Prop templates. Mustache on a stick: making an original accessory

Most often, a mustache on a stick is used for photo shoots. At the same time, this funny attribute is an integral part of games . It must be said that while not many mustachioed entertainments have been invented, nevertheless, they exist. Or maybe you'll invent a new mustache game? So, print out the mustache-on-a-stick templates in excellent quality and without registration.

Mustache on a stick templates: print on a printer

How to make a mustache on a stick with your own hands in just 20 minutes? mustache templates in quality. I have posted several options - you just have to choose the best one!

Option 1

Mustache + lips (for color printing)

Option 2

For black and white printer

Option 3

Mustache + stick (for color and black and white printing)

Option 4

Mustache + lips (medium quality)

Option 5

Mustache + lips + mouth + bow tie (excellent quality, for color printer)

Games where you can use a mustache on a stick!

Grab your mustache

In general, this game in its concept is very similar to “extra”, where you need to have time to take a chair. The idea is to place mustaches on sticks on a small table, with one less number of accessories than there are participants. Players run around the table to a catchy melody, and as soon as the music stops, they quickly grab their mustaches. The one who remains “mustardless” loses.


Here, all participants receive different mustaches, and in order to win, you need to quickly pick up a card with the image of “your” mustache. And if a special card is played, players change mustaches clockwise.

Printable mustache templates on a stick

So, download from us for free in excellent quality and without registration a mustache on a stick, print it on a printer and glue it to paper. Then all that remains is to cut out the attributes and have fun playing. I’ll add that it’s worth making a dozen extra mustaches, since they wear out after a short time.

Let's continue the topic of an interesting photo shoot, in the last article we talked about , The article also contains templates that can be downloaded .

Here's another interesting idea for a photo shoot - speech bubbles. They are often used at weddings, but this idea can be used for any occasion. Here is the best example found on the Internet:

  • Such accessories for a photo shoot can be ordered and purchased at photo prop stores.
  • 2nd method, do everything yourself.

How to do

In general, these are signs with various cool inscriptions; the signs can be made in any shape, for example in the form of a cloud or in the form of hearts. See the phrases and text that can be written on the clouds below or come up with them yourself.

The simplest and easiest way to make a speech bubble is Word, it already has the necessary templates. Here are examples:

1. Open a new Word document.

2. Go to the “Insert” tab -> “Shapes” -> Select the desired template.

3. Select the desired format and insert the desired phrase.

4. Print and cut out.

5. Glue our cloud to a wooden stick with glue.

You can download several ready-made templates.

Phrases for speech bubbles

Take us on your honeymoon!
Actively looking
Waited for it!
I want it too!
Let's meet!
I can't go to Beldyazhki! IM married…
I want a bouquet!!!
Will they feed you?
C'mon, I'm next!
Diplomas, certificates, medical books.
Happy together!
I'll sing now!!!
Wife husband!
Wifey! Hubby!
I'm getting married!
I'm getting married!
Our wedding!
I have the most beautiful wife!
I have the best husband!
Groom's security!
Cool couple!
Together forever!
Perfect couple!
I will not give it to anyone!
Only mine!
We are family now!
There is only happiness ahead!
The best day!
Oh God, what a man!
How lucky you are, my bride!
Next to you I can fly!
I am yours forever!
I'm yours forever!
Want to get married!
I want champagne!
I love him!!!
I love her!!!
This is Love!
Where I am…?!!!
Let's light it up!
Free on Saturday and Sunday!
Future Oligarch!
The perfect son-in-law for your mom!!!
Being single is my only drawback!
I am a strong Baba, and I will take out the trash and the brain if necessary!
I would like a ring...otherwise my fingers are freezing....
I'm always Positive!

Recently, the trend of photographing with a false mustache has become very fashionable. Moreover, both boys and girls take an active part in this. Yes, yes, yes, they also love to fool around.

Therefore, here and now we offer you templates for a mustache on a stick that you can make with your own hands.

This addition is especially relevant for wedding photo shoots. Not only guests, witnesses, and relatives, but also the newlyweds themselves show off with such a gadget in the pictures. At the same time, you can make your own mustache on a stick, especially for your celebration.

Download the template in the picture below and print it. Cut out the silhouette you like.

After this, we outline it on thick paper or cardboard, dark or another color. For cutting, it is better to use a stationery knife or a special knife for cutting paper, rather than scissors.

Glue the resulting blank to a small wooden stick. That's all, your DIY mustache on a stick is ready and will delight you and your guests in the photo.

On the pages of our portal you will find many ideas and wonderful crafts that will help you organize any celebration and brighten up your leisure time with creativity.

A wedding is not only a serious step for newlyweds, it is also a good reason to have fun! And the photographs remain in everyone’s memory and later evoke warm memories of the wedding day.

