When is the New Year really? When is the New Year celebrated in different countries of the world? When does Chinese New Year start?

Chinese New Year is another holiday that comes right after our traditional festival. It is known that the Chinese New Year does not have a fixed date and is celebrated every year at different times - the year of the Fire Rooster begins on January 28, at exactly 4 hours and 8 minutes of the night Tbilisi time.

Date of celebration

The Chinese New Year has a fickle date because it is entirely dependent on the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21st. Every year this holiday can fall on one of the days in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

It is also a day marked by prayers for the environment, reminding us that we are good servants of the world around us. The Novels of Justinian decreed that all official documents of the Empire must include a reference to the definition. When you are trying to publish manuscripts from this era, it is helpful to know the year of showing, as exact dates or years are less common.

Harvest, Thanksgiving and Sowing

Anno Mundi served as the starting point for pre-modern calendars in many parts of the world and is still the liturgical reference point for modern Judaism and Christians alike. As the preparations for the winter have been made, so have the preparations for the coming year.

Chinese New Year 2017 begins on January 28th. More precisely, 2017 will be according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Chinese calendar we will meet the year 4715, which will come under the sign of the Fire Rooster and will last until February 15, 2018, when it will be replaced by the year of the Yellow Dog.

As noted

On New Year's holidays, people visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces made of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

For Christians, it was a time of thanksgiving, remembering the good weather and abundant rain that the Lord provided for this year's harvest, which we pray for at every Divine Liturgy. This brings closer the parallels with the Feast of Trumpets for God's pre-educated people.

Chinese New Year Traditions and Signs

And the Lord said to Moses: Speak to the children of Israel, saying: the seventh month, in the first month of the month, there will be your rest, a memorial of trumpets; This will be a holy meeting for you. You will not do slave labor and you will offer a burnt offering to the Lord. By celebrating the new year at harvest time, each year we are reminded of our dependence on hard work and the blessings of God. Going beyond material wealth and healthy cultures, this applies to imperial concerns, including prayers for protection from our enemies.

Throughout the celebration of the New Year in China, fun folk festivals, fairs, costumed dances and masquerade street processions are held. In anticipation of the New Year, the people of China change their old clothes for new ones, thoroughly clean their houses so that the favorable energy circulates freely in it and does not stagnate. During the cleaning, they throw away all the rubbish and unnecessary things accumulated over the year.

You who created everything in Your infinite wisdom and set the times by Your own power, grant your victories to the Christian people. And given increasing natural disasters, droughts, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, and famines, we should be more careful in this modern age of technology and abundance to pray for such things - no less.

We have not designed our way out of dependence on God. In any case, the more our abilities increase, the more we manifest the need for the grace and mercy of God. And that brings me to my final point: Church New Year is a day marked by prayers for environmental care.

Accordingly, festive treats are prepared. Dumplings are a favorite dish, their shape resembling an ingot of gold - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

Fire Rooster

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be a truly memorable event. The Chinese advise on the eve of the holiday not to buy new shoes, not to cut your hair, because, according to them, misfortune awaits those who violate these rules. Interestingly, on the night before the New Year, the Chinese do not sleep, because in this way they protect themselves from troubles, illnesses and troubles for the whole next year.

Bartholomew is affectionately known as the "Green Patriarch" and is a frequent speaker on the international stage regarding the defense of Creativity. And it all makes sense. The beginning of the New Year marked the beginning of peace for centuries. This is the day of God's grace for a bountiful harvest. It is a day that recognizes God's protection and providence for the world, along with our responsibility and direction towards the same.

This all goes back to the story of Creation itself, and a story in which humanity, represented by Adam and Eve, is given a huge responsibility to care for every living being. The restoration of peace between humanity and the created order is at the heart of redemption and deification, and this is ultimately what the New Spiritual New Year has in mind.

The rooster is bright and demonstrative, elegant and sociable. However, in addition to the animal itself, you also need to know the color and element of the patron sign of 2017. The element, like the color of the Rooster, directly affects how 2017 will be for each person.

Asian countries celebrate the New Year differently than we do, but something in common is present in both cultures. By observing the traditions of celebrating the New Year according to the eastern calendar, you can attract happiness, wealth and good luck into your life.

The Nativity of the Nativity of Mary is the first Great Feast of the year, while her Dormition or "falling asleep" is the last. In this cycle, we see the incarnation of the God-Man Jesus Christ at the core of our history as the people of God. And between these two landmarks, we have this holiday, which at first glance may seem like a peculiar or even out of place relic from the Roman Empire.

Rather, the Church New Year serves as the basis for our entire liturgical life every year. We give thanks for what the Lord has done and ask for his mercy and protection for the days ahead. We take a moment to consider our impact on the world around us, and whether our actions will come from hearts of selfishness or hearts of compassion. This is a holiday that points to the very essence of Christ's message of true Christian spirituality: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Prayers for blessings seen and unseen, starving for peace and our own mortification, and alms for the care of others.

