Making a hand puppet with your own hands. doll pattern

The modern industry of children's goods is developed like never before. However, the tradition of making toys with their own hands still has not gone into oblivion. Many parents consider them more sincere and useful for the development of the child. One of the favorite options for a homemade doll is the Waldorf doll, the features of which cause tenderness and delight in girls around the world, and mothers and grandmothers are forced to remember their own childhood. What is her secret?

How is a Waldorf doll different from others?

The Waldorf doll was developed by Waldorf pedagogy in order to create the required play environment for the child. The philosophy of this school is based on the natural harmonious development of children as individuals, and this spirit permeates all Waldorf toys aimed at the systematic, but not ahead of the development of the crumbs. The main criticism of this direction of education in relation to modern toys is expressed in the fact that they are too thought out, technically perfect and leave no room for imagination.

The Waldorf doll has smooth rounded outlines, so it is pleasing to the eye. Her facial features are neutral, without pronounced emotions. This allows the child to endow the toy with any feelings, depending on the chosen game, which stimulates the child's imagination. Despite their apparent simplicity (especially compared to modern dolls with their carefully drawn faces), each of them is individual. In addition, it is soft to the touch, so it is pleasant to pick it up, hug it, and even put it to sleep next to you.

Materials for toys

As a prototype of the Waldorf doll, traditional folk rag toys were used, made from scraps of fabric, sheep's wool, straw and other natural fillers. Therefore, its undoubted advantage is that it is made only by hand and is completely natural: synthetic fabrics and stuffing are not used. In addition to the fact that this eliminates the possibility of allergies and irritations that can occur when playing with plastic and rubber toys (especially of poor quality), the child gets acquainted with natural materials at the level of tactile sensations.

Most often, the doll's body is sewn from cotton jersey or knitted, and sheep's wool is stuffed inside. The use of cotton wool for stuffing is not very desirable. Despite its naturalness, it is denser and heavier, so it can roll up inside the toy.

Types of Waldorf dolls for children of different ages

A distinctive feature of Waldorf pedagogy is that certain classes correspond to each age period. Therefore, the Waldorf doll "grows" and changes with the child. This is due to differences in the skills and abilities of the baby at each stage of its formation - the toy should not be ahead of the player's abilities.

In addition, it is known that the child often identifies with the toy, so the Waldorf doll goes through various stages of development: from an infant with a neutral appearance to an adult doll with more pronounced personality traits. This allows the baby to get the right ideas about his own body and its formation.

1.5–3 years

Dolls appropriate for this age have the following features:

  • the shape of a baby, often swaddled in such a way that arms and legs are not always guessed;
  • facial features are also often very conditional;
  • it is better to make clothes that are not removable or in the form of an envelope for a newborn, since the fine motor skills of a child of this age are still insufficiently developed, and he will not be able to change clothes on a toy;
  • hair is often left out, replacing it with a cap.

4–5 years

At 4–5 years old, the time comes for active games of daughter-mothers, when girls play family relationships on toys. The appearance of Waldorf dolls for this age becomes more complex and elaborated:

  • thumbs appear on the handles;
  • the legs are more shaped like a human foot;
  • facial features are still neutral in terms of emotions, but they show a lot of personality;
  • hair is made long so that girls can comb and braid it;
  • clothes are sewn removable, since the child’s motor skills already allow him to fasten buttons, tie strings, etc.

Scheme, instructions and photos of making a butterfly doll for a baby

The butterfly doll is considered the simplest of all Waldorf dolls. It is intended for the little ones, it can be played by 3-month-old babies. This is a wonderful and reliable toy for the baby.

To make a doll you will need:

  • piece of flesh-colored knitted fabric for the head and torso (12x12 cm);
  • natural and pleasant fabric for overalls (42x26 cm) and cap (15x18 cm);
  • a small piece of braid (16 cm).

All details are cut with an allowance of 0.5 cm.

Step 1: head

  1. Fold the square of fabric in half lengthwise along the grooves of the knitted weave and sew the edges along the long side with a seam back with a needle with an allowance of 0.5 cm.
  2. Make a basting seam along the upper edge of the "pipe" and pull it off so that you get a "pouch". The thread must be properly fixed - this will be the crown of the doll.
  3. Separate a long narrow ribbon from the wool and wind it into a tight ball with a diameter of 5 cm.
  4. Separate 3 more strips 20 cm long and fold them crosswise. Put the resulting ball in the middle and tightly tie the ends of the laid out strips with a thread so that they tightly wrap around the ball.
  5. Put the ball in the case and tie it well with a thread over it where the neck will be. The ends of the wool should peek out a little from the cover. The seam should be located on the back of the head, where the cap will be sewn.

Making the head of a butterfly doll - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll A bag that will be the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll Rolling a ball of wool to stuff the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll Ready-made blank for the head of a Waldorf butterfly doll

Step 2: cap

  1. Cut out the cap according to the scheme and sew the side seam with an allowance of 0.5 cm.
  2. Tuck the edge of the cap or sheathe it with braid, attach it to the head with a seam back (for greater accuracy, combine the seam of the head and the seam of the cap), sew it firmly.

