The thinnest man in Mexico is San Carlos. Lucia Zarate is the lightest person

Very thin people always stood out and were the object of constant ridicule, they were exhibited in freak circuses and carnivals. Lilliputia and anorexia are the main causes of pathologically low height and weight. The article will tell you about people with abnormally low physical characteristics throughout the entire studied history of mankind.

Thin people of average height

Among people of average height who do not suffer from Lilliput, Isabelle Caro is recognized as one of the skinniest. The factor that caused exhaustion in this case is anorexia. Its cause is nervous disorders. The girl began having problems with being underweight when she was thirteen years old.

Already at this age, she mercilessly limited herself in nutrition for fear of gaining weight. Isabelle later wrote a biographical book, The Little Girl Who Didn't Want to Get Fat. In it she pours out all the difficulties that befell her. Caro was an anti-anorexia model, writer and actress.

The girl died before she was thirty years old in a hospital in one of the French hospitals. The exhausted body could not withstand the severe respiratory virus with complications that Isabelle fell ill with. The model's weight never exceeded 28 kilograms.

The thinnest person in the world: Guinness Book of Records

The woman in question broke all records and was born at the end of the 19th century in Mexico. To this day, Lucia Zarate is considered the thinnest person ever officially registered.

A serious congenital pathology of the body became noticeable immediately: the baby was unusually tiny and lagged behind her peers in height. Shortly before coming of age, her height reached a record 43 centimeters, and her weight was only 2500 grams! At the age of twelve, the baby girl was noticed and invited to perform in the circus.

Despite her diminutive stature, she achieved some success: for every hour of her work, Lucia received $20, unheard of at that time. After a few years, she gained weight and began to weigh almost 6 kilograms. Her life could have been long and comfortable, but one day the train on which Lucia was traveling broke down in the mountains. When rescuers reached the train, the girl, like other passengers, had already died from hypothermia.

How much does the thinnest man weigh?

Anorexia is the cause of excessive thinness in the thinnest man. It developed against the backdrop of a meager diet: the poor family could not afford to feed the child, so his diet consisted of bread crackers and homemade wine. Claudius Ambrosima Sehuarta looked like a living mummy and weighed only sixteen kilograms. The average norm for a man with a height of 163 centimeters (this is exactly the height of this guy) is 73 kilograms. The young man lived at the beginning of the 19th century. He was such a thin man that the thickness of his chest was about 7 cm. When the guy stood against the light, you could see his heart contracting.

The worst people in the world

Valeria Levitina

The story of Valeria Levitina tells how to weigh only 25 kilograms at the age of 39. At a young age, the girl and her parents immigrated to the United States. She dreamed of becoming a model. In 1994, Valeria's natural beauty captivated the jury of the Miss Chicago competition. But stopping there was not her plan - strict diets and refusal of nutritious foods led to exhaustion. Levitina became so thin that her dreams of a modeling career turned out to be impossible. Valeria wanted to gain weight, but to no avail: she died in December 2013.

Lizzie Velazquez

Lizzie Velasquez, unlike Valeria, became a victim of a rare chronic disease. Because of it, the girl’s body was unable to accumulate fat deposits. Today her weight is 26 kilograms. Lizzie's diet is a series of constant snacks. The disease forced her to eat every ten minutes, consuming up to 8,000 kilocalories daily. Today the girl is 28 years old, she is blind in one eye and in 2013 she was recognized as “The Ugliest Woman on the Planet.”

This does not prevent her from leading a busy social life, organizing performances, writing books and helping people who are faced with similar problems.

One look at the thinnest people in the world is enough to understand the value of health and life.

A resident of the city of San Carlos, which is located in Mexico, is recognized as the lightest person in history.

Lucia Zarate was the thinnest and lightest person in the whole world. The girl was born in 1863. At 17 years old, the weight of the lightest person reached only 2,130 grams, while her height was 63 centimeters. The girl's weight was considered abnormal, even for such a small height.

The doctors, along with the girl’s parents, were very concerned about this and put the lightest man in history on a strict diet that could help the girl gain weight. For three years, the girl ate according to a strictly defined program and was monitored by doctors. By the age of 20, the girl was able to gain three times her weight.

As a result, she began to weigh a little more than six kilograms. The girl's head was only the size of a man's fist, but the girl had an unrealistically large nose, which was intended for a larger face. People stayed away from this girl and did not perceive her as a person. In addition, the girl had the most grumpy character.

