How to make a voluminous Christmas tree from cd discs. Disks

To embody their various creative ideas and fantasies, needlewomen sometimes choose the most unexpected materials. One of these is the object of scientific and technological progress - a CD.

Once upon a time, shiny round CDs replaced cassettes, but now they are being replaced by flash drives and other inventions that are more convenient and modern, because time does not stand still. Today, most people prefer to watch movies online or download information directly to their computer, bypassing third-party media, so CDs are increasingly gathering dust on the shelves in our homes.

However, do not rush to throw them away, because even these old and unnecessary (and sometimes simply spoiled) materials can make wonderful products. You only need a little creative imagination to make beautiful, original and practical things with your own hands - crafts from disks.

And decoration, and use or unlimited possibilities of old CDs

So, instead of throwing away media that have served their time, it’s worth trying to give them a second life, especially since CDs have a lot of advantages: they shine, shimmer, reflect light, plus, it’s a very easy to process and durable material, additional advantages can be a round shape, and even a hole in the middle.

Well, there are a lot of ideas for all kinds of crafts from disks:

  • firstly, you can create a lot of interesting things for children from this material with your own hands - mobile phones, large magnets, key rings, original Christmas tree decorations, toys, coasters and pendants for nursery decor, mosaics, etc .;

  • in addition, it will be interesting for the children themselves to work with beautiful and shiny round circles, from which such funny crafts are made: together with your child, you can make an application or an unusual postcard from disks as a gift, for example, flowers for March 8 or a spaceship for Cosmonautics Day , and fans of cartoons will be able to acquire a whole collection of cheerful Smeshariki created from old CDs;

  • you can use them both for home decoration (mosaic panels, paintings, various decorative elements, decoration of vases, lamps, lampshades, candlesticks, mirrors, caskets, photo frames, etc.), and for use, creating from them quite practical, functional and products needed in the household (CDs are used to make coasters for small things, for storing jewelry or for hot dishes, screens and curtains, clocks, use them as wall and ceiling decoration, decorate furniture and any interior items with them);

  • crafts from CDs can also be global - for example, extravagant fashion designers are known who decorate clothes or accessories with CDs, embroider on them, make jewelry, and designer Sean Avery creates incredible installations and sculptures that have become objects of contemporary art from this wonderful material.

Secrets and features of working with CDs

In order for the manufacture of crafts from disks to bring only benefits, positive emotions and a good result, you need to know some secrets and features of working with this material.

  1. If you need to “cut” a CD with your own hands, that is, get a lot of shiny little fragments from it, then the best option would be to cut it with a regular hacksaw. So that the material does not delaminate or break during the sawing process, take your time and work smoothly. Bend the workpiece up or down a little if you want to cut in a curved line.
  2. If holes need to be drilled in the CD, it is best to burn them with an awl heated over a fire. Just do it in a well ventilated area.
  3. To fasten decor elements, use glue (you can take "Moment" or PVA) or take a fishing line or wire, depending on how you want to decorate the future disc craft.
  4. You can take anything for decoration: self-adhesive film, fabrics, fur, fringe, beads, beads, sequins, colored cardboard or paper, napkins, threads, pebbles, shells, etc.

Getting Started

If you have never made crafts from discs before, then start with the simplest.

  • You can get acquainted with the material from the manufacture of toys or interesting products for children. Try with your child to make coasters for cups and teapots. To do this, you don’t have to carry out any serious manipulations with the disk - you can leave it in its original form, but if you sheathe or paste over it with a cloth (some craftswomen put cotton pads inside), it will be much more beautiful and practical. You can decorate coasters with pebbles or coffee beans, do decoupage by pasting them with patterned napkins, paint with acrylic paint, varnish.

  • Another functional thing is a stand for various little things. It can be used for pencils or other stationery that is constantly lost in your home. Just take any cylindrical object and glue it to the disk as if it were a base. Then the product can be painted, braided or pasted over with beads or other decor.
  • Another useful disk craft is a stand or napkin holder. For its manufacture, three disks are needed - one for the base, and the holder itself will be formed from two. Take these two discs and carefully cut them about a quarter in a straight line. Then glue your blanks to the base disk and decorate.

  • Make original Christmas decorations with your own hands with your child. You can either simply decorate the material with colored paper, sparkles, tinsel, paint it in the form of various characters, or make mosaic balls - cut the disk into small elements and paste over a transparent blank ball with them.

  • To make such crafts from cd discs as hanging decorations for the house or all kinds of mobiles, tie the discs together at a certain distance using a strong thread or beautiful twine and hang them on a mount bent in an arc. You can also mount discs on rings, but then you will need to drill holes in them. This is how large curtains or original partitions between rooms are made. You can decorate the material in any way you like.

