Divination wishes for the new year are short. Funny Short New Year Wishes

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What New Year's holiday can be imagined without cheerful wishes and toasts, funny contests and games? Of course, you should think carefully in advance how to set up guests in a playful way. And comic predictions for the New Year, funny wishes for the New Year, which will become a real highlight of the entire festive feast, can help with this.

Each of us expects some kind of miracle from the celebration of the New Year. And it does not matter how old a person is - five or fifty. Every year, according to the already established tradition, raising our glasses to the chiming clock, we make our most cherished wishes. A wish for the New Year about "dream come true" sounds at every step. And what else can you wish to your best friend or relative, and even by doing it in an original and funny way?

Not only wishes for the New Year and making wishes are considered traditional, but also fortune telling. The latter, by the way, can generally turn out to be a very interesting activity. So why don't you and your company tell fortunes on New Year's Eve? You can choose which version of this game is more suitable for your guests: simple or comic predictions for the New Year. But just guessing, for sure, may not be interesting to everyone. It is necessary that your guests remember you for a long time as the most cheerful and original host. To do this, you can come up with a whole scenario of various funny fortune-telling containing comic predictions for the New Year, and such that even people who are completely devoid of a sense of humor will like it.

In general, competitions for the New Year for adults are good because they can be held without leaving the festive table. Before the start of more mobile competitions, it is comic predictions for the New Year that will be able to set the audience in the right mood. And there are a lot of ideas (which we will definitely share) on how to present comic predictions and wishes for the New Year.

Option number 1. You have probably heard about fortune cookies or fortune cookies, as they call them. These cookies are baked by placing inside a prediction or a wish for the New Year, written on a piece of paper. Why don't you make similar cookies by serving them with dessert, for example. You can similarly bake, more familiar to us, small nuts with filling and predictions inside.

Option number 2. It is not necessary to hide comic predictions for the New Year in cookies. It is much easier, and maybe more fun, to use ordinary balloons for this purpose. Prepare the required number of balloons (better if there are more of them than guests). Before you inflate them, write New Year's predictions on small notes and, folded into a tube, place one prediction inside the ball. Do not forget to prepare a pin for the New Year's party so that the guests burst the selected balls.

Think carefully about what New Year's predictions to offer guests. If you doubt that all guests will positively perceive comic predictions for the New Year, it is better to get by with simple ones. For simple predictions, there are simply a lot of ideas: a car, an apartment, a trip to Italy, the birth of a child .... For both options, there is only one prerequisite: the wishes must be extremely positive, because everyone wants to have fun in the New Year. When choosing various New Year's jokes, you need to be sure that all the guests will perceive them well.

Option number 3. Don't forget about our long tradition of baking a birthday cake with surprises. Various items are laid in the dough of the pie: a coin, a candy, a pod of hot pepper, etc. The special charm of such a pie lies in the excitement, because not everyone will get New Year's predictions and, on the contrary, some may come across several at once. You need to eat such a pie carefully so as not to damage a tooth on a coin, for example.

Option number 4. There is a simplified version of the New Year's fortune pie. Putting objects in the dough is not necessary at all. Instead, you can cut a thick sheet of paper into squares, and after drawing a funny drawing on each square with a wish for the next year, put them in a pie.

Option number 5. It is also not necessary for you to make New Year's predictions. Weave fortune-telling into contests for the New Year for adults by offering guests a game similar to forfeits. Have each guest give you something. You will choose an "oracle" - a player with a good sense of humor, who will be engaged in fortune telling for the next year. Show the oracle items in turn, without naming the owner. If the oracle is endowed with a healthy sense of humor, then the company is guaranteed to have a lot of fun.

Option number 6. You can arrange, for example, an old Russian fortune-telling, only in a comic style. Let's say, arrange around a few bottles with "prophecies" inside. Blindfold the one who wants to know his future, and, spinning him, let him choose the first bottle that comes across to the touch.

In general, comic predictions for the New Year and contests for the New Year for adults can be in a variety of ways. The only thing that can limit you is your own imagination.

