New Year's signs and traditions: a complete list for the year of the Rooster! A complete list of New Year's signs for the upcoming year of the Rooster! How to celebrate the year of the rooster signs.

It has long been considered that the New Year is that wonderful holiday when all dreams and secret cherished desires can come true. To do this, a person needs only to attract good luck. But how to make sure that everything that many of us have dreamed of for so long has finally come true? To do this, you just need to tell the most effective signs for the New Year 2017. This will help you make sure that harmony, peace and true happiness reign in your life in the coming year.

How to say goodbye to the old year?

It turns out that in order to appease the coming year,
it is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old. To do this, from December 29 to December 31, there must be something tasty on the table. Since ancient times, Russians have seen off the old year in the same way as they met the new one: they made kutya with cream, baked loaves and pancakes with meat, and did everything to make the pre-holiday table generous. Only in this case, the whole next year promised to be just as rich.

Be sure to deal with your debts before December 31, otherwise they will haunt you for the next 12 months. Moreover, they will increase and multiply. On January 1, it is impossible to return last year's debt in any case, otherwise you will then have to pay because of it throughout 2017.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness from those whom you accidentally offended and now regret it.

It is better to enter the New Year with a clean house, so start a general cleaning and throw away everything that has been lying unnecessarily for a long time.

New Year's customs and signs

Any person should remember a number of simple signs that will help you understand exactly how the next 12 months will pass.

1. Remember the dream that you had on New Year's Eve - it will become the personification of the whole of 2017. It might be worth writing it down.

2. Do not take rubbish out of the house on New Year's Eve, otherwise you will lose your family well-being.

3. Be sure to invite your parents on December 31 or 1, or otherwise, visit them yourself at this time.

4. All chairs at the festive table should be tied with one rope. Previously, it was believed that with the help of such a tradition, one can fill the house with good luck and happiness. At the same time, a family connected in this way will never be visited by grief.

5. The noisier the New Year's feast at the meeting of 2017, the brighter and more unusual the near future should be.

6. Don't tempt your fate on New Year's Eve with gambling.

7. So that throughout the year you can please yourself with new clothes, you should wear only a new outfit on New Year's Eve.

8. Fill your pockets with large bills and then you will have prosperity all year round.

9. Also, in order to drive away poverty from your home, you should wear all the best for the New Year celebration. This applies to expensive outfits, gold jewelry with natural stones and bright shoes. But old things should be disposed of without regret. Moreover, with this step you will free up space in the closet for new ones!

10. On the table this evening there must be dishes from wheat, rice, nuts and fruits. All of them symbolize prosperity.

Signs of the new year

There are special signs and customs that relate precisely to the time of the arrival of the New Year 2017. By memorizing a few of them, you can learn a lot of new things about your own life.

1. As soon as the chimes start their fight when 2016 changes to 2017, throw a shawl or scarf over your shoulders, and when the 12th beat sounds, quickly throw off this robe. In a similar way, a person protects himself from any adversity, sorrows and illnesses in the coming year.

2. Be sure to make a wish as the clock strikes. It should be done soon.

3. Everything that happened to a person on New Year's Eve will be repeated throughout the year in different variations. Be prepared for this.

4. As soon as the clock starts its fight, take a coin in your left hand and think of wealth throughout 2017. After that, you need to throw a coin into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom. Next, a hole is made in the coin, into which a ribbon is threaded - you will have to carry it with you all year as a talisman.

5. Afternoon time on New Year's Eve is considered the most significant. Therefore, if you meet a woman at this time, you will be sick all year, and if you meet a man, your house will be filled with health.

6. Exactly 60 seconds before the New Year, it is worth peeling an ordinary tangerine and putting it under the tree. This simple action will make your life very happy in 2017.

7. On New Year's Eve, be sure to shower all the guests at the table with grain. Firstly, it will attract wealth, and secondly, such an action will be very popular with the symbol of the upcoming 2017, the Fire Rooster.

8. To make your face clean and beautiful, you should wash yourself before the New Year with the water in which gold, silver or copper lay.

9. If a girl accidentally cuts her finger on New Year's Eve, then perhaps this year she will get married.

11. The more people you have time to congratulate on the upcoming holiday, the more you will have it in 2017.

12. According to folk wisdom, how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it. Therefore, try to be as joyful and happier as possible in this moment and may it always be so.

New Year fortune telling

New Year is the time when not only customs and signs help you program the next time in a good way. During this period, it is customary to guess. According to our ancestors, at the moment of transition from one year to another, you can try to find out something about the future from higher powers.

1. Listen to the sounds outside the window on New Year's Eve:

  • cat meowing - a new neighbor will appear;
  • dog barking - the groom is visible on the horizon;
  • birdsong - good news;
  • the ringing of bells is an important event for your family.

