Correctly, quickly and without harm, we lighten hair with proven products at home. How to lighten hair without harm The easiest way to lighten


Means for lightening hair at home

If you decide to lighten your hair, it is not necessary to go to a specialist, you can do it yourself. In this article I will talk about the basic rules of lightening, about what products can be used depending on the type of your hair.

What affects the degree of discoloration

In order to lighten hair at home and cause them a minimum of harm, and the result was not a surprise for you, it is necessary to assess the condition of the hair before the procedure.

1. Initial color

If the hair has not been previously dyed:

  • Brunettes will have to lighten the strands in several stages to get rid of the unwanted bright yellow tint.
  • For fair-haired girls, this procedure will not cause much trouble.
  • It is extremely difficult for red-haired beauties to defeat natural pigment. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technique of clarification in detail before taking any action.

2. Recoloring

  • If you have previously dyed black, dark blond, chestnut and dark chestnut, decapitation is indispensable to achieve the desired result. Otherwise, you risk getting a red tint.
  • If you did staining with resistant paint or henna, you should understand that it will not work to achieve the desired result in one procedure.

You need to be patient and follow the instructions below. If you used without ammonia paint, you should wait two weeks when it is partially washed off and then proceed to lightening.

3. Hair structure

Dyeing straight or curly hair is much easier than doing the same with thick and stiff hair.

Who needs to wait a bit with lightening:

  • Less than 2 weeks have passed since the last coloring.
  • Do not bleach for two weeks after a perm.
  • After taking antibiotics, it is necessary to give the body a couple of weeks to recover.

Methods and means for lightening hair at home

Preparation for the procedure:

  • A few days before the procedure, pamper your hair with various nourishing masks and moisturizing sprays.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair immediately before dyeing. But it is necessary that there are no traces of sprays, varnishes and mousses on it. If you had to wash your hair, saving it from the natural protection in the form of fat, you must use oils that protect the roots from negative effects.


It is impossible to achieve deep clarification without resorting to dyes with a chemical composition. To become a blonde, it is necessary to remove melanin from the hair, this is a laborious procedure based on chemical reactions.

Consider which brightening agents are chemical and their characteristics.

1. Hydroperite


Inexpensive product, you can buy at any pharmacy.


Sufficiently destroys the structure of the hair. Before use, it is necessary to crush and prepare the solution according to the instructions.


Allows you to lighten up to 4 tones. Perfectly evens out the color on gray hair. Used to prepare for further staining.

2. Hydrogen peroxide


Inexpensive product, is freely available, does not need to be diluted.


If used incorrectly, it can be very harmful to your hair, it will become loose and thin.


With proper use, you will achieve the desired result in several stages. This approach will minimize the harmful effects of the drug. Lightens the original hair color up to 4 tones.

3. White henna


Cheap tool, the package has everything you need to prepare the coloring composition.


Has nothing to do with medical henna. The action of the product is due to the hydroperite included in the composition. Has a detrimental effect on hair.


Allows you to lighten hair at home by 4-5 tones, and with regular use to achieve a snow-white result. Suitable for girls who want to get rid of black, but in one application you will get a reddish tint.

A procedure using a special decapitating agent that removes the pigment. It is used in cases where the hair has already been dyed a darker color, but you really want to be a burning blonde. Or when you are unhappy with the result of coloring and want to change the tone. Washing is of two types:

acid wash


One of the most gentle ways to lighten hair, does not contain chemicals that destroy hair.


Depending on how durable the paint you used, the wash will either remove all the pigment or dull the color.

The dark color returns. This happens when, after removing an unwanted color, a new color is applied. And the result is darker than planned.


It does not affect the natural "burnt" color in any way, it displays only artificial pigment. You should not expect that it will return your native color, which was before staining. The procedure can be performed up to 5 times at the same time. Prepares hair for subsequent coloring.

Blonding wash


More effective than acid. Washes off color softer than supra.


More detrimental to the structure of the hair than acid. After application, intensive care is required. Prepares hair for subsequent coloring.


Allows for one application to change the color by 3-4 tones.

5. Shampoos

Deep cleansing shampoo


Virtually no damage to the hair.


Dries hair, be sure to use a balm. Lightly washes out the color.


Penetrating deep into the hair structure, along with pollution, it washes out the coloring pigment. Allows you to correct the color.

Clarifying shampoo


It has a gentle effect, gently brightens. If you have a pronounced yellow undertone, your hair will take on a more muted tone after application.


Lightly dries. The effect is visible after numerous applications.


Allows you to reduce the difference between the colored ends and growing roots, weaken the shade of the dye, even out the color. Ideal for those who want to slightly lighten their hair by 1-2 tones.

Allows you to achieve clarification by 4 tones per application.

The market is oversaturated with paints from various manufacturers, both for self-use and professional ones. Consider the most common firms.