And in conclusion, we offer you some examples of New Year's predictions and comic wishes that you can use on your holiday.

Funny wishes for the New Year and comic predictions for the New Year


In the New Year you will be fabulously lucky - you will win a million dollars!!! And then you give every penny to charity.


In the New Year, you should not scold a black cat that ran your way. Better take him home: the cat will be a great company for your 33 parrots.


In the New Year, you will be able to get rid of a bad habit, but in return you will acquire a couple of new ones.


Next year, always go to the boss’s office with your left foot: then you will definitely be promoted.

New Year's jokes:


Do not twist a button when you expect a bad event, otherwise it will surely fall off.


In the New Year, you will be pleased by giving the most desired gift for you - a goldfish! True, this fish will be stuffed with rice and herbs.


In the third decade of the coming year, fireworks of bright events await you. Start preparing immediately!



Smile a lot in the New Year and sign a contract with Blend-a-Med.


Giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Remember: it must be - loves!


You are lucky! Therefore, in the New Year, be modest and stop eating lucky tickets on the trolley bus!


When crossing the road, look around carefully - there is a chance to meet your destiny.


If you wear your clothes inside out on June 1 of the coming year, many representatives of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. There is a chance to meet your love!


If you come across a foreign body in bread, know that it is for good luck!


Beware the bald ones!


Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation - a car.


If tomorrow morning the neighbors knock on the battery, then a fun and unforgettable year lies ahead.


Expect new additions to the family next year. Probably, neighbor cockroaches will come to you for permanent residence.


If, when fortune-telling on ice in a saucer, you did not see the treasured dimples, foreshadowing the birth of daughters, dig them yourself! Business something.


If the log you chose to predict the financial condition of your future husband turned out to be smooth, immediately throw it away and find a suitable one. You don't need a poor husband!


If you see the reflection of your betrothed in the mirror, look back. Maybe your husband is behind you.


After this New Year, a very pleasant surprise awaits you - the Old New Year will come! Great excuse to drink!

You can come up with an incredible amount of such comic predictions, you only need your imagination and a playful mood. Just do not forget, when preparing comic predictions for the New Year, about tact, your jokes should not become personal, hurt and offend someone. Then your holiday has every chance to be truly unforgettable and fun.

And, with the coming!

A little more about New Year's divination:

Happy winter holiday!
Let the lights shine in your eyes
Let only goodness live in the heart,
And in the house - comfort and warmth.

May the soul always sing
Let the body not get tired
The mood will be cheerful!
Happy New Year!

Let everything be new in the New Year,
Success will never forget your address
And happiness will settle in your house,
Lived so calmly and joyfully in it!

Decorate your Christmas tree beautifully!
Serpentine to curl!
Prepare a pile of salads
To break the table!
Happy New Year! Sing, play!
Meet new happiness!

I wish you positive bursts in life,
Actions bright, thoughts creative.
May the best holiday be the New Year
It will lead you to love and happiness!

With the upcoming, excellent,
Let it be unusual
Let him give a lot of happiness
Away will drive away all misfortunes!

Happy New Year,
Good luck and warmth to you
To make life happy
A ringing stream flowed!

Firecrackers explode on New Year's Eve
Everything is covered in confetti.
Let him be the very best
And fulfill all your dreams!

We love this holiday since childhood,
We look forward to it every time.
Let it be warmed with good
This New Year is for you!

New Year comes to the house
Gives a lot of happiness
Let all sorrows go away
And bad weather will go away!
We wish you this New Year
Only the most pleasant worries!

Wish you in the new year
They met neither sorrow nor misfortune.
May wealth and good fortune be
Health, happiness and return from business.

The magic moment is coming
Adds happiness to life
The New Year will be bright
Let inspiration come!

Serpentine bright, New Year's
Let them quickly fall on everyone:
Happiness, joy, good health.
Happy New Year! May success await you!

Happy New Year with a new happiness
I congratulate you!
Let problems and bad weather
Everyone will leave forever!

