When the first wrinkles appear in women around the eyes. The first wrinkles: age-related features, places of occurrence, methods of elimination and prevention At what age do wrinkles appear in women

When can I start doing "beauty injections"? Is it harmful to use anti-aging creams for prevention? What wrinkles can be called early?

These and other questions of readers are answered by the cosmetologist of the capital's Center for Beauty and Cosmetology "Symphony SPA" Natalia Vladimirovna Aminova.

“I’m 23, not so long ago I noticed a couple of wrinkles on my forehead. It always seemed to me that they should appear no earlier than 35. Why did my skin start to age? And what can be done to slow down this process?

Elena Kosareva, Moscow

- There is no need to panic. The first wrinkles usually appear around the age of 20-25, most often around the eyes and on the forehead. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it is at this time that the biological process of skin aging starts. It slowly loses its ability to retain moisture. This causes the formation of the first small folds.

Secondly, wrinkles may appear due to overly active facial expressions. If you imperceptibly often frown or wrinkle your forehead, then creases will inevitably appear in the “active” zones.

The third possible reason is improper skin care. If, for example, you abuse drying agents, you risk causing dehydration. And this is a direct path to the network of wrinkles.

Finally, the sun can cause premature aging. Many people think that SPF creams are for women over 40. In fact, everyone needs to protect themselves from ultraviolet radiation. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

1. Moisturize. Even if you have oily and problematic skin, choose light products that will saturate it with moisture. And forget about harsh alcohol lotions.

2. Protect. During the day in the city there is enough funds with SPF 12-15. And on vacation, use products with a factor of at least 30 - at least in the first five to seven days.

3. Control facial expressions. We often do not notice how we wrinkle or frown our eyebrows. Try to track these unconscious movements and get rid of the bad habit.

“My mother had noticeable nasolabial folds already at the age of 28. We are very similar in appearance. Should I somehow strengthen this area in advance in order to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles?

Alla Yurchenko, St. Petersburg

- The tendency to early aging can indeed be transmitted at the genetic level. This happens especially often if mother and daughter are similar. Therefore, your fears are justified.

If you take a photo of your mother for a consultation with a beautician, then the specialist will be able to give you more accurate recommendations for preserving youthful skin.

True, most of them will concern general care for the entire face. It is impossible to “strengthen” this or that zone prophylactically. Yes, and it is not necessary. Much more important is the condition of the skin as a whole.

But if nasolabial folds have already begun to appear in you, then special measures may be required. In particular, a small amount of a hyaluronic acid preparation can be injected into the problem area. It will moisturize the skin and straighten wrinkles. The effect lasts for about a year.

“I am wary of overly active anti-aging agents. And a friend who is 28 calmly uses them "for prevention." Isn't it bad for the skin?

Elena, by e-mail

- Your friend is partly right: anti-aging agents can be used in courses. But this should be done only if the skin really needs them.

Creams are now often labeled with the age range in which they are most effective. But these figures are rather arbitrary. After all, the condition of the skin is very individual. Someone should think about rejuvenation already at 25. And for someone at 35, the skin needs only moisturizing.

If you notice a decrease in elasticity and the appearance of the first wrinkles, try a little anti-age therapy. For a month, replace your regular cream with a product designed to combat the first signs of aging. Another option is to apply an anti-aging serum under your regular moisturizer.

Such a course will improve the condition of the skin, and you can return to your usual care. You can repeat this rejuvenation every 3-6 months, depending on the situation.

"I am 35 years old. I carefully take care of my skin, and I have almost no wrinkles. Worries only a noticeable crease on the forehead. Is it possible to use anti-aging products locally, only on this zone?

Irina Krotova, Veliky Novgorod

- Applying a regular anti-aging cream only on wrinkles does not make sense. It still does not act locally, but only at the level of the “whole face”. Separate products are available only for the area around the eyes, the skin of which is thinner and more sensitive.

