Gifts for the teacher for the new year with their own hands. What to give a woman teacher Interesting New Year gifts and souvenirs for teachers

One of the brightest and most joyful holidays is approaching - the New Year. All schoolchildren and their parents are starting to think about what they can give the teacher for the new year 2020 from the class. Shops are full of various goods and souvenirs, but with practical and original offers, everything is not so simple. Choosing a gift for your favorite teacher, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, respect and recognition, so let's try to deal with this problem in more detail.

What are the criteria for choosing a present?

When preparing for New Year's greetings, it is worth considering three main points, according to which presentations for the new year 2020 should be:

  • not too personal and intimate;
  • fit the temperament of the addressee;
  • deliver only positive emotions and impressions.

If you have taken these principles into account, then the following recommendations will help you make the final choice:

  • Gender of the teacher. For men, strict and practical gifts are more suitable, but for women it is better to buy something more romantic, feminine or suitable for everyday life.
  • Age category will allow you to choose the main direction of the planned presentation. For young teachers, modern and creative gizmos are suitable, but the older generation will gladly accept the classics of previous years.
  • The price of an individual gift should not exceed a reasonable size, so as not to embarrass the teacher and cause a sense of obligation. A collective gift may well belong to the category of expensive things.
  • Hobbies in their free time, they will become an excellent guideline when choosing a presentation. If you are aware of your teacher's hobby, then you can give a gift that will be an integral part of the hobby.

Advice Thus, choosing a New Year's gift to the teacher from the whole class, you need to think calmly. The presentation should not be just on duty or for show, cause embarrassment or embarrassment because of its high price. It is better to avoid overly creative or vulgar ideas. After all, our main task is to provide maximum pleasure and positive emotions on this wonderful holiday.

If the teacher is a man

Male representatives are not uncommon in education. Most often they teach physical culture or the exact sciences: physics, mathematics, less often natural sciences: biology, geography. Whatever subject they read, when choosing gifts for the new year 2020 for male teachers, it is worth sticking to the framework of the proposed options.

  • . A win-win option for a teacher for any holiday. Since men do not like unnecessary importance and pomposity, this option will be the very thing. A gift from the whole class allows you to present a branded pen or with an engraving.

  • The tablet. A modern practical gift. The Internet is very accessible now, so a teacher can use such a gift both for personal purposes and for watching the necessary video materials in their lessons.
  • Purse. A gift option, as a good and solid thing. An alternative could be a leather folder or briefcase for carrying papers, notebooks, books, teacher's office.
  • Electronic book. A modern gadget for the convenience of reading books. The teacher will appreciate such a gift and will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Coffee maker. An electric coffee maker is a great way to quickly get a delicious drink without the trouble at the stove and wasting time. For male representatives, such a gift will seem very practical and necessary. The teacher will be able to use such a present right at work by placing it in the teacher's room or in his office.

Important One of the offered gifts will help to please a man and pay attention to the new year. Of course, the options may be different, the main thing is that they correspond to the male type of presentations: they are necessary and useful in everyday life.

When the teacher is a young woman

Congratulations to the fair sex in itself involves giving something sweet, romantic, or suitable for the home. For the new year 2020, you can make one of the following gifts so that your congratulations are appreciated.

  • . It will be, rather, an addition to the main gift. Instead of flowers, give preference to compositions of fruits or sweets. Such a present will not go unnoticed and will cause a lot of pleasant emotions. You can do the quantity and selection of ingredients yourself based on the budget.

  • Spa certificate. No woman will remain indifferent to the procedures for beauty and relaxation of the body. If your teacher is young, modern, loves to take care of herself, then such a present will make her very happy.
  • Sushi set. Chinese food is very popular today. It is difficult to meet a person who does not like to enjoy sushi or rolls. Chinese-style tableware will serve as an excellent attribute of the interior and will allow you to enjoy food in a real oriental atmosphere.
  • Multicooker. Time-saving cooking tool for healthy meals. Nowadays, there are more and more devices to increase the comfort when doing household chores. Such a present would be very appropriate for a young teacher.