  • If a child needs an interesting craft for school or kindergarten for any holiday - the eighth of March, Cosmonautics Day or some other, use old disks. Kids will surely like funny and funny smeshariki on a shiny basis - to make cartoon characters, you just need to cut out their main details (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, paws) from paper and stick them on the body, the role of which will be played by a round disk. Paper can be immediately taken in color or later it can be painted. Any other figures are made in the same way. And, for example, the sun can be depicted by gluing a lot of multi-colored rays to the disk - folded strips of colored paper (it is better to glue them to a paper base, which must first be attached to the back of the disk), then draw the face of the sun and decorate it.

  • The material is useful both as a photo frame and as an unusual photo album. If you want to make a frame, attach decorations to the bottom and top of the disk, and stick the selected photo on it (it must fit the round frame and size). Instead of a photograph, there can be just a beautiful picture that can be hung as a decoration. Connect a lot of these blanks - and you get a whole album.
  • Any kid will be happy with an interesting educational book that his mother will make with her own hands. Cover the discs with felt and decorate them as you wish, then secure the pieces with ribbons.

  • It is quite easy to arrange the material in the decoupage style. Thanks to this technique, you can make magnets, coasters, and simply beautiful decorations for your home. You will need special decoupage napkins with different images. Carefully separate the top layer from the selected napkin (you will have a pattern) and glue the napkin onto a disk pre-lubricated with glue. Make sure that there are no wrinkles (you can smooth it with a cotton pad). Cover the craft with varnish (if you want it to be a stand, glue a circle cut out of flexica to the back so that it does not slip on the table).
  • A candlestick can be made by simply gluing a variety of decorations onto a disk and placing a candle inside, or you can heat it around the edges so that they bend in a fancy shape, and only then decorate.

  • It’s a little more difficult to work with disk mosaics, but with the skill, you can quickly cut the material into many pieces and paste them over vases and flower pots, mirrors, photo frames, any other objects, and even the surfaces or walls of your home.
  • If you are a “you” with electricity and technology, try making a clock or a lamp out of discs. In the first case, the principle of designing the material is the same as in the manufacture of a stand using the decoupage technique, however, you do not need to glue the central hole - you will need to install a clockwork there, and then think about fastening the clock. A lamp can be made by stacking a lot of disks in a tall pile and holding a light bulb there. Or glue six blanks around the edges around a folded New Year's garland attached to the base, and then get a few light bulbs through the holes in the disks.

  • Skillful craftswomen demonstrate how to embroider or draw on disks, making them real pieces of art.

There are many more interesting options and ideas. Let your creative imagination, inspired by them, help you create your own unique and original masterpieces or just beautiful and useful things.

If you have already tried all the previous options, then it's time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. Surely you have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around, which are a pity to throw away, and there is no need to use them anymore. Their finest hour has come! Turn on your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest - the decor of the old disk with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of manufacturing, such a craft is quite simple, but outwardly you can’t tell. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, as well as real story paintings. By the way, if there are no stained glass paints, a regular marker is quite suitable. You can download mandala drawing templates from the link below.

A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft made from disks, decorated with applications. The easiest option is an application made of colored paper.

If your children love the animated film "Smeshariki", then it's time to use your old CDs to make your favorite characters. All you need is to find out from the child which character he likes the most, cut out the Smeshariki templates from paper and stick them on the disk. New Year's craft Smeshariki is ready! You can draw application templates yourself, or you can download them from us for all cartoon characters.

#4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: do-it-yourself Christmas crafts from CDs

From an ordinary disk, you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy that looks like a ball, only this ball is flat. To make such a craft, you will need: an old disk, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen or a flat screwdriver.

If there are a lot of discs, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, resembling snow shining in the sun. By the way, from such a garland in the house it becomes warm and sunny!

There are not enough disks for the New Year's garland, but did you like the idea? See more ideas:

Perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from disks may be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, this craft is quite suitable for a competition in a school or kindergarten.

Do you want to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disk, scissors and glue.

Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then see:

You will need: an old CD, cones, glue, an aluminum candle holder, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

On a regular disk, you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The disc decoupage process is standard, the result is amazing!

If, in addition to old disks, there are pieces of felt lying around in the house, then you can make such cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that the basis is an ordinary unnecessary disk?

See more ideas for Christmas felt decorations:

A great idea for New Year's crafts from old disks will be decorating an ordinary mirror or photo frame. The disc must be cut into pieces, and then decorate the surface with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone had such a time, now is the time to give them a second life. What's the point of CDs that just gather dust on a shelf? You can now find the desired song or movie on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

Still thinking what to give your friend for Christmas? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Give your loved one a handmade bracelet that she will definitely appreciate! Well, if a gift for a friend has already been chosen, you can keep such an ornament for yourself!

