How to drink mustard oil. Using the beneficial properties of mustard oil in daily life

Mustard concentrate is widely used in folk medicine to treat rheumatism, colds, joint pathologies, tumors, neuritis, pleurisy and kidney stones. This is an effective anthelmintic, used in combination with other substances, with pronounced bactericidal and antitumor effects. In addition, the oil is used in cosmetology to strengthen hair, improve skin condition, rubbing, as well as in the soap and perfume industries, cooking and for technical purposes - lubrication of motors, mechanisms, in conditions of low temperatures.

Botanical description

Mustard oil is most often produced from the Sarepta mustard variety, which is an annual plant of the cabbage family. It grows wild in Central Asia, Northern China, Mongolia and Siberia.

The root of the plant is taprooted and long, capable of penetrating 200-300 cm into the soil. The stem is bare, branched at the base, erect, reaching 50-150 cm in height. The leaves are lyre-pinnately incised, petiolate, large. The flowers are bisexual, small, golden-yellow, collected in inflorescences. The ovary contains 12-20 ovules. Flowering period is April-May. The fruit is a thin pod, up to 5 cm long. The seeds are reddish-brown or dark brown, cellular, 0.1-0.13 cm in diameter. The fruits ripen at the end of summer.

Mustard is cultivated in Europe, Indochina, North Africa, India, and China. The plant is cold-resistant, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil, and is a good honey plant.

Chemical composition

Mustard oil contains 7-14% saturated eicosanoic acid, 8-12% essential linolenic acid, 14-19% linoleic acid, 2-30% erucic acid, 11-53%. The chemical composition directly depends on the plant variety. At the same time, the share, as a rule, accounts for 60%, and - 21%.

In addition to mustard essential oils, the product contains oils that prevent rancidity and increase its shelf life up to 24 months (during refining of the product).

In the 70s, the negative effect of erucic acid on the state of the cardiovascular system, which worsened the nutritional benefits of the oil, was proven. This is how new varieties of mustard (low-eruce and non-eruce) were developed, containing a maximum of 5% of the dangerous compound. In addition to vitamins A (0.15 mg), E (9.2 mg) and (2 mg), phytosterols, chlorophyll, phytoncides, isothiocyanates, sinegrin, which have powerful bactericidal and antitumor effects, were found in the oil. 100 ml of mustard concentrate contains 898 kcal, 99.8 g of fat and only 0.2 g.

Beneficial features

Mustard seed oil has a pungent taste and a characteristic odor. The main component of which is the glycoside sinigrin. This is a truly natural antibiotic that exhibits wound-healing, immunostimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, antiseptic, and anthelmintic effects. The concentrate of plant origin is resistant to oxidation, due to which the sealed product has a long shelf life - up to 2 years.

Benefits of mustard oil:

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Reduces blood level and viscosity, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby normalizing heart function.
  3. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and fatty infiltration of the liver.
  4. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the functions of the reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems. Stimulates appetite, enhances intestinal motility.
  5. Normalizes hormonal levels and fat metabolism.
  6. Neutralizes the adverse effects of radionuclides, toxins, and waste.
  7. Supports visual acuity.
  8. Relieves painful symptoms during menopause, menopause, and menstruation.
  9. Cleanses bile ducts.
  10. Restores strength after intense physical activity.

Mustard oil is useful not only to consume internally, but also to use externally. The unique fatty acid composition of the product makes it possible to use it for healing abrasions, shallow wounds, cuts, contusions, bruises and burns. In addition, the oil treats acne, herpes, dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, lichen, boils, and relieves joint pain.

Indications for use:

  • gastritis with decreased secretory function;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation;
  • constipation associated with impaired intestinal motility;
  • atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases;
  • metabolic disorders, including diabetes;
  • iron deficiency anemia, accompanied by increased bleeding;
  • diseases of the biliary tract, liver;
  • helminthic infestations, hepatitis;
  • ENT diseases, prostate adenoma, hypertension.

Interestingly, a 2% alcohol solution of essential mustard oil is used for rubbing to ensure blood flow to the tissues. In this form, the concentrate has an irritating, warming effect, and is useful for degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine. Helps with arthritis, rheumatism, polyarthritis and radiculitis.

Restricted to whom

Mustard seed concentrate is a potent substance that can cause serious harm to health. The oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to plant grains, ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stomach diseases that are accompanied by increased secretory function.

Production technology

The principle of producing vegetable oil comes down to the following stages: seed preparation, pressing, extraction, filtration.

At the first stage, the raw materials undergo mechanical cleaning to remove spoiled kernels and impurities. This procedure is automated and takes place in special machines.

At the next stage, the seeds are cold pressed (in oil mills). However, this method allows you to extract only 65% ​​of the oil. Therefore, in large industries, the method of double temperature pressing is practiced, with which it is possible to obtain up to 90% of the plant concentrate. Primary processing is carried out through the use of a forepress. The final pressing takes place using expellers. After pressing, no more than 5% oil remains in the cake.

At the extraction stage, the resulting concentrate is dissolved in. Nefras and extraction gasoline are used as solvents. Under the influence of liquids, the oil is excreted through the membrane of plant cells.

The final stage is product purification, which includes distillation, deodorization, freezing, alkaline refining, hydration, and bleaching. As a result, the output is a highly purified, refined concentrate, devoid of color, smell, taste, and nutrients.

