Christmas signs and traditions. All Christmas signs, beliefs and customs

  • As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. To ensure the well-being of the New Year, he should arrange a joyful, welcoming meeting.
  • If on New Year's Eve something happened to - a person, then it will happen for a whole year.
  • If on this day someone sneezes, then to their well-being - the whole year will be happy.
  • If you wear something new for the New Year, then the year will be successful. On New Year's Eve with a new thing, the whole year to walk in new clothes, so meet the new year in everything new.
  • The last drink on New Year's Eve will bring good luck to whoever drinks it.
  • Loaf and salt on the New Year's table - to well-being.
  • You can’t borrow money on New Year’s Eve so that you don’t have to be in debt for the whole next year.
  • Whoever has empty pockets in the New Year will spend the whole year in need.
  • There should be plenty of food and drinks on the New Year's table, then the whole year there will be prosperity in the family.
  • Before the New Year, you can’t take dirty linen out of public, otherwise there will be no home well-being for a whole year.
  • If the first day of the year is fun, then the whole year will be like that.
  • If there are guests on New Year's Eve, then guests all year round.
  • If on the first day of the New Year the merchant gives the goods to the first buyer he meets very cheaply, then the whole year there will be a successful trade.
  • Put money in your pockets! Preferably a couple of large bills, then next year you will not need anything. If you are in an outfit without pockets during the first chimes, while making a wish, hold a coin in your left palm.

Here you will find an effective technique for fulfilling a New Year's wish. To make sure your wish comes true.

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The following signs:

"Dishes, table - folk omens"
you can read

According to an old legend, on the night before Christmas, “the heavenly gates open, and from the heights beyond the clouds the Son of God descends to earth.

During this solemn appearance, the bright paradise opens to the eyes of righteous people all its invaluable treasures, all its inexplicable secrets. If someone prays for something at midnight, asks for something, everything will come true, it will come true as written. Wall Reports

Christmas for all Christians of the world is the most important holiday of the year. And, although many traditions have been lost, let's try to remember what to do for Christmas. What are the Christmas signs for good luck and prosperity. After all - "as Christmas passes, so the year will be set."

Food and holiday table

First of all, on the eve of Christmas, until the evening - try not to eat anything. The only exception is for small children.

The table is traditionally covered with a tablecloth, under which a garlic clove is placed in the corners. Garlic protects against evil forces and diseases.

There should be twelve Lenten dishes on the table. Traditionally, these are borsch, potatoes, cabbage rolls, porridge, beans or beans, dumplings, fish, mushrooms, cookies, kutya, uzvar. And each of the guests should definitely try each. You can’t drink water with dishes - only with an uzvar.

It is also impossible to eat all the dishes completely, there should be at least a little of each dish - "so that the refrigerator does not remain empty."

The main dish is kutya, or sochivo. This is rice or wheat porridge with raisins and poppy seeds. This is where the meal begins.

Another important dish is Christmas cake. There is also a Christmas money omen associated with it. A coin is baked into a Christmas cake - whoever gets a piece with a coin will have great monetary luck in the New Year. But remember, you can't cut the Christmas cake before Christmas Eve.

Christmas should be celebrated at home, with family and loved ones. A friendly atmosphere at the table is important. All misunderstandings need to be put aside, and even better, everyone who needs to make peace at all.

It is a good tradition to light a large number of candles and lights at Christmas. It is worth lighting a fireplace - if there is one. They will bring warmth and wealth to your home. On the eve of Christmas, light and fire should not be taken out of the house.

No plate should be empty. Sitting at the table, you can not leave it until the end of the meal. And, even more so, to leave the house, so as not to accidentally let in evil spirits.

The first evening star notifies people about a great miracle - the birth of the Son of God! We saw a star - you can start the Holy Dinner - light a candle, pray.

When the clock strikes twelve on the night before Christmas, all doors must be thrown wide open to drive out evil spirits.

Don't Celebrate Christmas Alone

Christmas is a family holiday, and even if you don’t have your own family, invite guests, or go to visit yourself, but it’s not recommended to be alone on this day.

But when inviting guests, call only those who can bring you good luck in the new year. Avoid socializing with people you don't like on Christmas Day.

