How to make a Christmas tree out of lace. Christmas tree made of wire and lace with your own hands To make Christmas trees, you will need

DIY lace Christmas tree

Today on there is an excellent master class on creating a Christmas tree, only this time lace is used as decoration.

To create a lacy Christmas tree you will need:

A sheet of cardboard or thick paper

Stick for the trunk (30 cm long)

Small pebbles or cereals (for weight so that the Christmas tree does not fall)

Lace, braid, sisal

Glue, glue gun

Acrylic paints (gold and white)

Golden decoration spray (intense, not transparent, so that it can completely color the desired elements)

Small container, pot

Decor at will: beads, rhinestones, buttons, cutting, flowers (in general, everything that is suitable for decorating a Christmas tree)

Lace herringbone step by step:

Roll a sheet of cardboard into a cone, glue and cut off the excess.

Collect the Christmas tree. To do this, drop glue into the inner tip of the cone base and insert the “barrel”. Make sure the stick is level and hold it there for about 30-60 seconds until the glue is completely dry.

Squeeze out the glue at the bottom of the pot, insert the second end of the “trunk”, fill it with pebbles or cereals. The Christmas tree should stand exactly, then fill it again with glue. Wrap sisal on top, lightly press against the cereal with glue.

Mix gold and white acrylic paints to a delicate shade and cover the cone with this mixture with a sponge. Wait for the acrylic to dry.

Spray the tree a little with gold spray. Don't forget to use newspaper or oilcloth for protection so you don't stain everything around!

Elena Kozlova

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a decoration for your home. Which will help create a New Year's atmosphere in your home, please your loved ones and surprise guests. To do this, you will not need much time, and improvised materials stored idle in the house will be used.

You will need: heavy paper or cardboard, some white or green fabric, trimmings lace in two colors, threads in tone lace, needle, scissors, compasses, for decoration - sequins, beads.

Draw a quarter circle on cardboard, the radius is the desired height Christmas trees.

Cut out the resulting part and reduce it by 3 - 4 centimeters.

Circle the resulting part on the fabric, leaving 1.5 - 2 centimeters for allowances and cut it out.

Glue or sew the resulting cardboard figure, you get a cone.

Sew a piece of fabric, stretch it over a cone and sew it along the edge. Basis for Christmas tree is ready.

Gather lace on a thread, pull off and secure with a seam "forward needle".

Sew, starting from the bottom edge of the cone, prepared frills, alternating them in color.

Decorate herringbone beads and sequins.

I was so fascinated by this activity that I did three Christmas trees of different heights. By the way, below Christmas trees you can hide champagne or other drinks.

Here is such a New Year's composition I got! Thank you for your attention!

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On the eve of the New Year, a master class "Herringbone" was held in our group. The host of the master class was the parent of Baltacheva E.E. She taught.

Herringbone topiary made of lace will delight the eye and is suitable for anyone. It will perfectly decorate your table or workplace and create a festive mood.

To make a lacy Christmas tree, you will need:

  • A sheet of cardboard or any other thick paper;
  • Stick(30 cm);
  • A small jar or other container;
  • Braid;
  • Sisal;
  • Lace;
  • Transparent glue;
  • Acrylic paint in gold and white, gold spray;
  • Jewelry (Rhinestones, beads, etc.);
  • Scissors;
  • Sponge;
  • Decorative stones.

Let's start with the formation of the Christmas tree. Roll the paper into a cone. Glue the edges, align the excess protruding parts at the bottom. You should end up with an even, neat cone.

Apply glue to the inside of the tip of the cone and attach the stick. Make sure it is tightly fixed. Attach the other end of the stick to the container in the same way. Wait until the glue dries and check how stable your Christmas tree is.

Fill the container with colored decorative stones, or grits, which can also be painted if desired in the color you need.

On top of the pebbles, also apply an even layer of glue and decorate. Your Christmas tree is already half ready. It remains only to decorate it and put it in its place.

Wrap the glass with lace, fix it with glue, decorate with a brooch, buttons or rhinestones.

Also wrap the cone of the Christmas tree with lace, the more casually you do it, the more spectacular your tree will look. Small folds of lace will help you with this.

Mix gold and white paint (in your case it may be completely different colors) and apply to the lace with a sponge. To give a golden effect, use a can of paint. A few clicks on the pump will be enough.

Then you can fantasize and try different ways of designing. Decorate the Christmas tree with a brooch, bow, various chains and other decorations. If their color does not suit you, then just cover them with the paint used earlier.

New Year… Time of miracles and magic. In the last master class, we learned how to make a spiral Christmas tree out of wire, but to complete it, you need to be able to knit. In this tutorial, we will make an equally beautiful spiral Christmas tree made of ribbons and lace. It will be more airy and a bit vintage. But everything is in order. For the Christmas tree we need:

  • paper cone,
  • wire,
  • lace braid,
  • green satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide,
  • red felt,
  • lingonberry-colored satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide,
  • pearl beads,
  • monofilament,
  • needle,
  • white thread,
  • glue moment-crystal,

To begin with, we will form our Christmas tree with wire on a paper cone.

