The most expensive crystal. The most expensive stones in the world from diamond to painite

So expensive that only a select few can afford to buy them. Many of them, like the great rulers of the past, strive to place the most expensive stones in the world in their collections.

Our article will tell you about the luxurious creations of nature. After all, even those who do not plan to make such expensive purchases will certainly be interested in admiring the beautiful gems.

Sapphire and emerald

A stone with high transparency, uniform color and without foreign inclusions is always expensive. In nature, emeralds with all these features are extremely rare, but this stone can be called an exception to the rule. Most emeralds have blotches, inclusions, and cloudiness. The size of these stones is small. The price per carat starts at $5,000 and depends on many factors. Pure transparent emerald is a very rare stone; some specimens (especially large ones) can cost much more than diamonds. It turns out that the price is not determined by the rarity and properties of the stone, as is usually the case. Emeralds themselves are mined in many countries around the world. But there are very few truly clean stones.

Sapphire (blue and cyan) can be classified in the same price category. The average price of a stone is 5-6 thousand dollars per carat, but some specimens can cost twice as much. And the cost of the red-orange variety of sapphire, which will be discussed below, can reach simply fabulous sums.

Both of these gems in jewelry usually accompany gold, platinum, small diamonds and other precious stones.


This stone is a variety of beryl. A distinctive feature of the most expensive subspecies is its red-pink hue. The stone is mined exclusively in the American states of Utah and New Mexico. There are only a few stones known that have the desired characteristics. The largest bixbite nugget known to date weighs just over 3 carats.

The stone is considered rare. One carat can cost at least 10-12 thousand dollars. The price is explained not only by the incredible beauty of the gem, but also by its exceptional rarity. Currently, there are no more than three and a half thousand processed bixbits worldwide. Apparently, the deposits have become scarce. Researchers continue to search, but currently bisxbits are practically not mined.


This gem is capable of changing its color - this is its main value. Natural alexandrite never ceases to amaze people with its beauty and variability. Stones that can change color from deep green to red can cost $10,000 to $37,000 per carat.

Along with natural alexandrite, there are similar gems - some varieties of garnet. Artificially grown alexandrite changes color from lilac to gray and greenish, but, unfortunately, this is the color that many people consider the “correct” one.

The largest deposit of alexandrites is located in Russia. It was there that this stone was first discovered. By the way, the gem received its name in honor of the young Tsarevich Alexander.

Nowadays, alexandrites, especially large ones, are a rarity. Of course, this further increases the price, thanks to which alexandrite is among the ten most expensive stones.


Almost all of the most expensive stones in the world have some unique properties. Paraiba tourmaline is no exception. The exorbitant price per carat of this stone is due not only to its incredible rarity (Paraiba is approximately 10,000 times rarer than diamond). A significant role is played by the unique property of the gem - it seems to glow, reflecting and intensifying the rays. The area around the crystal seems simply magical.

Paraiba is mined in Brazil. The region in which the first gem was found gave it its name. By the way, this happened not so long ago - only 30 years ago.

Brazilian paraiba jewelry is a great investment. Currently, the resources of the Paraiba hills are almost exhausted. This gem is also found in other parts of our planet (for example, Madagascar). Absolutely all gems are valuable; the price starts at $15,000. But for a Brazilian stone you will have to pay a much larger amount. These rare stones end up in the hands of the best jewelers on the planet, whose work costs a very high price.


The stone, which has received the attention of crowned persons since ancient times, has an ancient history. Rubies are relatives of sapphires. They were valued by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and in India from time immemorial it was believed that rubies have magical properties. Stones are mined on all continents except Antarctica. Asian stones, the color of which is called “pigeon blood,” are considered the most valuable.

The most expensive ruby ​​is a stone weighing 25.5 carats. The buyer paid $30 million for it, and so far this case is considered a record.


Many people believe that the most expensive stones in the world are diamonds. But it is not so. These gems also have their own kings.

There are many varieties of diamonds in the world, and not all of them are transparent. Diamonds in yellow, blue, cognac, and black shades are striking in their beauty. For each variety, different types of cuts are used, emphasizing the natural beauty of the stone.

There are several diamond deposits in the world. Experts have found that the formation of this unique gem sometimes takes millions of years. And some diamonds came to our planet from space, probably arriving in the bodies of meteorites.

The cost of diamonds depends on two parameters: the natural characteristics of the nugget and the quality of its cut. But it’s hardly worth expecting to buy a diamond for less than $15,000 per carat. Even very tiny stones of 0.1-0.2 carats are valuable - they are used in jewelry both to emphasize the beauty of other stones and as independent players.

Transparent jadeite

This type of jade is called imperial. The price tag starts at 20 thousand dollars per carat.

It will not be easy to get such a gem of natural origin even for those who are willing to spend a lot of money. The most expensive stones in the world cost a lot of money because they are rare. But those who want to admire this unique stone of incredible beauty can go to Thailand - the Emerald Buddha is not made of emerald at all, but of greenish transparent jadeite.


