What to do with a chemical burn of the skin: treatment at home. Treatment of a burn with boiling water at home What helps with a burn

This article describes how to treat burns with sea buckthorn oil, panthenol, bodyaga, sour cream and home remedies, as well as useful information on how to properly treat burns of various origins and severity.

Sea buckthorn oil for burns

in case of suppuration, the wound is additionally processed and the bandage is changed;

if healing proceeds normally, the dressing is changed after 3 days;

the bandage is removed for 8-10 days.

There are cases when applying a bandage is difficult - the treatment of not deep burns of the face. Then an open method of treatment is applied with the help of irrigation of burn surfaces. Initially, this procedure is carried out as it is absorbed, and then up to 2 times a day for a week.

During and after the use of radiation therapy for the treatment of oncological diseases of the esophagus, a course of taking sea buckthorn oil orally 2-3 times a day, 0.5 tablespoon during irradiation and after it for 3 weeks is prescribed.

Egg from burns

Egg burns can be treated in several ways:

    In the case of light thermal external burns, a thick protein separated from the yolk is used and applied to the treated skin surface. The resulting film is not removed, it should fall off by itself.

    In the treatment of more complex burns, the protein and yolk are whipped and the resulting slurry is applied to the affected area. The course is repeated until the skin is completely restored.

    Egg oil has long been used in folk medicine to treat severe burns.

Get it like this:

    boil an egg for 15 minutes, peel it from the shell and separate the protein from the yolk;

    the yolk is placed on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and, stirring constantly over low heat, is fried until black;

    then drain the resulting oil;

    lubricate the burns with this oil.

From one egg, 0.5 teaspoon of medicine is obtained. The course of treatment is carried out until complete recovery. As a result, burned areas recover faster, and in their place, scars are practically invisible if the procedure is applied immediately after a burn.

Panthenol for burns

"Panthenol" is sold in the pharmacy chain in the form of an ointment, spray or cream. At home, this is the best first aid for various burns. The composition of the drug includes the active substance dexpanthenol, which has a rapid healing, regenerating effect and anti-inflammatory effect.

Immediately after receiving a burn, the affected area should be cleaned from traumatic effects, cooled for 10-15 minutes, and then Panthenol should be applied in a thin layer. On the first day, you can use the remedy up to 4 or more times if necessary. If the wound is infected, then it should first be treated with an antiseptic.

Badyaga from burns

The use of badyagi for the treatment of burns is allowed only in the case of combating the consequences of this phenomenon - scars. It is not worth applying funds from badyagi to fresh wounds and burns of any complexity, since the condition can be aggravated due to the active substance, which causes a strong blood flow to the site of the lesion. As a result, pain may increase, itching, swelling and an allergic reaction may appear.

When getting rid of burn scars, it is advisable to use badyagi powder mixed with vegetable oil to the density of sour cream. This mixture is applied in a thin layer to the affected area daily for several hours. As a result, there is a rapid resorption of thickening and tissue repair. With this method, you can get rid of both old scars and newly formed ones.

The mechanism of badyagi’s effect on the skin is that the needles of this mollusk in a crushed state enter the surface layers of the skin, causing irritation and stimulating local blood flow. Next, the mechanisms of cell renewal are launched.

Sour cream for sunburn

A proven remedy in the treatment of sunburn is the use of sour cream. Its use is the first aid if symptoms of sunburn appear in the form of skin redness and pain. And also in the case when more complex thermal burns with swelling of the skin and blisters filled with liquid are obtained.

When the first signs of burning appear, you should leave a sunny place and, as soon as possible, cool the body by taking a cold bath. After that, apply a thin layer of cold sour cream on the skin and let it soak in. You can also use fatty dairy products in the form of yogurt. Treatment in this way can be continued for several days until the redness and soreness of the burned surfaces disappear.

The therapeutic effect of sour cream is that it soothes and moisturizes the skin, and also activates metabolic and regenerative processes in the cells of affected tissues.

home remedy for burns

There are many effective home remedies for burns.