Every year more and more people are wondering: when will the New Year come according to the Eastern calendar? The reason for the interest lies in the traditions, which are in many ways similar to ours, but at the same time have some extremely interesting differences. Knowing how it is customary to celebrate this holiday among the inhabitants of Asian countries, you will be able to better understand the roots of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.

Celebration in Russia

Self-sacrifice and promise, beauty and restraint. So crack open a bottle of champagne and give your petitions to the Lord. In many places the monthly lengths immediately after this change were not fixed, but were based instead on observation of the sky. The priest-astronomers were instructed to announce when the new month began? it was generally said to begin with the first appearance of the new moon. The length of a month at this time was simply the number of days elapsed from one new lunar crescent to the next.

In those years in Rome, for example, the Pontifex watched the sky and announced a new moon and therefore a new month to the king. For centuries, the Romans have referred to the first day of each new month as Kalends or Kalends from their word calare. The word calendar comes from this custom.

When is the New Year according to the Eastern calendar

In the eastern countries of Asia there is no fixed date for celebrating the New Year: the holiday is celebrated on the first New Moon after the winter Solstice. Vacation lasts an average of 15 days.

The general leitmotif of the New Year according to the eastern calendar is the obligatory presence of red, fireworks, crackers and loud laughter: it is believed that with their help you can drive out evil spirits that bring trouble in the coming year.

This practice of beginning the month at the first observation of the new moon was observed not only by the Romans, but also by the Celts and Germans in Europe, and by the Babylonians and Jews in Lavant. All these nations began their month when the young crescent first appeared in the sky. This is still done for the Islamic calendar, but the date of the new moon is calculated for the traditional lunar calendars currently used in China and India.

During the period when the length of the month was not fixed, new moons were usually observed after 29 or 30 days. If on the thirtieth day the clouds obscured the vision, a new month appeared. When monthly lengths were identical with lunations, only those that lasted 30 days were considered normal. This was probably due to the fact that for such long periods of time, all months earlier were 30 days.

Red is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so it is present not only in the decoration of streets and houses, but also in gift wrapping, clothes and interiors. Money is given everywhere in red envelopes: it is believed that the color of the package will increase the wealth of the recipient. But white and blue colors are strictly prohibited and can be perceived as extremely inappropriate, because these two colors are mourning in Asian countries.

When does Chinese New Year start and end?

During this period in Greece, for example, months that had 30 days were considered "full"; those that lasted only 29 days were considered "blank". Months containing 30 days were also called "full" in Babylon, but those containing 29 were considered "defective".

After the monthly lengths in the Celtic calendar became fixed, those that were given 30 days were called 'matos' and those that gave 29 days 'tomatoes'. This concept still exists today, the months of 30 days in the Jewish calendar are called "full", and those of them that are considered "imperfect".

New Year's Eve Traditions

Each of the 15 holidays has its own peculiar schedule, which allows you to cover all areas of life at the very beginning of the year and not spend this time mediocre. Residents of Asian countries treat this holiday in the same way as we do: it is considered a family holiday, and even distant relatives come to a common hearth to celebrate the New Year together.

When was the ancient new year?

In addition to their announcement of the beginning of each month based on the observation of the new moon, priest-astronomers were also tasked with determining the beginning of the year. Watching the movement of Sirius, the Egyptians found that the year was more than five days longer than their venerable 360-day calendar. This led to a change in their method of approximating the length of the year, which had been in use for almost a millennium. But it also made them wonder where the extra days came from.

Instead, they reverted to a fixed-length calendar that had 12 months of 30 days each, but with five days added at the end. 10. Usually on a date later than the middle of the eighth century, many other peoples who had previously considered a year of 360 days reluctantly returned to the calendar of twelve 30-day months, but added five days before the end of their year. These extra days were considered very unsuccessful or unacceptable.

Day 1: The New Year is celebrated with the family, symbolically burning bamboo chopsticks. After - a long family dinner filled with laughter and fun, fireworks, crackers and mass celebrations. On this day, it is customary to come to the cemetery and honor the memory of the deceased relatives.

The two eastern Mediterranean peoples who did not convert to Islam were the early Christians in upper Egypt, whom we now call the Copts and their neighbors to the south, the Ethiopians. Probably because they were surrounded by Islamic nations, the Coptic and Ethiopian churches never adopted the Western calendar. Instead, these two isolated pockets of Christianity continued to use the old 360-day calendar.

The two calendars are identical except for the year number. Both of them observe three 365-day years followed by one 366-day year. Their years are divided into 12 months of 30 days each, with an additional five or six days added after the twelfth month. B. with the birth of their founder, the prophet Zoroaster, use a calendar of 365 days. It consists of twelve 30-day months with five "gatha" days added at the end of the year. Each of the thirty days, as well as each of the days of the gatha, has its own name.

Day 2: On the morning of the second day, the whole family gets up for a common prayer, in which they ask for well-being for the whole year, prudence, wisdom and health. After that, a round of close people begins with the obligatory delivery of a cash gift in a red envelope. Also on this day, it is customary to welcome the poor and give alms.