It is not easy to recognize this type of sapphire among many stones, but it is possible. It is not for nothing that the stone is called Sunrise, because its edges play with red, orange and pink highlights.

There are also two-color sapphires; they can be called by the same name, but they cost less. But an attempt to pass off a single-color sapphire as a padparadscha is an outright falsification.

30 thousand dollars is the minimum price per carat of a gem.


This stone is not only one of the ten most expensive, but also one of the rarest in the world. Currently, only 8 gemstones are known that meet the standards of grandidierite.

The color is dominated by unobtrusive delicate tones of green, blue or turquoise. It is incredibly difficult to judge the price, because in the vast majority of cases, grandidierites go to a new owner at auction, where serious battles break out for them. The price per carat cannot be lower than hundreds of thousands of dollars. In other words, grandidierite stone costs as much as real connoisseurs are willing to pay for it. And the most expensive specimen is considered to be one that has almost no tint and has excellent transparency.

Red Diamond

The top of the most expensive gems in the world is crowned by a blood-red diamond. The price can safely be called fabulous - it can reach a million dollars per carat!

The incredible price tag is due not only to the rarity of this type of diamond, but also to its extraordinary beauty.

The only deposit in the world where red diamond is found is located in Australia. It gives a person only a few unique stones a year, so each such find is considered priceless.

A record expensive red diamond, whose weight did not exceed one carat, was sold for one trillion dollars.

The rarest gems in the world

The number on the price tag of a unique stone is not always striking in the number of zeros. But rare stones attract true connoisseurs not only with their exorbitant prices. Let us mention a few more examples of gems for which Mother Nature is not so generous.

Experts classify the following as rare precious stones: tanzanite, black opal, larimar, benitoite, painite, taafeite, red beryl.

The more difficult it is to obtain a nugget, the fewer its locations on the planet, the more expensive it will be. Limited supplies make the price of the gem unfathomably expensive. But demand is high, and as long as it continues to grow, the cost of the rarest stones on the planet will rise along with it.

List of rare stones

They can be precious or semi-precious. In the first list are stones that are very rarely found in nature, and they acquire their best decorative qualities after jewelry processing. And the greater the weight and decorativeness of the stone, the more valuable it is. Let's consider the most expensive (in terms of cost) precious stones on the planet.

  • Red diamond. It is distinguished by a rich crimson color. It cannot be mined anywhere in the world except Australia (we are talking about large locations). The gem is found in small quantities in Brazil. The cost of a red diamond is approximately $1 million.
  • Grandidierite. This is a transparent nugget with a large amount of iron, which can shine in three shades at once - white, faded blue and greenish. There are only 8 specimens of such stones in the world, equivalent in value to the characteristics presented for the nugget. The cost of the stone reaches at least 100 thousand dollars.

  • Padparadscha. The romantic name translates as “sunrise”. If the gem is cut, it will shimmer with a red, pinkish, or salmon tint. There are only 2 locations of the stone. It costs about 30 thousand dollars.

  • Jade. A green sacred stone revered by the ancient Aztecs. A figurine of Buddha, the symbol of Thailand, is made from this stone. He is also known as the mascot of Jade (where the name comes from), the main character of the internationally popular telenovela “Clone”. The cost of the stone is about 20 thousand dollars.

  • Diamond. It is known as the hardest stone on the planet. The price is influenced by the properties of a particular instance. The highest quality ones will cost about 15 thousand dollars.

The list goes on and it will definitely contain sapphire and emerald. Sapphire has a bright blue color, emerald has a green color. Their price ranges from 6-8 thousand dollars. In the same list will be alexandrite, paraiba tourmaline, ruby.

Semi-precious stones are less elite than their counterparts. Therefore, they are more affordable. An example of such a stone is aquamarine, for one carat the cost will be 30-60 dollars. Amethyst It is also considered the most expensive among quartz.

This also includes turquoise, grossular, and cat's eye.

The largest minerals

They become “superstars” - they are sold at major auctions, their fate is tracked by the media and jewelry specialists, art dealers, etc. Let's talk about famous large minerals.

  • Mogul. This is one of the largest emeralds on Earth; it was sold at the beginning of the millennium for $2.2 million at a Christie's auction. The weight of the stone is 217.8 carats, height - 10 cm. Lines of Muslim prayer are engraved on it, as well as an oriental floral pattern. The name of the owner of the stone is not disclosed.

  • Yellow Tiffany Diamond. This is a very large stone, its weight before cutting was 287.42 carats. The stone was mined in South Africa and bought in 1878 by American jeweler Charles Tiffany. A golden bird inlaid with diamonds and rubies was placed on the already cut stone. The jewelry was worn only 2 times, one of them - scenes of the world movie hit "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with Audrey Hepburn.

