Birthday stand in kindergarten. Themed play corners and zones in a modern kindergarten group

Parents' corner in kindergarten

Information placed on the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

When placing any printed material on the stand (medical advice, a psychologist, etc.), a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, site name required.

The stand should be colorfully decorated (it is better if a professional artist does it). When designing a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, you should not abuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls, toys. The ratio of text and illustrations on stands and information media should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they should first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

1. Parent's cornercontains a tablet about the age characteristics of the children in your group. During the year, the material is updated, including in turn the requirements for the physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, the characteristics of the development of children's speech, self-service skills, etc. (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year etc.).

2. "Our life day by day."The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned in class or a walk, the title of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain such appeals: “Mom, learn a tongue twister with me: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry”; “Dad, give me a riddle:“ He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house? etc.

3. "Children's Rights". A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and family, addresses and phone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, official documents.

4. Age group mode

5. Expert adviceYou can paint a gymnastics complex or hardening tips (prepared by a physical education leader,music director-the repertoire of the lesson, what works they listened to.

If such specialists as a speech therapist, a foreign language teacher, a choreographer, etc. work in a preschool institution, there should be a section where information about these classes is placed

. . . A psychologist, social educator, medical worker prepare materials for mobile folders or, if necessary (for example, the Health program is being implemented, there are many children from socially disadvantaged families, or for other reasons), they have a permanent heading in the corner for parents

6. Bulletin board.Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a parent meeting, a performance, etc.

7. Menu. . . .

In addition to the stand, it is good to have a cabinet or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, as well as a shelf for newspapers and magazines.

The purpose of the next form of visual propaganda - thematic exhibitions - is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects (samples of toys, play materials, works of art, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, educators.

Journal "Management of a preschool institution", application "Working with parents in a preschool educational institution".

Equipping the parent corner in the 1st junior group.

4. Grid of classes.

5. Health corner (Graph Informationmedical examinations and vaccination)

6. Menu

7. Learn with us.

8. Rules for parents

11 Ads



Shelf or table for displaying children's work

The most illuminated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 1 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the "Kindergarten Education Program".

The material must be:






O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. "Kindergarten and family"

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping the parent corner in the 2nd junior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Skill level (what a child of this age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.


6. Learn with us.

7 Rules for Parents

8. What did we do today.

10. Advertisements

11. Health corner (medical information)

Tablets, folders

The most illuminated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 2 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the "Kindergarten Education Program".

The material must be:






The design should be no more than two colors

1. "Educator about working with the family"

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. "Decoration of the premises of preschool institutions"

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. "Kindergarten and family"

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. "Head of a preschool institution"

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping the parent corner in the middle group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Skill level (what a child of this age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

6. Menu

7. Learn with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today.

11. Advertisements

Shelf or table for displaying children's work, pasta

The most consecrated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes. The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, the goals and objectives of the secondary school. groups, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the Kindergarten Education Program.

The material must be:






All text material must be typed on a computer in font 14 or drawing font.

The design should be no more than two colors

Equipping the parent's corner in the senior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 5 years old)

3. Day regimen for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Menu for every day

7. Repeat with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today.

12. Advertisements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes. The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, the goals and objectives of the senior group., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the Kindergarten Education Program.

The material must be:






character All text material must be typed on a computer in font 14 or drawing font.

The design should be no more than two colors

Equipping the parent corner in the preparatory group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 6 years old)

3. Daily routine for d / s, family

4. Grid of classes.

6. Menu for every day.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today.

10. Repeat with the children.

12. Advertisements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at the level of the parents' eyes. The content of the materials should correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, the goals and objectives of the preparatory. group., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the "Kindergarten Education Program".

The material must be:






The design should be no more than two colors

Note: 1.

Information material 1;2;3;4; - changes once a year.

2. Anthropometric data (standard and survey result) changes 2 times a year (September, May).

4. Sections 6;7;9 - changes daily.

5. Section 12 - drawn up as needed.

The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, program tasks. Briefly talks about the affairs during the day, demonstrates children's work,

The "Tips and Tricks" section only provides advice and guidance to parents. It is advisable to correlate the content of the recommendations with the topics of the teachers' council, parent meetings, current topics, program material, which is currently given to children in the group.

