Abstract of the lesson for the highest category. Teacher's portfolio for certification for the first category

"An open lesson for certification" We play wizards "is presented on the website in the form in which it was shown to the commission, i.e. with all the applications: lesson summary, photographs of the manuals used in the lesson, video material -" zest "used in the course classes, musical fragment.

The lesson was presented to the members of the expert commission during the certification procedure for the highest qualification category in October 2010.

Received high marks.



228-826-386 Shatalova E.P.

Open lesson on environmental education of preschoolers

(middle group)

Theme: "Playing Wizards"

Program content:

To create a holistic view of water as a natural phenomenon, its significance in nature and in human life;

Teach children to answer questions correctly;

Expand knowledge about animals living in the water;

Develop coherent, dialogic speech, choosing definitions, verbs, the grammatical structure of speech, correctly coordinating nouns and adjectives;

Enrich vocabulary with words: laboratory, filter, develop imagination, fantasy.


- "magic wand", pointer;

Educational picture on the topic "Who needs water"(Picture 1)

Didactic game "Amazing Circle" with a set of pictures(Picture 2)

Experimentation Corner(Figure 3)

- "mood screen"(Figure 4)

Tape recorder, audio recording "Sounds of water"(Attachment 1)

TV, video "Message of dirty water to children"(Appendix 2),

"Clean water for children"(Annex 3)

Glasses with dirty and clean water (20 pieces), gauze, cotton wool, napkins;

Preliminary work:

Conversation on the topic "Water in nature and human life";

Examination of illustrations, observations in nature;

Reading works of fiction: N. Ryzhova "Magic Water", A. Vvedensky "Song of the Rain", N. Zabolotsky "On the River", K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mountain", "Moydodyr";

The composition of the fairy tale "Funny droplets";

Learning nursery rhymes, guessing riddles;

Didactic games "Magic umbrella", "Seasons", "Collect a picture", etc.;

Experimenting with water.

Lesson progress

Educator (B.) - Guys, today we will go to the wonderful world of knowledge. We learn a lot of new and interesting things. We will do this with our Znayka, who has prepared tasks for us, they are in this wonderful chest. Znayka has a magical laboratory where miracles happen with water, sand, and air. Miracles are not easy, miracles are done by wizards. Do you want to become wizards? Get in a circle. I will take the "magic wand", I will say the words, and you will do what I say.

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Turn around yourself

Turn into wizards.

(Children perform)

The teacher touches each child with a stick.

Our game is over - the turner. Now you are wizards!

IN. He puts a medal with the image of a wizard around the neck of each child.

IN.: Sit down on the rug, it's time to complete the first task of Znayka. The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest and reads the letter:

"Dear guys, I ask you to listen to this cassette and determine what sounds you heard."

V. turns on the audio recording “Sounds of Water”. Children listen and decide.

IN.: Well done! Today we will talk about water, who needs it and why. Listen to the poem "Magic Water":

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice it.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat or drink

I dare to tell you

We can't live without her!

You agree that we simply cannot do without water. And Znayka prepared an interesting task for us.

The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest, reads the task:

“Dear guys, you coped with the first task, correctly guessed that there were sounds of water on the audio cassette. And now you must tell who needs water and why it is impossible to live without it.”

V. leads the children to the visual aid "Who needs water." Children take turns talking about the need for water for a person, birds, animals, insects ...

V. asks leading questions.

IN.: It's time for the third task. Let's see what our Znayka has prepared for us this time.

V. takes out an envelope, reads:

“- Guys, you correctly told who needs water. And now I offer you the game "Amazing Circle". Arrange the pictures so that it becomes clear who lives in the water. (Children come to the table, sit down, choose the right pictures and fix them)

Brief conversation: fish, starfish, seahorse, cancer, dolphin live in the water..)

IN.: Well done, you did a good job with this task Znayka. And now I suggest you take a break. We all go to the gym.

Physical education:

How nice it is to swim in the river! (swimming movements)

Bank on the left, bank on the right (turns left and right)

River with a ribbon in front (sipping - hands forward)

Above the bridge - look. (Sipping - arms up)

To swim faster

We need to row faster.

We work with our hands

Who will follow us? (swimming movements)

And now it's time, brothers,

All of us to return to Znaika. (Walking in place)

V .: Now let's see if there are still tasks from Znayka in the chest. (Pulls out envelope, reads):

“Dear guys, I bring to your attention a video letter. Look at the TV screen." (The plot is on the screen: the water asks the children for help - to make it clean again).

IN.: It's time to do miracles. You need to purify the water. From dirty to clean. If we do this, we will prove that we are real wizards. I want to remind you that people do not always behave correctly in nature - they pollute the water in rivers, lakes, thereby harming not only nature, but also their health.

The teacher leads the children to the laboratory. They sit at tables where there are glasses of dirty water, cotton wool, gauze, an empty glass for each child.

IN.: How can water be purified?

(children's answers)

IN.: I will help you. Water can be purified through a filter. (Children repeat the word filter) We have water and gauze. Together with children, he cleans through a filter (cotton, gauze). (During the experiment, the melody of water sounds)

IN.: Show me your cups, let's see if the water is clear?

Clean water received. All the water in the world cannot be purified as we have done now, so it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to pollute it. I hope that when you grow up, you will behave properly in nature and teach this to others.

Hold hands, hug each other, smile at each other. You proved that real wizards completed all the tasks of Znayka. Now it's time for us to be boys again. V. takes a magic wand and says:

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Help me magic wand

Turn around yourself

Become boys again.

Outcome: V. - What did you do today?

What did you like?

Children reflect their impressions on the "mood screen". The teacher gives an assessment, marking each child.

IN.: Goodbye! See you soon!

Certification for educators for 1 and the highest category tests with answers


1. Specify new forms of preschool education:
A) Kindergarten.
B) Groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution.
2. Convention on the Rights of the Child:
A) Provides legal protection for children during the organization of the pedagogical process.
B) Identifies the problems of the comprehensive development of the child's personality.
C) Provides a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of society.
3. What document defines the goals, objectives and content of the continuity of preschool and primary education?
A) The concept of preschool education.
B) Law "On Education".
C) The concept of the content of continuous preschool and primary school education.
4. A personality-oriented model for constructing pedagogical work with children is defined in:
A) the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
B) Concepts of preschool education.
C) the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".
5. In what year were the Federal State Requirements for Preschool Education approved?
A) 1989.
B) 2009.
In 2001.
6. The current stage of preschool education is characterized by:
A) Communication with the parents of children.
B) The variability of existing programs and technologies.
C) The ability of the preschool administration to find sponsors.
7. Which of the following programs is comprehensive?
A) Semitsvetik.
B) childhood.
B) Spider web.
8. There is a certain requirement for the educational program of the preschool educational institution:
A) It must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Model Regulations on the preschool educational institution.
B) The program must respect the secular nature of education.
C) The program should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and children.
D) All answers are correct.
9. On the basis of sanitary - epidemiological rules and norms San PiN 2.4.1. 1249-03 duration of classes for children of the 5th year of life (middle group) no more than:
A) 15 minutes
B) 20 minutes
C) 25 minutes.
10. The number of classes per week for children of the 6th year of life (senior group) is not more than:
A) 15
B) 17
AT 12
11. What rights of the child do the states parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child undertake to ensure?
A) The right to life, citizenship, education.
B) The right to life, family ties, education.
C) The whole complex of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

12. The model regulation on a preschool educational institution, which enshrined new variable models of preschool education, was approved:
A) In 1995.
B) In 2002.
B) In 2008.

13. In accordance with the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2020, an exceptional role in solving the problems of education belongs to:
A) preschool.
B) school.
In family.


Question No. Correct
1 B
2 A
3 V
4 B
5 A
6 B
7 B
8 G
9 B
10 A
11 V
12 V
13 V

II. Preschool Pedagogy

1. Formulate the main goal of preschool pedagogy.
Answer options:
a) raise an obedient child;
b) influence preschoolers by suggestion;
c) scientifically substantiate the technology and methodology of educational work with preschoolers of various age groups;
d) conflict research;
e) instill in children a desire to learn.
2. Define the concept of "education".
Answer options:
a) the process and result of training;
b) teaching;
c) learning outcome;
d) the result of education;
e) the purpose of education.
3. The development of the theoretical foundations of the methodology of physical education of preschoolers in Russia was carried out ...
Answer options:
a) R.S. Bure, T.A. Markova, V.I. Nechaeva, L.A. Penevskaya, E.K. Suslova, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.A. Kozlov;
b) V.G. Alyamovskaya, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, N.N. Kozhukhova, E.G. Stepanenkova, S.E. Shukshin;
c) N.A. Vetlugin, L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, T. N. Doronova;
d) L. A. Wenger, L. S. Vygotsky, L. Ya. Galperin, S. L. Novoselova, N. N. Poddyakov;
e) T.G. Kazakova, O.P. Radynova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina.
4. Define the concept of mental education of preschoolers.
Answer options:
a) a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society;

e) organizing the life and activities of children, contributing to the development of their aesthetic feelings, the formation of ideas, knowledge and appreciation of beauty in life and art.
5. Name the new forms of preschool education.
Answer options:
a) kindergarten - primary school;
b) groups for preparing children for school;
to a kindergarten;
d) children's film libraries;
e) groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution.
6. What levels of management of preschool education exist at the present stage?
Answer options:
a) federal;
b) home;
c) family;
d) administrative;
e) through society.
7. What determines the acquisition of age groups and preschool educational institutions?
Answer options:
a) the type of educational institution and the type of preschool educational institutions;
b) the wishes of the parents;
c) a set of programs for preschool educational institutions;
d) development of children's abilities;
e) the ability of parents to communicate with teachers.
8. Select from the proposed factors aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions.
Answer options:
a) dosed movements;
b) motor activity;
c) the presence of problematic situations;
d) reducing the time of daytime sleep due to classes;
e) excursions to museums.
9. What should educators pay attention to when organizing the process of moral education of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution?
Answer options:
a) on the relationship of children in a group of peers;
b) the attitude of children to punishment;
c) to the whims of the child;
d) parental care for the child;
e) on the work plans of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution.