If you want to shine the most dazzling at the New Year's party, then it's time to think about the New Year's outfit. You can decorate an ordinary collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

An owl will be a great craft idea for the new year from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several discs and other materials at hand. Turn on your imagination and start creating.

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Nowadays, such information carriers as CDs are gradually fading into the background. Do not rush to throw away the iridescent circles that have become unnecessary, they can be an excellent material for creativity.

The second life of disks?

There are many ways to give a second life to old CDs, in this article you will see some of them. Crafts from CDs can be a great solution for interiors and summer cottages, or just help to have fun, while developing creative thinking along the way.

Creative people have long invented a huge number of options for beautiful crafts from disks for children and adults, you just have to reproduce their ideas, or maybe come up with your own.

Throwing away such wonderful and interesting material is a huge mistake. Using CDs, you can make unique interior items, original and stylish gifts are close, decorations for summer cottages and gardens: everything your heart desires and what your imagination and perseverance are enough for.

Check out some ideas on how to use old computer discs in an unusual way and create wonderful new things with your own hands!

LED lamp

If you urgently need a new original lighting fixture, old discs will come to the rescue. This craft can be used both in the home interior and in the country.

You will not need special materials for this work: the main condition will only be to apply a little imagination and patience.

Be sure to follow our detailed step-by-step instructions:

You will need 12 scrap discs, a protractor, metal staples or paper clips, a lamp socket, and a thin drill.

To begin with, we divide one of the disks into five identical segments. For these purposes, use a protractor: the angle between the segments should be approximately 72 degrees. This disk will serve as a stencil for the rest.

On the line of segments, about 3-4 millimeters from the edge, we drill five small holes. Next step: put the rest of the disks in a stack and use the first disk (place it on the very top of the stack) to make exactly the same holes in the rest.

In order for the craft to be strong and hold well, support rods will be required. For this, rods from ballpoint pens are ideal: insert the rods necessary for the role of guides into the holes just made.

If you've used a really thin, straight drill, you won't even need to fix the holes: they'll fit perfectly.

The lamp is almost ready, now we attach the rest of the disks to the structure with brackets.

Now only work with light remains: the last step is to screw the desired lamp into the cartridge.


If you've been sorting through old drawers in the country and found a lot of unnecessary disks, there is a great way to use them for the benefit of the beauty of your site. Crafts from disks for the garden look very original and interesting, in addition, they are incredibly easy to make.

In this mini-lesson, I propose to make small flowers from discs to decorate a garden, vegetable garden or yard in the country.


The tools for this craft do not require anything unusual: the right number of disks (it all depends on how many flowers you are going to make), a candle, scissors and paints to make the flowers more vibrant.

The manufacturing process does not require special skills, it is very fast, but it will captivate you from the first second.

All you need to do is gently melt the discs over the candle (remember the safety precautions: this is best done outdoors and with some water nearby to put out the fire in case of danger), so that the plastic goes in beautiful waves, similar to flower petals.

I offer step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful rose from disks:

  • First you need to cut the disk evenly along the entire length of the radius and heat one edge of the cut over the candle.
  • When the plastic is hot and soft, take your pliers and use them to wrap the edge a little to the side.
  • Slowly turn the disk over the flame and continue to bend the melted fragments.
  • At the end, you should get a small spiral, which will become a rosebud.
  • You can paint it any color, attach a wire stem, cut leaves from other leaves and form a whole flower bed! It all depends on your imagination.

So, today you learned how to make some simple crafts from old CDs. I hope that this lesson was useful for you and you learned a lot from it.


Photo crafts from disks


Surely, every woman knows what cotton pads are. However, it is worth recalling that cotton pads are a product that is made from pressed cotton wool. These elements are used in the cosmetic field. Cotton pads can have not only a round shape, but also a rectangular one. In this article, it is worth talking about what crafts from disks you can make for the New Year. You will like our ideas and you will be happy to make something beautiful for the New Year theme.

Cotton Pad Craft Ideas

Angels - Christmas toy.

In order to make angels you will need: a couple of cotton pads, a bead, a thread and elements for decoration.

Working process:

  1. The disk is divided into a couple of parts and a bead is rolled into one part. Then, with the help of a thread, angel wings are formed.
  2. The second disc is folded into a triangle. With the help of glue it is glued to the wings.
  3. At the next stage, it remains only to decorate the angels. In this case, sequins or other decorations are used.
  4. Then you need to glue a loop or a toothpick to the toy.

Santa Claus is another Christmas decoration.

Beautiful Santa Claus is easy to make. In this case, use a plastic spoon, red yarn, buttons or beads for the eyes, and of course, the cotton pads themselves.

