Sweets cow according to Dukan recipes. Candy for Pierre Dukan's diet: recipes and recommendations

Nowadays, there are many different diets that satisfy the taste whims of a person. But not all of them satisfy women's sweet tooth. This problem is perfectly solved by the famous nutritionist Pierre Dukan. He believes that there is no need to completely give up the sweet product, you just need to prepare it correctly. Various recipes allow you to prepare Dukan sweets, which will make your diet more enjoyable.

Chocolate candies

We all love chocolate and we all don't want to gain weight after eating it. The following recipe for making chocolate candies helps solve this problem. To get started you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of low-fat milk powder;
  • 6 tablets of a sweetener that tolerates heat treatment normally;
  • 4 tablespoons low-fat whole milk;
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cocoa.
  1. Once you have all the necessary ingredients ready, you can start cooking. First, grind the sugar substitute tablets into powder, then add dry milk and cocoa to it.
  2. Mix all dry ingredients and then pour in liquid milk. Place the resulting mixture in a blender and process.
  3. Place the finished mixture in silicone molds and place in the freezer (it is best to use silicone ice molds, because when using plastic ones you will face the problem of getting the finished product out of them).
  4. After just 6 hours you can enjoy excellent and, most importantly, dietary chocolates.

Gelatin candies

Another interesting recipe for Dukan sweets is gelatin candies. You can prepare them from the following ingredients:

  • 60 ml of ready-made coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. softened cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. low fat cocoa;
  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • sugar substitute to taste (6 tablets or more);
  • vanillin.
  1. Take the coffee infusion and dissolve the gelatin in it so that the crystals swell, and then heat it all in a water bath, carefully making sure that the mixture does not boil.
  2. After this, the sweetener tablets need to be ground into powder and all the ingredients combined into one continuous mass (it should be as thick as sour cream). After this, pour the mixture into molds and leave in the freezer overnight.

Dukan sweets “Korovka”

Dukan also compiled a recipe for making “Cow”. You need to take the following products:

  • 4 tbsp. l. low-fat milk powder;
  • 8 sweetener tablets;
  • 150 ml milk.
  1. To prepare Korovka sweets, you first need to pour dry milk into a frying pan. Then, frying over medium heat, bring it to a shade that will be slightly lighter than boiled condensed milk.
  2. When the desired shade is reached, pour in the milk and stir until it all reaches the desired consistency.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a blender with an s-shaped blade and mix until a soft, elastic cream is achieved. Next, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer overnight.
  4. The next day you will have about 15 ready-made Korovka candies.

Bran candies

The following recipe allows you to prepare dietary bran candies. Such products are pre-cooked.

The diet developed by Pierre Dukan is popular not only due to its effectiveness in losing weight and long-term preservation of the results achieved. She is chosen for the opportunity to consume various desserts without risking her figure. These even include candy. Sweets allowed on the Dukan diet cannot be purchased in the store - they are prepared according to special recipes. Dukan sweets can only be made at home. There are several recipes for such delicacies for each stage of the diet.

Cooking features

When preparing sweets for consumption while following the Dukan Diet, you can experiment by creating your own treat recipes. It is only important not to violate the principles of the Dukan diet.

  • The Dukan diet is divided into 4 stages. The first one is the toughest, “Attack”. At this stage, you can eat low-fat foods rich in protein, including eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, milk (including dry milk), kefir, yogurt, and oat bran. At the second stage, corn starch and a small amount of low-fat cocoa (no sugar) are allowed. From the third stage, the menu can include most berries and fruits, candied fruits. Later, almost all prohibitions are lifted. When choosing or creating a recipe for sweets, you need to check the list of products that are allowed at a specific stage of the Dukan diet.
  • Some foods on the Dukan Diet are allowed in limited quantities. When determining how much candy to eat during the day, consider how much additional food was used in its preparation.
  • You have to forget about sugar while following the Dukan diet. It is replaced with low-calorie sweeteners. They come in different forms. To make sweets, it is convenient to use sweeteners in powder form. If you are using a tablet preparation, you should first crush it to a powder state.
  • To make jelly candies, you will need a silicone mold - it will be easy to remove frozen treats from it without spoiling their integrity.
  • Gelatin for making sweets must be of high quality, otherwise the dessert may acquire a subtle unpleasant aftertaste. Before preparing the dessert, gelatin is dissolved in cool water and only after swelling can it be heated until completely dissolved. Gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar.
  • It is not advisable to use a blender or mixer for all types of Dukan candies. Many of them have a fairly dense consistency; it is more convenient to mix them with a spoon.