We sew a cap - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for a cap for a Waldorf butterfly doll Ready-made cap for the Waldorf butterfly doll

Step 3: torso

  1. Cut out the body-butterfly according to the scheme.
  2. Sew the edges with a seam back with a needle with an allowance of 0.5 cm, leaving only the neckline unsewn.
  3. Roll into 4 small balls and place them in the limbs, wrap tightly with thread and fasten.
  4. Finish the neck with a basting stitch, insert the head, tighten the thread and sew both parts together.

Torso toy - photo gallery

A piece of fabric for the clothes of the Waldorf Butterfly Doll Clothes for the Waldorf Butterfly Doll Decorating the limbs of a Waldorf butterfly doll Finished Waldorf Butterfly Doll

Master class "Waldorf Butterfly Doll" - video

How to sew a large Waldorf doll: a step-by-step master class

Having taken on the difficult task of sewing a large doll, it is very important to know that in Waldorf pedagogy, special attention is paid to the reliability of the proportions of toys. Since dolls completely copy children, it should be remembered that the ratio of head height and body length in them differs from the proportions of an adult:

  • in a newborn, the height of the head is 1/4 of the body length,
  • in 2–4 years - 1/5,
  • at 5–6 years old - 1/6.

The size of the doll pattern can be increased independently, using the following simple rules:

  • the length and width of the body do not increase in direct proportion;
  • an increase in body thickness by 1 cm gives an increase in height of 4 cm, 2 cm of which is the height of the body, and 2 cm is the length of the legs;
  • arms with the same increase in body width of 1 cm increase by 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in thickness.

The following step-by-step description will give beginners an idea of ​​how to sew a Waldorf doll with their own hands. This will require:

  • white knitwear;
  • flesh-colored knitwear;
  • dense threads for constrictions;
  • wool for stuffing;
  • hair yarn.

Step 1: head and neck

The principle of making the head of a large Waldorf doll is the same as that of a butterfly doll. It is stuffed much denser than the body. This echoes the structure of the human body, because due to the bones of the skull, it is the hardest part.

Head sequence.

  1. 4 wide strips of wool (sliver) are laid out on the table in the form of a star, placing a ball in the middle to give the head hardness and volume.
  2. The ball is tightly wrapped with wool and tightened with a thread in the neck area, tightly tying a knot.
  3. A rectangle of white fabric is sewn together in the form of a tube and assembled at the top.
  4. The head cover is turned right side out.
  5. The cover is put on the resulting wool blank.
  6. Tighten the neck, securely fastening the ends of the thread into a knot on the side where the doll's face will be. Do not cut ends!
  7. The ends of the threads are brought up and tightened into a knot at the crown.
  8. The line of the eyes is drawn up with a horizontal constriction, and the knot is fixed.
  9. The horizontal constriction from the back of the head is lowered down and with the help of zigzag stitches, both threads are pulled together on both sides of the head.
  10. A small ball is rolled up or felted from a piece of wool and sewn on as a nose for a future doll.
  11. From flesh-colored knitwear, an upper cover for the doll's head is cut out and sewn together.
  12. The cover is turned inside out, put on the workpiece and the tucks are marked with safety pins.
  13. The cover is turned inside out again, the places of the tucks are marked with chalk and sewn up, and the extra corners are cut off.
  14. The cover is turned inside out and put on the head blank.
  15. The neck is pulled and fixed.
  16. Excess wool is hidden inside the cover and the edges are pulled together with a seam forward of the needle.

Step 2: hair

According to the method of making hair and purpose, Waldorf dolls are divided into "hugs" and "braids". The former are intended for play, and their hair is sewn to the head in the manner of a wig, the hairstyle is fixed. The second is made with strong, reliable strands that can be combed and braided. The hair for the boy doll is made in the same way as for the girl doll, but is made shorter.

This master class shows the process of making a braided doll, so special attention will be paid to the hair.

  1. A line of hair is marked on the head with chalk.
  2. The ends of the threads are left along the drawn hairline and move to the top of the head, making a bartack after each stitch, as when sewing a needle back. Having reached the crown, they return to the hairline in the same way. Thus, the entire surface of the head is stitched. An important nuance in the manufacture of Waldorf dolls is that the head tissue should not show through the hair, so the stitches are made quite dense.
  3. The thread is threaded between the resulting stitches at a distance of 5 mm and the hair of the doll is fixed on the head.
  4. Make out a bang.

Master class "Rag doll: how to make hair from threads" - video

Step 3: arms and legs

  1. Details of the torso, arms and legs are cut out of body jersey and stitched at the seams.
  2. Hands are turned inside out, stuffed with wool, pinned to the bottom of the head blank, as shown in the figure.
  3. The arms are sewn to the body with a strong seam so that they do not come off if the child pulls on them.
  4. The feet are stuffed with wool and a semicircle is marked with chalk, as shown in the figure.
  5. According to the markup, an inconspicuous seam is made to make a foot.
  6. The upper part of the legs is stuffed with wool.
  7. In the place where the legs pass into the body, a seam is made.

