DIY felt monkey. Do-it-yourself felt monkey: we create an oriental miracle ourselves Felt monkey template

Felt toys are so warm and pleasant, cute and beautiful. They are simple in execution, but how much joy they bring to others.

Fun miniature toys are made from this soft-touch material. They can decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, make a garland, a bouquet of flowers, or simply sew wonderful animals and dolls.

New 2016 is the year of the monkey, so I propose to sew a beautiful monkey out of felt with my own hands, as a symbol of the coming year.

To make a monkey we need:

  • brown and cream felt
  • brown and pink threads
  • scissors
  • simple pencil
  • black beads for eyes
  • holofiber
  • glue Moment
  • pink blush

Do-it-yourself felt monkey - pattern and master class:

Before we directly start sewing a monkey from felt, we need to print a pattern with the details of a monkey.

We redraw all the details from the pattern onto felt in the required amount of the desired color and cut it out with scissors.

Next, take all the details necessary for tailoring the head.

On the brown circle we impose a cream-colored circle.

On top of the two parts we place the muzzle.

We sew all the details together with overcasting stitches and at the end of sewing we leave a small hole for stuffing.

We fill the head with holofiber and sew the hole with the same overcast stitches.

Next, we overcast the inside of the muzzle.

Just as in the case of stitching the head, we proceed with the ears of the monkey. We put a light one on a brown ear and a brown arc over it. We sew along the arcuate part with an overcast stitch.

We stuff the ear with holofiber.

Sweep the inside of the ear.

We sew the ear along the bottom seam and form a shell.

We sew together the details of the arms and legs.

We fill the arms and legs with holofiber.

Now let's start assembling the body. To do this, we begin to sew the torso, then insert one handle, sewing it on and continue to sew the torso to the place where the legs will be located.

We insert the legs and also sew them with overcasting stitches.

Next, we sew the body, sew the second handle and finish sewing by securing the thread.

We fill the body with holofiber.
We sweep the belly in a circle.

We sew the ears to the head, and sew the head to the body with hidden stitches.

We overcast the tail along the entire length and also sew it to the body.

We decorate the face of the monkey from felt, for this we sew on eyes from black beads, cut out a small nose and a forelock from brown felt, glue them on Moment glue. Embroider the mouth and navel with pink thread.

Powder pink blush on the cheeks and a little belly.

Felt monkey is ready. It is completely handmade.

Master class "New Year's toy - monkey"

Karaeva Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "TsDOD" s / p "Rovesnik", Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region.
Description: the master class is designed for children of secondary school age, teachers of additional education, educators, and just creative people who love to create something special with their own hands.
Purpose: New Year's toy.
Target: making a monkey out of felt with your own hands.
teach the technique of a small running seam;
to consolidate the skills of working with scissors;
develop fine motor skills of hands, eye;
develop artistic and aesthetic taste;
develop creativity, imagination, imagination.

Preface to work.
New Year's toy is one of the symbols of the holiday and has its own extremely interesting history. Even at the end of the Middle Ages, residents of European countries began to decorate their homes for the New Year. Until the middle of the 18th century, decorations were exclusively edible. These are apples (today they are balls), nuts, all kinds of sweets and fruits. Since the second half of the 18th century, Christmas decorations have become more ornate: paper flowers, gilded fir cones and empty eggshells, as well as hammered brass figurines - fairies, angels, etc.
In 1848, the first Christmas balls were made in the town of Lausch in Thuringia. Every year, more and more new types of “design”, as they would say today, Christmas balls were invented. And in 67, a gas plant was opened in Lausche. Using gas burners with very high temperature flames, glassblowers were able to produce thin-walled balls of any size. Craftsmen could blow almost anything: not only balloons, but also bunches of grapes, birds, fish, figurines of Santa Claus, jugs and amphoras. The toys were painted with silver and gold dust.
In Russia, as you know, the custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 was introduced by Peter the Great, and he also ordered that the spruce should become the main New Year tree. The most favorite toys for many years were, again, edible products - shortcrust pastry figures that were wrapped in colored, gold or silver foil, as well as gilded nuts, apples and, of course, candles. Many toys were made by hand from improvised materials.
Since the early 2000s, original, "homemade" toys have become popular. Figures made of straw, paper, hanks of wool and pieces of cloth; plush animals, felt swans and angels.
In this master class, we will make a New Year's toy - a monkey, a symbol of 2016.