To obtain useful unrefined oil, the mustard seed extract is subjected only to distillation (to remove the solvent). Such a product is considered “live” and is of great value to the human body. It preserves free fatty acids, vitamins, and substances that determine the taste and aroma of the product.

Unrefined mustard oil is useful for treating heart disease, the reproductive system of women, and headaches. However, such a product should be used exclusively in its raw form, without heat treatment, since during the heating process it forms dangerous chemical compounds (free radicals, aldehydes, ketones) that have a carcinogenic, toxic effect on the body. Keep refrigerated.

The following are considered defects in vegetable oil:

  • foreign, unpleasant tastes reminiscent of drying oil, as well as a sore throat after consumption (violation of storage conditions);
  • musty smell (use of defective raw materials);
  • cloudiness, sedimentation in the refined product (excessive cooling, moisture in the oil);
  • Bitterness, foreign aroma and taste are not allowed.

Areas of application

Mustard oil is a useful, multi-purpose product, widely used for therapeutic, preventive, cosmetic, and culinary purposes. Interestingly, back in 400 BC. e. The ancient Greek healer and physician Hippocrates noted the amazing properties of the plant - to relieve coughs and muscle pain.

Mustard oil application:

  1. In cooking. In the food industry, black mustard oil is used, the distinctive features of which are its delicate aroma and fiery piquant taste. The product is added to canned foods, salads, and first courses.

In Asian countries it is used for stewing meat, fish, and vegetables. During heat treatment, refined oil does not produce bitterness and does not smoke, but it forms harmful compounds.

The plant extract combines harmoniously with cereals and improves the taste of pancakes and pancakes.

If you add butter to the dough, it will give a beautiful golden color and fluffy texture to the baked goods.

Mustard concentrate has amazing warming properties, so the product is used externally to rub tired muscles, soothe tense ligaments, normalize blood circulation, relieve inflammation and swelling (for massage). In addition, it is used to treat contusions, bruises and sprains.

  1. In cosmetology. The oil penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, saturates it with vitamins, is well absorbed, making the skin look healthy, moisturized and well-groomed.

Masks with the addition of mustard extract prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles, fight the aging process, and relieve irritation. Suitable for caring for dry, aging and combination skin.

In addition, the oil is used to care for hands (nourishes), improve hair growth, and eliminate dandruff.

Before using mustard squeeze for cosmetic purposes, make sure you are not allergic to the product. To do this, apply a ready-made mask with a burning extract to the back of the hand and leave for a quarter of an hour. After 15 minutes, inspect the indicated place. If there is no redness in the area, no itching or burning sensation, then the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Folk recipes

Mustard seed oil is used in alternative medicine, for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the joints, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems and colds.

Home Recipes:

  1. For arthritis. To prepare the mixture for rubbing, 50 ml of mustard oil is mixed with 400 ml of natural camphor. The resulting composition is heated until the terpenoid is completely dissolved and cooled. Rub the balm with massage movements into the affected areas.
  2. From edema. To prepare a massage product, 5 g of fenugreek seeds are combined with 30 ml of mustard oil and two crushed cloves. The resulting mass is boiled until the Shambhala kernels are completely blackened. The cooled massage mixture is applied to the site of swelling.
  3. For wet cough. Mustard oil is mixed with (preferably sea oil, finely ground) and used to rub the back and chest.
  4. For insomnia. Mix a squeeze of mustard seeds with ylang-ylang, rose, lavender and use for daily lubricating of the temples and feet.
  5. For sinusitis, sinusitis. To improve blood circulation in the sinuses, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane and congestion, the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose are lubricated with oil.
  6. For seizures. Mustard concentrate is rubbed into areas of involuntary muscle contraction.

To get real benefits from the product, you need to study the labeling of vegetable oil in detail. The label must indicate the name, composition, nutritional value, certification information, expiration and sale dates, trademark and location of the manufacturer, storage conditions, vitamin content. Additionally, the spill date, variety and brand are indicated. Only if all the information is available can you pay attention to the product. When choosing mustard oil, it is recommended to give preference to a first-press product with a one-year shelf life. This product may contain sediment.

Benefits for hair

Homemade shampoo. Mix herbal infusion of oak, nettle (100 ml), baby soap crushed into shavings (30 ml), mustard oil (10 drops). Use as regular shampoo. The product has a stimulating effect on hair. As a result, the curls will become obedient and soft.

To eliminate fragility and strengthen

Mask with green. To obtain a noticeable result, it should be applied to washed hair every 3 days. The course of therapy is 1-3 months, depending on the condition of the hair. Ingredients: mustard oil (5 ml), chicken yolk (1 pc), strong green tea (30 ml). Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. Wrap your head in film and insulate it with a towel. After half an hour, rinse with water.

Cranberry juice mask. Frequency of use: 1 time every 7 days. Course – 1 month. Ingredients: (15 ml), yolk (2 pcs), apple cider vinegar (5 ml), cranberry juice (15 ml), mustard oil (5 ml). Mix everything, distribute the vitamin composition along the length of the hair, rubbing into the root zone, leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

For hair loss and split ends:

Mask with . Ingredients: warm kefir (15 ml), chicken yolk (1 pc), mustard oil (5 ml). The ingredients are mixed together and rubbed into the head. Rinse off with water after 30 minutes without using shampoo.

Nettle mask. Ingredients: mustard oil (100 ml), dry nettle rhizomes (50 g). Mix, heat in a water bath, pour into a jar, close with a lid, and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain the mixture and rub into the roots 2-3 times a week 30 minutes before washing your hair.