10. What is the productive activity of preschoolers aimed at?
Answer options:
a) on the formation of consciousness;
b) to foster cognitive activity;
c) on the development of children's speech;
d) modeling objects of the surrounding world;
d) contact with the family.

11. What indicators are most important in evaluating the effectiveness of working with parents of preschool children?
Answer options:
a) the emergence of parents' interest in the content of individual lessons with children;
b) interest in the quality of food for children;
c) interest in planning the work of the preschool educational institution;
d) harmonization of the goals, objectives and methods of raising and educating children in the family and preschool educational institutions;
e) study of children's creative works.

12. What document defines the goals, objectives and content of the continuity of preschool and primary education?
Answer options:
a) the law "On Education";
b) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
c) Model provision on the DOW;
d) The concept of preschool education;
e) The concept of the content of continuous preschool and primary school education.

13. Define the concept of aesthetic education of preschoolers.
Answer options:
a) a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society;
b) a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical improvement;
c) the process of philosophical understanding of life;
d) the development of active mental activity of preschoolers, including the formation of intellectual skills and abilities, imagination, perception, memory, thinking, curiosity and mental abilities;
e) organizing the life and activities of children, contributing to the development of the child's aesthetic feelings, the formation of ideas, knowledge and appreciation of the beautiful in life and art.
14. Find the correct statement.
Answer options:
a) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is the task of physical education;
b) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a condition of physical education;
c) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a way of physical education;
d) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a method of physical education;
e) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a form of physical education.
15. Which of the modern teachers reveals the features of the constructive activity of children?
Answer options:
a) L. A. Wenger;
b) A. N. Davidchuk;
c) N. N. Poddyakov;
d) Ya. A. Comenius;
e) R. G. Kazakova.
16. What characterizes the professional competence of an educator?
Answer options:
a) the ability to think pedagogically;
b) the ability to punish children;
c) the ability to find out the opinion of parents about their child;
d) the ability to observe authoritarianism in education;
e) the ability to establish relationships with businessmen.
17. Highlight one of the main areas of the annual work plan of a preschool educational institution.
Answer options:
a) a program for the development of preschool educational institutions;
b) determining the level of development of children;
c) analysis of the activities of the institution for the past academic year;
d) catering for children;
e) work on the site of the preschool educational institution.

18. Which of the teachers and psychologists considered the game from the standpoint of the psychological theory of activity?
Answer options:
a) A. V. Zaporozhets;
b) T. S. Komarova;
c) K. D. Ushinsky;
d) Ya. A. Comenius;
e) N. K. Krupskaya.
19. Highlight a concept that characterizes one of the stages of pedagogical activity.
Answer options:
a) diagnosis of readiness for school;
b) study of pupils and determination of the tasks of education;
c) preparation of a summary of classes;
d) interviewing children for a walk;
e) organization of acquaintance of children with peers.
20. What is the continuity of the work of the preschool educational institution and the school? Isolate the inefficient condition.
Answer options:
a) the need to harmonize training and education programs in related parts of the continuous education system;
b) the need to harmonize teaching and upbringing methods in adjacent parts of the continuous education system;
c) work on the same textbooks;
d) the use of elements of preschool didactics in the first grades of elementary school;
e) continuation at school of work on comprehensive education of children.
21. Who in Russian pedagogy developed the problem of sensorimotor readiness of preschool children for school (including left-handed children)?
Answer options:
a) L. S. Vygotsky;
b) V. A. Sukhomlinsky;
c) A. S. Makarenko;
d) N. K. Krupskaya;
e) M. M. Bezrukikh.

22. List what educational programs of pre-school preparation do you know?
Pre-school of a new generation, stepping stone to school

23. According to the concept of pre-school education, what are the main criteria for preparing a child for school? (transfer)

KEY TO SECTION II. Preschool Pedagogy

Question No. Correct
1 V
2 A
3 B
4 G
5 D
6 A
7 A
8 B
9 A
10 G
11 G
12 D
13 D
14 A
15 B
16 A
17 V
18 A
19 B
20 A
21 D
22 3 or more
23 4 criteria: intellectual,

III. Subject-methodical knowledge

1. Pedagogical excellence is:
A) The highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the creativity of the teacher, the constant improvement of the art of teaching, educating and developing a person.
B) Pedagogical activity, in which there is a creation of a fundamentally new in content, organization of the educational process (pedagogical creativity).
C) The ability acquired by a person, on the basis of knowledge and skills, to perform certain types of activities in changing conditions (ped. skills).

2. Pedagogical monitoring is:
A) Constant monitoring of the state of the pedagogical system for making managerial decisions, its functioning and development.
B) Identification of the state of the pedagogical object, process, phenomenon (ped. diagnostics).
C) Verification and study by specialists - experts of the nature, products of the teacher's activity (ped. examination).

3. Individual forms of methodological work include:
A) Seminar.
B) Business game.
B) mentoring.

4. Which of the documents determines the specifics of the organization of the educational process in a particular preschool educational institution, taking into account the standard of preschool education:
A) educational program.
B) Development program.
B) Partial program.

5. Chairman of the Council of Teachers:
BUT). Appointed by order of the head.
B). Elected by the Council of Teachers.
C) Elected at the general meeting of the labor collective.

6. An important management function that ensures the systematic rational and efficient operation of all departments of the preschool educational institution:
A) planning.
B) Diagnostics.
B) staffing.

7. Organizational and legal document regulating one of the parties of the institution's activities:
A) agreement.
B) contract.
C) Regulation (local act).
8. The sequence of actions is:
A) structure.
B) Algorithm.
B) Technology
9. Meetings of the Council of Teachers are competent if they are attended by:
A) Half of its members.
B) Less than half of its members.
C) One third of its members.
10. What is the name of the type of control that involves the study of the system of work of the educator within a specific topic provided for by the program?
A) warning.
B) frontal.
B) thematic.
11. It is advisable to carry out pedagogical diagnostics with children:
a) Twice a month.
b) Twice a year.
C) In the younger group and during the period of graduation from a preschool institution - in the preparatory group.
12.Calendar type of planning:
A) Describes in detail the expected dynamics of pedagogical impact.
B) Determines the main parameters for diagnosing the development of the child.
C) Determines the order of work with children during the day.
13. A preschool educational institution with an ethno-cultural component of education is an institution that implements an educational program for preschool education within the standard and ensures the study of:
A) folklore.
B) National language, culture, traditions of the people.
C) folk rituals.
14. The form of methodical work, which is characterized by group classes according to a certain plan in order to increase the theoretical level of teachers, is:
A) Seminar.
B) Council of teachers.
B) competition.
15. What technologies can be classified as innovative for preschool educational institutions:
A) problem-based learning.
B) traditional education.
C) developmental education.
16. The mode of life of a preschool educational institution, which implies a qualitatively new state of all elements and the system as a whole, is called:
A) Development mode.
B) Mode of operation.
17. The quality of preschool education is:
A) ... such an organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training.
B) ... a systematic study of the activities of the products of the pedagogical process in a specially organized environment in interaction with the social environment of a preschool institution.
C) ... new methods and methods of work, forms of activity, progressive innovations that give high results and meet modern requirements.


