Rose petals - what can be done with them, interesting ideas and recommendations. Recipes for homemade cosmetics for skin care from rose petals What to make from a tea rose

Rose petals have been used in folk medicine and cosmetology since ancient times. The use of this flower is not limited to these areas, crafts are made from dried buds, and flowers can also be used to decorate the interior of a bedroom or bathroom. It is worth learning more about what can be made from rose petals, as well as how else you can use roses.

Healing properties

Each plant has its own beneficial properties, and the rose is no exception, using only the petals of the buds. There are several healing qualities that the plant possesses:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • helps to speed up the processes of skin and cell regeneration;
  • soothes some types of pain;
  • used for infection with helminths;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • helps to gently cope with constipation;
  • relieves skin itching and irritation;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • is a good antibiotic.

Important! Before using rose petals, you should check if there is an allergic reaction to them.

Dry rose petals: application

Rose petals

The use of rose petals has been practiced for hundreds of years, there are several hundred recipes that help with various diseases, as well as skin problems. Many cosmetic companies extract essential oils from the buds and add them to caring cosmetics for the face and skin of the body. There are several options for using roses, the most popular will be described here.

Treatment of angina

To quickly get rid of this ailment, you should prepare pink vinegar. Take about 100 grams of dry petals, and then pour them with a liter of 9% vinegar. The remedy is allowed to brew for three days. Then one teaspoon of vinegar is added to a tablespoon of water. Thus, a solution is prepared that needs to be gargled.

Bronchial asthma

To begin with, the buds must be given time to dry, and only then make a remedy. The prepared petals are crushed, and then 10 tablespoons of the resulting powder are taken. Fresh or dry plantain leaves are also crushed, 1 tablespoon of herb is added to the rose. Half a kilogram of pumpkin is grated and mixed together. Such a composition is poured with a liter of dry red wine, everything is moved to the fire and brought to a boil. There is no need to boil the product. Take 1 spoon 3 times a day.

Treatment of asthma with a decoction of rose petals

For constipation

Many are looking for an answer on how to use wilted rose petals to get rid of constipation. There is one very effective recipe that helps a lot in such a situation. The plant can help if you take 5 tablespoons of dried flowers, a handful of prunes and 2 cups of water. The components are combined and put on fire, brought to a boil, turned off and cover the container with a lid. The infusion is insisted for about an hour, after which it is taken 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Note! The remedy will begin to help the next day.

Hair rinse

You can take only a dry flower or add additional herbs to the petals. For 1 glass of water, 2 tablespoons of crushed rosebuds are taken, the product is infused for about an hour, and then a little lemon juice is added to it. This treatment helps to make hair shinier and softer.

What can be done from rose petals at home

Buds can be used to decorate an apartment or treat diseases. Now it is worth telling more about the cosmetic properties of this plant.

Rose petals for the face: homemade recipes

There are many recipes where the buds of this flower are used to improve the appearance of the skin of the face, as well as to get rid of certain problems. The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  • Compress. The skin of the face and neck is well cleansed, and then steamed, then the rose petals are washed and applied to the skin. You can also use such a compress on your hands. To achieve the desired goal, the compress is covered with cellophane on top, and then insulated with a towel, left in this form for 40 minutes. Since the plant has a bactericidal effect, it helps to eliminate inflammation, acne and blackheads.
  • Ice cubes. It will take half a glass of fresh petals, this amount is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for a day. After that, the tincture is filtered and poured into ice molds. Freeze the product and wipe their face with it every day in the morning.

Bath with rose petals: how to cook

If wilted rose petals lie at home, what can be done with them, an experienced beautician will tell you. Today, a bath with the petals of this plant is very popular, it has a relaxing effect, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and also makes the skin more beautiful and smooth.

aromatic bath

Required Components:

  • several pieces of fabric;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • ropes for tying bags;
  • lavender oil - 12 drops;
  • rose oil - 12 drops;
  • wilted rose petals - 1.5 cups;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 cup.

The main stages of preparing a bathroom:

  1. A glass of salt is poured into a separate bowl, and then the required amount of aromatic oils is dripped into the same place. The recipe calls for lavender and rose oils, but others can be used.
  2. Add oatmeal flakes and rose petals to the resulting mixture, mix again.
  3. A fabric is taken, 2 tablespoons of the resulting composition are placed in it, and the bags are tied with ropes.
  4. The required amount of hot water is poured into the bath and bags are placed there, left for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Next, the bath is filled with water of the desired temperature and taken no more than 20 minutes.