Like bright candy, let your cherished dreams come true
Happy New Year, happiness, peace, warmth and beauty.

New Year is knocking on the door
Brings a lot of joy
And he will give you
A million happy days!

Let the New Year begin with luck
With bright meetings, good luck, mood,
Let true love come.
May this year be happy!

Snow falls on the trees
And the ice cracks on the river.
I wish you fun
And love for the coming year!

Fortune-telling games are an interesting and very cheerful element of the holiday, which invariably evokes a response from guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune-telling at parties are inappropriate, because a negative forecast can completely spoil the mood. But comic divination always goes with a bang.

There are many ways to play this game. You can, for example, make a deck of fake cards: on the one hand - a shirt, and on the other - a printed prediction. Someone dresses up as a gypsy and invites guests to draw one card at a time and read the prophecy aloud.

Other options:

  • make fortune cookies;
  • print funny candy wrappers with predictions inside, wrap sweets in them, give them to guests and offer to unwrap them;
  • write prophecies on small cards with congratulations, put them in a box and invite guests to pull out one at a time;
  • stick stickers with numbers on the bottom of plates or glasses. Put this dish on a separate tray. Let the guests take it apart before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly drawn number. When the moment is right, the host will ask the guests to look at the stickers. The participants of the holiday will call the numbers that have fallen to them, and the presenter will read out the numbered predictions.

Comic predictions for films and songs

Movie titles

This is a simple, but original and very interesting way to predict the fate of the next year. The prophecy is directly the name of the film or cartoon. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let the guests excel in interpretations.

For example: "Next year I'm expecting ... a game of thrones." This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of the head of the family.

Appropriate movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • big jackpot
  • The scent of a woman
  • chicken coop escape
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • groundhog day
  • Monsters, Inc
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • money train
  • Sex in the city
  • Key to all doors
  • Third wheel
  • Getting to know the parents
  • fatal attraction
  • best friend wedding
  • obscene proposal
  • Forty year old virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • haunted mansion
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • good luck zigzag
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl with no address
  • love-carrot
  • White sun of desert
  • Big change

Lines from songs

Entertainment similar to the previous one. Only this time, the prophecy is a line from a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (indicating the artist in brackets). But if not laziness, it is better to prepare audio cuts. In this case, fortune-telling will turn out to be much more spectacular and interesting.

Fragments of songs are numbered. The guests draw numbers, according to which short musical predictions are voiced to them. So, what has fate prepared for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable song lines:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (G. Leps)
2. Million, million, million scarlet roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world (ABBA)
4. And the sea has white sand, a warm wind blows in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than friends wandering around the wide world ... (m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians")
7. Oh, mother, chic ladies, chic ladies (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in the sky (V. Kipelov)
9. You are lucky - you are not like everyone else! You work in an office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, where I have never been (S. Minaev)
11. I love boogie-woogie, I boogie-woogie every day ("Secret")
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome. There are big changes ahead. I know this for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Volya)
14. Oh, I feel, girls, go on a spree. Oh, I'll take a walk (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane easily takes me away (Valeriya)
16. Everything is in a bunch, but we have everything in a bunch. Where we can’t climb straight, we’ll go sideways (Potap and Nastya)
17. I am lying in the sun. I look at the sun. I lie and lie and look at the sun (m / f “How the Lion and the Turtle sang a song”)
18. Freedom, freedom, give me freedom! I'll fly up like a bird! (m / f "Flying ship")
19. The trailer will move, the trailer will move, the trailer will move ... The trailer will move, the platform will remain (film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath")
20. If there was a sea of ​​​​beer, I would become a beautiful dolphin. If there was a sea of ​​vodka, I would become a submarine ("Dune")

From a bad habit in the new year
You will definitely get rid.
But here's the problem: instead of one
Two new ones will come to replace

You will spend your vacation at sea
You will warm your body and soul.
You will spend the whole amount, you will burn yourself five times,
You will gain six kilograms.

Smile always, smile everywhere
Smile on land and on water!
Fate will repay you for smiles
A couple of wrinkles and a bunch of dough!

