How to confess your love to your beloved man in your own words. Declaration of love to a beloved man in your own words Ways of declaring love to a guy if

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to confess love to a guy. We will consider the pros and cons of such an act. Let's find out how this can be done. Let's figure out how to behave in the absence of mutual feelings.

Do you need to be first?

Almost every girl who has serious feelings for a certain young man asks the question “is it worth confessing your love?”.

Here you need to understand that every year young people are less and less likely to be the first to admit their feelings. This may be due to such reasons:

  • shyness of a guy;
  • fear that the girl will be frightened by an unexpected confession;
  • confidence that actions speak louder than words about love;
  • the conviction that a girl should be the first to confess her feelings;
  • unwillingness to open their feelings;
  • a guy may be insecure about his love or not love at all, and therefore does not make a confession.
  1. In a situation where you are dealing with a shy young man, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait a very long time for recognition or not wait at all. In this option, you just need to be the first to talk about your feelings. Be sure that such an act will allow the guy to relax, remove the burden from the soul.
  2. If a young man is worried that he will scare the girl with his confession, then the young lady also needs to take the first step.
  3. The young man does not realize how pleasant it is for the girl to hear about his quivering feelings, he believes that it is enough how he behaves, shows love by actions. In such a situation, it is also important that the young lady first speaks about her feelings, and the guy can feel how pleasant it is to hear these cherished words.
  4. A young man in the past could have had an unpleasant experience when he opened his soul to someone, and was refused in response. He is afraid to repeat his mistake. The guy is sure that it is better to wait until the girl herself confesses her love.
  5. A young man may be silent, because he does not know how to make a confession correctly. If you don't want to wait for the guy to figure it out, you can make the confession first. You need to understand that he may not be ready for such a step yet, so it's better to wait.
  6. If a guy doubts his feelings, then it’s better to do nothing yourself. On the other hand, you can confess, but do not put pressure on him, wait for him to immediately reciprocate.
  7. If a guy does not love, is completely convinced of this, then on the one hand it is better for him not to say anything about his feelings, and on the other hand, having said about your feelings, you will understand how the young man actually treats you. The pain will subside with time, you can move on.

Let's look at the arguments that indicate that you should not be the first to confess your feelings:

  • there is a risk that the guy will not reciprocate, and it’s good if he is not ready for such a relationship yet, and if he likes another girl, then it will be even more painful;
  • the guy may think that the girl who is the first to confess her feelings wants to dominate or conclude that she is easily accessible;
  • if confessed to an insecure young man, then he may be confused, if a person with high self-esteem, then this will further increase it;
  • unsuccessful recognition can affect the development of complexes, for a young girl it will have consequences in adulthood.

There are also arguments for:

  • a girl can be brave and this is a reason to be proud of herself;
  • even if the guy refuses, the young lady will know about his feelings, stop reassuring herself with false hopes;
  • a guy can also be in love, but be ashamed of his feelings - after the recognition of the girl, everything will fall into place;
  • it is possible that the young man you are in love with is your destiny, but for some reason he does not dare to reveal his feelings. In such a situation, your recognition will give impetus to a new relationship that can end in a happy ending, a wedding and a happy old age.

One of my relatives confessed her love to her boyfriend, whom she met for six months, and had known for about two years (they studied together at the university, at different faculties). She was very worried about what he would answer, although it seemed that the guy with all his actions made it clear that he also loved her. After she opened up to him, he smiled, hugged her tightly and said that he also loved her very much, but was afraid to admit it, worried that he was unworthy of her, afraid to hear a negative answer. Today they are a happy couple, they are married, they have a little son.


Many girls and even girls are tormented by the question of how to confess love to a boy, a guy or a man. Some young ladies are tormented by doubts about the correctness of such actions, while others simply do not know how best to do it.