With regular use of products based on mustard extract, damaged, overdried, brittle and lifeless hair will become manageable and will stop splitting and falling out.

To achieve a positive result, the main thing is to use high-quality products as raw materials, follow the rules of preparation and use of products. Don't expect quick results! If the procedures are performed regularly, the effect will be noticeable only after 1 month.


Is mustard oil a dietary product?

No, because it has high nutritional value and is 99.8% fat.

Does the product contain carbohydrates?

No, like . At the same time, the water content in it does not exceed 0.2 g per 100 ml.

Are saturated fats in higher concentrations in mustard concentrate?

No, the share of these connections is insignificant. 100 g of vegetable oil contains only 11.5 mg, so it can be consumed in moderation without danger to health (up to 30 ml per day).

Can mustard seed ether cause cancer?

Yes, if you systematically use it for frying foods. When heated, fatty acids are transformed into dangerous carcinogens that contribute to the development of malignant tumors. Only cold-pressed oil has beneficial properties. Therefore, you cannot fry in mustard oil.

Does the product contain harmful substances?

Pure mustard oil contains only fats, vitamins, and phosphorus. If food additives of the “E” series are indicated on the product label, this means the product is not natural, you should not buy it and put your health at risk.

Can pregnant and lactating women take mustard concentrate?

Yes, just be careful. Essential oils concentrated in the product can cause an allergic reaction in the body, which is unacceptable during the period of bearing and feeding a baby.

Interestingly, chlorophyll and vitamin E enhance lactation by improving the taste of breast milk.

Is it possible to introduce vegetable oil into the diet of infants?

No, because it can cause allergies. Only when the child grows up and reaches the age of 5, they try to give it to children as an immunostimulant, 1 ml, observing the reaction of the baby’s body.

Is mustard oil beneficial or harmful for older people?

In the absence of contraindications, the product will protect against joint diseases, help maintain mental clarity and physical activity. This is a valuable source of essential omega acids. Therefore, this is a useful product for older people.

How to strengthen peeling nails with oil?

The mustard composition should be rubbed into the plates daily in the evenings, leaving overnight for absorption, or taking warm baths with liquid soluble vitamins A, E.

How does mustard seed concentrate affect the skin (as part of masks)?

Vegetable fat moisturizes, nourishes the dermis, and helps smooth out fine wrinkles. When applied, it is quickly absorbed (if used in its pure form), penetrating deep into the cells.

Used to treat herpes, psoriasis, acne, acne. Minimizes the likelihood of premature skin aging.

To obtain the effect, simply apply the composition to the cleansed dermis, leave for 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water.


Mustard oil is a product of plant origin, obtained by pressing the seeds of an annual herbaceous plant - Sarepta mustard, white and black. Its color depends on the degree of refining and varies from rich golden yellow to colorless.

The greatest benefit for humans is cold-pressed mustard oil, which has a strong spicy aroma and a spicy, spicy taste. This is a natural source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, retinol, tocopherol, phosphorus, active phytosterols, chlorophyll, phytoncides, isothiocyanates, synegrin, which give the product antiviral, expectorant, anthelmintic, anti-sclerotic, choleretic, analgesic, decongestant, immunostimulating, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic action.

Mustard oil is used for heart diseases, low stomach acidity, hepatitis, cholecystitis, anemia, diabetes, gout, arthritis, rheumatism. In addition, the product stabilizes hormonal levels, improves the condition of women during menopause, and reduces the risk of developing ovarian pathologies, fibrous formations and infertility. Mustard concentrate is also useful for men, as it supports the health of the prostate gland and the reproductive system in general.

The first mention of mustard dates back to the 1st century BC. Translated from Latin, its name means “burning, baking, inflaming brain.” Even in the Bible there is a mention of this culture: “A small mustard seed... produces a huge tree...” Even in ancient times, people valued this culture and widely used it both as food and as a medicine.

There are three types of mustard: gray (Sarepta), black and white. White mustard seeds have a spicy, delicate taste. Black mustard has a very tart and pungent taste, somewhat reminiscent of our horseradish. The taste of blue mustard is familiar to most adult residents of our country, since it is from its seeds that everyone’s favorite table mustard is made.

The homeland of blue mustard, which we will talk about further, is presumably Eastern China. From there it came to India, and then successfully conquered other countries in Europe and Asia. In Russia, mustard first appeared in the Lower Volga region, imported from Asian countries along with millet and rice, and was considered a weed. But in 1765, at the invitation of Catherine II, immigrants from Germany settled here. They founded the city of Sarepta, where the first mustard plant in Russia opened. Since then, blue mustard has received its second name - Sarepta. This is where the history of mustard cultivation in Russia came from. Now Sarepta mustard is considered the best in the world.

Sarepta mustard is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Brassica family. Mustard oil is obtained from the seeds of this plant, and mustard powder is obtained from the fat-free cake, which has a pungent taste and a specific aroma. From mustard powder, in turn, they produce the well-known table mustard, as well as mustard plasters, familiar from childhood. In addition, mustard seeds are used for canning. They give canned food a distinctive taste and increase the preservation of canned food.

Mustard oil was a favorite delicacy of Catherine II and was delivered to the imperial table from England. But in 1801, a German immigrant doctor made mustard oil for the first time in a hand mill. And in 1810, the production of mustard oil was technically improved and left on an industrial basis. Since then, 1810 has been considered the beginning of mustard oil production in Russia.