Recipes for Dukan sweets are varied. Almost everyone can find a delicacy to suit their taste. To avoid mistakes when preparing a dish, you need to carefully study the recommendations accompanying a specific recipe.

Milk candies according to Dukan

  • skim milk powder – 80 g;
  • low-calorie sweetener – 6-8 tablets;
  • low-fat milk – 150 ml;
  • Caramel flavoring (optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the milk powder into a frying pan. Place on medium heat. Heat, stirring with a spatula, until the milk acquires a caramel color.
  • Crush sweetener tablets and mix with liquid milk. Add a few drops of flavoring to it, although you can do without it.
  • Pour the liquid milk into the dry milk, whisking the mixture.
  • Cook, stirring, until the mixture reaches the consistency of a thick dough.
  • Transfer the milk mass to a blender and beat. This is necessary so that there are no lumps in the mass.
  • Place the prepared mixture into the cells of an ice or candy mold. It is better to use silicone, but regular plastic will do.
  • When the mixture has cooled to about room temperature, put the mold with it in the freezer.
  • Let sit in the freezer for at least 6 hours. You can leave it overnight.
  • Remove the mold from the freezer and remove the candies from the cells. They are removed from the silicone container without effort. The plastic mold must first be placed in warm water, then it will be easier to extract the sweets from it.

Candies made according to the given recipe resemble “Korovka” in taste and appearance. You can eat these sweets at any stage of the Dukan diet, including the “Attack” diet. From the given amount of ingredients you will get a serving of dessert, which should be distributed over two days.

Chocolates according to Dukan

  • skim milk powder – 60 g;
  • skim whole milk – 80 ml;
  • low-fat cocoa (powder) – 20 g;
  • sweetener – 6 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the sweetener in a coffee grinder until it becomes a powder.
  • Mix dry ingredients.
  • Add whole milk, mix thoroughly.
  • Fill a pastry syringe with the resulting mixture.
  • Wrap the board with cling film.
  • Pipe the chocolate mixture onto the board in small mounds.
  • Place the board in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Afterwards, all that remains is to remove the candies from the film and put them in a vase. The recipe can be used starting from the second stage of the Dukan diet. It is recommended to spread the serving of sweets prepared according to this recipe over 2-3 days.

Jelly candies according to Dukan

  • black coffee without sugar (espresso) – 60 ml;
  • soft cottage cheese (low-fat) – 40 ml;
  • gelatin – 5 g;
  • cocoa powder (low fat) – 20 g;
  • vanillin (optional) – to taste;
  • sweetener – 6-8 tablets.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the sweetener in a coffee grinder. Combine with cocoa, mix well.
  • Brew coffee, strain, cool. Put gelatin in it. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Place the container of coffee in a water bath. Heat, stirring, until the drink begins to thicken.
  • Remove from heat, add vanillin, cocoa, cottage cheese. Stir to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  • Divide the aromatic mixture into ice cube trays and place in the freezer for half a day or overnight.
  • Remove the candies from the molds and place on a plate.

The delicacy tastes like coffee and chocolate marmalade. Dr. Dukan allows you to eat such sweets, starting from the “Alternation” stage, but in moderation. The sweets prepared according to this recipe should last you at least two days.

Dukan sweets are prepared according to special recipes, but they are no less tasty than store-bought treats. The choice of recipe depends on what stage of the diet you are at, since the list of allowed foods expands with each stage. Despite the fact that the sweets are dietary, they can be consumed in limited quantities.


      • 150 ml milk.
      • 100 g skimmed milk powder.
      • 30 g corn starch.
      • 10 g sweetener.

Dietary sweets “Korovka” recipe with photo:

1. Heat a frying pan over low heat and pour dry skim milk onto it.

2. We begin to actively stir until all the milk powder turns golden brown. It will clump into lumps, but you still need to keep stirring.

3. When the process is completed, remove the powdered milk from the heat and grind it using a blender or coffee grinder. There should be no lumps left after this.

4. Add corn starch and sweetener to the crushed skim milk powder.

5. Now put a small saucepan on low heat and heat the liquid milk.

6. Stirring constantly, add a mixture of skim milk powder, starch and sweetener to the milk.

7. Continue stirring until the mass begins to thicken. This will happen quite quickly, but I advise you to cook a little more until it becomes quite thick.

