Project "We are tourists". Planning your first hike Project on a hike in the forest

Mini-project "Weekend with benefit" or

"Let's go for a walk in the forest"

(tourist trip-walk with children and parents of the older group)

Relevance: Traveling benefits children. Under natural conditions, there is a great opportunity to enrich the motor experience of a preschooler. During the movement, motor skills are improved in children, which contributes to the strengthening of health and physical strength. Hiking with preschoolers is enrichment with new experiences, the formation of the ability to see and protect the beauty of the world around, the upbringing of kindness and responsiveness, which together gives children a lot of joy. Tourist walks not only unite the family, but also have a healing effect.

Participants: teachers, children and parents.

The purpose of the project: Strengthening and maintaining the mental and physical health of children in the older group.


(formation of knowledge about the immediate natural environment, respect for nature, friendly).

Physical culture and health

(improvement of natural and vital types of movements and enrichment of motor experience; development of endurance and coordination abilities);

Preparing for a hike with preschoolers:

Conversation with parents about the route and duration of the hike, about the clothes and shoes of the child;

Advice for parents: "Let's go camping"

Preschool tourism solves not only educational and educational tasks, but also health-improving tasks, improves the motor abilities of children, and contributes to the development of the simplest tourist skills and abilities.

It is well known that nothing brings a family together, helps to achieve between all members, like a joint outdoor activity.

Hiking is an active way for tourists to move along the route (on foot, on skis, etc.). Campaigns combine the fulfillment of educational tasks with the organization of the conditions of camp life.

A tourist walk is a form of organization of tourist activities, involving a short-term (3-6 hours) stay in natural conditions and mastering some elementary tourist skills.

For a short tourist walk, you do not need a lot of special equipment. But it is obligatory to purchase backpacks for the hikers. You can purchase or sew a shoulder bag with wide and soft straps, Velcro fasteners, smart and comfortable buckles for the baby’s fragile hand - machine guns and runners. A small backpack can be decorated with small key chain toys, and then it will become a favorite companion of a young traveler.

The weight of a backpack with contents for a child of 5-6 years old should be 1-1.5 kg. Of course, many physically prepared guys can endure more significant burdens, but in this case the child quickly gets tired, the pace of his walking slows down, he stops noticing sights, reacting to words, and focuses only on his feelings. Therefore, one should remember about the child’s spine that has not yet become stronger and not allow him to set records in terms of the weight of the load carried.

The next step in preparing for walks is the selection of shoes and clothes for the child. It is necessary to take into account not only the state of the weather (wind strength, temperature, air) at the time of departure, but also the possibility of its change. The child's shoes should be worn, comfortable, allowing you to insert a felt insole and put on two socks - cotton and wool (which contribute to heat transfer). It can be sneakers, sneakers with thick soles. In the cold season, these can be leather winter boots or boots.

Clothing should be comfortable for active movements. It is optimal if parents provide for the possibility of varying clothing during active movement. It needs to be thought through. Parents should think about the nutrition of their children in advance.

During short-term tourist trips - walks, children should not be deprived of the pleasure of having a snack in the fresh air. You can take crackers, bagels, cookies, nuts, vegetables, fruits with you. However, the content of the snack should not be the subject of boasting or envy of children. These should be simple products that can be easily divided to treat friends. Perishable foods (meat and dairy) should be avoided. As for drinks. Hot tea in a mini thermos is wonderful on cold days, and juice, fruit drink, compote in plastic bottles, flasks, sealed boxes - on warm days. The rest is a matter of taste of the child.

Planning a route

Conversation with children about the rules of behavior in nature;

First aid kit preparation.


Sports equipment for children (comfortable shoes, hats, backpacks with a bottle of water and food);

Signs of behavior in nature;

First aid kit, wet wipes.

Event progress:

Educator: Hello, children and dear parents! Today we are going on a hiking trip. You are all dressed like real tourists: comfortable clothes and shoes, hats, you even have backpacks with provisions. A lot of interesting things await us on the way. To overcome all obstacles, you need to be friendly, courageous and strong, be sure to help each other, be attentive so as not to get lost on the road and be able to determine the path on the map. I wish you good luck and interesting adventures!