Actual New Year at school is an opportunity to thank your teacher. Let gifts for them not become banal things, but really give pleasure and help simplify everyday duties. If you choose a practical thing, do not forget about festive packaging and other New Year's attributes.

Options for non-standard congratulations

You can surprise your beloved teacher with an unusual present for the new year 2020 if you move away from the standard presentation options, preferring original ideas.

  • . Surely in the school archive there are several interesting and funny photos from the life of the class, which will allow you to keep your graduation in the teacher's memory for a long time.

  • T-shirt, cap, scarf with the inscription "the best teacher", "that's who you need to look up to." Good mood will be provided to everyone.
  • ski resort. A great option would be to take the whole class on a winter break to ski or just go on a field trip. Give your teacher a ticket for your trip.
  • Portrait of a teacher. Such a present can be made with paints, a pencil, embroidered with beads or laid out from small items. Everything is in your hands and within your imagination.

Do not forget Do not forget about the process of congratulations. Prepare good, sincere words, come up with a non-standard way of presenting a present, and the New Year's mood for the teacher is provided for many days.

What gifts to avoid

When choosing a gift for the new year 2020 for a teacher, you should be tactful and maintain subordination, no matter how friendly and warm your relationship is. In accordance with the norms of etiquette, there are some presents that are better not to give to your teacher.

  • Alcohol. An exception can be considered a bottle of champagne, without which the celebration of the new year is not complete.
  • Home textiles. It would be unethical to present a bathrobe to a teacher. These are the best gifts to give to your close friends and family members.
  • perfume. There is no dispute about tastes, but they have a place to be. It is unlikely that the preferences of the students or the parent committee will coincide with the taste of the teacher. As a result, you may receive an unnecessary gift that will not bring pleasure, but will gather dust on the shelf.
  • Pets. Such a gift can enter the teacher simply into a stupor. He will not be able to accept the present, but he will not know what to do with it and how to fit it into his life routine. Or the teacher may be allergic to furry representatives.
  • Money. No matter how practical, at first glance, this gift, it is better to refrain from it within the walls of the school so that it is not regarded as a bribe or something like that.

Attention Remember the gifts from the "black list" so as not to put yourself or the teacher in an awkward position during the New Year's greetings.

What to pay special attention to during the New Year holidays

When preparing for New Year's greetings at school, it is necessary not only to be puzzled by the choice of a gift for the teacher for the new year 2020, but also to take into account a number of factors.

  • Registration. Whatever gift you choose, do not forget about the design. Use bright Christmas packaging with Christmas trees, Christmas balls, serpentine and champagne glasses. Add tinsel, all kinds of bows and sequins.

  • The words. You should not give a gift without sincere wishes. Recognition and gratitude for their work is important for teachers, so do not skimp on kind words.
  • Delivery method. If you succeed in an unusual way to give a gift, it will add a New Year's atmosphere and a sense of celebration.

Interesting If you want to arrange a real holiday for your teacher, do not be too lazy to think through everything to the smallest detail: from the presentation itself to the method of delivery. After all, the school years fly by very quickly, and we don’t have many official reasons to say sincere thanks, backed up by a pleasant surprise.

The main criterion for New Year's presents is selflessness and love from the heart. Therefore, when choosing a gift for the teacher for the new year from the whole class, it is worth paying special attention to this process. It is very important for the teacher to feel that the students love him and, with the help of congratulations, want to sincerely emphasize their respect, admiration, recognition and express gratitude for such hard work.

From this it follows that it should not be personal, but more standard. Alcohol, sweets in New Year's packaging have long become boring gifts that are unlikely to surprise, and especially teachers. As a last resort, such presentations can go as an addition to the main more interesting gift, or when there are absolutely no options and original ideas for a presentation.

