive, golden, gray, blue with a greenish tinge, beige. Bordeaux, chestnut, lilac, pink.
Green, olive, golden, ultramarine, mignonette, lilac, grey. : red, burgundy, pink.
Greenish-yellow, violet, lilac, yellow-green, ultramarine. Pure red.
Ultramarine, Pure Red, Deep Green, Sky Blue, Purple, Violet, Deep Gold, Olive, Brown, Grey. Reseda color, pink, lilac.
Green, brown, golden. Bordeaux, beige, pink.
Bright scarlet, brown, cinnabar, violet, purple, blue, yellowish green. Ultramarine, sky blue, golden yellow.
Blue, brown, gray, chestnut, golden, ultramarine, greenish blue, dark olive, orange, green, red. Bordeaux, beige, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Violet, magenta. Blue, yellow, orange.
Brown, chestnut, red, pink, lilac, grey. Blue, green, olive, burgundy, beige, golden, ultramarine.
Brick, cinnabar, yellow. Purple, red-violet.
Blue, brown, red, burgundy, chestnut, ultramarine, grey. Green, olive, golden, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Red, brick, cinnabar, ultramarine, orange, purple, light purple. Bordeaux, dark purple, lilac.
Red, golden, orange, sky blue, olive, brown, burgundy, gray, chestnut, beige. Yellowish green, purple, purple, green, blue, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Olive, red, gray, golden, burgundy. Green, mignonette, lilac, brown.
Golden, yellow, orange, light green, grassy green, seawater color. Red, cinnabar, brick.
Gray, chestnut, beige, mignonette, light purple, green. Blue, olive, brown, red, burgundy, golden, ultramarine, pink.
Golden yellow, yellowish green, sky blue, canary. Violet, orange, brick, ultramarine.
Green, gray, beige, ultramarine, pink, blue-green, olive, blue. Lilac, chestnut, red, golden.
Black, green, ultramarine, red, crimson, blue, pink, beige, lilac, sky blue. Brown, warm orange and yellow.

Color circle

Marketers and sales connoisseurs tend to showcase one type of clothing in several colors at once: blue, red, green, white. And it is this rainbow, this colorfulness and variety of shades that make you gasp from the presented dress, trousers or blouse.

In a single form without the rest of the collection, your choice becomes not so "delicious". It's all about color - it is he who creates the look and first impression of the item of your new wardrobe. Well, don’t dress like a rainbow now so that all your new trousers do not lose their attractiveness without a lack of contrasts. This can be easily solved if you learn how to combine colors in clothes correctly, then your mood will be as colorful and cheerful as your outfits.

What is a color wheel and how to use it to combine different shades of clothing - see the video:

How to wear blue?

Blue is a universal color that combines two opposites in its spectrum: from delicate blue and turquoise to gloomy dark blue. We are accustomed to associate blue shades with light, heavenly, summer-spring, dreamy, and dark colors of blue - either with a boring business style, or with something like "if only not black."

In fact, all blue colors can be extremely beneficial to decorate and complete your wardrobe. Blue light colors of clothes are well suited to contrasting dark blue or red, orange, brown.

It also combines fresh and original blue with gray, golden sheen, olive soft color.

It's not worth the risk of wearing blue with pink or green: such a splash of colors can inadvertently make you look like a parrot.

Combination of blue and orange

The color of the sea wave (or simply - turquoise) goes well with purple, yellow and brown, cream shades are also suitable.

Dark blue and cream color in clothes

The electric blue color will decorate your golden dress or light brown cream trousers. Strict blue, almost dark, the color goes well with:

People who prefer blue color have strong, confident personalities. That is why it is the most winning option after black in the business world.

How to use green clothes?

Green is a popular color these days. The Eternal Sunshine of Green makes our mind dream more, strive for victory, self-control and self-confidence.

Green reminds us of youth and spring, this color of Saturn is able to revive any boring look and even an old gloomy wardrobe.

Dark green is a very good choice for business attire, in which you will instill confidence in your interlocutors, stability and success.

For yourself, green can become a harmonious, pleasant and soothing color.

