To make the guy regret the breakup. How to get back a girl you left behind

The most important thing is not to try to hurt your ex, but to get over the breakup painlessly and move on. If you are happy and smiling, this will already make him nervous and, perhaps, regret that he lost such a treasure. So where to start?

It is not an easy task at all to let Him go, accepting the fact that you are not together and will not be together. Each person in our life is given to us for a purpose, and no relationship passes without a trace. But life does not end, even if the breakup is painful. You are stronger than you think, and in a couple of months you will remember with a smile many moments that seem sad now. Let your ex-boyfriend go his own way. To make it easier, you can block or delete him from social networks, rename him in the phone book to some funny name. And most importantly, if you are going to a party with friends, it is better to leave your mobile phone at home or entrust it to the reliable hands of a friend who will not give it to you, even if you tearfully beg. After a few glasses of champagne, you really want to text him or, even worse, call him. No, no and NO!

You shouldn’t rush into choosing a new lover, or even worse, jump into bed with the first person you meet out of grief. Although they say it helps some. It’s better to take a pause so as not to make any further mistakes. Nobody forbids you to have fun, meet guys and attend noisy parties. The main thing is to give yourself time to calm down and get rid of mental torment. To do this, it is important not to fall into hysterics. Many psychologists insist that physical activity is the best cure for heart wounds. Instead of stuffing another piece of chocolate cake into your mouth with champagne, buy a gym membership, go to the beach, walk a lot and dance until you drop! All this will not only help you overcome sadness, but will also increase self-esteem, which is usually the first thing that suffers in abandoned girls. Good physical shape plus self-confidence is what it takes to make your ex-boyfriend regret losing such a million-dollar beauty.

Well, if you still really want to take revenge, even if only slightly, the most harmless way is jealousy. When you realize that you look and feel great, you are open to new acquaintances. So why not come to a party with a new handsome guy on your arm, where your ex will definitely be? Just don’t be too obvious of a flirt; men can sense falsehood very well. Be natural, calm and smiling! Not only will this make your ex regret, but it will also charm your future boyfriend!

If a girl is wondering how to make her ex regret breaking up, we can safely say that the situation is critical. It’s hard to argue with the fact that thoughts and desires to “annoy” a person with whom you experienced a range of positive emotions disrupt your psychological state. These feelings completely envelop you, and you don’t want to think about anything else at all. The meaning of life changes dramatically, and in mental imbalance, the first place comes not from one’s own comfort, but from the desire for revenge. Make him feel, at least for a moment, all the pain that you experience every second.

How to make your ex regret the breakup, but at the same time maintain your own balance? In a fit of anger, it is important to learn to control yourself. Only self-control and a cool mind will help you survive the situation as painlessly as possible and achieve your goal. As a result, you will be able to continue moving in the right direction, move on with your life and build new relationships, completely saying goodbye to the past. And your ex-boyfriend will remember you for a long time as the brightest event of his life.

First steps towards the task

Much depends on the girl’s nature. If she is vulnerable, amorous and receptive, then after breaking up she faces prolonged depression. Such persons must, every time they are overwhelmed by a feeling of resentment, remind themselves that life is not over, they need to move on. Don't expect the guy to realize his mistake sooner or later and come back to you. Make him regret breaking up. And only after that you will understand whether you need such a person, whether you want to go hand in hand with him all your life.

In the first days, you should consolidate in your thoughts and get used to the fact that you are no longer together, that is, let go of your ex. Let it be bitter, but still an experience, because every person is given to us in life for a reason. Now the most important thing is you, your emotional state. This is what you will have to work on. Remember that within each of us lies great power. It is she who will help, after some time, to remember with a smile how good you were together. If you break up, then go your separate ways. Your path is just as interesting and full of new meetings, acquaintances and emotions. But his path, thanks to your efforts on yourself, will become thorny.

After breaking up, it is better to immediately get rid of his contacts: delete his phone number, block accounts on social networks and instant messengers. Do not give in to desires, especially if they are not made in your right mind. This often happens during parties, when, having relaxed, you want to call and meet with your ex. The next day you will very much regret this action. It is best to leave your mobile phone at home when going to meet friends or go for a walk.

The time will come, and he will definitely think about the correctness of his decision, because feelings still remain in his heart. By the way, some guys, having broken up with their girlfriend and started a new relationship, are still confident that their ex belongs to him. And believe me, this will work to your advantage. Don’t forget about yourself, it’s time to wipe away your tears, join the gym, change your style and hairstyle, and, of course, surround yourself with male attention.