As you know, it is now forbidden by law to make money collections in schools. Decide whether to give as a gift for the New Year 2020 in a monetary unit, the so-called "13th salary" or not only to donors, whether it will be regarded as a bribe. Although they say that the best gift is money, you can come up with other presents that will certainly please the teacher.

  • What to give a teacher
  • Symbolic
  • DIY gifts
  • Candy gifts
  • creative
  • Unusual
  • Gifts for teachers
  • Gift for a history teacher
  • Gift for physics teacher
  • Gift for a geography teacher
  • Top best gifts
  • How to make a gift for a teacher

What to give a teacher

A gift for a teacher should be sincere, it is advisable to give preference to such presents that will please and cheer up the teacher for more than one day. Such gifts include a flower in a pot. But it is better to choose a plant that is non-capricious and at the same time, flowering, year-round.

Autumn and winter are usually full of theatrical premieres, so why not get a couple of tickets for a play for your teacher? This gift is unlikely to be left lying aside. And two tickets mean that the time will be spent by the teacher with a close and dear person, outside of work.

What to give a teacher a man for the New Year

With gifts for a male teacher, things are even more difficult, it is not at all easy to pick up a present that will be appropriate and will please the teacher. If the teacher goes to work in classic suits, then you can present a tie or a clip for him. A good leather briefcase for documents can become a necessary and useful gift.

You can ask if he has a hobby, for example, he likes to go to football or hockey, or his passion is impressionist exhibitions, if there are such hobbies, then the issue with the gift is resolved, get a ticket to a new exhibition or the most important match of the season for one or another type sports. It is advisable to find out about the hobbies of your teacher as if in passing or ask to organize a lesson called “My Hobbies”, and students will be interested in it about the hobbies of their class teacher.

What to give a class teacher

The class teacher should not give expensive gifts and large sums so that the teacher does not feel obligated. You can consider the option with a self-assembled gift in the form of a set of teas of different varieties, gingerbread and several types of real honey. Everything should be decorated in holiday style, in beautiful packaging.

Gift for a teacher for the New Year from parents

From parents to a teacher for the New Year, it is possible to consider a gift option as a gift certificate to a perfume or book store. As an option, you can purchase an e-book for the teacher, such equipment is now not so expensive, and in addition to it, an electronic certificate for the purchase of literature for one of the online stores.

Gifts for the teacher from the whole class

You can make a gift from the whole class with your own hands, for example, make an original wall newspaper, where to attach photos of each student and write sincere wishes, for example. And you can complement such a gift by buying a cake in the form of a sun, where each petal will be signed with the name of the donor, that is, the student.

In the photo studio, where all students will take part in a photo shoot, you can order a calendar for the next year with a photo of each student and a photo of everyone on the cover.


Symbolic gifts can be considered the right trifle, for example, gift stationery sets, household items in the form of towels, champagne or soap and soap accessories. You can give a vase that teachers will need 100%.

DIY gifts

Do-it-yourself gifts include beautifully designed fruit baskets; for the New Year's table, this will need a gift, on which the teacher himself can save a lot. In the basket itself, you can put postcards with wishes from each student.

It is possible for all students, especially if they are younger, to organize a small concert on the theme of the New Year. The script and props, and the entire organizational process, should be taken over by the parents. After such an event, you can arrange a tea party, where each child will express gratitude to his teacher or teachers, depending on how many of them will be invited.

Candy gifts

If the choice of a gift fell on sweets, then you should not think about a banal box of sweets from the store. It is possible to arrange sweets in a bouquet, and supplement it with unusual fruits. Such a gift looks original and stylish. Bouquets are also decorated with toys, as an option, buy the symbol of 2020 of the year of the rat and beat it with sweets. In various shops specializing in chocolate, you can order original sets of chocolates, on the label of which you can place both photos of students and, for example, wishes or words of gratitude to the teacher.