Raw potatoes for sunburn. Right after the burn. should be rubbed on a fine grater. add a little sour cream or fatty kefir to it and apply the slurry in a thin layer to the burnt area. This tool will quickly relieve pain and will contribute to the fastest recovery of epidermal cells.

Oak bark and poplar buds against burns. To prepare an anti-burn ointment, two tablespoons of bark and one - poplar buds are taken. Grind the mixture until smooth and stir. 7 tablespoons of butter are added to it, everything is laid out in a container and placed in a warm oven for 12 hours. After that, for half an hour the mixture is kept in a water bath and filtered. The resulting ointment can be used for burns of all types.

Its therapeutic effect lies in the positive effect of oak bark components on the restoration of organs and tissues. as well as the antiseptic effect of substances contained in poplar buds. Butter is used in ointments as a nourishing and binding agent. In the complex, all components complement each other, increasing the immunity of the affected areas and the body as a whole. This recipe has long been known in folk medicine.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

If you suddenly get burned in any way - from exposure to steam, fire, hot water, caustic chemicals or electrical appliances, the first thing you should do is determine the potential danger of health consequences and take action already with this in mind - turn to traditional medicine or apply for the treatment of folk remedies for burns.


The skin is divided into 3 stages:

First aid: the burnt area should be placed in cold water or a compress should be applied. Regularly remove the compress for cooling, and apply again in case of pain.

First aid: in case of burns, you need to cover the affected area with a clean, lint-free cloth, fix it, take a painkiller. If bubbles form, do not pop them. Dead skin cannot be removed - it protects the wound from infection. For alkali or acid burns, wash the affected area with soap and water without rubbing the skin. Neutralize the acid with a solution of baking soda.

First aid: removal from burned areas of clothing, applying sterile wipes, taking an analgesic drug, calling an ambulance. Give as much liquid as possible to drink. What you can’t do: you can’t use any fat-containing agent at this time - sour cream, butter or petroleum jelly.

Help at home with natural and herbal remedies

Non-official medicine has accumulated rich experience in the successful treatment of the consequences of burns. Folk remedies that any housewife always has are affordable, effective and easy to prepare.

The main principles of the impact of these drugs are pain relief, cooling, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and wound healing effects.

We list the most popular folk remedies used in cases of local (small area) burns of the first and second degrees. Severe cases require the intervention of traditional medicine.

Recipes of healers for the treatment of burns (fees and compositions)

For centuries, healers have been using folk remedies in the form of a variety of medical fees and mixtures to restore the skin after a burn.

Without a doubt, folk recipes are a powerful remedy for eliminating the effects of a burn. But the treatment of burns with folk remedies will be successful only if the severity of the injury is adequately assessed and the approval of a qualified doctor is obtained.


In everyday life or at work, it is not difficult to get a burn. Thermal or chemical damage to the skin often results from careless handling of household appliances, utensils, and reagents. Often a person is not ready for an injury and he has to receive first aid at home. Treatment of burns with folk remedies is carried out using proven recipes. To improve the effect, it is important to learn more about the features and types of injuries.

What is a burn

Tissue damage caused by local aggressive exposure to chemical elements, high temperatures (more than 55 degrees), light radiation or electric current is called a burn. Depending on the depth of the skin lesion, 4 degrees are distinguished. Extensive burns can provoke the development of a burn disease, which is very dangerous. It leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, and infections. Complications can lead to death.

Before starting treatment, it is important to know what type of burn it is. The following is a classification of thermal damage:

  1. Flame burns. This type includes lesions of the upper respiratory tract, large areas of the skin, eyes (grade 2).
  2. Liquid lesions are distinguished by a small depth of tissue damage. The group includes 2 and 3 degrees.
  3. Steam burns. This group includes damage with a large area, but a small depth. Often the respiratory tract is affected.
  4. Damage to tissues by hot objects. The injury may be grade 2, 3, or 4. The wound has a clear border, there is a significant depth. Skin peeling is possible.