  1. There is no need to spend a lot of time thinking about exactly how you will say these cherished words. You can just say, without preparation, without waiting for the right moment. Especially if you feel that the young man also has strong feelings for you.
  2. It is not necessary to speak words of love. A girl can express her feelings with the help of certain actions. She should be attentive to the object of her love, support him, provide care, give the chosen one only positive emotions, cheer up the guy. He must see in her a reliable support.
  3. Words can be replaced by the manifestation of feelings through facial expressions and gestures. Often people learn about strong sympathy by looking into a person’s eyes or at his smile.
  4. The most determined girls can confess their feelings with a passionate kiss. It is desirable that it occurs in the presence of a romantic setting.
  5. Compliments. You can admire the object of your love, point out its merits, and do it sincerely. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that it does not look like praising a person, as if he is your idol, it will look like, and not like real feelings.
  6. You can give a surprise that will have a subtext that reveals your feelings or a true declaration of love. Also, a girl can give an invitation to the theater or to a romantic dinner.
  7. The manifestation of tenderness will also indicate the presence of feelings. Even a friend will eventually realize that you treat him differently than the rest. Try once again to praise him, to hug him.
  8. Love letter. The confession may be written on a piece of paper. Here you can open your soul, tell about everything that is hidden inside. You can also use e-mail, but it is better not to resort to SMS.

How to behave after a confession

  1. Immediately indicate that you do not expect a reciprocal recognition. After words about love, you can smile, change the topic of conversation. Say that you said these words because you want him to know about your feelings. You can say that you are not expecting an answer from him now, that you understand that he will need some time to sort out his feelings. It is important at this moment not to put pressure on the young man and not try to get answers out of him.
  2. After saying words of love, wait for the guy to answer. Show that you are a good listener, support him. Don't take what he says to heart. It is likely that there will be a certain silence, because the guy may be surprised by your confession, he will need some time to digest the news he heard.
  3. Regardless of what he says, continue to be friendly to him. No need to hate this person, just accept his feelings as they are.
  4. Respect the young man's decision. No one is responsible for the feelings of the other partner. They do not depend on you.

And if he refuses

With any action, there is a possibility that something will go wrong. Therefore, you should not be absolutely sure that your confession will be followed by a response. The girl must prepare for the fact that in any scenario, you need to maintain your composure, be proud.

  1. If the guy does not reciprocate, you need to realize that this is not the person you need. It's good that now you know that this person does not experience feelings similar to you, which means that you do not need to waste time on him.
  2. Don't put tears in your pillow. Better get together and think about how to live on.
  3. Do not allow persecution, do not call your loved one, just try to forget about him. It is also worth considering the likelihood that the guy himself is not aware of his feelings and only after separation will be able to understand what he has lost. If you start chasing him, you will wallow at your feet, then you will not change his attitude towards you in any way, but only spoil him.
  4. It is unacceptable to shout, threaten, blackmail. So you only recognize your inferiority, point out your insignificance.
  5. No need to think if a man refused you, then he is a scoundrel. Everyone has the right to their feelings, no one will be forced to be nice.
  6. Your task is to get out of the situation with dignity. In this case, due to the lack of love, you will still have respect. Having met later with this young man in some neutral territory, there is no need to panic or be nervous, it is important to maintain your composure.
  7. Learn to keep your emotions under control. Remember that you will meet a person who will be worthy of your company. This guy just isn't for you.

Now you know how to confess your love to a man. As you can see, today there is no urgent need to expect the first step from a young person. Nowadays, a girl also has the right to be the first to declare her feelings. There is no need to be afraid of rejection, it is better to come to terms with a possible negative outcome, to firmly accept the negative answer of a loved one.


Is it possible for a girl to confess her love first?

Why not? Sometimes young people delay recognition for various reasons:

  • - bad experience of the former relationship;
  • - due to an insecure, timid nature - they are afraid to look funny or be misunderstood;
  • - do not see the need to voice the phrase desired by all the girls of the world.

If a young man is kind to his girlfriend, then your bold revelation can inspire him to valiant deeds and add new colors and emotions to your relationship.

What if he answers "No"?

To avoid ridiculous situations, try to adequately assess your relationship: how close you are, whether his actions speak of love for you, who initiates meetings, and so on. After thinking carefully, choose the right time and way to “expose” your feelings.

Got a negative response? Do not despair. After all, now everything is clear, and, perhaps, you should not meet again in vain if your words did not make any impression on him or caused a negative reaction. Meetings with an unloving person will not give anything, except for frayed nerves and prolonged depression.

Pick the right moment to express your feelings. If a young man is not in the mood or his thoughts are occupied with some problems, then most likely this will not be the best time.

Recognition can be planned or spontaneous. As he comes out of the supermarket, when he helps carry your bags, casually kiss him on the nose and say "I love you." The reaction will be no less interesting than in a planned situation.

So, you still decided to confess your feelings to the guy. But what is the best way to do it? We offer several ways.