DIY candy gifts

There is one very simple, but at the same time not boring option for a gift of sweets that is easy to do with your own hands. Having bought an ordinary box of small sizes, fill it with tinsel and festive multi-colored rain, you can put a variety of sweets, chocolate and much more on top. At the moment, many stores offer such corporate gifts, but they cost many times more than if you buy the filling and beautifully arrange the gift yourself. In the filling of such a festive box, you can also put, for example, souvenirs with the image of a rat.

DIY paper gifts

The parent committee can instruct all students to cut out garlands and snowflakes from paper, and having guessed the time when the teacher will not be in the office, decorate it. Such a gift will be especially sweet, as it has the effect of surprise. To make the surprise memorable for a long time, you can take a collective photo and after the holidays print it out, put it in a frame and present it to the class teacher.


With creative gifts, the main thing is not to overdo it, they can be inappropriate and even offend the recipient. To date, there are many organizations that are engaged in laser engraving on souvenirs. You can order an Oscar figurine, on which you can write the nomination “Best Teacher of the Year” or “Best Teacher of the Century”.

Everyone knows that the work of a teacher is quite difficult and there is a lot of stress in it, you can buy an anti-stress toy that will be filled with small balls, but it is important to supplement it with wishes so that the next year goes more smoothly than the outgoing one.


Unusual gifts for the New Year for a teacher include purchased handmade soap with useful ingredients, for example, honey or herbs. Or a certificate to the spa where the teacher will rest and relax before the New Year holidays, and also stock up on strength and positive emotions for the next year.

For an aged teacher, you can look at such a gift as Christmas toys, but let them not be modern, but, for example, as in the days of the USSR or even earlier. This present will evoke feelings of nostalgia and plunge into the times of youth or childhood of the teacher. By the way, such painted or glass Christmas decorations are now mass-produced again, and they are popular.

Gifts for teachers

If students and their parents decide to please all teachers with gifts for the New Year, then the choice should be based on their specialization.

Gift for a history teacher

For a history teacher, you can look in antique shops for interesting books on their specialty or interesting maps where a detailed route of the Silk Road or the offensive of the Napoleonic army will be drawn. This gifts, of course, without the theme of the New Year, but no one canceled gift wrapping.

Gift for physics teacher

For a physics teacher in unusual gift shops, you can look at an interesting gift option, for example, a desktop perpetual motion machine. It will not be easy to decorate the teacher's table, but it can also be a good example for students.

Gift for math teacher

For a teacher of such subjects as mathematics, algebra and geometry, you can consider a gift in the form of a wall clock, on which, instead of numbers, well-known formulas will flaunt. If you can’t buy a ready-made gift of this kind, it’s difficult to find it, you can make it to order in a printing press.

A gift for a teacher of Russian language and literature

For a teacher of Russian language and literature, you can also look for a gift in antique shops, for example, a piece copy of the book "The Master and Margarita" or other classical literature. But here it should be understood that most likely such a gift will not come out cheap, you can wander around the flea market, where you can often find unique things at very low prices.

Gift for a physical education teacher

For a physical education teacher, you can get a ball autographed by his favorite football team, well, if he is fond of hockey, then a stick. You can buy a uniform of the same team as a gift, and print the name of the teacher on the back.

Gift for a geography teacher

There are three gift options for a geography teacher. The first option is an ordinary globe, but this probably already exists, so you can be creative and give a globe a bar, where the upper part is made like a hinged door, and inside you can store not only products in bottles, but, as an option, cards in tubes. The third option is a scratch-card of the world, on which you can erase the protective layer of the country or city that the teacher has visited.

Top best gifts

This section contains gifts that can not be called the most creative, but which are considered the most popular, they are chosen by the parents of the students as gifts for the teacher. Some of them have already been mentioned above, but for convenience they are added to the list:

Traditional: wall or table clock, maybe with a photo of the teacher or class;
a set of stationery;
photo album or beautiful photo frame;
live flower in a pot;
delicious tea set with sweets;
a good and interesting book;
soft toy (more suitable for young teachers);
handmade cake with a school - New Year theme;
animal lovers - rat figurines. Such a gift would be appropriate, since the New Year 2020, the year of the rat;
lovers of oriental culture - sets for tea parties or beautiful wine glasses;
a wall plate with wishes from students;
modern plastic note board.