2. Take a spoonful of water and take it to the balcony. On January 1, it is worth looking at the ice frozen in a spoon. If there are pits there, it may be worth fearing diseases, and when there are tubercles, longevity and good health await you.

This is just a small list of all those important points that you should definitely remember if the events of the upcoming 2017 are important to you. From a good point of view. Therefore, memorize the most interesting of them, especially money ones, and be fully equipped before the onset of New Year's Eve.

8. Even if you do not like to wear jewelry, then on New Year's Eve you need to put on your most expensive and luxurious accessories.

9. Be sure to put some money in the pockets of the New Year's outfit. If you do this, then your 2017 will be marked by wealth.

10. Put on the New Year's table dishes that contain rice or wheat. In addition to being a symbol of prosperity, these products will definitely appeal to the symbol of 2017 - the Red Rooster.

Signs and customs at the meeting in 2017

Almost all people who celebrate this holiday know about the existence of many New Year's signs. But there are also beliefs that not everyone has heard of.

1. Perhaps the most famous and popular New Year's sign is that if you make a wish during the chiming clock, it will certainly come true. Everyone knows about the existence of this belief. Therefore, many people make secret wishes on New Year's Eve.

2. To attract wealth to the house, you need to shower the guests gathered in the house with grain. If you are not sure that people will correctly evaluate your idea, then instead you can simply put a bowl of porridge on the New Year's table. The Red Rooster will like this, and he will definitely thank you.

3. There is a sign that if a girl accidentally pricks or cuts her finger that night, then in 2017 she will get married.

4. The more people you manage to congratulate on New Year's Eve, the more happiness the year of the Red Rooster will bring.

5. People who will meet 2017 near the fireplace need to make sure that the fire does not go out. If this happens, then the whole next year a person will be haunted by misfortunes.

6. To a person who sneezes at the festive table, 2017 promises happiness and good luck.

7. The person who will be the first to visit your apartment in the new year should be a man. If in the coming year a woman crosses your threshold first, then misfortune will haunt you all year.

8. Meeting the year of the Fire Rooster, you can not lend items to strangers that are associated with fire (lighters, matches). The symbol of the year will not like this.

9. If on New Year's Eve you quarrel with someone, then there is a possibility that you will not communicate with this person all year. So better avoid conflicts.

10. Remember that what happened to you on New Year's Eve will accompany you throughout the year.

In addition to these popular beliefs, there are other signs that should be observed when meeting 2017. But, the main thing is to celebrate this holiday with pure and bright thoughts.

May 2017 be successful for you.

Want to appease the coming year of the Rooster? Do you dream that it would bring only joy and prosperity? New Year's signs and traditions will help you in this.
Every year we are tormented by questions about how to dress for the New Year, in what colors, what dishes to cook, how to set the table, how to behave, and many more leading questions? And all this is just for the sake of programming the coming New Year for good luck for you, family well-being and, of course, financial stability. A list of our New Year's signs and traditions can help you with this!
New Year- the most beloved national holiday, it is loved by both children and adults all over the world. This is the time of miracles, good mood and fulfillment of desires.
It is not surprising that so many signs and superstitions are associated with this holiday! And even if you do not believe in magic and sorcery, why not heed our advice? It definitely won't get worse!
We invite you to meet the New Year 2017 fully armed, so that the next 365 days will please you with pleasant events!

New Year signs in the Year of the Rooster 2017

If you have damaged or cracked utensils left at home, then good luck will not come along with the Year of the Rooster. This is an economic bird. The Rooster does not intend to put up with carelessness. The same applies to clothes that have long gone out of fashion. It is worth getting rid of all these items without hesitation even before the holiday.
New things in life can be attracted by changes in the atmosphere of the apartment, carried out on the eve of the celebration. Of course, you can also change the furniture if you have the means and desire, but new bedspreads, rugs or napkins will suffice. The main thing is that the general appearance of the room is refreshed.
Lucky for those who receive guests on New Year's Eve. Those who go to celebrate the holiday in a foreign territory should appease the New Year with good gifts (to the hosts). Keep in mind that you need to give useful gifts in the year of the Rooster.
A traditional sign: in order for the year to be generous, you need to hang banknotes on the Christmas tree, the more the better. Income will begin to fall to you in the currency with which you decorated the tree. Therefore, they hang everything that is on the Christmas tree. Do not forget about other New Year's rituals for money.
If on the morning of December 31 the first person you met was of the opposite sex, then the holiday will turn into good luck. If yours, then do not visit, it will be boring.