Chemical burns include acid, alkali or salts of heavy metals. In the first case, coagulation (folding) of the protein in the tissues occurs. Due to this, the depth of damage is insignificant. Alkali burns can reach considerable depth due to the lack of protein coagulation. In the latter case, when exposed to salts of heavy metals, tissue damage is superficial.

Violation of the integrity of the skin may be the result of an electric shock. The wounds remain small, only at the charge entry points, but differ in considerable depth. When exposed to an electromagnetic field, a burn is accompanied by damage to internal organs. Another type of tissue damage is radiation exposure. The classification is presented below:

  1. 1 and 2 degree burns occur under the sun or in a solarium.
  2. Damage to body parts and tissues by laser weapons, ground, air nuclear explosions. In this case, burns of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes are additionally possible.
  3. Damage to tissues by ionizing radiation (usually superficial). They are accompanied by radiation sickness, so they heal for a long time.


Effective treatment of burns at home depends not only on the type of injury, but also on the category. There are 4 degrees of tissue damage:

  1. If after the injury there is redness, swelling, slight pain, then it is referred to the first degree. With such a lesion, the skin regenerates without special treatment.
  2. Additional swelling of the blister indicates a second degree of damage. The danger of such an injury lies in the possibility of infection if the bladder is damaged.
  3. Covering the skin with white blisters with blood indicates the third degree of damage. In this case, the patient requires urgent hospitalization. The use of folk remedies for burns in this category is ineffective.
  4. If the patient's tissues and bones are damaged, then the burn refers to the fourth degree. Treatment requires urgent hospitalization.

Improvised home remedies for burns for first aid

Experts advise treating burn injuries of any type strictly under medical supervision. Injuries of the first and second degree, when no more than 9% of the body is burned, can be healed with folk remedies. It is forbidden to use home therapies if the eyes, esophagus, or airways are damaged. If the patient suffered from an electric shock, then he must be examined by a doctor. Such injuries negatively affect the heart.

Folk remedies for burns can be used to speed up the process of tissue repair. All manipulations must be coordinated with the doctor. Immediate action should be taken immediately after a burn, which includes the following:

  1. Termination of the negative impact on the human body.
  2. Washing the damaged area of ​​​​the skin with water (to cool the wound, you need to keep the wound under a stream for at least 30 minutes).
  3. Neutralization of the irritant in chemical burns. Alkaline damage is treated with vinegar or citric acid. A soda or soapy solution is suitable for neutralizing acid attack.
  4. Injuries or blisters require disinfection with a gauze dressing with an antiseptic solution.
  5. For severe pain, it is recommended to take painkillers and sedatives (for example, tea with mint, honey and milk).

For household thermal burns

Often burn wounds are the result of careless handling of heating and other household appliances. Depending on the type of injury, the following folk recipes can be used:

  1. When damaged by an iron, a cabbage leaf is applied to the injury. Every half an hour it is changed to fresh. Cabbage relieves pain, prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
  2. If a person is burned by fire, you need to use beets. A raw vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater, used to apply compresses with gauze. The mixture provides cell regeneration, pain relief.
  3. Boiling water damage is treated with toothpaste. The affected area should be washed with water and a thick layer of the product should be applied to it. After 2 hours, the toothpaste is washed off. Such folk remedies for burns with boiling water help with swelling, have an analgesic effect.
  4. For oil lesions, egg yolks are used. Suitable raw and cooked. The yolks are mixed with honey before being applied to the skin. This composition has a wound healing and analgesic effect.

When sunny

With a long stay in the sun or in a solarium, it is easy to get burn damage to the skin. The main folk remedy for such wounds is fermented milk products. Sour cream, kefir, whey or fermented baked milk help relieve soreness, are used in everyday life for first aid. In addition, you can try other folk remedies:

  1. A few cucumbers are ground with a blender. The resulting puree is evenly distributed over the burnt skin, covered with gauze. Keep up to half an hour. The procedure helps to cool the skin and relieve pain.
  2. Strong green tea helps to cope with the consequences of an unsuccessful tan. It is used to treat reddened areas of the skin.
  3. With slight redness, you can try the following folk remedy: mix 1 raw yolk, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Everything is mixed, distributed over the skin in a thin layer. From above, the agent is covered with gauze or a scarf to enhance the effect. Repeat manipulations as needed.