In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs ...

In the “We speak Kazakh” section, parents are invited to consolidate the words they have learned by their children in the Kazakh language classes

Can be used additionally:

The issue of the Semeynaya Gazeta highlights the experience of family education. Parents themselves write about family upbringing. When designing a family newspaper, one must remember that its purpose is not only to interest parents in the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular upbringing issue.

In the "Ask? We answer! » teachers post topical issues of social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

In the “We express gratitude” section, it reflects the good deeds of the parents who provided various types of assistance to the kindergarten, the group (all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in subbotniks). Here the administration thanks the parents for the assistance provided

We make out the parent corner:
new forms and approaches

Stand Travelers

We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are different specialists: a teacher-psychologist, defectologist, physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of kindergarten students. Selecting material for parental corners is a special job. And to do this twelve times, you see, is not easy.

Therefore, specialists can unite and come up with travel stands.

For example, in one of the kindergartens, a boat “floats” in younger groups, and trains “ride” in groups for middle-aged and older children.

In the locker room of each group, the stand-traveler makes a stop for a week, and then goes to the next destination. After the stand has "passed" along the entire designated route, the information on it is updated.

Five rules for the design of the parent corner

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them even about the minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of the classes, gives advice and recommendations on education. By doing this, the teacher helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children and reveals the value of their own work.
Parent corners are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get to know the life of the group. But how often we do not have enough time and opportunities for their competent design!
In the corners hang useless, small-print articles from unknown magazines, obligatory menus and mean words of the program content of classes that frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.
In order for the parental corners in our kindergarten to really fulfill their functions, I recommend that you follow the following simple rules.

1. Choose articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communicating with the teacher on this topic.

2. Do not use terms that are incomprehensible to parents.

3. Place information at the level of the parents' eyes. In printed materials, use a font of at least 14th.

4. Supplement articles with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

5. In a dense folder with files we put all the information about the kindergarten, expert advice, useful articles from magazines, newspapers

For mom, a baby's birthday is a day that you want to spend unforgettable. After all, the beloved baby has become older, every day brings something new. Another year full of interesting moments is behind us. Therefore, parents want to make the holiday bright, full of cheerful mood, smiles.

One of the most important holidays for a child is a birthday. Therefore, parents want to organize the day in such a way that the baby will have fun with his friends. For a child who goes to kindergarten, most of all friends are among the circle of his group. With these children, he spends most of his time, goes to classes. The child builds his communicative relationships in the middle of this group. And it is these friends who are welcome guests at a birthday party. Unfortunately, parents do not always have the opportunity to invite their child's friends home. In this case, the holiday can be organized where all the friends of the child can be present - in kindergarten.

Organization, holding a holiday in kindergarten for the parents of the birthday boy has a number of advantages:

  • there is no need to look for a place where you can spend a holiday;
  • children celebrate in a familiar environment, they know what is where, so they do not experience discomfort;
  • the birthday boy will be able to celebrate the holiday with all his friends.

For children, such holidays are also useful.

Thanks to joint birthdays:

  • children experience positive emotions;
  • emphasizes the importance of each individual child;
  • relationships are strengthened in a group of children,
  • children learn to do good things for other people.

In order to avoid problems with the celebration, it is necessary to discuss all the moments of the organization of the event with the teacher in advance.
Parents should prepare a holiday program that would be based on the age characteristics of children. For children of three or four years old, who find it difficult to keep their attention on one activity, it is advisable to organize mobile round dances and games. Competitive games can still be difficult for such children, therefore, in order not to offend any of the participants in the holiday, it is better to refuse such competitions.

Preschool children of five or six years old willingly take part in creative competitions, relay races. Such children quickly make contact, it is easier to perceive tasks where it is necessary to adhere to specific rules.
However, parents should develop a holiday program in such a way as to avoid overexciting children, competitions, competitions should be few. In addition, it is necessary to involve all members of the group in some kind of competition.

A good option for holding a holiday is to invite actors to the event who will hold an entertainment program with children.

