Lapis: where silver nitrate is applied. What is lapis - instructions for use, composition and form of release, indications, side effects and analogues What is the name of the substance agno3


The active substance silver nitrate is used in medicine due to its antiseptic properties. The Latin name is Argentum nitricum or Lapis infernalis, the second is translated as "hellish lapis". Silver nitrate was named so because of its strong causticity. The therapeutic effect is exerted by dilute solutions used in dentistry, ophthalmology, and other areas of medicine, along with other antibacterial drugs.

What is silver nitrate

The combination of a silver salt with nitric acid forms a precipitation of colorless, tasteless and odorless crystals in the form of rhombuses, the so-called lapis pencils. The substance is soluble in water, alcohol, darkens in direct sunlight. Hellstone has been known in medicine since ancient times as an antiseptic. Nitrate has an astringent effect, solutions cauterize wounds, ulcers, warts. The effect in organic chemistry is based on the fact that silver ions disrupt the metabolism of pathogenic microbes.


The use of a drug based on nitrate metal is justified by its anti-inflammatory effect. Metal salts bind sulfhydryl and carboxyl groups of amino acids, causing protein denaturation. Due to this property, it is used in the manufacture of medicines, used externally, orally, depending on the concentration. It is impossible to use pure nitrate: it is an extremely caustic substance that can cause a chemical burn.


The structural formula of a pure substance is AgNO3. For medical purposes, water, alcohol solutions, ointments are used as part of medicines. Methods of application depend on the purpose. Silver nitrate solution varies from 0.05% to 10%. The dosage is determined by the doctor, it is necessary to consult before use. Sometimes the drug is administered orally: metal ions have an astringent effect, stopping diarrhea of ​​​​microbial origin.

Silver nitrate in medicine

As a rule, solutions and ointments based on lapis are used externally. Due to the property of the destruction of protein compounds, the cessation of the metabolism of pathogenic bacteria, the substance remains one of the most effective antiseptics and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The use of a weak solution is permissible on the mucous membranes, skin. Benefits of Lapis:

  • with ulcers, erosions has an epithelizing effect;
  • helps heal cracks;
  • relieves inflammation in acute conjunctivitis;
  • for burns, frostbite, removes necrotic tissue;
  • cauterizes warts, benign neoplasms;
  • stops diarrhea, has an astringent effect.

For internal use, tablets based on white clay are prescribed, which helps to neutralize the excess causticity of the substance. Medicines based on the substance are used for gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, the effectiveness of lapis against Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which are the main cause of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, has been proven.

Instructions for use of silver nitrate

When used externally, lapis has an epithelizing, anti-inflammatory effect, and has bactericidal properties. The solution for this application should be weak, from 0.1% to 0.5%. In this form, the substance treats cracks, conjunctivitis, throat diseases - laryngitis, pharyngitis, purulent lesions of the skin. Ointment with silver nitrate can be prescribed for cauterization of warts, removal of neoplasms, then the concentration of the substance reaches 30%.

Indications for use

Methods of using the drug are determined by the purpose, localization of the disease. The main indications for which the substance is widely used are diseases of dentistry - stomatitis, ulcers on the mucous membranes. Compositions that have cauterizing properties are used in cosmetology. Inside preparations based on the substance are prescribed for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, erosive gastritis. The wide range of uses of lapis implies many indications, in each case, patients should consult a doctor.

Side effects

"Hellstone" is not a harmless remedy. Silver lapis in concentrated form can cause severe burns, so it is not recommended to make solutions on your own. A common side effect of long-term, especially internal, use is argyria, a special condition caused by the body's reaction to excess metal. It is characterized by a change in skin color: the epidermis becomes a characteristic bluish tint, the hair loses its natural pigment. To avoid argyria, strictly follow the dosage indicated by your doctor.


Preparations based on silver lapis are well tolerated by the human body. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, although intolerance to metal ions or other components is very rare. If undesirable side effects appear, it is necessary to immediately exclude the use of a solution, tablets or ointments, in case of external use, rinse the skin or mucous membrane with clean water. The description of the drug includes the concentration, specificity, properties of a particular drug, do not violate the terms of use.

Silver nitrate price

Medicines based on silver ion nitrate are presented in a wide range in pharmacies. They are sold in the form of a concentrate or ready-to-use drugs. The cost depends on the brand, dosage, area of ​​\u200b\u200buse. Remember that the properties of drugs depend on the composition, concentration, therefore, although drugs are sold without a prescription, be sure to consult your doctor regarding the choice of a particular drug.


Silver nitrate (also known as lapis) are colorless transparent crystals or odorless white pencils. It is easy to dissolve in water, and air acts on it as an oxidizing agent. The substance is stored in a dry, darkened room in a closed dark-colored container. For the first time for the treatment of lapis was used by the doctors Jan Baptist van Helmont and Francis de la Boe Silvius. They received silver nitrate due to the reaction of the interaction of the metal and nitric acid. At the same time, it turned out that salt crystals, when in contact with the skin, leave dark spots, and if the contact lasts long enough, then deep burns remain. Lapis has a cauterizing effect and has been known for a long time. Its therapeutic effect suppresses the vital activity of microbes, weak concentrations have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, and a higher concentration of silver nitrate solution cauterizes tissues and stops blood. It is on this property that the action of the lapis pencil from is based.