  • White Diamond Cullinan (or "Star of Africa"). It originally weighed 3,026 carats. It was found at the beginning of the century in South Africa, and it was assumed that the stone was a fragment of an even larger crystal. In 1908, it was split, several diamonds were made from the stone, and only one piece of 69.5 carats was left uncut. One of the “shards” of the stone is inserted into the crown of the British Empire.

  • The largest ruby, which does not yet have a name, was found in Greenland. Its weight is 440 carats and its structure is integral. In terms of hardness, ruby ​​is second only to diamond, although it is 140 times softer than the “stone of stones.”

  • Diamond "Regent". In 1701, a 410-carat stone was found in the Golconda mines. Many misadventures and human deaths are associated with him. Today the “cursed” diamond is kept in the Louvre.

  • Lone Star Sapphire. Its weight is 9179 carats, it had another name - Harol Roper. Among sapphires, in principle, there are many well-known large stones. For example, the famous “Eye of Allah” adorned the throne of Shah Nadir, and the 62-carat “Logan” sapphire was featured in John Rockefeller’s ring.

It is worth mentioning here a stone that is known even to those who have little interest in jewelry. Remember that huge, sea-colored pendant that Rose, the heroine of the Oscar-winning “Titanic,” wore? By the way, the jewelry had its own prototype, the fatal Hope Diamond.

And they called it fatal because of the misfortunes that it allegedly brought to its owners.

For example, the jeweler who originally sold the stone to Louis XIV was torn to pieces by a pack of dogs. The king himself subsequently injured himself on a rusty nail and died from blood poisoning. The next owner of the stone was Marie Antoinette, who, as you know, was awaiting the guillotine. The new owner of the stone, Henry Hope, died of a very strange disease, his son was poisoned, his grandson lost his fortune. And there are several more terrible tragedies on this list.

There is an opinion, although not 100% confirmed, that another owner of the diamond, a married couple, died in the sinking of the Titanic.

When James Cameron was looking for an “actor” to play the role of the blue diamond, he went through many expensive, unique, beautiful options. But he rejected everything. He found a real blue diamond to be very dark, and sapphires seemed too dull to him. But tanzanite captivated Cameron immediately. And this is also a very expensive stone, because it is mined only in African Tanzania. For the best romantic scenes the tanzanite itself was worthy of an Oscar, after all, after the success of the film, thousands of fans were waiting for a copy of Rose's necklace to be sold.

And today, replicas of the famous jewelry are in great demand.

Rating of hard stones

To measure the hardness of a mineral, the Mohs scale is used. Friedrich Moos, a German geologist and crystallographer, developed a scale for comparing metals by hardness using the scratching method. This means that scratches and grooves were created on the surface of the mineral by another mineral (or other material). What is included in the list of the most durable and strong stones?

  1. Diamond. Formally, it deservedly leads on the Mohs scale (10). The hardness of a stone depends on its purity. And even the purest and hardest diamond can be scratched, but only by other diamonds. And although diamond retains primacy in the hardness scale, this data is slightly outdated. Imagine how many minerals a person might not yet have studied. And relatively recently, researchers announced that there are 2 more stones that have managed to surpass diamond in hardness. This is wurtzite boron nitride, which is naturally formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. It is 18% stronger than diamond. Lonsdaleite is a hexagonal diamond, in its network there are 6, not 8 (as in diamond) atoms. It is 58% harder than diamond.
  2. Corundum. It is a crystalline form of aluminum oxide with traces of various inclusions. Blue corundum is known to us as sapphire, red as ruby, and orange-yellow as padparadscha. On the Mohs scale, hardness is 9.
  3. Topaz. Hardness 8 on the Mohs scale. This is a silicate mineral of aluminum and fluorine, actively used in jewelry and popular with buyers. Considered semi-precious.
  4. Quartz. Receives a 7 on the Mohs scale. After orthoclase, it is the second most abundant mineral. Widely used in industry.
  5. Orthoclase. An important mineral that is involved in glass, ceramic, and porcelain production, and can be included in cleaning powders. Receives a 6 on the Mohs scale.

Following these stones are apatite, fluorite, calcite, gypsum and talc.

Top famous unusual options

And now about stones whose names you may have never heard before.

  • Musgravit. In Australia, in the Musgrave mountain range, the mineral was first discovered. Then he was found in Madagascar, Greenland, Tanzania, even in Antarctica. Green and purple musgravites are of particular value.
  • Painite. It was discovered in Burma in 1956. Mineralogist Arthur Payne saw a strange mineral, and the find was named after him. Today, bright red gems are of particular value, while brown ones are cheaper. In recent years, the gem has greatly increased in price.
  • Eremeevit. The stone, found in Siberia, was named in honor of the Russian academician Eremeev. It can be transparent, or maybe sky blue and soft green. A hard stone (you can’t exactly call it brittle) with a bright shine, costs $10,000 per carat.
  • Taaffeit. The peculiarity of the stone is that it was discovered after processing. The gem is very rare; its color can range from faded pink to lavender.