List of rules

Acting alone is very difficult. Therefore, we offer a summary of rules based on which you will achieve your desired goal.

Need to be sociable. Don’t forget that you are a girl, you just need the company of true friends who will support you in difficult times. Got sympathy? Great, don’t deny yourself dates. Learn to enjoy life, try something unknown and share your impressions. Let him see that you have only gotten better without him.

You need to be beautiful. Every girl is attractive, but at the moment of separation, some stop taking care of themselves, and this is a grave mistake. Try changing your haircut and hair color, buy a few new things, and change your makeup. Believe me - it works. You need to learn to live measuredly. Let your walk be light, your head always raised, and your smile real.

You need to be kind. Although they say that they do not seek goodness from goodness, it is simply necessary to be sensitive, understanding and responsive. Any guy will think when they tell him that he did something stupid by breaking up with such a girl. Learn not only to talk, but also to listen to people, forget about your anger and resentment.

Merry. It is very important here not to make someone else look stupid in comparison with you, but to learn how to lift people’s spirits. Joking, laughing and just making people happy, and everything you give will be returned to you a hundredfold.

Patient. This rule is one of the most difficult, because everyone wants to get the desired result as soon as possible. Take your time. The ex-boyfriend needs it to realize that he has lost the best woman in his life, and the past cannot be returned. He may want to return the relationship, but here the decision will have to be made by you, and you should not rush either.

Follow these rules and you will quickly get what you want.

  • always be in a good mood;
  • learn to show that you feel better without him;
  • Don't ignore your ex-boyfriend;
  • find a new gentleman;
  • enjoy life.
The advice given is also someone’s bitter experience, learn from it.

Carefully! It can hurt

As you move towards your goal, remember:

  • You can’t go on dates with every first man you meet;
  • You need to flirt carefully, otherwise you will create the opinion of a fickle woman about yourself;
  • Don’t be upset, if he didn’t regret it, it means the feelings never existed.
When the desire to hurt your ex-lover haunts you, perhaps you shouldn’t deny yourself this. But this must be done very carefully, once, but effectively. The best way is jealousy. Appear in his field of vision along with a new object of adoration. Hug, kiss, act like you're in love, but don't overdo it. It is very important to make everything look natural, otherwise the plan will not succeed.

In the pursuit of revenge, you can lose control and composure, which absolutely should not be allowed. This may not be noticeable to you, but others will clearly see how much you suffer and kill. If the thought of how to make your ex regret breaking up haunts you, then follow the recommendations above. They will help you get through a difficult situation easily and naturally, stay on top and not lose your dignity.

Well, let’s say right away that this is far from a positive question. Thinking, wasting time on hurting someone else with whom you no longer have anything in common.

But I won’t say now that we need to go further. That people on the Path can come and go and that’s normal and everything is in that direction.

Today I will talk about exactly this desire to make you regret or make you suffer without you.

This is an all-consuming desire when you can’t switch and think about something else. You can’t live here for yourself, moving on, enjoying the new and interesting, and living to make someone else feel bad. Even if it’s for a second, but it’s bad.

I will take revenge and my revenge is terrible!

Wow, it takes your breath away when you start to dream how very sad he will be, maybe he’ll even crawl on his knees and ask for forgiveness, or he’ll go and tell all his friends to fuck off and get drunk out of grief until he’s “green snot” for missing out on you like that, and he will never see happiness in his life again. Now NEVER!

And such satisfaction comes. True, mostly in dreams. But even the strength appears and the desire to act for this.

I dreamed of how He would see me by chance on the street. I’m all so “unearthly”, I look perfect, for some reason in a pink business suit (at that time Tom Kleim was still in fashion, it seems, and this brand had a wide variety of suits).

He'll see it and he'll regret it. I didn’t need a “turn everything upside down” relationship. It was clear that this was all, that the roads were different, that there was no prospect, and so on. But I really wanted to feel sorry for the one I lost. I didn’t spend a lot of time on it, but the picture itself regularly came back to me. I am impossibly beautiful, and he is suffering.

But in reality, everything turned out exactly the opposite: I was suffering and he was quite cheerful. And this bothered me most of all: how can he enjoy life without me. And especially when I feel so bad.

That's when I understood the main recipe How to Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up!

I understood this very clearly then!

Nothing hurts the pride of another more than Your Happiness without Him.

Over time, I became convinced that this is just a great recipe: be happy and that's it!!!

You don't need to do anything special anymore. You do everything only for yourself.