But there are also special directional products that are designed to correct individual shortcomings. First of all, these are creams and serums “with the effect of Botox”. They contain peptides that can smooth mimic wrinkles.

There are also a number of products that are referred to as "wrinkle fillers". They usually contain collagen and hyaluronic acid. These creams are also able to somewhat improve the condition of the skin.

However, it is worth knowing that all such products only work with regular use. They should be applied once or twice a day for at least a month.

“I heard that if you apply grape seed oil to a wrinkle, it will smooth out. I want to try this natural way. How effective is it?

Ekaterina Nikitina, Tver

- This method of rejuvenation is now really actively discussed on Internet forums. But if you read the rave reviews carefully, you will notice that it helps mostly very young women. Their wrinkles are the result of dehydration. The oil moisturizes the skin and the problem disappears.

But in adulthood, wrinkles appear due to a general loss of elasticity and a decrease in skin quality. In this case, applying even the best and purified grape seed oil will not give a special effect. The same applies to other types of oils.

It should be noted that valuable oils - grape seeds, wheat germ, shea butter and others - are often used in cosmetics. They soften and moisturize well. But as an anti-age component, they are not particularly effective.

“I am 29 years old and I want to start talking regularly with a beautician. Interested in primarily procedures for the prevention of wrinkles. What can you advise?

Yana Kovaleva, Moscow

- It is worth starting communication with a specialist with a consultation. Let him assess the condition of the skin and advise you on how to adjust your home care.

Very often, women incorrectly determine their skin type. Use, for example, for normal skin products intended for oily. Or they feed the combined one too actively. Competent changes in daily care can in themselves give a good result.

From professional procedures, pay attention to moisturizing and regenerating care. Facial massages and light physiotherapy procedures, such as microcurrents, will also be relevant. All this will help keep the skin in good condition.

Such care is also necessary in order to block the action of harmful seasonal factors. In summer it is ultraviolet, in winter it is temperature fluctuations and dry air. All this can prematurely age the skin if its resources are not maintained in time.

Chemical peels are useful for the prevention of the first wrinkles. They stimulate skin renewal, improve complexion and remove minor defects.

Once every six months, you can undergo a course of mesotherapy. The main thing here is to choose the right drugs. The composition of cocktails may include vitamins, microelements, organic acids, collagen, elastin, extracts of medicinal plants.

“My thirty-year-old sister is getting her second Botox injection. She looks great, but I'm worried - is it too early for her to do such active procedures?

Marina Rokotova, Kolomna

- Botox or Dysport injections can be done earlier - in the event that there is really a need for this. At a young age, these procedures are quite capable of serving as the prevention of facial wrinkles.

On the one hand, after the procedure, the folds disappear. After all, the drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, and they contract less. Therefore, the skin ceases to "crumple" and smoothes.

On the other hand, the facial expression itself becomes less mobile. During the duration of the drug, a person gets used to it and then frowns or squints less.

The drugs themselves are absolutely safe, non-addictive and completely eliminated from the body. It is only important to contact a reputable clinic and an experienced doctor. This will help eliminate the risk of encountering a fake tool or the wrong technique. If these conditions are met, Botox and Dysport will only benefit.

19% of Russian women do not know what contouring is

26% of women tried "beauty injections" and were satisfied

6% tried and were disappointed with the procedure

21% want to try the procedure soon

According to the portal bestplastic.ru

At what age do wrinkles appear, and how to deal with it - we will try to answer this question. Unfortunately, with age, wrinkles will appear in everyone - this is inevitable. The time of appearance of these "objectionable guests" depends on the type of your skin. If the skin is thick, wrinkles may not appear for a very long time, but in people with thin skin, wrinkles may appear as early as 23-24 years old.

At a young age, you can use light anti-wrinkle creams, there are many creams specifically for young skin. It is not necessary to buy an expensive cream - when you apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream - at the same time you give yourself a light massage, that is, improve blood flow. Another benefit of massage is that it increases the supply of oxygen to the skin.