If you have pets, feed them better so that they don’t say that the owner is bad, because on Christmas, according to legend, “the cattle talks.”

For the celebration of Christmas, girls and women tried to dress up before evening came. It was believed that those who did not have time to do this in the first case would not marry rich grooms, and in the second they would not be loved by their husbands.

Previously, the Christmas meal was invariably accompanied by the commemoration of deceased relatives, sometimes separate dishes were even placed for them. It was the belief in the invisible presence of the souls of the dead that gave rise to certain rules and prohibitions.

For example, it was forbidden to sit at the table too closely, to stand up and sit down abruptly, to use knives and forks, to pick up a fallen spoon from the floor, etc.

Be sure to light a special candle in honor of the deceased relatives - then they will definitely help you in the new year, attract good luck and prosperity to the house.

In the old days, bringing fresh water into the house was an important action on Christmas morning: the owners went to fetch water as early as possible in order to get it before others.

This water was considered especially healing, all members of the family washed themselves with it for health, and part of it was poured to knead the dough for ceremonial bread.

When kneading the dough for baking Christmas bread, the hostess did not have to talk to anyone.

With hands smeared in dough, she touched home icons; went out into the garden and hugged the fruit trees so that they would be fertile.

Breakfast and lunch that day were hearty and plentiful.

After the meal, other magical rites were performed.

For the yield of fruit trees, the owner went out into the garden with an ax, swung at each tree, threatening to cut it down, and asked if it would bear fruit this year.

Then he tied the trunks with Christmas straw; buried the remains of a festive dinner under the roots; shaking branches or showering them with grain, etc.

It was also customary to visit your cattle, congratulate him on Christmas, treat him with ritual food. The housewives brought chickens and geese into the house and fed them with grain, surrounding them with a rope in a circle so that they would not fight back from the house during the year.

Despite the fact that any work on Christmas was considered a sin, some peoples had a custom to symbolically redo the main things. Many believed that this would ensure success in all works in the coming year.

According to the church charter, at that time it was possible to eat only sochivo, honey pancakes and lenten pies. The remnants of food did not clean the table, believing that the souls of the dead would eat them. Breaking the fast was allowed the next morning after early mass.

According to an old legend, on the night before Christmas, “the heavenly gates open, and from the heights beyond the clouds the Son of God descends to earth. During this solemn appearance, the bright paradise opens to the eyes of righteous people all its invaluable treasures, all its inexplicable secrets. All springs are turned into wine and endowed on this great night with miraculous healing power; in the gardens of Eden, flowers bloom and golden apples are poured. If someone prays for something at midnight, asks for something, everything will come true, it will come true as written.

All day on January 7, it is best to visit and receive guests. It is also important that you need to communicate at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness.

Christmas is a great time for shopping, big and small

Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully. If you have pets, you need to feed them abundantly at Christmas - then the year will be satisfying, financially successful.

What not to do at Christmas

There are things that you should not do at Christmas - if you believe the signs, they can bring trouble to your home.

If you decide to have some fun hunting, you can’t do this from Christmas to Epiphany (until January 19). At this time, nature patronizes animals, so killing animals is considered a grave sin.

On Christmas Day, girls are not allowed to guess - wait a bit, you have all the Christmas time ahead! Also on Christmas you can not clean the house, do all kinds of housekeeping and sewing.

You can't drink water at Christmas, so clear all the mineral water off the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this omen is a little strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer all year for no reason.

Money omens for Christmas

On Christmas Eve (January 7-19) observe nature. If the sky is most often strewn with stars, or it often snows, or there is a lot of frost on the trees, the year will be rich, satisfying, profitable.

If it snows on Christmas Day itself, it is a very good omen and promises a good year. If on Christmas a young month flaunts in the sky, the year will be extremely unsuccessful financially.

That's all Christmas signs. Happy Christmas to you! Let the coin be in your piece of Christmas cake.

Signs for prosperity and happiness:

A smart Christmas tree - it would seem that this is a matter of course. But in fact, many people take apart the Christmas tree right after the New Year. Therefore, if you are one of them, do not rush to get rid of the elegant beauty this year.

The tradition of putting up a Christmas tree at Christmas dates back to the 8th century in Germany. It was taken up by many peoples and countries, including the Slavic ones. After that, they began to dress her up, comparing her with a paradise tree strewn with apples.