Recently, photo sessions in the so-called “photo booth” have been very popular, the owners of which provide free fun props for filming. But rarely does anyone order a booth for a wedding (and rightly so, how can they cram so many people in there?), and they are eager to get props. Enterprising wedding hosts and photographers have long had their own sets, which they offer for a fee. Also photo props in the form of mustaches, top hats, lips, funny phrases can be bought in online stores. Their cost starts from 500 rubles for a thematic set.

DIY photo props

Everything is much simpler than you think! And not a single set of photo props costs 500 rubles. Plus, you can create unique templates yourself.
You will need:

  1. printed templates
  2. cardboard
  3. scotch
  4. wooden skewers (or skewers. In Auchan you can buy 100 pieces for 30 rubles)

Cut out pictures or phrases from the printed templates and glue them onto thick cardboard. Cut out again and glue the skewers on the back side - first with glue, and on top with tape for security.

Advice: If you plan to use photo props for a long time, laminate your templates, and only then glue them to a skewer. You can laminate at home using an iron and lamination film.

On the back side, you can glue another similar form made of cardboard, if you really want it to be absolutely beautiful and not show the skewer.

Photos are a win-win option to forever capture the happiest day - the birthday of a happy family. It’s easy to order a photographer, but try to find a person who is truly passionate about his work and strives to make each photo better and more colorful than the previous one.

Speech clouds

Speech clouds - props in the form of a cloud with text. The content may vary; there is a large selection of ready-made phrases. Items can match the theme of the celebration or the newlyweds' outfit. The background of the signs can be anything, possible colors: white, red, pink, turquoise, blue. The props allow you to most accurately convey emotions, the photographs turn out surprisingly alive.

Props of different shapes

Wedding props in the form of objects are very popular: glasses, mustaches, ties, hats, crowns. Props allow you to significantly expand the boundaries of the celebration: the wedding resembles a theatrical production. Wedding props need to be supplemented in the form of a photo zone. For these purposes, a part of the room in which the celebration takes place is allocated. You can organize a photo session in nature. As an addition, decorative details are used: carved frames, garlands in the form of flags or hearts, fabric.

This accessory at a wedding allows you to diversify the celebration; the photographs turn out bright, accurately conveying the mood. Guests will appreciate the efforts of the newlyweds. As you can see, making wedding props with your own hands is not difficult and production will not take much time!

Beautiful photos are what remain after the holiday and remind you of the joyful event for a long time. Therefore, special attention should be paid to organizing a photo shoot. The best option is to entrust this mission to a professional, but you can easily organize an original photo shoot on your own. What is the most important thing in a photo shoot for children? To make it fun and unusual. To add variety to your holiday photos, let’s try to make accessories for a photo shoot with your own hands. Let's consider those that are made easily and from affordable materials.

These can be either flat or three-dimensional figures. The easiest option is to cut out numbers and letters from cardboard and decorate them in one of the available ways - paint, thread, glitter or flowers from napkins.

The number in the photo will immediately make it clear how old the birthday boy is. Then, looking at the photos a few years later, you won’t have to rack your brain about which birthday this photo is from.

Well, a decorative letter can be the first letter of the baby’s name. Or you can make a whole word out of letters.

Numbers and letters can be ordered ready-made from wood. This decor will be more durable than cardboard. And all you have to do is decorate the finished figure to your liking or according to the theme of the holiday.

Mustaches, crowns, hats

Even a child can handle this type of decor. If the baby already knows how to use scissors, then he can be trusted to make small paraphernalia for photos.

What we need:

  • thick colored paper or cardboard;
  • wooden sticks or skewers;
  • glue.

The manufacturing process is extremely simple - we print out the templates, trace them on cardboard, cut them out and glue them to skewers. The attributes can also be additionally decorated with sparkles, bows, and beads.

Paper garlands

Another type of accessories for a photo shoot that you can easily make with your own hands.

For a paper garland you need:

  • colored or white paper;
  • threads;
  • glue or needle.

The first stage is to cut out many identical figures from paper. These can be circles, hearts, bows, stars, numbers. The second stage is to attach the figures to the thread. This can be done with glue, or you can string them on a thread using a regular sewing needle.

A small nuance: it is more convenient to store and transport a paper garland if it is wound around something. If you just put it in a bag, it can get tangled. For the same reason, you should not take threads that are too thin.


Inflatable balloons always look elegant and bring a feeling of celebration. Inflating them yourself is not difficult. If there are a lot of balls, use your dad's help or rent a special pump. You can create simple compositions from the balls - hang them in the form of a garland, or assemble them in the form of a flower.

Another option is foil balls. You can also inflate them yourself by renting a helium balloon, or seek help from specialized points. These balls come in different shapes and you can choose a shape that suits the style of the holiday.