Budget colors:

If we talk about lightening very dark hair, this paint occupies a leading position. Has a gentle effect. The palette contains 7 shades of blonde. The downside is it's not very durable.

Allows you to lighten dark hair and paint over gray hair without a yellow tint. The essential oils and collagen included in the composition soften the chemical effect. Provides color fastness for at least four weeks.

The palette contains over 20 shades of blond. Allows you to lighten strands by 4-6 tones. The presence of oils in the composition contributes to soft and gentle care.

With this paint, you will realize your wildest dreams of blond color. It is easy to apply, the result is a cool shade and shiny hair. Gives additional brightness to the hair, evens out its structure. Paint resistant to sunlight.

This is the choice of many brunettes who have gone blonde. The paint perfectly brightens by 6 tones, while gently affecting the hair, thanks to components such as therapeutic oils, vitamin B5, reflective particles that protect against negative solar exposure. The paint is easy to apply and does not flow. The effect of staining lasts for a month.

Professional paints

Occupies a leading position. To lighten hair at home, a line without ammonia paints has been developed. Completely covers gray strands. Intense and juicy color remains for a long time.

Kapous Professional

This paint combines European quality and reasonable price. A distinctive feature is organicity and naturalness.

A wide range of products is represented by a line of preventive and therapeutic dyes that can give curls healthy strength and splendor. Due to the content of keratin, this dye not only brightens, but also heals the hair.

Thanks to the maize starch proteins included in the composition, it gently brightens up to 6-7 tones, neutralizes yellowness, but at the same time it dries very much.

An excellent choice, does not create the effect of yellowness. When used correctly, it does not injure curls a little, the color remains saturated for a month.

Representatives of the bleaching group are:

  • a series of super lightening shades of cream paints based on cationic active substances;
  • micro-granulated powder, which allows you to discolor curls by 7 tones;
  • WHITETOUCH paste, which can be used in salons for all lightening techniques up to 6 tones.

There is professional and ordinary. Lightens up to 7 tones. The main difference is that the usual Supra is sold in a box with an oxidizing agent, and a tube of professional paint is sold separately so that the master himself selects the required percentage of oxygen.

The paint is quite aggressive. Applying it on dark hair for the first time, you may encounter an unwanted yellow tint.

It is more often used for bleaching before the main staining and for highlighting.

Cosmetics such as spray, oil, gel and cream are also used for clarification.

Gives a rich iridescent shade, brightens by 1-2 tones. Indicated for natural blondes.

Brightening oil

Gives a warm tone. The exposure time is not more than five minutes.

Brightening gel

A new safe color option. Gradually (for several applications) brightens hair up to 3 tones. Suitable for girls who dream of California strands.

Delicate product, ideal for giving freshness and playfulness to color. Brightens by 1-2 tones. Nourishes and restores hair.

natural remedies for lightening

Homemade products will help you lighten your hair without harm. This is a great alternative to chemical based dyes. With their help, it is impossible to radically change the color of the hair, but it is quite possible to make the color a little lighter and at the same time improve the condition of the curls.

Suitable for those who wish to acquire a golden hue. To lighten by 1 tone, the honey mask must be kept for at least 8 hours. Additionally, your hair will become smooth and silky.

Lightening with lemon is ideal for getting a platinum hue, and also contributes to faster fading of hair in the sun.

This effect can be achieved by regularly rinsing the curls with lemon water. It is necessary to avoid a strong concentration of lemon juice, as this can provoke dryness and brittle strands.

Allows you to make dark hair 1-2 shades lighter, strengthens them and adds shine. However, this is not an option for girls who dream of light curls without a hint of yellowness.

Hot oil bleaching

Sea buckthorn, burdock and olive oil are ideal for the procedure. You should not expect a strong lightening, but you can get rid of a bright unwanted pigment. The effect occurs after 5 hours of exposure to the mask.

You can make a mask based only on kefir or mix it with an egg, lemon juice, a couple of tablespoons of cognac and shampoo. For a weak effect, it is enough to pass with such a mask for about 2 hours. It will take at least 8 hours to lighten up to 2 tones.

Ideal for natural hair. Your hair will lighten by 2-3 tones. If the hair was previously dyed, then thanks to this mask, the color will become less saturated.

It is important to remember that the ingredients of the mask must not come into contact with metal.


The use of such a mask allows you to lighten by 1 tone in 40 minutes. For cooking, you need to mix the infusion of chamomile with glycerin.

Lightening with baking soda

An indispensable tool for cleansing the scalp and for washing off unwanted shades. For cooking, you need to dilute two tablespoons of soda in a glass of water.

If you want to achieve a warm tone, use apple cider vinegar, for a cold one - wine. With the help of vinegar, you can lighten the strands very slightly, by a maximum of 1 tone. To do this, it is enough to rinse your head after washing or leave it on your hair for 2-3 hours.