Many are accustomed to thinking that the limit of the high cost of precious stones stops at diamonds, but there are minerals on our planet that are much rarer and more valuable than diamonds, sapphires and similar jewelry, the names of which have long been heard by everyone.

A high price is usually determined by a unique combination of rarity, beauty and high demand. The list shows the average cost of high quality stones available on the world market today, however it should be noted that some prices are approximate, as particularly valuable gems are often sold privately, without disclosure to the general public.


Eremeevite is a rare gemstone, first discovered in 1883 in the southeastern part of the Trans-Baikal region. At first it was mistaken for aquamarine, since the first crystals found were light blue. Over the last century, light yellow and even colorless examples have been discovered, but blue ones are still the most expensive on the gem market. The gem received its name in honor of the Russian mineralogist Pavel Eremeev. It is reliably known that at the moment there are several hundred faceted eremeyevites, the cost of which averages $1,500 per carat. Incredibly beautiful asterism, that is, stars on the surface of stones, gives precious stones even more mystery and splendor.

Blue Garnet

Blue garnet is the rarest of these minerals and was first discovered in Madagascar only in the late 1990s. Today, stones of this color are found in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Norway and the USA. Their main distinguishing feature is the ability to change their shade when the lighting changes. So in daylight they acquire blue, indigo and green tints, and in artificial light they become purple or red. Today, the average cost of this high-quality gemstone is 1,500 USD. per carat

Black opal

Black opal is the most valuable of the group of opals, the bulk of which is mined in the vastness of Australia. Other rich deposits are Brazil, USA, Mexico. The color of opals of this type can vary from grayish to black with a rich variety of shimmering tints of all colors of the rainbow. Although today these precious stones are no longer considered as rare as they used to be, they are nevertheless quite expensive. The cost of high quality black opal is approximately $2,000 per carat.


Demantoid is a green or yellowish-green gemstone from the group of garnets, long known only among collectors. The main deposits of these gems are located in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Every year the popularity of the mineral is steadily increasing, along with which comes an increase in its value. Currently, a carat of top-class demantoid can be purchased on the world gemstone market for $2,000.


Taaffeite is one of the rarest gemstones in the world, named after its discoverer, Count Eduard Taaffe, who in 1945 accidentally discovered an unusual specimen in a purchased batch of faceted gems that he had never seen before. The range of shades of taaffeite can vary from lavender to pale pink. Today, the unique mineral is found in small quantities only in some placer deposits in Sri Lanka and southern Tanzania. The cost of high-quality specimens of taaffeite varies between 2-5 thousand dollars.

Poudretteite / Poudretteite

Poudretteite / Poudretteite is a rare pink mineral first discovered in 1987 in Quebec, Canada. It got its name in honor of the Poudrette family, which still owns the same mine in Mont Saint-Hilaire where the first sample was found. Quality stones only began to appear in 2000, when several specimens were found in northern Mogog (Myanmar). Since 2005, the mineral has not been discovered there, and the Canadian deposit has given the world only about 300 stones of varying quality. Depending on the color saturation and purity, the cost of poudretteite can range from 3 to 5 thousand conventional units.


Musgravite is a close relative of taaffeite, to which it is similar in appearance and chemical composition. It was first discovered in 1967 in Australia's Musgrave Range. Later, the mineral was found in Greenland, Tanzania, Madagascar and even in the depths of the cold lands of Antarctica. This gem comes in several colors, but the most common are green and purple. Due to the fact that very small quantities of these precious stones have been found throughout history, their price reaches quite expected levels: the cost of a carat of high-quality green musgravite is 2-3 thousand dollars, while for one carat of a purple faceted mineral you will have to pay about 6 thousand conventional units.


Benitoite is a deep blue gemstone whose only deposit is located in San Benito County, California, USA, where it was first discovered back in 1907. In 1984, it was officially designated as the State Gemstone of the state. On the world market, the average cost of small benitoite weighing 1 carat, of which there is an extremely limited quantity in the world (no more than a dozen), is 4000-6000 USD.


Sapphire is one of the most famous jewelry stones, called corundum in mineralogy and the jewelry industry. It has a deep blue color; pink, green and yellowish-orange gems are less common. The rarest varieties include blue star sapphire and padparadscha, an orange and red-yellow colored stone. The most famous deposits of these minerals are located in India, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China and Madagascar. The rarest and highest quality specimens on the world market can be purchased for approximately 4-6 thousand conventional units per carat.


Emerald is a top quality gemstone with a bright green or dark green color. In recent years, Colombia has been named the main deposit of this mineral. Despite the large number of emeralds actively mined all over the world, their prices still remain truly astronomical. Today, pure stones are extremely rare, which, together with their enormous popularity, determines their high cost. A green gem of exceptional quality weighing approximately 1 carat sells for more than $8,000 on the world market.