Green is especially fond of red-haired people, so it can be assumed that green is friends with:

  • orange;
  • blue
  • blue
  • yellow;
  • white.

Pale green will not look "too" if you wear such wardrobe items under black or gray clothes. It is worth being careful when combining green and red, purple, brown.

What to do with purple?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, two opposites, elements. However, purple is unique in its calming effect on the human psyche, its harmonious and attractive appearance.

This color is good for women, especially creative, pregnant, romantic, young and mysterious.

Clothing in purple colors goes well with:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • with lighter or darker shades of the same purple in one look.

For a meeting, it is good to match purple to black, and for a romantic walk - to white.

For fair-haired or fair-haired girls, lilac, lilac, the color of grapes or ripe plums will look especially touching, and if you are a brunette, then an almost inky color, blueberry rich, thick indigo color will be good.

In order not to overdo it with purple, do not choose it for red or green.

brown shades

Brown is the favorite everyday color after black. Clothing in this range of colors looks great as a base in your bow.

You can wear brown accessories, shoes, jewelry (leather straps, bracelets, beads), and the rest of the wardrobe - at the behest of the soul, and you will look right, harmonious.

The brown color depends on the texture of the fabrics in which it will be served.

It harmonizes well in the form of leather elements - jackets, shoes, bags, straps.

Brown goes well with:

  • white;
  • denim, blue;
  • bright blue flowers;
  • creamy light tones;
  • fuchsia-style pink, fawn, beige;
  • green.

What to do with beige?

Beige color is the base of the image. It will serve well as a tint background for bright colors: red, yellow, crimson, turquoise.

Beige, almost like white, you can wear under everything: it does not attract attention, it looks even and appropriate in the image, restrained, but not as deliberately elegant as white.

Turquoise - what to wear with?

Turquoise is the color of spring, summer and early autumn. In this color, it is important to understand what clothes can be made in this tone.

Turquoise or more mint shade

Turquoise is good in the form of light blouses, trousers, tops, dresses, scarves.

The color of the sea wave will look good with light colors: white, yellow, golden, cream, purple, light orange, light gray, brown.

Turquoise is not suitable to match red, pink, light green, green.

Red - passion and challenge

Red is the king of all existing colors and shades. Associations with red - love, thirst, strength, power, challenge, emotion.

But red must be able to be combined, since it is one of the most insidious colors: from an emphasizing accent, it can slip away into unceremonious vulgarity.

Red is worn with black - this is a classic, with white - this is a bold contrast. This color can be added to burgundy, green, blue, yellow.

This color is beneficial with purple, lemon, light green, but it is especially pleasant with beige or blue. Taboo applies only to combinations of red-brick, red-brown.

Bordeaux color in clothes

Bordeaux is a deep shade of red. Depending on which color burgundy is combined with, the image can look elegant or touching.

For not just a fashionable, but also a beautiful appearance, it is important to be able to choosecombination of colors in clothes.Knowing shades and colors, applying them correctly and combining them is, without exaggeration, a real art. Before compiling her final image, any woman doubts, afraid to make a mistake and give preferencecombinations of inappropriate colors in clothes.

Of course, fashion is constantly changing, and then we notice how long-forgotten trends are returning. But there are such harmonious color combinations that always remain relevant. And if you know them, you will always have an impeccable appearance. We have compiled such a table for you, it will help you to correctly combine colors in clothes. With its help, any fashionista will look great!