Days 3 and 4: This period of the celebration of the New Year according to the Eastern calendar is dedicated to friends and acquaintances: communication among friends strengthens ties and contributes to the continuation of communication in the New Year. Not coming to visit someone, if invited, is considered a rejection of further friendship.

They are referred to by this name in the same way that we speak of a day by its number in a month. One of the generals of Alexander the Great, Seleuk Nicator, founded an empire that stretched from Asia Minor to India. He installed a new calendar which was essentially the same as the one that had been in use for some time in Syria. It contained twelve months of 30 days each and an additional five days at the end of the year. Every fourth year an extra day within six days was added at the end of the year.

In Persia under the Sassanids, as well as in Armenia and Cappadocia, the official time system was twelve months 30 days, followed by another five days at the end of the year. However, Arab astronomers said that the Sasanian year of twelve 30-day months was adjusted to the seasons, intercalating a month every 120 years.

Days 5 and 6: At this time, business organizations begin to resume their work, but the day always starts with fireworks. In terms of energy, the 5th and 6th days of the New Year are considered a time of wealth and material values, so many people perform traditional rituals for wealth and money.

Water solves water in great abundance from the river, although no one has seen it. The ancient Babylonians used a calendar with alternating 29- and 30-day months. This system required the addition of an extra month three times every eight years, and as a further adjustment, the king periodically ordered that an extra extra month be added to the calendar.

The Babylonians, who lived in what is now Iraq, added an extra month to their years at irregular intervals. Their calendar, consisting of alternate 29-day and 30-day months, was about right with the lunar year. To balance the calendar with the solar year, the early Babylonians calculated that they needed to add an extra month three times every eight years. But this system has still not exactly made up for the accumulated differences between the solar year and the lunar year.

Day 7: The morning of the seventh day also begins with prayer, but unlike the second day, it is often spent alone. Prayer for the well-being of relatives, the health of older relatives and the right path for children is considered an obligatory beginning of the holiday: this time is dedicated to the soul.

Days 8, 9 and 10: As a rule, by this time all people have already returned to work, but they always spend three evenings at a family dinner with their family. This is the time of traditional New Year's cuisine, intimate conversations and plans for the coming year.

Day 11: This day is dedicated to family ties between father-in-law and son-in-law. Each father-in-law arranges a personal holiday for his son-in-law and spends time with his daughter's husband, paying tribute to him.

Do you think New Year can be celebrated only once a year? You are wrong. In our country, due to the fact that Russia is territorially divided into several time zones, this can be done 11 times. Imagine, you can make 11 wishes that will surely come true, you just need to know in what order the Russians celebrate the New Year.

The sequence of the New Year in Russia

  • The first wish can be safely made at 15.00. by Moscow time. It is at this time that the residents of Kamchatka raise their glasses and wish all the best to relatives and friends.
  • At 16.00 they celebrate the New Year in the Magadan region and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
  • AT 17:00. to the sound of the chiming clock, they burn a piece of paper with a cherished desire and drink it along with champagne in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Ussuriysk.
  • At 18.00. this will be done in Chita, Blagoveshchensk, Transbaikalia and the Amur Region. At the same time, in Yakutia, the spirit of cold - Chyskhaan (our Grandfather Frost) grants all desires, for this you just need to touch his magic staff and say out loud.
  • At 19.00 they celebrate the New Year in Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Buryatia.
  • At 20.00. in the Krasnoyarsk, Altai Territories, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk regions, in the Republic of Tyva.
  • 21.00. The next wish is made together with the inhabitants of the Omsk and Sverdlovsk regions.
  • AT 22.00. the cities of Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Perm, the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • 23.00. The New Year will reach Udmurtia, Samara and Tolyatti, in just one hour and he will reach Moscow.
  • At 24.00. on Red Square, the chimes will strike, fireworks will thunder, the festivities will begin.
  • But the holiday will hurry on, and at one in the morning it will come to the Kaliningrad region. So, there is a chance to make one more wish after 12 o'clock at night - at 01.00.

Russia is the only country in the world where such a number of times.

When other countries of the world are waiting for the New Year

In general, the population of the small island of Christmas (only 5.5 thousand people), which belongs to the Republic of Kiribati and the inhabitants of the capital of the kingdom on the edge of the earth (as tourists call it) - the city of Nukualofa, will be the first to meet the holiday on the globe.

Then, following the sequence, Chatham Island (+0.15), New Zealand and the South Pole in Antarctica (+1).

With an interval of one hour, the holiday will reach the island of Fiji (+2).

From there he will go to hot Australia (+3), where he is met with amazing fireworks and a grandiose musical show. The climate of the country allows you to spend a holiday in the open air. At exactly 12 o'clock local time in the cities of Australia, the noise of music stops and the buzz of car horns, whistles and screams is heard. This is how the inhabitants of the island celebrate the New Year and all the good that they hope to receive with its arrival.

When on January 1 in Moscow the clock hands show 6 in the morning, and at 12 o'clock, do not forget to say to relatives and friends: “Akemashite omedo!”, which means: Happy New Year, and give them a rake for happiness so that there is something to rake in happiness. This is exactly what the Japanese do on this day.