Bixbite is a rare variety of red beryl, known only to a few collectors until recently. It is mined exclusively in the American states of Utah (Waho-Waho Mountains) and New Mexico. It is extremely difficult to purchase high-quality red beryl, and the price for a stone weighing about 1 carat is more than 10-12 thousand US dollars. Determining the average cost of this mineral is quite difficult due to the small number of high-quality stones offered for sale.


Alexandrite is a famous gemstone famous for its ability to change color. In daylight, its color is characterized by bluish-green, dark blue-green and olive green, while in artificial light its iridescence can take on pink-crimson, red, purple or violet-red. The first crystal was discovered in 1833 at an emerald mine in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The cost of this precious stone, depending on its quality, can range from 10 to 15 thousand conventional units.

Paraiba (blue tourmaline)

Paraiba (blue tourmaline) is a beautiful and very rare crystal of bright blue-turquoise color, discovered in 1987 in the state of Paraiba, in eastern Brazil. For a long time, this gemstone was mined in only one place, but today there are already deposits of it in Madagascar and Mozambique. Brazilian blue tourmalines are by far the most expensive representatives of the group - their price is 12-15 thousand dollars per carat, and a truly unique gem of the highest quality can far exceed these figures.


Ruby is one of the most popular gemstones in the world, known for its rich shades of red: bright red, violet-red, dark red. It is found, like diamonds, on all continents, excluding Antarctica. The main exporting countries are Thailand, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The most valuable are Asian rubies, especially stones of the "pigeon's blood" color - pure red with a purple tint. Their limited quantity and enormous popularity make them extremely expensive gemstones. For a carat of high quality ruby ​​on the world market you will have to pay about 15 thousand dollars.


Diamond is a common mineral and has long been one of the most expensive and desirable gemstones. The reason for this, of course, is the enormous popularity of diamonds (as cut diamonds are called). Every year the number of manufactured jewelry with these precious stones is rapidly increasing. Industrial diamond deposits are now known on all continents except Antarctica. Currently, a perfectly cut D color diamond sells on average for about 15,000 USD. e. per carat.

Jadeite (imperial)

Jadeite (imperial) is a green mineral that has long held the status of one of the most mysterious stones on our planet. Today, its main sources are in China, Upper Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Guatemala and the USA. The approximate cost of a carat of high quality jadeite on the world market is 20 thousand dollars.


Padparadscha (Tamil for "sunrise color") are pinkish-orange sapphires that were historically mined in Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Madakascar. Nowadays in Sri Lanka there is practically no padparadscha left in its natural form and it is obtained by heating the corundum mineral in a furnace to the desired condition. The last classic (i.e. unheated) padparadscha weighing 1.65 carats was sold in Sri Lanka about 20 years ago for $18,000. Now padparadscha weighing over five carats is considered collectible and can be valued at up to 30 thousand dollars for each carat of weight.


Grandidierite is a rare greenish-blue, greenish-blue or bluish-green mineral, the first specimen of which was discovered in Sri Lanka. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was described by the French explorer Alfred Grandidier, who was engaged in the study of Madagascar, on the territory of which the bulk of these minerals are still mined today. Faceted grandidierites today exist in extremely limited quantities - about two dozen. The approximate cost of the unique mineral is more than 30 thousand dollars per carat.

Red Diamond

According to the federal law of our country, natural diamonds, rubies, alexandrites and emeralds, pearls and sapphires, as well as amber, both in raw and processed form, are considered precious stones. Let's figure out what the most expensive stone in the world is and how much it costs in 2017-2018.

A gemstone is a complex composition of chemical elements found in nature. The gem is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • By color;
  • By cleanliness;
  • By weight;
  • By location of the deposit;
  • In terms of durability.

Crystals are divided into organic and inorganic. The latter are compounds of special strength, in which the chemical structure is unchanged. About a hundred minerals are mined in the world, and only twenty to thirty of them are classified as precious, including the most expensive stone in the world. Precious minerals are wear-resistant, rare and very beautiful.

Organic gemstones, such as amber or pearls, are created by animals or plants.

Stones have always attracted attention due to their fascinating appearance, as well as the properties that they have on humans. What is the most expensive stone in the world? Diamonds have long been considered the most expensive gem.

But the secrets of nature are unknown, and some time ago another beautiful gem was discovered, costing much more than its fellows. This most expensive stone in the world is called and is the most expensive of the diamond family, as well as among other jewelry in the world. There is only one deposit of this mineral in nature, and it is located in Australia. And, even though the mine has existed for many years, during its entire existence, people have mined only a few copies of red diamond. At the same time, the maximum size of the stone did not exceed half a carat. Specialists from gemological centers claim that the color of the gem is purple-red. This most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, costs $1 million and can be bought mainly at auctions.

What is the most expensive stone in the world? Top Ten!

Crystals, which have a number of valuable qualities, are highly valued in the jewelry market, as well as among collectors and lovers of presentable jewelry. Some copies are sold exclusively from hand to hand, never ending up on the shelves of regular stores.

