Is it possible to donate a tank in wot. WoT gifts: where to find and how to get a gift in World of Tanks? WoT gifts: what are they and how to get them

Let's start with the fact that in the game World of Tanks gold, premium account, equipment need to be bought only on the official website in the premium store. There are other ways to replenish gold, but do not get fooled by sites that offer you bonus codes for equipment supposedly for half the price or the like, you will simply lose your money.

How to donate wargaming premium store products?

To get started, select the desired section of the premium store i.e. World of Tanks. Select the type of virtual item. After that, you will see a complete list of all products of this type. We select the necessary goods and we see a window with the specified cost and the full description. At the bottom there are various payment methods (credit card, virtual wallet, etc.). To make a gift, just tick the box next to the line "Give a friend", then enter the player's nickname (or select from the list of friends or clan members) and select the payment method.

After that, follow all the instructions and enter the data necessary for a particular payment method. That's all, the gift was successfully sent if you didn't have any problems with payment systems. All notifications of completed transactions will be sent to your email. If you have any problems please contact .

How to buy a premium account and (or) equipment?

The buying process consists of two ways:
- Buy in the premium store.
- Buy directly in the game for in-game gold.

The whole purchase process in the premium store is similar to the process of sending a gift, except that you need to uncheck the box "Give a friend", in this case, all paid goods are credited to your account.
Purchasing vehicles in the premium store has some advantages over the usual purchase for gold in the game, as developers often introduce various discounts on goods in general or for a specific payment system.
Also in the premium store you can find such a section as "special offer", in it you can find quite profitable offers while saving your money.

Premium account is the most profitable to buy for a long time, as you save a lot of gold. For example: for half a year we need to pay 13,500 gold - this is 6 months, for a month we pay 2,500 separately, i.e. if you pay every month, you will end up with as much as 15,000. Draw your own conclusions, not everyone is comfortable paying for such a long time, because life is unpredictable and it will not always come out to play.

Multiplayer games on the modern market have gained a wide scope in terms of development, especially for shooters of various levels. And after the project begins to actively develop, various services for participants appear. In some games, you can help financially another, call him into the family, swear to protect, etc. As for shooters, there has recently been a tendency to create conditions for users to give each other gifts in the form of necessary items. For example, the ancestor of this trend, the game World of Tanks, has the opportunity to give away premium tanks. Previously, this could not be done, but now the project has reached such a level that developers can implement the most daring ideas in its development. And in this article we will find out how to donate a tank in World of Tanks, get acquainted with the nuances of this procedure.

gift tanks

This is the main game element, thanks to which users achieve a variety of goals. The game is based on the use of this military technique, so it is key. Before understanding how to donate a tank in World of Tanks, it is worth considering what the transport is distributed to. Vehicles have several qualifications: premium and simple tanks. Simple ones can be obtained in the game at the expense of experience and silver. Premium units can only be obtained with real money invested in the project. And only they can be given to other users, if you have such a desire. As for the rest of the equipment, then, alas, it will not work as a gift.

How to donate technology?

How to donate a tank in World of Tanks? Answering the question and doing this operation is quite simple. It is enough to go to the game's premium store, select a suitable combat unit, outline who you want to give it to, pay for the purchase - and the gift will arrive on the user's profile after a while. You can choose and give absolutely any tank from the available assortment. Any user can do the same towards you. Therefore, if it's your birthday, then you know what you can ask for as a gift. Or keep in mind how to please your friends if they participate in this project.

The cost of gifts

Is it possible to donate a tank in World of Tanks? We have already answered this question, it remains to see what the value of these gifts is. At the moment it varies if you are in the ruble zone. The price of equipment depends on the level, for example, level 2 of development is not so expensive, but for 8 you will have to pay a decent amount. All equipment has a completely different value, so you can choose a gift in accordance not only with interests, but also with its monetary equivalent. The main thing is not to make mistakes in time. You need to carefully enter the nickname of the user to whom you will send the tank. It is worth remembering that in case of an error, they will no longer compensate and return the gift. Therefore, it is better to spend more time, but be sure that your present will reach.