Also, the parents of the birthday boy should make sure that all the children of the group receive small souvenirs, and not just himself.

Such a holiday will help the children really have a good rest, get a charge of good emotions and impressions.

How to arrange a birthday corner for a child in kindergarten

In order for the child to have a festive mood, it is necessary to arrange a birthday corner in the group. So, first of all, the baby comes to the garden and goes to undress to his locker. The birthday locker can be beautifully decorated with balloons.

The decoration of the door with a ribbon with a congratulatory inscription also looks original.
On the wall in the corner you can hang a poster with congratulations for the birthday. These posters can be bought ready-made, or you can make your own.

Interesting ideas for decorating a birthday corner in kindergarten:

Making a wall newspaper for the birthday of children in a group

Congratulation in the form of a wall newspaper is an interesting version of congratulations that is understandable for a child. Such posters are always bright, attract attention.

In addition, a wall newspaper designed with the help of children-friends of the birthday boy will be an excellent gift for the child himself.
Parents themselves can prepare a wall newspaper template with congratulations for the child at home. The wall newspaper with various photographs of the birthday man will look original.

To make a wall newspaper for congratulating a child, you must:

  • Think about the plot. Children love cartoons and fairy tales. Therefore, for them, you can create a story based on your favorite fairy tale or with your favorite cartoon character.
  • Allocate space, compare where and what information will be contained. The main key blocks that make up the wall newspaper are:
  • congratulatory inscription - it does not take up much space, but it should be bright, easy to read,
  • photos of the birthday boy - you need to pick up interesting photos of the birthday boy, cut out pictures with your favorite hero.
  • text congratulations, wishes for the birthday man.
  • Lay out all the selected photographs, drawings on the layout. You can print the layout from the Internet, buy ready-made or just use a large sheet of paper.
  • Create a wall newspaper. Post the finished copy in a conspicuous place.

Children from the group can also make their efforts to design a wall newspaper. Therefore, in order for the children from the group to have the opportunity to congratulate the birthday boy, it is necessary to leave places where the children can write down their wishes. Since the children cannot write yet, the teacher himself can write down all the congratulations that the children wish for the birthday man. At the end of the day, the child takes such a wall newspaper home.

For the birthday child, children can independently make an album of drawings. To do this, each child draws his own congratulatory version, and later the teacher combines such drawings into one album, which they give to the birthday man.

Photo report of a child's birthday in kindergarten

Bright moments, funny games - all this gives a lot of positive emotions to the birthday man, his friends. In order to later have the opportunity to remember these moments, parents make photo reports of such holidays.
A photo report is a set of various photos from a holiday with a description of what exactly is shown in the photo.
Brief photo report of the birthday:

Kindergarten kids birthday template

Birthday is an event that children look forward to. In kindergarten, you can choose several options for organizing a holiday:

For children, you can offer such options for fun activities:

Kindergarten child's birthday treat, ideas and options

A children's holiday in a group cannot do without a sweet table. Here, parents need to take into account all the nuances, consult with educators. Be sure to take into account that there may be children in the group who have allergies to certain foods. Moreover, each children's institution has its own accepted rules regarding sweet tables.

Therefore, thinking over me for a sweet table, it is advisable for mothers to heed the advice:

For a children's holiday table, you can cook:

One of the options is to arrange for the kitchen workers to bring food so that they prepare dishes for the festive table.

What not to treat children in kindergarten

Sweet table for a child's birthday in kindergarten decoration, photo

One of the options that can be used for a children's festive sweet table is the design of a candy table (sweet buffet table).

Using a candy bar makes it possible to:

  • experiment with original flavors,
  • decorate the sweet table in an original way, which will become a beautiful background for photographing,
  • will give the holiday a magical, fun atmosphere.

In order for healthy dishes to be eaten with great pleasure, it is necessary to provide for the option of serving such dishes. If the dishes familiar to the children are arranged in an original way, then their crumbs will be eaten with great pleasure.