The lightest person in the world was a loud, arrogant, demanding and aggressive girl. Lucia died at the age of 27. This happened in 1890. The girl died of the flu, her body could not cope with the virus. With such a small weight, the girl was never able to have children. The lightest man in history was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

But the lightest man in the history of the 18th century was a resident of the English city of Lantrisant. At 8 years old he weighed 8,600 grams. His height also did not exceed one meter. No more information about him has been preserved. The lightest man in history died in 1754. At that time he weighed 6 kilograms.

Doctors always tried to study this human phenomenon. To date, the Guinness Book of Records has recognized the lightest man in the world as Filipino Junry Balwing. At 18 years old, the boy is 55.8 centimeters tall, but the boy’s weight is unknown. His predecessor Hagendra Thapa Magar from Nepal, with a height of 67 centimeters, weighed 5.5 kilograms.

It turns out that Junri weighs less than this weight, since he was able to hit the . It is worth noting that there are many such light and small people on Earth, but not everyone wants the whole world to know about them.

And this girl lives in America.

Gabby Williams has a brain abnormality, her optic nerve was damaged during childbirth. The girl has two heart defects, a cleft palate and an abnormal swallowing reflex, so she can only eat through a tube in her nose.

Also, the girl is mute and can only cry and smile unconsciously. A bouquet of different diseases allows her to preserve the face and body of the child. After Gabi was born, her parents decided to become parents twice more. Anthony was born to them in 2007.

1 place

For more than 150 years, the thinnest woman in the world has been considered Lucia Zarate, who lived in San Carlos. She reached her maximum weight by the age of twenty. By this time he weighed 6 kilograms with a height of 55 centimeters. Thanks to her petite build, Lucia made a spectacular career in the American circus, where she performed in freak shows. Her life was cut short in 1890, at the age of 29. She died of hypothermia, along with other passengers, becoming a prisoner of a train stuck in the mountains.

2nd place

Among those living today, our compatriot, a resident of the Chelyabinsk region, is distinguished by the greatest thinness Natalya Zhultaeva. Having experienced severe stress after breaking up with her boyfriend, the girl stopped eating and eventually became anorexic. Having lost 30 kilograms, Natalya, with a height of 68 centimeters, weighs only 21 kilograms.

3rd place

One of the thinnest women in the world is an American Lizzie Velasquez. Having a height of 157 centimeters, the girl weighs 28 kilograms. Lizzie was born weighing less than 1 kilogram, and doctors predicted a short life for her. But the girl grew up and entered university. Lizzie leads a normal life. The only thing that causes her some inconvenience is the need to eat high-calorie food every quarter of an hour. Lizzie does not suffer from anorexia. Doctors have not yet found out the reasons for her extreme thinness.

4th place

The French woman weighed only 28 kilograms Isabel Caro, who died of anorexia at age 28. From the age of 13, Isabel suffered from severe depression because of her mother, who was so attached to her that she did not even let her go outside. Gradually, Isabel began to limit herself in food, trying to remain a little girl. Caro described her life in the book “The Little Girl Who Didn’t Want to Get Fat.” In 2003, 3 years before her death, Isabelle posed for a photo shoot dedicated to the fight against anorexia.

5th place

Until recently, the smallest weight in the world (25 kilograms) was Valeria Levitina, a Russian native, taken by her parents to Chicago as a child. Since all the women in the family were overweight, Valeria’s mother constantly limited her food intake. Then, having won the Miss Chicago competition, Valeria decided to connect her life with the modeling business and began to follow a strict diet. As a result, by the age of 24, she began to weigh 38 kilograms and was 172 centimeters tall. And I couldn’t gain weight again. In 2013, Valeria died of anorexia at the age of 39.

6th place

Twins from England Katie And Maria Campbell, started “improving” their body at the age of 11. They did not want to gain weight with age, and deliberately reduced their food intake to the possible minimum. Currently, the sisters weigh 38 kilograms. They acquired anorexia, and with it a lot of health problems and an unattractive appearance.

7th place

Model Anna Reston died of anorexia in 2006, weighing 40 kilograms. After winning beauty pageants, the girl had enormous success as a model. But in 2004 in China she was called overweight, and she decided to achieve an ideal figure at all costs. A diet that included only apples and tomatoes led her to a sad ending for 2 years.

8th place

Mannequin Twiggy, with a height of 169 centimeters, weighed only 40 kilograms. Oddly enough, she was admired, and many women dreamed of having 80-50-80 proportions like a modeling star. It is believed that it was Twiggy who became the trendsetter for anorexia.

9th place

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the owner of the narrowest waist in the world is Katie Jang. This woman has been wearing a corset since she was 28, almost never taking it off. As a result, her waist reached 38 centimeters. Although Katya is now over 70, she does not intend to give up her habits.