Step 4: torso

  1. The body is stuffed with wool and fastened with pins to the head and arms.
  2. The shoulders are stitched.
  3. Sew on the head carefully.
  4. Fasten hands.

The body of the doll is ready!

Step 5: face

Recall that the Waldorf doll is distinguished by neutral facial features. Eyes and mouth should be decorated with simple stitches, embroidering them with floss threads.

Face decoration of a large Waldorf doll - photo gallery

Eye embroidery

Step 6: clothes

Clothes for dolls are varied - simple and elegant. You can make a skirt and blouse, dress or sundress. The basic principles of making Waldorf toys are also observed when sewing a doll wardrobe - only natural fabrics of pleasant colors are used.

Ideas for designing clothes and patterns - photo gallery

Clothing options for a Waldorf doll
An example of a dress for a Waldorf doll

History testifies to the appearance of dolls more than 4,000 years ago. Today, even for beginner needlewomen, making dolls with their own hands helps to realize their talents, use them in the development of their child.

Modern techniques of such hand-made products are represented by different types: games for children, amulets, ceremonial, theatrical, interior. Making dolls with your own hands, both for beginners and experienced craftsmen, is preceded by the preparation of the necessary materials / tools.


We sew a textile doll with our own hands

It is important to consider that a do-it-yourself doll for beginners must necessarily consist of the following actions:

Fabrics for the author's doll

The experience of skilled craftsmen shows that for those who are just starting to create dolls with their own hands, it is best to use previously used clothes. Experienced needlewomen do not neglect such second-hand, along with the remnants of new fabrics.

In all cases, these should be fabrics made of cotton, wool, knitwear, leatherette, natural silk, leather.

It is very important to combine materials of different types, textures, plasticity and color palettes. The main requirement is their naturalness, attractiveness of appearance, absence of artificial dyes.

Tilda and its varieties

The first Tilda doll was created with her own hands by a young Norwegian designer Toni Finager in 1999. This is one of the toys that, even for beginner needlewomen, creates rich opportunities for making various products.

A distinctive feature of the man-made style of tildomania is the use of environmentally friendly materials, the unusual smooth lines of the "body" and the size of its parts. These are elongated torso and limbs; small head, pastel tone of the face with miniature beady eyes, nose, mouth; bright ruddy cheeks.

The desired colors can be achieved with the help of natural dyes (tea, coffee, powder, pencil lead, etc.).

Fillers are sintepuh, sintepon, holofiber and even calcined cereals. The fastening of the handles / legs is carried out by sewing / buttoning them. Pure wool yarn, floss and other natural materials are used for hair. The outfits certainly use colored prints, various accessories, ruffles, lace.

Tildomania has found application in the manufacture of dolls in different images (blonde, brunette, country, romantic, etc.). Along with dolls, there are various toys of this stylistic direction in the form of fairies, angels, various animals, as well as soldiers, airplanes, etc.

Such products can be used not only as children's toys, but also as interior decor elements, creative gifts.

We make the doll hair and hairstyle

The hair extension process consists of the following steps:

The right choice of material, length, hair attachment allows you to vary hairstyles: shortening, weaving braids, creating “tails”, etc. Mixing multi-colored strands helps to achieve original combinations when creating a harmonious image of any doll.

How to make a doll face

There are different options for creating volume, reliefs, facial expressions using hosiery technique, overlays for the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose, sculptural textiles. The first step in creating a doll's face is painting it with paints. For this, moisture-resistant acrylic dyes are best suited, which form a rubber-like film on the fabric.

In addition, they have a large color palette. First, it is necessary to draw on the head filled with synthetic winterizer / holofiber, eyes, nose, contours of the lips with a clear indication of their corners, chin. After checking the symmetry of the location of these parts, using a long needle and a strong thread, a "tightening" is carried out to form the necessary recesses / bulges of the face.

This kind of analogue of stitching thick blankets allows you to create the necessary size and shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, the roundness of the face as a whole. After that, using a brush, the face is tinted with oil paint or pastel in different halftones for the pupils and whites of the eyes, eyebrows, wings of the nose, lips, cheeks.

Master class: Waldorf doll

A properly made Waldorf doll with your own hands for beginners and experienced needlewomen is a chance to take advantage of the achievements of the most common alternative pedagogy in the world.

Its popularity is due to the orientation towards the systematic development of the child's personality, the creation of a natural playing environment, favorable conditions for familiarization with creativity, culture, and spiritual development. A distinctive feature of this doll, simple in form, is a hard head, a soft body, a clear design of movable limbs, and the roundness of all outlines.

The proportions of the model are determined by the correspondence of the anatomical, physiological structure of the baby's body in different periods of development.

The “face” of a baby doll can change from a passionless, neutral expression to a pronounced one in “growing up” products. This allows you to give the toy different feelings, stimulating his imagination. Together with her, the baby seems to get an adequate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis real body.

It is important to know that a Waldorf doll can be made exclusively by hand and using only natural materials!