We need tools and materials to work
Thick brown felt for a monkey
Thin red and beige felt for overlays for the muzzle, belly, ears, legs and arms.
Pencil for transferring a drawing to cardboard
Pen sign pattern details
Cardboard, office paper for making monkey patterns
Scissors for cutting out toy parts
Product sketch or photo from the Internet
A piece of synthetic winterizer for laying in the head and torso of the monkey
Glue gun for gluing decorations and monkey handles
Cotton threads in three colors: beige, black and brown.
Manual needle for sewing monkey pattern details
2 small black beads for the eye, 4 mm in size
Soap for outlining the details of the monkey pattern

Safety precautions when working with hand needles and pins
1. Make sure that there are no rusty and bent needles and pins.
2. Sew with a thimble.
3. Do not take needles and pins in your mouth, do not stick into clothes.
4. Do not leave needles and pins on the working surface of the table.
5 . At the end of the work, remove all needles and pins in special boxes and pads.

Safety precautions when working with scissors
1. Scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
2. Store scissors in a specific place (box or stand).
3. When using scissors, be as careful and disciplined as possible.
4. When passing scissors, hold them by closed blades.
5. Put the scissors to the right with closed blades pointing away from you.
6. When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.

Glue Gun Safety
1. When warming up the gun, be sure to place a ceramic, glass stand or saucer under the nozzle so that the glue does not drip onto the table.
2. Well, if the table has a smooth surface, and if not, it will be difficult to scrape off the glue, even a drop;
3. The pistol has a stand, which is usually removed during operation, and when the pistol is placed, it is extended.
4. Make sure that when you place the gun on the table, the stand is extended. Otherwise, the gun will stick its nozzle into a stand or a wooden table and may burn through both or damage;
5. Do not grab the nozzle or hot glue with your hands. The temperature of the nozzle and glue at its exit from the nozzle, 200 degrees. A burn to you will be provided, even if you just touched the nozzle or glue. Especially to glue, since it (glue) will remain cool on your fingers;
6. Do not forget to turn off the gun from the mains, after work and even during work, so that the glue gun does not overheat.

Work sequence
1. We take the photo you like from the Internet.

2. We print the size we need on the printer.

3. Using a pencil through carbon paper, we transfer each detail of the monkey onto cardboard separately, adding allowances for the arms, legs, torso, ears, tail and forelock for sewing into the torso.

4. The details of the pattern on the cardboard are ready.

5. Cut out the details of the monkey pattern.

6. We lay out the details of the monkey pattern on brown felt. We outline the pattern details with a remnant: torso (2 parts), head (2 parts), legs (2 parts), handles (2 parts), ears (2 parts), tail and forelock (1 part).

7. Cut out the details from the felt.

8. Cut out the legs, handles, forelock, tail, ears according to the already cut felt blanks. This is done so that the details are the same.

9. All the cut parts of the monkey are ready.

10. On a beige felt, we outline the pattern of the muzzle, belly and pads on the legs, handles, ears.

11. Cut out. Details for the beige felt monkey are ready.

12. All the cut parts of the monkey are ready. With a needle and thread, we sew all the details of the beige color onto the cut out details of the brown monkey with a small running stitch.

13. All beige details are sewn on.

14. We connect all small paired details: legs, handles, ears, tail and forelock with a small running seam.

15. Details are ready.

16. Sew the details of the head. To do this, cut out the monkey's head from the synthetic winterizer according to the pattern, then cut off the edge along the contour, making it 3 millimeters smaller. Cut out another round piece, less than 1 centimeter.

17. Sew beaded eyes on the monkey's muzzle.

18. Embroider eyebrows, mouth and nose on the face of the monkey. On the belly of the monkey we embroider the navel in the form of a cross.