Gift restrictions

But how to give a tank from the hangar to a friend in World of Tanks? You should not even think about it, since this service is not provided and is unlikely to be introduced. There are quite a few reasons for such a policy, it is not even worth starting to list them. You can only give away those tanks that are in the assortment of the premium store, and no more. As for the number of items, there are no restrictions on this, you can at least charge another user, the main thing is that you are able to pay for all this.

So we sorted out the question of how to donate a tank in World of Tanks. Now you know how to carry out this procedure and what restrictions should be considered. This project is truly unique, since it has so many different possibilities in terms of gifts. Play, give tanks to your friends and get no less valuable gifts in return.

Help a friend in World of Tanks

Most MMO games currently support the ability for the player to purchase things necessary for a comfortable game, including weapons. Purchased items can usually be sold, traded, and gifted. With the rise in popularity of the most hyped tank game, many players began to wonder - and in World of Tanks can i donate a tank?

Interest is quite understandable, so it is easy to describe the reason. Each battle involves 15 players from each side, this is known to each player, but due to the vastness of the maps, it is more convenient to operate in platoons. One platoon can have up to three tanks. And it is much more pleasant to go to the square as part of a platoon in which there is a comrade, and if he has a good tank, then the two of you will be quite comfortable. So a complete platoon of three high-level tanks with the ability to communicate and good coordination of movements can greatly reduce the number of allies.

The contents of the hangar are inviolable

However, many players are poorly versed in the nuances of the game, even if they have been playing for a long time and have good tanks in the hangar. A tanker fired up with an idea goes to a friend and invites him to join the game. But when he comes home, he discovers that it is not so simple. First, a friend needs to register, but at present this will not be a big problem. So, the comrade superficially examined the game and is eager to fight. However, something goes wrong.
And then you find out that theoretically you can give your friend a tank, in World of Tanks there are many of them, but you can’t give a tank from the hangar. Why? Because of the balance. If pumped tanks from the hangar of some players can be transferred to the hangars of other players, then the balance of the game will collapse. At first, it will become boring, as a lot of mediocre players will get good tanks, and then the project will be completely closed due to a huge decline in attendance and a decrease in profits.

And yet it is possible - a gift in the form of a tank

But theoretically, you can donate a tank. Indeed, there is a possibility donate a premium tank to World of Tanks. This is done using the site-shop. There you can choose the tank you like and, having paid, donate it. But there are a few features here:
The tank can only be given to the user who is added to you as a friend;
The user must be registered on the site. This is necessary to synchronize with your friends list;
The friend must accept your gift within 30 days, otherwise the tank will be returned to you. The same will happen if your friend refuses the gift;
Beware of fake sites, use only official ones. Otherwise, you will lose money, and your friend will never receive a gift, for which scammers will be extremely happy with easy profits.


A detailed guide on how to donate a tank in World of Tanks:

Let's go to the official website. You must be registered;

Approximately in the middle of the screen is a link to the premium store. The duplicate link is available at the very top of the page. Click on one of the suggested link options;
Clicking on the link opens the store window. In the list of games, hover over World of Tanks and from the menu that opens, select the section "equipment";
In the list that opens, select the tank, after pressing the "buy" button, select the payment method. After that, we must log into our account, select the friend to whom the gift will be intended and write accompanying congratulations.

Any connoisseur of modern games will be happy receive a gift in World of Tanks, how to give a tank to a friend is now clear, so all that remains is to please your surroundings with excellent premium tanks, and later - enjoy a well-coordinated game in a team and in a platoon. To battle!