Question No. Correct
1 A
2 A
3 V
4 A
5 B
6 A
7 V
8 B
9 A
10 V
11 B
12 V
13 B
14 A
15 A, B
16 A
17 A

1. Sensory education as the basis of mathematical education for preschoolers is ...
Answer options:
a) the development of the child's processes of perception and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
b) a purposeful pedagogical process aimed at the formation of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perception;
c) the totality of knowledge and skills formed during their assimilation of perceptual actions;
d) a specially organized pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a system of knowledge and skills, methods of mental activity and the development of children's cognitive activity;
e) quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the mental activity of the child, associated with age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences.
2. The didactic material of M. Montessori is aimed at developing ...
Answer options:
a) cognitive activity of children and mental abilities;
b) sensory abilities;
c) connected speech;
d) constructive abilities;
e) gaming activities.
3. Traditional means of forming elementary mathematical representations are:
Answer options:
a) equipment for games and activities, sets of visual didactic material, literature;
b) computer programs on special media, computer, magnetic boards;
c) didactic material by M. Montessori, modular constructors, workbooks;
d) demonstration, instruction, explanation;
e) instructions, explanations, questions to children.
4. Classes on the development of elementary mathematical representations are aimed at ...
Answer options:
a) consolidation, application and expansion of knowledge and skills;
b) presentation of new knowledge, repetition and systematization of the material covered, consolidation of skills and abilities;
c) elimination of shortcomings in the intellectual development of the child;
d) the formation of interest in mathematics, summing up;
e) repetition, application and development of knowledge, skills and abilities.
5. In younger groups, the use of the verbal method in mathematics classes is accompanied by:
Answer options:
a) methods of logorhythmics;
b) a variety of wording of the question;
c) the introduction of the necessary characters;
d) in a mysterious, fabulous tone, slow pace and repeated repetitions;
e) an interesting tone, the use of problem situations, a fast pace.

6. Eliminate the extra task of the mathematical development of preschoolers.
Answer options:
a) formation of a system of elementary mathematical representations;
b) the formation of the prerequisites for mathematical thinking and the initial forms of educational activity;
c) development of design activities;
d) expansion and enrichment of the dictionary, improvement of coherent speech;
e) formation of sensory processes and abilities.

7. The development of children's cognitive interest in mathematics requires teachers ...
Answer options:
a) creating a subject-developing, gaming and household environment;
b) mastery of computational activity;
c) mastering the culture of communication;
d) creating psychological comfort in the group;
e) the ability to use various partial programs.

8. Directions of work on the formation of mathematical representations are connected with ...
Answer options:
a) the development of intellectual abilities and the formation of meaningful, mathematical representations and concepts;
b) expanding the information saturation of classes at the expense of school programs;
c) development of variable education;
d) the development of speech and thought activity;
e) the concept of advanced learning.
9. Eliminate the extra section of the program for the formation of mathematical representations:
Answer options:
a) "Quantity and account";
b) "Modeling";
c) "Value" and "Form";
d) "Orientation in space";
e) "Orientation in time."

10. According to the training program, the pre-numerical activity of the younger preschooler includes ...
Answer options:
a) modeling with objects, obtaining structures;
b) highlighting the properties of objects necessary for mastering mathematical representations, actions of comparison;
c) compiling simple tasks;
d) games and exercises aimed at developing logical operations;
e) mastery of spatial relationships between objects.

11. The basis for introducing a child into the world of the number of an older preschooler is ...
Answer options:
a) performing actions with quantities, using a conditional measure;
b) grouping objects by shape;
c) creating an imaginary situation;
d) mastering the ordinal and quantitative account;
e) the ability to solve arithmetic problems.
12. Didactic games and exercises in the classroom for the development of mathematical concepts contribute to ...
Answer options:
a) consolidation of knowledge, skills, development of mental processes;
b) getting a mathematical education;
c) the development of cognitive activity and mental processes;
d) the formation of collective skills for performing mathematical tasks;
e) enrichment of the dictionary with new mathematical terms.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge

3.2. Theory and methods of forming mathematical representations

Question No. Correct
1 B
2 B
3 A
4 B
5 G
6 V
7 A
8 A
9 B
10 B
11 A
12 A

1. Nature is used as a means: Answer options:
a) to get acquainted with the surrounding world;
b) to form initial ideas about
the world around;
c) for the comprehensive development of children;
d) for the physical development of children;
e) for the mental development of children.

2. The directions of environmental education of preschoolers as a temporary standard are formulated in the book:
Answer options:
a) "Attestation and accreditation of preschool educational institutions";
b) M.V. Lucic "Children about nature";
c) Ryzhov "Ecological education in kindergarten";
d) S. N. Nikolaeva "Education of ecological culture in kindergarten";
e) N. A. Ryzhova "Nature is our home."
3. Which of the judgments does not apply to the concept of "ecological culture":
Answer options:
a) develops throughout life;
b) is laid in preschool childhood;
c) formation occurs with the participation and under the guidance of an adult;
d) is considered as an innate property of the individual;
e) covers the practice of household and professional activities.

4. An ecological approach to understanding diversity in wildlife consists of:
Answer options:
a) to show children that the physiological and morphofunctional characteristics of the organism correspond to its environment;
b) the need to demonstrate to children that at each stage of the development of the organism, its connection with the environment acquires its own specific expression;
c) to show that the morphological and functional similarity of plants and animals is due to the similarity of the relationship with the environment;
d) to demonstrate to preschoolers the sequential process of development of a living organism with different requirements for environmental conditions on specific representatives of the plant and animal world;
e) everything is correct in the aggregate.
5. An ecological approach to the maintenance of animals and plants in the corner of the nature of the preschool educational institution is:
Options, answer:
a) in the placement of objects from an aesthetic point of view;
b) in creating conditions that fully meet the needs and adaptability of living organisms to them;
c) in the ability to care for the objects of the corner of nature by children;
d) in the arrangement of objects of a corner of nature in one specific place in a group room;
e) in the maintenance of animals and plants only on the site of the preschool educational institution in large enclosures and greenhouses.
6. Seasonal objects of a corner of nature can be:
Answer options:
a) a hamster
b) parrot;
c) fish in an aquarium;
d) indoor plants;
e) a garden on the window.
7. An element of an ecologically developing subject environment cannot be:
Answer options:
a) mini-farm;
b) an aquarium;
c) indoor plants;
d) a garden on the window;
e) a corner of dressing.
8. The pedagogical meaning of ecological leisure holidays is to ...
Answer options:
a) inform children of new knowledge;
b) cause a positive emotional response in children;
c) to systematize the existing knowledge of children;
d) teach children to play together;
e) to form the motivation of communication with parents.
9. Environmental actions are socially significant events that are held in preschool educational institutions:
Options, answer:
a) with the permission of the nurse;
b) together with the employees of the preschool educational institution and the parents of children;
c) are not carried out;
d) by parents;
e) in senior groups with the involvement of children, employees and parents.
10. "The development of children by means of nature, a long stay in the air, life in harmony with nature" - these are the tasks:
Answer options:
a) mass kindergartens in Russia;
b) Waldorf kindergartens in Germany;
c) Mulle Forest Schools in Sweden;
d) Mother schools in France;
e) experimental gardens in the USA.
11. Partial programs of social and environmental orientation include:
Options, answer:
a) "Young ecologist";
b) "Semitsvetik";
c) "Spider line";
d) "Economics and Ecology";
e) "Nature and the artist."
12. A comprehensive program for the development of children is:
Answer options:
a) "Rainbow";
b) "Childhood";
c) "Origins";
d) "Spider web";
d) We.
13. The pedagogical model "Ecologist" was developed within the framework of the partial program:
Answer options:
a) origins
b) "Development";
c) "We are earthlings";
d) "Spider web";
e) "Our home is nature."

14. Correctly and skillfully carried out diagnostics of ecological upbringing of children...
Answer options:
a) shows the level of development of children;
b) determines the real progress in the development of children;
c) reveals the attitude of children to objects of nature;
d) makes it possible to see the effectiveness of the program in terms of its impact on the development of children;
e) all answers are correct in aggregate.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge
3.3. Theory and methodology of environmental education for preschoolers

Question No. Correct
1 V
2 A
3 G
4 D
5 B
6 D
7 D
8 B
9 D
10 V
11 G
12 V
13 D
14 D

1. What is the subject of study of the methodology of speech development?
Answer options:
a) the process of mastering children's native speech and speech communication skills in conditions of targeted pedagogical influence;
b) the process of children's independent mastery of their native speech without adult intervention;
c) the formation of communication skills in the conditions of unregulated activities;
d) the development of children's speech in play activities;
e) the process of forming the cognitive activity of preschool children.

2. What functional load lies on the group of "personal" characteristics of the language? Answer options:
a) a means of familiarization with the general cultural, historical values ​​of the peoples of the world;
b) a means of developing cognitive interest in the external world;
c) a means of realizing one's own "I";
d) the condition for correlating one's desires with reality;
e) a condition for the correction of higher mental functions.
3. What are the leading means of communication in children from 0 to 6 months?
Answer options:
a) gaming;
b) expressive-mimic (focus on the face of an adult, smile, gestures, etc.);
c) following the instructions of an adult;
d) speech;
e) subject-effective.
4. By what age does a child have the first words?
Answer options:
a) by 1.5 years;
b) by 1 year;
c) by 9 months;
d) by 6 months;
e) by 2 years.
5. The basis of the methodological principle of ensuring active speech practice is the position that the development of speech occurs only ...
Answer options:
a) on the basis of innate language abilities;
b) during the game;
c) in the process of communication;
d) in the process of development of intelligence;
e) in the process of the child's objective activity.
6. Word formation is a component ...
Answer options:
a) the grammatical side of speech;
b) the sound side of speech;
c) connected speech;
d) the lexical side of speech;
e) figurative speech.
7. What is the leading motive for children of senior preschool age when entering into communication with peers?
Answer options:
a) obtaining new knowledge about the objective world;
b) interest in toys;
c) self-esteem and satisfaction of the need for recognition;
d) obtaining new knowledge about the rules and norms of behavior;
e) clarification and consolidation of ideas about social reality.