10th place

And finally, let's say a few words about Ione Spangerberg , which is called a living hourglass. In addition to her very low weight (only 40 kilograms), Jonah has one of the narrowest waists in the world. Its volume is 50 centimeters. Jonah is quite healthy. She works as a fashion model and has a family. The reason for the low weight remains a mystery, both for the girl herself and for the doctors.

How often do we hear the phrase: “Beauty is a terrible force!” Sometimes you can agree with her, and 100%. When the worst person in the world appears before your eyes, even in a photo, you involuntarily begin to worry about his life.

We will tell you why people lose so much weight and how to avoid it in this article, and also introduce you in absentia to the thinnest citizens of the planet.

Rating of the worst weight loss stories

1st place: Valeria Levitina - thinness in the pursuit of a slim figure

With a height of 172 cm, her weight is only 25 kg, like a six-year-old girl. The worst thing is that the woman herself brought herself to what is happening to her now.

The heroine’s story began in 1989, when she and her parents left Moscow and moved to live in the USA. The young lady was so beautiful that in 1994 she easily won a beauty contest and received the title “Miss Chicago.” At that moment, the girl did not know that this was the beginning of the end.

Since women in Valeria’s family had problems with excess weight, the girl got into the habit of regularly weighing herself from childhood; her mother taught her to do this from early childhood, worrying whether her baby was too heavy. After winning a beauty contest, Levitina decided to become a model and began desperately to lose weight. Within a short time, the 19-year-old beauty lost a fair amount of weight, but did not stop there. At 24 years old, her weight was 38 kilograms.

Now the thinnest woman in the world lives in Monaco, thanks to which she can somehow exist. Levitina practically does not feel the taste of food, and shopping turns into a real ordeal. An eating disorder tormented the woman for twenty years, and only recently she managed to get rid of it. Gaining weight is still a dream.

2nd place: Lizzie Velasquez - illness caused her thinness

The story of this girl was in second place in the ranking. A complex illness caused the girl to become overly slim.

She was born in 1989 with a rare diagnosis that sounds like neonatal progeroid syndrome - the body's inability to accumulate fat mass. The girl's current weight is 26 kilograms.

Lizzie's weight at birth was 1.2 kg, and for 24 years she never managed to exceed the 27 kg bar. To have a chance to survive, a girl needs to eat every 10-15 minutes and take in 5000-8000 calories a day.

Despite the life-threatening disease, she never lost heart, took up educational activities, published her own books and became the organizer of about two hundred performances.

3rd place: Lucia Zarate - thin and petite

This unique girl lived in Mexico in the 20th century and during her lifetime she was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Lucia Zarate suffered from Lilliput; the scientific diagnosis sounds like pituitary dwarfism.

At the age of 7 she stopped growing; at that time her height was 43 centimeters and her weight was 2.3 kg. When the girl sat and did not move, she was mistaken for a doll. However, even at that time there were smart people who made a fortune out of its uniqueness. At the age of 12, Lucia was brought to the USA for an exhibition, and later invited to the circus.

She had to constantly rehearse acrobatic tricks, but the result was not long in coming, and soon the miniature girl was earning $20 an hour - this was unheard of wealth. Over time, she was able to “recover” a little and her weight increased to 5.9 kg. Thanks to her physical disabilities, Lucia secured a rich future for herself, and her fortune would have continued to grow if not for a terrible tragedy: the train got stuck in the mountains, and a miniature girl was among the people who died from hypothermia.

4th place: the story of anorexia Isabel Caro

Mexican Isabel Caro is also one of the thinnest people in the world. The girl was born in September 1982. Her weight was 28 kg with a height of 163 cm due to severe anorexia nervosa.

The cause of the disease was the girl’s own mother, who suffered from a lack of attention from her husband and was afraid that one day her daughter would grow up and leave her too. The mother forbade the baby to communicate with peers and go outside, believing that the lack of fresh air would slow down growth. Over time, Isabelle herself refused to communicate with the world and began to limit herself in food, so as not to grow and to please her mother.

Over time, the adult Caro realized the mistakes of her upbringing, which led to dire consequences, and wrote an autobiographical book, “The Little Girl Who Didn’t Want to Get Fat.” The girl drew public attention to the dangerous consequences of not eating by showing off her body.

In November 2010, Isabel spent the last years of her life in the hospital with a diagnosis of ARVI. After the death of her daughter, the mother committed suicide.

5th place: Ioana Spangenberg - Miss thinnest waist

Behind the scenes, a girl weighing 39 kg is called an hourglass, thanks to her waist - 50 cm.