In China (+6) the New Year is celebrated according to its own special calendar, which can begin on one of the days of the end of January or the beginning of February. On this day, forgive and forget old grievances. The whole family gathers for a festive dinner, and processions of people holding lit lanterns take place on the streets. This is how they light the way for the New Year.

7 route of the holiday will pass through Indonesia,

8 celebrate the holiday in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. And although the locals celebrate the New Year in April, they arrange colorful fireworks and beach parties for tourists on New Year's Eve. Dinner includes lobster and king prawns.

Without breaking the sequence, other countries are waiting for the New Year - Pakistan (+9), Armenia, Azerbaijan (+10).
In Armenia, the holiday is celebrated as many as three times a year: March 21 (Amanor), August 11 (Navasard) and January 1. These days, close and dear people give each other gifts, tell fortunes and gather at a rich family table.

12 New Year is celebrated in Greece, Romania, Turkey, Israel, Finland.

13 in Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden.

14 in the UK, Portugal.

16 in stunning Brazil.

17.30-20.30 in different parts of Canada and the USA.

23 in Alaska.

24 in the Hawaiian Islands.

Residents of the independent island state of Samoa will be the last to celebrate the New Year, at this time it will be January 2 on Christmas Island!

All countries of the world celebrate the New Year in different ways. But for everyone this day is the most special and the most magical. It personifies the opportunity to leave everything bad in the past and gives hope for happiness!

By the way, for residents of Russian cities, the New Year is the main holiday of winter and is celebrated on January 1st. However, there are exceptions among urban residents who do not celebrate New Year. The real holiday for the believer is Christmas. And in front of him is a strict Christmas fast, which lasts 40 days. It begins on November 28 and ends only on January 6, in the evening, with the rising of the first star. There are even villages, settlements where all residents do not celebrate the New Year or celebrate it on January 13 (January 1 according to the Julian style), after Lent and Christmas.

And now back to the history of the celebration of the New Year in Rus'

The celebration of the New Year in Rus' has the same difficult fate as its history itself. First of all, all the changes in the celebration of the new year were associated with the most important historical events that affected the entire state and each person individually. There is no doubt that the folk tradition, even after the officially introduced changes in the calendar, preserved ancient customs for a long time.

Celebration of the New Year in pagan Rus'

How was it celebrated New Year in pagan ancient Rus' - one of the unresolved and controversial issues in historical science. No affirmative answer was found from what time the countdown of the year began.

The beginning of the celebration of the new year should be sought in ancient times. So among the ancient peoples, the new year usually coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature and was mainly timed to coincide with the month of March.

In Rus', there was a span for a long time, i.e. the first three months, and the summer month began in March. In honor of him, they celebrated avsen, ovsen or tusen, which later passed to the new year. Summer itself in antiquity consisted of the present three spring and three summer months - the last six months concluded winter time. The transition from autumn to winter was blurred like the transition from summer to autumn. Presumably, originally in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. March 22. Maslenitsa and New Year were celebrated on the same day. Winter is over and it means the new year has arrived.

Celebration of the new year after the baptism of Rus'

Together with Christianity in Rus' (988 - the Baptism of Rus'), a new chronology appeared - from the creation of the world, and a new European calendar - Julian, with a fixed name of the months. The beginning of the new year was considered March 1.

According to one version at the end of the 15th century, and according to another in 1348, the Orthodox Church moved the beginning of the year to September 1, which corresponded to the definitions of the Council of Nicaea. The transfer must be put in connection with the growing importance of the Christian Church in the state life of ancient Rus'. The strengthening of Orthodoxy in medieval Rus', the establishment of Christianity as a religious ideology, naturally causes the use of "Holy Scripture" as a source of reform introduced into the existing calendar. The reform of the calendar system was carried out in Rus' without taking into account the working life of the people, without establishing a connection with agricultural work. The September New Year was approved by the church, which followed the word of the Holy Scriptures; having established and substantiated it with a biblical legend, the Russian Orthodox Church has preserved this New Year's date right up to the present as a church parallel to the civil new year. In the Old Testament church, the month of September was celebrated annually, in commemoration of rest from all worldly worries.

Thus, the new year began to lead from the first of September. This day became the feast of Simeon the First Stylite, which is still celebrated by our church and known to the common people under the name of Semyon the Summer Guide, because this day summer ended and the new year began. It was our solemn day of celebration, and the subject of parsing urgent conditions, collecting dues, taxes and personal courts.

Innovations of Peter I in the celebration of the new year

In 1699, Peter I issued a decree according to which they began to consider the beginning of the year 1st of January. This was done following the example of all Christian peoples who lived not according to the Julian, but according to the Gregorian calendar. Peter I could not completely transfer Rus' to the new Gregorian calendar, since the church lived according to the Julian. However, the tsar in Russia changed the chronology. If earlier the years were counted from the creation of the world, now the reckoning has gone from the Nativity of Christ. In a nominal decree, he announced: “Now the year one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine comes from the Nativity of Christ, and from next January, from the 1st, a new year 1700 and a new century will come.” It should be noted that the new chronology existed for a long time along with the old one - in the decree of 1699 it was allowed to write two dates in documents - from the Creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ.