  • Apple jelly
  • Cooking process:

    • Banana cupcakes (serves 12)
      Cooking steps:

    A holiday prepared with love will give a truly cheerful mood, a great mood for a child, guests, parents.

    tatiana shaposhnikova


    One of the most favorite children's holidays. Our group has a tradition of giving birthday little gifts. Every child comes with their own little gift for their birthday. Eventually birthday boy goes home with a whole package of gifts from the guys. Therefore, small the birthday boy wants so that everyone knows about his holiday in the kindergarten in advance. And could prepare for a friend's birthday. That's why we're in groups. decorating corners for birthday parties.

    I want to introduce you birthday corner, which is very easy to do with your own hands using plastic suede or foamiran. I have already familiarized myself with the work with this material.

    1. create a sunflower

    we cut the petals from the finished form, cut out of cardboard. Approximately 20 petals are larger and the same number is narrower yellow and the same amount of green is for the leaves.

    2. Color the edges with pastel

    3 over the fire, heat the edges and shape. Work quickly, because suede quickly melts.

    4. For large sunflowers, cut out a circle from cardboard of the required diameter.

    From brown foamiran, cut a long strip, cut the edges along the entire length of the cuts by about 0.5 cm (seeds) Glue in a circle to the cardboard with hot glue.

    5. Glue the first layer of sunflower petals. We take the narrowest strips and glue them to the cardboard (with seeds)

    Between the leaves we glue the yellow leaves wider. And so another layer

    6. We also glue green leaves

    We do not use cardboard for the manufacture of small sunflowers, we simply glue the cut brown strip, folding it into a tube. And to it already leaves.

    They live in our sunflowers birthday people in August we have only 2. We have a maximum of 5 in a month birthdays, so there are 5 sunflowers in our garden! I hope you like the idea and someone will use it!

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    Birthday is one of the most beloved children's holidays, so the little birthday boy wants everyone, including those in kindergarten, to know about his holiday. To do this, in groups, group locker rooms, educators draw up corners for birthdays. To help educators, the National company offers a whole series of colorful stands, as well as pictures, posters, cards for working with stands in the birthday corner.

    For the corners of the birthday, cards for the photo of the birthday are specially designed, which are included in the delivery of the stands. On the stands for the birthday corner there are voluminous pockets where you can lay out cards with birthdays of the month, week, day. In bench assemblies with a cord system, cards are placed on cords. These can be cards with birthdays for the seasons, zodiac signs, months.

    The stand is filled with colorful pictures for the list of birthdays by seasons, zodiac signs, months, as well as template posters for congratulations. You can order sets of pictures for the stands by contacting our managers or purchase a CD disk Corner of the birthday boy for self-printing of posters.

    Holders are included in the package of the stand to decorate the corner of the birthday boy. With the help of a set of holders you can decorate the stand with balloons, beautiful garlands. You can place postcards with birthday greetings in pockets, on hooks, in A5 hanging pockets.

    Make your kids' birthdays in kindergarten unforgettable! It is very important that the birthday man feels his importance on this day from the fact that he is the hero of the occasion.

    Birthday corner in kindergarten

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    Birthday corner in kindergarten

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    The brightest and most memorable event in the life of a child is, of course, a birthday!

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    Where to begin?

    Gifts and gifts

    Decorate the group

    Eight pies and one candle


    Help from professionals

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    Good mood and happy holiday to your baby and you!

    Unforgettable birthday. Holiday in kindergarten

    Organization of a birthday in kindergarten

    How quickly time flies. So your baby has become another year older. His birthday is approaching, a touching and exciting holiday for any mother. I want to please the baby, give him the most desired gift, arrange the most fun holiday. But what about the parents of a little fidget if he does not want to be limited to a few guests? If he certainly wants to see the entire kindergarten group at his holiday, because all the guys, without exception, are his best friends?

    Is it difficult for you to imagine that your not very big apartment will accommodate twenty little robbers, it is not the season for a holiday in nature, and there is no opportunity to hold an event in a kids club? There is an exit! Organize a birthday party for the crumbs in kindergarten. This type of holiday is now becoming more and more popular. This is understandable. Firstly, in the garden there are plenty of opportunities and space for children's fun - there is where to roam.

    Secondly, there is no need to negotiate with the parents of the guests: the holiday will take place during the stay of the kids in the garden, and the parents will pick them up at the usual time. And if this option seems the most acceptable to you, our tips will help you avoid possible mistakes and make your little one's birthday truly fun and memorable.