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Lightening and bleaching of hair is the erosion of artificial or. As a result of lightening, you can change the color of your hair by several steps, and when bleaching, you can completely discolor your hair.

For a weak or medium degree of clarification, you can use blond group paints, and for a high degree of clarification, you need to use a blonding preparation that allows you to lighten your hair by 6-7 tones. It should be borne in mind that the paint can only lighten the natural color of the hair, since such paint is not able to discolor the artificial pigment. Previously dyed hair is lightened only with special blocking preparations. Modern dyes for lightening hair create a great brightening effect, but, unlike blondoran, they are less aggressive, as they contain a different kind of alkali and substances that simultaneously care for hair.

During hair lightening with paint, two processes occur at once - lightening and color nuance. With a strong discoloration of the hair, it is necessary to make a subsequent tinting of the hair, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair - the hair will become smoother, shiny and acquire a beautiful shade.

When lightening hair, the natural pigment is oxidized by oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide. The pigment loses its color and, acquiring the ability to dissolve in water, is partially washed out of the hair, leaving voids in it, so bleached hair becomes lighter. Oxygen also destroys the keratin chains of the hair.

Lightening hair depends on:

  • the exposure time of the dye on the hair;
  • the amount of paint applied to the hair;
  • the temperature at which the bleaching process takes place.

Any degree of hair lightening - from light to complete discoloration - disrupts the structure of the hair. In order to preserve the structure of the hair as much as possible and achieve good results after lightening, it is necessary to assess the condition of the hair as accurately as possible (thickness, porosity, previous hair lightening) in order to choose the right lightening agent and exposure time.

The strength level of hydrogen peroxide is determined depending on the required level of hair lightening. With very porous hair, the hydrogen peroxide strength level should be minimal, with hard and glassy hair, the hydrogen peroxide strength level can be increased up to 12%.

The duration of drug exposure depends on:

  • the required degree of hair lightening;
  • intensity of natural pigment;
  • hair structures;
  • ambient temperature.

If only the regrown part of the hair is lightened, the bleaching composition is applied very precisely so as not to damage the previously dyed hair.

If the hair is poorly lightened, you can use the climazon, but the additional heat must be applied very carefully! The extra heat not only softens the hair (makes it more brittle) but can damage the cuticle and , since under the action of high temperature the reaction will proceed very intensively.

If the process of bleaching hair will take place in the open air, the bleaching paint should be prepared not too thick. Otherwise, in the air, the bleaching mass will quickly harden and the hair lightening process will stop.

If foil is to be used when bleaching the hair, the bleaching dye should be prepared a little thicker, otherwise the bleaching dye will flow out from under the foil.

After a perm, it is advisable to bleach the hair only after a week, when the hair is completely restored and fixed in its new structure, otherwise the hair may not withstand such a heavy load and will collapse.

After bleaching, the hair is thoroughly washed with not very hot water, then the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with balm. Hair bleaching stops at the moment of neutralization.

The art of bleaching hair is to get the desired color effect without disturbing the structure of the hair. A strong effect of an alkaline environment (hydrogen peroxide) on the hair can lead to the fact that the protective scales of the hair, opening up, will get burned, and even when exposed to an acidic environment that promotes the closing of the scales,. Hair becomes difficult to comb, quickly split, as it lacks a protective layer, and requires the mandatory use of balms, which begin to perform the protective function of the scales, filling the space between the open lifeless scales. Balms protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment and at the same time nourish them.

In addition, the wrong technology of hair bleaching leads to the fact that in case of insufficient grease on the scalp, strong alkaline compounds can penetrate into the hair roots, weaken the hair roots, as a result of which .

Hair pigment lightening levels

The process of bleaching hair proceeds in stages, so at any time you can check at what stage the lightening process is.

Fig.1. Hair before bleaching

Hairdresser's advice

Having prepared the dye for lightening hair, you must immediately apply the dye to the hair strands so that the reaction with the release of oxygen (the appearance of foam) goes on the hair strands.

When compiling a complex mixture of several paints, it is necessary to mix all the components very carefully until a homogeneous mass.

The amount of gray hair is taken into account as a percentage of the total mass of hair.

Fig.2. Hair after lightening

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)- a colorless viscous liquid, is an explosive substance. 30% hydrogen peroxide is called perhydrol.

To obtain a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, dissolve 6 peroxide tablets in 54 ml of warm water. To obtain a 6% solution, dissolve 13 tablets of hydrogen peroxide in 48 ml of warm water.

Perhydrol promotes the entry of oxygen into a reaction with, activates the manifestation of color-forming components.

Under the action of light and heat, hydrogen peroxide easily decomposes into water and oxygen, therefore, perhydrol should be stored in a dark container with a ground stopper, filling the vessel by 4/5 of the volume, in a cool place.

Fig.3. Before coloring your hair, lubricate the skin along the marginal hairline with a protective cream.