Either you eat, or you pump up,
Whether you sit in a chair -
Know that next year
You will significantly increase your ass.

If you start kissing
Every day for half an hour
All dreams will come true.
Life will be filled with miracles!

Have a higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year promises you
Love roofer!

If you can, without being lazy,
Plow like a horse on Thursdays
Fate will open the way for you
For big, big money.

If you go across the field -
You will find money in the field;
When you find money
You will spend it all on a spree

Go around for three miles
Shreds, anyhow,
And cut off your ear!

We must forget for a year
About cognac, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise, you will
in crime reports.

The cockroaches in your head will have a very fun year.

Your friends will not forget you next year. Don't forget the one who owes you money.

Next year all your problems will be gone. Because even they are bored with you...

Your life next year will be multifaceted, like a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your couch.

Next year you will understand that your inner core is an awl in the ass.

In the coming year, your body will decide for itself when to sleep, where to sleep and with whom to sleep. Don't contradict him - he knows best!

You will spend your vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.

If you get bored - sing romances. Your finances will always keep you company.

The bad news is you'll put on weight. The good news is that the increase will occur in the wallet area.

Original post by Svetik_ES

Thank you very much! Did a lot of work on the design! But unfortunately the text is not readable because of the background. I was able to read the rhymes by copying them into Word! Brilliant background "breaks the eyes". I advise you to change it. I repeat: Thank you - I'm using it this New Year!

Such a Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel will even fit on the festive table!

Do you want the NEW YEAR of "SNAKE" to be successful for you?

Do you want happiness to always surround you in the COMING YEAR of "SNAKE"?

Then every family, on the eve of the new year, on the festive table should have a very tasty and unusually decorated New Year's salad "SNAKE"! And then the New Year spirit of the snake will be grateful to you)))

And throughout the year, will bring you happiness and success!

Preparing the Snake salad:

1. Grate boiled potatoes, eggs and processed cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Finely chop pink salmon, pass the garlic through a garlic press.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix well.

And now the creativity begins!

1. Shape the lettuce into a snake and garnish with thinly sliced ​​cucumber scales.

2. Create a unique pattern using olives and carrot pieces.

On New Year's Eve we write wishes

On leaves and put them in a beautiful bag,

Let everyone pull out a comic

Prediction for next year!

You will be lucky in everything!

Bucks, a jeep, and also a cottage!

But beware of illness

Do more sports!

I know for sure this year

You will be lucky with love!

To be lucky in the rest -

You do not climb on the breach!

And have a good year for you!

It will bring a lot of happiness!

Just take care of your nerves

And don't go to the left!

Here's a prediction for you:

You keep your nose up!

If they offend

Don't forget to give back!

Trust me! you this year

Brings a lot of new

But don't walk at night

Visit the bath more often!

It is very important for you to remember

Avoid overload!

So that all your finances

Don't give up on medication.

I see that happiness will come to you,

Success is waiting for you everywhere!

But don't drink without a decree

More than two bottles at once!

You, my friend, be more cheerful

Do not spare strength in work!

Sleep more, read newspapers,

Drink beer, and chew meatballs!

There's a big shock waiting for you:

Vodka, beer, songs, dance.

Waiting for fun, a lot of jokes

And ... not a nearby road.

In general, you will not be lost!

In happiness, you will live in peace.

There will be love and affection

Yes, not life, but just a fairy tale!

I'll tell you, beauty

It will, of course!

In a month or two

Meet a friend of the heart.

If you don't get lazy

You can achieve a lot!

Your health will be fine

A very cute gift is waiting for you!

Stay out of debt

Eat less pies!

You shine with your beauty,

In general, have fun boldly!

Do you dream about

To make more money.

Start it up soon

Thicker wallet!

You, friend, this year

Avoid any hassle!

And a friend will come to you to ask for forgiveness.

Get generous treats from the cellars!

Journey awaits you

And a plane ticket

Sea, palm trees and romance

If it's not a scam!

You will meet a new day well -

You will provide the family with rice!