    Where to begin?

    Start the preparation of the children's holiday by talking with the teacher. Each kindergarten has its own tradition of celebrating a birthday. In some gardens, it is celebrated quite modestly, limited to the distribution of sweets and tea drinking, in others - solemnly, with the title of hero of the day awarded to the birthday man. If you decide to arrange a real holiday for the baby and his friends on your own, discuss with the teacher the main points of holding it, discuss what can and cannot be done. It is better to do this a couple of weeks before the upcoming celebration. Then you will have enough time to make the necessary adjustments to your plans. It would be good to enlist the help and support of the teacher, because it will not be so easy for you alone to cope with twenty merry peanuts.

    Decide in advance on the date and time of the celebration. If your baby's birthday falls on a weekend, you can celebrate it on Monday. Most often in kindergartens it is customary to “help yourself” after breakfast or lunch. But if we are talking about a full-fledged holiday, it is better to spend it after a daytime sleep. You will have a couple of hours. Just enough for the kids to have a great time without getting too tired. And then, full of impressions, the kids and the birthday boy will be sent home.

    Gifts and gifts

    Birthday gifts in each garden also have their own characteristics. Most often, the parent committee collects money and buys the same gifts for children, which are given "from the kindergarten." These can be toys (different for boys and girls), creativity kits (gypsum crafts, mosaics, stained glass paints, embroidery, etc.), all kinds of puzzles, board games, puzzles, etc. It is undesirable to give books to preschoolers. Children are still too young to appreciate such a gift. But even the simplest toy will certainly be desired. It happens that the parents themselves buy a gift for the agreed amount, and the teacher gives it from the whole group.

    It’s great if it’s customary to make gifts for birthday people in a group with your own hands. If not, talk to the teacher about it. In one of the classes, you can offer to draw drawings as a gift to that kid who will soon have a birthday. Let it be the most beautiful flowers, or sweet candies, or unusual animals, or the most cherished dreams. And you can also make a collective gift: one big picture, application or collage with photos of all the kids in the group. And, perhaps, with your light hand, such a tradition will take root in kindergarten. After all, this is not only creative work for kids, but also a lesson in kindness and generosity. It's nice to receive gifts, but it's equally nice to create and give them.

    Do not forget to prepare gifts for all the little guests. Of course, the kids understand that today the birthday boy receives gifts. But children are children. And to make the holiday a success, please all the kids present with surprises. These can be small toys, sets of pencils or crayons, notebooks, stickers, whistles, all kinds of trinkets, paper "tongues", etc. They can be put in bright bags, adding sweets, and handed to the kids at the end of the holiday. And you can use it as prizes in games and contests. In this case, make sure that all the children will certainly receive prizes. And, of course, give each kid a balloon as a keepsake of the holiday. Can be autographed by the birthday boy.

    Decorate the group

    In order to create an atmosphere of a real holiday, think about decorating the group. Don't worry, you don't need the skills of a decorator. Even a dozen balloons can provide high spirits. And what is a children's party without balloons? Balloons are an amazingly joyful thing for kids. Especially now, when they can be found in all colors, sizes and shapes. Stock up on this inflatable miracle and, having agreed with the teacher, hang the balls in the group room. It would be nice to take one of your friends or relatives as your assistants. You can decorate the group on the day of the holiday during the daytime sleep of the kids. It will be a surprise for them. And you can hang the balls the night before, when the kids go for a walk and will no longer return to the group. Then the holiday for your baby and his friends will begin right in the morning.

    Above the entrance to the group, you can hang a bright poster with the inscription "Happy Birthday!". And if there is time and desire, make garlands of colored paper with a crumb in advance: bright stars on long threads, paper flags, figures of animals and men. They make a great addition to balloon decorations. It is very important that the birthday man feels his importance on this day from the fact that he is the hero of the occasion. Attach the most beautiful balloon to his locker, and hang a photo of the crumbs in the “birthday corner”. If there is no such corner in the garden, it is easy to make it yourself by painting a white sheet of drawing paper with drawings and congratulations and making cuts where the photo is inserted. It is very likely that from this day on, photos of other birthdays will appear in this corner. The kid's friends will surely like the newspaper dedicated to the hero of the occasion. It can contain interesting and funny photographs of the baby, collages of your baby along with the characters of your favorite cartoons and free space where everyone can leave a mark on the birthday man: draw a picture, trace a palm, put a fingerprint, after covering it with paint, write your name .