There are many reasons why wrinkles appear. Perhaps in the first place can be called lovers of excessive sun. The skin from the sun's rays quickly dries out, becomes unable to produce collagen. This applies not only to tanning in the air, but also to the solarium. The sun is a cunning enemy! Most young people do not associate skin problems with the sun.

The harmful effects of sunlight, will manifest itself only after a few years. It is the sun that is responsible for the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the proteins that maintain skin elasticity, texture, and tone. As soon as they weaken, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles will appear.

For people who spend a lot of time in the sun, these unwanted side effects begin to occur at a relatively early age.

Without waiting for summer and intense sun, you need to protect your skin from harmful solar radiation all year round! Don't burn your skin - be sure to protect it with a cream with UV filters. Most sunscreens have filters, even inexpensive ones like Nivea. What else causes wrinkles? These are factors such as:

  1. Cigarettes.
  2. Frequent and prolonged exposure to the wind.
  3. Excessive washing of the face.
  4. Infections.
  5. Excessive dryness or humidity of the air we breathe.
  6. Excessive facial expressions: when we often wrinkle our foreheads, we smile on duty.
  7. Sleep deprivation.
  8. Overwork and stress.
  9. Insufficient water intake.
  10. Poor quality cosmetics.
  11. Poor nutrition, lack of fruits and protein foods.
  12. Modern ecology.
  13. There are no physical activities (there must be at least charging).

Let's face the facts: Aging is inevitable. You can't get away from it, although people try their best! The advent of facial rejuvenation surgery has only helped the industry grow into an even more lucrative business. Whether a woman opts for Botox in her 20s to end forehead wrinkles, or goes for a facelift later in life to smooth her skin, it's clear that anti-aging treatments aren't just for older people. Women of all ages are interested in smooth, glowing skin.

But at what age do these dreaded signs of aging actually begin to show? It largely depends on lifestyle and heredity. A person who smokes, tans, and is exposed to environmental pollutants on a regular basis is more likely to show signs of premature aging earlier than a person who is careful, uses sunscreen, and doesn't smoke.

Aging is a natural process. This is part of our life. This action begins in the mid-twenties, when the reproduction of collagen begins to slow down and elastin begins to weaken. Signs may not be immediately obvious, but after a decade, some traits begin to show as a result of one's own aging, including:

  1. Wrinkles.
  2. Thin skin.
  3. Loss of core fat.
  4. Dry, itchy skin.
  5. The skin is sluggish and weakened.
  6. Pale color.

The elasticity of the skin decreases sharply after the age of 50. The bottom line is that aging is not discriminatory. Certain factors influence its early appearance, so it's important to maintain proper skin care throughout your life, eat right, move, and stay vigilant about wearing sunscreen in the summer, every day (whether it's indoors or outdoors!) , and in winter, moisturizing your skin, its nutrition is so important.

The figure shows how to do a facial massage yourself.

Previous procedures:

  • Wash off makeup, wash your face.
  • Steam the skin by putting a napkin or towels moistened with hot water on your face.
  • Cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  • Wipe with lotion.
  • Apply a nourishing cream, and start the massage.
  • Each movement to do 1-2 minutes.

First of all, in order to have fewer wrinkles, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of mineral water per day. Further, it is necessary that the body has enough of such vitamins: E, A, C. Antioxidants are definitely needed: you need to eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts. The table shows the best products - antioxidants (antiox. units per 100 gr.).

There are many important foods for the skin. A simple product like buckwheat will help to cope with skin aging. There is a lot of routine in buckwheat, and it, in turn, helps the skin cope with premature wrinkles. All nutritionists usually call buckwheat "anti-aging."