When compiling paint for bleaching hair, it is necessary to mix all the components very carefully until a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to work in gloves to protect the skin of the hands, since preparations for coloring hair have a destructive effect on it and nails.

Fig.4. To protect the skin of your hands, color your hair with gloves.

The paint should be mixed just before use, since the oxidation process begins immediately upon mixing and after a while the color intensity weakens.

Fig.5. Mix the components immediately before dyeing the hair until the mass becomes homogeneous.

When lightening the hair, the process of applying the dye begins from the part of the head where the greatest lightening is required, but the edge of the hair at the forehead and temples is processed last, as these are the thinnest hairs and they perceive the dye very quickly. If this is not taken into account, the hair roots of the face during lightening may turn out to be too light.

Hair at the roots should always be slightly darker than at the ends. It is better if the hair in front is slightly lighter than the back, and the upper strands of hair are slightly lighter than the lower ones.

Fig.6. When lightening the roots, keep in mind that they should be slightly darker than the total mass of hair.

The dye must be applied quickly and accurately so that the intensity of the color throughout the mass of the hair is uniform. You need to do this in 10-15 minutes. The strands should be so thin that the paint can soak them (the thicker the hair, the thinner the strand). It should be remembered that each hair should be well saturated with paint.

The countdown of the exposure time begins after the complete application of the bleaching paint to the hair. When lightening the hair, the exposure should be at least 50 minutes, otherwise the paint will not fully appear and will not be stable on the hair.

When using additional heat, the exposure time is reduced by 1/3.

After applying the paint, a "shell" of paint should not form on the head, which can create a greenhouse effect and make it difficult for free oxygen to escape.

Fig.7. After applying the dye, slightly loosen the hair with a comb for better oxygen access.

Before washing off the dye from the hair, it is necessary to carry out a check to make sure that the color of the hair roots and ends is uniform. To do this, you need to move the paint from the root part with the end of the comb, then from the ends and compare them. Also, control over areas of gray hair is carried out, and if it is found that, the exposure time of the paint should be increased.

Fig.8. Before washing off the paint, lather it with a little water.

Upon reaching the desired color, emulsification is performed - a small amount of warm water is applied to the hair, slightly foamed and distributed along the entire length of the hair, while massaging movements are made along the marginal hairline. This makes it possible to easily remove the dye from the scalp and add shine to the hair.

Fig.9. Washing hair dye

After emulsification, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with water, then with a special shampoo and treated with a neutralizing balm to stop the influence of dye residues and, lightening or bleaching the hair.

The hardest thing to become owners of very dark hair. Nature has put too much color pigment in such hair, which is difficult to remove without damaging their structure. Hairdressers know that on such strands it is only with great difficulty that very light and cold shades can be achieved. In addition, during hair growth, the contrast between the regrown roots and the clarified part of the hair is very noticeable, which makes it necessary to resort to the clarification procedure more often. Therefore, it is better to trust nature and the master, enjoy the hair color that nature has given, and use alternative color options. After all, hairdressers, like doctors, must follow the principle of "do no harm."

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Any girl faced such a problem as. Of course, from the first time, not everyone succeeds in successfully carrying out this procedure both at home and with the help of specialists. In order not to face the unpleasant consequences of the hair bleaching procedure, you need to know some rules and carry out the process, guided by them.

Hair bleach

In professional activities, and more precisely among hairdressers, products that bleach hair are called dyes of the first group.

The main of them is considered a solution of hydrogen peroxide twenty-five to thirty percent. But in order for the process to proceed faster, a so-called catalyst is added to the peroxide. Often they become ammonia. The content of three percent alcohol in thirty percent peroxide should be as follows: for every milliliter of hydrogen peroxide, one drop of alcohol should be added. If you add more ammonia, it will begin to decompose quickly enough. All of its properties will disappear instantly.

In some cases, ammonium bicarbonate is used instead of ammonia. Thanks to him, the shade of the hair during bleaching turns out to be natural, the red pigment disappears. However, with ammonium, the mixture will change its quantitative composition. For every sixty milliliters of hydrogen peroxide, no more than ten grams of ammonium bicarbonate should be added.

In addition to hydrogen peroxide and a catalyst, water is added to the mixture. It should be warm - fifty degrees. And also shampoo in the amount of sixty grams.

The above mixtures are possible. For bleaching hair on the head, it is best to use ready-made powders.

Special products for bleaching hair on the head

There are also budget funds for bleaching hair on the head. The most common are the following.

Basic rules for bleaching hair on your head at home

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to protect yourself from damage that may occur during its implementation.

Be sure to cover your shoulders with a large towel or film. Then you need to lubricate the scalp with a fat cream. Particular attention should be paid to the area of ​​the forehead, temples and neck.

Also, before the hair bleaching procedure, it is necessary to prepare a mixture. This must be done immediately before it is carried out, since many mixtures of such a composition quickly lose their chemical properties.