    Eight pies and one candle

    The conversation about the treat is special. It is no secret that kids spend a minimum of time at the festive table, preferring outdoor games to a feast. But no one will refuse the exciting moment of blowing out the candles. And here is where it gets tricky. In many kindergartens birthday cakes are not allowed. If this ban applies only to homemade cakes, the problem is solved by buying a cake. Just give preference to biscuit-fruit cakes and avoid pastries with buttercream. If you can’t bring a cake at all, talk to the teacher, which parents of other birthdays usually treat children to. Convenient are all kinds of cupcakes, rolls, biscuits, cakes, waffles in individual packaging, i.e. those that do not need to be cut, but can simply be distributed to the kids. It is usually not forbidden to bring cookies and sweets. Just don't buy chocolates. And in general, chocolate in any of its forms is better to exclude. Some of the children may be allergic to it. It is better to buy high-quality caramels, marmalade, marshmallows.

    “Neutral” fruits will come in handy: apples, bananas, grapes. They can be laid out on a large dish, previously cut into pieces and slices. Don't forget drinks. It is better if it is not soda, but natural juices in packages. You can treat each child with a small bag of juice with a straw. But this will not be enough. You still need to keep extra water in reserve. For a children's holiday, especially when it takes place outside the home, it is convenient to use disposable tableware. This will make life easier for both you and the nanny. Stock up on colored paper plates, cups, spoons and napkins.

    But what about blowing out candles? You can, of course, leave this action for a home holiday with loved ones. But why not please the baby twice? If, for obvious reasons, there is no cake at the kindergarten holiday, you can put cupcakes or cakes prepared for treats on a dish, decorate them with the required number of candles and present them to a happy birthday man, not forgetting to first count the candles with the kids. And if the cake is still allowed for the holiday, decorate it with a special mini-fireworks. Here are some joys for the kids!

    In some kindergartens, the celebration of birthdays has its own rituals and traditions. For example, a birthday person is seated in a special “birthday” chair, stylized as a throne. On this day, he is congratulated and honored not only by his group mates, but also by children and teachers from other groups. Each group comes with its own performance, performing a song or dance for the birthday boy. Can't we also benefit from this experience? I think quite. What prevents us from draping one of the chairs in the group with a bright fabric embroidered with paper stars, decorating it with balls and tinsel? But your baby will sit at the festive table like a real king. You can also make a crown. Or hang a medal of honor on a shiny ribbon. And if the teacher warns the kids in advance about the upcoming holiday, then everyone will be able to prepare their performance in honor of the birthday boy: tell a poem for him, sing a song or even dance.

    Help from professionals

    Now it is becoming more and more popular to invite professional animators to a children's birthday party, which, on the one hand, will amuse the children, and on the other hand, will give mom the opportunity to relax a bit and participate in the holiday as a spectator. For a kid's birthday party in kindergarten, this option is very convenient. Firstly, it will not be easy for one mother to entertain not 5-6 kids, but a whole group. And, secondly, in the garden, unlike the apartment, there is a lot of free space. And, therefore, there is where to turn around and arrange all kinds of outdoor games, relay races and competitions.

    But so that the invited artists do not disappoint you and the baby, it is worth considering some points. There are a lot of agencies and companies arranging all kinds of holidays. But it is always better to turn to trusted companies than to act at random and run into non-professionals. Talk to friends, acquaintances, work colleagues. Surely among them there are those mothers or fathers who have already organized a holiday show with animators for their crumbs and were satisfied. Take advantage of their experience. It is better to order a festive program in advance, two weeks, or even a month before the birthday. Do not be too lazy to meet the artists, see photos (and even better videos) of their performances. Discuss the program and duration of the holiday, the general scenario, the number of children. Feel free to make your own adjustments and suggestions, taking into account the wishes of the little birthday boy. If you have interesting games and ideas in store, share them with the artists. And be sure to call on the eve of the holiday to once again clarify the time, place and other technical details.