Currently, Sarepta mustard is successfully cultivated in Russia, and the oil made from its seeds is considered the best in the world. The uses of mustard oil are very diverse. It is successfully used in the baking and confectionery industry, in the production of solid edible fats and the canning industry, as well as in home cooking. It has also found application in cosmetology and medicine. Mustard oil is used to produce glycerin, fatty acids, lubricants and coolants, and cosmetic creams.

Composition of mustard oil

Mustard oil contains a complex of biologically active substances that the human body needs every day:

    • Fats:

  • Vitamins:

It should be noted that mustard oil contains 1.5 times more vitamin D than the popular sunflower oil. In addition, it contains essential mustard oil. Together, all components of mustard oil have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory and endocrine systems, and also have an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect.

Benefits and uses of mustard oil

The use of mustard oil in the prevention and treatment of various diseases

Mustard oil has long been used not only as a valuable food product, but also as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for a number of diseases. This oil is rich in natural antibiotics, vitamins, and biological active substances. Its unique composition provides antiviral, bactericidal, anthelmintic, antiseptic, wound healing, analgesic, immunostimulating, anticancer, and decongestant effects.

Mustard oil is good for the digestive system. Firstly, it improves appetite. Secondly, it enhances the motor and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. Thirdly, it increases the activity of the pancreas and liver. Choline and polyunsaturated fatty acids of mustard oil stimulate bile secretion and normalize fat metabolism in the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly use mustard oil for the prevention and complex treatment of fatty liver, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, as well as to stimulate appetite.

Mustard oil has long been used as an anthelmintic for the prevention and treatment of ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichocephalosis, etc.

Mustard oil has a beneficial effect on blood composition and the cardiovascular system as a whole. The complex of active components of mustard oil helps strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity, reduces capillary permeability, and also prevents the occurrence and development of inflammatory processes in the circulatory system. Polyunsaturated acids, phytosterols and vitamins of mustard oil regulate blood clotting, normalize blood pressure, and reliably protect blood vessels from the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls. Vitamins and chlorophyll of mustard oil take part in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Mustard oil is recommended to be taken for hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia and for the prevention of these serious diseases.

Mustard oil can be used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of muscles and joints, as well as the consequences of various injuries. When used externally, mustard oil has a warming and irritating effect, which helps to increase local blood circulation.

Having anti-edematous, bactericidal, antitumor properties, mustard oil has long been used to prepare ointments and creams for the treatment of arthritis, polyarthritis, gout, lumbago, rheumatism, and radiculitis. Athletes often use this oil after intense physical activity, because when rubbed into the skin, it relieves tension in the muscles and ligaments. In folk medicine, mustard oil is traditionally used to treat cuts and traumatic skin lesions.

Mustard oil is of great benefit for women. It contains a whole complex of substances that can maintain a woman’s hormonal balance, minimizing the risk of infertility, ovarian diseases and fibrotic diseases of the mammary gland. Regular consumption of mustard oil is especially recommended for women who have difficulty with painful symptoms of the premenstrual and menopausal periods. During menopause, women experience a deficiency of beneficial hormones, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis. Vitamins D and K contained in mustard oil can prevent the development of this serious disease.

Vitamins in mustard oil are necessary for a pregnant woman to successfully bear a child, as well as for the full development of the embryo. Vitamin E, which is part of mustard oil, helps to enhance lactation in nursing women and improve the taste of mother's milk. Mustard oil can also be recommended in baby food as a source of vitamins necessary for the full development of the child.

Mustard oil has a beneficial effect on the functions of both female and male reproductive organs. Beta-sitosterol and the vitamin complex of mustard oil help improve the reproductive system of women and men. For example, vitamin E is involved in the formation of sperm, and beta-sitosterol is included in almost all drugs used to treat and prevent prostatitis, prostate adenoma and prostate cancer.

Regular consumption of mustard oil will provide significant assistance in the prevention and complex treatment of diabetes and obesity, diseases of the nervous system and anemia. It is also useful for our vision. When used externally, mustard oil also helps in the treatment of respiratory and hearing organs.

By regularly including mustard oil in your diet, you protect yourself from cancer and strengthen your immune system!

Mustard oil is used for the treatment and prevention of the diseases listed above, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The use of mustard oil in dermatology and cosmetology

Mustard oil has an antiviral, antifungal, and bactericidal effect on the skin. In folk medicine, it is successfully used in the treatment of acne, atopic dermatitis, lichen, herpes, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, mycosis, allergic and pustular skin lesions.

For many years, mustard oil has been used in cosmetology. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, “vitamins of youth” A and E, as well as phytosterols, which normalize hormonal levels, chlorophyll and phytoncides, which have an antibacterial effect on the skin, and sinegrin, which activates skin circulation.

When applied to the skin, mustard oil is absorbed very quickly and deeply, while cleansing, moisturizing, softening and nourishing the skin. Mustard oil perfectly protects against the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging associated with excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and a lack of female sex hormones.

In home cosmetology, mustard oil is often used for rubbing into the scalp and applying to the hair. In this case, it strengthens hair and prevents premature graying and hair loss.

Due to its local irritant and warming effect, mustard oil is included in various massage oils.

