Fun games for young children. work experience

Target: To form and educate in children the need for outdoor games, to consolidate the basic movements: running, walking, jumping. Continue to strengthen interaction with the family in the interests of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, creating positive emotional comfort for children.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated like a forest. The wall depicts a forest landscape.

Material: artificial fir trees; track made of green fabric; basket; cones by the number of children; bench; toys: squirrel, bee, bunny, bear; big balls 2-3 pieces; toy Lesovichok; audio recording of rhythmic music, the buzzing of a bee.

Entertainment progress:

A recording of the buzzing of a bee sounds. The teacher draws attention to the toy - the bee (hereinafter he speaks for the bee).


I am a little bee
I fly and buzz.
Listen, little ones
What will I tell you.
Go to the forest rather
Look for the woodsman there.
Walk merrily, raise your legs
Don't fall behind me!

(children walk to rhythmic music).


Here we are in the forest!
Christmas trees grow in our forest.
Animals live in our forest.
Oh, what kind of animal is this?
All according to the Christmas tree lope and lope.
Well, it's a white one!
Squirrel, squirrel come to us
The kids are waiting for you!

(the teacher takes a toy squirrel from a sprig of spruce, here and below he speaks for a squirrel).


Squirrel, squirrel, tell me
Squirrel, squirrel show
How to find the path to
Lesovichku in the gatehouse?


I know how to go to him
But I'll tell you kids
If you go to him -
You will collect cones for me.

(children, together with the teacher, collect cones and put them in a basket).


Thanks kids!
And now you're walking down the path
You will come to the river.
Cross the bridge
There in the big meadow
A cheerful bunny is jumping.
Bunny will tell you, friends,
Where to look for Lesovichek.

(cheerful music sounds, children walk, walk along the bench - “bridge”)


Here we are in the clearing!
How many Christmas trees, look!
Where is the bunny? Look!
Oh, who is under the furry Christmas tree
Hides ears, hides paws?
Bunny, Bunny come out!
The kids are waiting for you!

(the teacher takes a bunny toy, here and below he speaks for a bunny).


Hello bunny! Help!
You, bunny, tell us
How to find a track
To Lesovichka in the lodge?


I will show you the path
If you play with me a little!


We will play with you.
Let's jump and jump.
Girls and boys
They jumped like bunnies.

(the outdoor game "White Bunny" is being held). Children perform movements according to the text:

A white bunny is sitting
He moves his ears.
Like this, like this
He moves his ears.
It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap.
You need to warm up your paws.
It's cold for a bunny to stand
Bunny needs to jump
Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Bunny needs to jump.
The bear scared the bunny
Bunny jumped and ran away.

(a bear growls). The teacher takes a bear toy, here and below he speaks for the bear.

Mishka, hello dear!
What happened to you?


I can't walk
I have a backache.
I can't play
My paws hurt!


Oh - oh - oh, oh - oh - oh!
Our bear is very sick!
I know, I know, I know
How can we heal you!
Look at the babies
And you do the exercises!
You will always be strong
And you will never get sick!

(to the song "Charging" music by E. Tilicheeva, words by L. Mironova, children perform the corresponding movements).


Thank you, friends!
You cured me!
I love charging
I will always be healthy!
Where are you going?


To the old man - Lesovichka.
Yes, he is coming to us!

(the teacher takes Lesovichka's toy, hereinafter he speaks for Lesovichka).


Hello guys!
I have been waiting for you for a long time!
I want to play with you!


Hello Lesovichek!
What do you want to play with us?


I have a magic ball.
So it jumps
So it jumps.
I want to ride it
I just don't have anyone to play with.


We will play with you!
We will roll your ball!

(the teacher rolls the balls, the children catch up with them. The game is repeated 2-3 times).


Thank you, friends!
You made me happy!
I give you balls
And I look forward to visiting again!


Thank you, Lesovichek!
We will roll the ball
We will remember you!

The teacher says goodbye to the children and leaves!

Magomedova Umugayvat
Card file "Fun games for young children"

Card file

« Fun games for young children»

Card number 1

"Magic Hands"

A task.

Game progress:

Let's clap our hands, clap a little,

clap your hands, clap a little,

clap your hands. very good! (children clap their hands)

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

and the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance

in little kids.

and the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

and the girls and boys all sit evenly. (children show flashlights)

Card number 2

"Pussy - pussy - pussy scat"

Target: To teach the child to respond to his name.

move: A toy is placed at a distance of 2-3 m from the child. If the child does not walk, an adult leads him by the hand. If he walks, then the adult puts him at the support, stands by the toy himself, sings a song and beckons the child to him. If the child walks well, the adult takes the toy away from the child, "walks" she sings a song.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

Don't sit on the path:

Our (a) (name) go,

It will fall through the pussy! Bach!