Below you will see a list of gems and their approximate cost. The most expensive stone in the world is discussed above, and therefore is not included in this list.

  • Grandidierite from 100 thousand.
  • Padparadscha from 30 thousand
  • Jadeite (imperial) from 20 thousand.
  • Diamond - 15-17 thousand.
  • Ruby from 16 thousand.
  • Alexandrite from 12 thousand.
  • Paraiba tourmaline - 13-14 thousand.
  • Bixbit - 10-12 thousand.
  • Sapphire from 9 thousand.
  • Emerald from 8 thousand.

Other gems known to mankind

In addition to the stones that we talked about above, there are others that delight people with their beauty and positive properties. Among them you can find: pearls and coral, aquamarine and heliodor, garnet and chrysolite, beryl and chrysoprase, topaz and opal, amber and many others. In our article we will look at the most beautiful and famous crystals.

Delicate pearls

This mineral is of organic origin and is a waste product of mollusks, which is formed as a result of a foreign body entering their shell. The stone is extracted from the sea or river bottom, and it can also be grown in artificially created conditions.

The advantage of pearls is that they do not need special treatment. Nature made it beautiful, it has the correct shape.

This most expensive organic stone in the world comes in different colors.

  • Pink pearls are mined on the Indian coast, in the Bahamas or in the Gulf of California;
  • Panama gives the world gold-colored stones, sometimes with brown inclusions;
  • The red mineral is mined in Mexico;
  • In Japan or Australia, white and silver stone is found;
  • There are deposits of yellow and cream pearls in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;
  • Tahiti is famous for its black pearl stones.

People also learned how to fish for river pearls. It can be found in China, Russia and Germany.

It is believed that this not the most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, protects against infections, accumulates vital energy and promotes longevity.

If you want to extend the life of your pearls, you need to care for them correctly and on time. Do not allow cosmetics and household chemicals to come into contact with their surface, do not overdry the stones or expose them to excess moisture. The cost of this gemstone depends on how smooth and even it is, as well as the size of the pearl and its color and brightness.

Previously, it was believed that only unmarried girls could wear pearl jewelry. They can be worn during daylight hours.

Mesmerizing ruby

This stone belongs to the corundum class and differs from the others in its red color. Its cost is determined by its antiquity. Crystals are formed due to the movement and interaction of tectonic plates: magma and the earth's crust. Currently, such a process does not occur, and deposits of rubies can only be found in those rocks that are more than five hundred thousand years old. Ruby is not the most expensive stone in the world, but it is very beautiful.

The color palette of the mineral ranges from light pink with a hint of raspberry to fiery red. The rarest representative of rubies is a stone of bright red color with a purple tint. In our country, the mineral is mined in the polar Urals. Other countries are India, Burma, Ceylon and Thailand.

The stone helps a person strengthen those qualities that are given to him by nature. It is believed that you cannot wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can turn into an energy vampire.

Back in the nineteenth century, ruby ​​was the most expensive stone in the world, and cost more than diamond. Today, the cost of low-quality minerals mined in Burma does not exceed three dozen dollars per carat, while elite specimens cost $100,000 per carat.

Mysterious emerald

When answering the question about what is the most expensive stone in the world, one cannot ignore the mysterious emerald, which belongs to the beryl group. Its color varies from light green to green-blue, light or dark. Mining is carried out in such countries as:

Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Egypt. The darker the stone, the higher its value, so color is the deciding factor in determining value, not transparency.

Emerald is a very fragile precious crystal. Quite often, small defects can be found on natural stones, which easily disappear after various synthetic treatments.


Another not the most expensive stone in the world, but still worthy of attention, is sapphire. It is also a type of corundum. It is characterized by high hardness and strong shine. In nature, blue, white, yellow, pink, as well as black and star colors of this stone are found. The last color is characterized by an optical effect when a small star is visible on an opaque background.

Sapphires are mined in bulk in the following mines on the planet:

  • In India. The blue-colored mineral is mined here. Now you know what the most expensive stone in the world is among the “sapphire” family;
  • In Australia. The largest-scale stone mining takes place here, and stones of all colors are found here;
  • Pink and blue sapphires are mined in Sri Lanka;
  • In Thailand (greenish, not the best quality), Russia and the USA.

Sapphires are actively used by people for the production of jewelry, as well as for industrial purposes.

This crystal is a symbol of purity and purity; it helps to reveal the positive traits of human character; even a child can wear it.

Precious diamond

Another most expensive stone in the world is the diamond, which is particularly popular. After cutting, it acquires another name – diamond. It is the oldest among gems known to mankind.

The first diamond deposits appeared in India, and then in Brazil. Today, about twenty tons of this precious stone are mined every year in countries such as Africa, Russia and Australia.

It should be noted that large stones are quite rare; usually their maximum weight is no more than one carat. Diamond differs from other minerals in its varied range of colors; in nature you can find: black, red, white, yellow, green, orange, blue, pink and even brown diamonds.