Use of mustard oil in cooking

Unfortunately, the popularity of mustard oil in Russia is very low, although in terms of taste and dietary properties it is significantly superior to our favorite sunflower oil. This is primarily due to the fact that the bulk of mustard oil produced in Russia is exported.

Mustard oil has a unique taste and aroma. Fish, meat, potatoes, and vegetables cooked on it acquire a unique taste. This oil does not add heat to foods cooked with it and does not smoke; moreover, it can emphasize the natural taste of the product itself.

Try adding mustard oil to a vegetable salad or vinaigrette. This oil will not only enhance the taste of vegetables with its delicate aroma, but will also extend the shelf life of the finished dish due to the antibacterial and antiseptic effect it has.

Mustard oil can be added to porridges, cereal side dishes, and pasta dishes. Pancakes and pancakes fried in this oil are good, and they don’t burn, which is not unimportant.

Mustard oil is successfully used in home baking. Products prepared with the addition of this oil become more fluffy and acquire a unique taste and aroma. The golden color of the baked goods will please the eye. The product retains its splendor and softness much longer! When baking pies, buns, pizza or homemade bread, add mustard oil to the dough - you won’t regret it!

Try, experiment, and perhaps over time, mustard oil will become as indispensable a product for you as sunflower oil. Remember that even the imperial people considered it an exquisite delicacy!

Mustard oil has an antibacterial effect, so we recommend using it in the preparation of vegetable preparations: salads, solyankas, caviar, etc.

It is important that mustard oil obtained by cold pressing completely retains the set of substances beneficial to humans and is more resistant to oxidation than other vegetable oils. The shelf life of mustard oil reaches 12 months. To increase the shelf life of other vegetable oils, mustard oil is sometimes added to them.

Contraindications to the use of mustard oil

The main contraindication to the use of mustard oil is individual intolerance to the product.

In case of myocardial diseases, before starting a course of preventive use of mustard oil, you should consult your doctor. This is due to the presence of erucic and ecozenic acids in mustard oil.

Mustard oil should be used with caution for gastritis with high acidity, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

May cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin when used externally.


Some natural products ensure the health of the body, maintain external beauty, and prolong youth. Mustard oil is popular in medicine and cosmetology. This is an inexhaustible source of antioxidants, vitamins, biologically active substances, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids necessary for the functioning of the body.

What are the benefits of mustard oil?

This natural product has antioxidant, bactericidal, antiseptic, immunostrengthening, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, regenerating properties, and acts as a natural antibiotic. Mustard oil, in the absence of contraindications, provides a broad spectrum of action in the body and is intended for use internally and externally. Product benefits:

  • relieves pain;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots and increased blood clotting;
  • strengthens immunity at the cellular level;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents the development of oncology;
  • removes toxins, toxic substances, waste;
  • prevents the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora;
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • relieves swelling, muscle and ligament tension;
  • normalizes the biochemical composition of blood;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • regulates the functioning of the reproductive and endocrine systems.


The benefits of mustard oil are determined by the unique composition of this natural product. It is used for treatment and prevention. Positive dynamics are noticeable at the beginning of the course, the effect in the body is gentle, but there are contraindications. Composition of mustard oil:

Element group names

Components of groups


iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur

essential oils

alligustard, crotonyl mustard

saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

lignoceric, peanut, linoleic, palmitic, oleic, erucic, dioxystearic, linolenic, behenic




fat soluble vitamins

vitamins A, D, E, B3, B6, K, P

carbon disulfide

dimethyl sulfide

ascorbic acid

Healing properties

Essential mustard oil with wound-healing and rejuvenating properties gives the skin a healthy appearance and inhibits the natural aging process. This aesthetic effect is provided by vitamins of group E. Other healing properties of mustard oil depend on the components in its natural composition:

  1. Retinol increases visual acuity, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Vitamin D Provides a balance of calcium and phosphorus, helps strengthen bone structures and teeth.
  3. Vitamin B3 participates in energy metabolism, is indispensable for the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.
  4. Kholin, participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones, suppresses the inflammatory process in the prostate, strengthens the immune system.
  5. Vitamin B6 activates metabolism at the cellular level, calms the nervous system, regulates the functioning of the urinary system.
  6. Vitamin K improves protein absorption.
  7. Vitamin P increases the tone and expands the lumen of blood vessels.
  8. Glycoside sinigrin, being a natural antibiotic, has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antiseptic effect.
  9. Phytosterols regulate hormonal levels, prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  10. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and sodium take part in the metabolic processes of the body.
  11. Beneficial Omega-6 and Omega-9 normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase vascular capacity, prevent atherosclerosis, regulate digestion, hormonal levels, metabolism, and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for use

Beneficial mustard seed oil is often prescribed as part of complex therapy, as an adjuvant to enhance the therapeutic effect. The natural composition is used for the purpose of prevention, to prolong the period of remission of the underlying disease. Indications for use:

  • hepatitis, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis;
  • gastritis with reduced acidity in remission;
  • diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • painful menstruation, severe symptoms of menopause;
  • prostate adenoma, prostatitis, prostate cancer;
  • injuries, abrasions, cuts;
  • anemia, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension;
  • arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, osteoporosis, myalgia, rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • depressive states, emotional shocks;
  • pregnancy period, lactation.

Application of mustard oil

The beneficial properties of this product are used in several areas - cooking, cosmetology, medicine. Before use, you need to remember that unrefined oil can only be used in its raw form, since during its heating, toxic compounds are formed that are hazardous to health. These are free radicals, ketones, aldehydes that contribute to dysfunction and intoxication of the body.