The next rule is to prepare the hair for bleaching. It is necessary to comb them properly and divide them into strands. Before the procedure, do not wash your hair for three days.

All the necessary tools should be prepared in advance: cotton pads, swabs, a brush and gloves.

If the bleaching of the hair on the head is carried out for the first time, then the mixture should be applied at a distance of three centimeters from the hair roots.

When bleaching, a four to eight percent peroxide solution is used, and when bleaching thick and thick, ten to twelve percent.

Lastly, the discoloration of vellus hair is carried out, since they are much thinner than the rest and, as a result, will discolor much faster.

For successful hair bleaching procedures on the head, these rules should be followed, because it will be necessary to act quickly.

Stages of the procedure for bleaching hair on the head

First stage- discoloration of the hair on the back of the head. You need to start from the neck and gradually move to the crown. The mixture should be applied on both sides of the strand. The parting must be vertical. It should be left two to three centimeters from the roots. Since they fade faster, they are painted over last.

Second phase- applying a bleaching mixture to the hair of the temporal and parietal parts of the head. Here you need to start from the top and go down to the temples. Coating with the mixture, as in the previous stage, is carried out on both sides of the strand, and the parting is kept vertical.

Next stage- combing hair. When the bleaching mixture has been applied to all hair, they must be combed at the crown and stabbed. Ten minutes after that, you should proceed to the fourth stage.

At the fourth stage it is necessary to apply a bleaching composition to the hair roots. You should also start from the back of the head and gradually move to the crown. And then from the parietal part of the head move to the temples.

Fifth stage- washing off the bleaching mixture from the hair. After thirty minutes, thoroughly wash off the composition with soap and warm water. Then rinse your hair with a pre-prepared solution of lemon acid and nine percent vinegar. This will help get rid of the rest of the mixture. Then you need to blot your hair with a terry towel and comb it.

If it becomes necessary to give a more natural shade to the hair, then after rinsing with a solution, rinse the hair with a decoction of parsley root. In order to cook it, you need to finely chop two parsley roots and cook them over low heat for twenty minutes.

The composition of mixtures for bleaching dark hair

One of the problems of women is dark hair on the arms. If you remove them by shaving or epilation, then you can only worsen the problem. Due to mechanical influences, they will grow faster. By themselves, they will be much tougher and darker. That is why you should not remove the hair on your hands, but bleach it.

In order to prepare a bleaching mixture, you must:

  1. Mix twenty-five milliliters of hydrogen peroxide with twenty-five milliliters of water;
  2. Add ammonia in the composition of two ampoules and one teaspoon of soda to the solution. Mix all this thoroughly.

Next, you should find out the reaction of the body to the resulting mixture. On the fold of the brush, you need to drop a small drop of this mixture. If after ten minutes no reactions appear, namely itching or redness, then you can safely apply the mixture to the hair of both hands. Keep it on your hands for about one hour. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

If a slight burning sensation appears during the procedure, then do not panic, this is normal. However, it is worth noting that if such sensations gradually begin to intensify, then you should immediately wash off the mixture from your hands and no longer use this method of bleaching your hair. Sometimes white pigment spots may appear at the site of hair discoloration. It is also not scary, after a while the skin will take on a familiar look.

Mixture for bleaching dark hair on the head

As already mentioned, before this procedure, you can not wash your hair for three days. During this time, a protective layer of fat will have time to form on the surface of the head, which will soften the effect of chemicals on the hair.

If there is no desire to spend big money on expensive modern drugs, then you can prepare a special mixture for bleaching on your head from hydrogen peroxide.

Direct preparation of the solution:

  1. Sixty milliliters of hydrogen peroxide of the desired concentration (depending on the structure of the hair) must be mixed with forty grams;
  2. Add fifty milliliters of water to the resulting mixture and mix again;
  3. Lastly, dilute the solution with three teaspoons of ammonia. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a handy bowl.

Then be sure to check for any skin reactions. If they do not appear, then you should generously smear the skin of the forehead, temples and neck with a fat cream and proceed with the procedure.

The bleaching mixture should be distributed through the hair, following the steps that were described above. But for darker hair, the procedure should be repeated after three weeks.

Restoration of the hair structure after a failed bleaching

Often, after the bleaching procedure, the hair loses its original appearance. They become fluffy and faded. However, do not despair. You can restore them after such a procedure quickly enough with the help of available means. At home, you can create various nourishing masks that will help revitalize your hair.

