How to apply professional makeup. Professional makeup from A to Z

Do you want to look like a girl from the cover of a glossy magazine? Don’t think that only a master can create the same amazing and perfect makeup.

Every girl can do this, because learning the art of applying evening makeup and manicure is not difficult.

You just need to put in a little effort.

Many would agree that visiting a professional every day to look good is expensive. Not every girl can afford such pleasure financially, and it requires a lot of time.

It’s much easier to learn the basics of applying makeup at home and only then do it for yourself. In addition, in our age of modern technology, you can easily find on the Internet many step-by-step photos and videos on the topic: how to do competent makeup and a beautiful manicure for all occasions.

As a rule, when preparing for any important event, a girl prefers a beauty salon so that she can get a good, high-quality manicure and evening makeup.

But all this can be done very easily at home yourself without spending a lot of money. It is enough to acquire a little skills and prepare in advance.

So, let's talk about the main difference between the master's approach to doing makeup.

Any master knows how important proper facial skin care is. High-quality cosmetics and the ability to determine how, where and how much to apply a particular product are also important.

Before applying makeup, your face should be well prepared. And that is why, first of all, the master will advise you to use high-quality skin care products.

Well-groomed facial skin and the result of the master’s work are interconnected. The healthier the skin, the better the result.

Looking at the video lessons, you will notice that the first thing you are advised to do is pay attention to care. Don't neglect this!

The situation is similar with nails: the stronger they are, the better the manicure lasts.

Selection of cosmetics. Professional makeup set

The main rule for choosing a foundation is this: you can’t save money! It is better to choose a more expensive foundation, but it will be of high quality. It is best to choose a foundation based on your skin type.

When choosing powder and various correctors, pay attention to their durability. They should last a long time.

Mascara should not create clumps, but should lie smoothly and well.

The lipstick should keep the shade on the lips for at least several hours.

When choosing blush and eye shadow, you can pay attention to the most budget-friendly options.

Cosmetologists can easily distinguish between professional and ordinary makeup based on the quality of application.

Girls who do it themselves do not pay attention to some points. For example, on shading of products, color combinations and which facial features are best highlighted and which ones to hide.

A professional focuses on this. The same applies to manicure. The master works in detail.

The basis

To prolong the effect of makeup, you need to apply foundation. It prepares the skin, evening out the tone and softening it. Choose different foundations for different skin types. Here are some rules:

  • If your facial skin is dry, then choose a thick herbal cream.
  • If your facial skin is oily, then a liquid smoothing gel is suitable.
  • If you have combination skin, use a light cream.

After applying the foundation, don't rush to the next step. The base should be well absorbed and dry.

When applying concealer to the area under the eyes, do not forget about the eyelid area. You can apply concealer there, since the skin of the eyelids is usually a little darker. This will also improve the process of applying shadows.


To get a natural look, it is enough to use a base shade of eyeshadow that is closest to your skin tone.

By blending the boundaries between these shades, you can get excellent daytime makeup.

As for evening makeup and manicure, everything here should be at the highest level. Therefore, it is best to study this issue in advance.

The basic rule in choosing shades of eye shadow for evening makeup is that the shades must be combined with each other. Don't forget about good shading.

You can watch video tutorials on the topic: how to do professional makeup.

The main thing with shadows is a good base. No master will do eye makeup without a base. It increases durability.

Shadows come in baked, powder and cream varieties. The most persistent of them are baked. Their advantage is that they do not roll down and retain their condition for a long time. Their disadvantage is that the price category is quite high.

When choosing a more budget option, take a closer look at cream shadows.


There are a large number of types of eyeliner. For example, hard and soft pencils.

A soft pencil can be easily shaded, thereby removing all the uneven lines. But if you need a smooth and clear line, then you can’t do without liquid eyeliner or a felt-tip pen. And here you already need to have some skill.

Choose cosmetics depending on what you want to achieve, as an eyeliner gives a glossier result than a felt-tip pen.

To do professional makeup at home, you need to learn how to do it.

For example, in order to apply liquid eyeliner evenly, you can slightly stretch the skin above the eyelid, place your hand on a firm support and, starting from the inner corner of the eye, move towards the outer corner.

Everything should be as neat as possible.


Everything is simple with mascara. No special skills are required to apply mascara.