Homemade Rose Lotion Recipes

Lotions help cleanse the skin of the face, make it fresher and more radiant, and also eliminate minor rashes, inflammation and pimples. There are several simple recipes for making lotion:

  • From inflammation. A tablespoon of crushed rose petals, the same amount of dry chamomile and linden flowers are placed in a container. The resulting composition is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for one hour. Wipe the face twice a day.
  • From acne. To prepare the lotion, about 50 ml of rose infusion is taken, as well as the same amount of chamomile infusion and cucumber juice. The components are mixed and wiped with the finished product on the face to get rid of oily sheen and eliminate skin impurities.
  • For normal skin. It is enough to take half a glass of red rose petals, pour boiling water and let stand for about a day. After that, wipe the face with lotion several times a day.
  • For dry skin. Rose and jasmine are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1, the mixture should be poured into a 250 ml jar so that it is completely filled. Add 50 ml of alcohol and the rest is filled with water. The remedy is infused in the refrigerator for a week.

Note! In each of these recipes, you can add essential and aromatic oils to your liking.

Homemade rose lotions

Rose petal masks

Since the plant has a large number of beneficial qualities for the skin, cosmetologists recommend using the buds to make masks. There are many recipes that help deal with flaking, itching, acne, inflammation, oiliness or dryness.

For dry skin

Fresh rose petals are put in a glass, and then poured with almond oil, if this is not available, you can use olive oil. The mixture is placed in a water bath and kept there until the leaves lose their shade. The finished composition is filtered and oil is applied to the skin of the face, leaving for 20 minutes.

Note! The product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

For any skin type

5 rosebuds are placed in a glass jar, everything is poured with a glass of mineral water and left for half an hour to infuse. After the agent is filtered, with the help of the resulting solution, gruel should be made from a spoon of hercules. Add a teaspoon of honey there and mix again. The mask is applied not only on the face, but also on the decollete, on the neck. It is advisable to massage the skin for two minutes.

Important! Honey should only be added if you are not allergic to it.

In order for the masks to have a positive effect, they should be done 2 or 3 times a week, and it is better before going to bed so that the skin has time to rest overnight. The duration of the procedure should not be less than 15 minutes, but you should not keep the product for more than 20 minutes. Flowers are best suited for masks, which have a pronounced aroma, they contain more essential oils and useful components.

Rose petals can be used for different purposes, someone prefers to follow their beauty, making lotions and masks from buds, while others use flowers to treat diseases. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that an allergic reaction may occur to essential oils in the composition of the plant, so it is simply necessary to conduct a test.

In general, it is best to dry all the petals in order to use them fruitfully in the future. What to do with rose petals? There are many options. Among them there are recipes and cosmetic, and fragrant, and even delicious.


The easiest option is to do face lotion which will refresh the skin and tighten the pores. This will require dried petals, which should be poured with boiling water. It will take about 30 minutes to insist this remedy, and then store only in the refrigerator. It is important that you use the lotion for a maximum of 3 days. Otherwise, it will become ineffective. This infusion can, of course, be frozen. Then you get cosmetic ice. It keeps longer. They should wipe their face at night or in the morning after washing. Dry rose petals ground in a coffee grinder can be added to loose powder, scrubs, masks, creams and even bath salts. Thus, all these cosmetics are enriched with vitamins and acquire additional useful properties: soothes the skin, tones it, evens out the color and significantly narrows the pores of oily skin.

Making rose oil

Rose petal oil can also be very actively added to various cosmetics. And many girls simply rub their skin with it, which allows it to be moisturized and nourished with useful vitamins and microelements. How to make this versatile oil? You will need a small amount of ingredients:

  • Olive oil or grape;
  • Dry rose petals.

Petals are poured into a glass jar, which are poured with oil. This mixture is placed in a water bath. In this case, be sure to close the jar with a lid. Otherwise, all useful essential oils will evaporate. The oil should warm up for 2 hours. Only then the jar is cooled and placed in a dark place for another 4 weeks. The oil needs to be filtered, separated from water (if present) and add a solution of vitamin E. The finished product can be used.