19. We fold the two parts of the monkey's head, not forgetting to lay a synthetic winterizer between them in two layers.

20. We insert a forelock between the details of the head of the monkey.

21. We sew the head of the monkey: we sew in the forelock, we sew in the ears. Be sure to leave a gap at the bottom of the head unsewn for the torso.

22. The head is ready.

23. We sew parts of the monkey's body, inserting a handle and a leg on one side, and a tail below.

It's already the end of October, and we can already say that we are entering the finish line at the end of 2015 and the long-awaited 2016 year of the monkey. The fluffy and airy sheep, the symbol of 2015, which she was, is being replaced by a cheerful and funny monkey. The year promises us many good changes that will be easy, fun, like the life of a funny monkey. No matter how difficult it is to finish the year, you still need to gather your courage and meet the next year with all honors. The New Year is always a new branch, which you need to cross with ease with new thoughts, dreams and desires. St. Nicholas Day, New Year, Christmas and Kutia are the most magical holidays of the year, so you need to prepare for magic accordingly. What is a holiday without a Christmas tree? Her presence in the house is simply necessary, it is especially desirable that she be real with her own forest and natural smell. Throughout the house we hang beautiful garlands, brilliant rain, New Year's figurines, and hang beautiful balls on the Christmas tree. And, of course, it is customary from year to year to hang a ball or figurine on the Christmas tree, on which there will be an animal of the next year. So on the Christmas tree in 2016, a monkey must hang. You can buy something with this funny animal in the store, or you can be a little unique and sew funny felt monkeys on your own and decorate your Christmas tree, or congratulate your family and friends with such an interesting present.
Now consider a master class on sewing an interesting felt monkey and for this we need:
Brown, beige and white felt, soft and 1 mm thick;
A pair of eyelets with eyelashes 12 mm in diameter;
The threads are white and brown;
Rhinestones silver and emerald;
Red satin ribbons 3mm wide;
Gold colored bells;
Glue or glue gun.

We lay out the pattern and cut out such parts of the body from it.

Now we apply these elements to the felt and cut out two torso figures, two tails and two heads from brown felt, and cut out a muzzle from white felt.

We fold the blanks of the body and begin to sew them with cast stitches. Starting from the middle, we begin to fill the body with filler.

The torso is sewn, go to the head. We add the parts of the head.

We fill and sew brown blanks. Now we take brown threads, pierce the white face and begin to sew the face to the head with a seam forward.

Now we sew a mouth and a nose in the center with threads so that the face is smiling. We apply eyes.

Now we sew the tail blanks together and also fill it a little with filler. All the details are ready, you can start assembling the monkey. Our monkey will turn out to be hanging, so the hands will be at the bottom.

How to sew the symbol of 2016:
do-it-yourself felt monkey

To sew a funny Felt Monkey with your own hands, you will not need much effort and time.
Such a soft toy made of felt will surely please your child.
And if you remember that the Monkey is a symbol of the future of 2016, then the little felt Monkey may well take pride of place on the Christmas tree as a pendant toy.

To make a felt Monkey you will need:
- acrylic felt 3 mm thick (brown, pale pink, yellow, hot pink);
- needle;
- scissors;
- floss threads (brown, pink, black);
- transparent polyurethane adhesive type "Moment Crystal";
- small pink beads;
- 2 black beads with a diameter of 0.5 cm;
- synthetic winterizer;
- bamboo skewer;
- a brush with a hard bristle;
- blush.

Felt monkey pattern

1 - back side of the head;
2 - detail of fur on the forehead;
3 - muzzle;
4 - torso;
5 - spout;
6 - detail of the outer part of the ear;
7 - detail of the inner part of the ear;
8 - heel;
9 - tail;
10 - flower;
11 - the core of the flower.

We cut out the details of the Monkey from felt:

2 parts of the body, 2 parts of the tail, 1 part of the back of the head, 1 part of the hair on the forehead, 1 part of the nose, 2 parts of the outer part of the ears - from brown felt;
1 detail of the muzzle, 2 details of the heels, 2 details of the inner part of the ears - from pale pink felt;
1 flower detail - made of hot pink felt;
1 detail the core of the flower - from yellow felt.