For chemical damage

More dangerous than thermal burn wounds are chemical tissue damage. After receiving such an injury, the stimulus should be neutralized. If the wound was caused by acid, then aqueous solutions of baking soda or ammonia are used. A folk remedy is used to treat tissues or apply compresses. Alkali is neutralized with a solution of acetic or citric acid. If the source of the burn wound is fertilizer or chemicals, then the affected area can be treated with gasoline.

After washing the damaged tissues, folk remedies are used to accelerate healing. The following can help you deal with a chemical burn:

  1. Pure burdock leaf applied to the affected tissue.
  2. Plantain crushed with a blender or finely chopped, used as a compress on the wound.
  3. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice used to treat damaged tissues 5-6 times daily.

How to soothe a burn at home

Traditional medicine offers a large number of effective methods for the treatment of burn wounds. To soothe pain and relieve discomfort immediately after an injury, you can use one of the following remedies:

  1. Soda. Dilute 1 tsp. funds in 200 ml of water. The solution is used for compresses on the affected tissues. The recipe is used to reduce pain, prevent inflammation, infection of wounds.
  2. Mint Toothpaste. Preliminarily, the burn wound is washed under a stream of ice water, after which the area is treated with a large amount of toothpaste. The product is washed off after 2 hours. This folk recipe not only soothes the burn, but also prevents blisters.
  3. Aloe. A leaf of a houseplant is cut or crushed with a blender and applied to the affected area. Apply this compress 2 times every day until the wound is completely healed.

Treatment of burn wounds at home

Regardless of whether a person has received deep or superficial tissue damage, it is important to correctly approach the process of treating a burn with the help of folk remedies. The following precautions are recommended:

  1. Ointments with a high fat content (containing lanolin, petroleum jelly) should not be applied to an open wound. Such formulations can be used at the last stage of treatment, when the wound has healed, and only for additional moisturizing of the skin.
  2. In the absence of the effect of home therapy, folk remedies are recommended to be replaced by others or to switch to drug treatment.
  3. Each type of burn injury requires an individual selection of non-traditional means.
  4. The basis of folk treatment should be the drying of the resulting wound. Due to this, purulent reactions are eliminated, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated.
  5. When blisters appear, it is forbidden to violate their integrity. Otherwise, infection is possible.

Folk recipes for burns

Severe cases of burn injuries, when the subcutaneous tissues or bones have been destroyed, require medical treatment. For injuries of 1 and 2 degrees, you can use folk recipes. Below are popular tools:

  1. The most popular home remedy for burns is potatoes. Grated tubers or fresh juice is used. The tool is applied to the damaged areas as a compress. Change the bandage as it warms up to 4-5 times. The starch found in potatoes helps prevent blisters.
  2. Castoreum for burn injuries of the first or second degree, it is used to treat the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. Tincture can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. The tool effectively heals the wound, prevents inflammation, infection, dries and soothes.
  3. Aloe juice has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect. It is used for compresses on burn wounds. The bandage is applied for a long time. Change the compress daily until the wound is completely healed.
  4. White cabbage helps relieve pain from first-degree burns. The vegetable is crushed in a meat grinder, applied to the injured area. After 1-2 hours, the product is removed, the remaining gruel is washed off with water. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage, the compress quickly relieves pain and burning.
  5. Cow butter and 2 raw eggs mixed well, used to moisturize and heal burns at the last stage of treatment. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area, tied with a bandage. The bandage is removed after the product has completely dried.
  6. Sea buckthorn and fir oil mixed in equal proportions, used to treat wounds for several days. This folk remedy has a soothing, bactericidal effect.
  7. Calendula flowers are brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 2 hours. The resulting product is used to treat wounds or apply compresses. The infusion has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
  8. Burdock and plantain leaves well washed, scalded with boiling water, crushed into gruel. The resulting slurry is applied to the burned areas of the skin. This folk remedy heals wounds well, dries, disinfects.
  9. 50 g propolis or beeswax, 20 g linseed, 100 g butter boil for 5 minutes. The resulting ointment is cooled, applied to a gauze bandage, applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Change the compress 2-3 times a week. Repeat the manipulations until the wound is completely healed.