When applying mascara to your eyelashes, almost touch your skin. This way you can eliminate the gap between the eyeliner line and the eyelashes.

To get a more dramatic look, some professionals paint the roots of the eyelashes with one color and the ends with another, brighter color. Photos of professional makeup can also be found on the Internet.

Common Mistakes

When taking on eyebrow shaping, undergo special training. Because if you make a mistake with the bend, you can greatly spoil the impression. It is better to entrust eyebrow design to a specialist.

Blush helps highlight cheekbones, but if you apply it wrong, you can end up with the effect of an unsightly mask.

In any case, remember that in makeup the emphasis is either on the eyes or on the lips.

Photo examples of professional makeup

You can create beautiful makeup at home without resorting to the services of professional makeup artists - you just need to know and use a few simple tips. The secrets of successful make-up are accessible and incredibly easy to use.

Beautiful makeup at home

Girls need to look stunning to gain self-confidence. There is no need to spend money on the services of a makeup artist; learn how to apply makeup at home.

Makeup Basics for Beginners

It is easy to distinguish a professional make-up from an amateur one. The second type is notable for its mistakes and sloppiness, but it is possible to correct the shortcomings; you need to know a few basic rules for a beautiful make-up.

Monitor your skin condition. Visit a cosmetologist, pick up skincare products. Remember to cleanse your skin before applying makeup. Moisturize your face, and the makeup will turn out incredibly beautiful and soft. Getting rid of cheap, low-quality cosmetics is the best way to take care of your appearance. The face will remain fresh and clean for many years, skin imperfections will rarely appear.

Remember about your eyebrows, you need to keep them in perfect shape. Make it close to natural, do not make them wide or like strings. It is advisable to resort to the services of a professional makeup artist, and then keep in shape. Take care of your lips. Use balms and hygienic lipsticks periodically.

Buy red lipstick, it looks good with many looks. The opinion: “red is not suitable for everyone” is wrong. Choose a shade to suit your appearance. For girls with a cool color type, lipstick with raspberry, bluish, cherry, and purple undertones is suitable. For representatives of warm appearance, it is advisable to use terracotta, coral, or rowan pigment.

Beautiful makeup requires an expressive appearance. Do you need to visually enlarge your eyes? Line the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Black color, on the contrary, will narrow the cut. Keeping these rules in mind, it’s easy to create stunning makeup. There is another way to enlarge your eyes. When applying mascara to your eyelashes, turn the brush towards the outer corner and swirl it as you go.

Do you use a primer to create a beautiful make-up? Great, but don't overuse it, you don't need to apply it every day. It evens out the skin and smoothes hairs. Hides imperfections: acne, wrinkles, blemishes, scars. But the primer does not allow the skin to breathe. It is enough to use it two or three times a week, on special evenings.

Always try to correct your face and make accents. Using one foundation will make your face look flat and make-up dull. Use highlighter or white shadow to highlight the dimple above the upper lip, the inner corners of the eyes, the area above the cheekbones, eyebrows, the middle of the forehead, and the back of the nose. Darken the cheekbones, sides of the nose, oval of the face, under the chin.

An important rule for applying makeup at home is to wash off your makeup. Remove makeup before bed with special products; plain water will not be enough - the pores will remain clogged.

Step-by-step application technique

After familiarizing yourself with the main rules of beautiful makeup, you need to try to create a make up. Beginners at home make-up artists will find the example of applying cosmetics below useful.

Before applying foundation, correct any imperfections with concealer. Pay special attention to the area under the eyes. Apply foundation. Choose the shade carefully; your face should not look like a mask. Choose a foundation according to your skin type. A young girl's cosmetics cannot contain silicones; for a mature woman, such cosmetics will help hide wrinkles. Powder on top of the base will make the tone more durable. Thermal water is suitable for the same purpose.

How to do beautiful makeup for every day at home

Makeup at home can be done quickly, applied before work or study. Daily make-up should look natural, make your face fresh, pay attention to your strengths, and correct your weaknesses.

Nude makeup looks incredibly natural. The make-up is discreet, special with incredible beauty. It requires effort and time, but the result is stunning. Take advantage of the nude secrets shown below.