Work sequence:

You will need

I glue the details of the tail together and sew them along the contour with an overcast seam with a brown floss thread in two additions.

I cut out 1 part of the body from the padding polyester and glue it to one of the similar felt parts. I glue the tail on top of the padding polyester, and then the second part of the torso made of felt.

With a brown floss thread in two additions, I sew the parts of the body with an overcast seam, tucking the edges of the synthetic winterizer part inside the felt crafts.

To create additional volume, as the toy is sewn together, I fill the lower and upper legs of the Monkey with scraps of padding polyester using a bamboo skewer.

To the detail of the muzzle I glue the detail of the fur on the head of the Monkey.

From the wrong side, the finished part of the front of the Monkey's head looks like this:

In the place where the detail of the fur on the head of the Monkey fits to the muzzle, I overcast it along the contour with a brown floss thread.

I cut out 1 part of the head from the synthetic winterizer and glue it to the wrong side of the front side of the Monkey's head.

I glue the detail of the nose in the same way as the details of the heels.

I embroider a mouth with a brown floss thread in four additions

I sew black beads in place of the eye, capturing not only the felt, but also the padding polyester, and pulling the working thread well.

In the corners of the eyes of the Monkey from felt, I embroider eyelashes with a black floss thread in two additions.

I glue a flower made of bright pink felt and a yellow core to the detail of the front half of the head.

I glue together the details of the outer and inner surfaces of the ears.

I glue the details of the ears to the details of the back of the head.

I sew the details of the head with an overcast seam, using a floss thread in two additions. Moreover, I overcast the upper part of the Monkey's head with a brown thread, and the lower one with pink.

And finally, I tint the Monkey's cheeks with blush, applying them with a brush with a hard bristle.

  • We glue the details of the tail together and sew them along the contour with an overcast seam with a brown floss thread in two additions;
  • From the synthetic winterizer we cut out 1 part of the torso and glue it to one of the similar felt parts.
  • On top of the synthetic winterizer we glue the tail, and then the second part of the torso made of felt.
  • With a brown floss thread in two additions, we sew the parts of the body with an overcast seam, tucking the edges of the synthetic winterizer part inside the felt crafts.
  • sew a tail on a monkey
  • To create additional volume, as the toy is sewn together, we fill the lower and upper legs of the Monkey with synthetic winterizer scraps using a bamboo skewer,
    fill the toy with synthetic winterizer
  • We glue the details of the heels from soft pink felt to the lower legs of the Monkey. In order for the glued parts to hold well, the glue should be applied in a thin layer on the entire surface of the heel part, and after gluing, press the parts together with force.
  • To the detail of the muzzle we glue the detail of the fur on the head of the Monkey.
    For control, it is desirable to match the front half of the Felt Monkey's head with the detail of the back side of the head and, if necessary, correct the location of the fur detail before the glue hardens.
    In the place where the detail of the fur on the head of the Monkey fits to the muzzle, we overcast it along the contour with a brown floss thread.
  • To make the seam look neater and not particularly conspicuous, we use a floss thread in one addition.
    We cut out 1 part of the head from the synthetic winterizer and glue it to the wrong side of the front side of the Monkey's head. Despite some inconvenience during the further design of the muzzle, this should be done at this stage of work. So the muzzle of the felt Monkey will come out more lively and voluminous.
  • We glue the part of the spout in the same way as the parts of the heels.
  • We embroider a mouth with a brown floss thread in four additions, making a long stitch with a “forward needle” seam.
  • embroider a monkey nose out of felt
    At the end of the stitch, we perform a "French knot".
  • We sew black beads in place of the eye, capturing not only the felt, but also the padding polyester, and carefully tighten the working thread. So the beads will not stick out too much and, I hope, will become like eyes.
  • embroider monkey eyes
    In the corners of the Monkey's eye from felt, we embroider eyelashes with a black floss thread in two additions.
  • embroider eyelashes
  • We glue a flower made of bright pink felt and a yellow core to the part of the front half of the head.
    We sew the core of the flower along the contour with pink beads.
    sew a flower out of felt
  • We glue together the details of the outer and inner surfaces of the ears.
  • Glue the details of the ears to the details of the back of the head.
    We sew the details of the head with an overcast seam, using a floss thread in two additions, moreover, we overcast the upper part of the Monkey's head with a brown thread, and the lower one with pink.
  • With a hidden seam, we sew the finished part of the Monkey's head from felt to the body.
  • And finally, we tint the Monkey's cheeks with blush, applying them with a brush with a hard bristle.
    As you can see, sewing a Felt Monkey with your own hands is not difficult at all!
    And how much pleasure your child will get from communicating with a new toy - simply cannot be conveyed! And don't be surprised if the baby turns into a funny, cheerful Monkey for a while.