    Remember that when the number of kids exceeds a dozen, there should be at least two animators. There are interesting programs where one artist hosts a holiday, and the second one changes into different costumes along the way. When ordering a program, consider the age of the birthday person and his guests. It is not uncommon for three-year-olds to be frightened of clowns. The result is a ruined holiday with tears. Therefore, for the third anniversary, it is better to invite a not too noisy presenter who will play with the kids. Better yet, put on a puppet show. This is a win-win option that will equally appeal to children of any age. If your little one turns four, five or more years old, then he will already like funny clowns and life-size puppets. Life-size puppets are artists dressed in costumes of various characters (heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny little animals, etc.) and look like huge soft toys. It is fun to play with them, and then you can take a picture for memory.

    In some kindergartens, instead of the birthday of each kid, it is customary to arrange birthday days once a month and honor several children at once. In this case, ask the teacher for the phone numbers of the mothers of future birthdays, call them and try to organize a holiday together. Inviting artists to pool will be much cheaper, the birthday party will be wonderful, and for some working and busy mothers, your offer can be just a salvation.

    mom animator

    But inviting professional artists to a kindergarten birthday party can be difficult for one reason or another. Then the mother can take on the role of an entertainer. This also has a lot of positives. The kid will certainly appreciate such attention and will be grateful to you for the holiday. And you, in turn, will get a charge of good mood from communicating with little funny men.

    So, what is important to remember for a mother who decides to arrange an entertainment program for her little birthday boy and his friends? Toddlers cannot focus on any one action for too long. Therefore, games should not be too long and monotonous. If you notice that the kids are not interested, do not necessarily strive to bring the game to the end. Break it and move on to another one. After all, in fact, it does not matter at all how accurately you execute the prepared script. More importantly, everyone should have fun. Alternate calm games with active games. No need to load the kids with intellectual tasks. Even babies of the same age have very, very different levels of development. For some, your tasks will be too easy, for others they will seem too difficult. As a result, both will get bored. It is better to replace intellectual tasks with all sorts of riddles: rhymes, tricks, etc. Or the competition "Who will repeat the tongue twister faster." You can hold a contest of compliments and wishes. All the kids become in a circle, the birthday boy is in the center. A small ball is passed around in a circle, it sounds music. As soon as the music stops, the child, who has the ball in his hands, tells the birthday man a compliment, or a wish. First explain to the kids what a compliment is and give an example. It turns out very funny if the kids come up with funny rhymes with the name of the birthday boy: Dashutka - a minute, forget-me-not, a joke, etc. Just be sure to warn that name-calling rhymes should not be offensive. Always have a few fun games on hand in addition to what you planned.

    Don't forget the dancing! To diversify this process a little, invite the kids to dance like funny little animals: a clumsy bear, a cautious cat, a fast deer, a nimble mouse, a funny puppy. “Let’s play an interesting game! On the train! This unpretentious game is the best suited for a large number of kids. All the kids line up one after the other and take the elbows in front of them. The first child plays the role of the driver. One beep - the train moves off, two - it stops. The driver decides which way to turn the train and how to move: step, run, jump on one or two legs. Everyone can be a machinist. And you can organize two trains at once.

    All sorts of round dances and dances enjoy constant success with the kids, in which you need to repeat some actions after the leader: “duck ducks”, “If you like it, then do it like this”, “The king walked through the forest” and others. And of course, the constant loaf. And after the words: “Loaf-loaf, put all your friends at the table,” you can start the sweet part of your holiday. I think it is not worth reminding that it would be good to shoot the whole action on video. Dad or one of your friends can act as an operator. It will be interesting not only for you, but also for the baby to plunge into the memories of a fun holiday again and again. And further. Try to pay maximum attention to the little birthday person, but at the same time do not forget about other children. Keeping the right balance is not always easy, but this must be strived for so as not to cause tears and resentment. In general, this is a difficult and troublesome business - a children's "jam day". But it's worth it.