What foods help skin cope with wrinkles

  1. The skin has lost elasticity, become dry and pale - this most likely means that it did not have enough gland. As you know, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, eggs, veal, pork, chicken, seeds are especially rich in iron.
  2. Selenium- also responsible for the quality of the skin. They are rich in seafood, fish - cod, salmon, herring, and tuna, liver, brown rice, and garlic.
  3. Silicon. Foods rich in it: bran, cereals, greens, cabbage, cucumbers, seeds, sprouted cereals.
  4. Zinc. It helps the skin stay young and supple longer. A large amount of it is found in bran, beef, yeast, nuts, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds. It is enough to add sprouted grains of wheat, soaked in water and grown at home, to your food, and your skin will be young and healthy for a long time.

Ways to fight wrinkles

First of all, do not rush to use expensive procedures, follow and take into account simple and accessible rules for skin care.

  1. Get enough sleep, try to worry less about trifles.
  2. May you always have a good mood and a sincere smile.
  3. Drink more mineral water (1.5-2 liters per day).
  4. Moisturize, protect your skin with creams.
  5. Facial and neck massage helps a lot.
  6. It is recommended to wash your neck every evening, and then rub it with a towel.
  7. Try to eat right, take vitamins in autumn and spring.
  8. Breathe in the air, exercise, walk.
  9. Ideally, you can do fitness, or yoga.
  10. Wash your face in turn: first with warm water, then with ice cubes. This keeps the skin toned.
  11. Masks from any fruit, honey, oatmeal.
  12. We use scrubs 1-2 times a week - we clean our face and massage the skin for 3-4 minutes. After that, wash your face and apply moisturizer.

The video shows how to do gymnastics of the face and neck from wrinkles.


Some women manage to look their best at 35 or 50 years old. Of course, a lot depends on genes, but they affect the aging process by only 25%. Everything else is in the hands of a woman. And skin care when the first wrinkles appear as well.

Important substances in anti-aging creams

Of course, no cream in the world can completely smooth out wrinkles, but beneficial substances can slow down aging and reverse it a little.

  • Retinol, the purest form of vitamin A, is real gold, according to cosmetologists. Even a slight concentration stimulates the formation of elastic connective tissues. Retinol is often found in night creams.
  • Peptides are the body's own protein building blocks that tell cells to act like they're young. It supports the production of collagen.
  • Vitamin C is a protective shield of the skin, it protects cells from free radicals that cause wrinkles, and also brightens age spots.
  • Hyaluronic acid is able to retain large amounts of moisture and is considered an ideal wrinkle filler.
  • Coenzyme Q10 catches free radicals before they draw wrinkles on the face. It gives new energy to the skin.
  • Fruit acid, also called AHA acid, causes the skin to regenerate and tighten. In addition, it also has a light peeling effect that tightens large pores and dark spots. Both phenomena are characteristic of mature and advanced age.
  • Vitamin E is one of the most important anti-aging vitamins. It protects against free radicals and suppresses microscopic inflammation.
  • Dry skin is characterized by a feeling of tightness, burning, itching and the early appearance of the first wrinkles. Daily application of the cream in the morning and evening is the best anti-aging advice for dry skin. She needs a very effective moisturizer.
  • By hands, you can determine the true age of a woman, namely by wrinkles and age spots. A cream with a high level of UV protection and the anti-aging agents listed above help prevent the signs of aging.
  • A serious enemy of youth is the sun, so you need to use protection from it every day, even in winter. It can be a day cream with SPF protection or a separate lotion, milk and similar products.
  • Smooth skin around the eyes is a sign of freshness and youth. If you apply ice cubes or special patches to the skin under the eyes and eyelids in the morning, the puffiness will disappear. Patches are also able to smooth out wrinkles and remove shadows that give the face a tired look.

Proper care at any age

After 30 years. The skin has already begun to lose elasticity. Nutrient care is very good, special attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes - here wrinkles appear especially quickly due to dryness and lack of moisture. It is recommended to apply a moisturizing mask once a week.

After 40: wrinkles around the eyes and mouth become deeper, the skin loses its elasticity. Nutrient concentrates or hyaluronic acid treatments plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles. Day cream with UV protection helps prevent further damage and aging of the skin.

