How to make a cleansing face mask at home? Cleansing face mask A highly cleansing face mask.

Combination skin regularly needs cleansing and toning. We suggest considering the best folk cleansing face masks that you can make at home, where you can buy ready-made products, as well as their beneficial properties.

Recipes for all skin types

A mask of honey, eggs and milk will help tighten enlarged pores, cleanse them of dirt and fat, and normalize sebum secretion. Mix together 1 egg, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 honey. Apply to face and neck. Leave until hardened. Rinse off with cool water.

This mixture can be slightly modified to help combination skin acquire a natural healthy glow by eliminating the egg, increasing the amount of milk and honey 2 tablespoons, use every day. Apply for 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Egg mask for the dermis - this is an excellent way to deeply cleanse the face of dirt. As a rule, it draws out dust and fat from the pores, while soothing the dermis, giving it a beautiful pinkish color, smoothing out wrinkles. We recommend using homemade eggs. Separate the yolk from the white. Beat the yolk and spread on cleansed face and neck for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After whisking the egg whites, apply to the same areas again for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer immediately. This principle of application stimulates blood circulation and helps smooth out wrinkles.

The tomato product makes the skin tougher and closes the pores. When you make tomato juice, the remaining pulp (fresh, not digested) should be applied to problem areas. Tomatoes have a huge variety of enzymes and vitamins that perfectly cleanse the face and tone it.

Banana mask. Truly, this is the most famous and effective mixture for normal dermis, which cleanses the face, gives it a velvety feel, and eliminates expression wrinkles. To make a banana mask, mash 1/4 of a banana until it remains oily, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close the pores and make your face firm, tone, and elastic.

Vinegar mask - vinegar restores the acid balance of the skin and also acts as a mild exfoliant. Try adding 1 cup of raw apple cider vinegar to a warm bath to help relieve flaking skin. Do not wash off the liquid for several hours after the procedure.

Video: chamomile cleansing mask

Masks for dry problem skin

Cucumber remedy: cools, soothes, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. Wash and cut the cooled cucumber into thin slices, then place slices of the vegetable on all problem areas, even in the area around the eyes. Relax and let the coolness soak into your skin; cucumbers are also used to make decongestant mixtures.

Yogurt-banana cleansing mask - this cooling mixture nourishes the dermis, cleanses it from the inside, gives a feeling of freshness, removes tightness, helps get rid of pimples and blackheads on dry epidermis. Mash one banana thoroughly, combine with 2 teaspoons of plain semi-fat yogurt and 1 teaspoon of honey, it may need to be heated in a water bath so that it becomes liquid and can be mixed into a homogeneous mass. Mix thoroughly, apply to face, let dry completely before rinsing. Mild banana-based anti-aging products help create a lifting effect at home, tighten the facial contour, and nourish the skin with vitamins and antioxidants.

Formula milk. Milk baths are a popular treatment for inflamed and dry skin; it helps remove acne and rashes, and copes well with age spots and wrinkles. Mix ¼ cup of organic milk powder with enough filtered water to make a thick paste. Apply to clean skin, rub in like a scrub for a few minutes, but then leave until dry. We recommend rinsing with a soft sponge. Sometimes you need to heat up the components, this enhances the effect.

Photo – Oatmeal

Avocado recipe. In this fruit, scientists have found “good fats” that help quickly restore dry facial skin, cleanse it of dirt and sebum, and eliminate itching, burning, and a feeling of tightness. Cut in half, cool the half you will use, the second can either be used as a hair mask or left for the second session. Cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent the surface from hardening. When the avocado has cooled well, grind it into a puree and mix with 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply to face for 30 minutes.

Oatmeal mass. Oats have long been used to soothe skin inflammation on dry and sensitive dermis. To prepare, puree 1/3 cup oatmeal in a food processor until you have a smooth powder consistency. Add 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoon full-fat milk, stirring until mixture thickens (if too thick, thin). Let it sit for 10 minutes and then apply to your face for half an hour.

Peaches protect young dry problem skin - these are super-refreshing components of masks. Peaches contain enzymes that cleanse and close pores. You need to peel one small fruit from the pit, then cut it into small pieces. Add one egg white and beat the mixture thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Summer mask for cleansing problematic dry skin from blackheads. Mix 1 small peeled cucumber with ¼ cup of aloe juice and 200 milligrams of aspirin. After the paste becomes homogeneous, it should be placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, and the cooled mixture should be applied to problem areas. This remedy perfectly relieves sunburned skin and relieves pain and itching during rashes.