Such masks are classified according to hair type:

  1. Suitable for normal hair type with honey. It has already become clear what the main ingredients will be included in the composition. In order to prepare such a mask, it is necessary to separate the egg yolk from the protein. Then mix the first one with one tablespoon of honey. Distribute this mixture evenly over all hair, starting from the roots and ending with the tips. After the mask is applied to the hair, a bag or cap must be put on the head. Keep the mask on your hair for twenty minutes. This procedure should be repeated three times a week. The mask of eggs and honey restores the outer layer of the hair (cuticle) and nourishes the roots with natural substances and vitamins.
  2. Essential oils are suitable for restoring dry hair. Burdock oil will help to cope with the problem of dry hair. It can be used as part of a nourishing mask, or separately. Before shampooing, a small amount of oil should be applied to the hair and left for twenty minutes, and then washed off during hair care. The mask is applied for the same period of time. To ten drops of burdock oil, one tablespoon of honey is added to the composition. Essential oils nourish the hair with special fats and vitamins, helping to prevent dryness.
  3. For brittle hair damaged by bleaching, burdock oil is also well suited, only as part of a more complex mask. To burdock, you need to add coconut and castor oils. They should be moved in equal proportions and heated in a bath. The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the scalp with light pressure movements for five minutes. Then cover the hair with a plastic bag, and wrap it in a towel on top for warmth. This mixture can be made overnight or for two hours. Wash it off with warm water and shampoo.

Decided to test the statement that gentlemen prefer blondes and change their hair color? Do not lighten up at home, go to a proven salon. Qualified masters will offer various coloring options that will not damage the hair.

Now the most popular methods of gentle clarification are:

  1. WITH using ammonia-free dyes- Ammonia-containing products dry out the hair.
  2. Products with natural oils. The oil forms the thinnest film on the hairs, which will protect them from drying out during lightening.
  3. Products with keratin. Keratin fills the voids in the hairs, protects them from damage during lightening, and gives the curls shine.

When choosing a coloring method, it should be borne in mind that it is not safe to change the color from black to blond. Gentle procedures can give a good result on light brown, light, chestnut curls. Let us consider in more detail the most popular options for safe clarification.

Lightening with ammonia-free dyes

The use of such allows you to get a result of medium durability, the shade will remain on the hair for no more than 8 weeks. The product has the following advantages:

The disadvantages of using such dyes include a short durability at a product cost higher than that of a resistant paint. It is recommended to use the funds for owners of previously unpainted or light curls. On gray strands, the dye is not used.

In salons, masters can mix several tones of dye to obtain an individual shade. The most popular ammonia-free products used in salons are Matrix Color Sync, Igora Vibrance, Estel Sense De Luxe.

Dye "Matrix" has a wide palette, creates the effect of glazing. The scales of the hairs are sealed, which ensures long-lasting durability and brightness of the shade.

"Igora" allows you to get a shade of blond that exactly matches the color palette. The product contains an extract of gardenia flowers, Polynesian oil. Curls are restored, acquire shine and radiance.

Product from "Estelle" Available in 75 shades that blend easily. The dye contains ceramides, panthenol, restoring hair, and nourishing oils that heal them. The affordable price of the product makes it in demand among the masters.

The use of ammonia-free dyes allows you to try on the image of a blonde without harming the health of your hair and scalp.

Lightening with special oils

Oils for clarification began to be used not so long ago, but have already earned popularity. Products have a natural composition, effectively care for curls. The oil base contains many essential fatty acids, vitamins, which strengthen them.

When using such products, a natural light shade is obtained.. It will remain on the curls for 7-8 weeks, then the lightening procedure will need to be repeated to refresh the shade and color the roots.

The disadvantages of oils for lightening are the impossibility of using them on dyed and gray hair. Previously dyed strands may acquire an uneven shade, and the pigment will not be fixed on gray hair. On natural curls, the final shade depends on the initial color of the hairs. Chestnuts will turn light golden, light browns will turn a light blond, and reddish will turn honey. It is impossible to get purple, platinum blonde tones with the help of such oils.

When coloring, the oils are mixed with an oxidizing emulsion, distributed over the curls. The holding time depends on the desired lightening, the longer the oils work, the lighter the shade will be.

In professional hair lines, you can find several clarifying oils.

  1. Pharma Vita contains mint oil, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, nettle extract, fennel. The product is made in Italy and is of high quality. After applying the product, you can get lightening up to 3 tones. During use, the product is diluted with the emulsion in a ratio of 1:2. Colored curls shine beautifully, have a silky surface, do not have static stress.
  2. "Solaris" from the company "Eugene Perma" allows you to lighten strands up to 4 tones and get honey and amber shades. The product gently acts on the natural pigment without destroying its structure. The composition contains polysaccharides, oleic acid, acrylic copolymers. The tool softens the hairs, the epidermis of the head, retains moisture inside, facilitates styling. The oily film that forms after using the product protects the hairs from sunlight.
  3. Blond Studio from "L'oreal" provides clarification up to 2 tones. The product does not contain aggressive components, ammonia, has a gel consistency and economical consumption. Before application, the product is mixed with the emulsion, aged for no more than 50 minutes. The tool nourishes and softens curls, protects them from adverse factors. Dyed curls look like sun-bleached, do not have yellowness. It becomes easier to put them on.