Material: cat toy

Card number 3

"Vodichka - Vodichka"


Game progress:


Wash my face (children perform washing movements)

To make your eyes sparkle (children show round eyes)

To make cheeks blush (children hold their cheeks)

To laugh mouth (children smile)

And biting a tooth (Children click their teeth.)

Card number 4


Target: an exercise to develop a sense of one's own movement

Game progress:


Look out the window! (children show the window)

Sunshine, dress up! (children show a dress)

Red, show yourself! (children show their hands)

Card number 5

"Because of the forest, because of the mountains".

Target: an exercise to develop a sense of one's own movement

Game progress:

From the forest, from the mountains (children show mountains)

Grandpa Egor is coming (go)

On my own horse (depict riding a horse)

wife on a cow

children on calves, (show horns)

Grandchildren on goats

We drove down from the mountains, lit a fire,

Eat porridge, listen to a fairy tale (children eat porridge)

Card number 6

"The cat went under the bridge"

Target: an exercise to develop a sense of one's own movement

Game progress:

The cat has gone (children stomp)

under the bridge,

Caught a fish by the tail. (throw bait)

Whether to eat

Whether to take Ole? (children throw up their hands)

Card number 7

"Big feet."

A task: an exercise to develop a sense of one's own movement.

Game progress:

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, top, top.

Top, top, top. (stomp hard)

Little feet run track:

Top, top, top, top, top, top. (stomp quickly and quietly)

Top, top, top, top, top, top.

Card number 8

"Like our cat."

A task: an exercise to develop a sense of one's own movement

Game progress:

Like our cat

The coat is very good

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

bold eyes,

The teeth are white.

How (spread hands) our (handles towards you) cat

The coat is very good (turn around, boasting right and left)

How (spread hands) at the cat (palms like ears above the head) mustache (wipe fingers over upper lip)

Amazing (twist spirals with fingers) beauty, (straight up proudly)

bold eyes, (point to eyes)

The teeth are white. (point to a smile)

Card number 9

The game: "The goat was walking along the bridge"


A goat was walking along the bridge. An adult shakes his knees up and down.

And wagged her tail. The adult turns the child from side to side.

Caught on the railing. Shakes again.

I landed right in the river, plop! Simulates falling into a hole.

Card number 10

The game: "On a horse"

Target: development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over bumps, over bumps, the Adult sharply raises and

On small bushes, knees down.

On a young horse

Up the hill, thump, thump, thump! Adult pulls forward

And on the old nag legs and rolls a child over them.

From the hill - boom!

Card number 11

The game: "Tsap"


Hares stood on the mountain, Drive on the palm of your hand

And they shouted - hide fingers: tap! "tsap" squeeze the baby's hand.

Card number 12

The game: "Carousels"

Target: learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children.

Barely, barely, children, holding hands, walk along

The carousels started spinning. circle, gradually accelerating.

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually moving to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) Children stop and

So the game is over! bow to each other!

Card number 13

The game: "Small bird"

Target: development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

She flew to us, to us!

little bird

I will give grains, ladies, ladies!

The bird sat on the window

Sit a little longer

Wait don't fly away

Card number 14

The game: "Geese are flying"

Target: auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

Fly! - children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

Flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - Flying!

Pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer: - Fly!

And they raise their hands.

The leader slaps lightly on the hands and He speaks:

They don't fly! They don't fly!

Card number 15

The game: "Jump"

Target: development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Stands in the field Teremok. While squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, ba-bam! Jumps up, stretching his arms up.

The jumper is there!

Card number 16

The game: "Sun Bunnies"

Target: relieve emotional stress, improve mood.

sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here, left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to send it higher so that the children bounce, get it.

Card number 17

The game: "Cuckoo"

Target: develop imagination, improve mood.

She pecked all the seedlings, pecked with her hands, on the other hand

And she screamed - ku-ku poppy! Beak from a finger

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

Nadezhda Emelyanova

Methodical development of "Fun games for young children"

Emotionally positive reactions in children appear very early.

Scientists have noticed that by the end of the first year, the child begins to understand the joke-intonation and the joke-action and expresses the desire to jokingly deceive and frighten adults. At the beginning of the second year of life, children develop a sense of the comic, which is expressed in the fact that the child begins to notice the distortion of the human face and unusual movement (D. F. Nikolenko, O. I. Nikiforov, etc.)