Table of error-free combinations

Main color

The most successful combination

Black pink, orange, white, salad, yellow, red, lilac
Violet grey, yellow, golden brown, mint green, turquoise, orange
purple pink, orange, olive, dark purple, yellow, grey, white
Dark blue mustard, light purple, blue, grey, brown, green, orange, red, white
brown, grey, red, pink, orange, white, yellow
Turquoise yellow, cherry red, fuchsia, cream, brown, purple
Salad grey, fawn, tan, brown, navy blue, red
Green orange, golden brown, yellow, salad, brown, cream, grey, black, creamy white
Olive brown, orange
light green pink, brown, golden brown, dark orange, gray, dark blue
golden yellow brown, azure, grey, black, red
pale yellow brown, grey, fuchsia, tan, shades of red, purple, blue
lemon yellow brown, cherry red, grey, blue
Yellow purple, light blue, black, grey, lilac, blue
Dark orange olive, pale yellow, cherry, brown
light orange olive, brown, gray
Orange purple, blue, light blue, white, purple, black
reddish brown blue, dark brown, purple, green, pink
Dark brown sky blue, lemon yellow, purplish pink, mint green, lime green
Light brown creamy white, pale yellow, green, blue, purple, red
Brown pink, cream, fawn, green, hot blue, beige
Raspberry red black, white, damask rose
cherry red sandy, gray, azure, beige, pale yellow
tomato red mint green, blue, creamy white, grey, sandy
Red white, black, green, blue, brown, yellow
Fuchsia (dark pink) lime green, tan, mint green, grey, brown
Pink pale blue, brown, white, turquoise, grey, olive, mint green
Grey red, pink, fuchsia, blue, purple
Beige emerald, brown, blue, red, black, white
White black, red, blue

Color gradation

Color scientists managed to create entire tables and systems for the formation of harmonious pairs of shades and colors. When a collection of clothes is created, the masters carefully study color compositions.

Did you know how dramatically colors affect people? Color creates a particular mood, people form a certain opinion, get an impression, a reaction due to the effect of different shades.

Thanks to the color palette, we can understand which colors are perfect for each other and which are not.

The division of colors from pastel to saturated. Warm and cold shades:

Using this spectrum, you can easily compose images that include from three to five tones. The main colors are red, blue, yellow. All the rest are considered derivatives of mixing the main ones.

When using 50% of two primary colors, the following secondary colors are obtained: green, orange, purple. If you change the percentage, you will get many other shades. There are several more ways to find shades that are harmonious with each other, let's look at them.

The principles of combining shades

-Achromatic combinations imply that the main color is gray, white and black. Such colors perfectly complement each other, as well as other tones of the spectrum. This image involves the use of bright color accents: a scarf, brooch, shoes, bag or jewelry. Many women like to give preference to this option. Any errors are excluded.

- Monochromatic combinations- a combination in one image of different tones of the same color (from light and pastel to the darkest). Try to combine in clothes different shades of the same color that suits you, for example: from deep emerald to pale green or from pale pink to maroon. The scheme is quite simple, but it looks very elegant. To avoid monotony in the outfit, add neutral colors (gray, white, black). Or instead, you can choose a textured fabric.

- Complementary combinations are color combinations with contrast. Pairs of red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange are the most popular contrasts. A similar combination for a bold nature, because these colors are hard to miss.

- Triadic combinations- This is the use of three colors that are located at the same distance from each other on the color scheme. With this model of combining shades, a bright contrast is created, but the colors are in perfect harmony.

1) use main circuit- this is the use of three colors (red, blue, yellow);

2) during secondary scheme use derivative colors (orange, green, purple);

3) for tertiary scheme combinations with tertiary colors (obtained by mixing the primary color with the derivative) are used. For example, it can be images with orange-yellow, yellow-green, red-orange, green-blue, purple-red, blue-violet color combinations.

What to wear with

So, what colors can be safely mixed, and with what you need to be careful:

  • usually a successful combination is considered to be one in which there are from two to four colors, but no more than that. Monochromatic clothes look too boring, and excessive use of bright colors causes irritation, distraction of attention, anxiety;
  • the color scheme should be in different proportions. If there are three colors in your style, then one necessarily prevails, the second emphasizes and sets off the previous one, and the third emphasizes the details of the image;
  • colors such as black, gray and white are versatile and go with all bright shades. They are also considered base in the image. And as an addition to them, colorful, colored details are needed. Black elements add up to winning combinations with a simple, pure color. It can be orange, and yellow, and blue, and red;
  • harmonious is a combination in which there are related shades (for example, purple with blue and cyan). Contrasting colors also look great: purple with yellow, green with red, and so on. Your figure will look even slimmer if you make sure that the bottom is one to three shades darker than the top;
  • you can always successfully combine pastels of any shades. Bleached peach, lemon, blue, pink and beige tones will look unique with each other.

Experiment with colors so that it looks stylish, spectacular and tasteful!