Masks for oily skin

To cleanse clogged, enlarged pores, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  1. One tablespoon of cucumber juice;
  2. You can mix it with blue clay: if you have a combination dermis, we recommend using kaolin, and if you have aging problem skin, then pink or green clay will do;
  3. Lemon (teaspoon juice);
  4. One beaten egg white.

Mix everything, apply to clean skin until dry, rinse with warm water without using detergents, then walk over your face with a hard cloth, for example, terry cloth or a special sponge.

Photo – Fruit masks

Good tightening cleansing homemade face masks are obtained with fruits. For example, take one apricot, mash it and mix it with a teaspoon of blue clay, add the same amount of yogurt (you can use full-fat kefir). Mix until smooth, apply to face, avoiding eye areas, rinse after 30 minutes.

An excellent whitening mask is made using lemon (2 spoons), olive oil (1) and banana. Beat everything until smooth and spread on problem areas. Wash off after 20 minutes. This includes whitening ingredients, so it will help get rid of freckles.

Gelatinous– this is a face mask that cleanses the pores of oily and acne-prone skin, it acts deeply and for sure, there are very good reviews about it. Mix a packet of powder with a spoonful of milk, place it in a water bath until the mixture swells, then spread the skin with nourishing cream (otherwise it will be very difficult to remove the product), leave until it hardens. Then we pull the edge of the film and remove it, it is also called a “Velcro” product, thanks to its “death grip”.

Among homemade homemade cleansers for oily skin, one of the leaders is considered tar mask. We do not recommend using natural birch tar, because... It is very difficult to select the proportions individually, it is better to lather tar soap, mix foam with face cream, lubricate the dermis with the resulting solution, rinse after 15 minutes.

For aging, oily skin with pimples and acne, a potato mask with calendula tincture is suitable. Grate one potato, combine with an egg and a spoonful of calendula tincture, apply to problem areas of the face, excluding the eye and mouth areas for 20 minutes.

Photo – Tar masks

The following recipe is often used: mix blue clay with oatmeal (1:1), season the mask with olive oil (1 spoon) and rub the face with soft massaging movements.

Hot yeast cleansers are also known for their good and strong effect; they are used if you need to cleanse your face before a mask. You need to buy active yeast, combine it with milk, as for dough, and put it in a warm place, then add olive oil and oatmeal to the solution, mix again, the mass should have a fairly stiff consistency. We put it on the fire to warm up, it is very important not to overheat, the mass should be hot, but at the same time, create a pleasant feeling of warmth on the face, but not a burning sensation. Wash off after 10 minutes. This remedy will help get rid of wen and purulent acne.

  • Chamomile, nalthea, thyme;
  • Calendula, parsley (bleaches), strawberry leaves;
  • Plantain, knotweed, cornflowers.

In masks, do not use fruits to which you are allergic. If you pay attention, you can see some consistency in the recipes. Thus, nourishing masks contain oil components and fruits; they do not help with acne and blackheads, but help to self-cleanse the skin and restore its immunity.

For combination porous dermis, it is recommended to use peeling products. If you have active rashes, we recommend using super-constricting mixtures that include soda, sea salt, and possibly citric acid. For sensitive dermis prone to acne, you should use recipes based on gentle abrasive substances - oatmeal, fruit acids, etc.

Most of the products listed are suitable for making with your own hands not only effective cleansing homemade masks for the face, but also for the body and hands.

Professional products

Made masks are often more effective and useful, but there is not always time for “folk art”, so we suggest considering super-cleansing and tightening professional masks.

Photo – Gelatin masks

Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Exfoliating (aka peeling) – Mary Kay, Nivea films;
  2. Pore ​​cleansing (scrubbing) – Daniel Jouvance, Natural Pharmacy;
  3. Anti-inflammatory – for sensitive skin – Glorion, Vichy;
  4. Natural remedies (herbs, animal fats, acids) - warming masks in the sauna (for face and body) with spruce and other oils, cosmetics with extracts of various plants - Doctor Nona (Israel), L'Oreal, Clean Line.
  5. Masks-creams (do not wash off) - Avon, Amway, Green Pharmacy, Vitex.

When should you not make masks? contraindications:

  1. For seborrhea, lichen and other chronic skin problems in the active stage;
  2. If you are allergic to any component;
  3. For open wounds;
  4. Do not make masks with acidic components while on a diet;
  5. The women's forum advises pregnant women to be very careful, and a professional recipe book has the same opinion.

Of course, the products you prepare yourself will be cheaper, but ready-made cleansing face masks will quickly solve all your problems. To buy them, visit a special cosmetics store.