Relaxing bath

With the help of the petals of the queen of flowers, you can pamper yourself relaxing bath. Just pour more of them into hot water, turn on calm music and you will feel how this procedure will create real miracles. She will relax and allow you to dream about something pleasant.

Fragrant sachet

Dry petals can be placed in a ceramic cup and placed in the room. So they will emit a subtle, elusive aroma of roses, which will delight all household members. To enhance the smell, you can often spray them with real rose oil. If desired, you can mix rose petals with dry cornflowers or petals of another wonderful flower - neroli.

Healthy rose tea

From rose petals, you can prepare Persian tea according to an old recipe. You will need a teapot, tea leaves (black) and rose petals. All this is poured with boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. After that, tea is poured into a mug, then again poured into a teapot. And only then they pour chic and fragrant Persian tea into a mug. You can enjoy it endlessly. This is not the whole list of recipes with which you can understand what to do with rose petals. The main thing is to show your imagination and, perhaps, you will come up with something new!


Rose honey has a truly magical healing power. It is used as a tonic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for long-term chronic inflammatory lung diseases (chronic pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.). To prepare it, 80 g of rose petals are poured into 100 ml of boiling water, simmered on low heat for 15 minutes, insisted for 24 hours. 100 g of honey is added to the resulting composition, stirred well and boiled until the whole mass becomes homogeneous. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day. Rose honey has a unique taste and a wonderful smell.

This article is about rose petals for the face. I, like other girls, women, love roses. They are a symbol of love and happiness.

Did you know that rose petals are a universal product? From them you can make delicious jam, add to tea or other drinks, make sweets with the addition of rose water.

They also add petals to the bathroom, produce essential oil, perfume from them.

In folk medicine, they are used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the heart, the thyroid gland, and they also affect hemoglobin.

And rose petals have long been used in home cosmetology.

But for the preparation of a face cleanser, I recommend taking roses that are grown in your own garden because store-bought ones can be treated with chemicals. For the preparation of homemade cosmetics, you can take a tea rose.

These amazing flowers have a rejuvenating effect, improve the complexion, refresh, tone the skin and make it elastic.

With rose you can make rose water, homemade mask, lotion, cream, tincture, ice cubes, compress.

The most popular rose petal remedy is rose water.

Chemical composition

Because of their chemical composition, rose petals are so beneficial. They have the following useful features:

  • vitamins C, K, B vitamins, nicotinic acid
  • macro- and microelements: copper, calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, selenium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, molybdenum
  • other substances: organic acids (citric and malic), tannins, essential oil, pectin, tannins, flavonoids, fructose, glucose, sucrose

Useful substances possessed by the rose help to restore youthfulness, tone, healthy appearance to the skin, make it supple, velvety.

They refresh, tone, fight acne, normalize sebum secretion, remove oily sheen, have wound healing, antibacterial properties.

Useful properties for the face

All useful substances in rose petals are active
affect our skin and improve its external condition, namely:

  • refresh the skin
  • tone up
  • improve complexion
  • neutralize excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat
  • remove inflammation
  • treat acne
  • fight the first signs of aging
  • nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals
  • have bactericidal, antiseptic, wound-healing properties
  • get rid of oily sheen
  • make the skin supple and soft

Indications for use

Use home remedies with rose petals if you have problems such as:

  • oily skin
  • dry
  • fading
  • problematic
  • acne
  • wrinkles


The flower, in addition to individual intolerance and allergies, no longer has contraindications.

Check your skin for intolerance. Apply a little prepared product on the wrist for 30 minutes. If irritation, itching, burning, redness does not appear, then you can use it.

You need to know how to properly use rose petals in home cosmetics in order to get the maximum effect from the product. To do this, read these recommendations and follow each time you prepare the product:

  1. Take only home flowers from your dacha. Do not take store-bought ones, they may contain chemicals.
  2. Before applying, steam the skin with a steam bath, clean with a scrub.
  3. You can use both dry and fresh petals.
  4. To dry, be sure to rinse them under water, spread a towel, put the petals on it. Wait for them to dry. This will take approximately 1 week. Dry petals should be put in a jar or bag.
  5. From the petals, you can prepare a tonic, rose water, mask, cream, face tincture.
  6. We apply the product on the face along the massage lines.
  7. After applying the mask, apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  8. Keep the mask on your face for 20-25 minutes.
  9. Use tonic 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 1 month.
  10. Masks do 2 times a week 10-15 procedures in total.
  11. Store the tonic in the refrigerator for about 3 days.