The dimensions of the doll when creating a pattern should correspond to the age proportions of the child's body. For babies under 2 years old, the head is from 1/3 to ¼ relative to its length, respectively: from 2.5 to 4.5 years - 1/5, and for 5-year-olds and older - 1/6. For one-year-old children, it is recommended to sew butterfly dolls, corners in bags, diapers.

They do not have hair, clear facial features and limbs, and "maturing" dolls already possess them. The overall dimensions of the pattern increase independently.

Then you need to select the necessary materials for sewing the body, clothes, stuffing, hair (threads, trimmings of white and flesh-colored knitwear, sheep's wool, sliver, straw, yarn). It is not recommended to use heavy, dense, albeit natural, cotton wool as a filler.

One of the most popular options for making a doll for the smallest with a size of up to 15 cm is as follows:

Features of the doll on the teapot

More than 200 years ago, a peculiar detail of the tea ceremony appeared in Russia - heating pads with painted porcelain faces and insulated fluffy skirts. Today, man-made dolls for a teapot are used as a colorful part of the interior. To create a doll, you will need fabric, insulation, scissors, thread, floss, needle / sewing machine, decoration details.

The work process consists of the following actions:

  • preparing a doll pattern according to the height / volume of the teapot, transferring it to the fabric to cut out the details and then stitching them together (except for the bottom);
  • eversion of the workpiece is obvious, placement inside the filler;
  • preparation of the lining and its stitching with filler, while leaving a hole;
  • stitching both blanks around the circumference, and after turning through the hole - completely;
  • making a floss wig and gluing it to the head with a toasted face, painted eyes, lips, eyebrows;
  • tailoring (dress, apron with frills, lace, buttons, etc.);
  • full design of the doll and hoisting it to the required place.

Motanka or charm doll

These dolls have long been considered the keepers of the hearth and travelers, mediators between living and future generations. The skirt worn on them represents the earth, the ribbon and scarf represent heaven, the shirt represents the present, future and past of life. Ancestors passed them down from generation to generation.

The important points are the winding of threads on the svarga (face) without eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips in the form of a sacral cross. It is here, on the symbol of the mother of God Lada, that the main magic of the doll is concentrated. It is noteworthy that all parts of the body, hair, clothes are hand-wound with threads (cross to cross) in the direction of the sun without cutting them.

The work should be done in a good mood within one day. All this contributes to a happy fate, resistance to diseases and spoilage, taming of natural phenomena (drought, rain). Each turn symbolizes the filling of the doll with the potential of energy.

There are 3 types of coils:

  • diapers (for newborns);
  • dolls in wedding dresses, which were intended for young wives before the birth of a child;
  • beregini - fertile, herbalist, wishful, Easter, willow, etc. They should have been located near the house or on its eastern part.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights

Making such a toy does not require special materials and skills. Here you will need tights / stockings made of nylon, synthetic winterizer, threads (for sewing, knitting), a needle, scissors, pieces of fabric, ribbons for clothes. Along with interior "hosiery" in the form of fairy-tale characters, children's play dolls are popular. Their implementation is within the power of even beginners.

Step by step instructions: nylon sock doll

The most affordable is the manufacture of a baby doll of a simple form.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • fill the sock with synthetic winterizer and tie;
  • mark the place of the neck with a rare stitch, and then pull it off and wrap it a couple of times with threads;
  • to form a spout, place a small circle on the head and pull it off;
  • mark circles for the legs with stitches and pull them together;
  • in place of the seam of the sock, make a hole-navel by threading the needle from the back and grabbing the capron from the tummy. The buttocks are similarly designated;
  • ears, cheeks are made by pulling the threads in the right places, the eyes and eyebrows are embroidered with threads, and beads are used for the eyes;
  • the smiling mouth of the baby doll is made with the help of red threads (the needle is stuck through the top of the head, where the knot will be located);
  • handles are made from scraps of excess nylon on the head, and then sewn to the body;
  • hair is made from nylon socks of the desired tone;
  • clothes are made of fabric, socks of different colors.

This technique will be the first step to mastering more complex models.

Dolls from plastic bottles

A variety of ways to make dolls makes it possible to combine different materials with light plastic bottles of different sizes. They can be used both as a frame and as the main component of a toy for children of all ages.

There are different types of models, namely:

These examples can be supplemented with the know-how of users or with their own ways of creating exclusive models.

Author's frame doll

For the manufacture of the frame of the doll, aluminum / copper wire (length about 30 cm), of the same or different diameters, is used. It makes 2 loops 12 cm long (for the head, torso) and 16 cm (for the legs). When making a doll frame up to 50 cm in size, up to 2 m of wire is required.

The head is made separately from a part of a sock/tights with the further formation of an oval and parts of the face, fixing eyes, hair from yarn/an old wig. Palms made of pieces of wire, loops at the ends of the legs for shoes are wrapped with synthetic winterizer / electrical tape (arbitrary thickness).

A piece of sock / tights is put on the blank for the palms, on which the outlines of fingers with nails are embroidered, and “shoes” made of leatherette are embroidered on the legs. The head is sewn to the torso covered with padding polyester. The final touch is tailoring and dressing. The attractiveness of such a doll lies in the mobility of different parts of the body, modeling its different positions.