8. At what age do children not only perceive the actions of the heroes of literary works, but also understand the motives for these actions?
Answer options:
a) 1 - 2.5 years;
b) 2.5 - 3 years;
c) 3 - 4.5 years;
d) 4.5 - 5.5 years;
e) 5.5 - 7 years.
9. What is not considered a form of verbal creativity of children
Answer options:
a) creation of neologism words;
b) writing poems;
c) reading poems by heart;
d) writing stories and fairy tales;

10. What contradicts the hygienic rules of working with a computer in the course of classes, including those on the development of children's speech?
Answer options:
a) the distance between computers should be at least 1.2 m;
b) natural light should fall from the side;
c) the distance between the computer monitor and the child's eyes must be at least 50 cm;
d) the distance from the computer to the radiator must be at least 0.8 m;
e) 2 children should work at the same computer at the same time.
11. What is the maximum duration of classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world with the involvement of a computer for children of 6 years old?
Answer options:
a) 2-3 minutes;
b) 10 minutes;
c) 30 minutes;
d) 35 min;
e) 40 min.

12. What does not apply to the tasks of teaching children a foreign language? Answer options:
a) cultivate interest in and respect for the culture of another country;
b) to instill elementary skills of oral speech;
c) to promote the acquisition of linguistic knowledge by children;
d) to form skills and abilities in calculations and measurements;
e) create conditions for mastering primary communication.

13. What is the essence of planning work on the development of speech?
Answer options:
a) in diagnosing the development of the child;
b) in designing the formation and development of children's speech, predicting the dynamics of pedagogical influence on speech and its effectiveness;
c) in inventing speech games;
d) taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of the speech of each child;
e) in organizing didactic games with children.

14. In what program document was the independent section “Development of Speech” first singled out?
Answer options:
a) "Rainbow";
b) "Childhood";
c) "Origins";
d) "Development";
e) Standard program of education and training in kindergarten.
15. Which statement regarding the adaptation of the children's speech development program to the specific conditions of the work of the preschool educational institution is not true?
Answer options:
a) the program for the development of speech should take into account the need for continuity of work in adjacent age groups;
b) sections on the development of speech are presented in the program in isolation, without taking into account the relationship between them;
c) during the year, the child must not only learn new material, but also consolidate what he has learned;
d) the program repeats the requirements regarding the assimilation of difficult sections of knowledge and skills;
e) a single software core is maintained at all stages.

16. What is the purpose of the speech development technique?
Answer options:
a) development on a scientific and pedagogical basis of the most effective means, methods and techniques for the development of speech, which increase the success of pedagogical influence;
b) development of speech games and exercises;
c) familiarity with fiction;
d) development of self-service skills;
e) the assimilation of word formation methods by children.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge
3.4. Theory and methodology for the development of children's speech

Question No. Correct
1 A
2 V
3 B
4 B
5 V
6 A
7 V
8 D
9 V
10 D
11 B
12 G
13 B
14 D
15 B
16 A

1. Determine the indicators characteristic of children's perception in the pre-pictorial period:
Answer options:
a) accuracy;
b) completeness;
c) dismemberment;
d) analyticity;
e) lack of focus.
2. The purpose of teaching the visual activity of children is ...
Answer options:
a) the formation of knowledge;
b) the formation of skills;
c) the formation of skills;
d) promoting the development of a creative personality;
e) preparation for school.
3. What teaching method is used at the first stage of work with children?
Answer options:
a) the method of mentally creating your own painting by the name given by the artist;
b) questions of a specific nature aimed at the formation of an emotional and personal attitude to the picture
c) method of comparison;
d) a sample story that reveals the emotional and personal attitude of the teacher to the picture;
e) search for compositional and coloristic options for solving the creation of an artistic image.

4. What visual movements does a child master during the second year of life?
Answer options:
a) basic shaping movements;
b) does not master any movements;
c) various drawing movements of a gun character;
d) variable use of shaping movements;
e) All answers are wrong.
5. What qualities characterize children's works in the visual period?
Answer options:
a) expressiveness of images;
b) a high degree of literacy;
c) depth of thought;
d) breadth of communication;
e) enthusiasm, capture by activity.
6. What is not considered by scientists as a type of visual activity?
Answer options:
a) drawing;
b) modeling;
c) application;
d) design;
d) manual labor.

7. What section of the program does the task of teaching children how to perform elements of decorative painting (for-1 turn, flower, berry, leaf) belong to?
Answer options:
a) drawing up patterns;
b) an image of an object;
c) transmission of coherent content;
d) familiarization with the material;
e) imaging technique.
8. What technique is not used in the application?
Options, answer:
a) gluing parts to the base;
b) sewing;
c) sticking;
d) crushing;
e) wet painting.
9. Integrated classes in visual activity are aimed at ...
Answer options:
a) familiarization with new material;
b) repetition;
c) fixing;
d) giving children greater independence in the choice of techniques and materials;
e) diagnostics of manual skills.

10. What work, which is most often used in the method of familiarizing preschoolers with painting, was written by V. A. Serov?
Answer options:
a) "The rooks have arrived";
b) "March";
c) "Birch Grove";
d) "Girl with peaches";
d) "bogatyrs".

11. From what age group do preschool educational institutions begin to involve children in making crafts from natural materials using glue and plasticine?
Answer options:
a) average;
b) second junior;
c) senior;
d) first junior;
e) preparatory.
12. At what age does it become possible for children to participate in such types of manual art work as patchwork, weaving, weaving, embroidery?
Answer options:
a) early;
b) junior preschool;
c) secondary preschool;
d) senior preschool;
e) in the preparatory group.

13. The presence of regulation of drawing movements in a child is not determined by ...
Answer options:
a) rhythm
b) pace;
c) the originality of the image;
d) amplitude;
d) pressure.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge
3.5. Methodology for the development of children's fine arts

Question No. Correct
1 D
2 G
3 G
4 V
5 V
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 G
10 G
11 A
12 G
13 V

1. The process of formation and change throughout life of the natural morphological and functional properties of the child's body and the psychophysical qualities based on them is ...
Answer options:
a) physical fitness;
b) physical education;
c) physical culture;
d) physical development;
e) physical perfection.
2. Complete the sentence: "Between the activity of the central nervous system and the work of the human musculoskeletal system, there is ...".
Answer options:
a) double acting
b) the closest connection;
c) strong contact;
d) correlation dependence;
e) inverse relationship.

3. What position expresses readiness for action and creates the most favorable conditions for the correct performance of the exercise?
Answer options:
a) rational;
b) original;
c) usual;
d) simple;
d) correct.
4. What group of methods forms children's ideas about movement, the brightness of sensitive perception and motor sensations, develops sensory abilities?
Answer options:
a) physical;
b) visual;
c) didactic;
d) special;
d) special.

5. What concept characterizes the transition of the idea of ​​muscle movement into the actual execution of this movement and the activation of ideomotor ideas through verbal instructions?
Answer options:
a) ideomotor act;
b) the content of the exercise;
c) technique of physical exercises;
d) characteristics of the exercise;
e) motor activity.
6. Irradiation, specialization and stabilization - the physiological patterns of the formation of motor ...
Answer options:
a) skills;
b) balance;
c) principle;
d) skill;
e) funds.

7. The conscious, active activity of the child, characterized by the accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules binding on all players, is ...
Answer options:
a) motor mode;
b) basic movements;
c) drill exercises;
d) outdoor game;
e) sports exercises.
8. Senior preschoolers are taught the following sports games:
Answer options:
a) badminton, basketball, towns, table tennis, hockey, football;
b) basketball, gorodki, table tennis, bobsleigh, football;
c) basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football;
d) volleyball, basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football;
e) volleyball, basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, ball school.
9. The main form of organized systematic training in physical exercises is ...
Answer options:
a) mobile game;
b) morning exercises;
c) physical education;
d) morning walk
d) physical education.
10. Which task does not apply to the educational tasks of the physical development of children in a preschool educational institution?
Answer options:
a) formation of the need for daily physical exercises;
b) formation of the ability to rationally use physical exercises in independent motor activity;
c) development of independence, creativity, initiative;
d) the formation of a culture of feelings;
e) improvement of the protective functions of the body.
11. The use of various forms of motor activity creates an optimal ...
Answer options:
a) the level of physical fitness;
b) motor mode;
c) criterion of physical development;
d) motor skill;
e) training effect.

12. At a physical education lesson, control over compliance with the following loads is carried out:
Answer options:
a) emotional, spiritual and moral;
b) psychological, physical;
c) intellectual, physical;
d) psychological, biological;
e) electrostatic, physical.