How to make a gift for a teacher

Making a gift should not remain in the background, the first impression depends on it, which is very important. For teachers, you can decorate a New Year's gift classically in beautiful paper or a box, or you can add a little creativity.

In stores there are books in which pages are missing, and inside it is a regular box, with empty space. Having unpacked such a “book” from the wrapper, inside the teacher will expect a very pleasant surprise in the form of a main gift.

You can buy boots made of fabric in stores, in which gifts are traditionally placed in Europe. Why not take this idea.

If a gift is given in a box, then you can think about decorating it with a Christmas tree toy and a Christmas tree branch, which will not be easy to please the eye, but will create a festive atmosphere with its aroma.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the work related to the education of children is very responsible and complex. The teacher should not only convey information on his subject to his students, but try to interest them, encourage them to study and develop on their own. In addition, the teacher is directly involved in the upbringing and formation of the child's personality.

Most parents and children are well aware of the burden of responsibility that the teacher bears. Therefore, they have a natural desire to thank for a good job by making a gift. So, at the end of the year, the question arises of what to give the teacher for the New Year. This is not an easy question, because teachers are different people and have completely different attitudes to gifts.

Therefore, before buying New Year's gifts for teachers, it is worth clarifying how such things are treated at school. In some educational institutions it is strictly forbidden to give valuable gifts to teachers, in others they are loyal to this. You need to know the position of the teacher himself. It may be that your teacher considers it unethical to accept any gifts, or maybe he considers it only acceptable to accept gifts made by children.

You need to know the opinion of the parents. Many people choose to give one general New Year's gift to the teacher from the class. In this case, the parents of each student donate a certain (usually small) amount, and with the money received, active mothers purchase a gift, having previously agreed on its choice with the rest of the parents.

If it is not customary to collect money in the classroom, then you can congratulate the teacher on your own behalf by making a small but pleasant surprise. However, this option is less rational, since many people think in a standard way, and as a result, the teacher receives 30 boxes of chocolates as a gift.

The approach to choosing gifts also depends on the age of the children. So, for a primary school teacher for the New Year, as a rule, a gift is chosen and made by parents. High school students can already decide for themselves how they can please their teacher.

In addition, in elementary school, children study with one teacher and, as a rule, communicate quite closely, since the teacher not only conducts lessons, but also organizes various events. In elementary school, it is easier to decide what to give the teacher from the parents. Can you buy something to decorate the class or make a more personal gift to the educator.

And in the middle and senior levels, the education system is changing, now children study with different subject teachers, but they have their own class teacher who does extracurricular work with children. In this case, you need to congratulate all the teachers, but, of course, it will be impossible to give each subject a valuable gift. Therefore, the main gift is prepared for the class teacher, and the rest of the teachers are congratulated symbolically.

traditional gifts

Flowers are a traditional and always appropriate gift. Today in the salons you can order the production of New Year's compositions, decorated with tinsel, fir branches, Christmas toys, etc. In addition to the bouquet, you can purchase a beautiful vase. As a rule, teachers are often given flowers, so there may not be enough “containers” for placing bouquets.

If you want to make an original gift to the teacher for the New Year, then you can give plant in the pot. A miniature bonsai pine tree in a pot will be a particularly symbolic gift. However, keep in mind that such a plant requires careful care, so such a gift is worth making if it is known for sure that the teacher loves indoor plants and breeds them. As a rule, such teachers have a class reminiscent of a winter garden, as it has a lot of various flowers in pots.

Sweets are an equally traditional gift for a teacher. Just giving a box of chocolates is pretty commonplace, so you can do it differently. For example, collect sweets basket. Making such a gift is quite simple. It is necessary to purchase a souvenir basket, fill it with various sweets (you can add packages of tea or coffee), and then decorate the composition so that it looks “New Year's”. Use spruce twigs, tinsel, small figures of Santa Claus or a symbol of the coming year for decoration.