  • Cleanse and moisturize your skin. Use primer or concealer to shade imperfections and blend thoroughly with your fingers. Apply a light foundation. You need to make the tone natural; cosmetics with a dense texture will not work.
  • Nude makeup has a natural glow. A highlighter can add it. Apply it above the cheekbones, on the dimple of the upper lip, the center of the chin, and the bridge of the nose. This technique will make your skin visually healthy and fresh.
  • Shadows should be natural light colors. However, you can do without this. It is enough to use a little black mascara. Apply it in one layer to the upper eyelashes. A beautiful natural make-up excludes the use of blush, but if you refuse eyeshadow, use beige, peach, that is, natural shades. Use one or two shades and blend thoroughly. The main thing is that no one should understand that you are wearing makeup. Nude makeup hides imperfections, emphasizes beauty, and is invisible to others.
  • Lipstick is used in light colors or to match the lips. You can apply a bright matte lipstick and then wipe it off, leaving a more natural look.

Simple makeup for beginners

Don't have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to your appearance in the morning? Create a simple make-up.

Beautiful professional makeup at home

You can create amazing makeup at home that is not inferior to professional makeup. Devote time to your appearance, practice. Your efforts will be rewarded with admiring glances from your loved one, friends, and street strangers.

Beauty makeup will help you stand out from the crowd. A beautiful make-up is perfect for a special evening. Don't skimp on sparkles, rhinestones, interesting and bright colors. Makeup is designed for special occasions: parties, photo shoots, carnivals. Beauty can be done in pastel colors, but still the makeup will be different from everyday makeup.

Don't be afraid to experiment with makeup. Use bold decorations and a wide range of shades. Start with tone correction. Use concealers, primers, foundation. Blend it out with your hands or a sponge. A beauty blender in the shape of an egg is popular. The upper part is used for concealer, and the lower part is used for foundation.

Let's move on to the eyes. Make up allows you to use bold, catchy colors. Choose the shades yourself, starting from the main image. Remember, the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips. There is no need to select both areas.

Beauty makeup allows the use of false eyelashes of various colors. They can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, and feathers. Eyelashes covering the entire length of the eyelid are considered easy to use. Beams allow you to adjust the volume, thickness, and length of eyelashes.

Then apply blush, taking into account the shape of your face. The final touch should be the author's feature. Makeup allows you to feel free to decorate with rhinestones and small designs near the eyelid.

Light evening makeup

Evening makeup at home will add expressiveness to your appearance. Make your image unique, experiment. An easy version of the make-up is described in detail below. Try to start.

Use long-lasting cosmetics. Evening make up is intended for parties, going to restaurants, clubs. It is not known when the event will end, you need to look stunning all the time. Use glitter, shadows with shimmer, highlighter.

Beauty lessons: what you need for beautiful makeup

In conclusion, here are some more tips for a beautiful make-up. It’s easy to do makeup without the help of specialists - don’t forget the secrets from the article. It's not difficult to look flawless and different every day.

The key to successful makeup is perfect skin. Cosmetics fit better on it, do not slide, and do not fall off. For girls with oily skin, cosmetologists recommend a water-based smoothing gel. It removes excess shine, does not clog pores, and does not smudge makeup afterwards. Dry skin needs a special thick cream with vegetable oils. The face becomes shiny and smooth. Makeup will become long-lasting due to the firmness of the cosmetics. There are light creams for mixed and normal skin types. The product moisturizes the skin, evens out tone, and masks fine wrinkles.

Apply foundation in a thin layer. Otherwise, the skin on your face will appear heavy. There is no need to apply a large amount of blush and powder. If you break the rules, your face will look old and dry. The foundation cannot hide flaky areas. Before applying makeup, use a scrub and apply moisturizer.

When using shadows, apply them only on and near the eyelid. There is no need to shade the pigment up to the eyebrows - this will only damage the image.

Professional makeup remains relevant for many years. With its help you can change your face beyond recognition. The services of a professional makeup artist are offered at every step, but there are not many real masters. How does this make-up differ from the standard one?

It is characterized by sophistication, great expressiveness, and style.

Any girl can independently master a technique that will help bring her image to perfection.

Professional makeup can be calm or extraordinary, it all depends on what occasion it is for. Makeup involves the use of high-quality cosmetics, thanks to which you can hide facial imperfections, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Some women prefer to focus on only one part of the face, it all depends on individual taste. In the process, it is necessary to emphasize the cheekbones by correctly distributing blush. If your face has an unusual shape, such as a square one, blush and powder will help soften its contours.