The thinnest model has never been on a diet or restricted herself in food, but the size of her stomach does not allow her to eat more than the individual norm at a time. The reason for her extreme thinness is unknown; the girl denies that she has anorexia. She got married in 2006 and now works as a fashion model - designers, apparently, are delighted with the “living mannequin”.

6th place: The thinnest man

Sometimes men also strive for beauty at any cost. A striking example of excessive thinness for the sake of a career was demonstrated by Jeremy Gillitzer, who died in 2010 at the age of 38 after a 25-year struggle with anorexia. Before his death he weighed 30 kg.

The boy first heard the terrible diagnosis at the age of 12, and at 14 he swallowed laxatives so much that he lost more than one kilogram of weight at a time. For several years the young man wandered around clinics, and by the age of 20 he managed to gain weight, he began to play sports and work as a fashion model.

But the unexpected happiness quickly disappeared; in 2004, Jeremy broke up with his boyfriend, got into two car accidents, and survived his mother’s illness. Depression pushed Jeremy to take up his old ways, but this time the treatment did not help - the man died a few years later.

Anorexia - no!

A small ranking of the thinnest people in the world introduced you to. Perhaps for some they will become instructive, and before refusing food, people will think about the consequences. Not all the heroes of our stories became the culprits of their tragedies; many of them lost excessive weight due to health conditions. But if a person is healthy, you should not sacrifice your weight for the sake of imaginary beauty; it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, including “thin beauty.”

Video with photos of skinny girls:

People constantly set records in certain areas of life, thus declaring themselves publicly. The annually updated Guinness Book of Records is direct confirmation of this. In addition, humanity strives to identify the most non-standard people by physiology: by weight, height, general dimensions.

Of course, no one strives to receive such a “title,” since this does not relate to a person’s achievements, but is just a given, because of which a person experiences extreme inconvenience and risks not living a long and fulfilling life. Such titles include, for example, “The thinnest man in the world.” To understand that not a single person strives for this, just look at their photos. The worst people on the planet will be discussed below.

The thinnest people on the planet in history

As of 2017, the thinnest person in the world is 28-year-old Lizzie Velazquez. She was born and lives in Texas (USA). After graduating from university, where, by the way, she attended classes with the rest of the students, Lizzie became a popular blogger, writer and motivational speaker. And the only difference that sets the girl apart from the rest is her weight. With a height of 152 cm, she weighs only 28 kg.

It is noteworthy that none of Lizzie’s family suffers from underweight - neither her brother, nor her sister, nor her parents. But she was already born with an abnormal weight, which at the time of birth did not exceed one kilogram. Already at that time, doctors warned the parents that the child would not live long, but doctors were unable to make a diagnosis in 1989. Today it is known that Elizabeth is a carrier of a rare disease, Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome.

Being a carrier of a rare syndrome, Lizzie undergoes regular medical examinations, which have already borne fruit. Scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center say her illness is highly likely to be a form of neonatal progeroid syndrome.

Despite the terrible diagnosis, Lizzie feels relatively well and leads a lifestyle familiar to most people. The only thing that causes severe inconvenience to the girl is the mandatory consumption of food every 15 minutes, but in small portions. This is due to the zero fat layer, which does not increase in any way. Accordingly, Lizzie has to regularly eat very high-calorie foods, such as hamburgers, pizzas, and cakes. If you count the number of calories entering her body daily, then this figure reaches 5000. But despite this, Lizzie Velasquez does not even gain 1 kilogram.

In this state of affairs, the girl does not lose heart, she is always cheerful and cheerful, leads an active lifestyle, communicates with peers. Not long ago, Lizzie even wrote a book based on events from her own life.

No matter how optimistic the girl’s relatives are, the doctors’ fears about the constant threat to her life do not disappear. This is not surprising, because all those who had this “title” before Lizzie died at the age of 28-30. In this case, the causes were diseases or ailments that any doctor today can easily cure. For example, death occurred as a result of a cold or flu.

Of course, Lizzie Velasquez is not the only girl who has attracted the attention of the public with such a critically low weight.

The girl was born in 1864 in San Carlos (Mexico). Lucia Zarate suffered from Lilliput; in the language of science, this diagnosis sounds like pituitary dwarfism.

Having reached a height of 43 cm, she began to grow extremely slowly, and her weight was 2.3 kilograms. When the girl sat and did not move, she was even mistaken for a doll. This factor prompted Lucy to start making money on her uniqueness. A 12-year-old child was brought from Mexico to the United States for an exhibition, after which he was invited to join a circus troupe. At that time, her height reached 51 cm.