Any order begins with cleaning the room. And ends with purity and beauty. This also applies to our face. For the skin to be beautiful, it must be cleaned regularly, that is, cleaned. A homemade cleansing face mask is designed not only to remove traces of impurities and dead tissue from the skin, but also to rejuvenate it, awakening it to life:

  • deeply moisturizes and nourishes;
  • refreshes and tones;
  • dries and tightens pores;
  • evens out the relief and renews the skin;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the protective forces of the dermis.

Foundation of youth

A cleansing face mask at home is the most effective remedy among others designed to cleanse the skin. Its effectiveness is explained by a longer and more thorough impact. Completely cleared of dead cells, excess secretions and impurities, our dermis awakens from “hibernation” and its active restoration and rejuvenation begins.

Cleansing procedures are carried out regularly:

  • Normal skin needs cleansing masks once a week.
  • Dry epidermis will need such procedures once every 2 weeks.
  • An oily face needs to be cleansed 2 times a week.

A face cleansing mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes to half an hour. Ideally, it should be carried out immediately after cleansing procedures. As a last resort, just apply a rich cream to the skin.

World of healing herbs

A herbal mask for cleansing the face at home, thanks to plant extracts, powerfully activates metabolic processes in the dermis and returns the skin to its original beauty. For the procedures, we need to prepare a gauze pad and some dry herbs:

  • For oily skin: sage, string, oak bark, celandine, calendula, lingonberry leaf, cinquefoil, silver wormwood, strawberry leaves.
  • For dry epidermis: linden, chamomile, rose hips, rose petals, dandelion, mint, St. John's wort, parsley, horsetail, peony, coltsfoot.
  • For the problem type: chamomile, raspberry, St. John's wort, sage, celandine, aloe, horsetail, burdock root, mint, plantain.

Recipe. To prepare a classic herbal facial cleansing mask, take one or more suitable herbs. Grind the dry herb (or mixture of herbs) in a coffee grinder until it becomes powdery. Pour boiling water (1/2 l) over herbal flour (20 g), close the container and leave for a quarter of an hour. The tincture is filtered, and the warm pulp, placed in gauze, is applied to the face.

Healing cosmetic clay

According to many cosmetologists, the best cleansing face mask is made from. This substance not only perfectly exfoliates and cleanses the dermis of toxins, but also stops inflammatory processes. Such masks can be performed daily, just choose the right clay for your skin type:

  • Oily skin: rhassoul (Moroccan clay), kaolin (white), green, yellow, blue, bentonite and Fuller's earth (bleaching oily clay).
  • Dry epidermis: red clay, green or gray.
  • Sensitive skin: white and red.
  • For a dull, tired and exhausted face: pink, white, blue, red and green clay.

Recipe. An effective cleansing clay mask is very easy to make: mix the clay powder base with any of the components: water, Aloe gel, yogurt, milk, kefir, or a decoction of healing herbs in a 2x1 ratio. You can add to the mixture:

For extremely sensitive and problematic dermis: 3-5 drops of essential oil (olive, chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang, carrot seeds, geranium); manuka honey (5 ml), apple cider vinegar (3 ml).

Attention! Do not use cosmetic clay if you are allergic to nickel - some content of this element is acceptable in the clay.

Gelatin heaven

A very effective cleansing mask film for the face is prepared from gelatin. It is able to completely normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, restore the production of collagen fibers, relieve irritation and inflammatory processes and deeply moisturize the dermis. Gelatin for masks must be white and without additional odors.

The gelatin mask is prepared as follows: soak gelatin (10 g) in water (½ cup). When the powder swells a little, it must be completely melted in a water bath (at + 50-55 ° C). Then add the remaining components to the gelatin mass that has cooled to room temperature:

  • For oily face: egg white, green tea, lemon or grapefruit juice.
  • For dry skin: milk, cucumber, cabbage, peach juices, whey, Jojoba or wheat germ oil.
  • For normal or combination: honey, carrot or apricot juice, citrus pulp.

Apply the mask to the skin using a stiff brush, working from bottom to top. The film mask is removed in the same direction, starting from the chin.

Attention! Gelatin cleansing is not suitable for hypersensitive, especially thin skin, in the presence of open abrasions, wounds, dilated blood vessels (rosacea).

White-yolk rescue

A very effective face mask that cleanses pores at home is made from eggs. In this case, the white is ideal for oily epidermis, and the yolk for dry ones. If you have normal skin, you can use the whole egg.

  • With oatmeal

Grind the yolk in oatmeal (15 g) and apply to the face. The procedure time is 12 minutes.

  • Vitamin

Add the pulp of one of the fruits to the yolk: persimmon, banana, avocado, melon, apricot, carrot, zucchini or cabbage (18 ml). Mask time is 10-15 minutes.