The strongest emotional stimulus for a baby is a person - his smile, touch, gentle voice, communication. Scientists have found that without an emotional impact on children by adults, babies are little happy, rarely laugh, their emotions are very poor, their facial expressions are monotonous and inexpressive. Doctors, teachers and psychologists believe that for the formation of health and the full development of a young child, it is essential that the baby often rejoices, smiles, laughs and is active. We believe that one of the main tasks facing parents and educators of early age groups is to conduct fun games that are designed to cause joyful revival in children, expand the reasons for their emotionally positive states, and enrich their emotional experiences. Therefore, we have compiled a methodological development on the topic “ Fun games for young children.

Purpose of development

- promoting the harmonious development of the child and his emotional interaction with the teacher through fun games. Methodological development includes a plan for conducting fun games with young children, scenarios for fun games. The plan describes in detail 36 fun games, for example, "Clockwork toys", "Fingers are dancing", "Artist from a scarf", "Our favorite bear", "Matryoshka, where are you?", "Wonderful bag".

In the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, fun games are included in the section “Musical games, entertainment and holidays”. One of the main tasks of this section is to evoke joy in children, a sense of satisfaction from playing actions.

No fun game can do without the appropriate equipment. Therefore, in joint activities with children, it is very important to use toys - fun.

By definition, E. A. Flerina, fun toys - "fun toys" are used to entertain children. They are funny figurines of people and animals: a clown tumbling on a vertical ladder, butting goats, a “twitchy” bear, a cook deftly baking pancakes, etc. The peculiarity of toys-fun in motion, surprise, surprise, unusual game effects. All this awakens in the child a keen interest, vivid emotions, develops a sense of humor. Fun toys also help the educator: establish contact with children, relieve tension, distract from unwanted actions.

The PRS of our group is replenished with fun toys. The group has industrial fun toys: tumblers, nesting dolls; wooden twigs; clockwork toys; puppet - puppet; tree "Serpentine", "animals on the run", pecking hens; blacksmiths, etc.

Made by own hands: twitchers (cat, hare, doll - Fun); toy theater - puppets (hare, pig, cat, dog, cow).

Methods for conducting fun games

The main form of communication with young children is individual communication. According to teachers and psychologists E. I. Bondarenko, R. S. Sadykov and others, the effectiveness of emotional response in young children is much higher in a group experiment. Therefore, when conducting fun games, the teacher has the opportunity to attract the attention of several children at the same time, thereby contributing to the establishment of positive relationships between them.

Fun games with young children are recommended to be played daily in the morning or evening, when the teacher and children have a “free minute”. The duration of the fun games cannot be determined exactly. It is necessary to play with children as long as they really amuse themselves, rejoice and have fun. This time ranges from 1 to 5 minutes. It is not advisable to increase the duration of fun games, because overexcitation and overwork adversely affect the health of children.

When conducting fun games with young children, a prerequisite is to provide them with the free use of the toy with which the children acted under the guidance of an adult.

It is advisable to accompany all actions of the teacher with the words:

First direct instructions

Then verbal instructions, of course, while focusing on the child's experience.

What is required from the baby? Carefully follow the actions of the teacher, listen to his explanations. And this is possible only if he is interested.

When conducting an entertainment game with the kids, you should keep them all in sight, direct the activities of the children, immediately respond to conflicts that arise, suggest a further course of action.

The special task of the teacher is to arouse in children a keen interest in the game, to please them, to make them laugh, to create a good mood.

The results of the use of fun games in educational activities:

Create a good, joyful mood in children;

Contribute to the establishment of positive relationships between the teacher and children;

Develop children's speech;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Introduce the child to fun toys;

Enrich the emotional experiences of children;

Contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential of the teacher.

The proposed methodological development on fun games can be used by teachers working with young children (from one to two years old, music directors, teachers of additional education.

Fun games for young children

The game: "The goat was walking along the bridge"


A goat walked along the bridge. An adult shakes his knees.

Up down.

And wagged her tail, the adult turns the child out

Side to side.

Caught on the railing. Shakes again.

I landed right in the river, plop! Simulates falling into a hole.

Game: "On a horse"

Target : development of trusting, partnership relations.

Over bumps, over bumps, the Adult sharply raises and

On small bushes, knees down.

On a young horse

Up the hill, thump, thump, thump! Adult pulls forward

And on the old nag legs and rolls a child over them.