Best Recipes

Pink water

You can wash your face with rose water, add it to lotions, masks, make ice cubes, a compress from it.

To cook it, we need fresh petals. Fill them with mineral water so that the water completely covers them.

Put on fire, bring to a boil. Once the water boils, make a small fire. Wait for the petals to fade. This will take 30 to 60 minutes.

Then you need to remove from heat, cool, strain and pour into a glass bottle. Store rose water in the refrigerator.

Face lotions

pink lotion

Prepare rose water and wash your face every evening. The lotion cleanses the skin, makes it soft, healthy and smooth.

Honey pink lotion

Take 100 ml of rose water, 2 tbsp. honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and store the lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your face every morning and evening. The lotion perfectly tones, refreshes, cleanses pores, relieves inflammation.

Floral lotions

  1. Mix 1 tables. a spoonful of chamomile, rose petals and linden flowers. Pour boiling water (200 ml). Wait 60 minutes for the product to infuse, then strain and wipe your face 2 times a day (morning and evening).
  2. We will need 50 ml of rose water, cucumber juice and chamomile infusion. Mix all ingredients and store in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with lotion to cleanse the pores of impurities, get rid of oily sheen and inflammation.

Facial tincture

Take 20-30 g of rose petals. You can take both dry and fresh. Fill them with vodka (200 ml). Then put the bottle in a dark place to infuse for 14 days. While the product is infused, shake it every day. After 2 weeks have passed, strain the tincture and store in the refrigerator in a sealed bottle. Wipe with tincture only problem areas (inflammation, acne, pimples).

Face masks

Rejuvenating mask

Take 1 tables. a spoonful of rose water and 1 teaspoon of sour cream, honey, olive oil. Mix everything and apply on face for 25 minutes.

apple mask

Make homemade applesauce. Mix 1 tables. l. applesauce and 1 tsp. honey, rose water, 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes with massage movements.

pink mask

We need yogurt (or kefir, sour cream). For oily skin, take natural yogurt or kefir, and for dry skin, use homemade sour cream. Mix 2 table. tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of rose water and apply the mask for 25 minutes on the face with massaging movements.


We will need 1 tables. l. rose water, 2 tables. l. oatmeal. Thoroughly mix the mixture until a homogeneous consistency and apply on the face with massage movements for 15-20 minutes.

For aging skin

Mix 1 tables. l. olive oil and rose water. Heat the mixture in a water bath to 40 degrees and apply on the face along the massage lines for 25 minutes. Then pat your skin dry with a tissue.

ice cubes for face

Prepare rose water, take ice molds. Pour water into molds and place in the freezer.

Wipe your skin with an ice cube every morning. It tones, refreshes, cleanses the face, fights inflammation, removes oily sheen.

Compress for the face

Prepare rose water. Soak gauze with this product and put on your face for 20-30 minutes. This procedure cleanses the face of impurities, tones, relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect.

rose oil for face

Take 3 cups of dry petals and place in a glass dish. Fill them with vegetable oil (olive, almond or other) so that the oil completely covers the petals. Put in a water bath. Wait for the petals to fade. Next, the tool must be cooled.

You can use this oil several times a day, for example, to cleanse your face of cosmetics or apply to dry skin type as a mask.

Sincerely, Irina Pelekh!

The height of flowering tea rose fills the garden with a fabulous aroma. And the desire to preserve this feeling of the triumph of the queen of flowers and enjoy it in winter is quite understandable. What can made from tea rose petals ? Today we give you Smart Tips - how to prepare various preparations for all family members. Welcome to Smart Kitchen!

Read this article:

Preparing tea rose

1. Rose petal tea

The easiest way tea rose petals - dry them and use for brewing fragrant tea. It is best to collect the petals in dry weather at the time of the complete dissolution of the buds. Then spread them on sheets of paper in one layer in a place inaccessible to the sun's rays, which deprive the petals of color. You can successfully dry them even in the room on the table. Then pour dry petals into a clean, dry jar and close with a nylon lid. Store in a dark place, use for brewing aromatic tea.