After 50. The skin becomes more demanding. Small wrinkles without proper care turn into large ones. All products applied to the skin must contain retinol, vitamin C or coenzyme Q10. These substances accelerate the formation of collagen, align it and make it tighter.

After 60. The strong connection of cells breaks down, the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. Facial oils protect the skin from moisture loss. Anise or soy extracts help to correct flabby facial contours, which stimulate the production of collagen.

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Did you know that the first wrinkles can appear even in childhood? This is due to a variety of reasons - from an unbalanced diet to diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, it is important to know when the first wrinkles appear and how to get rid of them properly. To do this, there are many modern and folk remedies.

When do wrinkles first appear?

The formation of wrinkles is an inevitability for every person, but not everyone gets them at the same age. First of all, it depends on the type of skin and the hereditary factor. For example, with thin skin, the first wrinkles may appear by the age of 20, and with thick skin - much later.

When do wrinkles first appear?

  • It also happens that they form at the age of 10, but this does not pose a danger, since wrinkles that appear before the age of 20 are considered. That is, their etiology is associated with a contraction of the facial muscles (most often from frequent intense laughter, antics, thoughtfulness, etc.). These wrinkles are even divided into 2 subgroups: worries (horizontal) and concentration (vertical). Their place of localization is the forehead area. There is also a 3rd subgroup called laughter wrinkles (outer corners of the eyes).
  • Until the age of 30, longitudinal grooves are usually formed on the eyelids from above. The reason is myopia, because of which a person is forced to squint strongly.
  • After 25 years, folds form on the cheeks, in the nasolabial and, and the so-called rictus (wrinkles of sorrow) also becomes noticeable.

Depending on which side wrinkles are observed, it is possible to determine the disease of a particular organ. For example, with liver diseases, the folds are more localized on the right side, and with spleen dysfunction, on the left.

Causes of wrinkles

  • age-related changes;
  • excessive dryness and thinness of the skin;
  • frequent visits to the solarium, exposure to the wind and under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol, and the sooner a person becomes addicted to bad habits, the sooner the first wrinkles appear;
  • infection and sleep deprivation;
  • high humidity and staying, on the contrary, in an overdried room (when using electric heaters);
  • the habit of making faces, grimacing, etc.;
  • frequent stress and overwork;
  • adverse environmental impact;
  • unbalanced nutrition, the use of harmful products, and the lack of nutrients in the body;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics and expired hygiene products;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • a small amount of liquid consumed per day;
  • non-compliance with hygiene requirements;
  • some diseases.
How the first wrinkles look, you can see in the photo.

How to get rid of the first wrinkles (creams, masks, folk remedies)?

If wrinkles appeared at an early age, getting rid of them is quite simple. And you can do this in a short time, following some recommendations:
  • drink at least one and a half liters of water per day;
  • know how to remain calm in stressful situations;
  • give the body proper rest and sleep;
  • when going outside in summer, use creams with UV protective properties, in winter or in windy weather - with appropriate products (we recommend reading more about proper skin care and);
  • moisturize and nourish the skin more often, for this, use creams, tonics, masks made from natural ingredients;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics;
  • do a facial massage every evening (for example), and do not forget about the décolleté and neck;
  • eat right and give up fatty, smoked, salty and fast foods;
  • be sure to take, eat more fresh fruits, berries and vegetables all year round;
  • play sports, take walks in the fresh air;
  • do not sit for a long time at the computer monitor, this negatively affects the structure of the skin;
  • do a contrast shower for the face;
  • before going to bed, be sure to wash off cosmetics;
  • use scrubs to cleanse the skin;
  • apply masks from any vegetables and fruits, make and wipe your face with them.