From the hill - boom!

Game: "Carousels"

Target : learning to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text, creating an atmosphere of joy that brings children together.

And then, then, then - All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time, the pace is slowing down,

Stop the carousel. gradually moving to walking.

One, two, one, two (pause) Children stop and

So the game is over! bow to each other!

The game: "Small bird"

Target : development of active speech and attention of the child.

Small bird

She flew to us, to us!

little bird

I will give grains, ladies, ladies!

The bird sat on the window

Sit a little longer

Wait don't fly away

Game: "Geese are flying"

Target : auditory perception, attention, speed of reaction, skills of interaction with adults, with children, creating a good mood.

The geese are flying! - and raises his hands up, showing how the geese fly.

Fly! - children answer, and also raise their hands.

Ducks are flying! - They're flying!

Flies are flying! - They're flying!

Sparrows are flying! - Flying!

Pikes are flying!

Carried away, children often answer: - Fly!

And they raise their hands.

The leader slaps lightly on the hands and He speaks :

They don't fly! They don't fly!

Game: "Bunny"

Target : development of spatial representations (up-down, left-right)

One two three four five toy up down

The bunny came out to jump.

Looked around, turned, Left, right.

Looked up and down

I ran, I was afraid ...

Where are you, bunny, respond? Hide the toy behind your back.

Game: "Jump"

Target : development of positive interaction between an adult and a child, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Stands in the field Teremok. While squatting, cover your head with your hands.

The door opens. Slowly raise your arms above your head.

Who appears there?

Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, ba-bam! Jumps up, arms outstretched.

The jumper is there!

The game: "Sun Bunnies"


sun bunnies

Playing on the wall

I beckon them with my finger

Let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon.

Here it is, a bright circle,

Here, here, here, left, left!

Ran to the ceiling.

Children catch a bunny on the wall. It’s good to send it higher so that the children bounce, get it.

Game: "Tsap"

Target : relieve emotional stress, improve mood.

Hares stood on the mountain, Drive on the palm of your hand

And they shouted - hide your fingers: tap! "tsap" squeeze the baby's hand.

Game: "Cuckoo"

Target : develop imagination, improve mood.

The cuckoo flew past the garden, they wave their hands

She pecked all the seedlings, pecked with her hands, on the other hand

And she screamed - ku-ku poppy! Beak from a finger

Clench one fist 2-3 times, repeat.

Entertainment "Mouse-mother and her cunning mice"

Educator: This fairy tale will be about mice, we will tell this fairy tale together. You are my mice, and I will be a mother mouse. And so that I look like her, I will put on these ears and such an apron (puts on).

finger game

"Mouse-mother and her cunning mice"

Mother mouse found grain

And she took it to the mill (the teacher runs around the hall, hands in front of her chest)

I grinded flour there, grinded flour there (circular movements with the hands).

We will bake pies (Palms together)

And with cabbage and potatoes,

And with carrots and cloudberries (we bend our fingers one by one)

The mother mouse calls the mice,

Your little kids.

Bring me firewood.

Headache (children hold their hands on their heads)

Who will turn on the stove for me?

Oh, my heart hurts (grab your heart with your hands)

Will you knead the dough?

Uh-oh-oh, my stomach hurts (hold hands on stomach)

Well, I'll have to, little mice

You will be punished today.

You will not see fragrant, sweet pies today.

Ready to starve?

We are already healthy (Children raise their hands up).

Educator: Well, what about the mice-guys, I see. That you are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and ready to play again. We are waiting for a new game.

Mobile game "The mice went out for a walk"

One, two, three, four, five -

The mice went out for a walk (walk around the hall, hands in front of the chest)

One, two, three, four, five -

I wanted to dance.

One two three four -

Mice jump around the apartment (clap their hands, jump)

Tick-tock, tick-tock - this is the clock knocking (tilts left and right)

Tuki-so, tuki-so - this is how the wheels knock (rotational movements with cams)

Tuki-tok, tuk-tok - this is how the hammer knocks (knock with fists).

Bim-bom, bim-bom - the mice ran away (throw their hands to the sides, run away to their places).

Educator: Hey, mice, come out,

You look at the cat

The cat dozed off on the roof

Well, the mice dance

They lead the cat around

Lullaby is sung.

Musical game "Mice lead a round dance"

Children go in a circle and sing along with the teacher (a cat is sleeping on a bench in the center)

This is where our story ends. We played with palms, cams, fingers.

It's time for our hands to rest, they say: “Bye! Bye!"

The children wave back and leave.