2. Petal syrup for all occasions

We fall asleep in a 3-liter dry jar of rose and sugar in layers. Lightly tamp, put on the windowsill in the sun. As the heat and sugar act, juice of a rich color and aroma comes out of the petals, while the contents of the jar sag, which makes it possible to add a second and third portion of the petals and sugar to it. As a result, you will receive a healing nectar that needs to be squeezed out of a thick mass of petals and poured into small jars for storage. It is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush in children, tonsillitis, and also as a flavoring agent for various drinks, creams, pastry.

3. Rose petal liqueur

Of course, wine connoisseurs are unlikely to call the resulting low-alcohol drink wine, since the latter is prepared from grapes by fermentation. In our case, there will be no fermentation and grapes, and the drink itself will be ready in 4 days. But its amazing taste and aroma will surprise even sophisticated gourmets.

Pour petals from 50 buds into a 3-liter jar, pour a pound of sugar, 2 teaspoons of citric acid into the same place and pour boiled water. We close the nylon lid, shake well and put in a dark place for 4 days. Do not forget to shake the contents daily. Before drinking, strain the drink, add half a liter of good quality vodka to it and cool. Ready!

4. Tea rose jam in the microwave

We twist the rose petals in a meat grinder, add sugar at the rate of 1 part of the volume of crushed petals and half of the sugar.

We put in the microwave at 100% power for 5 minutes. The jam is ready. The output is a half-liter jar. Can be corked.

5. Tea rose wine

It takes a long time to cook, but it's worth it!

  1. Boil syrup from 4 liters of water and 2 kg of sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  2. Pour 400g of crushed or crushed tea rose petals.
  3. Tie the neck with gauze and put in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. Strain, put under a water seal for about 2 months in a warm place.
  5. Pour into bottles to the very top, carefully pouring off the sediment. Cork.
  6. Store in a dark cool place. The longer, the better the wine.

It is sad to watch the bouquet lose its freshness. Especially if it was presented by a loved one or in honor of a memorable event. But do not rush to throw out the flowers. They can be used as decoration. In the article, we will tell what can be done with roses that are wilted or dried out. You will also learn the practical uses for their petals.

We do not offer step-by-step instructions on how to implement solutions. To do this, look at the master classes on the Internet. But we encourage readers to fantasize and prolong the life of flowers.

What to do with withering roses

When the flowers have barely bowed their heads, do not let them lose their freshness completely, but take advantage of their beauty.

    Create an ornamentor piece of furniture pouring a rose with epoxy resin. If there are half-blown buds of spray roses, they will look elegant as a pendant. A large transparent ball with a lush inflorescence of the Ecuadorian rose will decorate the room. There are techniques when not the flower is completely filled, creating a sphere, but the petals are covered with resin. It looks like a sculpture.

    Try sprout a flower. Of course, for this you need a plant full of strength, but you still have nothing to lose. Use the methods from the article.

What to do with dried roses

If the bouquet is dry and the petals have not fallen off, use the plants for the benefit of design solutions.

    Photo frame decor. To make the photo look unique, place the dried buds in 1-2 corners of the photo. The option will work if you use a deep frame or small buds.

    Create a miniature tree topiary, which has inflorescences instead of foliage. If you are superstitious and do not want to keep dried flower crafts at home, put it in the country: on the porch, in the gazebo or at the gate.

    Decorative panel. It will not be difficult for people with artistic taste to use buds in the decor of various paintings. These can be independent panels or accents in embroidery, macrame or painting.

What to do with rose petals

Most often, rose petals are used in cooking and cosmetics. But for such purposes, we recommend using your own grown flowers. Plants for business are subjected to special treatment, so they lose their useful properties. But you can still use the petals properly.

    Bath salt. Buy regular sea salt and mix it with rose petals. Close the lid tightly and leave for 2 weeks. Sprinkle bath salt to add fragrance to the water.

    Soap. If you want to pick up a new hobby, try soap making and add petals as natural ingredients.

    Bottles with glycerine. Create decorative interior elements. Take a glass bottle and pour a 1:2 mixture of glycerin and water into it. Close hermetically. You will get a bright and creative decor.

    Sachet. Sew bags of natural fabric, and fill them with petals. You can add fragrant herbs: rosemary, thyme, chamomile. Place sachets in drawers with clothes or linens. A subtle sweet aroma will be felt from things.

It turns out that so much can be made from ordinary roses and petals, you just need to let your imagination run wild. Have you ever used roses from a bouquet for decorative purposes? Share your experience in the comments.