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Our whole life is a daily encounter with dangers, all kinds of risks and problems. Pretending to be a wise minnow and hiding from the worries of the outside world in a cozy house is not an option. Many unforeseen situations can happen to us within the walls of our own apartment: at any moment you can accidentally touch a hot iron, spill a cup of coffee on yourself, or burn your hand with steam over a boiling kettle. What to do with a burn with boiling water? How to provide first aid to a victim of chemical damage? In what cases you need to immediately go to the hospital, and in what burns you can do with improvised means - we will find out in this article.

First aid for burns

A burn occurs as a result of exposure to high temperatures and immediately turns into an open wound, accessible to any microbes. Therefore, the first and most important thing to do is to free the damaged area from clothing and immediately cool the burnt area. Ice from the refrigerator, snow, very cold water, or any frozen food will do. Due to the cold, the pain subsides for a while, as unwanted inflammatory processes on the affected tissues stop. After rendering first aid, it is necessary to carefully examine the burn and evaluate the site of the skin lesion - further actions depend on the degree of the burn.

Burn degrees

In total, there are 4 degrees of burns, here they are:

  • I degree - a mild and safe degree, in which only the upper layer of the dermis remains burned. Redness and slight swelling are noticeable on the skin;
  • II degree - in addition to swelling and redness, blisters with cloudy contents appear on the affected area, severe pain is observed. With proper treatment and emergency care, there are no traces of burns and scars;
  • III degree - in this case, not only the surface of the skin remains damaged, but also deeper tissues, the burn can affect the muscles and damage them. On the burnt area, blisters form with a cloudy liquid inside. Treating a third-degree burn is difficult because there is a high risk of infection. Under no circumstances should treatment be carried out at home.
  • IV degree - the most serious and dangerous degree of burns. The high temperatures at this stage can damage the bone, and skin and muscle may be missing. The most dangerous and difficult areas are the neck, face, inside of the arms and thighs. Easier patients tolerate burn injuries to the feet, back and arms (up to the elbow).

It is strictly forbidden for burns:

  • lubricate the burn area with vegetable oil, alcohol-containing preparations, iodine, brilliant green;
  • sprinkle with starch;
  • apply burn ointment and other medical products to the hot surface of the skin;
  • apply fermented milk products to the damaged area;
  • pierce or cut through the resulting blisters on the skin;
  • independently clean the wound from dirt or clothing residues;
  • wash the burn with water with the addition of soda or citric acid;
  • put a plaster on the burn.

Treatment of first degree burns

In the case of a first-degree burn, treatment is easy to do at home. As soon as the first emergency aid has been provided, the cooled surface of the skin should be lubricated with a drug that will prevent the burn from spreading into the deep layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. These are drugs such as:

  • Panthenol - well restores burned mucous membranes and skin, has a regenerating and metabolic effect on damaged tissues. The ointment perfectly relieves burning sensation and relieves pain.
  • Sulfargin - this ointment with silver ions quickly copes with wounds of a very different nature.
  • Levomikol - first, the gauze bandage should be lubricated with ointment, and then applied to the burn site. You need to change such a bandage every 20 hours - the swelling will gradually disappear and the pus will be eliminated.
  • Olazol is a spray containing an antiseptic and anesthesin. Thanks to this composition, the drug heals the burn faster.