8. All that remains is to pour the finished mixture into molds, preferably silicone ones. As soon as our future diet sweets have cooled down a little, we put them in the freezer. After 1-1.5 hours they will harden and the “Cow” will be ready.

9. By the way, if the prepared milk mass is not frozen, but simply cooled, then it will practically be boiled condensed milk! It’s also very tasty, be sure to try it!

If we talk about the advantages of the Dukan system, not everyone first of all remembers its effectiveness. There are a lot of effective diets today, all of them, indeed, allow you to lose weight once and for all in a fairly short period of time, but only the Dukan diet allows you to eat a whole range of foods almost without exception, treat yourself to the right desserts and never feel hungry. While losing weight, you can even eat candy for the Pierre Dukan diet. True, it is impossible to buy them in a store; you will have to prepare them yourself.

Recipes for making sweets for the Dukan diet

There are different types of candy you can eat at different stages of the system, so always be careful when choosing your recipe. Below you will find several cooking options, as well as recommendations on what period you can eat them.

This recipe cannot be called completely Dukan, but still the nutritionist himself spoke about it. He allowed you to eat such sweets only if during the Cruise, the second stage of weight loss, you feel a strong desire to eat something chocolate. Please note that this does not mean that these candies can be eaten every day. On the contrary, you should resort to such a snack as rarely as possible.
To prepare you will need: 3 tbsp skim milk powder (up to 5%, you can use a protein shake for athletes instead), 6 sugar substitute tablets or 1 tsp if it is in bulk form, 4 tbsp spoons 0% fat milk, 1 tbsp cocoa powder (pure, no sugar).
If you are using a tableted sugar substitute, first you need to grind it into powder. After this, mix all the dry ingredients and add milk to them. The mixture needs to be mixed well, but since it will be quite thick, you should not do this with a blender or mixer. It's best to do everything manually.
When the mixture is ready, place it in silicone ice cube trays. If you don't have them, take a cutting board, cover it with cling film, place the mixture in a pastry bag or in a regular cellophane bag with a hole in the corner and distribute the mixture in small droplets, as in the picture.
Place the candy in the refrigerator for 6 hours and immediately after that you can eat it. Pierre Dukan's diet sweets are simply amazingly tasty, but, unfortunately, you cannot eat them in large quantities.

This type of candy is suitable even for Atka and the most interesting thing is that it will not contradict her rules in any way. Therefore, at the active stage of losing weight, it is best to take a closer look at this type of candy.
To prepare you will need: 60 ml of ready-made coffee (you can use both instant and more natural), 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (fat content no more than 2-3%), 1 tbsp. l crushed carob (an alternative to cocoa with the same taste, but more beneficial properties for weight loss), 1 tsp. gelatin or agar-agar, sugar substitute and vanillin to taste.
First you need to prepare the gelatin. It is diluted with liquid coffee. Then you need to wait 10-15 minutes until all the gelatin crystals swell. After this, you can put it in a water bath and heat until the mass becomes more or less homogeneous. Don't forget to stir the mixture all the time.
After preparing the gelatin, all other ingredients are added to it. If you use granular cottage cheese, you should thoroughly knead it before cooking so that it acquires a more uniform consistency.
Now all that remains is to put the candies into the molds. Here you definitely need an ice mold and, best of all, a silicone one, from a regular one - you simply won’t be able to remove the candies unscathed. The candies should stay in the freezer overnight and the next day you can eat them in unlimited quantities.

The taste of such candies is reminiscent of the well-known “Korovka”, moreover, even the recipe for their preparation is somewhat similar, only in our case we will change it slightly to make it more suitable for weight loss. The recipe does not use ingredients that are prohibited during the Attack, so you can enjoy these candies every day.
For preparation you will need: 4 tbsp of dry milk (skimmed, up to 4-5% fat), 8 sweetener tablets or 1.5 tsp of bulk milk, 150 ml of milk of minimal fat content.
First you need to heat a non-stick frying pan and pour the milk powder into it. When it acquires a barely visible golden hue, add milk and heat until thickened. After this, the Dukan diet candies are removed from the heat and placed in a blender. At the same time, a sugar substitute is added to the mixture. When the time has acquired a homogeneous and airy consistency, it needs to be distributed into molds and sent to the refrigerator.
The next day, from this amount of mixture you will get 10-15 candies; the most interesting thing is that you can even eat them all at once, because the recipe does not contradict the rules of the Dukan diet.