Educator: So we came to the clearing. Look how beautiful it is in the forest, what a fragrant smell of the autumn forest!

Reading poetry to children and parents.

Educator: We came with you to this clearing, so as not only to admire nature in the fall, but also to compete. You are ready?

Educator: And before competitions or sports, we always do ....

Children: Warm up!

Warm-up: Children and parents perform exercises, moving in a circle one after another:

Walking is normal;

Walking with a task for the arms and shoulder girdle; (hands to the sides - to the shoulders);

High knee walking

Easy running;

1. "Engine" - children and parents are divided into two teams. On a signal, they run in a snake between the pins to the designated place and return back.

2. "Crossing" - imagine that there is a river in front of you. There are only two boats (hoops) on the shore. You must send all members of the team one by one to the opposite shore.

3 "Frog swamp" - jumping on two legs moving forward (from bump to bump), running to the designated place and back.

4. "Sharpshooter" - the children take turns throwing stuffed balls at the designated target - the hoop.

5. "Tunnel of the worm" - crawling into the hoop (children - parents)

6. Carousel

Parents and children set the table. Share impressions.

Children organize games on their own.

Educator: Our trip is coming to an end. Before you leave, pack your things and check if you left any trash behind.

Return to kindergarten and home by the same route.

Going to nature, many are wondering what to take a child or an adult with them to the forest so that the walk leaves only pleasant memories. The specific set of things depends on the length of the route, the purpose of visiting the forest and the age of the travelers.

Be sure to put the following in your backpack:

  • Map or compass. Even if you know the forest very well, there is still a risk of getting lost.
  • Means for lighting a fire - a lighter (better than a regular one on gasoline), matches packed in cellophane, newspaper or a couple of sheets of paper.
  • Flask with water. A supply of water must be mandatory. The principle here is that the more the better.
  • Some aluminum utensils (mug, ladle, pot)
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • Repellents (spray or cream)
  • Raincoat or cape, which can be used in case of deterioration of the trip
  • A small first aid kit with the most necessary medicines
  • Magnifying glass and folding knife
  • Notepad, pen or pencil. You can take a bright marker to leave notes
  • Whistle. It is good to hang it around the child's neck so that he gives a signal if he falls behind the main group.

In the case of organizing a children's hiking in the forest, you need to take with you some extra entertainment. A ball, a player with children's songs, a book or your favorite board games will do.

Particular attention should be paid to clothing. It should be comfortable, layered and cover as much of the body as possible. In the warm season, in forests dominated by spruce forests and a lot of tall grass, ticks become active. In this case, you need to have clothes with a high collar and headdress. Tuck long trousers into socks or boots.

Orientation in nature: basic rules

Pay attention and remember any landmarks that you will come across in the forest more often. They can be paths, streams, glades, a nearby railway or a settlement. You can leave notes with a marker.

Now there are many different navigation applications for phones, but you need to take an ordinary compass with you into the forest. This is the most reliable device that facilitates orientation in any terrain and does not require charging. However, despite the apparent simplicity of this device, few people know how to use it correctly. It will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the information: ““.

A wide variety of compasses (magnetic, electronic, gyrocompass) is commercially available. But for hiking, the usual tourist option is preferable. In it, the magnetic needle, located in the center of the device, will always point to the north.

Be sure to practice correctly determining the direction on the navigation device before traveling. Check its accuracy regularly. To do this, just bring an ordinary metal object to the compass. After you remove it, the arrow should return to its original position.

Remember that the readings of the device may be erroneous if there is interference from a telephone or radio nearby. In addition, the presence of a nearby railway track, car, metal structures or iron ore can have an impact.

Hold the device horizontally. When checking a destination with a tourist map, put it in the center of the guidebook.

Life hack of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: not to get lost in the forest

The easiest way to find out where you are going is to use the location of the Sun's shadow. The natural luminary changes its position in the sky at different times of the day.

It is highest at noon, and is in this period of time on the south side. When the sun is at its zenith, the shadow from objects will be the shortest of the day. In the forest, it will help determine the north direction of the shade of trees.