Effective anti-wrinkle cream

In order to get rid of the first and subsequent wrinkles, you can use a universal remedy - cream. It slows down the aging process, regenerates cells and tissues, restores the epidermis, etc. Only the cream needs to be chosen correctly, in accordance with the age and type of skin. A good cream should contain the following active ingredients:
  • hydrolyzed collagen;
  • derivatives of vitamin A (retinol) - retinoids;
  • lactic and glycolic acid;
  • tartaric acid and alpha hydroxy acids of apple and lemon;
  • peptides;
  • extracts of herbs and plants, as well as other natural substances;
  • ceramides;
  • argirelines.

List of the most effective creams for first wrinkles

  • Vichy Liftactive Supreme sold in any pharmacy. Created with natural ingredients. Additionally eliminates puffiness and nourishes the skin. Brightens, increases turgor. Ideal for wrinkles in the initial stages of formation. Has a high cost.
  • Garnier Skin Naturals 25+ has a lower price, but the efficiency is high. Perfectly copes with shallow wrinkles, moisturizes, evens out the color. Based on natural ingredients. Minus - the structure of the cream leads to rolling on the skin, which is why it cannot be used as a base.
  • L "Oreal" Trio Active Freshness " consists of a vitamin and mineral premix, used at any time of the day. The downside is that it tightens the skin.
  • Selective direction cream Lancome Hydra Zen Anti-stress. Additionally removes the effects of skin stress, moisturizes throughout the day. Minus - too high price and lack of UV protection.
  • Avene Hydrance Optimale UV Legere SPF 20. In addition to eliminating early wrinkles, it quickly moisturizes and nourishes, protects from exposure to sunlight, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage is the cost.
The presented video tells about the appearance of the first wrinkles, their types, as well as the Karel Hadek cosmetic product, which effectively fights wrinkles.

How to choose the right cream?

In many ways, the choice of cream depends on the material capabilities of a person. But don't rely on this:
  • If the skin of the face is healthy, then it will be enough to purchase a cream that will maintain the level of moisture and protect it from an aggressive environment.
  • For rashes and spots, it is better to buy a selective segment cream.
  • Be sure to consult a beautician, as he understands skin types and epidermis problems better than you.

Masks from the first wrinkles

Today, masks sold on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores are very popular. To eliminate wrinkles, placental masks based on components of natural origin are excellent. They contain collagen, animal placenta, vegetable juices and extracts of medicinal plants. Such masks have the duration of the course of therapy and the corresponding instructions for use, which must be strictly adhered to.

In the fight against wrinkles, you can also use masks prepared at home:

  • Combine the yolk with camphor or castor oil.
  • Sour cream + yeast diluted in water.
  • Egg, glycerin and honey.
  • Egg white + lemon juice.

It must be remembered that not every mask is suitable for all skin types, so the choice should be based on this. If you can not choose a recipe yourself, consult a beautician.

Cosmetic procedures from the first wrinkles

Modern cosmetology and medicine offers humanity cutting-edge methods of getting rid of the first and deep wrinkles. You can choose one of the procedures:
  • Botulinum toxin injections, simply speaking, Dysport, Neuronox (this is what is used in our country). An injection with an appropriate substance is injected into the skin of a woman, which temporarily blocks the neuromuscular impulse. This relaxes the facial muscles, causing the skin to straighten and wrinkles to disappear. The effect is noticeable already on the third day, lasts up to 5 months at least. The procedure is quite expensive, there are practically no complications.
  • Contour plastic is based on filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid in the form of stabilizers and other substances useful for the epidermis (used). The doctor injects drugs. The effect of smoothing wrinkles lasts up to 8 months. The cost is 2 times higher than the previous procedure.
  • Biorevitalization involves the introduction of unstabilized hyaluronic acid into the skin, due to which the procedure is much cheaper than filler.
  • Usage impulse current- microcurrent procedure improves the activity of cells, forcing them to work in the right mode. This allows you to eliminate early wrinkles and prevent the development of new ones. You need to spend about 10 sessions. The cost is relatively inexpensive.
  • Impact on the collagen fibers of the epidermis through RF radiation which leads to their tightening.
  • Fractional photothermolysis, that is, laser correction. It is considered a universal method, thanks to which you can get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  • Peeling with chemical agents causes renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis. The most commonly used are salicylic, tartaric, glycolic and other acids.