The implementation of this reform of the Great Tsar, which was of such importance, began with the fact that it was forbidden to celebrate September 1 in any way, and on December 15, 1699, the drumbeat announced something important to the people, who poured in crowds on the Red square. A high platform was arranged here, on which the tsar's clerk loudly read the decree that Pyotr Vasilyevich orders "from now on to count in orders and in all affairs and fortresses to write from January 1 from the Nativity of Christ."

The Tsar steadily saw to it that the New Year's holiday in our country was no worse and no poorer than in other European countries.

In the Petrovsky decree it was written: "... On the large and passing streets, noble people and at the houses of deliberate spiritual and worldly rank in front of the gates, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine and juniper ... and for meager people, each at least a tree or a branch on the gate or put it over your temple ... ". The decree was not specifically about the Christmas tree, but about trees in general. At first, they were decorated with nuts, sweets, fruits and even vegetables, and they began to decorate the Christmas tree much later, from the middle of the last century.

The first day of the New Year 1700 began with a parade on Red Square in Moscow. And in the evening, the sky was lit up with bright lights of festive fireworks. It was from January 1, 1700 that the folk New Year's fun and fun gained their recognition, and the celebration of the New Year began to have a secular (not church) character. As a sign of the national holiday, cannons were fired, and in the evening, in the dark sky, multi-colored fireworks, never seen before, flashed. People had fun, sang, danced, congratulated each other and gave New Year's gifts.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the country's government raised the issue of reforming the calendar, since most European countries had long since switched to the Gregorian calendar, adopted by Pope Gregory XIII back in 1582, while Russia still lived according to the Julian.

On January 24, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars adopted the "Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic." Signed V.I. The document was published by Lenin the next day and entered into force on February 1, 1918. It, in particular, said: "... The first day after January 31 of this year should be considered not February 1, but February 14, -m, etc." Thus, Russian Christmas shifted from December 25 to January 7, and the New Year holiday also shifted.

Contradictions immediately arose with Orthodox holidays, because, having changed the dates of civil holidays, the government did not touch church holidays, and Christians continued to live according to the Julian calendar. Now Christmas was celebrated not before, but after the New Year. But this did not bother the new government at all. On the contrary, it was beneficial to destroy the foundations of Christian culture. The new government introduced its own, new, socialist holidays.

In 1929, Christmas was cancelled. With it, the Christmas tree, which was called the "priestly" custom, was also canceled. New Year's Eve was cancelled. However, at the end of 1935, an article by Pavel Petrovich Postyshev appeared in the Pravda newspaper "Let's organize a good Christmas tree for the new year for children!" The society, which has not yet forgotten the beautiful and bright holiday, reacted quite quickly - Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations appeared on sale. Pioneers and Komsomol members took upon themselves the organization and holding of New Year trees in schools, orphanages and clubs. On December 31, 1935, the Christmas tree re-entered the homes of our compatriots and became a holiday of "joyful and happy childhood in our country" - a wonderful New Year's holiday that continues to delight us today.

old New Year

I would like to once again return to the change of calendars and explain the phenomenon of the Old New Year in our country.

The very name of this holiday indicates its connection with the old style of the calendar, according to which Russia lived until 1918, and switched to a new style by decree of V.I. Lenin. The so-called Old Style is a calendar introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar (Julian calendar). The new style is a reform of the Julian calendar, undertaken at the initiative of Pope Gregory XIII (Gregorian, or new style). The Julian calendar from the point of view of astronomy was not accurate and made an error that accumulated over the years, which resulted in serious deviations of the calendar from the true movement of the Sun. Therefore, the Gregorian reform was to some extent necessary.
The difference between the old and the new style in the 20th century was already plus 13 days! Accordingly, the day, which was January 1 according to the old style, became January 14 in the new calendar. And the modern night from January 13 to 14 in pre-revolutionary times was New Year's Eve. Thus, celebrating the Old New Year, we kind of join the history and pay tribute to the times.

New Year in the Orthodox Church

Surprisingly, the Orthodox Church lives according to the Julian calendar.

In 1923, at the initiative of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a meeting of the Orthodox Churches was held, at which a decision was made to correct the Julian calendar. The Russian Orthodox Church, due to historical circumstances, was unable to take part in it.

Having learned about the conference in Constantinople, Patriarch Tikhon nevertheless issued a decree on the transition to the "New Julian" calendar. But this caused protests and discord among the church people. Therefore, the decision was canceled less than a month later.

The Russian Orthodox Church states that it is not currently facing the issue of changing the calendar style to Gregorian. "The vast majority of believers are committed to preserving the existing calendar. The Julian calendar is dear to our church people and is one of the cultural features of our life," said Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Secretary for Inter-Orthodox Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations.

The Orthodox New Year is celebrated on September 14 according to today's calendar or September 1 according to the Julian calendar. In honor of the Orthodox New Year, prayers are served in churches for the new year.