Site prices may change, as well as the assortment, depending on the exchange rate and the time of year. On holidays, you can find special offers on the site, some of them may be unique. The appearance of the site may change slightly to improve the quality of visualization, reduce the “heaviness” of the page and introduce new aspects, however, the overall plan for buying a tank, both for yourself and for friends, will not change much. Considering that in World of Tanks usually sedate, self-confident people with a large reserve of calmness and poise play, it can be assumed that this type of gift will be very useful for most players - it’s not a pity to spend money on a gift for a good person. The variety of tanks can confuse you when choosing, so before you buy a gift tank, you should go through several battles with your friend and determine which tank your friend likes the most. And when you decide on the model, you will be welcomed on the site to provide an opportunity to present a gift tank to your friend.

Of course, we also give gifts to users who are subscribed to the group or visit the site. We try to do it as often as possible.

Receiving a gift in an online game is a very pleasant event. In a multiplayer WoT game, receiving gifts is one of the many functions of the game store. However, not all players know how to accept a gift in World of Tanks. Let's consider this question in detail.

WoT gifts: what are they and how to get them?

A game user can receive valuables from a system administrator, friend or clanmate: gold, military equipment, premium account and other "charms".

In order to use the gift, you must first open it. Here, gamers in tanks have difficulties.

WoT gifts sent to the player are in the game store. Before a surprise appears in the game, it must first be obtained.

Where to find a gift in tanks?

In order to understand where the gifts are in WoT, you must use one of the following methods.

Method number 1:

  1. Open the official website of World of Tank, log in (enter your username and password).
  2. Next, go to the "Profile" tab.
  3. Find and click on the line "My gifts".

Method number 2:

  1. Log in to the game store at
  2. Click on the inscription: "You have a new gift." Such an inscription is located on the left side of the screen under the main menu.

Method number 3

An alternative way is to confirm the gift via email. A notification is sent to the player's email address that a gift has been received. There is also a link in the email to receive it. However, emails may be delayed.

Instructions for receiving presents

When notifying a player to receive a WoT gift, the user must follow these steps:

  • Open the email message and follow the link provided.
  • In the menu, go to the "Gifts" tab.
  • Next, the player needs to log in to the game (in his account).
  • After successfully logging into the game account, you need to check the "Your gifts" list.
  • In this list, the player can see all the gifts available to him, as well as ways to receive them. And also the gamer decides whether to receive such a gift or whether it is better to refuse it.
  • If the user decided to receive a gift, then for this it is necessary to select the "Accept gift" line.

After completing these steps, the player will see a notification that the gift has been successfully credited to the account.

Some useful facts

You can accept WoT gifts within 30 days. After the specified period, there will be no opportunity to accept the present.

If the surprise was accepted, then the user can use it in the game without any restrictions. WoT gifts are credited to the player's account within 24 hours.

If the gamer refused to receive the gift, then the gift is returned to the account of the user who originally sent it.

If the gift is not visible in the game after acceptance, then you need to exit and re-authorize in the game client. After completing this action, the gift should appear in the list and in the game itself.

In the event that the player received from the donor an item that he already has, the gamer will receive compensation in the form of game currency (gold). It will be calculated based on the value of the donated item in the game world. The gift is converted into gold automatically after the gift is accepted.

The WoT multiplayer game is famous not only for a good engine, but also for various additional features that allow you to enter direct contact between players.

More than once on the forums of the game you can meet the question: is it possible to donate a tank in world of tanks from a hangar? And the answer is no, but you can donate tanks through a special store, but more on that in order.

What equipment can be donated?

There are two types of tanks in the game: some can be purchased for play money, others only for real ones. Tanks purchased with real money are referred to as premium tanks and can only be gifted to your friends. There are no restrictions on the number of gifts, the main thing you should understand is that tanks from the hangar cannot be presented in any way, and this function is unlikely to ever be available.

How to give a premium tank?

To donate a tank open the premium store of the game, select the desired vehicle and send it to a specific nickname. The cost of equipment depends on the level, prices start at about 10 euros, in ruble terms, prices often jump.


Now you know if you can donate a tank to world of tanks from a hangar. Be careful when filling in the recipient's details, otherwise you will send the premium tank to the wrong person. You can also donate not only premium tanks, but also gold, thanks to which the recipient will be able to choose their own vehicle or something else.