In cooking

The beneficial properties of mustard oil help heal and heal the body. In addition, this product has a spicy, refined taste. Therefore, unrefined oil is actively used in cooking for dressing salads, non-hot side dishes and main courses. Mustard oil is added to preserves and is made an indispensable ingredient in baking (the dough takes on a yellowish tint). If you need to fry foods, it is better to use refined oil, otherwise you can cause significant harm to your health due to the formation of carcinogens at high temperatures.

  1. Anti-cough. Mix 25 g of butter with 5 g of table salt, bring the mixture until smooth. Rub the prepared medicine onto your chest and back up to 5 times a day, then wrap yourself in a warm scarf.
  2. Against worms. For 5 days, it is recommended to drink 2 tbsp every morning on an empty stomach. l. mustard oil. After 2 weeks, it is recommended to repeat the treatment to consolidate the effect.

In cosmetology

The beneficial properties of mustard product are implemented in cosmetology. There are a number of recipes for eliminating stretch marks on the body, rejuvenating and healing sensitive facial skin, remedies for seborrhea and acne symptoms. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to use the following beauty secrets:

  1. Against stretch marks. It is necessary to combine healthy cocoa butter and mustard in equal proportions, then mix thoroughly. Rub the prepared mixture into problem areas on the body daily, morning and evening. The beneficial properties of the recipe are noticeable after a couple of weeks.
  2. Against clogged pores and dryness. If there are no contraindications, you need to combine mustard and coconut oil in equal proportions, mix and add a couple of drops of aloe vera. Apply the beneficial composition to the skin of the face, do not wash off the mask for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards wash with warm water. In the absence of contraindications, the procedure is allowed to be performed 2 times a week.

Mustard oil contraindications

Not everyone can use this food ingredient to treat or rejuvenate the skin. There are contraindications for mustard oil, the violation of which only worsens the health condition:

  • diseases of the urinary and digestive system at the relapse stage (stomach ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis);
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic myocardial diseases, heart failure;
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • allergic reaction to nuts.


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There are many products in the world that are good for food, used as medicine, and even used to maintain beauty. One of these is mustard oil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which would be nice for adherents of a healthy lifestyle, lovers of delicious food, and those who care about their appearance to know.

Oil is made from mustard seeds. Depending on the type of raw material and processing conditions, the composition of the oil can vary significantly. By the way, it is the unique composition that is the secret of the product’s benefits.

Rich in fatty acids, the oil contains:

  • omega acids: omega 3 (linolenic acid) up to 12% and omega 6 (linoleic acid) up to 19%;
  • eicosanoic acid up to 14%;
  • up to 50% erucic acid;
  • up to 30% oleic acid.

In terms of the composition of essential fatty acids, the oil can compete even with fish oil.

In addition, the product contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as E, K, D. A, P and D. In comparison with other vegetable oils, mustard oil has the lowest acidity index.

How can all this be useful to people?

For men and women

By regularly consuming mustard oil, the adult population provides itself with vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Having a positive effect on the condition of the entire body, the oil promotes:

  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • maintaining hormonal levels;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • prevention of viral respiratory diseases;
  • normalizing metabolic processes;
  • getting rid of constipation.

And besides, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, which in our time will not be superfluous.

Benefits for children

Is mustard oil good for children? The very fact that it is rich in vitamin D makes the product valuable for a growing organism, because this biologically active substance is indispensable for the growth of a child and the prevention of rickets. It allows calcium to be absorbed and plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. Another property of the product has been identified that is very relevant for children - it has an anthelmintic effect.

Mustard oil can be added in small quantities to dishes that the child eats. It is better to start doing this when the kids reach three years old, since the reaction of the child’s body to a new product is unpredictable.

Mustard oil is a good help as an external (rubbing) remedy for treating children prone to acute respiratory infections.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a time when a woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the baby. Natural products, which include mustard oil, should make up the diet of the expectant mother.

The oil saturates the female body with important vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

  • Vitamin E has a positive effect on preparing the woman’s reproductive system for future motherhood, and then on the development of the baby’s skeleton, muscles and nervous system.
  • Vitamin D is also important, without which it is impossible to properly absorb calcium, which is simply necessary for both mother and baby.
  • Omega fatty acids are indispensable for normal metabolism, the functioning of internal organs and the hematopoietic system, brain activity of both mother and child.

Mustard oil, when consumed orally by pregnant and nursing mothers, helps maintain immunity, and external use prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

For what diseases is it used?

The medicinal properties of mustard oil allow this product to be used both in folk medicine and as an additional remedy for various ailments in traditional medicine.

It is used for:

  • joint pain;
  • pleurisy;
  • rheumatism;
  • cold;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • helminthiasis;
  • tumors;
  • skin problems.

Be careful! Edible and essential mustard oils should not be confused! The latter is not used internally, but is only suitable for external use. If it enters the body, it can cause inflammatory processes in the digestive system and impaired kidney function.

Studies confirm that regular consumption of oil reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. This effect occurs due to the action of erucic acid, which reduces the stickiness of blood platelets.

When buying oil, you should pay attention to the information about the composition. Erucic acid should not be contained in more than 5%, since large concentrations of this substance can develop pathological changes in the heart muscle, thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Uses of mustard seed oil

Mustard oil is used in cooking for seasoning and frying, for baking and canning. Medicine uses oil in ointments. Perfumers and soap makers also found use for it in their fields. And even for technical purposes, the product has not been neglected: the oil is used as a lubricant for motors and mechanisms operating at low temperatures.