Pharmacy funds

Now in the pharmacy you can buy effective and not very expensive remedies to eliminate the first wrinkles:
  • designed to neutralize acne and other rashes. However, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, due to which fine wrinkles are also eliminated.
  • Ordinary balm "Asterisk" also fights against the first wrinkles. This effect is achieved thanks to essential oils.

Every woman strives to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. But age-related changes in the skin are inevitable. When the first wrinkles appear, why this happens, and whether it is possible to slow down age-related formations on the skin - this will be discussed in this article.

Why does skin age?

The skin is a separate organ of the human body, which occupies a large part of it. It protects against exposure to microbes, from hypothermia and overheating.

Age changes

The contraction of mimic muscles entails the formation of folds on the skin, with age it loses its firmness and elasticity, collagen fibers become thinner, wrinkles become deep.

Note! With a decrease in hormonal activity during menopause, the aging process of the skin accelerates. She becomes flabby and fades.

Here are the main reasons:

  • slowing down of blood circulation;
  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • decrease in the level of collagen and elastin in the epithelium;
  • menopause in women;
  • decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid;
  • slowing down the production of sebum;
  • bad habits, unbalanced diet, lack of proper sleep;
  • frequent illnesses.

Premature aging of facial skin in women: causes

Note! In addition to the lifestyle of a woman, age-related changes in the skin of the face must take into account heredity and the release of proteins such as collagen and elastin, which are necessary for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

At what age do wrinkles appear? This question cannot be answered unequivocally or any specific figure can be determined, everything is very individual. Biologists around the world, when asked at what age the first wrinkles appear, answer that after 25-30 years, the production of collagen and elastin slows down, then the first signs are noted. It is also possible the appearance of the first age-related formations on the skin and age spots.

The causes of premature age-related changes in the skin of the face are:

  • constant stress and frustration;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking, fast food and other bad habits;
  • poor ecological situation in the environment;
  • the influence of UV rays;
  • abuse of coffee, flour, sweet foods;
  • insufficient consumption of clean water per day, in addition to juices, tea, coffee, soups.

Note! The rate of clean water per day per person is calculated as follows: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight, that is, if the weight is 60 kg, the rate of water per day: 30 ml x 60 kg = 1800 ml. Everything is calculated individually.

Also, the appearance of age-related changes is affected by the lack of the required norm of oxygen, the so-called oxygen starvation, including from smoking and from the gas content of the surrounding air.

In order to look good, you need to sleep 8-10 hours a day.


Types of facial skin aging and their characteristics

Surely everyone noticed that old age in people manifests itself in different ways. Some people develop noticeable wrinkles around the eyes, while others change the oval of the face. All this suggests that people have different types of facial skin aging.

Tired type of aging or "tired face"

Note! This type is typical for thin or medium build women, with an oval or diamond-shaped face, normal or combination skin type.

It is expressed in a decrease in skin elasticity and tone, the oval of the face changes, the first wrinkles appear in the nasolabial region, the complexion fades. Such a face looks "tired" in the evening. Women, to whom this type of aging can be attributed, can be sure that their skin under any conditions will favorably perceive almost any cosmetic procedure.

Fine wrinkled type of aging or "dry apple"

This type is typical for thin women with an oval face shape, dry or sensitive skin type. It is expressed in the appearance of early wrinkles on the face, especially in the area of ​​​​the eyes and neck. This type of aging differs from the first in that the oval of the face remains intact. The skin of the face and neck is simultaneously and proportionally wrinkled, resembling a dry apple.

Note! This is mainly due to insufficient moisture in the skin cells. At the same time, it either does not receive the required amount of moisture, or loses it.