13. Various types of physical education classes include classes:
Answer options:
a) mixed type, sports, plot, games, simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, interests, control and testing, etc .;
b) mixed type, plot, games, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, if necessary, control and verification, etc .;
c) mixed type, gymnastic, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, by interests, control and verification, etc.;
d) plot, game, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, by interests, with balls, etc.;
e) plot, gaming, on simulators, music, interests, control and verification, etc.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge
3.6. Methods of physical education of preschoolers

Question No. Correct
1 G
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 A
6 G
7 G
8 A
9 D
10 D
11 B
12 B
13 A

1. What is considered in modern pedagogical concepts as the main way of personality development in the ontogeny of introducing children to the social world?
Answer options:
a) adaptation;
b) self-improvement;
c) integration;
d) the unity of socialization and individualization;
e) accommodation.

2. Socialization is...
Answer options:
a) the process of communication between an adult and children;
b) the process of communication between children;
c) the process of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by the child, carried out in communication and activity, and its result;
d) communicative activity;
e) the process and result of communication between teachers and pupils of preschool educational institutions.

3. Diagnosis of the level of assimilation of social norms by children is the study of children's ideas ...
Answer options:
a) about the rules of behavior in society;
b) about the rules of conduct in kindergarten;
c) about ways of regulation of behavior;
d) about the customs and traditions of social relationships among different peoples;
4. Diagnosis of the level of formation of empathy in preschoolers involves an assessment of the level ...
Answer options:
a) understanding the motives of their actions;
b) evaluation of the actions of another person;
c) the ability to discuss problems of a social nature;
d) the ability to provide all possible assistance;
e) the ability to empathize with adults and peers.

5. What method of assistance from an adult is most effective for a child in overcoming the alienation of peers?
Answer options:
a) edification;
b) imitation;
c) punishment;
d) encouragement;
e) the creation of real life situations that ensure social success in a group of peers and their parents.
6. Find a goal that does not match the content of the C.A. program. Kozlova "I am a man":
Answer options:
a) fostering interest and respect for people, their activities, culture, way of life;
b) the formation of ideas about the Earth and the life of people on the planet;
c) the formation of ideas about the native country;
d) formation of national identity and respect for Orthodoxy;
e) fostering a sense of citizenship, patriotism, tolerant attitude towards the inhabitants of the Earth.
7. The role of the game in introducing preschoolers to the social world is ...
Answer options:
a) mastering the main vectors of human relationships;
b) the formation of children's ideas about work adults)
c) formation of communication skills;
d) the formation of skills to use the material;
e) the development of the imagination.

8. The social self-image of a preschooler suggests ..
Answer options:
a) the acquisition of the ability to self-esteem;
b) the acquisition of knowledge about people;
c) imitation of an adult;
d) comparing yourself with peers;
e) ideas about the environment.
9. What manifestation of social development is characteristic of the "crisis of 7 years"?
Answer options:
a) unwillingness to learn;
b) desire to listen to adults;
c) desire to be a schoolboy;
d) loss of immediacy;
e) awareness of oneself as a subject of communication.
10. How does a child's communication change during preschool age?
Answer options:
a) in importance;
b) by the form of communication and the type of relationship;
c) in meaning;
d) by interests;
e) by the number of contacts.
11. Who developed the method and methodology of sociometry?
Answer options:
a) J. Moreno;
b) B. Bloom;
c) A. N. Leontiev;
d) R. E. Bure;
e) S. A. Kozlova.
12. The reason for the child's emotional distress in a group of peers, which can be identified in the process of timed observations, is ...
Answer options:
a) inability to use gestures;
b) lack of need for communication, inability to communicate and play with peers;
c) ignorance of the names of all pupils of the group;
d) self-doubt;
e) lack of warmth and attention from close adults.
13. What is an indicator of the delay in the personal social development of an older preschooler?
Answer options:
a) inability to communicate;
b) high self-esteem;
c) unwillingness to learn;
d) poor development of arbitrariness;
e) fear of school.

14. An assessment of the level of formation of a culture of behavior in a preschool child involves ...
Answer options:
a) children's awareness of the need to fulfill labor assignments;
b) the ability of children to find an opportunity to communicate in different situations;
c) children's understanding of the legal basis for protecting their own dignity;
d) the formation of social needs and the assimilation of all components of cultural communication with adults and peers;
e) the formation of skills to resolve conflicts.
15. When diagnosing a child's readiness to communicate at school, attention is drawn to ...
Answer options:
a) the development of the sound culture of the child's speech;
b) etiquette;
c) possession of educational skills;
d) the ability to communicate in the conditions of school relationships;
e) knowledge about the school.
16. What age corresponds to the extra-situational-cognitive form of communication with adults, which is taken into account by modern programs?
Answer options:
a) from 0 to 2 months;
b) from 2 months to 7 months;
c) from 6-7 months to 3-4 years;
d) from 3-4 years to 5 years;
e) from 5-7 years.
17. What is the role of a role-playing game in the socio-psychological development of a preschooler?
Answer options:
a) the game forms the initial forms of self-control, self-assessment, organization, interpersonal relations of children;
b) in the game the child masters arbitrary movements;
c) the child learns the rules of adult behavior;
d) the game teaches actions with objects;
e) children learn to resolve conflicts.
18. Knowledge of the age-related psychological characteristics of the social development of children helps the teacher-educator:
Answer options:
a) diagnose the level of social development;
b) adequately assess the behavior of children in a group of peers;
c) organize team work;
d) develop guidelines for parents;
e) All answers are correct.
19. One of the reasons for the occurrence of violations of social contacts in children is ...
Answer options:
a) deprivation;
b) congenital physical defects;
c) lack of positive experience of communication in the family;
d) lack of attention and love from adults;
e) All answers are correct.

Key to section III. Subject-methodical knowledge

Question No. Correct
1 G
2 V
3 A
4 D
5 D
6 G
7 A
8 A
9 D
10 B
11 A
12 B
13 A
14 G
15 G
16 G
17 A

Abstract of the integrated GCD in the senior group "Journey to the glass city" At present, the use of educational technologies in pedagogical activity has become relevant. Integration of educational areas. In this abstract, I tried to show how you can build a GCD using several technologies: social gaming, developmental learning technology, dance creativity development technology, and health-saving technologies. Also the integration of educational areas such as communication, cognition, artistic creation, music, research activities. I often build GCD with children on socio-play technology, integrating different educational areas. This technology helps children learn how to communicate effectively, keeps children's attention, cognitive abilities, makes the educational process more exciting for children, promotes the development of their active position, independence, and creativity. Purpose: To acquaint children with the properties of glass: smoothness, transparency, fragility, water resistance, coloring, melody. Tasks: Educational: to expand and systematize children's knowledge about glass objects, features of glass and glassware; to form the ability to see the inconsistency of phenomena and solve problem situations. Developing: to develop auditory attention, creativity, non-standard thinking in visual activity. Educators: to cultivate the ability to maintain a conversation, express their point of view; educate accuracy, respect for things, Equipment: Glass objects (perfume bottles, vases, balls, pebbles of various shapes), sticks for checking the sonority of glass, a glass glass, multi-colored plates, puzzles in envelopes for each child, colored cubes, cotton swabs , gouache of different colors, recording music by B. Savelyev "Colorful game", musical remote control for flight control. (rhythmic mosaic by A.I. Burenina), fantastic noises, equipped highchairs for flying. Progress of GCD: I. Organizational moment.

The lesson takes place in a pre-prepared hall, a place for a flight to the glass city, a laboratory, a gallery. Q: Children, today we will make a trip to the glass city, and we will fly with you on a saucer. Please take a seat on the flight. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Q: turn on the music console (Fantastic music sounds and we take off) We landed safely in the city of glass. There are two boxes on the table. Q: I wonder which box I should open first: the big one or the small one. Children come to the teacher, offer their options. Q: Would you like to see what's in the boxes too? Children (D): Yes. Q: open the big box. Meet - this is Glass (a glass mug, she came to us from a glass city. It was the turn to open another box. Meet - this is Glass (a small glass glass, he is also a resident of this city) They invite us to their city to tell about it. In : Do you guys want to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the glass city? D: Yes V: Glass suggests guessing what the inhabitants of the glass city are made of. Here's a riddle: It's simple on the windows, But in the bottles it's colored, It doesn't run, it doesn't pour, but if you hit it, it will break. (glass) Q: Glass invites you to the city of glass.

Q: And here are the inhabitants of the glass city (children are looking at the glass objects presented). They are all made of glass. Tell me who lives in Glass City. Children name objects: a vase, a sugar bowl, a bottle, a bottle, a bowl, a glass, a mug, etc. Q: The glass invites us to the glass laboratory to find out what kind of glass it is and its properties. Children come to the tables. Experimental activities. B: There are glass glasses in front of you, take them in your hands. Tell me, guys, what kind of glass does it feel like? D: smooth. Q: Glass is smooth, which is why people like it, it is pleasant to touch, and smooth, beautiful products are obtained from it. The teacher puts a colored wooden cube in a glass. Q: Guess kids what's in my glass? D: Cube. Q: Do you guys see the cube? Why? D: yes. Children explain. Q: Indeed, all objects are visible through glass. The glass is transparent. This is the first property of glass. Q: Do you have glasses, how do you know the glass glasses are transparent? Children put the prepared cubes into glasses. Q: Tell us what property your glasses have. Children make up sentences with the word transparent. Q: What do you think people do with glass using this property - transparency. D: windows in the room, windows in the car. Educator come guys here, what do you see on the table.