Selection of brushes and cosmetics

To perform high-quality, professional makeup, you need to purchase good cosmetics and appropriate tools. First-class shadows and brushes cannot be cheap, you need to be prepared for this. It is important to know all the subtleties of selecting tools and shadows. Brushes for professional make-up can be squirrel, sable, or made from pony hair. It is recommended to buy devices in special stores. Be sure to check the quality of the brush, otherwise you will buy a fake. If there is no such store in your area, you can go to an artist salon. Regarding cheap brushes, you should remember that they are unusable, their bristles are quite poor, such products will last 2-3 days in normal condition.

It is important to know how to choose cosmetics. As for Turkish and Chinese manufacturers, you should know: their cosmetics cannot be 100% high quality. It is recommended to give preference to European or American brands. When choosing, you need to pay attention to how the products are packaged: it should be tightly covered with film, there should be no scratches or cracks on the packaging. Try to give preference to fresh cosmetics, in particular those that do not have a specific smell.

Cosmetics from a global manufacturer are of high quality, and this is immediately obvious. It is important to choose the right powder, eye shadow, lipstick, and it is advisable not to skimp on money. It is not necessary to give preference to the most expensive cosmetics; try to choose one that is made on the basis of silicone or wax. To make professional makeup a success, it is recommended to buy a complete set: select a palette of shadows in accordance with your eye and hair color. An important role is played by blush, correctors, powder (it is advisable to buy 2-3 shades), a pencil to match the color of your lips, lipstick and mascara.

If you want your makeup to last for a certain period of time, you should choose the right foundation. It is advisable to apply a light base cream to your face. Thanks to a light foundation, you can highlight the natural beauty and naturalness of your skin. Professional make-up cannot be done without using foundation. First of all, you need to cleanse your face and tone it. After this, you need to hide imperfections that are clearly visible (circles under the eyes, small pimples).

The corrector can be used for the area around the eyes: for slightly bluish circles, pink is perfect, and for blackish circles, it is better to use brown. The remaining details of the face can be covered with a flesh-colored corrector. Throughout the day, the foundation slightly changes color and becomes darker; therefore, it is recommended to choose a foundation that is slightly lighter than your skin: it must be carefully shaded over the entire surface of the face, do not forget about the neck, lips and eyelids.

Professional cosmetics include quite a lot of products in their collection, for example, effective solid correctors. Try to buy 2 pieces, one of them can be lighter and the other darker than your skin color. Thanks to the use of two correctors, you can correct your nose, define your cheekbones, and make your face shape more harmonious. With the help of two correctors, you can mask problem areas of the skin, and in different areas.

How to highlight eyes and lips?

The most expressive feature of the face should be the eyes. Try to give them maximum attention. When applying shadows, you should be patient and attentive.

If your makeup involves arrows, only these lines should be noticeable, otherwise the makeup will turn out to be inharmonious and will need to be redone. Eyebrows can be adjusted using a pencil. Above the eyebrow you can apply a small line of light shadows, in this simple way you will make your eyebrows more expressive.

If you want your look to be bright and rich, buy light shimmering shadows and apply them to the center of the eyelid. You can use light eyeliner (it can be applied to the lower eyelid), make sure there is only a small amount. If you want to give your eyelashes thickness, use black eyeliner and apply it along their growth. Before applying mascara, it is recommended to lightly powder your eyelashes. This way, it will fit better, and it will be easier to draw arrows on the eyes.

You can use almost any shade of lipstick for your lips, choose the one you like! Matte lipsticks are ideal for a work environment. If you are planning to attend a party, you can choose rich colors (you can add gloss to your lips). In order not to waste time on touching up, it is recommended to use a high-quality professional lip brush. When you draw the outline, you can not only draw a line along the edges, but also pay attention to the rest of the lips.

To complete your professional makeup, use powder and blush. Thanks to a thin layer, you can even out the colors and securely fix the applied layer. Using blush you can create a glow and make your face look more youthful. Makeup tips will help you become even cuter and more attractive!

Read: 104

Beautiful makeup transforms the face. The right make-up will help hide all imperfections, emphasize the shape of the eyes, and make them visually larger. Professional makeup certainly looks impeccable, but if you can’t entrust your face to a specialist, you can master evening and daytime makeup for beginners and do it yourself at home.