If you are in a clearing, then use any stick or branch. Stick it into the ground. The cast shadow will point north. To avoid distortion, the surface must be flat.

You should know that the sun shines from the east at about 6-7 in the morning. At about 10 o'clock it will move to the southeast, at noon (12-13.00) it will be in the south. In the evening you will find the heavenly body in the western direction.

To determine the north in an unfamiliar locality, you can use various landmarks or religious buildings.

In Orthodox churches, the upper end of the short oblique crossbar on the eight-pointed cross always faces north, while the lower end faces south. The bell towers and the entrance to the church most often face west.

The entrance doors of synagogues and Muslim mosques are located on the north side. Buddhist structures face south. Take a closer look at the painting of residential buildings. Usually on the south side, it fades and cracks faster.

In a wooded area, look out for tree trunks and rocks. The north side will have the most moss. Ants always build their "houses" on the south side near the tree. A steeper slope near the anthill is located from the north.

Some plants with their inflorescences are drawn to the sun. If you are in a tree-shaded wilderness, then look for plants or flowers. In the morning they will lean more towards the east, at noon they will face south, and in the evening the flowers will lean towards the west.

Passing by large stumps, take a closer look at the rings. On the side where the distance between them is greater is south. On the north side, the annual rings will narrow towards each other.

Most importantly, when going on a hike in the forest, you need to take a good mood with you and lay out a travel route in advance.

You will also find very useful information about

Planning a campaign for the purpose of reconnaissance of the territory should be carried out according to the following plan. Study of the area. As we arrived at a given place - first we study the surroundings, then we go into the forest, choose a suitable place: we look so that it is not bear territory (the presence of feces, traces of claws on the trees). There should be a small clearing or just in the middle of the forest. There must be a source of water nearby. But the place should not be very open, as it is very windy in open areas, the main thing is that there is free access to sunlight. Something like in the photo

After choosing a specific place, we are engaged in clearing the territory, building a temporary dwelling - a hut of the type:

Then we build a storehouse: it will be located at some distance from the ground, so that neither mice nor bears can climb there. A piece of tin will need to be fixed on the supports of the storage shed so that the paws of the animals slide off. You can also stuff something sharp iron so that the beast hurts its paw - and does not climb further.

Next, we begin logging for the construction of a winter hut. We chop, chop off knots, drag to the place, skin with a shovel. As soon as the required amount is collected (it is better to do it with a margin), we begin to form the first crown of the house. You will need both small-sized logs, and medium-sized, and large ones. Large ones - to dissolve on boards, medium ones - to crowns, small ones - to rafters, for example, there is a use)

Shishkin, Woodcutting

Before the first crown is laid, the issue with the foundation must be resolved. You can, of course, immediately put on the bare ground and make the first 2-3 larch crowns, but you can put stones in the corners and put a crown on them. Everything is determined in place, by the presence of larch. At the same time, we try fishing, hunting: fishing for spinning, net, hunting for loops, traps.

Hooray, today another exit to the forest. Or rather, not even a way out, but just to ride a bicycle along the forest paths, remove the camera trap that was installed about a week ago, and just get a lot of pleasure from communicating with nature.
According to the plan, first, through a couple of fields, get to the place where the camera trap is installed (I’ll tell you about this device later), find it (fortunately, a dot was put on the navigator in advance, but since the forest is constantly changing, even on the spot it’s not always possible to immediately find device). Once I was looking for my camera trap for almost thirty minutes. The navigator shows what is already in place, but the device is not and is not. In general, all sorts of thoughts were already spinning in my head, I even thought that someone “accidentally” took it off. But, at the very last moment, I noticed a forest camera, and immediately it became somehow easier. So, first, according to the plan, remove the device, take pictures in parallel, then go along the forest path onto the road and drive through the local villages. In total, it will be about 30 kilometers. Looking ahead, I note that everything planned was done, only now the heat at 30 degrees made its own adjustments, the way back was already very difficult, but a little more about everything.
He was dressed in camouflage summer trousers, fabric berets, a T-shirt over his body, he also threw an olympian into a backpack to make it more comfortable to move through the forest in search of a trap (there are a lot of mosquitoes). From biting and flying, I took with me one of the ointments, which was enough for about 15-20 minutes, although it was stated on the package that the drug keeps at least 2 hours. But, okay, that's not the point.
I started the journey, rode the bike in the morning, the mood was class, it was still cool and fresh, I pedaled, I turned off the main road onto a country road, and then onto a kind of road rolled along the forest. There is so much grass that it’s just “kapets”, it is already much higher than the waist, horseflies and gadflies fly, in general, it’s real summer.