Large paper decor

By such decor we mean various pinwheels, fans, large paper flowers.

Let's look at the process of making a round fan with your own hands.


  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • stapler

We take three squares of paper and fold them like an accordion. Then we fold each accordion in half and fasten it with a stapler or glue. After this, we connect all three accordions to each other. Glue a circle of paper into the middle of the pinwheel.

From such pinwheels you can make entire garlands and streamers. You can glue letters onto the mugs and thus write “Happy Birthday” or the name of the birthday person.

Cool inscriptions

They are made on the same principle as small paraphernalia. We print the templates, cut them out and attach them to skewers using glue. With the help of such inscriptions you can make a whole scene. Funny photos with captions are especially nice to look at later.


We hope you liked our ideas and will make your holiday photo shoot fun and original. Making props for a photo shoot with your own hands is very simple, but what interesting and unusual photographs you will get. They will take their rightful place in the family album and will delight you for a long time, reminding you of a fun holiday.

This article uses images from

Inscriptions in decorative frames, signs for a wedding photo shoot made of different materials, garlands of flags (large and small) on ropes and ribbons - such paraphernalia allows you to diversify photos from the celebration and get unforgettable pleasure from the shooting process. Photo props are purchased in specialized stores, rented from a wedding designer, photographer, made to order or made by hand. What could these things be?

Sign options for a wedding photo shoot

The use of various accessories, such as signs with inscriptions, flags, speech clouds, signs, helps to make truly unusual, bright and creative photographs. The history of their origin begins with comic books, where scenes with heroes in the pictures were accompanied by materialized thoughts or remarks. Photo attributes can be very diverse: with comic, romantic inscriptions, drawings, funny nicknames, in the form of glasses, lips, mustaches. These little things will help convey your mood, thoughts, feelings and words during the shoot.

Signs with inscriptions in English

The idea of ​​using various accessories during holiday photography came to us from the West. There, not a single wedding ceremony is complete without such attributes. Therefore, in most cases, words in English are written on accessories. Particularly popular are the initials of the newlyweds, the inscriptions “Ms Mrs”, “Just Married”, “Love”. This paraphernalia can be used as a decoration detail for a celebration.

Speech bubbles for guests

The next idea for a wedding photo shoot is speech bubbles. This accessory is ordered and purchased in special stores. Speech clouds will help bring your photos to life and also make your guests more relaxed during the shoot. You can make such paraphernalia for a wedding photo shoot with your own hands. Choose any shape: heart-shaped, cloud-shaped. Look at the text below in the photographs or come up with it yourself.

Signs with a declaration of love for young people

For newlyweds, a wedding photo shoot is a very romantic, tender, touching moment. These are their first pictures where they act as spouses. Signs with beautiful, touching love declarations and romantic quotes are popular. You can come up with an idea for the design of such wedding paraphernalia yourself or use ready-made templates.

In the form of hearts, mustaches, lips and glasses

Staged photographs where newlyweds and guests are fooling around, using signs in the form of lips, glasses, mustaches, hats, are called wedding photo theater in a professional environment. This paraphernalia is common among young couples because it makes for interesting shots. A variety of signs can be used during the banquet. At Western wedding ceremonies, a photo booth and screen are prepared in advance for such photography. During breaks during the celebration, the photographer takes funny photos, which further entertains the guests.

With funny captions

A formal photo shoot will look more original and funnier if you add some zest to it, such as photo paraphernalia with comic inscriptions. Cards can be curly, in the form of clouds with humorous thoughts, funny comments. In some cases, inscriptions are made on streamers like a garland, which is held together or hung for decoration. Often, paraphernalia with comic inscriptions are made individually to order.

Ready-made wedding sign templates for a photo shoot

When looking for suitable accessories for shooting, the easiest way is to download ready-made templates and use them in your holiday photo shoot. There are a lot of variations of attributes. All you have to do is cut out the cards and attach them to stands or skewers. It can be different mustaches, bows, lips, hearts, glasses, clouds, flags. Give out accessories with cool inscriptions to guests, then the frame will resemble a page from a comic book.

Photo accessories can be romantic if you write on them what you want to say to each other, decorate them with colored paper, paints and attach them to skewers. It is convenient to do them in the Word application, where you need to select the “Insert” tab, then “Shapes”. Next, choose the template you like, write the desired phrase and print it. It is more convenient to use such an accessory on sticks than on stands, as it is easy to place them wherever you want.

Photos of signs for a wedding photo shoot

Signs, speech clouds, signatures are a great opportunity for a modern young couple when choosing decorations for a holiday photo shoot. These stylish visuals look great in your finished photos. After being used for its intended purpose, such paraphernalia can become a decoration for the home of a young couple. Wedding props help make the festive atmosphere more exciting, fun and interesting.