Gifts and visits

Even if all the gifts are given away on New Year's Day, leave a few nice souvenirs for Christmas. The emergence of this tradition in Russia is associated with St. Nicholas, who later became the prototype of Santa Claus. Today it is customary to put gifts in New Year's socks.

Buying or getting something nice for Christmas is considered a good omen. Also on this day, until the evening, it is advisable to visit or receive them. But you need to communicate only with those who can bring you happiness.

On the night of January 6-7, 2019, the Orthodox part of Christians celebrates one of the most revered holidays - Christmas. Believers are very sensitive to this bright day, because the coming of the little Jesus Christ into our world symbolizes its original renewal. Paying tribute to the miracle of the birth of God's son, it is widely used throughout the world, including in our open spaces, the reckoning is from the Nativity of Christ.

Of course, Christianity did not immediately become the main religion among the Slavs, and the existing traditions related to pagan rituals were intricately intertwined with church knowledge. Therefore, the celebration has preserved many of the customs, traditions and signs that accompanied it, which may not be related to the Holy Scriptures, however, are extremely interesting and are still observed by many. However, most of these not quite canonical actions eventually began to be officially recognized by the church.

  • Christmas table
  • Other Christmas Signs

Church traditions of celebration

The first mention of the celebration of Christmas dates back to apostolic times, when the apostles glorified the birth of Jesus. In our time, before Christmas, churches are decorated with fir branches, lights and festive church garlands.

Television broadcasts on the night of January 7 show the all-night services, which consist of several parts, including Great Compline, Matins, and the Liturgy. In recent years, it has become customary that some time before they begin, the Patriarch addresses the faithful, congratulating them on the onset of one of the main dates in the Orthodox calendar. The order in which prayers, psalms, and church hymns are performed has long been known, and it attracts many Christians to celebrate vigil in the church.

Common customs and traditional celebration of Christmas

The celebration begins even before Christmas, on January 6th. The eve, the evening before Christmas, is called Christmas Eve. It is symbolically associated with the night of the lighting of the Bethlehem star in the firmament, which announced the biblical magi about the birth of a new Tsar. The origin of the word has several interpretations. The most common two are:

From the word "sochenya", which was called cakes baked in hemp or other vegetable oil, served at the Christmas holiday table;
also an “edible” option, from the word “sochivo”, the so-called steamed grains of cereals.

Christmas table

The celebration begins in the evening (Evening) and precedes the end of the forty-day Christmas Lent. Those who celebrate this holiday do not always have a clear understanding of what, according to traditions, can be put on the table and what cannot. All are united in only one opinion - there should be at least twelve dishes, this number occupies a special place in Christianity.

According to the canons, Christmas Eve is the last day of fasting, and the strictest, so the dishes on the table should be lenten. However, another opinion is also widespread that with the rising of the first evening star, one can already “break the fast”, start eating fast food.

An indispensable dish in the center of the table in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and even Poland and Bulgaria is Christmas. There are many options for preparing it, most often it is porridge made from grains of wheat or barley (recently there may be rice or other cereals - pearl barley, millet), with the addition of honey, nuts, sugar or jam. By the way, sochivo is one of the names of kutia, and Christmas Eve is sometimes called a kuteinik.

Often you can find among the refectory dishes and uzvar - dried fruit compote.

With the advent of Christmas, and, therefore, the indisputable end of Lent, all the best is served on the table. Pork dishes are certainly present here, which symbolize prosperity: roast, jelly, stuffed head and others, depending on the hostess's imagination.

It is obligatory to have a fish dish in order for the future harvest to be good.
Other dishes are represented by all kinds of pastries, both with meat and vegetable stuffing, pickles, salads, meat and other treats. It is considered obligatory to try at least a little of each of the treats.

The table itself is covered with hay and straw, in order to do some justice to the place where Christ was born - the barn.

Caroling and other Christmas festivities

Holy days or simply call the days from Christmas to the Epiphany. In many places, this tradition of folk festivals has been preserved, however, this is most likely characteristic of rural and rural settlements, where people know each other well and perceive it normally.