Q: Guys, it turns out that glass can be colored. It can be dyed. This is another property of glass. Look, there are colored items in the Glass City. Children name objects made of colored glass, and their color. Q: What products can be called fragile. Children name glass objects and its properties. Q: Let's think about how to handle glass objects Children say that glass products must be handled carefully, not thrown, carefully carried. Q: So the inhabitants of the Glass City are afraid if someone drops them and breaks them. Brittleness is also a property of glass. Didactic game "Glass puzzles" Q: Let's see, in the laboratory, what can happen to a glass product (the teacher shows parts of the image). And if we collect these parts of the picture, we will find out what was depicted. Children collect parts of the image into a single picture and tell what is shown in the picture. V: Come on guys. V: Guys, your glasses are empty. What can be poured into your glasses? D: Juice, water, tea. Q: Let's check if this is true. Pour water into your glasses. Is water spilling from a glass? D: No. Q: Of course, the glass is waterproof. And what kind of glassware can you pour water, tea, juice into? Children name: a cup, a vase, a vial, a bottle, etc. Q: The properties of glass do not end there. Do you want to get acquainted with another property of glass? D: yes. B: Listen (the teacher knocks glass rods on the walls of glass objects).

Q: Are your glasses also melodic and sound? Take pencils and tap the glasses yourself with a pencil. Music Orchestra B: The glass resounds and makes a melodious sound. Let's create a musical orchestra with you. Children create an orchestra. Q: What products can be called fragile. Children name glass objects and its properties. Q: Let's think about how to handle glass objects Children say that glass products must be handled carefully, not thrown, carefully carried. Q: So the inhabitants of the Glass City are afraid if someone drops them and breaks them. Brittleness is also a property of glass. Didactic game "Glass puzzles" Q: Let's see, in the laboratory, what can happen to a glass product (the teacher shows parts of the image). And if we collect these parts of the picture, we will find out what was depicted. Children collect parts of the image into a single picture and tell what is shown in the picture. Q: Children in the glass city live a lot of fun, the glass people invite us to dance. Dance creativity. Children dance to Savelyeva's music "Colorful Game", rhythmic plastic program "Rhythmic Mosaic" Artistic creativity. Q: Glass and Glass have prepared a surprise for you. They invite you to their gallery (children look at stained glass paintings). You can draw on glass. Real artists found out about this and began to paint on glass. So Glass and Glass offer you guys to draw on glass and fill up their gallery.

Q: Guys, there are glass sheets and glass glasses in the gallery, some of the children will draw on glass sheets, and some of the children on glasses. Children paint over ready-made templates and complement the drawing as desired. Remember how to handle the glass sheet carefully, carefully move and turn, do not make sudden movements so as not to drop or break. Q: We will paint our canvases with gouache and different colors. Agree on who will paint what color. Exhibition of paintings in the gallery. Q: Glass and Glass were very happy to introduce you to the inhabitants of the Glass City and give you glass pebbles of various shapes. "Glass properties" so that you don't forget them and the properties of glass. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. B: we pass, we take places in flight. (Children return to kindergarten) Reflection: Where were we? What are the properties of glass, we met?

GCD for the public organization “Knowledge” (formation of elementary mathematical representations) “Fairy tale “The Frog Princess” Purpose: To teach children to solve arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction. Continue to consolidate knowledge about numbers. Exercise in orientation in space and on a sheet of paper. Refine your understanding of geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking, attention, creative imagination. To cultivate love for Russian folk tales and the desire to help. Material, equipment. Toys: woodman, bear, hare, drake, frog, chest, lock, keys, hoops, figures, flannelograph, envelope, card. Handout: geometric shapes. Preliminary work. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess", work according to the schemes. The children enter the room. Wail There are many fairy tales in the world. Fairy tales are very fond of children, Everyone wants to visit them And help the heroes. Guys, do you want to visit a fairy tale? Name the fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers. Two greedy bear cubs.

Three Bears. Three piglets. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Snow White and the seven dwarfs ... Scream Before us is a chest, And a lock hangs on it, In order to get into a fairy tale, we need to pick up the key. The game "Pick up the key to the lock" Shout We open the chest, We get into the magical world. Magical music sounds. What a miracle What a wonder? The map is at the bottom here. Now we will unfold the map And we will all fall into a fairy tale. They unfold the map of the Far Far Away Kingdom and examine it. The game "What's where? "Ivantsarevich" Ivan appears. Thank you guys for finding the map. I can free my frog princess with it. vospl

Guys, let's help Ivanutsarevich, and the map will help us find and disenchant the frog. Remember that tests and difficult tasks await us. You are ready? Then we look on the map where we need to go. They approach the forest, a forester sits on a stump. Scream On our way is a magical forest Tops of Christmas trees to heaven. A forester lives in this forest. Actually, he's a good old man. But those who do not fulfill his tasks He turns them into stumps. Lesovik let us through your forest. Lesovik Complete my task, I'll miss it. Shout Guys, are you ready to answer the questions of the forester? Lesovik What season is it now? What are the winter months? In what month does autumn end and winter begin? What day of the week is today? Well done, guys, they coped with my task, I let you through my forest. Shout Thank you, you forester. Let's open the map and see where we need to go next.

They approach the bear. Shout Hello, Mashenka bear. Why are you not cheerful, why are you hanging your head? Bear How can I have fun here? After all, I came out of the den, I looked around at the threshold. And you can't find friends. They fled, dispersed. We did exercises together, And then we played hide and seek. Let's cry, let's find some friends for the bear and he will have more fun with them. Lay out figures of animals from geometric shapes. Working with handouts. The game "Collect the animals" Music sounds. Children work on the floor. Bear Thank you guys. Helped find my friends. Now I won't be bored. Move on, the path is open to you. Shout Let's open the map of what lies ahead of us. They approach the hare, there are not high houseplants. Scream Bunny gray sitting

And trembles under the bush. Don't be afraid of us bunny Help us now. Show us the way. How can we find a frog. Hare You must go over the bumps. And there, somewhere under a bush, There is a small envelope. You will find tasks in it. We must solve them first, I will show the way then. The game "Over the bumps" Jumping in circles with numbers from 1 to 10. They bring an envelope. They solve problems. 1. Once a friend of a neighbor galloped to a hare for lunch. The hares sat on a stump and ate 5 carrots each. Who's counting guys slick? How many carrots have you eaten? (10) 2. With his nose up high, the Hare carried 6 carrots, Stumbled and fell - lost 2 carrots, How many carrots did the hare have left? (6) Hare

Thank you guys for solving problems, then you have to go. Scream Goodbye, dear, hare. They go further. Scream Further, the river is on the way, We must cross it. The drake floats on the river. Guess, you guys, how can you cross the river? (by the river there is building material of different sizes) Drake Well done, guys. They built a bridge. You can go further. Vospl Ivantsarevich, here is the frog. (takes a frog in his hands, music sounds, a transformation takes place) Vasilisa the Wise appears. Vasilisa the Wise Thank you, dear friends, I'm glad you found me. Ivan Thank you guys for your help. Make friends with mathematics, Accumulate your knowledge. vospl

This fairy tale ends. And you guys are great, you helped Ivanutsarevich find Vasilisa the Wise and coped with all the tasks. Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group "Let's help Captain Goose" At present, the use of educational technologies in pedagogical activity has become relevant. In this abstract, I tried to show how you can build a GCD using several technologies: social gaming, developmental learning technology, elements of correctional technologies and health-saving technologies. I often build GCD with children on socio-gaming technology as a combination of a game moment and society. This technology helps children learn how to communicate effectively, makes the educational process more exciting for children, promotes the development of their active position, independence, and creativity. Summary of GCD in mathematics in the preparatory group "Let's help Captain Goose." Purpose: To systematize the knowledge of children in elementary mathematical concepts. Tasks: 1. Continue to learn how to make object silhouettes from geometric shapes according to the model and without it.

2. Strengthen the ability to measure the length of a segment, find an extra figure in a row, perform a graphic dictation under the guidance of an adult. 3. Develop fine motor skills of hands, spatial representations. 4. Development of the processes of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, intellectual and creative abilities in the course of joint activities. 5. Cultivate the ability to hear and listen to each other, make joint decisions, receive positive emotions, doing pleasant things for others. Equipment: non-melting icicles of Ice Lake, the ship SpraySplash, Captain Gus, carpet-maker "Larchik", a set of figures for composing the silhouette of a sailboat, sheets depicting the silhouette of a sailboat, a plan of the path (segments) from the devil's mountain to Lake Ice, an image of a number of non-melting ice (for each campaign, samples of animal silhouettes, checkered sheets for graphic dictation GCD move I. Organizational moment. The song “True Friend” sounds Educator: Guys, what is the song about? (about friendship) What is “friendship”? (children's answers) ) Guys, friendship is a wonderful feeling. We have a wonderful mood when real friends are around. Let's show how friendly we are. Exercise "Friendship" Turn to your neighbor - smile at your neighbor; Turn to your neighbor - shake hands with your neighbor; Turn to your neighbor - hug the neighbor; I, you, he, she are together a friendly family II. Introductory part. On the carpet, the teacher and the children notice Captain Goose, who is standing on the shore, and the boat of SpraySplash is standing on a painted river. Three flags are missing. Educator: Captain Goose, something is not fun for you ... What happened to you?