To begin with, when it is difficult to switch to something, you can simply acquire the external manifestations of a happy person.

What kind of person is happy? What does he look like?

Well, it’s hardly 120 kg with shortness of breath and a bag that fits in the dress. So I’m going to slimness by all means.

Then, this is hardly a person who has nothing to do. This means I fill my time with everything that I simply need and do it even more efficiently. Quality increases satisfaction.

Let's move on. It is unlikely that a happy person will have sadness and melancholy on his face, or angry and sarcastic jokes on his lips. So I remove all this, and in order to switch to the good, I just watch more kind and cheerful movies and read what resonates with me now.

Sooner or later, I accept funny stories as something that is always on the tongue, and not sarcastic barbs that always seemed witty.

There is a lot more that could be listed here, but I think the main direction is already clear.

And I was so passionate about it: sports and proper nutrition to be in better shape. visiting libraries and writing a bunch of works (including for money), I’m free, I have a ton of time now, and I took on two more part-time jobs: I need money for beauty and….

Then somehow the thought came to me that I would never be able to find out whether he suffered, even if he did. He won’t start crying and really crawling on his knees right there right away. And therefore I will not get satisfaction from this). It was both funny and annoying.

It’s funny because I realized that if a man started to behave like that, then I wouldn’t experience anything other than “unpleasant.” Well, what kind of man is this, who tears, snots, and calls and persuades on the phone. Where are the actions, dignity, inner strength!!!

And it’s a shame because how could he not be hurt like he did to me?

At first, pictures of my revenge still came often, the scenarios of how it would all happen changed. Either I meet him alone, then I’m already with a guy better than him and he sees us and starts biting our elbows... my imagination did not let me down and I came up with a lot of things.

And at the same time, she did not forget to move in the direction of her own irresistibility and employment.

This is what saved me. In pursuit of revenge, I earned money, gained experience and found new interesting acquaintances. No love. I haven't found it yet. I wasn’t ready to let anyone in yet.

It is impossible to love when you are busy with revenge.

This is a rule or even a law. Don’t expect love in your life if all your thoughts are focused on “making someone else suffer.”

But, in the end, I became uninterested in doing everything for this goal. The goal has simply become obsolete. But still, it was she who became the reason for my big movement and for pulling myself out, literally by the hair, like Baron Munchausen, from crazy inner pain and suffering.

This is how I got out of that state. I don’t know if he ever regretted our relationship. Or I forgot right away, quickly plunging into others. I don’t know if he remembered me at least sometimes, as I wanted then, or if he had no time for that... But I haven’t cared about that for a very long time.

I learned to be happy. Herself. I attract to myself exactly what is in me. This never happened to me again. I passed my lesson. And she moved on.

I guess you could say it's simple. Everything ingenious is simple. It is we who complicate everything ourselves.

All you need is: be happy!!!

A happy woman is always a mystery. Everyone wants to be around a happy woman. Well, or at least closer to it. And not with a boring sufferer

And her happiness attracts everyone to her like a magnet. What does she know and what does she have that makes her feel so good? And everyone wants it to be just as good for them. That's why he's drawn to happy women.

This same rule, by the way, works great in existing relationships. But there are other nuances and completely different stories. And someday I’ll write about this too.

By the way... I still haven’t bought the pink suit! Although in my dreams he was stunningly handsome and sat so well on me. But, apparently, it was intended only for revenge. That’s why I don’t need it in real life.

Wish you all the best.

Wisdom and strength to move forward and forward!

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Your relationship with your ex-boyfriend has come to an end and you want to make sure he understands exactly what he's missing. Perhaps you want to be with him again or just want to remind him what a great opportunity he missed. Think about what kind of person he is, what kind of person you are, show him what he has lost! The best way to make a guy regret losing you is to focus your attention not on him, but on yourself. Keep your distance from him, make positive changes in your life and be open to new opportunities.


Set boundaries

    Set the distance. He shouldn't decide when or if you talk again. Of course, you must respect his choice regarding the boundaries of what is permitted or any requests from him, but if he has not expressed his opinion on this matter, you can decide for yourself when and how to communicate (this applies to telephone conversations, SMS messages and emails ). It may be difficult at first, but over time it will become easier if you keep your distance.