Caroling began on Christmas Eve and could continue throughout Christmas time. The youth gathered in groups, dressed in various costumes and followed from house to house. At each visit, such mummers sang songs and read poems in which they praised Jesus, wished health, prosperity and other blessings to the owners. For this, the owners, if possible, presented them with treats, a little money.
The folklore of the Slavic countries is famous for the variety of such songs and poems - carols, and in some territories you can find whole theatrical performances that were played by the crib theater.

Do's and Don'ts during Christmas

The time of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ has long been considered magical, therefore, it has acquired a large number of signs, traditions and ritual actions, some of which were prohibited, and some had to be performed.

What not to do at Christmas

The emergence of prohibitions is difficult to logically explain, however, to this day, some of them are observed by the most modern people:

It is forbidden to engage in sewing, weaving or bending something, otherwise you can invite misfortune into the house. But there is an exception: this does not apply to cases related to work duties.
You cannot hunt or simply kill animals, including the slaughter of livestock.
On Christmas Eve, you should not borrow anything related to lighting a fire (matches, candles, firewood, coal), otherwise something bad will happen.
In order to have money in the house, it is forbidden to lend it, the same superstition includes borrowing salt, bread, and, oddly enough, washing your hair and cutting your hair.
All "dirty" work must be completed before the holidays, so as not to spend the whole next year in the mud.
It is forbidden to sit at the table in clothes of mourning shades, because this can invite misfortunes and sorrows into the house.
On the day after Christmas (January 8), it is not recommended to cook and eat jelly, otherwise you can call the deceased to the house. A similar superstition is associated with the purchase of a rope on this day - it is forbidden to prevent the appearance of a hanged man in the house.
On January 9, it is forbidden to cut wood.
On January 10, you should not start the dough.
On January 11, married women are not recommended to give their husband a towel, or he will start beating his wife in the future. On the same day, you can’t open the door after the first knock (only starting from the second), otherwise illness will enter the house, and you should be very careful with salt, because spilled salt will lead to tears within a year.

What to do for Christmas

Along with prohibitions, there are many actions that, as is commonly believed, can avert troubles and make the coming year happy.

For the happiness of the whole family, the elder relative must offer milk to each of its members.
It is customary to leave some food on the festive table so that dead relatives who come to visit can taste it, and they will protect the peace of the family.
Where discord reigns in the family, it is recommended to set a bucket of water for freezing at night. Then, melted from the ice obtained, you can give your husband a drink. It also helps with any women's trouble.
At Christmas, it is customary to ask for what you need most. It is believed that if you ask for it 77 times, then the wish will come true. Wishes that were made during the fall of a star on Christmas night or simply made into the open sky, filled with magical power, will also come true.
Christmas time is a traditional time for all kinds of fortune-telling, especially for unmarried girls. It is believed that the best time for divination simply does not exist.

Other Christmas Signs

If, after Christmas, a drunken person enters the house first, then throughout the year this house will be accompanied by quarrels. A man or a boy must enter first, then prosperity is promised. If a girl or a woman steps on the threshold first, then the house will be accompanied by failures. A bird knocking on the window will bring some amazing news.

If two or more people enter the house on Christmas morning, this promises wealth to the family and protects against possible death, divorce and other misfortunes for a whole year.

It does not do without pets: a cat sitting under the festive table protects those sitting at this table from death for a whole year.

According to signs, things broken on this day entail fuss and anxiety.
January 9 is meant for visiting parents and godfathers.

A child who starts walking without assistance on January 10 will live happily ever after.
Pickling cucumbers in the summer is recommended exactly on the day that fell on Christmas, and then they will be tasty and crispy.

The midwife never took even a small amount of money from the mother's family if the child was born on Christmas, and even became a godmother. It was believed that such money would soon be spent on one's own death.

Of course, this is only a small part of the existing traditions, signs and superstitions that vary from place to place. One thing unites them: these days it is necessary not only to walk and celebrate, but also to perform charitable good deeds.

One of the main events of January is the Nativity of Christ, which is preceded by Christmas Eve, and after - until the very - Christmas time lasts.

We will not dwell on the history of the appearance of the Messiah, because the New Testament tells about this in detail. As for the exact date of the birth of the Son of God, it is not known for certain. On this occasion, there are many versions, argued by various facts (scientists often talk about September 12 BC).