So I climbed into interesting places, along the way I collected some birch bark from fallen birch trees so that in the future there would be kindling, again and again I have to apply mosquito ointment on myself, and there is still almost a kilometer of forest to the camera trap. In general, in one of the sections I fastened the bike to a tree, since it was no longer possible to pass with a two-wheeled friend, and went after the trap, selecting the appropriate point in the navigator.

I will say this, without a navigator with a camera trap, it would really be possible to say goodbye, and so, after 20 minutes I found her, quickly looked through and ... she took a picture of someone, I'll figure it out at home (it was a hare).

On the way back, I came across bear droppings (it seems to be), it somehow got colder inside, I didn’t really want to meet MISHA in the forest, I walked, tried to make noise. In general, I safely left the forest, picked up a handful of blueberries and strawberries along the way, refreshed myself, drank water, and further into the grass, because there are still kilometers of the route ahead, I need to go to the track.

Oh, I almost forgot, I found four mushrooms that will go to the pan at home, it seems to be out of season, but here they are already ...

The exit was a success, the rides ended normally, I did everything I wanted, the only thing was that the heat knocked down, but we are "beginning survivalists", so everything is just super. I have stocked up with an excellent mood for a week, which I wish you.
Good luck.

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Text content of presentation slides:
District: Gaisky district Settlement: Gai city Job title: Tourist trip to a birch grove Information about the author: Musaeva Yasmina, born in 2006, MAOU "Secondary School No. 8", Grade 3 Date: October 2015 Information about the leader: Burdina Natalya Sergeevna, teacher of MAOU "Secondary School No. 8" Purpose: explaining the benefits of hiking for developing the first skills of orientation in the area and the need for a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: 1. Prove the need for hiking as a means of improving health. 2. Show the ability of younger students to master the simplest tourist skills and skills to perform a variety of simple obstacles.3. To substantiate the ability to conduct local history observations.4. Prove that the hike is a means of teaching children how to work together; Competition of observersRelay race. The game "Understand me" Obstacle course. Poster competition. Forest orderlies competition Hike program Observation of birch trees: leaf shape, abundance of foliage, trunk, herbaceous plants growing nearby and their condition. The story of information about birch and its benefits. The benefits of forest plantations. Competition of observers Jumping with the ball between the legs. Running in pairs Tug of war Skiing Chain (squat and stand with the whole team without breaking hands) Relay Explanation of the game: the jury has cards on the back of which words related to tourism are written. These are singular nouns. One of the team members must, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, show the other team the word he has chosen without pronouncing it. Game "Understand me" Crossing the squares, performing certain tasks of the leader. A correct answer is a step forward, an incorrect answer is a step back. The second stage - search for items on the map (route sheet) Obstacle course Tourist drawing competition - this is homework, the guys tried their hand on paper, drawing the laws of young tourists. Poster competition In the current situation, the issue of protecting forest plantations, in particular, the object of our ecological research (ecological study trail) - birch grove, is becoming relevant. Moreover, such work can be organized both with the whole class and with interest groups. Tourist trip provides for the obligatory passage of the route. By laying such routes through the forest or park closest to the school, one can track seasonal changes occurring in nature, identify and observe the facts of human impact on the environment. The simple law of field life “after us is better than before us” is mastered from the basics of tourism. Our trip helped discover new talents! I think we have achieved the ultimate goal - to gain new knowledge and skills in research activities. Everyone was pleased with each other and happy. We have more mutual understanding between children and adults. It was unforgettable! Conclusion

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