    • Your move to establish distance and boundaries between you and your communication will show him that you no longer belong to him.
    • Wait at least a month after the breakup before you start communicating again.
    • For example, if you used to send him a message to remind him of something (for example, about a doctor's appointment), you shouldn't do that after breaking up. Let him rely on himself, without counting on you.
    • Again, don't call to say his favorite movie is on TV. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the movie alone.
  1. Change your life for the better. After a breakup, it's time to pay attention to yourself and engage in self-development. You should do this not for the sake of your ex or anyone else, but for yourself. You deserve to change for the better. Maybe you always wanted to join some kind of community or take up your hobby? Right now! Perhaps you want to reconnect with someone you once lost touch with? Right now! Whatever you choose, give yourself a chance to change so that you can be better tomorrow than you are today. Do it for yourself, not for someone else.

    • Your ex-boyfriend will see that you have changed and will understand that you can move on and develop independently of him. Most likely, he will be happy for you and will regret that he is no longer a part of your life.
  2. Understand your relationships. It is important that each of you has a clear understanding of whether there is still some kind of relationship between you or not. Are you still together or not? It's quite difficult to say these words, but you have to find out between yourselves whether you are dating or it's over. Remember that your relationship can't be turned on or off, and you shouldn't hang around him forever only to get back to him whenever he wants.

    • This suggests that you must control yourself and take care of your emotional state.
    • You can tell him: “Now that we have broken up, we need to decide what kind of relationship we will have, whether we will now communicate somehow or not. I need a definite answer to this question, and I want to close this topic as soon as possible.”

Be more confident in yourself

  1. Play sports. Exercising not only energizes the body, but also the mind. If you've been going to training before, don't give it up. Make exercise a habit. Your body will become stronger and more beautiful, and your mind will be purified, thereby giving you positive emotions.

    • Many gyms offer monthly memberships, so you can use all the gym's services without committing to a long contract.
  2. Be a more social person. Become more sociable and enjoy life. Take this opportunity to reconnect with old acquaintances and start doing something that brings you pleasure. In addition, now you have the opportunity to participate in various social events or at least watch them. Chances are, your ex will soon find out about your active social life or even see your photos on social media and realize that you can live your life without him.

    • Meet your friends
    • Go out to lunch
    • Go to the theater
    • Attend festivals (make yourself a festival day)
    • Join a meeting of users from social networks
    • Join a hobby club
    • You shouldn't take too many detailed photos of where you go and what you do, otherwise it may look like you're not doing it for yourself, but because you're breaking up with your ex.
  3. Start thinking positively. They say that we attract what we think about. If positive thoughts enter our minds, we will attract positive energy into our lives. In addition, by starting to think positively, you will learn to drive away all negative thoughts, self-doubt, all those traits that pop up when we don’t expect them at all. Positive thinking is a habit, it takes time and effort to develop, but believe me, it is worth it!

    • Start small. Think about how you could turn many negative thoughts into positive ones. So the next time you have a negative thought, try to banish it and replace it with a positive thought.
    • For example, you probably might have thought that you are not as talented as others, and therefore will never be able to succeed. Try to resist this negative thought. After all, you are simply expressing your fear and anxiety, and not the real fact. Don't let fear and apprehension get the better of you, correct these thoughts! For example, you might say to yourself, “Everyone has their own talent. I just need to find my thing.” Or: “There are many ways to succeed in life. I have already succeeded in many ways. I will find a way to make every day of my life successful, and I will continue to look for ways to improve my skills.”
  4. Focus on your strengths. You have your strengths and you should focus on them. Focus your attention on what will help you succeed or inspire you to succeed. Your success depends on you, no one can take it away! You build your future thanks to your skills and abilities, the more attention you pay to them, the stronger you become in this or that matter. Your further efforts will open up new opportunities for personal growth and development.

    Get to know yourself. Most likely, after breaking up, you will catch yourself thinking: “How to move on?” You are so used to communicating with this person and spending time with him that you may have lost the habit of being alone with yourself. To move forward, it is important to get to know yourself better, decide what you like and don’t like, how you feel about religious and political issues. Once you start to develop and move on, he will realize what he has lost.

    • Start simple and try to make a list. A list of what brings you pleasure, where you would like to go, what your ideal vacation is, what your hobbies and interests are. Make as many lists as you like. Usually, recording your thoughts, desires and hobbies on paper helps you get to know yourself much better.
    • You can meditate (formally or just casually), just close your eyes, master proper breathing techniques, sit in silence for a while. Calm down and relax, organize your thoughts so that you can be alone with yourself, without distractions.