Captain Goose: I decided to go around the world on my ship, but then the north wind came up, tore off the flags from the masts and carried them away. And for SpatterSpray to be able to swim, he needs all the flags. Educator: And you don't know where to look for them? Captain Goose: I know, but I need help. Instead of flags, the north wind brought a letter. From the letter, I learned that Baba Yaga had the flags. She will return them to me if I complete her tasks within a certain time. I worry that I may not be able to cope or not be in time. III. Main part. Educator: Guys, can we help the Captain? On every ship there is a cosiness of the campaign, where the sailors rest. And in order for us to complete the tasks faster, let's divide them into campaigns. Now each of you will take a piece, find a table with the image of a sailboat of your color, and each campaign will make a sailboat. Division into campaigns. Children make sailboats from figures on the tables, sit down and raise their hands with a “house” (finished the task). Educator: Now each campaign will choose a captain (children confer and choose a campaign captain). Let's see what task Baba Yaga sent: “Captain Goose, measure the length of each section of the path from Devil's Mountain to Ice Lake. The numbers are the code from the lock, behind which you will find what you need. 1 task "Road from Devil's Mountain to Ice Lake" Each campaign is given a plan and a sheet with empty cells. Children measure the segments of the path with a ruler and enter the numbers in empty cells - this is the code by which we open the lock and get two flags. Educator: I read further the letter from B. Ya. “Dear Captain, you have come to the magical Ice Lake, on which ice floes float. I sent them. But not to admire them. You need to find the right pieces of ice to open the next lock. Task 2 “Find an extra ice floe” Each campaign is given a sheet with a row of ice floes, on which the children lay out the icicles on their table. You need to find a spare. Three collected pieces of ice - the code to the castle. We get two more flags.

teacher: Guys, I think that B. Ya. is so harmful because she has no friends. Let's make friends from ice floes for B. Ya. And since she lives in the forest, then animals will be friends. Maybe B. Ya. will become kinder? According to the samples, children in campaigns collect animals from ice cubes. Educator: I am reading the last task. “Now, Captain Goose, try to find the key to the third lock. And then you'll get the next flag." Guys, in the next task there will be a strong load on the eyes and we need to prepare them. Gymnastics for the eyes. BRIDGE We close our eyes, that's what miracles are. (Close both eyes) Our eyes rest, exercises are performed. (They continue to stand with their eyes closed) And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river. (They open their eyes, draw a bridge with their eyes) Let's draw a wheel. Is it easy? (They draw a wheel with their eyes) Let's look down, look up. (Eyes lowered, raised up) All of us will have great success! (Show surprise with eyes) Turn to the right, turn to the left (Eyes move to the right to the left) Let's start again. Task 3 "Graphic dictation" Under the dictation of the teacher, the children perform the dictation and at the end receive the image "Key".

Educator: Let's check if the key fits the lock. (behind the lock are three flags). IV. Final reflection. Captain Goose: Thank you guys! Now I can travel around the world! Educator: Have a good voyage, Captain Goose! We will ask you to visit B. Ya. and give her the animals that the guys have collected. Captain Goose: All right, I will grant your request. I will definitely visit B. Ya. Maybe she really will do less bad deeds. Educator: Guys, you are great. Help the captain. What helped you complete your assignments? Captains, can you mark the children who did better and faster? Campaigns, and your captains were really real captains, experts in their own way. Synopsis of the role-playing game "Supermarket" Purpose: Program content Learning tasks To teach children to coordinate their own game plan with the plans of their peers. Teach children to implement the plots of the game. Consolidate knowledge about the functioning of the store Developmental tasks Develop interest and respect for trade professions Develop dialogical speech Educational tasks To cultivate a polite, friendly attitude towards people around and each other.

Administrator. Q What does an administrator do? D - Keeps order in the hall and helps the sellers. Q - And what are the cashiers doing? D - They sit at the cash register and make purchases, take money. Q - what is the security guard doing? D - guards the store. Q - And the director? D - the most important, responsible for everything. Let's distribute the roles and prepare our trading floor to receive customers. Distribution of roles. Q. Who is the cashier? What will you need? Q. Who is the director? What will you need? Q. Guys., Do you all remember the rules of conduct in the store? Children's answers. Q Who are you? D - We are buyers. Q What are the buyers doing? D buy. Q - What do buyers need to bring to play? D - Purses, bags, children, strollers. Q. How can I get to the store? Q. Let's assign roles and prepare our sales area to receive customers Role Distribution Q. Who wants to be a cashier?

Q. What will you need for the role? Children's answers Q. Who wants to be salespeople? Children's answers Q. What will you need for the role? Q. Who wants to be an administrator? Q. What do you need for the role? Children's answers Q. Who wants to be a security guard? Q. What will you need for the role? Q. Guys, who are you? Children's answers Q. What do buyers do? Children's answers Q. What do customers need to play? Children's answers Q. How can I get to the supermarket? Children's answers Q. Guys, do you remember the rules of conduct in the store? Children's answers: Q. You will go to a new supermarket on a free bus, please take your seats. The music of Igor Krutoy sounds. Director. Hello! Welcome to our supermarket! Administrator And now we are in the store. All products on display:

tea, sweets, sausage - Eyes run wide. Come on, buy. Give money to the cashier. Buyers disperse into departments. Evening has come to our city. The working day is over. Shops are closing. Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten.

Hello everyone, Tatyana Sukhikh is with you! Come on, admit who has certification on his nose, and you are rushing about, earning points, without taking part in anything for the sake of high results. Quite a familiar situation, it also once came to its senses when the rooster pecked. But now I have become smarter, and I will teach you how to make sure that certification for the first category is a pleasure, and does not draw the last strength out of you.

So, you already know in advance that sooner or later certification awaits you, but you are not particularly zealous to earn at least some certificates and diplomas for participating in competitions, you do not take other steps that will lead you to an easy certification. But in vain. After all, in 2-3 years, without particularly straining, it is possible to collect such a portfolio for yourself that will allow you to freely hand over all the necessary papers without the need for an open lesson in a preschool educational institution.

A teacher's portfolio is something that should be replenished continuously, and you can only take part in what you are interested in and what you can do. And if you are lazy, then in the last months before certification you will have to take on everything in a row, and this will already be stressful. There will definitely not be time for the family, trust me. Moreover, methodologists do not always help with the preparation of the necessary documents, so you will also most likely have to compile all the certificates yourself.

I will announce the certification requirements a little later, but now I want to focus on what you can do now, when you still have time left before the “X” moment.

Important preparation points

  1. As I already mentioned, as many participations as possible in various competitions that you can do, both as a teacher and with your pupils. However, if competitions are not your forte, then choose a few of the most worthy ones (all-Russian or regional level) and invest in them to the maximum so that there is a good result (1,2 or 3rd place).
  2. Try to publish your methodological development of classes, scenarios of events, some of your thoughts and conclusions about working with children and their upbringing. Where this can be done, I already wrote. You can also try to publish in pedagogical periodicals in your area.
  3. If possible, take a mentorship of a young teacher, become a member of the jury of a competition, or use modern teaching and upbringing technologies in your work.
  4. You can also work on your program while there is time. Rework the old paragraphs, supplement and expand in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The topic of self-education should also be relevant.
  5. If the time has come, you need to take refresher courses. You can do this both online and in your organization by placing an order with the appropriate authorities. As a rule, if there are several such teachers in an institution, then the Institute for Advanced Studies can send lecturers to you for an appropriate fee. And you can gain the required number of hours by watching webinars, if you like this option more.

Internet to help you

That's just participation in offline webinars, and I can offer and advise you. Perhaps the topics below will be very useful and relevant, so I advise you to purchase the materials as soon as possible, and you can listen to them at any time convenient for you.

In the UchMag online store, you can buy offline webinars on the following topics:

  • “The content and structure of the teacher's professional standard. Qualification characteristics of the teacher "(volume 4 hours)
  • "Master Class as an Effective Pedagogical Technology for Successful Certification and Improvement of Professional Competence"(volume 2 hours)
  • Performance map teacher of distance education: requirements and content "(volume 2 hours)
  • Participation in an offline seminar "The procedure for certification of teaching staff: a new approach"(volume 2 hours)
  • Afonkina Yu.A. How a teacher can build effective preparation for certification: studying and assessing the competencies of a preschool teacher.

This manual will help the educator to better prepare for certification. From it you will learn how to conduct professional introspection when compiling a portfolio, get acquainted with road maps in different areas of the work of a teacher, and in general you will prepare for this important event, taking into account the modern competence-based certification model, which will indicate your high professional level.