1. Dance . Imagine: a disco, he is in the hall, and now the DJ announces a song dedicated to him, with your confession. He will appreciate your courage, and the other guys will only envy him.

2. Cunning. For this method, you need to fool your loved one a little. Call him and let him know that you have lost something very valuable to you. Describing it, tell that this thing is red, small - like a fist, silky and soft. Let him come and help you look for her. Naturally, he is actively searching, and you are only imperceptibly directing him to the right path. As you probably guessed, the guy will look for the symbol of your love hidden by you - a heart.

3. Way of the XXI century. In the era of modern technology, many people use the Internet, sms and other benefits of civilization to declare their love. This option is suitable for timid girls. But keep in mind that by writing to him about your feelings, you will never see with your own eyes the very first, not feigned reaction of the guy.

As you know, risk is a noble cause, and if everything is thought through, then it is rewarding.

How to confess your love to a man?

Now consider the options for recognition for men. Despite the position and age, they are able to fall in love, experience, suffer and commit romantic deeds. Do you want to surprise your beloved man?

Or maybe you have been living together / married for several years and you want to pamper your husband with attention and care? Then try our methods:

1. Surprise him with your culinary ingenuity. For example, cook him breakfast in the shape of a heart. To do this, you will need bread, sausages, a toothpick and eggs.

Cut the sausages and fasten them in the form of a heart, fry and crack an egg inside. You can dream up a little and add heart-shaped toasts or vegetables to this composition - everything is in your hands. A romantic and at the same time uncomplicated breakfast that your loved one will appreciate is ready.

2. Recognition-quest. Encrypt your message in a book that your man or spouse is reading. To do this, in the part of the book that he has not yet read, underline the letters that will make up your love message. Quick and interested reading of the book is guaranteed.

3. Tactile way . Invite your loved one to play - slowly running your finger along his back, write the phrase "I love you." A sensitive and focused young man will be able to read your message. Most importantly, write legibly.

4. Is your loved one sweet? So, the next option is just for him. Every morning, put a heart-shaped candy in his pocket - tasty, romantic, and informative - you love him and take care of him. It is likely that such care will lead to a lot of pleasant surprises in your purse. It is advisable to put cookies in a package (a small bag or in foil, and some varieties of cookies are sold in “individual packages”) so that your loved one does not have to nervously shake a bunch of greasy crumbs out of his pocket.

5. Take stickers and write on them“beloved”, “most-most”, “adored” and other pleasant compliments and words. Post these leaflets in unpredictable places in your apartment, and let your loved one, getting ready for work in the morning, find them. By the way, this method can also be used as a reward to her husband for helping around the house.

6. Create a slideshow and put it on the screen saver of the computer in standby mode. It is good to use photos of your first meetings - a wonderful reminder of the first exciting meetings and emerging feelings. Alternatively, you can put a “flying” inscription on the screensaver.

7. Romantic dinner. There is a famous saying that "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Prepare a romantic dinner, create an intimate atmosphere with the help of candles, put on your favorite stunning dress - and go. It is likely that the young man will not resist, and he will tell you a lot of interesting things about his feelings.

8. Communicate your love in writing. On a sheet that is beautiful and fragrant with your perfume, write gentle words of love to him. We offer you some options for messages for sms and letters.

9. Warm it up. Arrange a dream evening for your beloved: if he loves beer, buy more, stock up on snacks. Just no friends! Does he have a hobby? Think about what kind of evening will truly please him. If you can't think of anything, a win-win option is your home striptease. Now the words "I love you" will fall on fertile ground.

How to confess love in poetry?

I want to give a big star
You with the sky in addition,
I want to take away trouble with my hand,
So that in life there was only luck.

I want to be your summer rain
Dawn over the sleepy river,
So that we are always with you together
With love, hot, earthly.

I want to give you my heart,
Let it glow next to yours.
I just want you to let me love
You are stronger every day!

I can't write poetry
But I can give my thoughts...
I'm just crazy about you
And not in a dream, but in reality.

I love you like the sky loves the wind
As gentle as a wave of sea sand.
Without you, there is no sun in this world for me,
Without you, all life is upside down.

How to confess love by sms?

In text messages, use more concise and no less beautiful phrases:

You warm my soul, you illuminate my life, with you I am like in a happy dream, you are a miracle, I love you!