  • With honey

Mix protein, liquid honey (12 g), vegetable oil (3 drops) and lemon juice (5 ml). Hold for 10 minutes.

  • With alum

Make a mixture of protein, an aqueous 5% solution of alum (6 ml), camphor alcohol (10 g) and lemon juice (6 ml). Keep for a quarter of an hour.

  • Creamy

Beat the egg and add cream (6 ml) to it. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour.

  • Oily

Mix olive oil or (10 ml) into the beaten egg. The mask time is a quarter of an hour.

The remains of the egg masks are removed with warm, boiled water and blotted with a soft towel.

Deep cleansing products

A mask for deep cleansing the face at home effectively dissolves sebum that clogs pores, soothes the skin, disinfecting and disinfecting it. Regenerates tissue and protects the dermis from the influence of external factors.

  • With activated carbon(for oily skin)

Let's make a mixture of crushed activated carbon (30 g), white and green clay (10 g each), lavender essential oil (3 drops), ground rose petals (10 g). Pour the mixture with water or infusion of tea, herbs, fruit or vegetable juice. Liquids must be added until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Keep the mask on your face until it dries completely. This homemade pore cleanser effectively removes comedones and pimples from oily dermis.

  • With honey(for any type of epidermis)

Mix melted honey (12 g) and regular yogurt (50 g). Mask time is 5-10 minutes. A honey mask is ideal for tightening pores and restoring complexion.

  • From oatmeal(for combination skin)

Add sour cream (18 ml), lemon juice (3 ml) and apple cider vinegar (5 g) to oatmeal (20 g). An oatmeal deep cleansing face mask mattifies the skin and tones it.

  • Vitaminized(for dry type)

Brew dry linden blossom (10 g) in boiling water (1/2 cup) for half an hour. Mix the strained herbal infusion (16 ml) with vegetable oil (17 g) and oatmeal (10 ml). Then add 3 drops of “Aevit” (ampoule solution of vitamins A and E) to the mass. You need to keep the product for a quarter of an hour. This deep facial cleansing mask effectively rejuvenates dry dermis, restoring its cells at the deepest level.

More recipes for masks with vitamins.

Be beautiful!

Find out the recipes and features of cleansing masks for facial skin care. They will help get rid of blackheads, bags under the eyes, burn marks, etc.

The content of the article:

Various cleansing face masks are popular among women of all ages. Such products help care for the skin, restoring its natural beauty and elasticity. To prepare such masks you will need only a couple of minutes and minimal costs. But at the same time, there is a great opportunity to completely get rid of unsightly blackheads, dead skin particles and dust, returning the epidermis to an even and natural shade.

Using a cleansing face mask

Regular use of various cleansing masks helps maintain normal amounts of water in cells and is ideal for caring for different skin types. However, the choice of one or another cosmetic composition must be made taking into account the type and condition of the skin.

For example, if you have problems with increased dryness of the epidermis, it is not recommended to use mineral products based on clay, but such masks are ideal for eliminating puffiness. Mud and clay help to intensively cleanse the epidermis of accumulated harmful toxins and other foreign substances that have a negative effect on its condition and appearance.

The use of any cleansing mask occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. All components used to prepare the composition must be natural.
  2. Before the procedure, take a bath, shower or visit the sauna. The point is that you need to open the pores as much as possible using steaming.
  3. Immediately before using the mask, all components are mixed.
  4. The mask can be applied to the skin with a special brush or a clean cotton sponge.
  5. During the procedure, you should try to completely relax.
  6. If a film mask was used, remove it with a slight upward movement. To remove oily masks, it is best to use a cotton swab or a piece of cloth, rinse off the remaining composition with warm water, and then wash with cool water. All other types of cleansing masks are washed off only with cold water, due to which the pores are instantly closed, therefore, the skin maintains tone and becomes more elastic.

How to prepare cleansing face masks?

Self-prepared cleansing face masks at home will be no worse than store-bought counterparts. At the same time, they will turn out to be even better, since they not only have a minimum cost, but also include only natural ingredients. Depending on your skin type and the degree of contamination, you can choose the ideal mask.

Recipe for cleansing masks for dry skin

To prepare such a mask, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
  • the shell of a boiled egg is crushed in a mortar;
  • the resulting egg powder is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp is added to the resulting mass. l. sour cream;
  • as a result, the consistency of the mask should be quite viscous, but not too thick;
  • the composition is applied to previously cleansed facial skin;
  • After 15 minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water.

Cleansing mask recipe for oily skin

This mask is prepared as follows:
  • Grind raw potatoes on a fine grater - you will need 1 tbsp. l. raw materials;
  • mix potatoes with liquid honey (1 tsp), salt (1 pinch), egg white (1 pc.);
  • the finished mask is applied to clean facial skin and evenly distributed over its surface;
  • After 15 minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water, rinsing off the remaining mixture.