How to use mustard oil at home?

Cleansing and nourishing facial mask. Mix mustard and coconut oils in equal proportions, add a few drops of aloe juice. The mask is applied to the face with gentle massaging movements. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Anti-stretch mark remedy. Mix cocoa butter and mustard in equal proportions. Rub into problem areas of the skin daily. Can be used to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Antiseborrheic and strengthening hair mask.


  • mustard oil – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • a drop of oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, bergamot;
  • one ampoule of vitamin B5.

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to the scalp, rubbing gently. The composition is kept under a plastic cap for half an hour and washed off with neutral shampoo and warm water. When split ends, it is allowed to apply along the entire length, but rinsing off will be difficult.

In cooking

Mustard oil can be safely used for frying and baking instead of sunflower oil. Potatoes, meat and fish fried in it do not burn, and the dough with the addition of this oil acquires a pleasant yellowish tint.

You can pour mustard oil over salted herring, and the usual snack will become piquant. Salads seasoned with mustard oil acquire a pleasant aroma and rich taste. Even an ordinary vinaigrette becomes much tastier.

How to choose and how to store mustard oil?

Finding mustard oil in stores is more difficult than sunflower oil, but it is possible.

A quality product, dark in color, with sediment. The information on the label should confirm that it is a virgin oil. A good product that is not refined or deodorized.

One of the amazing features of mustard oil is its ability to be stored for a long time. The high content of vitamin E prevents the product from going rancid, and even high storage temperatures are not harmful to it.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the obvious benefits, the harm of mustard oil is also not a myth.

If the product is abused, the following are possible:

  • diarrhea;
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • heartburn;
  • allergy.

Contraindications to the use of mustard oil are:

  • myocardial diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • children under 3 years of age (for internal use).

You should also use the oil externally with caution - it can cause burns and allergic reactions if you are highly sensitive.

When used wisely, mustard oil can not only diversify the taste of familiar dishes, but also become a good assistant in maintaining health and beauty.

The list of diseases in the modern world is constantly expanding and many, trying to avoid the effects of chemicals on their bodies, are looking for alternative methods of treatment or prevention.

The most surprising thing is that many plants that we consider simply spices or food additives have a medicinal effect. One of them is mustard.

Unrefined mustard oil is obtained by processing under cold press the seeds of one of the types of mustard - black, white or gray, the so-called Sarepta, this is the oil that is considered the most useful.

This method uses a temperature of no more than 50°C, which prevents the raw material from decomposing and allows you to preserve most of the beneficial substances of mustard. The seeds of various species of this plant contain about 36-47% essential oil, which contains 40% allyl mustard oil. It is this that gives the sharp, incomparable taste and unusual aroma of table mustard.

It includes both polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, vitamins, and essential oils.

And also microelements: , . In addition, the enzyme myrosin and unusual substances sinigrin (most of all in black mustard seeds) and sinalbin. Interestingly, myrosin and sinigrin exist together in mustard for a reason. The enzyme myrosin, upon contact with water or air, breaks down sinigrin into glucose, cinnamon oil and potassium.

The most essential for our body are:

  • linolenic acid (Omega-3 fatty acid) in an amount of 8-12%;
  • linoleic (Omega-6 fatty acid) in an amount of 14-19%;
  • eicosanic (saturated fatty acid) in an amount of 7-14%.

Mustard oil is rich in vitamins.

This is a fat-soluble vitamin E - an antioxidant tocopherol. 100 grams of mustard oil contains 30 mg of vitamin E, which is double the daily requirement for an adult. This vitamin is indispensable for women's health.

Mustard and oil from its seeds are a unique source of B vitamins. All processes in the body are controlled by the nervous system.

If in the body, nerve fibers lose their protective sheath in the form of myelin and impulses travel through them more slowly.

To prevent this and improve memory and brain performance, doctors recommend adding mustard oil to food.

Linolenic and linoleic acids, when combined with each other, form the so-called vitamin F. These are irreplaceable components, that is, they are not produced by themselves in the body, their required amount must be maintained from the outside along with food.

This complex improves the functioning of the endocrine system and fat metabolism in the body, stimulates the digestive tract, and protects heart cells from the harmful effects of toxins.

  • Vitamin A is essential for humans. In its presence, the eyes see better and the skin looks healthier.
  • Vitamin D – helps the thyroid gland function and ensures healthy bone tissue, helps prevent the development of skin diseases.
  • Synegrin is a powerful anticarcinogen that prevents the formation of cancer cells and prevents the growth of tumors in the body.

The calorie content of the butter is 898 kcal per 100 g. It contains 99.8% fat, 0% protein and 0% carbohydrates.

The benefit of the oil also lies in the fact that during long-term storage it is not subject to oxidative processes. It is often used as a preservative when added to other oils, which increases their shelf life.

Medicinal properties

Almost all organs and systems are treated with mustard oil. It is recommended to be used for diseases:

  • digestive system (gastritis, enteritis);
  • liver and cholelithiasis (hepatitis, cholecystitis);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, prevention of strokes and heart attacks);
  • nervous system (depression, neuroses);
  • genitourinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis);
  • bronchopulmonary (bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis);
  • muscles and joints (arthritis, bruises).