Orthodox Christians have been celebrating this day on January 7th for centuries. Each era has contributed to the traditions of the celebration, resulting in an intricate kaleidoscope of beliefs, rituals, rituals and signs. We offer you to get acquainted with a small selection of the most interesting and important of them.

Christmas: Traditions and Customs

Christmas Eve is the end of Lent. Dinner is served after the evening service, when the first star has already appeared in the sky.

Traditionally, before a meal, all household members should try juicy (other names for the dish: kutya, kolivo).

There are many ways to prepare this delicacy. Previously, housewives simply steamed wheat grains, and before serving, they poured them with uzvar.

Nowadays, culinary specialists improve the recipe at their discretion, most often they use the following ingredients: raisins, poppy seeds, nuts, honey. Some add vanilla, caramel, candied fruits, chocolate.

The total number of dishes on the table should correspond to the number of apostles - 12. According to the Church Charter, food should be hot, cooked in vegetable oil. Although many who break the fast forget this nuance.

For those who are going to observe church traditions and customs at Christmas, here is a list of dishes suitable for the festive table: dumplings with potatoes or canned cherries, fried or oven-baked fish, pancakes, vinaigrette, a variety of pickles, potato pancakes and cabbage with mushrooms. Baking options appropriate for the occasion: gingerbread, pies, kulebyaka.

Christmas is the second most important (after the Resurrection of Christ) twelfth holiday.

Temples are decorated in advance in a special way, using coniferous branches and fresh flowers (often lilies and chrysanthemums), they also put up real Christmas trees. Priests put on a solemn golden vestment.

The first service is held on the morning of January 6 - royal hours, the all-night vigil begins at 17.00, the next day at 10.00 - a festive liturgy, in the evening - a solemn service.

Believers exchange congratulations, and red lamps are lit in front of home iconostases.

Folk traditions and signs associated with Christmas Eve and Christmas

All the most important fabulous mystical takes place on the night before Christmas.

Our ancestors believed that after 24.00 good and evil meet, but in the end a balance is established.

The most important event of Christmas Eve is a gala family dinner.

Traditions for Christmas

Orders in the house and outfits were put in place, prepared in advance. We have already mentioned the components of the menu for the Holy Evening, now let's dwell on the ancient features of serving.

According to tradition, the table was set in the middle of the room, covered with an elegant white tablecloth, hay was spread under it, and garlic was placed in the corners, protecting it from evil spirits.

An obligatory attribute of the holiday is a vessel with grain, in which a lit candle was placed.

It was impossible to put out the fire until it went out on its own. The grains were not thrown away, but mixed with the seed.

The remains of the dinner were not removed, but symbolically left on the table for deceased loved ones.

After dinner, the fun began - the mummers walked through the yards, singing sacred hymns or perky carols. It is customary to meet such visitors cordially, treat them and generously bestow gifts.

You can break your fast the next day. In some regions, it is customary to visit the mother-in-law or mother-in-law, in others - to the godparents. Household chores and bad thoughts on a holiday under the strictest ban.

Signs on Christmas

  • In order for the coming year to be satisfying and successful, feed your pet “to satiety”.
  • On January 7, the first to cross the threshold of the dwelling must be a representative of the stronger sex, otherwise the women in the family will get sick.
  • Any find on this day is a big financial profit, a loss is a significant loss.
  • Clear weather and a starry sky on Christmas night symbolize a generous harvest.
  • Accidentally stepping into excrement is a great success (and don't be fooled, the first word is the key).

Divination before Christmas

Let us first recall that, according to church canons, divination, divination at Christmas is an ungodly thing. There is also a belief that categorically forbids unmarried young ladies to guess on the night before Christmas.

However, all these stern warnings usually don't stop anyone. In Russia, they began to predict the future precisely on Christmas Eve, a fun and interesting entertainment was repeated every evening, while Christmas time continued.

What will be the year, and will the expected event happen in it

In order to find out the answer to this question, important words were written on pieces of paper, for example: “wedding”, “birth of a child”, “buying something”. All this stuff was hidden under the pillow and put to bed. Before dawn, you need to get out of bed and randomly pull out a prediction.

What will the husband be like?