Cut out paper doll

This method of making dolls has been popular for over 200 years. Colorful images on cardboard of characters in luxurious outfits served as blanks for them. In times of scarcity of toys, paper dolls were their alternative. Today they are considered as an opportunity to realize the creative potential of children and adults at the lowest economic cost.

A do-it-yourself paper doll for beginners is the easiest way to make a doll for a child.

The creation of different models consists in drawing a silhouette on thick paper (a box of sweets / shoes), cutting it out along the contour and coloring it. This is followed by the manufacture of clothing, accessories with fastening by bending several "valves" on them. Here you can give scope for a flight of fancy to the kids themselves.

How to make a voluminous paper doll

One of the newest methods of manual creation of three-dimensional toys is the use of 3D technology. For three-dimensional models, flat templates of princesses, Disney / fairy tale characters, angels, animals, birds, etc. printed on thick paper are used. These can be both independent figures, and in the form of inserts in books.

When they are issued, they apply:

  • gift colorful paper,
  • fabrics,
  • glue,
  • thread,
  • buttons,
  • decorations
  • other available materials.

Among the most accepted techniques are:

  • modular origami,
  • pieces.

Each of them can be performed in various ways, which can be found in virtual master classes. As a result of borrowing the experience of others, you can create author's creations that are unlike each other, capable of becoming both toys and interior decorations, author's collections, and an exclusive gift.

Any of the ways to make a doll with your own hands expands the possibilities for manifesting your individuality. For beginners, this is a kind of test for patience, the possibility of realizing their fantasies. It gives experienced craftswomen a chance for further improvement, and allows children to reveal their talents and appreciate work.

Video: do-it-yourself doll for beginners

How to sew a doll with your own hands, see the video clip:

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll, master class:

If you are a needlewoman, for sure, you had a desire to please your beloved child with a homemade new thing. Children are very fond of handmade toys, as they are pleasant to the touch, and, most importantly, made with love.

As a material, you can use old unnecessary clothes (tights, skirt, T-shirt, shirt, dress, pants, overalls, jacket, trousers, shorts, jacket, pajamas, panties, sweater, jeans, bathrobe, jacket, sundress, swimsuit, T-shirt, socks and even a coat).

After choosing the material, proceed to the lesson with a detailed description of the entire process.

How to sew a doll quickly and easily at home with your own hands

Having detailed lessons from an experienced craftsman in his arsenal, even a beginner can quickly and easily sew a textile doll. To do this, you need to be patient and have the necessary tools (fabric, threads, needles, scissors, crayons, a pattern). With such a minimal set, you can create any model you like.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights (step by step photo)

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We start the product with the most difficult - from the head.

For her, you will need a cut off piece of flesh-colored tights, a piece of padding polyester from an old jacket or pillow (although you can buy a new one in the store - it's very inexpensive) and two darning needles with flesh-colored threads.

A lump of padding polyester is placed in a nylon bag, another smaller ball is inserted in front - for the nose. First, the bridge of the nose is formed with a needle and thread. Then you need to make a cavity for one nostril. Do the same for the second nostril.

A loop pulls the nose from below. Enlarge one nostril, then the second. Now, after the design of the spout, you need to increase the cheeks through the lower incision in the bag - near the neck.

Having put the filler cakes on both sides of the spout, you should also insert a small sausage into the lip area. We turn on the second needle and form the corners of the lips and hollows for the eyes - eye sockets. We stretch a loop between the corners of the lips - a smile.

During work, you should not cut the threads - all the details should be done “in a single breath. In the course of work, the filler must be straightened, laying it more evenly or collecting it in the right places. We also form the lower sponge with a loop.

As the lips are embroidered, the needle is brought into the eye sockets, thanks to which they begin to look like “boats”, and not like dots, as it was at the very beginning. The needle should be brought to the middle of the upper lip to make lips with a bow.

With a screed eye socket-corners of the lips, the master achieves a charming smile of his future creation. On the other hand, they do the same.

You can achieve a smile in which the mouth opens slightly. Now you need to slightly lengthen the bridge of the nose.

Eyes for the doll can be bought at a specialized needlework store or replaced with painted buttons. You can glue nylon rollers around the eyeball, which will imitate the eyelids.


One wig is enough for two dolls, if it is torn into separate strips of which it consists. The strip is twisted with a “snail” and secured with a thread. Then this "shell" is sewn to the top of the head. The remaining strips, one after the other, are fixed around the cochlea, sewn with a needle. The hairstyle can be decorated with bows and hairpins for little fashionistas.


First you need to make a frame for the torso, which will hold the whole body. If the pupa is planned to be half a meter, then the wire will require a thirty meter. Having folded it in the necessary way, the “skeleton” must be fastened in some places with electrical tape or tape.

Palms mk

1. For the palms, you also need to make a frame, which is wrapped with padding polyester. Small square pieces cut off from tights will serve as skin for the hands.