Due to the fact that the described crystal has increased strength characteristics, it is widely used in industrial applications.

There are more than a thousand types of jewelry diamonds in nature, and all of them are without defects.

The average price of a 2-carat stone in Russia is about 120 thousand rubles.

The largest diamonds in the world:

  • "Kullian" - equal to 94 tons of gold;
  • "Hope" - costs 350 million dollars;
  • "Century" - estimated at $100 million.

By the way, it was diamonds and precious metals that were used to create the most expensive phone in the world

What stones are rare in the world?

The rarest stones:

Eremeevit. It comes in light yellow, white and blue. First discovered in Russia (Trans-Baikal Territory). The name was given in honor of Pavel Eremeev, a mineralogist. There are 100 products in the world that include faceted stone. Externally similar to aquamarine. Costs $1,500 per carat.

Blue Garnet . It changes shade depending on the lighting; in daylight it has blue, cyan and green tints, and in artificial light it has red or purple tints. It was found in Madagascar at the end of the last century. Currently mined in Norway and Tanzania, as well as Sri Lanka.

Demantoid. It is a variety of pomegranate and has a yellow-green or green color. This most expensive stone is found among rare ones in Russia, Kenya, Iran and Pakistan. Until recently, it was known only among collectors, and it was not sold in jewelry stores. Today, the crystal is becoming increasingly popular, which contributes to an increase in its price, which is already more than $2,000 per carat.

Taaffeit. Shimmers in all sorts of shades of pink. It was accidentally discovered by Eduard Taaffe, who drew attention to an interesting sample located among the crystals of other cut stones. Stone deposits are located in China, Sri Lanka, and Southern Tanzania. The cost ranges from two to five thousand dollars per carat.

It's powdery. There are about six hundred gems of different texture, quality and richness in the world. They are all pink. The first deposits were discovered in Canada in the eighties of the twentieth century. The mine is owned by the Poudret family, however, there are no more gems there (hence the name). Currently, the main mining sites for this stone have been exhausted, and it is no longer mined. The cost ranges from three to five thousand US dollars.

Musgravit. Similar to the stone described above. Mineral deposits are located in Greenland, Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania and Antarctica. This stone is greenish and purple in color. Moreover, green costs from 2 to 3 thousand dollars, and purple is less common, so its price reaches 6 thousand dollars.

Benitoite . It is a deep blue mineral. When exposed to ultraviolet light, a fluorescent glow appears on it. There is only one known deposit of this stone, and it is located in the USA, in California. It is considered a gem of national significance for this state, as it is very rare. On the jewelry market it is estimated at 4–6 thousand US dollars per carat.

Tanzanite - is a blue crystal and belongs to cyosites. The deposit is located in Tanzania, on Mount Kilimanjaro. The color of the stone improves as the air temperature rises.

Larminar, which is mined in the Dominican Republic, has a bluish tint. For quite a long time, no importance was attached to the stone, although it was known for several centuries, as gems were thrown onto the sea coast. Deposits were found only in the 70s of the last century, and the mineral began to be mined.

Bright turquoise Paraibe TourmalineA. It was found in the late 80s, last century, in Brazil. The peculiarity of the stone is that, by transmitting light through itself, it creates a glow similar to neon. In the early 21st century, turquoise minerals were found in Mozambique and Nigeria.

Grandidierite blue-green color. Named after the French explorer Alfred Grandidier. It was discovered in Madagascar. Deposits of the mineral are distributed throughout the planet, however, the highest quality stones can be found, in addition to Madagascar, in Sri Lanka. Most minerals are translucent, and therefore the most transparent of them are considered the most expensive.

Red beryl – or red emerald. It forms its shade due to the presence of manganese impurities. Found in the USA and Mexico. It cannot be cut or faceted due to its microscopic size.

Alexandrite . It is a chameleon - in the sun it turns blue-green, and in artificial light it turns red-violet. It was found in Russia and named after Emperor Alexander II. If the stone weighs one carat, its price will not be more than 15 thousand dollars. If the mass of the mineral is higher, then its price can reach 70 thousand dollars per carat. The stone belongs to the chrysoberyl class.

Black opal. Its peculiarity is that its surface shimmers in different shades, the number of which reaches several hundred. The color of the stone ranges from creamy white to black, and includes all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive representatives of this mineral are dark specimens with bright inclusions. This stone is mined in Australia, Brazil and Mexico. It costs from 2 thousand dollars per carat.

Painite . It is a dark red mineral. It is considered one and only, and therefore is kept in the London Museum. A little later, over a thousand similar stones were found in Myanmar, but they were all of low quality.