I'm sorry if I woke up, I can't sleep - I'm thinking about you ... I really want to see you, just to feel that you are near ... I love you!

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give you all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection ... I love you.

And remember: all words must come from the heart. And how you do it - it's up to you to decide and you know best what and how to do. Love and be loved!

Intuitively, all girls feel when they are not indifferent to a guy. But situations are different, when a young man is very modest and shy, it is really difficult to understand what he feels for a girl, because on his part there are no steps towards rapprochement with her.

If you like flirting, playing, then start with hints. Build eyes on the guy, send air kisses and watch his response. If he is also pleased, and he is willing to flirt with you, then there is a chance that your feelings are mutual. The only question is that these games can continue for a long time and not move to the next stage. If that suits you, then flirting is the best way to hint that you like a guy. In theory, then he himself should make attempts to get closer.

Point-blank question, frank confession

If you want to once and for all resolve the issue of mutual love and hear from him directly, everything, as it is, about feelings for you, then be extremely delicate, men really don’t like pressure, they are afraid of the stubbornness of women, and they often run away “into the bushes ".

Write to him, something like this: “I realized that my feeling for you is something more than just sympathy, and I am not writing this at all in order to hear mutual recognition from you. I write only because I can no longer be silent, hide and pretend. If I'm not the heroine of your novel, don't be upset, I'll get over it. Time goes by, everything passes, and I will have this feeling someday. My self-sufficiency and pride will not allow me to humiliate myself and ask for your love.”

Let the guy know that you deserve respect. He will be amazed by such recognition and, even if he does not answer you in the same way, he will at least understand that you are a high-flying girl, and you should at least be respected. After such a recognition, you will not be ashamed to look the guy in the eye if you still remain just friends, because your recognition was worthy and sincere.

If you decide to talk with, then say about the same words to him, in no case put pressure on pity, he must understand that you, of course, love him, but if there is no reciprocity, then you will not die of grief and longing in gray loneliness. Keep your head up and don't fall face down in the dirt, even if you really want to.

Do not expect the guy to throw himself into your arms and immediately say three cherished words to you. If his feelings are really serious, it will not be so easy for him to say about his love. He may propose to you or invite you on a date, this will mean that he also feels something for you. If he said that he does not love you, smile and leave with dignity, with your head held high, do not show him your tears. Remember that this will indeed pass someday.

Do not understand how to confess to a guy in love? Learn how to behave correctly in various situations, avoid fears, what phrases to start a conversation with your beloved guy, and what typical mistakes lead to the complete failure of a relationship that has not yet begun.

Taking the first step is not unnatural. Think, suddenly your object of sighs is also secretly in love with you, but does not dare to confess.

As observations show, precisely for the reason that no one can meet halfway, there have not been many couples who could possibly be very happy.

Or maybe, while you think, he will be seduced by another? So - keep it up!

Psychological attitude

Of course, you should always tune in to the good and live optimistically, because so much has been said and written about the fact that all our thoughts are material! However, as the saying goes, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Although no, you don’t need to prepare, you just need to consider this option for yourself.

The main thing is to remember that how you present yourself is how you will be perceived. Think about how good it will be for you if you succeed. Do not be afraid to get into an awkward situation!

Interesting observation! If you don’t want to look stupid in a ridiculous situation, then you don’t need to get upset, annoyed, blush with shame and run away from “shame” (still bet!). You need to treat your situation with humor, because one of the keys to a successful person is the ability to laugh at yourself.

People around you will quickly lose interest in making fun of you if you laugh and say something like “Here I am a loser!”, “Can you imagine if I still did this and said this”, “I I just love being in these situations!

If you say this with a bit of self-irony, others will appreciate your humor, and in the end, the whole “incident” will turn out not to be a shame, but an opportunity to simply laugh at a comical incident.

How to confess your love to a guy

If you're afraid

They say that only fools are not afraid of anything. However, our fears prevent us from reaching many heights.

If you are afraid to confess your feelings to a young man, and you cannot fight it, then you need to prepare the “ground”, that is, to become confident that he will reciprocate you.

And for this it is worth finding out what type of girls he likes, do you have common hobbies, become brighter in order to arouse admiration among other members of the stronger sex, etc.

In a joking conversation, say something like, “You're so cool! I'm crazy about you!"

Look at his reaction. If he likes you, then you will immediately understand this (if not, then leave everything as it is for now, do not develop this thought). If he answers you with a negative reaction, add: "... Just like from a friend / person ...".