A very good gift option is popular today Candy stand. Such a gift can be bought or made with your own hands. So, high school students may well prepare such a nice present for their teacher on their own.

And what to give a male teacher for the New Year? After all, it is inconvenient to give flowers and sweets to a representative of the stronger sex? A male teacher can be presented with any accessory for a computer or flash card.

What to do if the teacher refuses to accept gifts on principle? In this case, it is worth organizing joint tea drinking. It is unlikely that even the most principled teacher will refuse to celebrate the onset of the New Year with the children if he is invited to a sweet table.

Older children can prepare treats for such a holiday themselves - bake cakes, pastries, cookies. If the children are still small and there is no skilled confectioner among the mothers, then you can order the manufacture of a large cake, and you can decorate it with the inscription "Happy New Year!" or "Beloved teacher".

Another gift option that even a teacher with strict principles will not refuse is calendar for next year. Only not simple, but made especially for the holiday. Photos to decorate the pages can be selected from the class archive or specially prepared by taking pictures of various working school moments.

If the class has its own “full-time” cameraman who often shoots various extracurricular activities, then as a gift to the teacher, you can edit a funny movie using cuts from the shots and choosing the right music for them.

useful gifts

You can pick up gifts for the teacher that can help him in his work. These can be diaries, beautiful notepads, stationery stands. A useful gift for a young teacher for the New Year can be an e-book.

You can also choose a gift related to the subject taught by the teacher. So:

  • music teacher you can give a CD with a selection of classical works;
  • dance teacher– video recordings of dances staged by recognized masters;
  • English teacher- a volume of Shakespeare in the original language;

  • history teacher- an art album dedicated to a certain period of history;
  • math teacher– interactive whiteboard magnets or laser pointer;
  • geography teacher- globe or souvenir atlas;

  • physics teacher- souvenir mobile
  • Russian language teacher– deluxe edition of the dictionary;
  • physical education teacher- a souvenir desktop punching bag.

Symbolic gifts

As already noted, it is rather difficult to make equally valuable gifts for all subject teachers, therefore symbolic gifts are selected for the holidays. For example, you can prepare souvenir diplomas"To the best teacher", making them nominal.

Can be given to everyone personalized tea cup. To do this, you need to buy identical white cups and make congratulatory inscriptions on them with special paints.

The symbolic gift is greeting card. Of course, it is desirable that this is not a standard product purchased at the nearest kiosk, but a home-made version. Children should be involved in the manufacture of such postcards.

What items can't be donated?

When choosing a gift, the teacher needs to be extremely tactful, since a certain distance must be maintained between the teacher and the students. Therefore, it is not recommended to give teachers:

  • Alcohol. Yes, teachers are people too and, perhaps, they allow themselves alcohol on holidays, but it is unlikely that it will be very pleasant to receive alcohol from the hands of students.
  • Personal items. You should not give the teacher clothes, underwear, cosmetics. If there are no other options, then you can buy a gift certificate to a cosmetics store, but do not buy perfume or lipstick.
  • household items, home textiles. It is unlikely that the teacher will be pleased to receive a set of bed linen or a frying pan from students.

When choosing a gift for a teacher, do not forget to take care of gift wrapping, preferably with New Year's symbols. And let the children think about what warm words they can say to the teacher when presenting a gift.

It is customary for a teacher to give gifts related to his profession for the New Year, but this is not necessary, because you can choose gifts for home comfort or personal gifts that you always carry with you. Perhaps you managed to get to know your teacher better, then you can give a more targeted gift, and if not, then choose something original on the Internet.

Traditional gifts for teachers for the New Year

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, gifts are given to all teachers who teach the child. For the class teacher, parents choose a more expensive gift, and for other teachers they buy small New Year's souvenirs. In addition to school teachers, congratulations are also given to other teachers who have been working with a child for a year. This is a music teacher, and a coach in the sports section, and a tutor, and a teacher of a foreign language. For everyone, you can choose traditional presents related to the New Year.