The girls had fun by launching a rooster into the room. Previously, various objects were laid out on the floor: money, coals, jewelry, grains, and a cup of water was placed. What the bird chooses, so will the betrothed. It’s bad, if it spoils, it means that treason cannot be avoided.

Married couples told fortunes on the floor of future children

To do this, a wedding ring was lowered into a glass of water, left overnight outside the window. A prerequisite is frosty weather. The water should turn into ice, on the surface of which conclusions were drawn (the presence of tubercles means that a boy will be born, pits - a girl).

Divination for the future

Figures, symbolizing the future, were poured out of wax, determined by the contours of burning paper.

There are many more traditions, ceremonies and rituals associated with Christmas. The nuances depend on the regions of residence and the degree of trust in folklore.

On the night of January 6-7, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas - one of the most important Christian holidays. This is a holiday that symbolizes renewal. After all, it was the birth of Christ that proclaimed a new, bright era for mankind. It is no coincidence that a new chronology was even established - from the Nativity of Christ.

The birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary is one of the miracles revealed by the Lord to mankind. Therefore, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, everyone expects a miracle and prays that the next year will be better and happier than the outgoing one. This bright holiday in Orthodoxy is one of the master's twelfth holidays and is preceded by a 40-day Christmas fast. The celebration of Christmas begins on January 6 with the appearance of the first star in the sky. As you know, after the birth of Jesus, the first of the people to bow to him were the shepherds, who were notified of this event by the appearance of an angel. According to the Evangelist Matthew, a wonderful star appeared in the sky, which led the magi to the baby Jesus.

Signs for Christmas

Clear weather for the Christmas holiday promised a good harvest in summer and autumn.

If there was a thaw at Christmas, then this is a bad harvest.

A snowstorm on Christmas Day was a sign of a good harvest of wheat and a good sign for a beekeeper.

If at Christmas the sky was starry, then the year will be fruitful for mushrooms and berries, and a large offspring of livestock was also expected in such a year.

Well, if the Christmas holiday was warm, then they were waiting for a cold spring.

If it snowed that day, and even with flakes, this is for a good harvest of bread.

And there is another sign that is trusted even now, that is, how you spend Christmas, this will be the year. Therefore, people have always tried to spend Christmas in love, peace and prosperity, with a generous Christmas table. There should have been 12 Lenten dishes on the table, then the whole year there would be prosperity in the house, and the year would be generous.

In no case should one quarrel on the day of the Nativity of Christ, since the whole year can be spent in disagreement.

Holiday traditions
There are many folk traditions associated with Christmas. Most of them are recognized by the Church. The day before, on Christmas Eve, they decorate the Christmas tree. Its top is crowned with a star - a symbol of Bethlehem. Candles on the Christmas tree are reminiscent of the unearthly light emanating from the cave in which Jesus was born. Boxes with gifts for all family members are placed under the Christmas tree. In addition to the Christmas tree, a nativity scene is built in houses and temples - a symbolic cave with the born Christ and voluminous figures of the people who surrounded Him.

The main event of the holiday is caroling. Everyone can carol - both adults and children. Previously, the cities had little resemblance to the current megacities, so people went from house to house and praised the born Christ, which is why they were called Christoslavs. Those who brought the good news to the house, it is customary to give gifts - sweets, fruits, money - whoever can.

On Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. It is very useful and right from a Christian point of view to visit the sick and suffering. Children especially look forward to this holiday. If you have the opportunity, give joy to a child from an orphanage or a sick boy or girl. There are not so few disadvantaged people in our time - one has only to want to do good to them. Be sure to attend church services. But there are traditions that the Church categorically rejects as pagan. For example, divination. Foreseeing the future is a sin, because by doing so a person cuts off God's participation in his life and His care for himself. At any moment the Lord is free to change the course of events.

On Christmas it is forbidden:
Sewing, cleaning the house, killing animals (go hunting), guessing.

For fortune-telling, any day of Christmas time is suitable - from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, except for Christmas itself.

On the night of Christmas, you need to pray and make wishes. It is believed that if you look at the open sky on Christmas night and make a wish, it will surely come true.