Perhaps an anonymous method or confession using the Internet, mobile phone, etc. will suit you, because it is always easier to open up through correspondence than to talk about your feelings in person.

If he doesn't love you

You can hope that someday everything will change, and your feelings will “go off scale” from reciprocity, but you need to look at life realistically and evaluate yourself adequately.

If you really want to achieve this person, make sure that at least you arouse sympathy for him (which someday, perhaps, will develop into something more).

For this, there are a lot of female tricks (playing with glances, seductive images, undisguised flattery - men love it when they are told pleasantries).

If, nevertheless, you failed to "stir up" his feelings, do not be discouraged. It doesn't matter if it happened at the age of 11, at 15 or at 30, you need to remember that you still have a whole life ahead of you, full of bright events, adventures, tenderness, beautiful words and many other amenities.

So that he won't refuse

To do this, you need to be sure that he likes you. Or do it in such a way as to "hit him on the spot."

For this you need:

If he has a girlfriend

You should consider that if he loves another, he most likely will not leave her. And think for yourself: do you need it? In any case, you will become either a homeowner, or an object of general discussion, or even worse, a target for ridicule of this couple.

If you see that the guy is also not indifferent to you, and you want to tell him about your feelings by all means, do it as carefully as possible: choose the right words and say / write them in a suitable situation.


Before you write words of love to your ex, think a hundred times. Understand what pushes you to this action (maybe it's temporary depression, girlfriend pressure, alcohol, etc.).

Think about whether you will cause damage to your or his current position. If you still decide - act!

Perhaps this confession will help you reunite with your ex-boyfriend (perhaps it was only pride that prevented you from reconciling before?).

So, start acting from afar: find out about his personal life at the moment, if he has a companion, if so, how serious this relationship is.

It will be better if you also collect information about his work, current hobbies, etc. This will help you start a conversation. Some information can be obtained from YOUR good friends, social networks or other means.

Now it’s up to you to decide: you will resume your communication through hints (“We haven’t seen each other for a long time, I want to talk”), requests (for example, help on an issue in which he is well versed) or say it directly.


If you are very afraid to confess your feelings to a guy, then you should consider doing it anonymously. Any methods are suitable here: a planted note, a gift, an inscription on the pavement, etc.

Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to an anonymous explanation - it's scary to see his reaction or you want to create an intrigue - you should not resort to the help of acquaintances (they say, tell him that he has a secret admirer, just don't say who exactly).

After all, it is obvious that your intermediary will "split", as soon as the recipient of the confession "puts pressure" on him.

BUT! You should not "torment" your chosen one for a very long time, because in the case of unrequited feelings, more disappointment awaits you.

There are several ways to confess:

  • ask him out on a date(in this case it is better to be sure that he will not leave);
  • using social networks(for example, send a gift or a postcard, but no longer anonymously);
  • send SMS(of course, he will call you back, then you will open up to him);
  • ask him to guess(BUT! after hinting at your personality, otherwise you risk being disappointed by the list of spoken names, and also put him in an awkward position).

You can dream up a little, for example, being next to him (at work, at school, at an event), arrange arrows that will eventually lead to you (think about how you will meet him).

At school

Confessing love at school is the easiest way, because here you have a lot of mutual friends, there are many opportunities to spend time together (games, extra classes, sections, circles, lunches in the canteen, etc.).

Those who say that love at 12, at 13 is impossible, are thinking wrong. Many enthusiastically recall their kindergarten “passions”. Even at the age of 10, you don’t need to bury any feelings in yourself, because, perhaps, this is the first love.

BUT! No need to play "adult games" at this age! This must be remembered!


Perhaps the most interesting and profitable way for recognition: if he answers “yes” - excellent (only after that you need to develop this topic so that he believes your words), if “no” - I’ll pretend that I didn’t mean it at all!

You can tell him that you have never met people like him, or maybe that you admire him ... You can disguise yourself as you like. However, this is not a direct confession! 😉

The only negative is that such a “game” can take a very long time.

For him to reciprocate

For this you need:

  • try to become the most interesting person for him (for example, get carried away with the same activities);
  • be always different (in particular in relation to appearance, in order to attract his attention);
  • be impregnable (men like to achieve);
  • act feminine;
  • become an interesting interlocutor for him;
  • show that you care about him;
  • intrigue;
  • to be bright (more of an inner world);
  • smile more often.