Breaking a Christmas tree toy on December 31 is a good omen. This is to receive an unexpected amount of money.
A broken glass predicts quarrels in the family. A plate or cup is an invitation to a wedding next year.
If you get a toilet item as a gift (unexpectedly) - to a new fan. Toys or other trifles - to success in money.
An interesting omen. The rooster is an unpretentious bird in food, but loves bread and cereals most of all. So, if there is fresh bread on the table - to wealth. And grains and cereals - to good health.
If you are treated to seeds on New Year's Eve, you will rest cloudlessly on your laurels all year (only if this happens by chance, without agreement).
New Year signs on the street

On this day, meet a blind man on the street for serious changes. They touch not just a separate area of ​​your life, but literally its foundations. At some point, you will simply begin to look at life in a completely different way.
If you see at least three cats in one company, you will suffer from your incontinence. Throughout the year, a sharp tongue will be ahead of your wise thoughts.
To stumble on this day on the left foot - to serious obstacles in business, on the right - in personal life. Most likely, you will have to fight for your interests in this area.
If a bird shits on your clothes, then you will be surrounded by gossip (only when this happens on December 31, the rest of the time - for money).
Modern omen. If on the road you have to stop often (more often than usual) at a red light, you will become a victim of your own wrong decision. You are being warned that you are on the wrong path. If the green traffic light is more common, everything is going well.
Signs on New Year's Eve for girls

To break a festive outfit on New Year's Eve - to a passionate romance. Most likely it will be fleeting.
If you are poured with wine or champagne - to suffering.
If the outfit is accidentally soiled - to monetary luck, overshadowed by envy and gossip.
The greatest luck awaits those who accidentally overslept the chimes! This is a sign of special favor of the eccentric Rooster - the symbol of 2017!
As you already understood, it all depends on you and your behavior on the eve of the New Year. Believe signs or not, this is everyone's business. But you must admit that you have a great opportunity to check them during the New Year, because you do not lose anything, and as a result, you can also gain.

And of course, do not forget that the New Year is still a family holiday, and it is better to celebrate it with a loving family. Share this post with your friends, experiment and check signs together.

In the New Year, even skeptics tend to believe in superstitions. Many signs have been collected for centuries and have been tested by time. Learn how to appease symbol of 2017 and attract capricious luck.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. In order for the coming year to be successful, our ancestors carefully prepared for its meeting.

The most famous sign, perhaps, is the saying: "As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it."

Therefore, watch your actions and attract good luck with the help of simple rituals.

New Year's signs
The most seemingly ordinary broom can be useful not only for cleaning. Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it at the entrance with the fluffy side up. A bright headband will attract the owner of the year - the Red Rooster, and financial well-being awaits you.

A large paper bill put in your pocket before the New Year is a guarantee of prosperity and luck.

Try not to exchange it for a month. For greater effect, speak a bill for monetary well-being and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

A coin held in the hand during the chiming clock is also a guarantee of material wealth. It is believed that the lower its dignity, the more profit awaits you next year.

A guarantee of abundance - food on the festive table. The sign says that nothing cooked can be thrown away, because along with the thrown food, the energy of well-being leaves the house. Invite friends to visit and try to eat everything that is left after the holiday.

The choice of dishes on the table is also important. Superstition suggests that plant foods will respect the Rooster. A beautiful painted saucer with grain and fish, as well as fresh water in a beautiful jug, will not leave indifferent a fastidious bird and will attract good luck.

If you sneeze on New Year's Eve after dusk, then the year will be positive for you and will bring many unexpected pleasant surprises.

Going to visit for the New Year, look under your feet. If you stumble on the threshold with your left foot, a joyful year awaits you, if with your right, difficulties await. Stomp three times with your right foot and say: "Left, left, left." Then stomp with your left foot.

New clothes for the holiday are a sign of renewal and change for the better. A bright suit will attract the attention of the Red Rooster, and new clothes are waiting for you next year.

A discount to a random buyer will help businessmen improve their financial situation. On the eve of the New Year, you will cheer him up with an unexpected gift, and also attract the favor of Fortune.

Do not forget that the Rooster does not like the greedy and petty. He is capricious, but generous, and will definitely respond to your kindness.

When choosing clothes with pockets as an outfit, remember that they should not be empty. Put a coin or banknote there for a guarantee of a happy life.

It is customary to return debts before the New Year. Those who did not take care of the return risk spending the next year in permanent loans.

You can remove all the negativity of the outgoing year as follows:

throw a shawl or scarf over your shoulders, and with the last chimes, remove it and shake off bad luck through the open window.

Girls wishing to attract love, according to tradition, painted their lips with bright lipstick or paint and kissed the man on the cheek. According to the sign, the brighter the trace remained, the stronger love awaited them next year.

It is very easy to win the attention of the chosen one to your person on a magical New Year's Eve - attach a photo with his image to your heart and, under the chimes, ask the Fire Rooster for assistance and luck in love.

Remember that miracles happen more often than you think. A wish made under the chiming clock will surely come true.

The energy of a huge number of people at this time increases, and happiness is in the air.