The most common way to use mustard oil for medicinal purposes is 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, or 1 time a day on an empty stomach for preventive purposes.

How to take mustard oil?

  1. Digestive system.

It has a mild, non-aggressive effect on the digestive tract.

It increases the secretion of saliva (almost 8 times!) and facilitates the digestion of food, especially fatty foods.

Atherosclerosis is the scourge of our time and the most common cause of strokes and heart attacks. Mustard oil, thanks to the presence of essential acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, helps fight cholesterol by dissolving it.

At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques do not clog the vessels, and blood moves freely through them, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues.

Mustard also thins the blood, increases the elasticity and tone of blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

Mustard oil does a good job of increasing hemoglobin levels, which is especially useful for anemia and anemia.

  1. Liver.

In case of liver diseases, especially cholestasis, when bile stagnates in the bile ducts, mustard oil increases bile secretion. Due to its general strengthening effect on liver cells, it is useful for liver cirrhosis.

The oil contains substances that help improve the reproductive function of both the female and male body.

  • Vitamin E is involved in sperm formation and is important when conceiving a child, when the genetic codes of the fetus are formed.

During pregnancy, this vitamin is important as a source of energy for the entire female reproductive system.

Organs and systems that develop in the baby are formed with the participation of vitamin E, which reduces the risk of complications during childbirth.

Therefore, a lack of this vitamin in the body of a pregnant and lactating woman can lead to dire consequences.

  • Mustard oil is also very beneficial for men's health.

Strengthens the prostate, fights prostate adenoma and prostate cancer. Vitamin B6 minimizes the risk of infertility in women, as it normalizes her hormonal levels. This helps to avoid diseases of the ovaries and mammary glands.

  1. Diseases of musculoskeletal tissue.

When rubbed into the skin, the oil has a warming effect, improves blood circulation and blood flow to the affected tissues.

It is used in many over-the-counter ointments and creams to treat bruises, cuts, contusions and sprains.

For radiculitis, joint inflammation (arthritis), rheumatism, mustard oil relieves swelling and reduces pain.

You can massage using camphor oil:

  • A quarter of a glass of mustard oil should be mixed with 400 ml of natural camphor.
  • Heat the mixture until completely dissolved over low heat.
  • After cooling, apply for massage.
  • If cramps occur, rub mustard oil into the muscle in a circular motion.

For edema, use the following composition:

  • mustard oil 2 tablespoons;
  • fenugreek seeds 1 teaspoon;
  • a few crushed cloves of garlic.

Mix everything and boil over low heat until the fenugreek seeds turn black. Use as a massage mixture. For sprains and dislocations of joints, mix 30 grams of mustard oil with a teaspoon of iodine and gently massage the joint or tendon.

  1. Bronchopulmonary system.

For a wet cough, it is recommended to mix mustard oil with table salt and rub the chest and back. For chronic runny nose and inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis), it is necessary to lightly rub (never rub!) mustard oil near the nose and temporal region. Be sure to do this regularly, daily.

For colds or viral infections, after rinsing your nose, place a few drops of oil into your nose 2-3 times a day or rub your feet and chest.

  1. Application in cosmetology.

Cosmetologists successfully fight dry skin with mustard seed oil. Psoriasis, herpes, and possible skin lesions respond well to treatment with oil in masks, ointments and creams.

Masks are prepared from mustard oil by adding various nutritional ingredients. The beneficial substances of mustard moisturize the skin and increase its barrier properties, preventing the penetration of bacteria.

  • For teenage skin problems (acne, acne, age spots).

Undiluted oil or in combination with other oils (from wheat germ, jojoba or almond), apply napkins with oil to problem areas of the skin, leaving for 15-20 minutes.

A mixture of mustard oil with essential lavender or clove oil (2 drops of each) in the form of a mask has a good healing effect.

  • For body care.

Cosmetologists recommend taking mustard oil and mixing it in equal proportions with peach or almond oil (for example, 1 tablespoon each). Add one drop each of essential oils from ylang-ylang, sandalwood or lavender, dilute in a separate container and use as a lotion. Apply to body once daily after shower.

  • For healthy hair.

Pour 50 grams of valerian rhizomes (preferably from a pharmacy) into 100 grams of mustard oil and heat in a water bath for seven minutes. Let it brew for a week, then strain and squeeze the infusion. Rub into hair roots for a week half an hour before washing your hair. Mustard enhances hair growth and is a kind of conductor of nutrients to the hair roots.

Contraindications for use

Like any medicinal product, mustard oil also has contraindications for use and can cause harm if used incorrectly.

People suffering from allergic diseases need to carry out a test for individual intolerance even when used externally: undiluted oil is applied to the skin and the skin reaction is observed for 15 minutes; if there is no redness or itching, feel free to use the product.

Selection of quality oil and storage

Try to purchase mustard oil in a small bottle.

Despite the fact that mustard oil is resistant to oxidation and its shelf life is from 10 months to 2 years, after opening, as well as interaction with air, its shelf life decreases.

After opening the package, the oil must be stored in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator) and in an airtight container.

The average price of mustard oil is about 100-140 rubles per 250 ml. Affordable price and high quality are a rare combination these days.

The undoubted benefits of consuming mustard oil have been proven repeatedly. This oil has gained popularity not only among traditional healers, but also among traditional medicine doctors, young mothers and the elderly. With such an assistant you can be calm about your health, of course, if used correctly!