Double action cleansing mask

To prepare this mask you will need to adhere to the following scheme:
  • take steamed oatmeal, as it is one of the best cleansers;
  • you need to wait until the porridge has cooled slightly, after which it is applied in an even layer to previously cleansed facial skin;
  • After 15 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water.
Porridge prepared in water is ideal for caring for oily skin types, and if milk was used, for dry skin.

Blue clay mask

A cleansing mask containing blue clay is considered a universal cosmetic product, as it is ideal for caring for different skin types.

Cosmetologists recommend using these types of masks for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Such cosmetics not only effectively cleanse the skin, but also help both cure and prevent the development of serious diseases, as well as damage to the epidermis. Such ailments include acne, eczema, thermal burn, hyperpigmentation, allergic rash, vitamin deficiency.

In adulthood, masks containing blue clay can be used as an effective remedy to combat sagging skin.

Blue clay can be used almost always, but the exception is severe dehydration of the skin, as well as the presence of individual intolerance to the components included in its composition (calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, silver, nitrogen, silicon).

Today, there are not only blue clay masks, but also white, black, pink, red, green, and yellow. Both blue and green as well as white clay help prevent and eliminate the problem associated with acne.

The types of clay listed above are recommended for use for oily skin care. Pink is ideal in cases where the fat balance is maintained normally, red perfectly nourishes dry skin, yellow prevents aging of the epidermis.

Black cleansing mask

Cleansing masks containing black clay have a stimulating effect on the metabolic process at the micro level; epidermal cells are nourished with minerals and vitamins. It has a tightening effect on the skin, it becomes softer and more tender, irritation is eliminated, and signs of swelling are removed. Such cosmetics are ideal for caring for problem skin.

The black mask washes off quite quickly, like other products. Its main advantage is that it contains only natural ingredients - minerals. These substances are found in abundance in both black clay and activated carbon, including medicinal mud.

It is strictly forbidden to use a black mask in cases where there is severe peeling of the facial skin or the epidermis is very dry. Before applying this product, a sensitivity test must first be carried out - a small amount of the product is applied to the chin and wings of the nose. If the skin reacts normally, the remainder of the mask can be applied to other areas.

The black mask is left on the skin for 20 minutes. Such cosmetic procedures should be done no more often than once every 7 days. To prepare such a composition, you need to use only high-quality ingredients, which you need to purchase at the pharmacy and use only proven recipes.

Recipes for cleansing mud masks

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. mud powder and fill it with a small amount of boiled water (it should be warm, but not hot). The result should be a fairly thick paste. Water can be replaced with milk, making the mask more nutritious and gentle.
  2. You will need to take mud powder, crushed chamomile and slightly heated sea buckthorn oil in a water bath (1 tsp each). All components are mixed and applied to the skin. This product is ideal for caring for dry skin types.
  3. Dry black mud (2 tbsp) is mixed with an infusion of mint, chamomile or calendula. To prepare the infusion, take dried flowers (1 tsp) and pour boiling water (0.5 tbsp), then leave to infuse until it cools completely.

Recipes for cleansing masks with activated carbon

It is activated carbon that helps to quickly and easily get rid of the harmful effects of the environment. In addition, this is one of the most effective and affordable remedies that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to make the following masks from activated carbon:
  1. Take 3-4 tablets of activated carbon and grind them to a powder. The powder is added to milk or water, the result should be a thick paste.
  2. To care for oily skin, it is useful to use a nourishing fermented milk mask. 1 tablet of activated carbon is crushed, then natural yogurt (2 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp) are added.
  3. To get rid of blackheads, you will need to take 1 tablet of activated carbon and mix with 1 tsp. gelatin powder. Cold milk (2 tbsp) is introduced and the composition is left for a while until it is well infused. After 10 minutes, the mixture is stirred and placed in the microwave for 15 seconds. As soon as the liquid has cooled to an acceptable temperature, the film mask is applied to previously cleansed facial skin, and after it has completely dried, it is carefully removed.
  4. Mask with gelatin for deep cleansing. Take 1 tsp. black clay, pre-crushed coal tablets and gelatin. Dry ingredients are poured with warm water or milk (2 tbsp.). After 15 minutes, when the gelatin has completely dissolved, the mask can be applied to cleansed facial skin.
  5. 2 tablets of activated carbon are crushed to a powdery state, then aloe juice (1 tsp) and a pinch of iodized or sea salt and a little ebony oil are added. The composition is diluted with pre-cooled boiled water (1–2 tbsp. L.).