Take it off the paper cone. The Christmas tree should stand well on the table. We will form loops on the upper and lower ends of the spiral wire with round-nose pliers. Now take the lace and satin green ribbon. Lace can be white or milky, can be silver, golden or light green. It is better to take lace slightly wider than the ribbon - about 2-3 mm on each side. We put monofilament in the needle. It is advisable not to tear the thread from the spool - we will need a good long accordion of ribbon and lace. And in the center, with not too small stitches, we begin to collect lace and ribbon on a thread. The length of the ribbons and lace in the assembly should be equal to the length of the wire. A beautiful accordion is obtained if, for example, we take 1 meter of wire and 1.5-2 meters of lace with a ribbon. This is how it should turn out. We fix both ends of the thread with knots. Now you need to glue the gathered lace to the Christmas tree. To do this, take the glue and apply it to the very beginning of the braid (thus once again securing the thread). And attach to the top of the Christmas tree. It is better to apply glue in small areas and stick the lace to the wire gradually. So we glue the whole Christmas tree. From red felt cut out two identical stars. And glue them on both sides to the top wire loop. While the tree is drying, let's prepare the decorations. We cut the lingonberry-colored ribbon into small strips. Treat the ends with a lighter or candle. Now from these segments we will form a bow, in the center we will fix it with a couple of stitches. Sew a bead into the center of the bow. And then attach the bow to the Christmas tree.


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A master class with a photo on crafting a Christmas tree will teach you how to make it yourself

If you are a sophisticated and romantic nature, then most likely you will like a delicate Christmas tree made of fabric and lace. It is quite possible that the process will seem clear to you without words, but maybe I can still throw in a couple of good tips on creating a Christmas tree with my own hands)

The most difficult thing for me was to make a cone out of paper. The difficulty was to cut a circle of a sufficiently large diameter (no compasses and round plates fit). Then I spread a newspaper on the floor and circled the round basin) In general, the circle turned out to be quite a decent size. Then I cut it out of the newspaper and folded it 4 times, thus getting a blank for the cardboard base of the Christmas tree.

I advise you to first make a pattern on a newspaper or any other unnecessary paper and only then transfer it to a good thick cardboard.

To make the cone smooth, you can glue the junction with tape
(I did so).

My cone turned out to be not very high (about 20 cm), because in the end it consisted of a quarter of a circle. If you want to make the Christmas tree taller, initially draw a larger circle. If you think of another way - write in the comments)

I decided to sew a Christmas tree out of felt. Color chose blue to somehow match the colors of the coming year)

We transfer the same newspaper pattern to felt or any other fabric and cut out the blank:

The main beauty of creating a Christmas tree with your own hands is that you don’t have to buy anything special! Take what you have and fantasize!

After a dozen different combinations, I settled on white guipure, lace braid, nylon ribbon bows and wooden heart buttons (I love them!!!)

You can sew guipure to the base manually, or you can use a sewing machine (in this case, first sew all the details with a basting stitch):

If you decide to sew on a typewriter, then here you can experiment. If you are confident that you can lay a perfectly even line, then you can safely choose threads in contrasting colors. Then get an additional beautiful finishing line along the edge of the guipure and braid. I tried to sew with turquoise threads, but since I can’t boast of the ability to sew evenly, I had to dissolve everything)

Then the idea came to my mind to sew guipure not with an ordinary machine stitch, but with a decorative one. Of course, for needlewomen who are “you” with sewing machines, this will not be a grand opening, but beginners can safely take note.

In guipure, when cutting, the edges remain unprocessed, the decorative stitching will hide all the "notches", and the fabric will eventually not bend or bulge.

Sew along the edge in the same way. In addition to the fact that all elements are sewn more thoroughly, you also get some kind of imitation of an embroidered line. I liked this effect so much that I decided to lay another such decorative stitch on the felt between the braid and the guipure and on the top of the Christmas tree.

At this stage, the fabric blank looks like this:

The trained eye of an experienced needlewoman will immediately notice that I am still sooooo far from even stitches, but nevertheless I can assure you that in the end this curvature will not be noticeable, which is another big plus for beginner seamstresses like me)

The next step is to make a cone from our already beautiful blank. Pin the cut with pins and, trying on a paper cone, adjust the seam allowances. Ideally, the fabric should fit snugly around the paper cone.

Lay first a basting line, and then sew on a typewriter, iron the seam in opposite directions:

Now you can carefully turn it inside out and try on the outfit)

If at this stage the paper cone is longer than the fabric blank, just cut off the excess paper, let the fabric be about 0.5 cm longer.

Front view

Back view

To nicely arrange all the desired decorations, first pin them to the fabric (no need to pierce the paper cone!):

The point is small: sew on all the bows, buttons and beads. I warn you right away that the pins begin to fall out as soon as you remove the fabric from the cone. Be careful - do not prick! Start sewing from the lowest elements, gradually freeing yourself from the pins and moving towards the top of the Christmas tree.

The bows are sewn with white threads, the buttons are turquoise to emphasize the color of the main material, the beads are golden metallic threads. Sequins in the form of stars are glued to Moment Gel.

Back view

Side view

view from the other side)

To make the Christmas tree more stable, it is better to fill it with something. Alternatively, put a few small pebbles or expanded clay inside, as I did. To prevent the stones from rattling, wrap them with synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.