What to give the teacher:

What to give a teacher:

Women teachers can also choose themed gifts for their subject, such gifts can be inexpensive, but the teacher will definitely like them, as they are more personal than an already battered box of chocolates.

Original New Year gifts for teachers

For the New Year, teachers can choose something unusual and interesting, something that can impress the teacher and be remembered for a long time.

Gifts for the New Year for home comfort

The teacher, like any other person, wants his house to be filled with warmth and comfort. Therefore, gifts for the home are quite appropriate for any holiday, like New Year, March 8 or Teacher's Day.

In order for the gift to be received with joy, choose only high-quality items that will last for many years, and it is better to prefer a neutral, pastel color that is suitable for any interior.

Gifts for the New Year's table

Edible gifts are very popular among teachers, and by the New Year they will also be relevant. You can choose good alcohol, interesting and tasty sets or classic sweets, but choose the original packaging for them.

  • Belgian chocolate set in the form of New Year's figurines;
  • quality candies, such as Ferrero Rocher, made in the form of a Christmas tree, or Christmas balls on real spruce branches.
  • Set of honey of different varieties, in original wooden box.
  • Gingerbread with icing or a gingerbread house.
  • Set for cooking mulled wine.
  • Winter spice tea.
  • Big pack of good coffee for the connoisseur.
  • Decorated bottle New Year's champagne.
  • fruit basket, but not banal apples and pears, but something original, such as mango, and, of course, a lot of tangerines.

DIY Christmas gifts

Do-it-yourself gifts can be made by children for their teachers, it can be simple crafts or serious work, depending on what level of skill development the child is at.

If you have never made soap, then try to do it with your child using a simple master class presented in this video:

  • hand painted Christmas balls or pendants;
  • interior toy in the form of a deer or a bear;
  • Garden in a jar planted with their own hands will especially please the biology teacher;
  • Thematic panel in quilling technique;
  • Handmade postcard;
  • DIY christmas wreath to the front door.

A New Year's gift for a teacher may be inexpensive, but it is sure to please the person who teaches your children on a daily basis. Try to choose even a simple souvenir of good quality, and offer your child to make a gift with his own hands, which any teacher will definitely appreciate.

Educators are very important people in the life of your child and your family. And so we are not only relatives and friends, but also teachers. What to present to those who practically every day sow the reasonable, kind and eternal in school classes and kindergarten groups? Tatyana Nikolskaya, administrator of the Nash Lad Opportunity Center, a mother of two sons, who has been selecting gifts for teachers in kindergarten and school for more than 20 years, shares her opinion.

Holiday rules: how to choose and give

Buy as a class or group, not personally from your family. In the schools where my children studied, it was not customary to give gifts "from oneself." One who taught my son said: “I feel uncomfortable accepting gifts from my parents. They seem to oblige me to single out someone's children, but my credo is to treat everyone equally. The child is studying well - I am glad and will begin to praise him, if he falls behind - I will push him, and their parents should not influence my attitude towards children. And I agree with her.

Gifts from specific families, and not from the whole class, put the teacher in an awkward position, oblige him to return the courtesy. Which one? The teacher can only answer with an assessment. And if he begins to undeservedly single out one student, other children - after all, they notice everything! - they will conclude: "Petrov gave a gift, so he is overestimated." There is nothing good in this.

But I won't claim that all teachers in the world think the same way. It all depends on the teacher himself and his team; in some schools, gifts from individual families are taken calmly.

Another situation is if you, as a mother, have some kind of friendly relationship with a teacher. For example, on a voluntary basis, I help a literature teacher who leads the school. We just communicate with her, talk on a variety of topics, not as a teacher and mother of a student. And if I give her gifts, then not as a teacher of my son, but as a person who is very nice to me personally. I know that my gift will not embarrass her in any way, will not offend her.