Clay mask recipes

  1. To prepare such a mask, you will need to mix dry clay with aloe juice (1 tbsp each), then add applesauce (1 tsp), liquid honey (1/4 tbsp).
  2. Black clay powder is diluted with boiled water - the consistency of the composition should be such that the mask is easily applied to the skin. At the same time, it cannot be too liquid, otherwise it will simply drain. The composition includes dry mint leaves (1 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp), previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. black clay powder and diluted with a small amount of calendula tincture and olive oil. As a result, the mask should have such a consistency that it is convenient to apply to the skin.

Vitamin cleansing mask

  1. Take 0.5 tbsp. fresh vegetable or fruit juice.
  2. Add 1 tsp. gelatin powder.
  3. As soon as the mixture swells, place it on low heat.
  4. The composition is slightly warmed up, and the mask must be stirred periodically until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. Then the mask is left for a while to cool slightly to a comfortable temperature, after which it can be applied to the skin.
Regardless of what kind of cleansing mask you will use, to obtain the desired result and perfect skin, you must use it regularly. You need to select a product taking into account your skin type and its condition.

Learn how to quickly make an effective cleansing face mask from this video:

Using professional cosmetics for facial care helps keep your skin beautiful, but most often such cosmetics are very expensive. But don’t be upset, because you can make a cleansing face mask at home.

For example, plain yogurt or eggs can help relieve common skin problems without breaking the bank. The main thing is to know what and how to use.

Causes of Pore Contamination

We usually don’t think about it, but first of all, regular facial cleansing is necessary to cleanse and tighten pores, since they are responsible for the general condition of the skin. Pores are tiny holes in the skin through which sweat and oil secretions pass. Each pore has tiny sebaceous glands that produce sebum, the skin's natural moisturizer. However, these glands can often produce too much or not enough oil. In both cases, this provokes excessive enlargement of pores.

When sebum is overproduced, pores can become blocked and clogged with dead skin cells, often leading to acne and stretched pore walls. When we cleanse the skin with tonics, the pores do not shrink to their original size, but remain open. Over time, enlarged pores make our skin rough and lifeless. In addition, without proper hydration, with age, the face becomes wrinkled and loses elasticity. This is why it is so important to use nourishing and purifying face masks.

Universal cleansing

An excellent effect for this normal skin type is provided by the combined use of masks with an exfoliating and cleansing effect. Be sure to use quality products and you will be surprised at how clear your skin will be. Here are some popular recipes:

Get rid of oily shine

To cleanse oily skin at home, you will need skin tightening ingredients. Regular store-bought yogurt and lemon juice will do the job well. Mix 3 tablespoons of yogurt with the juice of half a lemon. Cover your face and neck with the mixture. Let the mixture dry for 20-30 minutes. You will feel how the mask tightens the skin on your face and neck, which helps tighten your pores a little. After this, rinse your face with cool water.

This cleansing can be done two to three times a week or whenever you urgently need to tighten your pores. In addition, this mask helps tighten acne scars, regulate breakouts, and also eliminates uneven skin tone.

It also doesn’t hurt to periodically use toning masks to give freshness and health to your facial skin. After using the first mask, brew a cup of chamomile or green tea and let it cool. Then drink the liquid or pour it out and squeeze out the remaining tea leaves. Distribute the tea over problem areas and leave for 15 minutes. For maximum effect, it is advisable to do this procedure daily.

Dry skin

Dry skin requires careful selection of ingredients more than others. Since cleansing often leads to drying, it is very important to choose neutral and moisturizing recipes. For example:

Instant effect

If you're looking for a quick way to cleanse yourself, mix half a glass of hot water and a third of a cup of ground oatmeal. After the oatmeal has soaked (about 2-4 minutes), add 2 tablespoons of homemade yogurt, the same amount of honey and a small egg white to the mixture. Apply a thin layer of mask to your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Another option for a quick mask to cleanse pores at home. Mix a quarter glass of milk powder with the required amount of plain water until the consistency of thick porridge. Cover all areas of the face thoroughly. Wait until it hardens completely, then wash with warm water. You will immediately feel that your face has become fresh and rejuvenated.

A deep cleansing mixture with a good brightening effect. Mix half a glass of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of honey and a little apple cider vinegar. Apply to face and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse. This procedure must be repeated twice a week. The result: healing, exfoliation, brightening and moisturizing of the skin, and acne completely disappears.

Vinegar-based facial treatments are very popular. For example, after washing your face, wipe your face with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two cups of water. This will cleanse and tighten the skin. You can create a face mask that unclogs your pores. To do this, mix a quarter cup of vinegar with a whole cup of water. Just wipe your face with the solution and wait until it dries completely.