2. A nylon stocking is pulled over each hand and tied with a knot at the “wrists”.

3. Already in a known way, fingers and nails are formed.


The hands are screwed to the skeleton frame, the head as well. Then the body is formed by wrapping the wire with synthetic winterizer. The rest of the body is covered with kapron, the armpits are formed with the help of threads and a needle, the junctions of the palms and hands are hidden.


Every woman knows how to sew a dress for a doll, so at this stage you can give free rein to your imagination.

How to sew a tilde doll

There are a lot of options for tilde dolls, and they all amaze with their different cute images - there are no beauties among them! These delightful products are not just toys. For many years, tilde dolls have been decorating the homes of millions of people around the world, and this is not surprising, because their fans perceive these little fairies and angels as a talisman and amulet.

For sewing any doll you will need a pattern. Also prepare the necessary materials and tools.

For work, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • first of all, as for creating any such doll, you will need a pattern (you can simply print it from a computer);
  • natural fabric of flesh or beige color for sewing the body of the pupa;
  • filler (holofiber, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool);
  • knitting needle or wooden stick (to help yourself with stuffing);
  • dress fabrics;
  • ribbons, lace, buttons and other decorations;
  • acrylic paints or pencil and blush;
  • material for creating hair (threads, yarn, wefts - optional).

So, let's start with a master class on sewing a tilde in a cup.

  1. Choose a pattern, depending on which doll you want to sew - small or large. Print it out and transfer it to a flesh-colored fabric (fabric should be folded in half right side in).
  2. Then you need to lay a running seam so that it runs along the lower part of the tilde body.
  3. Take the filler and stuff the doll. When the stuffing is completely evenly distributed, sew the product. Handles must be sewn to the body almost near the neck.
  4. For the dress, take two pieces of rectangular fabric and fold them together (wrong side out). Transfer the dress pattern to the fabric, sew on the sides. Then you need to iron the allowance at the top of the clothes and small corners on the sides. Turn the dress inside out, also go over it with an iron and put it on the doll. Sew it first with running stitches (along the edges of the hem and neckline), tightening the thread well. Also with a collar. Then sew it on completely.
  5. The hair for this doll is best made from boucle yarn, and the face is painted with acrylic paints and blush. Attach a small rosette to the hair and sew the tilde handle to the mouth.
  6. Now you need a beautiful cup. Spread glue on its bottom and seat the doll there. Attach a small loop to hang it up.

To make your angels legs that can be bent, first stuff them halfway, then stitch across and only then continue stuffing to the end. It is better to fill all the details by helping yourself with a wooden stick or a knitting needle. Complete the image of your tildos with different elements, giving it individuality and uniqueness: give your hands a heart, a bouquet of flowers, a stylish handbag, a basket or a book.

As an addition, you can come up with a beautiful handbag, shorts, boots.

A heating pad for a teapot made of fabric for the kitchen - a master class for beginners

As a decoration - a national Russian folk costume, and the material is capron.


If you don’t know how to sew clothes for barbie dolls, lalaloopsy, baby bon, ever after high, monster high in our article “” you will find a lot of valuable and useful information.

Handmade gifts are always original and memorable. Especially if it's a doll. This detailed Master Class from offers you to sew a charming textile doll for games or interior decoration.

How to sew a doll with your own hands



To make a body such chrysalis used material stretch gabardine. You can use thick cotton or knitwear. A cut of 40x50 cm is needed. We place a pattern on the fabric folded in half along the longitudinal thread, draw around the contour.

In the photo with the details of the pattern, dotted lines are outlined. These places do not need to be covered. They are necessary for eversion and subsequent stuffing. The head consists of three parts: the two occipital ones are sewn together and connected along the edges with the detail for the face. At the legs we unfold the toe part, we grind it.

We turn all the details on the front side, carefully straighten the fingers. You can even lightly coat the seams in these places with PVA glue. We fill the blanks with synthetic winterizer or holofiber. The stuffing should be very dense, without bumps and folds. Open cuts are sewn up with a hidden seam.

Next, we collect our doll. We sew the head to the neck with a hidden seam, the arms and legs - with a button-and-thread fastening. This method will make the toy partially movable, that is, it will be possible to plant it, raise the handles.

The body of the doll is almost ready.


Homemade toys are always warmly received, and sewing is a useful skill in itself. Therefore, create with pleasure!

Do-it-yourself rag dolls are sewn from felt, fabric, and other materials. The process of creating dolls from foamiran, as well as hairstyles and clothes for them, is interesting.

Master class: rag doll

It will help you fall in love with this type of needlework, understand all its subtleties and nuances.

Such dolls are very popular with children, as they are not only beautiful, but also soft, cozy. Parents will be able to wash these toys, kids will not break them like porcelain or plastic ones.

To make the first doll, you can use the remains of various materials, these are:

  • plain beige fabric for face and body;
  • yarn;
  • white cambric;
  • floss;
  • filler such as holofiber or synthetic winterizer;
  • length of dress fabric.

The presented pattern of a rag doll is printed, the elements are cut out. It:
  • two parts of the head - facial and occipital;
  • two parts of the body;
  • two blanks for pantaloons (with folds);
  • 4 parts for arms and legs.