Some of these combined will help you win the heart of your loved one. If not, you will have many other fans.

If we don't communicate

So we need to start talking! It is better if you have mutual friends among whom you will feel confident. This will help you open up a little. Also relevant is the method of acquaintance through social networks, the possibilities in which for acquaintance are very wide.

Recognition in contact

We are heroes online! They don’t see us, they don’t see our reaction, they don’t see our embarrassment, so recognition via the Internet remains probably the easiest option. VKontakte is the most popular social network. network in Russia and not only, so the opportunities there are constantly expanding.

In contact, you can send a postcard to the wall of your beloved guy, send a gift, hint to him with a picture, video or audio recording.

Maybe you invite him to play a game with you? With this method, you will also become a little closer, there will be new topics for conversation ... Likes and comments will also help you!

How can you confess your love to a guy so that it is effective?

The following rules must be observed:

  • decide if you need it (perhaps this is instant sympathy);
  • do not be shy (and if he makes you so excited, this can be your advantage, you just need to tell him about it);
  • take your time (you need to get to know each other better - maybe he will soon disappoint you);
  • be original;
  • be positive;
  • do not forget that you are a Personality;
  • look spectacular;
  • behave with dignity, feminine;
  • become a good and interesting interlocutor (for this, do not forget to develop yourself);
  • be inaccessible;
  • feel like a queen (this will help you become self-confident);
  • do not be afraid of self-irony (laugh at yourself, your shortcomings);
  • do not allow yourself to be humiliated and humiliated by others.

Video: Falling in love or how I confessed my love

Love is the brightest, most beautiful, intimate and reverent feeling that a person has ever experienced. Mutual love inspires and lifts to the stars, and unrequited love can destroy. She inspires poets and musicians, sculptors and artists to create the greatest creations.

She rules the world, and as long as it exists, SHE will exist - great LOVE. Every minute, in thousands of different languages ​​and dialects, millions of men and women confess their love to each other.

Many girls are embarrassed to confess their feelings to a guy and prefer to remain silent. Sometimes there are simply not enough words, but you always want to do it beautifully and in an original way.

How to confess your love to a guy in your own words

Declarations of love to your beloved guy in your own words can be as follows:

A beautiful declaration of love to a guy in poetry and prose

Sometimes you want to express your feelings in an original form, for example, in poetry or unusual prose. Not everyone is a born poet or prose writer. This is where hints come in handy.

You are my spring, and I am snow.
Because I know,
You just have to touch
I am growing.

Spilling the river
I'll spill my whole soul for you
I'm not afraid to melt, because I love.

I draw love, fly to heaven.
I paint love like a blind artist.
I draw love, I die without you
And I live only for a moment, where next to you.

Asking nature for magical colors,
On the palette of dawn, where the voices of birds,
I will draw your kisses and caresses,
And special paint native eyes.

Where joy sings and magical sounds
Dissolving in me glorify Love
I'll draw your tanned hands
And I'll draw myself next to you.

I love! I want to scream
Without you my life is loneliness.
I want to hide in your arms.

And cry from such happiness.
And let flowers suddenly bloom around
As beautiful as you.

Do you want me to be the rain
hail or leaves
Only next to you
Only always with you

I'll run like a star in the night
For your path to be bright
I'll learn to sing like a bird
I will learn everything in the world.

Do you want me to be the sun
Do you want me to be the moon
Hear how the heart beats
This is my love!

  1. My love for you is more mysterious than the most distant planets. It contains thousands of revelations and a million tender words. My love is like a wondrous nectar, having drunk a sip, which I understood what true feelings are. I am the happiest because I have you.
  2. My love for you is like a huge stream of water, which, destroying all the dams of being, quickly filled my life. Everything that was before you - does not matter, everything will be after you - has no right to exist. I'm drowning in this stream, but I'm not looking for salvation. Let me drown in this love once and for all.
  3. The Lord heard my prayers and sent the best man into my life. He gave me a great feeling called love. It is like a candle burning in my heart and illuminates my life with extraordinary light and warmth. I love you and I wish one thing, so that this divine fire does not die out and grows brighter and stronger every day.

SMS declaration of love to a guy

If there is no opportunity or courage to tell the guy about your feelings tete-a-tete, then you can express your attitude towards him in the form of an SMS message.

And some more additional tips on the topic of the article - in the next video.