It is believed that on the night of January 6-7, dreams prophetic dreams.
Unmarried girls this night try in every possible way to influence these dreams. So, according to legend, in order for a girl to dream of her future husband, you need to comb your hair at night, put the comb under the pillows and say: “Betrothed-mummer, comb my head.” The one who dreamed is the future husband of a fortune-telling girl.

On the night of Christmas, many girls try to find out their fate. Who with the help of sleep, and who with the help of divination. Below are the most simple and popular divination. Particular attention should be paid to divination with a mirror, which, according to the opinions and reviews of many fortunetellers, is unsafe.

Divination with matches
Take two matches and insert them into the slot of the box on opposite sides. Light them up at the same time and watch their behavior. If during the combustion the matches “look” at each other, then the guy and the girl who are guessing will be a couple and they have a joint future.

Divination on paper
Take a sheet of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf in the bottom of an upside-down plate or saucer and light it. After that, bring the saucer with burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some kind of shadow appears on the wall, according to the outlines of which one judges the near future.

Divination with cards
When you go to bed on Christmas Eve, take the King of Diamonds with you. Put the card under the pillow and before going to bed say these words: "Dream, betrothed, dream, mummers."
Before you fly away to the kingdom of Morpheus, “point the marathon”: wash your face, comb your hair. You can put any of the decorations under the pillow along with the map. They consider the future groom of a person who will visit you in a dream on this magical night.

Divination for the future with a nutshell
For this divination, you need a bowl of water, paper and a walnut shell.
Attach small paper strips with significant events written on them to the edge of the pelvis, for example, moving, new job, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in the half of the shell, attach the cinder of a candle, but not a simple one, but bought in a church or birthday. The candle is lit, after which the shell is lowered with it to float in the basin.
To which piece of paper she approaches or, remaining in place, leans in her direction, then the event will occur within a year.

Fortune telling on the choice of a husband with the help of bulbs
The results of such fortune-telling are not immediately visible, but this is the case when you can wait, because the price of the issue is the choice of the best groom!
On Christmas Eve, take a few bulbs according to the number of candidates for the vacancy of your life partner, sign them with the appropriate names. Put them in water and wait for them to sprout. Pay attention to the bulb, which sprouts earlier than all the others: the person with the name that is written on it is the most suitable applicant.

Divination for the betrothed
At midnight on Christmas Day, girls leave the house and ask the first man they meet for a name. The name that he calls will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children
On Christmas Eve, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken from the cold and the future children are judged by the ice surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

Divination by the book
They took a book at random and asked a question. After that, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book, and served as an answer.

Divination "yes, no"
Above the jar, with any cereal or grain, hold the left hand with the palm down. Concentrating, you need to ask a question that interests you. After that, take a handful of cereals from the jar and pour it on the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, it means a positive answer - "yes", an odd number means a negative answer - "no".

Divination for a betrothed with a frying pan
You need to put the frying pan under your mother's bed so that she does not know about it. before going to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, mummers, come to visit your mother-in-law - there are pancakes.” And in the morning you need to ask your mother what she dreamed about. If in a dream she fed some guy pancakes, ask him to describe his appearance. He is your future fiance.

Divination by the window
When everyone in the house goes to bed, the girl should turn off the light, go to the window and look into it and say: “Betrothed, dressed up, dream me dressed up!” - and immediately go to bed. At night, she will dream of her future fiance.

Divination with mirrors
Fortune-telling with mirrors is carried out before midnight in complete solitude; before that, it is impossible to inform anyone about the upcoming fortune-telling. In an empty room, a large mirror is placed on a table without a tablecloth, with candles on both sides. Opposite the large mirror, a second mirror is installed at some distance - a smaller one, so that it is reflected in the first mirror. Mutual reflection forms a "corridor". A handkerchief is placed next to it.
Then you need to turn off the light, light candles and sit down at the table. Mentally make a wish to see the betrothed and look intently into the depths of the reflecting corridor. After a while, the image of the betrothed will appear in it. When the image appears, immediately cover the mirror with a handkerchief and in no case turn around at that moment.
Another way of divination with a mirror. When there are no clouds in the sky, and the moon shines well, go outside at midnight. Stand at the crossroads with a mirror with your back to the moon so that it is reflected in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, say: "Narrowed-mummer, show yourself in the mirror." When the image appears, immediately say: "Stay away from me."