Step-by-step instructions and photos will help you create beautiful makeup.

If you want to do professional makeup correctly, you need to know what mistakes not to make.

  1. Foundation applied too thickly will weigh down the look. If you need to disguise problem areas, it is best to do it point by point, using a pigment of the appropriate color
  2. An incorrectly selected foundation color creates a “mask” effect. If you have a hard time choosing a shade, buy 2 colors and mix them.
  3. Applying foundation to dehydrated, flaky skin focuses attention on problem areas. Apply products in the form of scrub and peeling and only then start applying makeup.
  4. Bronzer instead of blush. A decorative cosmetics product such as bronzer is intended to darken certain areas of the face, but certainly not to add blush.
  5. Irregular eyebrow shape. If your eyebrows are unkempt, even professional makeup won’t save you.
  6. A thick layer of mascara. If you apply too much mascara to your eyelashes, they may become clumpy and stick together, making it look unattractive. False eyelashes will be appropriate if your makeup is evening.
  7. Too pale lipstick. To highlight your eyes, you don't have to apply foundation to your lips. The ideal neutral option is a soft pink lipstick.
  8. An unshaded black line around the eyes visually makes them smaller. If you're lining your lash line with a black pencil, use a blending brush.
  9. Too much powder. Do not try to disguise all existing imperfections on your face by generously applying powder. It is designed to set makeup, so you only need a small amount of it.
  10. The wrong eyeshadow color will make your eyes teary and tired. Choose neutral tones that suit any eye color.
  11. Dark lip contour. The pencil should be no more than 1 shade darker than your lips.

It's easy to master the technique of applying makeup at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions. Let's look at how to prepare the skin for applying cosmetics and apply makeup step by step.


Before you start applying decorative cosmetics, your face needs to be cleansed and refreshed. For these purposes, special products in the form of gels, foams, mousses and tonics are suitable. These steps will help eliminate excess oil and cleanse pores.


After toning, moisturize your face with cream. You need to choose it based on your skin type. It is advisable that the product includes sun filters. The purpose of the cream is to moisturize the skin, protect it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent foundation from getting into the pores.

Basic toning

Correcting skin imperfections before applying base will help you achieve a beautiful, even complexion. You need to mask the shortcomings step by step.

Applying blush

The makeup you do at home yourself requires the right lighting. The blush should look natural, so they should be applied evenly along one line.


Correctly shaped eyebrows make the face neat. You can give them the desired shape at home. You should not make them too thin, as thread eyebrows are not in trend today. For eyebrow makeup, you can use two shades of pencil. Paint the ends of the eyebrows with light, and the rest of the hairs with dark. An excellent replacement for a pencil is brown eyeshadow.


How to paint your eyes step by step at home:

  1. First draw the outline of the eyes. For daytime make-up, eyeliner is suitable. Draw a line from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer corner and blend with a brush. If you want to do evening makeup, use eyeliner. Painting your eyes with it is not easy if you don’t have the skills, but you can practice making beautiful wings at home.
  2. Before applying eye shadow, use an eye primer. The main color of the shadow, a lighter shade, should lie on the eyelid from the inner corner. Apply a dark shade to the outer corner of the eyelid. Be sure to blend the borders of the colors. Correctly painting your eyelids at home is easy, you just need to prepare your brushes, eye shadow and base and follow the instructions. Regular training will help you master professional eye makeup.
  3. For daytime eye makeup, a soft color scheme is appropriate. Beautiful evening eye makeup allows you to experiment with a palette of shades, even if you do it at home.

Eye makeup options are shown in the photo:

Applying mascara

Classic mascara colors are black or dark brown. Evening make-up allows you to use mascara in bright colors. Do not apply mascara in a thick layer, just go over it a couple of times with a brush. If you are doing evening makeup, do not forget that mascara with the effect of false eyelashes is suitable for these purposes.


Options for applying lipstick photo:

Learning how to properly paint your lips at home is not a difficult task. To make your lipstick last as long as possible, cover them with a thin layer of powder.

A special pencil to match the lipstick will help you create a contour, as in the photo above. You can make your lips look more voluminous with gloss. You can apply it over lipstick.

Mastering makeup techniques is not difficult. A step-by-step guide with photos for beginners will help you create a flawless and beautiful make-up, be it evening or daytime.