Note! The cost of professional clarifying oils is high, they are sold in large bottles of 500 ml or 1,000 ml. However, the products are used economically. Almost all clarifying oils besides salons can be used at home. It is important to distribute them evenly, mix and withstand according to the instructions.

Use of keratin-containing products

Products with keratins provide rich light shades without damaging the hair. Unique powders from GKhair allow you to achieve cool tones without yellowness. Miami Beach Bombshell Balayage Powder and Juvexin Lightening Powder Plus brighten by 6-8 levels, are used in ombre, balayage, highlighting. The advantages of the products are:

  • simple application technique without dust formation, convenient consistency for application;
  • you can get cold light shades even on dark hairs;
  • products contain kaolin, keratin proteins that fill the voids in the hairs, restore them, maintain softness and shine;
  • in the process of aging the product, foil is not used, which protects the strands from overheating, damages them less;
  • after applying brightening powders, tinting is not required;
  • color fastness exceeds the result of analogues by 2-3 times;
  • at the heart of the product is a mass with blue pigments, which protects against yellowness even at maximum clarification.

Powders are mixed with oxidizing emulsions 6.9 or 12% in a ratio of 1:2, depending on the expected result. The use of unique components, keratin in the composition of the products ensures minimal damage to the strands.

Another effective keratin remedy is the KERATIN COMPLEX powder. The powder provides gentle lightening up to 6 tones. Can be used on any hair. The product is mixed with cream-oxidant 3,6,9 or 12%, aged for no more than 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, heat treatment is used. Keratin proteins restore curls while maintaining their natural elasticity and shine.

Options for gentle lighting at home

You can give the curls a natural light shade on their own - rinsing with chamomile decoction will help here. Two tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with boiling water, kept for 15-20 minutes, then filtered. Washed hair is rinsed with decoction, dried naturally. Regular use of the decoction will give the curls shine, brighten them.

You can combine the effect of lightening and healing when using masks made from colorless henna brewed with chamomile decoction. The mass is mixed until smooth, applied to curls, incubated for 40-60 minutes. A polyethylene hat and a warm towel are put on the head. The rest is washed off with warm water. After application, the strands will become lighter, acquire shine. Such masks are especially effective for oily hairs, they will dry out a little.

If you need to lighten a few strands, freshly squeezed lemon juice is applied to them.. You need to dry the strands in the sun, after which they will lighten. Lemon essential oil is added to shampoos, balms and masks. With regular use of lemon oil, the curls will lighten.

Blond hair is the dream of women at any age. Luxurious blond curls give the image femininity, youth, but not everyone is born with such natural wealth. How to lighten hair, to give them the necessary shade?

There are a lot of methods, this is the use of special chemicals and paints, traditional peroxide, which allows you to get a color 7 tones higher than your own. For weakened curls, sparing folk remedies are recommended, along with coloring, restoring the hair structure.

4 methods of lightening hair

To lighten curls at home, you can use a variety of means, including folk ones. Chemical methods give the best result, but they can change the structure of the hair, which negatively affects its appearance. Therefore, the choice of method must be approached very carefully.

There are four lighting tools in total:

  • professional;
  • with peroxide;
  • in the cabin;
  • folk methods.

Lightening curls with professional means

Professional tools - special paints, the set of which includes:

  • powders for clarification (in a jar or sachet);
  • developer in the form of a cream (for light curls, numbers 20 and 30 are suitable, for black, dark brown - 40), you can not take an oxidizing agent more than the 40th number, since the hair will be damaged, restoration will be expensive;
  • toner to remove unpleasant yellowness;
  • color corrector;
  • tinted shampoos (only for natural blond hair).

It is necessary to use the funds in full accordance with the instructions provided. Attention should be paid to the dosage, for very dark hair, not one, but several procedures will be required, it will not work to perform lightening at a time at home.

Lightening with peroxide

Question, how to lighten hair with peroxide at home, many ask. The substance is easy to buy, it is inexpensive, easy to use. But only a 3% solution can be used for lightening, a strong remedy will ruin the hair, and it will be difficult to restore them. Since peroxide dries curls, it is necessary to use special balms, deep-acting conditioners.

Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to moisturize the hair, apply coconut oil. You do not need to wash your hair, especially use shampoos in advance. Peroxide is applied literally for 20 minutes. Particular attention is required when dyeing brown hair, overexposure of the mixture will result in an orange tint.

Lighting in salons

This method is the simplest and most reliable, since the coloring will be carried out by a specialist in a salon. But there is one nuance - to choose, how to lighten hair in the salon, recommended based on customer reviews. You also need to remember that in salons, masters often refuse to lighten already dyed hair so as not to seriously damage them.

Lightening folk methods

Folk methods for lightening curls at home are the safest, although they do not allow such a choice of color as chemical ones. Hair can be lightened by just a couple of tones, black, dark brown, dark red will not work. But on the other hand, natural remedies are useful, help restore the structure, make curls silky, smooth, elastic. In addition, folk remedies contribute.