To save fabric and time, fold it in half so you can cut two identical pieces at once. The pattern of arms and legs is first laid as is, then turned over to the back to get the details in a mirror image.

  1. To make the head the desired shape, stitch the folds that are indicated on the cheekbones. Fold the face and back of the head, stitch along the edge.
  2. Align two paired parts of the hands, stitch them, stepping back from the edge. Leave the shoulder section unsewn. Decorate both legs in the same way, the top is not sewn here.
  3. Through these holes you will fill your arms and legs with filler, and through the neck - your head. Now you need to close these holes by stitching them on your hands.
  4. Place these parts as the finished doll will look like, put the front part of the body on top of them, and the back part on the back, placing the filler between these two elements. Sew the details of the body on the arms.
  5. Open the pantaloons from white fabric, stitch the seams, sew the braid to the bottom. Slightly above it, on the wrong side, sew a wide elastic band with a zigzag seam, stretching it.
  6. At the next stage, rag dolls are further transformed, with your own hands you need to embroider facial features using threads of the appropriate colors. Make hair out of yarn. To do this, wind strands of the same size, sew them to the back of the head.
  7. Feel like real hairdressers, armed with scissors, trim the ends of the threads, you can make bangs for the doll, braid a pigtail.

The rag doll is ready, it remains to come up with a robe. If you can knit, make clothes out of thread.

If you have not yet mastered this needlework, then do it differently.

We sew clothes with our own hands

For dolls, it is created easier than for people. It will take much less material and time.

Moreover, for the manufacture of robes, you can use unnecessary things, for example, such as old socks. Of these, you can very quickly sew trousers for a doll.

To do this, we cut off the holey heels, the tops will go into action.

Insert one into the other, sew round cutouts from the inside.

It turned out wonderful knitted trousers for the doll.

Also create a turtleneck for her using an old sock, if you have a couple of these items, then you will make a tracksuit. See how to make cutouts in socks. As you can see, all you need is a bootleg.

To make trousers, cut the workpiece in the center, not reaching the elastic band. Sew the resulting pants. For a turtleneck, cut through the armholes on both sides, and the tracksuit is ready.

Tailored clothes for dolls - this is an evening dress. You will also make it from a sock, the main thing is that it fits in width. Cut off the heel and toe, leaving only the bootleg. If you want to sew a topic, then use the cut off part for it between the heel and toe.

If you want to sew a costume for a doll, then mark the waist line on the shaft, cut it off here.

You will get a top and a long skirt. Decorate them as you wish by gluing or sewing on braid, rhinestones, and other accessories.

See how we quickly sew clothes for dolls. Literally in 15 minutes, the toy got a fashionable dress or a long skirt and a top.

If you have a little more time, then you can make a pattern for the doll to sew an evening dress.

Put the doll on the newspaper, circle her silhouette, adding a little to the loose fit. At the top, draw long straps so that you can tie a dress around your neck.

Try on the pattern on the doll, if necessary, make adjustments. Fold the paper template in half, align it. Remove excess with scissors.

Fold the resulting paper template in half lengthwise, also decorate the fabric, put a pattern on it, and pin it off. Cut out, stepping back from the edge of the template 7 mm for seams.

Turn the bottom of the dress over, hem it using a seam over the edge.

Stitch the sides, tie the straps around the neck, decorate the dress with beads.

This is such a beautiful outfit for the doll.

If a child wants to make clothes for a toy, then show him how to make an outfit out of paper. This will require:

  • tape measure;
  • wrapping or crepe paper;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.
Measure the height of the doll and the width of her body.

Based on this information, help your child cut out the front and back of the dress.

Tell your daughter that you need to cut out the details of the paper dress with allowances for the seams so that in these places you can glue them together.

Let the child do this, and also glue various decorations on the dress. Then he will try on a new thing on the doll.

Foamiran dolls: master class

Such toys are truly unique, as they are made in a single copy. They can be made and collected, donated, sold.

A master class will help you make foamiran dolls. Prepare:

  • foamiran of different colors;
  • felt;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • wooden stick;
  • powder;
  • paints;
  • foam blanks;
  • paints;
  • marker.

Foamiran (fom) is a material similar to porous colored rubber. Its thickness varies from 0.5 mm to 0.5 cm.

First, let's complete the doll's head. To do this, take a foam ball, iron a beige fom with a slightly heated iron, wrap it around the ball. Cut off the excess, and glue the edges with a hot gun.

Cut out a circle from the yellow fom, go over it with the iron turned on, glue this piece of hair onto the doll's head using hot glue.

To make the doll's hairstyle further, cut out a rectangle from the same foamiran for curls that will be located on the right side of the head. Cut them into thin strips, but not completely. Alternately heating, wind each on a wooden skewer.

Glue the curls for their upper solid part to the right side of the doll's head, decorate the left half of the head in the same way.
Draw the facial features with a ballpoint pen.

Take a double semicircular foam blank, attach foamiran of the desired color to it. From a thick fom, you need to cut out the hands of the doll. Sew a dress from felt, decorate it with ribbons, beads.