They say that there are signs that will tell you exactly what awaits you. Folk omens are especially important on the threshold of the change of years. Look at what interesting signs for the new year 2017 we have collected to laugh or think together ... What if exactly what you read today will affect your destiny? It will take a lot, it is especially important to remember those that have been accumulated for centuries - they always come true.

In the New Year's fuss, even in the house, it is not an accident to stumble over the threshold. Which leg hit him? If the left one, oh what a pity - to failure, and the right one - everything will be just great! To reset a bad omen, scroll three times in place around you, always only counterclockwise. Be careful, otherwise you will fall in the bustle!

All together decorate the Christmas tree, children and parents gathered. And then a Christmas toy fell out of my hands - so this is for profit! The more fragments, the greater the profit, if completely shattered, then there will be a lot of small incomes, large pieces - to big profits. Don't forget to make a wish when you throw away the shards. It will definitely come true!

New broom

This one should also be attributed to the signs on New Year's Eve 2017: buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and put it in a corner with the handle down - next year you will live in abundance. A broom will still come in handy for you, and a red ribbon on it, moreover, in the year of the Fire Rooster - to financial profit. You can also purchase a decorative herb broom, but keep in mind that the ribbon should still be red.

It is better not to lend money and be sure to pay off your debts. There is no way to repay all debts - just borrow exactly for a day, return to your creditor with a request to delay the return, and luck will smile at you! And yet, on New Year's Eve, you should not bother with money and debts, pay for everything - it will be better.


During the meeting of the New Year 2017, there is a sign: go outside, look around if there are three or even more cats nearby. It’s a pity if all the cats in your area decided to go for a walk on this night, this promises you trouble, you will be the culprit all year because of your sharp tongue. So, maybe you shouldn't go out looking for cats? Let them sit quietly at home warm with a full bowl of goodies.

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Be sure to put a large bill in one of your pockets and try not to exchange it for a year. This is the irredeemable banknote that brings good luck and financial well-being. Try to keep it with you all the time - good omens always come true.


When meeting the New Year 2017, there are also actions for good luck: prepare a coin in advance, preferably a “yellow” color, and while the chimes are striking, squeeze it tightly in your fist. Monetary will be a year, profitable. And another nuance to this sign: the smaller the money in your hands, the larger the profit will be next year.

Do you want your chosen one to be with you all year long, do you dream of keeping him next to you? If you put a photo of your chosen one in your pocket closer to your heart, you will firmly attract his attention to you.

Food on the New Year's table

You should definitely add this one to the New Year's signs of 2017: food from the New Year's table cannot be thrown away. As signs say, in this way you will throw happiness out of the house. All the same, there is a lot of food, all refrigerators are filled to capacity, just fold everything tighter, the New Year holidays last a long time, you will have time to eat everything, and your pets will help you too.

If you want to spend the whole next year in joy, then arrange a real celebration. So that music sounds, so that the house is decorated both inside and out, so that there is an abundance of food on the table - at least twelve different dishes. They say how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it. May joy always reign in your house, may it be a full bowl!

A funny prediction: if you sneeze on December 31, then the year will be happy for you, you will be lucky in everything.

It has long been customary to wear a new costume for New Year's celebrations. This is not an accidental sign, how you celebrate the New Year, so it will be in the future. A whole year in new clothes - isn't that wonderful?

There were many guests at the table, a full bar of booze, and an abundance of snacks in the kitchen. Pay attention to this sign: whoever pours the last drops of the drink from the bottle will be lucky all year. And since a lot of bottles are drunk, it depends only on you who to pour out the remnants of the intoxicating potion. You can, of course, drain the last drops only to yourself, but if you share it with your family or friend, it's even better.

If you have guests on New Year's Eve, you will be with guests all year long. If you want to spend the New Year cheerfully and joyfully, but by nature you are still a loner, then you should go to celebrate the New Year with someone, and not invite friends to your place, otherwise they will visit you all year long.

Attention merchants

Notice this sign for the New Year 2017 - the first buyer needs to give the goods very cheaply, only then financial luck will smile at you all year round. It is better for one customer to make a discount than to miss the benefit throughout the year.

You can’t work hard on the first day of the New Year, so your head hurts. Better take a break from the celebration, because if you decide to work, then you will have to work hard all year.

Meeting the New Year of the Fire Rooster, you need to put a lot of dishes with plant foods on the table. And do not forget about the fish - the Rooster respects this food and will appreciate your desire to please him. For a whole year, the protection of the Rooster will be guaranteed to you, so let your table burst with food - the surest sign of the New Year.

An interesting New Year's sign 2017 for the year of the Rooster: if you accidentally torn a new beautiful dress during the celebration and dancing, do not be upset. This year, a fleeting passionate romance awaits you, when love comes to the heart - how great it is, even if it comes only for a year. And if your beautiful New Year's outfit gets dirty, this can also lead to monetary gain, but you will not end up with gossip.