The gift should not be too cheap. Do not buy a trinket or an inexpensive souvenir. I think that in Moscow for 1000-2000 rubles you can find a decent option for a class teacher, and for a smaller amount - for subject teachers. After all, it will be a gift from the whole class, in which there are 20-30 people, and each family will need to donate no more than 100 rubles.

Very expensive, of course, it also should not be. I know cases when the teacher received from the class, or rather, from the parents, a new smartphone. In my opinion, this is overkill.

Present beautifully. Whatever you choose as a gift, think about beautiful packaging. And don't just let it be the design paper that your purchase is wrapped in for a fee at any mall, or a shiny package. Now there are a lot of opportunities to come up with and make impressive packaging yourself, which will become part of the gift. At your service the Internet and shops for creativity. It will be great if you can not only wrap a gift beautifully, but also make a postcard.

Give in a festive setting. While the children are still small and cannot come up with and deliver a congratulatory speech on their own, give a gift along with other parents. And not in a private setting, but in the classroom before the lesson, in the presence of children, inviting them to join in the congratulations.

What gift to choose

Tea, coffee and sweets

These gifts seem banal, but they are always the right things. The main thing that I would recommend here is not to buy special "New Year's" packages of ordinary cheap tea or coffee. In fact, this is the simplest and not always high-quality tea, just beautifully designed. The teacher will be pleased with the packaging, but the taste is unlikely. It should be tea and coffee, which you yourself would treat dear guests.

And sweets in New Year's boxes, on the contrary, can be very good. Choose the products that you yourself have tried and at the same time were satisfied. The teacher will be pleased that you gave him the most delicious sweets.

In my experience, "edible" gifts most often remain at school: teachers drink tea after school or. In my opinion, a good reason to take the selection of a gift seriously.

Christmas decorations for home

Once, my other parents and I gave Christmas decorations - three New Year's balls. These were not ordinary plain factory balls, but hand-painted items. Such a gift is really able to decorate the house and please its owner. But the symbol of the year - ceramic, glass, wooden, any kind of dog, it seems to me, is a bad option. Unless the teacher collects animal figurines.

Certificates for cosmetics and perfumery stores

Shower gel, perfume, mascara - it's very easy to make mistakes with such gifts, plus they are very personal. It is better to present a certificate from the class for the collected amount to a cosmetic store: it will definitely come in handy. And then the teacher herself will buy the perfume or cream that she needs. Yes, she will have to pay extra from her own money - after all, we are not talking about gift cards for 5,000 rubles or more. But at least she'll choose what she wants.

In addition, such a gift is much more pleasant than the amount of money to which it is equivalent. After all, some parents think that money in an envelope is a normal option. In my opinion, it humiliates the teacher.

Theater or concert tickets

Many teachers love performances and live music, but they cannot always afford it. Ask the children to carefully find out what the teacher likes and what evening he has free. Do not buy tickets without understanding the tastes and abilities of the teacher.

It happened like this: you ask the teacher if he watched "", he would like to go along with our family and other parents. And if the teacher is interested, then we agreed that I would buy tickets for everyone, and simply gave this opportunity to go to the theater.

Our teacher had already watched "Eugene Onegin" on stage 10 times, but she was still glad to go along with everyone - just for the sake of communication.

Controversial Gifts

Vase. This thing should correspond to the tastes of the teacher and the interior of his house. If you trust your own sense of beauty, when choosing a vase, ask yourself: “Would I like to see this thing in my house? Wouldn't it be nice to put flowers in it? Once I liked the option that I chose for the teacher so much that I bought the same vase for myself.

Book. As with the vase, this is an individual gift. You should know what the teacher likes to read and whether he likes to read at all, and what other books he does not have.

Organizer. This thing is useful in itself. But not every teacher uses it. And maybe he already has an organizer for next year. What will he do with a few dated diaries?

In general, any teacher can always be asked what he likes, what he likes. This will help you choose a special gift for him based on the material resources of his parents.