We make legs that will bend. Cut two pieces of wire of the desired length, wrap each with skin-colored foamiran. If you want to make the doll big shoes so that they look good, the toy is stable, then take two foam balls, one slightly smaller than the other. Trim on one side to form flats. You also need to cut a little where you will glue these two blanks so that they are side by side.

In the same way, they decorate them with foamiran, heating it, cutting off the excess and gluing the edges to the shoes.

You can make such foamiran dolls with your own hands, give them to newlyweds. This will be an exclusive keepsake.

DIY felt dolls

It is also a fertile material for needlework. It has the necessary density, volume, does not fray. The easiest way to sew a flat doll. It does not need to be stuffed with filler.

As you can see, only the head is made of felt in such toys, and the face is made of flesh-colored material, and the hair can be black, brown, yellow, red. Make clothes from the same or from another material that is at hand. Turn two beaded chains into legs. Embroider facial features, draw them or make them from suitable pieces of felt.

Volumetric dolls are also easy to perform. Start with the next sample.

From flesh-colored felt, cut out two parts of the head, the same number for the torso, arms and legs. As you can see, the legs and arms are double here.

Sew together the paired parts of the torso and head, leaving a gap for stuffing them with padding polyester. Stitch the side seams of the arms and legs, also fill them with filler, sew the limbs and head to the body.

To make a girl doll made of felt, you will need a hair pattern, on which they are long or braided in the form of pigtails. These are the top two options. Sew hair onto the toy's head.

For the dress, you will need 2 parts that are connected by a seam on the sides and on the shoulders. If this is a boy doll, then the appropriate hairstyle and clothing will help.

Having mastered this simple needlework, you can create more realistic and voluminous felt dolls with your own hands.

To sew one, take:
  • felt of suitable colors;
  • filler;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic paints;
  • plastic fasteners;
  • thread and needle.
The head consists of 4 parts, two for the face and two for the back of the head.

Sew them, fill your head with filler, wind a little padding polyester on the tip of the needle, fill your nose with it. With the help of a disappearing marker, facial features are drawn.

Now walk on them with plaster, at the same time primed.

Put the head blank on the bottle, draw facial features with matching acrylic paints. Sew on the ears.

Sew paired parts on a typewriter, glue plastic fasteners that will help you connect the legs and arms to the body, but first fill these parts with filler.

Sew along the bottom of the limb to make fingers and toes for this felt doll. Also from this material, but in a different color, cut the hair for the doll, sew or glue it on the head.

The clothing pattern below will help you create these wardrobe items for our character.

From what and how to make a hairstyle for a rag doll?

This is also an important issue in the covered topic. After all, hair for dolls can be made of various materials. You will choose the one you have in stock.

For the felt doll just presented, hair was made from the same material with their own hands. If you have goat tress or goat hair left from needlework, very interesting hairstyles are obtained from them.

If pieces of fox fur are lying around on the farm, put them on the head of the angels, gluing or sewing them on the mezra. It turns out a magnificent, as if weightless hairstyle.

If there is no fur, but there are satin ribbons, dissolve them. Then the doll made of felt or other material will get soft, silky hair. They can be cut at your discretion, use ribbons of the most unexpected colors.

Felting wool will also help create a hairstyle. Moreover, you may have some of this material left from needlework. Felting wool is malleable, so you can braid or curl your doll.

If you want to make a little princess, style your wool hair in such a way that it looks like a royal person.

When you do a workshop, the rag doll can get cloth hair, especially if you want to give the characters a rustic look.

By choosing yarn curled in smaller zigzags, you can make different hair for dolls.

If the threads are thick, you will get a lush head of hair for your favorite toy.

If you have artificial hair, for example, there are strands left after extensions, make a small wig for your pet.

If desired, even small feathers and pieces of fluff will turn into a wonderful lush hair, and the rain left over from the New Year and even linen tow into an interesting hairstyle.

Finishing the topic of textile dolls, we can talk about another toy that is very easy to create. For her, you can use a hairstyle made of yarn or from other materials presented above.

DIY fabric toy

A pattern for a rag doll of this type will greatly facilitate the task of creating it.

The next photo shows how you need to pin the arms and legs to stitch them, and then straighten them.

Thus, make the front, then the back. Fold the two blanks with the right sides, stitch them along the edge, leaving free space to stuff the doll.

Take a flap of the right size, sew threads on it, this blank will become hair. It remains to dress her. A pattern of a sundress for a doll will help with this.

Stitch the front and back on the sides, you need to bend it from above, hem it, put a ribbon here to tie the dress. Sew a lace ribbon down to decorate it.

To make shoes for the doll, cut out the details from felt or leatherette according to the pattern below. Next, you need to sew these elements.

Embroider the nose and mouth, and the eyes can be used ready for toys, glue them on the doll's face. Then it's time to give this doll to the baby.

Continuing the theme, you can delve deeper into the process by learning how to make a folk rag doll baby-naked.

If you like felt dolls, then look at how craftswomen create them.