Application of silver nitrate

Previously, a solution of silver nitrate was used in medicine in many areas. Due to its astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, it was used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, it was also used as prevention of conjunctivitis in newborn babies (after giving birth, they instilled it and rubbed their eyes). Today, the use of silver nitrate is not so widespread due to the fact that modern medicine has discovered more effective means.

A solution of silver nitrate 0.05-0.5% concentration is used externally for inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, at a concentration of 4-5% - for burns, ulcers and weeping eczema, for the treatment of ulcers and warts - 3-10% solution or lapis pencil. It is also used to stop bleeding from small vessels. Internally, silver nitrate is used exclusively in weak solutions, as an antiseptic and astringent, for stomach ulcers and diarrhea.

Long-term oral administration of the drug causes the so-called argyria when the skin, nail beds, iris, mucous membranes and tissues of internal organs take on a gray-black or brown tint, due to the fact that reduced silver is deposited in them.

You also need to keep in mind that lapis is incompatible:

  • with organic substances (it is subject to decomposition),
  • with water-soluble halides (bromides, iodides, chlorides),
  • with reducing agents (novocaine, adrenaline, anesthesin, resorcinol),
  • with plant extracts (due to decomposition and the acquisition of a brown tint by the mixture).

Lapis Efficiency

According to studies, when treating warts three times a month with an interval of ten days, they completely disappeared in 43% of cases (the control group using placebo showed 11%), and decreased in 26% (compared to 14% in the control group) . In this way, this method is not very efficient.. On the face, in no case should you treat warts with a lapis pencil, since there is a high risk of scars and burns.

Silver nitrate: history, properties and applications

Synonyms: silver nitrate, lapis, nitrogen-silver salt, hellstone

Latin name: Argenti nitras

The precious metal silver and its numerous derivatives have been known since time immemorial. Silver nitrate is perhaps one of the most common and widely used salts of this metal.

Initially, this substance acted as an antiseptic, they cauterized wounds or stopped bleeding. Silver nitrate preparations were used to treat epilepsy, gastritis, stomach ulcers. Over time, lapis found another, economic use: with its help, icons were painted, cosmetic substances were made. Since the end of the 19th century, silver nitrate has been used in film and photographic materials.


Silver nitrate is obtained by reacting silver with concentrated nitric acid with a specific gravity of 1.18-1.20. The resulting substance is purified from impurities.

In 2012, LenReativ CJSC specialists mastered the production of salts of precious metals, including silver nitrate. The high quality of all processes for the synthesis and purification of the resulting product makes it possible to produce silver nitrate of "chemically pure" grade.

You can learn more about silver nitrate produced by our company, its cost and terms of purchase by phone.

Appearance and properties

Colorless transparent crystals in the form of plates or odorless white crystalline sticks.

Very easily soluble in water (1:0.6) and ethanol (1:30). Silver nitrate is insoluble in concentrated nitric acid.

Incompatible with organic substances (decomposes), with chlorides, bromides, iodides (precipitate forms). It darkens under the influence of light.

Crystals decompose at temperatures above 350 degrees Celsius, and metallic silver is formed.

Like all silver salts, silver nitrate is poisonous. It should be stored in special containers with lids and protected from light.

In terms of physico-chemical parameters, silver nitrate must comply with the requirements and standards specified in GOST 1277-75.

Name of indicator hch CHDA H
Mass fraction of AgNO 3 , %, not less than 99,9 99,8 99,7
Mass fraction of substances insoluble in water, %, no more 0,003 0,004 0,01
Mass fraction of chlorides (Cl), %, max 0,0002 0,0005 0,001
Mass fraction of sulfates, (SO 4)%, no more 0,002 0,002 0,002
Mass fraction of iron (Fe), %, max 0,0002 0,0003 0,0005
Mass fraction of bismuth (Bi) %, no more 0,0005 0,001 0,005
Mass fraction of copper (Cu), %, max 0,0005 0,002 0,003
Mass fraction of lead (Pb) %, no more 0,0005 0,0005 0,001
Free nitric acid Must withstand the tests of clause 3.9 Must withstand the tests of clause 3.9
Mass fraction of substances not precipitated by hydrochloric acid, %, not more than 0,01 0,04 0,06


Silver nitrate is widely used in the production of mirrors and photographic materials, in medicine, optics, for obtaining silver coatings, for coloring some organic substances, for obtaining various preparations containing silver, and for obtaining metallic silver itself. Also, silver nitrate is used as a reagent for hydrochloric acid in laboratories.

Silver nitrate is used as a catalyst in the chemical industry and in laboratories.

Solutions of silver nitrate are necessary in the production of powerful batteries.

The precious metal salt is essential in creating a golden yellow coloration on high quality lead glass. Coloring is manifested in a complex technological process.