A master class on making felt monkeys will be a godsend for those who want to sew toys on their own.

Felt Monkey Tilda

Everyone knows that the monkey will become the symbol of the next year, so the tilda monkey soft toy is made by hand, according to the patterns presented below, it will become a wonderful souvenir for both children and adults.

The master class will be difficult, but in the end the monkey will come out beautiful and cute.

To make a toy, you will need the following materials:

  • brown felt;
  • beige;
  • cotton fabric of the desired color;
  • holofiber;
  • narrow satin ribbon;
  • lace;
  • two half beads;
  • fabric glue;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • brown wool for hair;
  • braid "bindweed".

If all the points of the master class were completed correctly, then the tilda monkey soft toy will soon be ready.

Considering that the monkey will become the symbol of the next year, such a soft toy will serve as a wonderful Christmas tree pendant.


  • acrylic felt: brown, light pink, pink and yellow;
  • two beads;
  • floss threads;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
  1. The felt monkey has many details, so the pattern should consist of 11 parts. Two pieces are cut out of brown felt: the body, the tail, the outer part of the ears. One detail each: the back of the head, hair on the forehead, nose.
  2. From light pink felt, two details of the inside of the ears and heels, as well as one detail of the muzzle.
  3. Made of pink material, one detail of a flower. From yellow - the core of the flower.
  4. With the help of an overlock seam, you need to sew the parts of the tail together.

  5. One part of the body must be cut out of synthetic winterizer and glued to the same part of felt. A tail is glued to the synthetic winterizer, and on top of the second part of the body.
  6. With brown floss, the details of the torso are sewn together. If the sintepon edges are visible, then they need to be tucked inward with a needle.
  7. In order for the soft toy to have volume, in the process of stitching it is filled with padding polyester.
  8. A pattern of heels is glued to the lower paws of the monkey from felt. In order for the parts to hold tightly, the glue must cover the entire surface, and the part must be firmly pressed.

  9. A piece of fur is glued to the muzzle. Before the glue hardens, match the back of the head with the front and adjust if necessary. In the place where the fur is adjacent to the muzzle, it must be overcast with a floss. The seam should be even and not rough.
  10. From the synthetic winterizer you need to cut out the detail of the head and glue it to the front. Next, the nose is glued, and the mouth is embroidered with a brown floss.

  11. Now black beads are sewn on, while both felt and synthetic winterizer should be captured, and the thread itself should be well stretched so that the beads do not stick out too much.
  12. A pink flower and a yellow core are glued to the head.

  13. Next, the outer and inner parts of the ears are glued together. The details of the ears are glued to the back of the head. With the help of a floss, the details of the head are sewn together. The color of the floss should match the color of the felt.
  14. The head of the monkey is sewn to the body with a hidden seam.
  15. If desired, the cheeks can be toned with blush.

A funny felt monkey is ready, sewing it with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially when there are patterns, and the master class is simple and understandable.

Felt coaster with a monkey under the cup

The season of preparing New Year's surprises for relatives and friends has come. Considering that the next year is the monkey, handmade felt monkeys will be relevant as a gift all year long. The master class, which will be presented below, will help you make an appliqué from felt, on which a monkey will be depicted. Such a soft coaster for a cup applique will please any housewife