In addition to medicines for the treatment of mild first-degree burns, home compresses are also suitable:

  • 100 grams of finely grated potatoes should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey. Make a compress on a bandage or gauze and leave it on the burn site for 2-3 hours;
  • finely chop the cabbage and mix it with raw egg white, and then grease the burn with the resulting mixture;
  • instead of lotions, you can leave brewing of cooled black and green tea on the damaged area;
  • cut a juicy aloe leaf, cut it lengthwise and attach it to the burned area for several minutes;
  • freshly picked plantain leaves should be washed with boiling water, cooled and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • put finely grated carrots on gauze or bandage, attach to the burn. The compress should be changed every 2-3 hours.

Treatment of second degree burns

This stage is already considered quite serious damage, so help is provided first at the trauma center, and then at home. The doctor carefully treats the wound by performing the following algorithm:

  • anesthesia of the affected area;
  • antiseptic treatment of healthy skin next to the burn;
  • elimination of dead skin, dirt and clothing;
  • careful removal of the contents of burn blisters with a sterilized instrument. The bladder membrane remains intact to protect the wound from bacteria and infections;
  • dressing the wound with a special bactericidal ointment.

Burns III and IV degree

The first rule for burns III and IV degrees - no self-treatment! Getting severe burns should be accompanied by special treatment in the hospital. There, the doctor first conducts anti-shock therapy, surgical treatment (if it is necessary to remove dead tissue and perform a skin graft operation), and then treatment in a hospital.

What to do with burns with boiling water

  • As soon as possible, get rid of clothing that is at the site of the burn.
  • Inspect the affected area and determine the extent of damage.
  • For a 1st or 2nd degree burn, apply ice or make a cold compress, change the compress after a few minutes.
  • If the burn is severe, immediately go to the hospital.

What to do with steam burns

  • Remove clothing that blocks access to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Cool the burnt surface.
  • If the burn is on the arm, it should be kept elevated.
  • If the damage is more than 5%, contact the emergency room.

What to do for oil burns

  • Cool the damaged area under running cold water.
  • Apply a sterile wet dressing to the burn site.
  • If the burn is more than 1% (the palm is 1% of the entire body), call a doctor.

What to do with chemical burns

  • Call an ambulance.
  • Remove clothing from the affected area.
  • Cool the burn area under running ice water.
  • If the burn is caused by sulfuric acid, it must first be removed from the surface of the skin with a dry cloth.
  • And if the burn is caused by quicklime, cold water will have the opposite effect! In this case, it is necessary to remove the reagent from the affected area with a dry cloth, and then lubricate the burn with oil or greasy ointment.

A burn is tissue damage caused by heat, chemicals, or radiation. This is the most common injury that can be received in everyday life. This is especially true for thermal burns.

Probably, there is no person who at least once in his life has not been scalded with boiling water or burned with hot oil. Treatment of mild skin burns can be carried out at home, it is not always necessary to run to the doctor.

Most of these injuries resolve within a few days. But you need to know how to relieve pain, how to speed up healing, and in what cases you still need to seek medical help.

How do people get burned most often?

  • Half of all cases are contact with open flames (fires, bonfires, oven flames, gasoline ignition).
  • In 20% it is scalding with boiling water or steam.
  • In 10% it is contact with hot objects.
  • 20% - other factors (acids, alkalis, sunburn, electric current).

Every third person burned is a child. Most often (in 75% of cases) the hands and arms are burned.

What are they

Because of:

  • Thermal.
  • Chemical.
  • Electrical.
  • Radiation.

I and II degrees refer to superficial burns, while only the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis, is affected. With an uncomplicated course, they heal without leaving scars.

III and IV degrees are deep burns, with damage to all layers of the skin and underlying tissues. Heal with the formation of a rough scar.

What burns can be treated at home

At home you can treat:

  • 1st degree burns in adults, not exceeding 10% of the body area;
  • burns of the 2nd degree, not exceeding 1% of the body.

How to determine the degree?

1st degree burn - manifested by swelling, redness of the skin, soreness, sensitivity to touch, there may be small blisters.