One Product Recipes

Why spend money on expensive creams when you can treat yourself to a simple, soothing facial cleansing mask at home. Here are some simple recipes using common ingredients:

Egg white and lemon

A simple mask of egg and lemon is very popular among girls. Separate the whites. Whisk both ingredients until the liquid is smooth. Wash thoroughly and cover your face with the mixture, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Let everything dry completely. Rinse off the mask with running water. You can fix the result by wiping your face with an ice cube. If you are concerned about stains, add a little honey to the mixture. Honey treats skin rashes.

To achieve a deep exfoliating effect, add a small amount of oatmeal to the mask. Use a fine grind and prepare it as usual. Cool the oatmeal and add the egg whites and lemon juice. The mask contains egg white, which perfectly tightens and reduces your pores. You should not use this mask if you are allergic to eggs.

Lemon juice can be a little harsh on sensitive skin. In this case, dilute the juice with water, 1 to 4.

Banana and oatmeal

As mentioned above, nothing can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores. However, you can tighten them with deep cleansing by pulling out the “plug” of sebum, dust and bacteria that cause inflammation. This face mask will cleanse pores, remove blackheads and help reduce oiliness.

The recipe is very simple and does not take much time. To begin, blend a peeled ripe banana, half a green apple, a little lemon juice and four teaspoons of honey. After this, pour everything into a small bowl. Add a little oatmeal, which must first be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool. The mixture should be thick enough so that it can be conveniently applied to the face.

Before applying the mask, you need to wash your face with warm water or a heated damp cloth. Just make sure the water is not too hot. The heat will open up your pores and make the mask more effective.

After this, apply the mask with your fingertips. As the mixture dries, it will become hard. Gently massage your skin during the drying process to relax skin cells and give your skin a glow. Leave the mask in place for twenty to thirty minutes.

Rinse off the mask completely with cool water and wipe dry. You can then apply a toner, moisturizer, or rub an ice cube on your face to further close the pores.

How often to use

Do not use the mask every day. If your skin is oily, you can use it twice a week. However, for most skin types, weekly use is sufficient.

Our skin constantly needs special care, which includes moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing. In order to effectively cleanse the skin, it is necessary not only to wash your face regularly, but also to use special products. Today you can find a whole arsenal of cleansing cosmetics, such as tonic, lotion, scrub. However, in addition to cosmetics, you can use cleansing masks prepared at home. A cleansing mask can take comprehensive care of your facial skin: it will cleanse well and nourish it with beneficial microelements.

Also, cleansing masks, depending on the ingredients included, can perfectly moisturize or dry the skin. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the most effective masks for different skin types and be sure to use them.

Important! “Regardless of the composition of the mask, it should be used according to the prescription and no more than twice a week!”

TOP 10 best cleansing masks

  • From black bread

Black bread is found in every home and can be used to cleanse problematic skin and also give it a matte finish.

  1. Black bread.
  2. Lemon juice – one teaspoon.
  3. Bee honey - one tbsp. spoon.

You will need to take a couple of slices of black bread, along with the crust. They should be filled with boiling water. After it has cooled, squeeze it out of the water and crumble it into a bread paste. Add the remaining components to it and apply the resulting mixture for half an hour. After the time has passed, wash everything off with warm water.

  • From herbal infusion

Home cosmetology simply cannot do without the beneficial gifts of nature - herbs. When choosing, the main thing is to know which herbs are most suitable for you.

For dry skin, it is best to use: mint, chamomile, rose hips, linden flowers, rose petals.

For oily skin, it will be effective to infuse: yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail, sage, coltsfoot leaves.

  1. Grass - two tbsp. spoons.
  2. Boiling water - a glass.

Pour boiling water over the required herb or several herbs and let it brew for half an hour. After this, we filter and apply the herbal pulp to the face. We walk with it for no more than 40 minutes and wash off with warm water.

  • From a chicken egg

A chicken egg has not only nutritional and moisturizing properties. It can cleanse, dry the skin, and also contribute to the disappearance of blackheads and pimples.

The cleansing mask consists of the protein itself. It should be beaten well until white foam appears. Then the resulting mass should be applied to the face and wait until it forms a crust. After this, you need to rinse your face well with warm water.

  • From oatmeal

Oatmeal is an unrivaled remedy for cleansing the skin and taking care of its health. Firstly, it cleans pores well of impurities and also removes blackheads. Secondly, an oatmeal cleansing mask will make your skin feel velvety and fresh.