Since December, on our project, I began to slowly talk about various trends, activations and new things in feng shui for 2014. And, it is quite natural to observe some confusion. In this article, as well as in the comments to it, I want to highlight important points about what will happen in 2014.

When is the new year according to the eastern calendar

This year is a special mess…. When is the Year of the Horse? The dates are December 7, 2013, January 31 and February 4. What actually happens on these dates? And when to celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese calendar?

We have this confusion because the Chinese calendar is nothing like ours. And there are 2 types: solar(it is according to this calendar that the beginning of the year is counted according to the Earthly branch - the animal of the year) and solar-lunar(and it is with him that the celebration of the New Year is connected).

The Spring Festival (we know it as the Chinese New Year) occurs on the second New Moon after the winter solstice (it's more common for us to say the first new moon of the year). And this year it January 31st. The festivities last 2 weeks (in principle, like ours - until the old new year)

Now let's look at solar calendar - it is he who is the basis for feng shui, forecasts for the choice of dates and carries the animal and element of the year. Each new year in this calendar begins with the rise of Yang energy (between the winter solstice on December 21 and the spring equinox on March 21). Usually this happens on February 4-5th. And each month begins when our planet passes 1/12 of the solar orbit. That is, 12 months in a year are formed by dividing the circle around the Sun into 12 sectors.

The solar calendar is based on the Five Elements system. Each new year according to the Chinese calendar belongs to certain elements and follows the previous one in the same order as the elements replace each other in the birth cycle: Wood - Fire - Earth - Metal - Water.

The years are united into large cycles that repeat every 60 years, and each large cycle consists of two small cycles - the decimal cycle of the “heavenly stems” and the duodecimal “earthly branches”.

"Heavenly stems" in the decimal cycle- this is one of the five elements, each of which can be "Yin" or "Yang" and is indicated by the corresponding sign: Yang Tree, Yin Tree, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, etc.

"Earthly branches" consist of 12 signs- these are also the elements of the Five Elements system, but the names of animals have also been added to their names. They form the famous Chinese horoscope, which is used not only for years, but also for months, days, and 12 double hours in each day.

That is, each period of time in the Chinese calendar corresponds to two elements. One of them represents the Heavenly Stem and the other the Earthly Branch. When it comes to the Chinese calendar by year, where animals are mentioned: Black Water Snake, or Blue (Green would be more correct) Wooden Horse, then the animal is one element and it means the Earth Branch, and its color is another element and it means the Heavenly Stem of the year. Why green is better? Because it is this color that symbolizes the element of the Tree. Where did the blue color come from then? Honestly, this is a mystery to me, I can only speculate. If someone knows for sure - write in the comments to the article. Or express your guesses - we will discuss

In the meantime, it is important for us that the year of the Horse comes into its own February 4th. For us, this is the year 2014, and according to the Chinese calendar - 4712! February 4 is the beginning of the new season, Li Chun, the beginning of spring.

Now about the date December 7, 2013. I don't want to torture you with Chinese characters and in-depth explanations. I'll try faster. December 7, 2013 is the month of the Wood Rat. The Rat in the Chinese calendar is the main enemy and destroyer of the Horse. With her appearance, she, as it were, teases the Horse, calls on her to become more active. Plus the coincidence of Heavenly energies - Wood. That's exactly why, when back in December I talked about the change of energies of the year, it was precisely this date that sounded - December 7th. And that is why, in its essence, in terms of energy influences, the year of the Wooden Horse began to exert its influence even then. In principle, many have experienced it for themselves. Since mid-December, everything seems to have changed - it has become more rapid, there has been more work and ideas. A sort of “movement” was a manifestation of this game of animals - the Rat teases the Horse and successfully awakens it.

Well, we've got the dates covered. Now about the forecasts for 2014. What and how to equip, what are the Flying Stars and how they were distributed this year, we look at the recording of the seminar

"How to attract money Luck in 2014":

Distribution of Flying Stars in 2014

Favorable sectors in 2014:

  • Star 9 Purple (the best this year) - North - brings good luck in everything.
  • Star 8 White - South - a slow, gradual, but sure increase in income, stable growth.
  • Star 1 White - Southwest - wisdom leading to future Luck and Prosperity
  • Star 6 White - West - good luck for disciplined, focused people, strengthening authority and power.

Unfavorable sectors in 2014:

  • Star 5 Yellow - Northwest - problems, up to diseases, collapse, ruin. The most important thing is not to disturb "5" - not to knock, not to make repairs. Wind music from 5 metal tubes will also help to weaken the negative influence.
  • Star 3 Jade - Southeast - disputes, conflicts, litigation. Weakening the negative influence - red objects (the simplest is a sheet of red paper).
  • Star 2 Black - East - diseases. What I would not recommend in this sector is to have a bedroom, a bed here. You can weaken the influence of this Star with a bunch of 6 Chinese coins.
  • Star 7 Red - destruction, theft, loss. You can weaken the negative influence of this Star by placing a living tree in this sector (for example, bamboo, dracaena).