The most commonly used lemon juice, kefir, honey. Lightening with decoctions of chamomile is considered one of the safest methods, and cinnamon is recommended to give the hair a thin, refined aroma and soft shade.

5 effective home remedies for lightening hair

Safely lighten hair at home possible with the help of folk methods. These are means such as kefir, lemon, chamomile decoctions, honey, cinnamon. A feature of natural remedies is that they are suitable for light blond and blond hair, they allow you to lighten curls by a couple of tones, giving them a golden color. In addition, the result for everyone will be different, it all depends on the initial shade, the condition of the hair, the effect of the selected product on it.

The safest methods how to lighten hair at home, are kefir and decoctions of ordinary chamomile. The most dangerous is the lemon, the juice of which wets the curls, after which it is required to be in the sun to fade the color. Lemon is the easiest way, but the sun's rays greatly injure the hair, it becomes dry, brittle, dull.

Lemon for lightening hair

Lemon is the most effective method, but is only recommended for oily hair. To get the desired shade, you need to mix the juice from one lemon with 0.5 liters of water, use the resulting rinse liquid after washing your hair. Juice acts directly on the pigment, brightening it. To enhance the effect after rinsing, sit in the sun for about 10 minutes.

For natural blond hair, you can get lightening by 2 tones, yellowness disappears from chemically dyed curls.

Honey as a lightener

The effect of honey on the hair structure is similar to peroxide, although more effort must be made, and the effect will not be negative.
After masks with honey, the curls become shiny, very soft, and can lighten by 3 tones.

Before starting the procedure, the head should be washed using shampoo, adding about ¼ teaspoon of ordinary soda to it. After washing, the hair is dried, honey should be heated, distributed along the length of the hair. The head is wrapped in a film, a warm towel, after which you can safely go to bed. If clarification is performed during the day, then you need to keep the product for at least 2-3 hours.

Chamomile decoctions: simple and healthy

In order to lighten hair at home, you can use decoctions on chamomile, with which the hair is rinsed after washing. For naturally light curls, chamomile gives a light golden hue, soft and pleasant.

To prepare, you need to brew 2 full tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is filtered, used to rinse the curls. To enhance the effect, you can add the juice of half a lemon to the product. After rinsing, the head is not wrapped in a towel.

Kefir for clarification and recovery

Kefir is well known as a means to restore the structure of the hair, but it also allows you to lighten the curls by a couple of tones. During exposure, kefir washes out the pigment, penetrating deep under the scales. This action is often used when it is necessary to solve a survey, how to lighten arm hair. But the method is laborious, you must immediately stock up on patience.

For clarification, half a glass of kefir is mixed with one raw egg, juice of half a lemon, a small amount of shampoo, 2 full tablespoons of good cognac. The mixture is applied to the curls, closed with a film, a warm towel for the night. In the morning, the curls are washed with shampoo, be sure to use a balm.

Cinnamon for softness and flavor

How to lighten hair with cinnamon
? It will take 2-3 treatments to get a 3 tone color. In addition to a pleasant soft color, cinnamon will give curls a subtle aroma that lasts for a long time.

The procedure requires half a glass of balm and 2 full tablespoons of ground cinnamon, stir, apply to washed curls with a comb. The head is wrapped with a film, a warm towel for 4 hours. During washing, it must be ensured that all cinnamon particles have been washed off, after which the curls are additionally treated with water and lemon juice.

Is bleaching hair dangerous?

Chemical dyes for lightening hair are harmful without exception, they destroy the structure.
The negative effect can only be controlled by choosing gentle products, which is especially true for oxidizing agents. Lighten hair without harm it is possible only with folk methods that allow you to change the natural color by a couple of tones, while healing the curls.

The dangers of dyeing hair with hydrogen peroxide are as follows:

  • when exposed to hair, peroxide gives the pigment the ability to dissolve in water;
  • after that, the pigment is literally washed out, voids appear in the hair structure;
  • clarified curls become not only lighter, but also lighter, they are brittle, subject to negative influences.

Before dyeing, you should evaluate the general condition of the hair, its thickness, porosity, the frequency of lightening or dyeing in recent times. This will help you choose the right brand of oxidizer, its amount, and exposure time. When lighting at home, you must consider:

  • the degree of alkalinity, acidity of the clarifying composition, its quantity, the time of exposure to the curls;
  • the pH level should be 4.5-5.5, the lower value will be the most optimal, formulations with a pH greater than 7 cannot be used, as they are very harmful;
  • the use of peroxide changes the structure, the curls lose their silkiness, which necessitates careful care, the use of special balms and folk methods.

How to lighten hair at home right? Attention should be paid to the choice of means, the desired result, staining conditions. If chemicals are used, it is recommended to assess the condition of the hair; only gentle products can be used for very damaged curls.