If there is one recipe that is suitable only for rare use. Cocoa powder is used here, which is usually prohibited on the Dukan diet, but it is worth noting that in terms of other nutritional properties, such candies will be more useful than all others, because their recipe uses bran.
To prepare you will need: 5 tbsp of non-grain cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 4-5%, 2 tbsp of finely ground oat bran, 5 g of cocoa powder without sugar and other additives, stevia to taste, a little boiling water, about 100 ml, vanillin taste.
First you need to dissolve stevia in water, so you can use it either in powder or in tablets. You need to mix the sugar substitute with hot water, but it must cool completely before further use. After this, sweetened water is added to the cottage cheese and everything is thoroughly mixed. It is advisable to use a blender for this, because the mixture should be very homogeneous.
At the same time, mix the bran and cocoa powder and place the mixture on a flat plate. From the finished curd mixture, form round Dukan diet candies and then dip them in bran powder. Now all that remains is to place the preparations in the refrigerator and leave for at least the whole night.

Of course, for the most part, the recipes we have listed fully comply with the rules of the Dukan diet, but this does not mean that you can eat them in unlimited quantities. Remember that your main task when losing weight according to the Dukan system is to acquire habits that will be useful for your figure in the future. If you eat a large amount of sweets throughout your diet, even if it’s diet candy, then when you can afford something more substantial, you will no longer be able to deny yourself it.

This diet is very popular, including because it allows you to eat as varied as possible. The recipe for Dukan sweets differs from the classic version of their preparation, but the taste of the sweet product does not suffer from this.

Chocolate candies

To prepare delicious chocolates, take 3 tbsp. dry skim milk and a third of the norm of skim cocoa. You will also need a heat-resistant sugar substitute (6 tablets) and 4 tbsp. skim liquid milk.

Grind the tablets into powder or use the powder form. Mix all dry ingredients together, dilute with milk and process in a blender. Transfer the mixture into silicone molds. Place the candies in the freezer.


Measure out 4 tbsp. skim milk powder and 8 sweetener tablets. The norm for liquid skim milk is 150 ml. Transfer the milk powder to a well-heated frying pan. Heat it over medium heat until it gets a beautiful creamy color (lighter than boiled condensed milk). Then pour in liquid milk, add crushed sweetener tablets, and mix. If there are any lumps left, rub the mixture through a strainer. Pour it into silicone molds and freeze. Some people think that this recipe ends up being too runny. If you also like it thicker, then change the amount of powdered and liquid milk (6 tbsp/100 ml).

Candies with gelatin

Take 60 ml of pre-brewed coffee and 3 tbsp. skim milk powder. You will also need soft cottage cheese (2 tbsp) and a spoon of low-fat cocoa. The gelatin norm is 1 tsp, the sweetener norm is individual – from 6 tablets or more. You can use vanillin for flavoring.

Dissolve gelatin in the coffee infusion, let the crystals swell, heat in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. Turn the tablets into powder. Mix all the ingredients of the candy mass - the consistency should be similar to thick sour cream. Divide the mixture into small silicone molds and place in the freezer.

Sweets with bran (without milk powder)

To make these candies, measure out 5 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese. You will also need ground oat bran (2 tbsp) and 5 g of low-fat cocoa. To add sweetness, use dry stevia leaves and boiling water (3 tbsp/100 ml). Vanillin is ideal for flavoring.

Brew stevia leaves with boiling water and leave to cool. On a flat dish, mix bran and cocoa (they will act as a powder). Mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1.5 tbsp. stevia tinctures. Add vanilla. Scoop the well-kneaded mass with a spoon, place it on a layer of powder and form into candies. Store in the refrigerator.

Candy for Attack

You will not freeze these original sweets, but dry them in the oven, since they are based on proteins (4 pcs.). Determine the amount of sweetener yourself. You will also need a pinch of cinnamon, a small amount of vanillin and protein powder (4 pcs.). Beat the egg whites until fluffy, adding little by little crushed sugar substitute tablets and protein powder. Place the mixture in portions on a baking sheet. At 220 degrees, dry the candies until golden brown, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and leave for another 5 minutes.

Dukan sweets delight you with a variety of recipes - you will not suffer from a shortage of sweets.