It is also important to understand that each Star has both a positive and a negative influence. For example, Star 9 is traditionally considered good, this year it is the best. However, it also has a downside - unexpected breaks, collapse. Therefore, catch Luck, do not miss the opportunities provided, be prepared for sharp ups and downs. And Yellow 5 (which is constantly scared) for someone can be very successful - it depends on many factors, for example, on your GUA number. Or Star 3 - it increases your competitiveness. Star 2 - favors real estate and antiques. And Star 7 - for metaphysics.

Therefore, do not rush to make cardinal rearrangements in your home. Remember three important things:

1. First, we define our main goal, the task for this year.

2. We do not activate sectors with Stars 3, 2, 5, 7 without special need. Only if you are completely sure that it is favorable and necessary for you.

3. Every star has good and bad, there is Yang and there is Yin

Pattern 24 Mountains

You can use this template to determine the places for activations in your apartment.

Also in the workshops, I gave an example of how the Stars are distributed and how this pattern is superimposed.

After class, I received many letters asking me to make the same plan for them. I want you to understand me correctly in this situation. The correct markup and recommendations depend primarily on you - you will need to draw a house plan, maintaining proportions, measure the direction of the North using a compass, and make marks on the house plan about the environment.

And this kind of work takes a lot of time. Therefore, this service is paid, although in some cases I can provide it as a bonus to my paid courses. For example, such cards - without the placement of annual stars and small tai chi, were received by the participants of the first set in the group "Solyar Magic Practices". In addition to such a plan, the participants received forecasts for this year and the dates of some activations for January-February 2014. Why some? Because here I look both at the personal map (some activations are not recommended during these months), and at the environment of the house (if there are negative objects, and you activate this zone, then instead of the desired one, you can attract trouble).

However, I am willing to do a similar job for you. But more on that later.

And using the materials of this article and seminars, you can do a lot on your own.

I also want to answer another question that I was asked:

"How many zones can be activated at the same time? Are there any restrictions? Are there any zones that strictly cannot be activated at the same time?"

There are no restrictions and there cannot be. You can activate all zones, or you can only one. At the same time, I remind you that before you activate something, you should decide on your goals and desires, prioritize. For example, if your priorities now are to make a qualitative breakthrough in your career, then I think that you understand that this will require you to make great efforts, time-consuming, perhaps gaining new knowledge, improving your skills. And if at the same time you are still conducting activations aimed at attracting romantic acquaintances, you will need time to go to some events where you can get acquainted, you will need the ability to switch from work to romance and look at men as potential lovers, and not evaluate them in terms of business partnerships. Therefore, calculate your strength and remember about priorities! And then after all, such an explosive mixture can turn out that you yourself will not be happy. For example, my personal opinion and my personal experience indicate that mixing work and love does not lead to anything good, or at least causes additional difficulties and requires setting very clear boundaries in communication on the part of both men and women. . Though the choice is yours, of course.

Now it's time to talk about how to get customized plans and recommendations. The easiest way is to take part in Lunar Meditations. We will start them on January 31, New Moon. In the coming days, the page dedicated to this program will be updated and you will receive a link to it in our mailing list. I want you to understand already now that at Lunar meditations we consider daily not only the lunar day, but also

  • position of the moon in the zodiac sign
  • idling of the moon
  • the influence of other planets (for example, in February - retrograde Mercury)
  • personal ba-tzu cards (Noble Helpers, Wizard of Love, Personal Destroyer - in past seasons, now we will consider the Traveling Horse and Academic Star)
  • the ruling planet of the day of the week.

That is we consider every day as unique, unlike any other, with many celestial and personal influences. At the meeting you will find a story about all the energies of the day, personal recommendations and attunement meditation. After the meeting (literally 2-3 hours after its completion), I send all participants a letter with general brief recommendations for the day, recordings of the meeting in video and audio formats, and a processed recording of the meditation. Therefore, even if the meeting time is inconvenient for you (too early or too late) - after receiving all the records, you can use all the recommendations.

A bonus to this cycle will also be the preparation of a house plan in the form you saw above.

Other options:

1. Drawing up a house plan - 500 rubles (you are required to draw a house plan, observing proportions; mark the compass direction north; indicate objects that are around the house in the figure; ideally, send the exact address so that I can look at satellite maps, year of putting the house into operation)

2. Drawing up a house plan + forecast for your apartment for 2014 + recommendations for Flying Stars - 1000 rubles. (you are required to draw a house plan, taking into account the things that you wrote about in the previous paragraph + your main goals for the year; if you do not live alone, briefly describe the situation and family tasks for the year)

3. Calculation of personal activations (date of birth required) for 1 month - 1000 rubles

How to get: just write me a letter, attaching a picture of your house to it, at the address [email protected]. After that, if necessary, I will ask you clarifying questions and give you a link to pay. Recommendations will be prepared within 2-5 business days (depending on volume and complexity).

If you have any other questions that require an answer - ask them in the comments to this article, I will answer as they come. And perhaps we will hold another seminar. Also be sure to click on the buttons of social networks - share this knowledge with your friends!