Grade 2 is characterized by the addition of large fluid-filled blisters to the above symptoms.

How to determine the area?

The easiest way to determine the burn surface area at home is the palm method. The area of ​​the palm of a person is conventionally taken as 1% of the area of ​​the entire body.

When should you seek immediate medical attention?

How to treat burns at home

  1. Stop contact with the burning factor. Bring down the flames on clothing, move away from the fire. In case of burns with boiling water, immediately remove clothing in contact with the body. Throw a hot item.
  2. Cool the burned area. It is best to do this under running water at a temperature of 10-18 degrees. You can lower the limb into a container of water or apply a damp cloth. It is necessary to cool from 5 to 10 minutes, in case of a chemical burn, rinse with running water for up to 20 minutes (except burns with quicklime). Cooling has an analgesic effect, and also prevents the spread of heating of healthy tissues at the border with the burn.
  3. Anesthesia. With severe pain, you can take paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketanov, analgin, and other analgesics.
  4. Local treatment. The main goal in the treatment of burns is to protect the surface from microbes, anesthetize and accelerate the recovery of the damaged skin layer. They simply use sterile wipes, special wipes for burns, sprays and ointments that promote healing.
  5. General treatment. It would be useful to take general tonic drugs, as well as follow the right diet so that the burn heals faster and without consequences. It is recommended to increase the amount of protein in the diet (meat, fish, dairy products), as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Additionally, you can take vitamin C and Aevit. It is recommended to drink more.

Pharmacy preparations

So, you got a burn with boiling water or oil. They cooled him down, assessed that he was small and shallow, his condition as a whole was satisfactory, he could be treated at home. Worth a look in the first aid kit. Prudent and thrifty people can have at least a package of sterile wipes and Panthenol there.

What can you ask at a pharmacy?

You do not need to buy everything at once, for the treatment of minor burns, sometimes one sterile dressing slightly moistened with an antiseptic and Panthenol is enough. In a healthy person, everything will heal without the use of additional funds. If there are no sterile bandages, you can iron a clean cloth with a hot iron.

How long will it take to live

Superficial burn injuries of the 1st degree heal without consequences in 3-4 days. A slight pigmentation may remain, which will also disappear with time.

Second-degree burns with blisters will take longer to heal. The bubble gradually subsides, the liquid resolves. It may happen that the bubble burst with the formation of erosion, this requires additional treatment with antibacterial ointments Levomekol (130 rub) or Voskopran bandage with ointment levomekol (5 x 75, cm 350 rub, 10x10 cm 1100 rub), Silvatsin, Dioxysol. The bandage should be changed every other day. Such a burn heals for 10-12 days also without scarring.

If, in the process of treatment, redness, swelling, pain increase, purulent discharge from the wound appears, this is evidence of infection and a reason to consult a doctor.

What not to do and why

Folk remedies in treatment

There are many tips for treating burns with folk remedies. You shouldn't trust them all. But some of them can come in handy if the burn is received far from home and from the first aid kit, or if a person likes to be treated with natural remedies without “any chemistry”.

Many plants are known to have antiseptic properties. Here the main principle will be “do no harm”. The safest folk remedies:

  • raw potato juice. Grate one medium potato, put the gruel in gauze and apply to the burned area for 10-15 minutes.
  • carrot lotion. Instead of potatoes, raw carrots are rubbed, used in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • Black or green tea brew with boiling water, cool to room temperature, moisten a napkin in the tea leaves and attach to the burn.
  • Ointment with calendula. Brew 3 tablespoons of dry calendula with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes, strain. Mix the resulting infusion with vaseline in a ratio of 1:2. Apply 2 times a day to the burnt surface. Keep refrigerated.
  • Dry linden flowers pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Infuse for about an hour, strain. Apply 2-3 times a day until dry.
  • By the same principle, you can prepare a decoction of any herb or mixture of herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects: chamomile, calendula, sage, succession, plantain.