Deformation type of aging of the face and neck or “bulldog cheeks”

This type is inherent in overweight women with a round full face shape, combination or oily skin type. It is characterized by a change in the lower part of the face, the cheeks begin to hang down under the weight of the subcutaneous fat layers, the tone and elasticity of the muscles fall, they become weaker, there is a slight but noticeable puffiness, bags under the eyes, a “second chin”. Wrinkles with this type appear not very actively and not in large numbers, as, for example, in the previous type. Some people have such age-related changes in the neck area. That is, if the sagging lower part of the face resembles the cheeks of a bulldog, then the aging neck of this type may resemble the neck of a sharpei due to the folds formed on it.

Combined type of aging

This type is typical for medium and overweight women with a round or oval face shape, normal or combination skin type. It is expressed in the gradual manifestation of signs of aging of the previous three types. In this case, they can occur in a different sequence. For example, dry growths may appear on the skin, early wrinkles around the eyes, then the oval of the face will be deformed, then the lower part of the face will sag.

Note! This type is the most common among the fair sex and is considered the most difficult to care for.

Muscular or muscular type of aging

This type is typical mainly for men, Europeans and sometimes Asians, with an average or thin physique, with a square or diamond-shaped face, normal or dry skin type. It is expressed in the absence of any signs of aging at the initial stages. All signs appear sharply and simultaneously. That is, the attack begins from all flanks at the same time. This is a sharp appearance of deep large wrinkles in the eye area, nasolabial folds, eyelids sag, the lower part of the face, the oval is deformed.

Types of aging

"Exhausted face" or senile type of aging

Not everyone lives up to it. It is considered the last stage of aging, in which almost all the signs of aging characteristic of each of the previous types are already manifested, and the skin of the hands also ages.

Is it possible to prolong youth: what products, creams, masks to use

Of course, old age has never painted anyone.

Note! Any woman with the appearance of early wrinkles begins to worry about how to deal with them and keep her skin youthful.

Currently, there are many cosmetic lines on the market from different manufacturers of cosmetics, containing various products for the care of aging skin. Also in beauty salons they offer a huge number of various procedures, while promising that the skin will look like a fresh peach, despite the time. How to choose from all the variety what is right for a particular woman with her individual problems? Here are some helpful tips for each type of aging:

Type of aging Recommendations
  • make sleep full, about 8-10 hours a day;

  • cosmetics, serums, creams that improve complexion;

  • any type of massage of the face and décolleté area, aimed at correcting contours;

  • various salon or home peels that will help improve complexion, increase collagen and elastin production, and improve muscle tone.

Finely wrinkled
  • get rid of bad habits, including smoking;

  • well moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, milk, emulsions that will saturate the skin with the necessary amount of moisture and will retain it;

  • cosmetics aimed at smoothing wrinkles in the eye area;

  • any kind of facial massage with nourishing masks and creams;

  • various peels that exfoliate the skin and smooth mimic wrinkles.

  • weight loss;

  • cosmetics, serums, creams that improve complexion, improve microcirculation in the walls of blood vessels;

  • types of massage aimed at lymphatic drainage, tightening the contour of the face, reducing swelling.

Combinedit is necessary to choose only those of the above remedies and procedures that will affect the pronounced signs of aging, regardless of their belonging to any type.
Muscularwell moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics, creams, masks.
  • proper nutrition;

  • it is necessary to reduce external irritating factors and stress to a minimum.

well-groomed skin

Nobody wants to get old. But, unfortunately, it is inevitable. You can only try to improve the condition of your skin, prolong youth, taking care of yourself properly. Many of the fair sex themselves cannot figure out the huge selection of cosmetics and procedures that are currently available. Of course, it is better not to make such a choice yourself, since there is always a risk of making a mistake, not being a specialist in this field, not to mention the use of various injections and plastic surgery. In no case should such a choice be trusted to yourself or a girlfriend when deciding on serious events that concern a person. You should always consult a specialist.

Every woman wants to please herself and her man, so you must definitely take care of yourself. The beauty and youthfulness of the skin depend not only on the ability to take care of yourself, but also on physiology, lifestyle and internal state.