Fans of collecting old bronze or copper coins know that over the years, coins acquire a special coating called “chlorine disease”. You can eliminate this trouble with the help of silver nitrate, which is able to destroy the “greens” and create a protective film on the coin.

Silver nitrate 1

Chemical properties

The substance is also called lapis, silver nitrate, "hell stone". Chemical compound from inorganic chemistry, salt formed by metal and nitric acid . Molar mass of the compound = 169.9 grams per mole. According to their physical properties, they are transparent colorless crystals, in the form of small sticks and plates. It dissolves well in water and ethyl alcohol . The substance darkens in the light, has a burning-sour taste. Silver Nitrate Formula: AgNO3, coincides with the racemic formula. Begins to decompose at temperatures above 300 degrees Celsius.

Chemical properties

Silver nitrate solution reacts with hydrochloric acid And salts of hydrochloric acid . During the reaction, a white curd precipitate is formed. Ag chloride , which is insoluble in nitric acid . Under the action of high temperatures, the decomposition of Silver Nitrate begins (about 350 degrees), while metal, oxygen and NO2. During the electrolysis of a solution of silver nitrate at the cathode, Ag and oxygen at the anode. Thus, the substance dissociates into ions Ag+ And NO3–.

Salt is actively used in medicine; when developing film photographs; is part of the lapis pencil in combination with potassium nitrate ; upon receipt dioxane , solvents to soften chemicals. The substance is used in the manufacture of batteries, in forensics, and in the textile industry.

pharmachologic effect

Cauterizing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, antimicrobial.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Silver nitrate causes denaturation of protein molecules by binding carboxyl and sulfhydryl groups, changing the conformation of the molecule. The bactericidal action of a substance occurs during the dissociation of the compound into ions. When the agent interacts with proteins, it forms silver albuminate having a black color. The substance disrupts the work of some enzyme systems in microbial cells. The drug has a short-term bactericidal and long-term bacteriostatic effect. Even a highly diluted solution can have a strong bactericidal effect.

At a certain concentration of ions Ag the substance exhibits astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, since precipitation occurs only in interstitial proteins. When using high concentrations of the drug, loose albuminates and significantly damaged cell membranes and intracellular structures.

Indications for use

Application of silver nitrate:

  • with, ulcers, cracks;
  • to eliminate small;
  • in homeopathy;
  • for prevention gonococcal infection in infants (2% solution);
  • inside, with (not currently prescribed).


The tool cannot be used with.

Side effects

Silver nitrate can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

Silver nitrate, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Apply externally. Before use, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.


Prolonged contact with the skin may cause deep burns .


The substance decomposes on contact with bromides , chlorides , iodides and organic.

Terms of sale

You may need a prescription.

Preparations containing (Analogues)

Silver nitrate in combination with potassium nitrate is in Lapis medical pencil ; is part of some homeopathic remedies.

Silver nitrate - silver nitrate, or, as it is also called, lapis, has the form of transparent, completely colorless crystals. In shape, they resemble small sticks that dissolve well in water, and just as easily in alcohol. It is worth noting that the substance darkens under the action of light, and is not at all compatible with iodides, bromides, organic substances and chlorides.

Silver nitrate in medicine

Silver nitrate has found its use in medicine in the form of a lapis pencil for cauterization of various wounds, erosions, warts and other things. It is sometimes used in homeopathy. Silver nitrate is used in small amounts for anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, but you should be careful with silver, since black spots remain on the skin upon direct contact with silver, and burns appear on the skin with prolonged contact.

The most commonly used silver nitrate at Although the best results can be achieved in the case of small warts. Sometimes, of course, they try to cauterize with lapis and large ones, but this process is not always effective - relapses often occur.

Silver nitrate can also be used as a solution. In this case, it can be useful for the stomach, sometimes gastritis. Another solution of 2% silver nitrate is used for instillation of the eyes of newborns (for washing) and adults (treatment, prevention of conjunctivitis).

Buy or make at home

By purchasing a pharmacy or making silver nitrate yourself? Buying a ready-made substance that meets all quality standards is, of course, better. You will be confident in the received product, for which you will receive a guarantee. As for whether it is possible to cook lapis at home, the answer will be - of course you can. But like everywhere there are "buts". First, you must have nitric acid (HNO3) and a silver item. Spoons, forks, chains, rings and other products are suitable from silver. The next process is simple. It is necessary to place the selected silver item in a glass of nitric acid. The reaction will follow immediately. Silver will immediately begin to darken under the action of acid, small bubbles of gas will begin to form. It is possible that during the oxidation process the color of the liquid itself will change - this indicates that there were some impurities in the silver. If you want the reaction to happen faster, then place the glass with the solution in hot water.

Now we take out a silver object, and place the remaining solution in the refrigerator for half an hour to precipitate. After the allotted time, we take out the formed crystals of silver nitrates, filter and leave them to dry. That's the whole process of preparing silver nitrate.

It is up to you to buy or make lapis yourself, remember that if the dosage is incorrect, you can negatively affect your health: get burned or poisoned. Do not forget that only specialists are able to make such a drug that will help you with any disease and at the same time will not harm your health.