Gems and precious stones

According to their properties, as well as their effect on humans, precious stones are classified by color:

  • White minerals are a symbol of perfection, loneliness and concentration (pearl, diamond);
  • Greens are considered a symbol of harmony, wisdom and peace (emerald, malachite, tourmaline);
  • Blue – an indicator of practicality and peace, as well as peace (sapphire, topaz);
  • Red stones symbolize strength, power and passion (ruby, garnet and others);
  • Violet is a symbol of honesty, mysticism and receptivity (amethyst).

Remember that when buying jewelry there is always a risk that you will purchase a fake, so ask the seller for complete information about the stone, its origin and processing method.

In the modern world, approximately 200 varieties of natural precious stones are known. Along with popular gemstones such as diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald, there are many semi-precious stones, some of which are so incredibly rare that their value exceeds many of the most valuable gemstones in the world.

1. Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a beautiful blue variety of the mineral zoisite, and is so named because it can only be found in a small area at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The stone was not discovered in commercial quantities until the 1960s, and since then its popularity has grown significantly, thanks in large part to the efforts of Tiffany & Co. By heat treating tanzanite at very high temperatures, its blue color may improve.

2. Black opal

Opals are typically creamy white in color and have iridescent inclusions that reflect light when the stone is moved. Black opals are much rarer because almost all of them are found in mines in Lightning Ridge, Australia. The darker their color and brighter the inclusions, the more valuable the stone. One of the most valuable black opals of all time is Aurora Australis, which sold in 2005 for $763,000.

3. Larimar

Dominican Republic
Larimar is a very rare blue variety of the mineral pectolite that is found only in one small area of ​​the Dominican Republic. Local residents had known about the stone's existence for many generations as stones periodically washed up on the seashore, but it was not until the 1970s that enough of them were found in the ground to open a mine.

4. Paraiba Tourmaline

Tourmalines come in a variety of colors throughout Brazil, but Paraiba tourmaline is the only stone with a bright turquoise hue, thanks to its copper content. The very rare gem was discovered in 1987 by Heitor Dimas Barbosa, who was convinced that the Paraiba hills were hiding completely different gems (and he was right).

The peculiarity of this stone is that by transmitting light through itself, Paraiba tourmaline will create something like a neon glow. In 2003, very similar turquoise-colored tourmalines were discovered in mines in the mountains of Nigeria and Mozambique.

5. Grandidierite

Grandidierite was first described in 1902 by French mineralogist Alfred Lacroix, who found it in Madagascar and named it after French explorer Alfred Grandidiere. This extremely rare blue-green mineral has been discovered in a number of places around the world, but only Madagascar and Sri Lanka are known to have gem-quality stones. Most known stones are translucent, but the rarest, and therefore most valuable, stone that was found was transparent.

6. Alexandrite

An amazing stone that can change its color was discovered in 1830 in the Urals in Russia and named after the Russian Tsar Alexander II. Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl and appears blue-green in sunlight, but turns red-violet in incandescent light. The cost of this gem weighing up to 1 carat is $15,000, but a stone weighing more than one carat will cost $70,000 per carat.

7. Benitoite

Benitoite is only mined in one small area of ​​California, near the San Benito River (hence the name), but the mine closed to commercial mining in 2006, making this gemstone even rarer. The gemstone was first discovered in 1907 by geologist George Lauderback. It has a deep blue color that shows particularly interesting qualities when exposed to UV light - the stone begins to glow with a fluorescent glow.

8. Painite

Painite was first discovered by British mineralogist Arthur Charles Payne in 1951 and was recognized as a new mineral in 1957. For many years, only one example of the dark red crystal existed, which was kept in the British Museum in London, making it the rarest in the world a precious stone. Later, other samples were discovered, although before 2004 there were less than two dozen painites. In 2006, another deposit was discovered in Myanmar, where more than 1,000 stones have already been mined, but they are of lower quality.

9. Red beryl

Red beryl, also known as bixbite or red emerald, is so rare that the Utah Geological Survey says only one is mined for every 150,000 gem-quality diamonds. Pure beryl is colorless and acquires its shades only from impurities: chromium and vanadium give beryl a green color, forming an emerald; iron adds a blue or yellow tint, creating aquamarine and golden beryl, and manganese adds a deep red color, creating red beryl.

Red beryl is found only in the US states of Utah, New Mexico, and Mexico, but most of the stones found are only a few millimeters in length (ie, too small to be cut and faceted).

10. Taaffeit

The Austrian-Irish mineralogist Earl Edward Charles Richard Taaffe bought a box of cut stones from a jeweler in Dublin in the 1940s, thinking he had acquired a collection of spinels. But upon closer inspection, he noticed that one of the pale lilac stones did not react to light in the same way as the rest of the spinels, so he sent it off for analysis. The results showed that the Count had discovered a previously unknown gem.

Over time, the source of taaffeite was found in Sri Lanka, although a few stones were also found in Tanzania and China. There are believed to be fewer than 50 stones in existence, making it so rare that the average person is unlikely to ever come across it.

Especially for those who are not indifferent to expensive stones, we have collected more.