  • So, from one cotton pad it is worth making a beard. To do this, we glue one disc, and cut its edges with scissors. With the help of a red marker, draw a mouth for our Santa.
  • Then we coat the plastic spoon with glue and wind red yarn on it. It is necessary to wrap the handle tightly. However, the tip of the spoon is not wrapped. The beard of Santa Claus is glued to it. On the opposite side of the spoon, it remains to draw a smile and glue the eyes.

Christmas balls from cotton pads.

Some New Year's crafts from disks look wonderful. Moreover, making them is not only easy, but also pleasant. To create an original ball that looks like a snowball, use 15 pieces. And the work uses a stapler and a beautiful red satin ribbon for the loop.

Working process:

  1. So, each disk is folded in half, and then in half again. For reliability, the discs are fastened with a thread or a stapler.
  2. Ready-made triangle blanks are strung on a strong white thread. Then you need to form a neat snowball, which should be round.
  3. It remains only to sew on a bright ribbon and decorate your Christmas tree with a ready-made ball.

Christmas tree toy - flower.

Cotton pads will fit in order to create very beautiful Christmas decorations-flowers. For their manufacture you will need: cotton pads and a stapler. It is also recommended to prepare a variety of items for decoration. It can be buttons, beads, as well as sparkles and tinsel.

Working process:

  1. From each cotton pad it is worth forming petals. Each disc is folded into a triangle. The workpiece is fixed with a needle and thread. You need 7 such petals for each flower.
  2. 2 cotton pads must be folded together. After that, the petals are fixed between them. The work uses a stapler.
  3. You can decorate the finished product as you wish.

Garland of cotton pads.

For a quick and easy decoration of the interior of a house or a kindergarten, you can use a garland, which is simply created from cotton pads. To create, you need a strong white thread, on which cotton pads are strung with a basting seam. Finished threads are hung in the place where it is needed.

Christmas tree from disks.

A beautiful piece of cotton pads on New Year's days can transform absolutely any interior. A miniature Christmas tree made of cotton pads is an excellent decoration for any interior.

Cope with the creation of the Christmas tree is very simple. First of all, a cone is made from whatman paper.

Using hot glue, cotton pads are glued to this cone. In this case, triangles must be formed from cotton pads.

The finished Christmas tree is decorated with beads or other decoration elements.

New Year's wreath.

We decided to decorate your house with something unusual, then to create such crafts it is recommended to use the simplest materials, which can be cotton pads.

For a wreath, the base is first prepared. Form a ring out of rubber or foam. If there are no such materials, then the ring can be formed from newspapers, which are folded and formed into a ring.

Elements from cotton pads are glued to the finished workpiece. These items are easy to make. The cotton pad rolls up in the form of a bag. Then the second and third disks are wound on it. The result is a rose. A bead is attached or sewn to the center of such a bag.

These elements are glued to the base of the wreath. They should be placed as close to each other as possible. And in between it is worth decorating with beads. A beautiful satin bow can complement the finished composition.

Easy craft for kids.

Children also want to participate in the creation of something interesting. And cotton pads will be an excellent material for creativity. For crafts, prepare:

  • Colored paper and cotton pads
  • Glue and scissors
  • Colored cardboard and marker.

Working process:

  1. One cotton pad should be cut in a circle. In size, it should be smaller than others. This detail will be the head of the snowman.
  2. To create a peephole and buttons for a snowman, colored paper is used. Circles are cut out of it and glued to the product. Also circles can be drawn with a marker.
  3. A hat, nose and scarf are cut out of colored paper.
  4. The cardboard sheet is folded in half. This is a postcard template. Then two cotton pads are glued to the workpiece. Then stick: nose, hat and scarf.

On a note! Such a snowman can be glued to the film and then glued to the window.

Santa Claus under the tree.

An interesting New Year's craft from disks, which was created by your own hands is incredibly beautiful. To create it, you may need:

  • Cotton pads and a jar of glue;
  • Red gouache and scissors;
  • Powder and brush;
  • Black pencil.

Working process:

  1. The glue bottle should be glued with discs.
  2. From disks it is also worth forming the head of Santa Claus. Cotton pad, separate into 2 parts and fold several times. The element is glued in place of the hands. Also make a hat for grandfather from disks. Then paint the product with red gouache.
  3. The craft must dry. Then make a separate beard and mustache from cotton pads. Glue everything to grandpa. Draw eyes with a black pencil, and a mouth with a red one. Cheeks should be treated with powder. A collar and a sleeve are glued on top of the fur coat.


As you can see, any hand-made New Year's craft from disks is very original. In addition, it is very easy to decorate absolutely any interior with such products. Creating such crafts is the best pastime for everyone. Therefore, you should try your hand.