Certification is on the way

So, I hope that you are obedient students, and everything that I described above will certainly be carried out at least to a minimum during the entire working period preceding the assessment. Then, when the time comes to be certified, you will need to write an application, prepare a folder with your achievements and the necessary certificates, and wait for it to be submitted to a special commission.

You may have to make some inquiries yourself, for example, about the use of modern educational technologies in your work or something else. Or maybe you are lucky, and the methodologist will make them himself.

That's all, by the way, print out diplomas, certificates, certificates, put them in a folder, and the first category is practically in your hands. Of course, if after filling out the expert opinion table you do not have enough points, you will need to

  1. or pass a test-monitoring of the level of formation of professional competence of the type of activity being carried out
  2. or host a training session or event

In most cases, this is enough to get the missing points.

How is the score calculated? For each criterion and its subsection, you can get 0, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points. Some criteria have an additional coefficient, and then the result obtained increases in proportion to this coefficient, so the maximum score here can be quite large.

This item is relevant for the criterion that sums up the result of children's participation in competitions, as well as for advanced training in graduate school. In other cases, as noted above, you can score 0 points or from 2 to 5 points.

So, for example, if we take such a criterion as the level of ICT formation of a teacher, then he gets 0 points if he does not know ICT and is not used in work, 2 points - when using ICT to prepare for classes and maintain documentation, 3 points - the same , as in the previous paragraph + use of ICT for generalization, 4 points - use, among other things, in analytical and methodological work, as well as the availability of CPD courses, 5 points - participation in the work of Internet communities or the presence of your own blog (site).

Criteria in accordance with GEF

I offer you a list of criteria, i.e. what exactly you need to prepare for certification, I will focus on the most important points on which your overall result will depend:

  1. You must have an author's educational program, which is desirable to be approved at least at the municipal level, or at the regional level, which is even better. The presence of an adapted educational program for pupils with disabilities is welcomed and encouraged with additional points, and if it is implemented from 1 to 3 years, then the points increase for each year.
  2. Your pupils must participate in various competitions, festivals, exhibitions, tournaments and competitions. Points are given for victories and prizes, as well as for participation, depending on the status of the event. The higher the status, the higher the points. An additional coefficient is applied for prizes.
  3. The presence of at least 5 years of experience in a team with the title of "Exemplary Children's Team" allows you to get an additional 4 points.
  4. As for advanced training, courses lasting 16 hours or more give you 3 points (this also includes the webinars recommended by me, the hours of which are summed up), with courses of 48 hours or more - 4 points, and profile courses above 108 hours - 5 points.
  5. The use of modern educational technologies and methods is also very important. When using individual elements, depending on the level, you get 2 or 3 points, using in the system and effectively applying - 4 points, if you have your own system of techniques and methods - 5 points.
  6. The presence of a holistic generalized experience and its generalization at the institution level gives 2 points, at the municipal level - 3 points, at the regional level - 4 points, at the All-Russian level - 5 points. I think that each of you has your own experience, even with a little work experience. It remains only to competently arrange and protect, or conduct a master class, an open lesson, etc.
  7. The publication of methodological materials is very important, both in online resources and in printed publications, but I have already spoken about this above, I will not repeat myself.
  8. The public activity of the teacher, including trade union and deputy, is also encouraged with points.
  9. Thanks, certificates, certificates awarded to the teacher for professional achievements during the inter-certification period are also taken into account.
  10. The participation of a teacher in competitions of professional skills, author's programs, methodological developments are evaluated depending on the level of the competition.
  11. An additional 20 points can be obtained for having an academic degree or academic title in the field of work, as well as for having state awards, honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation or the former republics of the USSR.
  12. And if there are not enough points, then you can get 4 or 5 points for conducting a lesson or passing a test.

This is what a sample part of the evaluation sheet looks like.

It's important to know

It is expected that already in 2017 teachers, teachers and educators will go through the certification process in a slightly different way, new rules and regulations will be introduced. And it is not a fact that they will be simpler or lighter than the existing option. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and desire, do not delay certification. Even if you have the first category, and 2 years have already passed since you received it, it is quite possible to try yourself for the highest one, and not wait another 3 years.

In 2017, mandatory certification awaits everyone who passed it 5 years ago, as well as those who prematurely wish to improve it. The employer does not have the right to involve the following employees in the recertification (only at their request):

  • pregnant women;
  • teachers with a qualification category of less than 5 years;
  • employees who have been working in the field of education for no more than 2 years;
  • who are on parental leave;
  • not working for more than 4 months due to illness.

Well, that's all for now. Think. Which gave you a lot of food for thought. If any questions remain unsolved or incomprehensible, then do not hesitate to ask in the comments, we will figure it out together. The goals and objectives of certification are to increase the professionalism of the teacher, as well as increase his salary, which I wish you! Share this article with your friends on social networks and subscribe to blog updates!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!


correctional and developmental classes
in the senior speech therapy group
MDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 131"
Kirovsky district of Saratov

Goal: 1. Development of auditory and visual perception
2. Development of attention and memory.
3. Development of thinking and speech.
4. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Soft toy "Bee";
Plastic insect toys, paper butterflies;
Subject pictures: bee, grasshopper, ladybug;
Cards with painted insects;
24 pictures (4 for each child) depicting insects, fruits ..;
plates, sheets of paper, simple pencils, envelopes.

Lesson progress:
Children go into the psychologist's office, greet the guests. On the walls, tables are pasted, attached images of insects (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers, etc.). The psychologist asks:
- Children, look around! What do you think we are going to talk about today? (about insects).
- What insects do you know? (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, ants, etc.). Well done!
- Now come to the blackboard (children stand in a semicircle at the blackboard).
- Look, I have a picture attached here. I will now talk about the subject that is depicted there. Listen carefully and guess what we are talking about:
“People call these insects toilers, troublemakers. The insect is painted in yellow-black color, its wings are translucent. This is a very useful insect, it pollinates flowers, gives people honey and wax ”(this is a bee).
- Right (the picture is turned over).
- Now look who came to visit us (showing a soft toy bee). Let's play the game "Memorize the words" with you. I will say words to you, and you memorize them, and when you catch a bee, tell me these words.
1. wasp, mosquito, beetle, fly, ant.
2. bee, butterfly, dragonfly, beetle, wasp.
3. fly, caterpillar, ant, wasp, beetle.
4. grasshopper, bumblebee, butterfly, ant, bee.
5. mosquito, fly, cockroach, beetle, wasp.
6. bumblebee, cricket, grasshopper, caterpillar, beetle.
- Well done!
- Do you want to play another game? (yes, we want). The game is called "Find out by description." I will describe some insect to you, and you think and tell me which insect I am talking about:
- There is a head, abdomen, four wings, six legs; flies-buzzes (beetle).
- There is a head, a long abdomen, four colored wings, six legs; flies from flower to flower (butterfly).
- There is a head, abdomen, four wings, six legs, collects nectar from flowers (bee).
- There is a head, abdomen, four transparent wings, six legs; harmful insect (fly).
- There is a head, abdomen, four transparent wings, six legs, a long sharp proboscis (mosquito).
- There is a head, a long abdomen, four wings, six legs; jumping, chirping (grasshopper).
- Well done! And now, let's go to the tables with you.
Children sit at tables. I draw a shape on the board: 13 SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT 1415.
- Guys, carefully consider the picture and try to remember it. Then take a simple pencil and a sheet of paper and draw what you remember.
Children look at the figure for 10 seconds, then the image is erased and the children draw from memory.
- Well done! Now put the sheets of pencils aside and we will do finger exercises with you. Repeat after me:
- I am a cheerful Maybug,
I know all the gardens around
I'm circling over the lawn
And my name is Zhu-zhu.
(children clench their fists, spread their index finger and little finger to the sides (mustache) and move them).
- The bee sat on the flower,
She drinks fragrant juice.
(children stretch out the index finger of the right hand and rotate it, then the same thing with the finger of the left hand).

Guys, each of you has an envelope in your plate. And in it is a picture of an insect. Take it, examine it, now turn it over. You see - it is divided by lines into several parts. Take scissors and cut the card into pieces along the lines (children cut the cards).
- Good! Now assemble the picture from the parts (children complete the task).
- Well done! You have divided the whole into parts and reassembled the whole from the parts. Now put the picture back in the envelope and put it on the edge of the table.
- You still have sets of 4 pictures in your plates. Take them, please, and consider. And now everyone will tell me which picture in the set is superfluous and explain why. And everyone else listens carefully and corrects if something is wrong.
- Well done! You have done well in this task. And now, let's leave the tables and stand in a circle. Imagine that we are on a lawn where butterflies flutter, bees fly, grasshoppers chirp. Let's play the game "Depict an insect". At my command: "Beetle" - you fold your hands behind your back and start buzzing - "zhzhzhzhzh"; on command: "Mosquito" - you start to squeak like mosquitoes - "zzzzzzzzz"; on the command "Butterfly" - you depict with your hands how a butterfly flies. So let's get started!
- Well done! We played great. And now, let's remember what we did today, what games we played (children list what they remembered in class).
- Well done! I liked the way you worked. They were very active and attentive. Our lesson has come to an end and we will go to the group.