Once in the circus show, Lucia constantly rehearsed acrobatic tricks. The result was not long in coming, and soon the girl began earning $20 an hour - this was unheard of wealth at that time. Having become rich, the girl began to eat more, and her weight increased to 5.9 kg. Thanks to her physical disabilities, Lucia secured a financially stable future for herself, and her fortune would have continued to grow if not for a terrible tragedy. A train carrying a circus troupe got stuck in the mountains, and one of the people who died from hypothermia was this petite girl.

Valeria Levitina

This girl was born in Moscow in 1974, from where she moved to the United States with her parents in 1989, receiving new citizenship. At that time, Valeria’s weight was 63 kilograms.

Being very attractive in appearance, the girl decided to take part in a beauty contest, but to do this she had to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. It all started with proper nutrition, giving up certain foods and light diets. The result was not long in coming, which delighted Valeria. She became a participant in the Miss Chicago competition and took first place there. However, it seemed to her that she still needed to lose weight.

From the age of 20, Valeria began to suffer from anorexia, which developed rapidly and turned the pretty girl into a “walking corpse.” By the age of 40, she weighed 25 kilograms with a height of 170 centimeters, and desperate attempts to gain weight did not lead to results. Any consumption of food caused the woman terrible pain. In December 2013, Valeria Levitina died.

Jeremy Gillitzer

Although men are much less likely to suffer the fate of anorexia, such cases do occur. A striking example is model Jeremy Glitzer, who out of 38 years of his life struggled with anorexia and bulimia for 22 years.

Since childhood, Jeremy has been involved in the modeling business. Already at 13, he became ill with anorexia due to the use of laxatives for targeted weight loss. However, by the age of 21, he managed to overcome this disease, and Jeremy began to gain weight, go to the gym and get his body in order. In two years, he achieved the desired results and gained a pumped-up body, and his external characteristics helped him become a fashion model.

Since then, everything has improved for Jeremy, but only until a “dark streak” began in his life: first, his mother became seriously ill, then he got into a series of road accidents, and finally, the guy with whom he had a relationship left him. they were in a serious relationship. The stress made itself felt, and the disease returned due to nervousness. Jeremy began to steadily lose weight, and attempts to gain it back were in vain. At the time of death, the man weighed only 30 kilograms and was 180 centimeters tall. He died in 2010.

These twins were born in 1981 in the UK. At the age of twelve, they heard their father make an innocuous remark that “they are growing up, and the first sexual characteristics are already beginning to appear.” These words hurt the young girls because they were extremely reluctant to grow up. And an agreement was concluded between them, according to which they would do everything not to get fat.

From that moment on, Katie and Marie completely denied themselves food: they hid full plates of food, fed it to dogs and always counted the energy value of food. Soon the parents realized this and sent the girls for treatment to special clinics, separating them so that the twins would not negatively influence each other. But Katie and Marie continued to refuse food, deceiving the orderlies. After leaving the hospital, they decided to live separately from their parents and left.

Today, both sisters curse the day when this agreement was concluded, which destroyed their lives. Once-cute girls now appear before people in the form of skeletons covered in leather.

They are only 36 years old, but their lives are already completely broken: both have serious health problems and progressive anorexia. The sisters understand that they will no longer have a family and a happy marriage. Marie and Katie received medical degrees and understand the complexity of their situation, but they cannot cope with the disease. Although doctors say that there is still hope for salvation.

  • 45% of those losing weight are already underweight
  • There are only 5% of women whose figures are able to match magazine models without compromising their health.
  • Women are 10 times more likely than men to be dissatisfied with their own bodies. This dissatisfaction affects 90% of women; 89% would like to lose weight; 80% have already gone on a diet by the age of 18.
  • Anorexia affects more white and Hispanic women, as opposed to Asian and black women.
  • Anorexia affects 2% of women and 0.4% of men on the planet, but with proper treatment started on time, 40-50% recover.

Excess weight is truly a scourge of our time. Excess weight causes severe harm to human health. However, the opposite trend is also known: people, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, exhaust themselves with diets and exercise to an extremely terrible state, and the achieved low weight even becomes a threat to life.

For some people, the desire to lose weight turns into an obsession that haunts them for the rest of their lives. This desire turns into a mental disorder, which doctors call anorexia nervosa or mental anorexia. In this case, the desire to lose weight turns into a pathological fear of excess weight.

Remember that excessively low weight poses a serious danger to a person’s health and life. A beautiful person is, first of all, a healthy person with a good appetite and normal functioning of the body.