    And if at home or in a kids club?

    Such an option is also possible. But here you need to decide whether you can host or invite an entire kindergarten group to the club. With this development of events, it is worth preparing invitations for the kids in advance. They can be drawn on a computer and printed or made from sheets of colored paper or cardboard. In the invitation, in addition to the usual text, indicate the exact date, time and address of the holiday, as well as your phone number with a request for parents to contact you. Postcards can be left in the children's lockers in the locker room. But it would be better if you ask the teacher to distribute them directly to the parents. With the permission of the teacher, you can hang an announcement poster in the group.

    If it is not possible to invite the whole group, discuss the candidates for guests with the little birthday boy. In this case, it is better not to distribute invitation cards to some of the kids, so as not to offend the rest. Explain the situation to the teacher and ask her for the phone numbers of the “necessary” parents. Call them, tell them about the upcoming holiday and discuss the details: at what time and where to bring the child and at what time to pick it up. And remember one more important thing: if you decide to celebrate your birthday in a kids club, take care of this no later than a month in advance. In good clubs there is a long queue for such events.

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  • Surely every parent paid attention to the entertaining children's corners located in the groups of kindergartens. At first glance, this is an ordinary play area for girls or boys. But educators know that there are certain requirements for the creation of a developing and playing zone. All preschool and educational institutions have the Federal State Educational Standard or GEF. It is this document that defines the requirements for children's corners and developing structures.

    Parents, educators and heads of preschool institutions should know that the design of corners in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard meets the following requirements:

    • Appropriate equipment for the age and needs of children in this age group.
    • The ability to modify the game environment depending on changes in the learning situation.
    • Multifunctionality, which consists in the possibility of using different components to simulate an environment for the comprehensive development of children's activity.
    • Possibility of variability - creation of conditions for games, modeling, designing, games alone.
    • Safety, reliability and high quality of the materials used.

    Given the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents can do the design of the corners in the kindergarten with their own hands. Of course, in the process of creating a play space, it is important to take into account the age of the children.

    It is known that in a preschool institution, groups are divided into:

    • younger
    • middle,
    • preparatory for school.

    This means that for younger children it is better to organize a corner for simple games. For example, it can be a corner for girls, where you can play thematic games of a mother-daughter, a doctor. And for boys - for games with the designer, for studying the profession of a builder, a driver.

    The preparatory group is designed for preschool children. So the game corner can be patriotic, telling about the country, customs. There may be thematic pictures glorifying the nation. Additionally, a place for developing games should be organized. Lotto, mosaic, puzzles on a patriotic or natural theme - all this captivates children of 5-6 years of age.

    Making a corner of children's creativity

    The lion's share of the time, children in a preschool educational institution are engaged in useful, developmental activities. One of the favorite things for every kid is to create crafts with their own hands.

    In order to develop the desire to create in children, kindergarten groups often equip zones of children's creativity. It is not enough just to put a table or place a couple of shelves. The corner of children's creativity should be attractive and appeal to children.

    To equip a creative zone, you can use one of the following ideas:

    • The cat Leopold, who holds a shelf with children's work in his paws.
    • Composition of rainbow and sun.
    • Forest glade with animals.
    • A sprawling tree, on the branches of which children's works are placed.

    The design of the corner is quite simple, not requiring special skills and knowledge. For example, to make the decoration with Leopold shown in the photo, you need to draw an image of the hero on plywood, cut it out and color it. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms, shelves are mounted on which children's crafts will be placed. The creative zone, decorated with a rainbow and the sun, looks very nice. A bright rainbow cut out of glossy paper in combination with a yellow sun and pasted on the wall attracts the attention of the inhabitants and guests of the group. In this case, crafts are placed on shelves that are fixed under the rainbow.

    ISO corner

    Fulfilling the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard for the design of children's thematic areas in a children's preschool educational institution, it is recommended to create an art corner. Given that children are very fond of drawing, such a zone will be simply necessary for children of different ages. Here the kids should be not only comfortable, but also interesting. Be sure to fill the corner with materials necessary for fine arts - drawing paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. We place all this on low racks so that it is convenient for children of different heights to get the desired item.