To prepare a healthy mixture you will need one tablespoon of Hercules oatmeal, which will need to be steamed with boiling water. Wait up to 10 minutes and strain off any excess water. Let the porridge cool slightly and spread a thick layer (as thick as possible) on your face. You can walk with oatmeal for up to half an hour, and then carefully rinse everything off with warm water.

If you want to further saturate and moisturize your skin, then steam the oatmeal with milk. You can also add 3-5 drops of essential oil. Thanks to this composition, you can rejuvenate the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • From gelatin

Gelatin is an excellent “vacuum cleaner” that can pull out any impurities from the pores. When gelatin is applied to the face and then dries, it forms a film. This film just cleans the skin. Moreover, such a cleansing mask has no contraindications regarding skin type and age restrictions.

You can buy food-grade gelatin in the store, which will be enough for several servings. Take a tablespoon of gelatin and crush it in half a glass of heated water. Place the mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After this, cool the gelatin liquid and apply it to your face with a special brush. Wait for the mask to dry and wash it off with water.

  • From cosmetic clay

Using clay is a traditional way of cleansing and scrubbing at home. It is the leader among all skin cleansing methods. Clay has many beneficial properties: it dries, relieves irritation, fights pimples and blackheads, removes inflammation and makes the skin matte.

Remember! “However, there is a suitable type of cosmetic clay for every skin type. For the fading one - yellow clay; for dry and sensitive – pink or red clay; for combination or problem – blue, black, white and green clay.”

For a cleansing mask, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of clay in water so that you get a thick sour cream. After this, apply the clay to your face in a medium layer and wait until it dries a little. After 20 minutes, you can wash off the clay with warm water.

You can also add essential oils to cosmetic clay, which will make the skin fresh and elastic.

  • From orange

This exotic recipe will help to effectively cleanse pores and give a fresh complexion.

  1. Orange zest.
  2. Semolina porridge - two tbsp. spoons.

First, remove the peel from the orange and grind it on a grater or blender. After that, add semolina there and mix the gruel, adding a little water. After combining all the ingredients, leave them to brew for 10 minutes. After this, massage the mixture onto your face. Walk like this for up to 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

  • From flour

A natural cleansing mask made from flour helps to quickly deal with enlarged pores, perfectly cleansing them of dirt.

  1. Wheat flour.
  2. Rice flour.

For the mask, you can use one of the grindings listed above. Take one tablespoon of flour and add water in portions. You should get a sour cream mass that you can safely apply to your face. After 15 minutes of this useful procedure, you can safely wash off the dried flour from the skin.

If you suffer from oily skin, then a flour mixture will be an indispensable method. Instead of water, use tomato or cucumber juice and add beaten egg white.

If you are struggling with dry skin, then you need to add milk, preferably homemade, and one yolk to the flour mixture. This mix will nourish the skin and clean it well.

  • From potatoes

Potatoes can effectively and easily cleanse your skin. This cleansing face mask is a lifesaver for those with oily skin.

  1. Potatoes – 1 pc.
  2. Lemon juice – one teaspoon.

Raw potatoes need to be crushed to a mushy state on a grater or blender. After this, add lemon juice to the pulp. Mix well and apply on your face. After 10 minutes, you can wash your face with cool water.

  • From almonds

An almond cleansing face mask is a chic option that will perfectly take care of your skin. This is not just a nut scrub, but a unique nut oil that will enrich the skin and moisturize it.

  1. Almond oil - one tbsp. spoon.
  2. Almonds - a small handful.

Buy almond oil at a pharmacy, which can be used for facial and body massage. The nuts should be ground to a powder in a coffee grinder. After this, mix the resulting ingredients together until it becomes a paste. After this, apply the almond mixture to your face using massage movements. After 10 minutes, you can wash off everything with warm water, without using soap.

European cleansing masks

  • Spanish
  1. Beans - one glass.
  2. Lemon juice - one tbsp. spoon.
  3. Olive oil – one tbsp. spoon.

Take the beans and soak them in water for several hours. After this, boil it until cooked. Cool slightly and grind in a sieve or blender. The resulting mass is mixed with lemon juice and olive oil. While the resulting paste is warm, it should be applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the Spanish mask can be washed off with warm water.

  • Parisian
  • Sauerkraut – 200 gr.

This procedure is best performed in a supine position. After squeezing a little, place the sauerkraut on your face in a middle layer. Distribute it evenly and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, wash your face with cool water. You will notice the effect immediately - clean, fresh skin with a pleasant tint.

  • Swedish
  1. Cottage cheese - three teaspoons.
  2. Bee honey – one teaspoon.

The above components must be carefully ground to obtain a cohesive consistency. After this, the honey-curd mass is applied quite thickly to the face for 20 minutes. To remove it, it is better to use cold milk and a cotton pad.