  1. Make new friends. If after breaking up you lost touch with friends and acquaintances, now is the time to make new acquaintances! Of course, this doesn't mean that you should forget about old friends, but you should definitely expand your social circle. New acquaintances and friends will open up new opportunities and impressions for you, and will help you keep a distance from your ex. If you and your ex don't have mutual friends, you won't have to constantly clash and communicate, so you'll have your own space and the opportunity to start over.

    • In our digital age, there are many opportunities to meet and meet new people. You can join some groups on social networks or simply respond to some ad on the site. These can be communities of interest (for example, dedicated to books, cinema, music), by geographic location (city, region), communities for sharing experiences (for example, communities for parents, divorced people, retirees) and so on.
    • There may also be groups in coffee shops or bookstores in your city that meet regularly and host various discussions and events.
    • If you go to school, chances are your school or college has social, sporting and academic clubs that you could join.
  2. Treat yourself. You deserve to treat yourself to something you wouldn't normally deny yourself. Give yourself some attention, start learning something, ask yourself out on a date, or buy that handbag you've been eyeing for months! Think about what brings you pleasure and give yourself a gift.

    • Try going on a trip or even a trip alone. Take time to learn about a new place and learn something, gain new experiences.
    • Make yourself feel good by taking time to care for yourself. Perhaps now is the time to buy that massage roller or those new pans and pots you've been eyeing for a while?
    • Take a walk. Go to a bookstore, have dinner somewhere, or go to a movie.
  3. Be kind to yourself. You know that it is very important to treat others well. Your good attitude will help the other person, and you yourself will feel better. But don't forget to treat yourself well, especially now. You usually take care of others, but now is the time to take care of yourself. Trust me, your ex will regret missing out on some of your kindness.

    • For example, on the way to work, grab yourself a coffee.
    • Spend money on new clothes, a new game, or some exercise equipment.
    • Praise yourself often. Every day, look for something in yourself that you can praise yourself for.
    • Be patient with yourself.
  4. Have fun! If you want your ex to regret losing you, you need to focus on being happier. It's time to get out of the house and go have some fun! Don't think about whether he's sorry or not. You can't control his feelings. But you can have fun - meeting friends, playing golf, swimming, hiking - just start doing something to entertain yourself.

  5. Try to develop new habits. This is not the same as changing your lifestyle. Developing new habits means developing new patterns of behavior that will one day become part of your behavior. The new habits you develop should bring some positive changes into your life or make you a little happier. After all, being happy and joyful is not only good for you, but it also makes you more attractive.

    • You can develop a habit of learning something new, for example, you can learn 2 new foreign words every morning or spend 20 minutes reading the news.
    • These may be habits of a different nature: for example, you can do two minutes of squats and push-ups every morning.
    • These could be spiritual habits, such as reading religious books every night for 30 minutes.

The separation of two people who love each other is a fairly common event. Sometimes it means a complete break in the relationship. But in some cases, parting is just an opportunity to comprehend the situation and make a decision without unnecessary emotions. But what if after parting with a loved one there is still a feeling of regret? Is this not an indication of a mistake being made?

What can you do to make a guy regret breaking up?

Photo by Shutterstock

Should you regret the breakup?

The breakup of a relationship is an important event that usually causes deep feelings and doubts. For some, parting is just liberation from a hateful relationship, marking the beginning of a new stage in life. Others are haunted by a nagging feeling of regret, comparable only to feelings about the loss of a loved one. Regret very often begins in the first days after a breakup and can turn into real torment.

Be that as it may, breaking up helps you become more mature and start taking life more seriously.

Girls and women are more sensitive to relationship-related issues. It is usually more difficult for them to make a choice, so they can decide to break up only after long deliberation. And this has its own rational grain, because if a decision is made under the influence of emotions, a person may subsequently regret the action he has taken.

In the first time after a breakup, the girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend experiences remorse. It may seem to her that the reason for her partner’s behavior lies in herself. After a long and disappointing soul-searching, a period of depression sets in. Mood decreases, apathy sets in, interest in life disappears. A feeling of self-pity arises, which colors reality in dark tones.

Farewell to the past

To come out of a prolonged period of depression and free yourself from regret about the breakup, you will need to do a lot of inner work. It is very important to try to realize that the relationship is over. Otherwise, doubts will torment you for months, or even years. The difficulty is that making such a recommendation is much easier than implementing it.

If you're feeling sad about your partner's departure, try throwing a goodbye party. This symbolic step can be taken either alone or in the company of a close friend. Sometimes it is enough to simply speak out loud about your experiences. Saying goodbye to the past will help you better understand the current situation and realize that the past cannot be returned.