Recently, we have become accustomed to associate each New Year with some animal from the Chinese calendar. But many people do not know when the next totem comes into its possession and what date the New Year comes according to the eastern calendar 2018.

How is the Chinese calendar different from the usual

The entire life path in China is divided into twelve cycles. Each of them corresponds to a certain animal. In turn, each period corresponds to one of the five elements. Thus, 2018 corresponds to the Dog and the earth element. According to Chinese mythology, a person born in a certain year takes on the features of the dominant animal.

The Eastern calendar differs from our calendar in that it is based on the lunar calendar. The beginning of each month does not coincide with the same period in the Gregorian calendar. A month in the Chinese calendar comes with another new moon. Naturally, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar does not correspond to our first January. It falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. It is clear that this date is not constant, and changes every year. So in 2018, the Spring Festival - "Chun Jie" in China falls on February 16th. To find out what time the Chinese New Year starts in your area, just find out the start time of the second new moon in your area:

In Moscow 18 o'clock 13 minutes m. w.
In Pekin 23 hours 13 minutes m.
In Buryatia 23 hours 13 minutes m.

What is the Year of the Dog

Since next year the Yellow Earth Dog will become the mistress of the year, it can be argued that 2018 will not be unambiguous. Despite the fact that this animal is characterized by such features as:

  • loyalty;
  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • friendliness.

At the same time, the Dog is unpredictable and lazy. Nevertheless, Chinese astrologers are sure that due to the fact that this animal has a yellow color and is strengthened by the earth element, it will be able to make our life stable and calm. The next year will be characterized by harmony and peace. It is likely that the economic problems in many countries will disappear, and the confrontation in many regions will subside. The lives of many people will improve qualitatively. Also, the next year is good for marriage and replenishment of offspring. And yet, the Chinese are sure that if you feed all the dogs that come your way on New Year's Eve, then 2018 will definitely be lucky. The hostess of the year will certainly reward you with excellent health and give you true love.

history of the holiday

The history of the celebration of spring day has more than one millennium. According to Confucius, the holiday appeared in the twenty-third century BC. There are many versions of the origin of Chun Ze in China. One of them explains its appearance as follows. A long time ago, the inhabitants of modern China suffered from the Nian sea monster, which once a year crawled out onto land and destroyed everything in its path. During this period, the local population went high into the mountains, and the terrible animal got food and livestock. But one day, on such turbulent days, a monk appeared who promised to save the people from this misfortune. He hung red lanterns in the house, wrote certain phrases on paper and began to make an incredible noise. The monster did not expect such resistance and left these places forever. After that, the Chinese once a year repeat the traditions of their ancestors. An incredible number of red lanterns are launched into the sky, and the earth trembles from the roar of firecrackers and fireworks.

Celebration traditions

In fact, a lot of traditions have accumulated over the years to celebrate the New Year in China. Each region has its own characteristics. We will describe the most basic ones that are typical for most regions.

Like all other peoples, the Chinese before the holiday free their homes from trash and unnecessary things. There are reasons for this. According to experts in Feng Shui, this procedure clears the way for the energy of Ci. The difference between cleaning in China is that the garbage in the house is not swept in the same way as in ours - to the doorstep, but vice versa - from the entrance to the center. This allows you not to release useful energy from the house. Another tradition different from us is a complete ban on cleaning after the New Year. According to the Chinese, cleaning the house can sweep away good luck. In China, there are traditions that are similar to our customs. For example, as in Russia, the New Year in China is a family holiday. Wherever a person is, on New Year's holidays he strives to his father's house. It is no coincidence that on the eve of the Spring Festival, all of China gets on cars, trains, planes, etc., in order to celebrate the New Year together. Like ours, the Chinese New Year's table is bursting with yummy. The Chinese are skilled cooks, it is no coincidence that their cuisine is so popular all over the world. According to Chinese customs, cooking must be completed before dinner. Otherwise, you can hurt your luck. Strange as it may seem, but the usual dish for us - dumplings, are mandatory on the festive table. Another must-have is Soy Tofu.

As for gifts, the Chinese are great symbolists. For example, a very popular New Year's gift is a pair of tangerines. They are considered worth their weight in gold. After all, they mean that the donor wishes you a strong marriage. The peculiarity of giving gifts is that the gift is not given directly. It is usually hidden in a secluded place when leaving the house. It is customary for children to give a “lucky amount” - money that is put in a red envelope. This means that you wish the applicant prosperity, so that money is always found in his house. The ritual of burning "money" is interesting. True, the prudent Chinese do not destroy real banknotes, but good fakes.

The most common Christmas gifts are:

  • various amulets, talismans, amulets;
  • all kinds of sweets;
  • figurines of the symbol of the coming year;
  • colorful greeting cards with best wishes.

What not to do

Not accepted in China

  1. give expensive gifts;
  2. wrap presents in white or blue paper. These colors mean mourning.;
  3. in no way should the number "4" be present. It means death.;
  4. give a gift in front of others.

Offerings should only be in pairs: two postcards, two figurines, etc. In the family circle, gifts are given with two hands and first to the oldest.